Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Richard W. Wiegand Founder A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely Should I have convertible bonds in my portfolio? A video version of this chapter is available on the YouTube channel or by keying in this URL: Welcome to an important strategy session on investing sponsored by with Richard Wiegand entitled, Should I have convertible bonds in my portfolio? This lesson is downloadable on the web site as a pdf document as well as a video tutorial and is one of the chapters in the E-book entitled A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely. We welcome your questions and feedback via comments on the web site as well as on Facebook (please Like us on our Facebook page) as well as Liking us on YouTube!


This article & video tutorial from addresses the question whether convertible bonds should be a part of a long-term investor's portfolio. It is a chapter from the upcoming E-Book & video series entitled A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely by Richard Wiegand, which will be available to subscribers in coming weeks. I welcome your comments and feedback and hope that you can help spread the word to all your friends and family!

Transcript of Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Page 1: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Richard W. Wiegand


A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely

Should I have convertible bonds

in my portfolio?

A video version of this chapter is available on the YouTube channel or by keying in this


Welcome to an important strategy session on investing sponsored by with Richard

Wiegand entitled, Should I have convertible bonds in my portfolio? This lesson is downloadable on the web site as a pdf document as well as a video tutorial and is one of the chapters in the

E-book entitled A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely. We welcome your questions and

feedback via comments on the web site as well as on Facebook (please Like us on our

Facebook page) as well as Liking us on YouTube!

Page 2: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

What we’ll cover in this lesson:

• What are convertible bonds?

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of converts?

• How have convertible bond funds done compared to

some of my favorite core allocation bond funds?

• Is there a need to get direct exposure to converts?

• The bottom line – summary and concluding remarks

Let’s review some of the key questions that we’ll be covering in this strategy lesson:

Convertible bonds are just one among many investment choices. We have to understand what they are

and what makes them tick before we consider investing in them, either directly or through mutual funds

or ETFs. (Yes there are ETFs that are comprised solely of convertible bonds). We have to also review

how this bond sector has performed compared to other bond funds based on historical data to

determine whether it’s really worthwhile going down this route.

Page 3: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Convertible bonds are hybrid securities

subordinated bond (with slightly lower yield

than non-convertible bonds)

with stock exposure(to participate in the upside

value of the issuing firm)

Convertible bonds (converts or CVs for short), are hybrid securities – they are part bond and part

equity call option. Like most corporate bonds, converts typically /pay semi-annual interest based on a

coupon rate until the maturity date, at which time the principal is repayed to bond owners in full. The

coupon rate for converts is actually noticeably lower than for non-convertible bonds because the

company is granting the convertible bond holder the privilege (or right) to convert the bond into shares

of common stock at a pre-determined (usually higher than current) price per share for the life of the

bond. In effect, this right to convert into common shares is an equity call option. So convertible bonds

may be viewed as being a lower yielding corporate bond combined with an equity call option on the

company’s common shares, a contractual agreement that is valid until the maturity date of the bond. In

return for a somewhat lower yield on the bond, the company issuing the convertible bond is giving the

bond holder the ability to participate in the potential upside in the value of the firm (assuming that the

stock price rises over time).

Page 4: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Convertible bonds give investors the right to

exercise their right to convert their bonds into

shares of common stock at a pre-determined


Page 5: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Advantages of Convertible bonds for Issuers

� lowers financing costs for the company

(lower coupon rates on bonds in return for giving

investors equity upside participation)

� the company can raise more capital than with a

direct rights issue because potential EPS dilution

may drive common stock price downwards,

unless the stock rallies

Why do these hybrid securities exist? How and why were they developed? They exist because they

offer specific advantages to companies that issue them. If a company wants to raise capital to help pay

for an expansion or for everyday operating expenses, convertible bonds offer cheaper/lower financing

rates than non-convertible bonds because of the equity conversion (call option) privilege given to bond

holders. The farther out the maturity of the bond, the more time value the call option has – and the

lower interest rate the company has to pay for borrowing money. The company is not diluting the

common shares outstanding by issuing convertible bonds because the equity options attached to the

convertible bonds are exercisable on existing (i.e. already issued) common shares of stock. Therefore,

the earnings per share and ownership value per share of the company are preserved – they are not


Page 6: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Advantages of Convertible bonds for Investors

� privilege of a senior security because it’s a bond, not stock

� higher coupon rates than dividend yield from stocks

� participate in upside potential of the firm value

through conversion privilege

� total returns are 2-4% higher from convertible bond funds

than with typical investment grade bond funds

� converts are generally more liquid than

non-convertible bonds

From the investor’s perspective, converts offer the protection of a senior security. If the company

should go belly up, bond holders get a piece of the carcass before equity shareholders do – and that

includes convertible bond holders. Coverts are subordinate, however, to senior indentured bonds.

Convertible bonds have higher coupon yields than the dividend rate on the common shares (if a

dividend is even paid), and as we said, also participate in the upside value of the firm should the stock

price rally over time. Because of the equity component, the average annual total return of convertibles

is about 2-4% higher than your typical investment grade bond fund. Convertible bonds are also more

actively traded than your average corporate bond – making them more liquid. However, as I mention in

another lesson on investing, I totally discourage investors from buying individual

bonds. It is much safer and more prudent to get the diversification that a well-managed bond fund

offers than to try to construct and manage a portfolio of a handful of individual bonds.

Page 7: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Disadvantages of Convertible bonds for Investors

� lower yields than non-convertible bonds

� 3 times as volatile as most investment-grade bond funds

� 2 times as volatile as most high yield bond funds

� extra volatility of equity component reduces reward/risk

ratio to unfavorable levels when compared to other bond

funds or optimized bond/stock fund allocations

The disadvantages are quite significant, however. First, because of the equity call option privilege,

converts pay a lower interest (or yield) than non-convertibles. But the major negative for converts is

that they behave more like stocks than bonds – and so exhibit about 3 x as much volatility (downside

risk) as plain vanilla investment-grade bonds and 2 x as much risk as high yield corporate bind funds.

Let’s step back and have a look at a total return chart from that compares Vanguard’s

convertible bond fund with Vanguard’s S&P 500 index fund and Vanguard’s intermediate investment-

grade bond fund.

Page 8: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

The practical question is: do converts behave more like stock (equities) or more like bonds? A fast and

easy way to answer this is to go to and overlay the total return performance (dividend

plus capital gains/losses) of a convertible bond index fund (Vanguard’s convertible securities fund, ticker

VCVSX), with the S&P 500 (Vanguard’s S&P 500 index fund, ticker VFINX) and with an intermediate bond

index fund like Vanguard’s VFIIX. When we do this you can clearly see that convertible bond funds

actually behave more like equities than bonds! The blue line is more correlated with the orange line

than with the green line (the blue line moves more in sync with the orange line than with the green

line). This should raise a red flag to investors – because stocks are about 4 x as volatile as investment

grade bond funds. So right off the bat we know that we have to be very careful with this type of animal.

Converts are not be the silver bullet for our portfolios after all. In defense of converts however, we

notice that they did rebound better from the depths of the financial markets meltdown in 2008 than the

overall stock market (compare the blue line with the orange line). But the investment-grade bonds

(green line) hardly did not suffer any harm during the meltdown of 2008 and finished virtually as high

as converts did by the end of 2011!

Page 9: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Convertible bonds have a

risk factor comparable to equities

Here is another chart from showing the high correlation that convertible bond funds

have with stocks. The only reassurance was that convertible bonds (VCVSX) bounced better off the lows

than stocks (the S&P 500) did, after having dropped about as much as the stock market in 2008.

Page 10: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Convertible bonds have a

risk factor comparable to equities

� in 2008, convertible bond funds lost about

as much value as the S&P 500

� S&P 500 was down -37% in 2008

� VCVSX (Vanguard’s convertible bond index fund)

was down -34.8%

How bad exactly was the fall in value in for 2008? While the S&P 500 lost -37% of its value, the

Vanguard convertible bond fund was down -34%. Meanwhile, investment-grade bond funds actually

made anywhere from +5 to +13% in 2008, depending on how much U.S. Treasury exposure it had! The

bottom line is that convertible bond funds do not preserve capital in equity bear markets, and they

are about as risky as stocks.

Page 11: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Convertible bonds have performed about the same

as high yield bond funds but with much more risk!

Over the past 10 years, convertible bond funds performed about as well as high yield bond funds – but

dropped about -9% more than high yield bond funds did in 2008. The risk for convertible bond funds in

terms of annualized standard deviation (a measure of volatility) is 16.6% vs. 11.6% for high yield bond

funds. So if convertible investors ended up with about the same amount of money as high yield bond

fund investors but had to suffer through an extra 5% of volatility the question becomes – are

convertible bonds really worth the added risk?

Page 12: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

There are better bonds funds out there with less risk...

In the chart above, we once again see the historical performance of the Vanguard convertible bond fund

(VCVSX) as the blue line vs. the Vanguard high yield bond fund in yellow (VWEHX), the Vanguard S&P

500 stock index fund (VFINX) in orange and the Loomis Sayles bond fund in green (LSBRX). Notice how

the Loomis Sayles bond fund – which is a five-star managed blend of investment-grade and high yield

bonds – out-performed all of the other funds on the chart and suffered significantly less drawdown in

the meltdown of 2008! There are a few other bond funds like Loomis that I can recommend as well, but

none have the equity-like juice that Loomis offers. In equity bull markets, Loomis ups its exposure to

bond sectors that have more equity-like characteristics - like convertibles and high yield debt – but

never to the point where they dominate the overall mix. Indeed, Loomis offers exposure to convertibles

but it rarely exceeds 10% of the overall bond portfolio. High yield debt is also kept in check – so that a

base of around 70% of the portfolio is always in safer medium duration (i.e. 4-8 year maturities)

investment-grade bonds. Thus, Loomis offer a well-managed, flexible solution for conservative

investors who don’t want to lose their shorts in bear markets but who still want to benefit from bull

market rallies.

Page 13: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

This table compares and ranks conservative (plain vanilla) investment-grade bond funds with those with

increasing equity exposure. The more equity-like characteristics (as in the case of high yield debt and

convertible bond funds), the higher the risk. Based on historical data for the S&P 500 stock index going

back to 1926, stocks have an annual standard deviation of 20.2%, about 4 times that of the Barclays

Aggregate Bond index. Convertibles come quite close to pure stock risk at 16.6%. The Quick Sharpe

ratio is useful for gauging the amount of reward you get for each and every ounce of risk that you take.

As this tables shows, investment-grade bond funds have some of the highest reward/risk ratios you

can get. This is true across all the major asset classes (stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate) as well.

The only major drawback is that the average annual rate of return for investment-grade bonds is only

6.1%, which is only 3.0% greater than the historical rate of inflation in the U.S. of 3.1% So we need a

little extra kick – which you can get from bond funds that pay higher yield (but also have higher credit

risk), or by having exposure to bonds with equity features like convertibles. Or, you can choose to invest

in a fund like Loomis Sayles (LSBRX), whose managers know how to get the right mix of safety and higher

yield and/or equity upside. Longer-term investors definitely want to have more equity exposure and

higher yield than investors with a shorter time horizon, but as you will see in later lessons, you should

not raise your equity exposure with either stock funds or bond funds that have equity exposure beyond

a certain manageable percent. In later chapters, I will show you just what this equity allocation

percentage should be and which funds to choose.

Page 14: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

This bar chart shows the average annual percentage returns (the black lines) for all the bond funds that

we discussed in this lesson – but also shows their best and worst annual performances since inception.

As you can see, the riskier funds generally have the widest ranges. As with the Q Sharpe ratio (that

measures reward/risk), investors want to get as much green (positive years) with as little red (negative

return years) as possible. At the same time, investors must try to out-perform the rate of inflation in

order to generate real returns. Based on these reward/risk measures, which bond fund would you opt


Page 15: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Bottom line: You don’t need a direct investment

in convertible bonds /funds

� There are other investment grade bond funds that

perform even better but with much less risk (LSBRX e.g.)

� These funds already allocate a small percentage to

converts, so no need to buy a fund that specializes in them

� Like convertible bond funds, high yield bond funds also

have high equity correlation but outperform converts on a

reward/risk basis

The bottom line is that investors are advised not to invest directly in convertible bonds or bond funds.

Reward/risk ratios comparisons show that there are better options available. While the Loomis Bond

Fund (LSBRX) is riskier than the Janus Flexible bond fund or the Barclays Aggregate Bond index, it does

generate an average annual rate of return of around 10%, which is outstanding for a bond fund that

typically holds close to 70% of its portfolio in safe investment-grade bonds. The rest is invested in higher

yielding debt securities, preferred stock, and/or convertible bonds. At the time of this report, about

10% of Loomis is allocated to convertible bonds. The point is that a diversified (predominantly)

investment-grade bond fund like Loomis will give you the equity exposure and higher yield that long-

term investors need and it does so within the right proportions. I am not suggesting that investors

allocate everything to Loomis, because I recommend that you balance LSBRX with a more conservative

fund like Janus Flexible (JAFIX) or the Barclays Aggregate index (AGG), while allocating a small

percentage to stock funds. I will cover my suggested all-weather long-term investment portfolio in a

subsequent chapter in this book, which will have the recommended weightings for each fund.

Page 16: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

Richard W. Wiegand


A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely

Should I have convertible bonds

in my portfolio?

That concludes this chapter of the book A Practical Guide to Investing Safely and Wisely on

convertible bonds.

A video version of this chapter is available on the YouTube channel or by keying in this


Page 17: Should i invest in convertible bonds?

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