Should You Join The Restored Assembly of Elohim · 2018. 4. 25. · What should you expect if you...

Should You Join The Restored Assembly of Elohim by Paul R. Mullet

Transcript of Should You Join The Restored Assembly of Elohim · 2018. 4. 25. · What should you expect if you...

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Should You Join

The RestoredAssembly of Elohim

by Paul R. Mullet

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THIS BOOKLET IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE AND IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY THE RESTORED ASSEMBLY OF ELOHIM®. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely given tithes and offerings of

the members of the Assembly and others who have elected to support the ongoing work of the Assembly. Contributions are welcome and gratefully accepted. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this Restorative Work of Yahweh around the Aryan World are gladly welcomed as co-workers only in this major effort to not only

preach but to teach the Good News of the Holy Scriptures to ALL the ARYAN NATIONS.

Copyright © 2009, 2012, 2018 The Restored Assembly of Elohim® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Proudly Printed in the United States of America

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Who should join The Restored Assembly of Elohim? What does membership in RESTORED mean? What should you expect if you come with


You may have already studied much of the material we have to offer or you may not have. Do you have other questions? This is a final checklist of some of the most important issues and the most-asked questions of those considering The Restored

Assembly of Elohim.

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Should You Join The Restored Assembly of Elohim 4

e are very pleased that you are considering coming with The Restored Assembly of Elohim. It is important to understand a few important things. One is that some came

with us for all the wrong reasons, having not fully weighed the cost associated with the move. To avoid thier mistake, you must KNOW that you are making the correct decision.

WOn January 15, 2018, The Restored Assembly of Elohim was officially established.

Soon thereafter, I wrote a booklet This is The Restored Assembly of Elohim to answer a few of the most basic of questions for the general public. But, it seems that it was not as indepth as many may have wanted and didn't really answer the deeper questions, many have been joining from the various splinter groups of the former CJCC/AN, and still more continually inquire about us. This within itself resulted in another round of questions for people making their final decision.

So, anyone that is considering us should read this booklet carefully! It answers these questions, and removes any remaining mystery about who and what we are. Understand, we are NOT competing with any other groups for members. Though other organizations may compete with us—some do try to obtain members, seemingly at any cost—we do not compete with them, nor will we ever compete with them. While we will no longer attack them, neither do we copy them. We are completely different and this booklet will describe what we are.יהוה Yahweh constituted this reorganization of His Assembly for those who wanted to leave the doctrinal compromising, refusal to place Him as Head of the organization, division, confusion, name-calling, "rank" seekers and resultant unhappiness and misery that is prevalent in the splinter organizations today.

Now I know that Restored is in fact what some of you are looking for today, I also know that this is NOT for everyone. Just as we must know what you believe, you should know what to expect upon coming with us. Therefore, this section is intended to be plain, but in fact brutaly straight forward!

Most of the splinters do not care who comes with them, and have proven this with a wide-open-door policy of allowing drug dealers, users, woman/child abusers and sexual

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deviants within their ranks. We are determined and steadfast in our resolve to avoid accepting those who want to water down or tear down what we are and what we believe.

You may actually be considering joining us because you have experienced some of this and are actually sick of it. And, we fully understand to be honest so are we, and that is a reason for the change that we ourselves have undergone. However, some have come with us claiming to be one thing, only to prove later (sometimes rather quickly) that they were something entirely different. Some had significant differences (rank seekers), or were even at great variances, with what Mr. Butler himself taught, while apparently unaware of this themselves.

While the great majority who have come with us are wonderful, faithful brethren, there are howerever, those who are well what we call religious hobbyists. A few who we can place into a catagory of controversial nitpickers. Others can be catagorised as "rank seekers". A few were extremely self-righteous and eager to attack the shortcomings of others. A few were simply unteachable and ungovernable. A few came just because their friends joined while others joined because they thought masses of people were joining by the thousands, you get the idea. The thing is that all of these people mentioned above forgot the most important part not one paid tithes to .Yahweh יהוה

This booklet is unlike our other material. It is intentionally not written in our normal in-depth fashion that you may be accustomed to. By now, you have I am sure done your homework about us. So, let me caution you most earnestly, that some answers here will be misunderstood and taken way out of context if you have NOT done this! In fact, you probably will not be able to grasp this next material. Therefore, it is recommended that you read our other material first, then come back to this booklet. Also, just for clarification there is no order of importance on the issues addressed within this booklet, it is written as they come to mind, more or less.

We only hope that what is written here will help you make the right decision in a careful and prayerful attitude, and "So that, my beloved, as you always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much rather in my absence – work out your own deliverance with fear

and trembling, for it is Elohim who is working in you both to desire and to work for His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:12-13). Think about the decision you face. While you should never drag your feet, do take sufficient time to be thorough! Be sure of what you are doing. You CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS and MUST NOT HALT BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS. Be honest with yourself, and admit that your crown is at stake. Then make a clear decision one way or another recognizing that no decision is a decision to do nothing!

If you decide to return to Yahweh's Assembly, you are saying that you are in agreement with all that you have studied. Understand that, to a certain degree, we are taking you at your word, more than you are taking us at ours when we have so thoroughly told you who and what we are! We have held nothing back, our material has held nothing back, and we will continue to hold nothing back.

The Good Shepherd's Voice

By now, we hope you have read and hear about יח Yahshua יהושע שי :Messiah's (Greek משμεσσίας) voice and that His True Sheep know their Shepherd. So, are you certain that the

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living Yahshua is directing you to The Restored Assembly of Elohim? If so, then why יהושעare you sure of this, what are your reasons? Continue to ask yourself these questions as you make your decision, they will help insure this is where you are to be.

No “Open Door” Policy Here

A no open door policy has been introduced regarding who can attend The Restored Assembly of Elohim, this is being done for the good of both the Assembly and individuals who might attend before they are ready. But, above all it is for the safety and security of those in attendance NOW! We ask everyone (without exception) who is prepared to join with us to contact our Headquarters FIRST! Though we do not require you to run a gauntlet of extensive counseling to join us, we do however want you to be sure of your decision so that we both know what we are getting.

The death of Mr. Butler and subsequent division of the CJCC well actually lets call it what it is the apostasy spawned a generation of religious hobbyists wanting an all access pass being free to jump ship from organization to organization. Despite the obvious problems that arise from this, there are multiple groups that seem very content to receive such people, and some that even give out title and rank just to get people on their “role call”. I have made a personal pledge in front of not only my Board of Trustees, friends, family, the Assembly and the Set-apart Race, but above all those to Yahweh Himself that our ministry will protect them from these false teachers and false doctrines that so many of these false organizations have been infested with today.

It is the duty of a TRUE minister of Yahshua to PROTECT the begotten but yet יהושעunborn Set-apart ones from false doctrines, from false ministers. Once you come to The Restored Assembly of Elohim, we are duty bound to protect you from these things, to teach you the proper doctrines of WHO you are as a member of the Aryan Race, a True member of the Set-Apart Race of Yahweh. But, until one is actually a member of the Assembly, we יהוהmust be as sure as possible that any wrong ideas that he or she may hold are left behind, and that they are unable to create any form of division within this ministry.

Hold Fast

Yahweh states; "See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in יהוהunity" (Psalms 133:1). I hope that you are seeing that we hold to every doctrine that יהושעYahshua taught His Assembly. This is what creates the foundation and unity that we enjoy, and it is the only true basis both for holding fast and maintaining that unity—and not opening that fatal doctrinal jewdeo-christianity Pandora's box, that is now infesting and splitting the other organizations. There is a verse that makes it perfectly clear that people who are in disagreement cannot walk together, (Amos 3:3). We have absolutely NO, I repeat NO need, interest or desire to to take Yahweh's Assembly יהוה Yahshua's teachings or יהושעback into old, false, jewdeo-christianity beliefs or bizarre nut job ideas as so many of this organizations and Two Seedline Churches are now sometimes unwittingly doing. For those of you who fully understand יהוה Yahweh's marvelous truth, it is a fascinating and

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exciting enough to hold one's interest for their lifetime. Of course, there is always an upside, we can most certainly grow to see existing truths even more clearly (II Peter 3:18).


There are many people who have drifted into theories and prophetic assumptions of every single color of the rainbow. We regularly receive long papers, many claim to be doctrinal detailing their own persoanl ideas and theories. I must admit that it is hard to read them all, but yet I find time to read them, however answering them is completely different matter all together. Time does not permit me to answer every single letter or paper that comes to Headquarters and this within itself makes people angry or feel forgotten/betrayed. This has offended many and has also been enough of a reason for them not to join us. Yet, when I do personally answer them, most are offended because I do not agree with them, or I have refused to compromise on Doctrine to make room for them because they had "rank or title" with this group or that group. These people wanted to be teachers instead of being taught or just hold a "rank or title" nothing more and do absolutly nothing else, just be apart of something but do no work, they didn't want to be the student (disciple). So if you are determined to be a teacher or rank/title seeker, then we are simply not for you.

We get hundreds of letters, I read every single one that we get, some I may not read all the way because they are request for material and they get sent to the mail processing department. I do not respond to all, some do not warrent a response, some may get a form letter because of the nature of their request. One must keep in mind that just because you do not get a response we have not forgotten about you, if your literature doesn't arrive the next day realize we are working within a budget and have to send what we are able to send. This is were the Tithes come into play. We do have a literature policy and we stick to that policy, and the short of it is this, a person can order up to two booklets every six weeks. We do this because of the budget but also to insure that you are reading and comrehending the material you are getting, sometimes it is better to read the same material two or three times.

Members of the Assembly get new booklets and material once they are completed and have been checked for any typing errors, prior to release to the public. Members may order ten booklets every six weeks.

We do keep records of books ordered, dates of the order, and shipment dates.

Be Ready To UNLEARN!

The first step to getting yourself back on the correct pathway with יהוה Yahweh's hundreds of doctrines is to come to the realization that you have at some point taken a side road into a variety of things that you might not have even known you accepted. But, the importance of unlearning error is a part of learning the truth. Remembering this will be of significant importance to you now and in the future. Seeing how you are reading this booklet, you must want to make a change and it may or may not be an easy thing for you to do. You may have more to unlearn than you think or even what to know. To be honest it is probably much safer to think this way. Now, if it is not true, well then you are going to feel more humble for having taken this approach. It is always better to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

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Have an open mind and prepare yourself for the fact that you may get your toes stepped on during this unlearning process. Unlearning is never a fun thing to do, I have done it and I must admit that I am thankful that I did it.

Everyone of us that was a member of the CJCC or has been a member of a splinter organization has obtained some form of extra clutter and has taken it with us into whatever organization we went to, and then we picked up even more. I personally have had this occur, and even brought it into the "churches" I started, and once I unlearned and then learned the truth Restored was created, and I avowed NEVER TO MAKE THE MISTAKES AGAIN! Some of the things that I had to unlearn were; appraoch to doctrine, my attitude toward other groups, rank/title superiority, organizational structure and many others. But finding out what it is that YOU have picked up and what it is that YOU must unlearn can and more than likely will be a major shock to the system.

,Yahweh has brought His people, the Set-Apart Ones, the True Children of Israel יהוה to The Restored Assembly of Elohim through many organizations and even jewdeo-christian "churches". יהושע Yahshua gave a parable “A Question About Fasting” some refer to it as “New Wine into Old Wine skins” (Matthew 9:14-17; Mark2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39), and we should know the problems that result from this, the old skins will burst with the new wine. Do not take the old and place into the new, well a lot of people today are taking the new and putting it into the old and it still has the same effect. This is being done unconsciously. You may have picked up some errors, but believed them to be original or new wine as it were. Are you ready, I mean really ready to dig them out?

Are you determined to be taught, corrected and returned to the full divine truth and way of life that we are ordained to have? If you are, then it is time to remove whatever force field you have surrounding yourself. Task yourself and find how many areas iin both doctrine and character in which you have gotten of the paved road.

People have picked up unconsciously practices, ideas and beliefs, and the fact that some do not know this does not change it. My point is simply this, many have picked up an attitude that is prevalent to their organization either political or religous in nature. These people could write their own books on why their own organization was the best around and this would be wrong! Any person who comes with us must not come as a judge!

A True Aryan a man called by יהוה Yahweh, will strive to be like יהושע Yahshua in thought and action. The Aryan is one who directly through conduct and words, which spring from his thoughts, directly emanates the very mind and life of יהושע Yahshua.

With this being said, we know that יהושע Yahshua gave His life for us, and did for what reason so He could pick us to pieces? What exactly would have been His point? He would have in fact been countering the reason for His sacrifice His purpose was to cleanse or remove our imperfections and sins. He didn't do this just to turn around and nitpick us like some petty little crybaby. It is plain for all to see that יהוה Yahweh does not do this and neither should we.

You should not come to this Assembly with a holy than thou attitude, one that onsists of being self-righteous, accusative or even debatable that kind of attitude does not fit with The Restored Assembly of Elohim and is counter productive to our goals of The One True Assembly. One must strive for and succeed in leaving their pride, vanity and know-it-all attitude at the door.

Your previous organizations may have engraved these attitudes within you to slander,

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attack, blast or even make accusations about myself or members of this Assembly because they are not as perfect as the organization that you were once a part of, but what all this amounts to is best described in John 16:2 “They shall put you out of the congregations, but an hour is coming when everyone who kills you shall think he is rendering service to Elohim” you would be killing in the name of Yahweh and it would be your own יהוהbrethren!

But, the opposite is also true, do not be willing to remain within your organization or "church" and tolerate the heresies because they have been overridden by the jewdeo-christian thought process of brotherly love. We are what is best described as Matthew 24:9-12 puts it, the time of "hatred, betrayl and lawlessness" all upon יהושע Yahshua's True Assembly, and many have placed just this upon our Assembly with a pure hatred, because they know what we teach is the divine Truth of יהוה Yahweh.

We know that there is certain loyalty that you carry for those you associated with your pre-Restored Assembly of Elohim affiliation, and this is very natural and fully understandable. But one must be determined to overcome it and stand with all who have made the decission to stand now with you on the firm and solid foundation of the same doctrine. All of us united, must be set to defend the Good News together all of one accord. Are you ready to merge yourself with the many new faces and even some of the old ones who had at one time went different routes than you during the this apostasy period and decline of the CJCC? This is not a suggestion that the heresy or sins committed should be condoned, but what we must strive for is to forgive, overlook, encourage and support Headquarters and one another in this RESTORATION!

Recognize the events of the past several decades may have left many wounds and several I am sure deeply, more than what is physically seen. But you must now try to accept this. The Set-apart Brethren do not view the ministers or even the Assembly the same way, you must also recognize this condition within yourself in order to make a recovery. See the battle scars, the wounds and the hurt feelings for what they are BATTLE WOUNDS! Now strive with the help of יהוה Yahweh and the members of The Restored Assembly of Elohim to overcome them, and make a full recovery and get yourself back on the battlefield.

The Body of יהושע Yahshua andThe One True Assembly Doctrine

The Holy Scriptures clearly teaches us that there is only one organized true Assembly! It also teaches us that יהושע Yahshua is not, can not and will not ever be divided, that there is only one unified Body of יהושע Yahshua. יהוה Yahweh's Assembly also teaches these exact same principles without circumvention. Doing otherwise would introduce this Assembly into a huge false teaching and, then by implication other inseparable related heresies or doctrines that are connected to it. It is something that I spiritually can not permit, and something that our Race can not permit to be taught within this Assembly. False teachings have no place within our walls. I know that we have been accused of many things, from many different people and one of them is that we are being to "selective". Well to be honest with you if we are not then we obtain people who bring forth all forms of baggage with them, it is better for יהוה Yahweh to judge us for our teaching thean to permit any form of

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jewdeo-christian or prevailing form of conduct within our Assembly. This is one of many reasons why we have not and will not ever maintain an open-door policy here, we are not going to permit the hippity hops of organizations in and out of יהוה Yahweh's Assembly. There is one prevailing factor that people seem to miss within this policy that I am goind to make clear in the shortist way I can יהושע Yahshua puts people into His Assembly, and has given all the tools to figure out if they are true or false, it is within the Holy Scriptures. He does not give His ministers the satisfaction of throwing open the door as does the rest of the world, we are NOT a jewdeo-christian “church”! We are an Assembly of, by and for the Set-apart Race, the Aryan Nations of this world!

Our brethren must fully understand and accept the fact that it is our firm belief that they are returning to the only organization in which יהושע Yahshua is truly in charge, He is the Head of this Assembly without question! (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22-23). (Read One Organization or Many for a better understanding of this).

Within The Restored Assembly of Elohim, we teach a form of government that has long been forgotten or just abandoned with the jewdeo-christian teachings that seem to infested our people. Even with the CJCC it was forgotten and to be honest I can not recall a time ever hearing this taught at all. We teach from the TOP DOWN, and this form of teaching is inseparable from the one true Assembly, and how it was lead by יהושע Yahshua. Yahweh has always worked in one place at a time, and if we do not teach government יהוהcorrectly, He will judge us as being confused and not holding fast to doctrine. This is another reason why we brethren have been accused of something called "exclusivism". Because we teach what the Holy Scriptures teach, and it doesn't fall with the jews plan, simply because it is the truth.

The Good News (gospel) of the Reign/Kingdom of Elohim is about יהוה Yahweh's Government and how He is going to rule the Aryan Nations of the Earth by the correct form of Government. There are some who do not understand this governemnt and cannot enjoy the blessings and benefits that are associated with the proper practice of it. One must consider that we are in an age now of "the people rule, judge and decide" and they do not have יהושע Yahshua within their thinking or hearts, this is the jewdeo-christian way not the TRUE CHRISTIAN WAY!

It takes faith to believe, a strong faith to believe that יהוה Yahweh works only from the top down, beginning with just one man. Leadership through one single person is impossible to be divided between several organizations. Another major question to ask yourself, have you come to grips with the leadership form we use, including my very own office, but also the remaining offices that are within the ministry of יהושע Yahshua? We know and fully understand that those betrayed people do not easily trust again. The greatest aspect of the jews and their minions assault of the Assembly was their nearly universal success in destroying the trust that יהוה Yahweh's people (the Set-apart Ones) once had in יהושע Yahshua's ability to correctly lead His Assembly. Of course, we have long known that the jew is the author of doubting יהוה Yahweh.

,Yahweh does require you to put your trust in HIM! If He has selected leaders יהוה after careful training, humbling and preparing them for thier responsibilitis, then YOU must trust that He knows exactly what He is doing. Now, if you feel (and some of you will) that you should have a voice in the affairs of Headquarters and its decisions, or that you want Yahweh's tithes spent the way you want them spent, than there are many other יהוה

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organizations out there that will welcome you with open arms. Understand this, you would feel very frustrated and possibly stifled here.

I probably could take the political position of offering the membership a say in matters in order to receive their tithes and enhance our bragging rights, because we would be much larger in both income and numbers. While this would translate into much more respect umongst brethren and approval from other groups, what would יהוה Yahweh think? To me that is more important than what our numbers or approval of others looks like. Size means nothing to יהוה Yahweh, and we do not nor will we ever empasize or talk about how big we are! יהוה Yahweh has a number in mind, and that will be our number, so if you want to know really want to know our numbers ask Him.

With The Restored Assembly of Elohim being created I make you this promise, and I know that few if any would ever stand and make this proclamation, but here it goes; I WILL MAKE MISTAKES, I may also drift into doctrinal mistakes, but I will also correct those mistakes, יהוה Yahweh's greatest of servants were and still are imperfect, and if one says they are perfect run! My point is, you must come here willing to focus on YOUR own mistakes, and not those of others.

True Set-Apart Ones, thsoe of Aryan blood, the breath of lives Chosen Race, assemble together, pay יהוה Yahweh's Tithes, do His Work, and are actively taught by His ministry. These become hard to do again for those who have been on their own for long. And it is hard for members of our Race to do this even today, because you find it more important to have material items, then seeing יהוה Yahweh's Work done, even though you profess to be a Two Seedline Identist. If you have been an independent eiither within your thinking, or just reluctance to affiliate with anyone, you will have a difficult time yielding to government again. Though certainly not impossible,, this may be very difficult. This is also true of those who have spent a long time within the grasp of voting groups. You must take a moment and assess your thinking, and whether you are going to alter it.

Doing The Work

All of the faithful Set-Apart Ones both preach and teach the Good News. They are not of those jewdeo-christian's who craft false theologies about the false ideology of the Work is Over, or the jews are the chosen of their "gad", neither do we overtly or even subtly alter its definition and/or priorities, this would be false teaching, and is something we do not do! Doing the Work of יהוה Yahweh is just that doing the WORK! This is why many of our Race no longer put forth the effort or pay יהוה Yahweh's Tithes, it requires them to remove themselves from modern convienencies. (Read our booklet Illusion of Comfort for a better understanding of this). I only pray, that after reading this booklet you will no longer wish to be in the "fence" crowd and will do what יהוה Yahweh commands, and that it will inspire you to a new level of commitment that you have not had iin a long time (for some at all).

Yahweh will only bless the Work that is being done where people have the full יהוהdetails of His truth, the correct Truth! But one must also realize that the truth comes prior to the Work, and as many in the jewdeo-christian community and within our own Racially aware community think, not the other way around. Many are going to twist this around and say that we are not properly pocusing our attention on the Work, what ever in the heck that

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is suppose to mean. Well let me assure you that this is complete false and wrong on so many levels. We here within The Restored Assembly of Elohim, not only actively preach and teach the Reign/Kingdom of יהוה Yahweh and more importantly the role that יהושע Yahshua is not apart of that gospel, but we do it to all the Aryan Nations of the world and we fulfill its greatest of all attributes the Watchman responsibility to warn (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:7) to the modern Nations of Israel. We will be found doing just this when יהושע Yahshua returns. Now the next question is, Is this YOUR unwavering position?

As with most doctrines many have become lax (if they have done it at all) about tithing, thus keeping themselves from receiving resultant blessings of obeying this law, and subsequently material is NOT sent to them because of this. A few have joined us and left, mind you never tithing one time within their short time with us. A few have either tithed sporadically, tried to split their Tithes between organizations or other groups, or even waited months if not more before Tithing a single cent (once again not to receive any new material). Eventually even these people have left, tithing is to much for them, it takes from their comfort.

I feel that at this point I must be blunt, if you are joining The Restored Assembly of Elohim, it must be because you believe this to be יהוה Yahweh, and that we are infact doing His Work, and that of saving our Race, where His government, truth and Work reside. Tithes belong to יהוה Yahweh (Leveticus 27:30). They are used to feed the flock (John 21:15-17), do His Work and create the tools to gather scattered brethren to the place that is holding fast to the teachings of יהושע Yahshua, and saving our Race, Heritage and Culture. If one withholds their tithes, this is stealing from יהוה Yahweh, this includes freewill offerings.

I hear people repeatedly say; "Tithing is between me and God." And, to those people I say this, and many of you may not ike it, but this becomes their way of NOT tithing, either faithfully or at all. So, let us consider this for a moment, Is adultry, sabbath-breaking, drukeness or wife-beating, child abuse, race-mixing, lying, believing false or altered doctrines, gossip/slander, arre they between just you and יהוה Yahweh?

Brethren do not be fooled, like every other sin, if one does not tithe and give offerings he is stealing (Malachi 3:6-15; Matthew 23:23), and will not be in the Kingdom of Elohim! While many think that what I talk about, or even the manner in which I do it is wwrong or hurtful, as you can clearly see, I do not apologize or preach softly or things that are easy for one to hear to, I preach the truth, and do not hold back and concerning tithes and offerings I will not be slack in this either, just to get people to join. יהוה Yahweh's Set-apart Race are commanded by Him to pay His tithes and to give Him offerings, failure to do so, results in hindering the ability of this Assembly from fulfilling our mission. And before people start running around spreading false statements, I at this time do not get paid by the assembly, I do this work freely because of the love I have for my Race and יהוה Yahweh, but I also Tithe and give freely of offerings. I have purchased material for the Assembly when the funds are not available and will do so, because this is my lifes work, and do not think that this will free you from Tithes or Freewill offerings, that is between you and יהוה Yahweh, but not Titheing will result in material NOT being sent to you! Matthew 6:21 states, "For where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also". Only when your heart is fully in The Restored Assembly of Elohim will you be ready to bring your treasure also, and this is what is required of by יהוה Yahweh. Do not come with us until you have determined that your

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heart is HERE! Once your heart is here, then you are HOME!

Intense Persecution of the Assembly

It is our dedication and determination not to compromise on any issue or to blend in with the other organizations, that we are willing to suffer the intense persecuction of our beliefs for now. We will willing go through a tribulation now, to avoid the Great Tribulation later, and I for one would much rather suffer this one than the Great one. Do you feel the same way?

Make no mistakes my brethren, the members of The Restored Assembly of Elohim are great people and are behind this ministry 500%. I am inspired by their courage, commitment, dedication and willingness to give a little more every day, they are true brethren, and you may also one day be counted among them. But I am well aware that we also have wolves that creep in and shed their outer clothing (Acts 20:29-30). People leave all the time, with the desire to destroy The Restored Assembly of Elohim, and they have all failed, yes we have been under several names, but those have been יהוה Yahweh's tests to determine our resolve, and dedication to the cause, and we have passed! All that try and destroy us will fail (Matthew 16:18), we have the will and support of the most imporant person we need יהוה Yahweh, we have gone back to the start, and we will no longer compromise on anything, and if this is your desire (compromising) this is not the place for you!

I am reminded everytime a person leaves seeking to destroy us of I John 2:19, "They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have stayed with us – but in order that it might be made manifest that none of them were of us" how true this statement is of those who wish our destruction, from within our own Race! Their goal upon leaving is to confuse and weaken you, while this is rare you however must expect this to occur.

The Holy Scripture speaks of things such as tares (Matthew 13:24-30), flatterers (Daniel 11:32), murderers (John 16:2; 8:30; 37, 40, 44), false brethren (II Corinthians 11:26) and yes even stones (Matthew 3:9) that יהוה Yahweh permits to enter into His Assembly or that He uses for His own purposes. These are a permanent reality across the entire Two Seedline Christian Identity Community. But, one must never forget the destructive, destabilizing impact that they can have on all the unsuspecting and unprepared!

This is one of the reason why יהושע Yahshua cautioned us, “Possess your lives by your endurance!” (Luke 21:19) In a world that has become an instantaneous place of knowledge carrying the potential for tremendous upheaval quickly, only those of endurance (patience) will wait for all the facts, and not jump the gun. The future holds many uncertainties foretold to strike us, like יהושע Yahshua's coming as a thief in the night, and other events some which will be very bad will thus similarly occur. When these DO come there will be two responses; 1) Possess your lives by your endurance! Or 2) fall to pieces and go nuts to your own destruction. All I can do as a Minister is warn, but you must survive these tests, either permitted by or directly sent by יהוה Yahweh, only YOU control your final spiritual outcome.

People who do not follow and love all (not just this one or that one) of יהוה Yahweh's truths cannot possibly comprehend the conviction of those who DO! There are many out there that are going to accuse our membership of being a "cult-like" organization or

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intolerant, rigid, narrow-minded, bigoted, racists, scum-bags, self-righteous or even a foolower of men. Consider carefully how prepared you are for such accusations, if they have not yet begun. Some have left us because they found enduring sound doctrine to be way too hard for their fragile person, the price is too high for them to pay! B.S.

Information receieved from Headquarters

The brethren that are members of יהוה Yahweh's Assembly are kept well-informed (to the best of our ability). Here is what a member who Tithes and is not disfellowshipped will receieve:1) A weekly Announcement Bulletin that contains, that weeks sermon, announcements, prayer requests, a sampling of letters that we receive, updates on The Work.2) A Monthly Aryan Nations News Letter 3) A bi-monthly magazine The Divine Truth4) A Monthly magazine Voice of Truth (News style magazine)

We also produce a large number of booklets, articles and Scriptural Studies, all of which are automatically sent to our membership. We are also the only Assembly that has all of Pastor butler's books, booklets and other material including The Way, Calling Oour Nation and his membership letters, all of which are being reproduced (very time consuming) and will also be sent to the membership.

All of the above is strictly dependant upon funds being available to print and mail such material, all are available online with the exception of Pastor Butler's material, the weekly Announcement Bulletin, and the monthly Aryan Nations News.

The Restored Assembly of Elohim's agenda as many people would put it is simple and straight forward: 1) Fully hold fast to all doctrine 2) continue doing יהוה Yahweh's Work of announcing and proclaiming the Reign/Kingdom of Elohim, as יהושע Yahshua started, continue the Ezekiel Warning 3) practice true brotherly love to our own Race 4) offer vital and much needed tools to help confused, scattered brethren anoint their eyes and return to Yahweh's True Assembly, 5) always watch and pray (Luke 21:36) to be taken from the יהוהdanger of horrible prophecies that only begin with the Great Tribulation 6) prepare for יהושע Yahshua's wedding supper, and above all 7) prepare to RULE the Aryan Nations with יהושע Yahshua at His Second Coming. These I assure you brethren keep our schedules full!


Many people seem to think that they should quietly slip away from their previous organization. I am not going to waste your time on this topic as we are concluding this booklet, but I will offer a few keys and principles.

It is important that you simply do not just disappear without notice. Often, this has left former brethren thinking that those who, in fact took the position of standing up for the TRUTH instead fell away, the worse possible wrong impression of one's actions. Be sure to take the time and say goodbye to your fellow brethren, a respectful notification to your friends and to your pastor us both appropriate and honorable. Individual circumstances often dictate for us how much should be said and to whom you should say it. Sometimes just a

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plain old short and sweet note is best. For instance you could use something like this:“I would like to inform you that I (we) will no longer be attending the (insert

organization name). We have anointed our eyes (Revelation 3:18) and gone with the True Assembly-The Restored Assembly of Elohim. If you want to know more about this extraordinary organization, I then recommend you go to their main website I simply could not endure any longer the many false doctrines being taught by (organization). I (we) will miss you and all of our brethren.” You may wish to add a P.S. That they may contact you by phone or email if you wish.

For those who are leaders, ordained men of various offices, a greater obligation exists to warn those that are left behind. Per individual circumstances leaders definitely will and others may, wish to seek counsel from Headquarters about this.

So, this concludes the “checklist” of issues at the entrance into The Restores Assembly of Elohim. Prophecy reveals that some will never want to go back to the “church” as we all once knew it to be. They will see this as a step backwards in growth and time. (This is the same cunning il-logic used somewhat successfully by false leaders of other organizations to make plain heresy appear to be advancement in understanding). These are unable to see it as the greatest and most amazing step forward that they could ever take. WHAT ABOUT YOU?

Hold no illusions that you are looking down the mouth of a category five hurricane trying to blow you a 180 degrees away from what you are now considering. You are left with but one thought, described in a series of questions:

• Do you believe the truth of all יהוה Yahweh's doctrines?• Do you feel that you have found the hidden treasure of which יהושע Yahshua spoke?• Do you feel that you had correctly sold all you had to purchase the “pearl of great

price?”• Are you generally happy and at peace?• Have you proven that you are on the only road to the Reign/Kingdom of Elohim?• Have you sufficiently counted the cost having no doubt that you were traveling the

right path? Were you willing to suffer persecution from family, friends or associates because you were obeying יהוה Yahweh and doing His will?

• Do you believe the form of Government that will be taught here?• Do you believe you have been taught the Divine Truth?

The odds are great that your answers have fallen one way or the other. If you found that they are primarily no's, then your decision is made and you must acknowledge it. If your list consists of yes's then you are among the ever growing number who have come to the same conclusion.

The Holy Scripture teaches that there is ONE TRUE ASSEMBLY, one unified Body of Yahshua, that He is not divided (I Corinthians 1:10, 13), and that His government is יהושעonly located in ONE ORGANIZATION!