Shot by Shot Analysis

Shot by Shot Analysis Shelly McVeigh A2 Media Studies

Transcript of Shot by Shot Analysis

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Shot by Shot Analysis

Shelly McVeigh A2 Media Studies

Page 2: Shot by Shot Analysis

I have created my own production company logo. This plays at the beginning of my teaser trailer, the non diegetic sound adds to the mood and atmosphere of my teaser trailer. The sound will run throughout my trailer. I have added this element to make my teaser trailer look more authentic.

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I have added a green banner which is a typical code and convention found at the beginning of man teaser trailers. It highlights that this teaser trailer/ movie will be restricted to certain audiences.

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The first shot is a close up of the protagonist in my piece. I have only used back lighting, I have chosen this type of lighting to connote the mysterious, dark nature of the piece. I have also put this shot in slow motion to enhance the ominous atmosphere. A voice over begins of a male, who the audience

associate with the male character they can see.

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The next shot is a straight cut/ glimpse into the protagonist’s mind. It is a mid shot and I have added a filter called ‘Dream’ to each of the shots of the young actor. I have done this to add to the dream/illusion aspect of the peice. This is also to illustrate to the audience the difference between reality and

the dream sequences.

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Straight cutting to a OTS shot of the protagonist ‘Adam’. It is a dark setting and adds mystery and uncertainty to the atmosphere. A bass guitar is heard as the character slowly makes his way into the bedroom. The audience will have lingering questions on the subject of Adams dreams as he speaks of them

non dietetically over the soundtrack.

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Straight cutting to a ECU I have made the focus of these shots blurry and unclear, to illustrate the absurdity and strange nature of Adam’s dilemma. This works well with my genre of psychological thriller as it leaves the consumer in suspense of the action.

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It then fades into my first written transition, I have also added in a booming bass single drum beat to increase tension.. I have chosen a black canvas to illustrate the darkness and evil behind the action and white typeface so it will stand out from the background. In a split

second I am able to captivate my consumers mind and leave them with lingering questions.

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This shot straight cuts to the beginning of my dream sequence. It is a MS of my protagonist in a thick forestry setting. This change in MES will again, leave my consumers wondering why or when did this character transition to this location. This then adds to the disjointed feel of my genre.

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Throughout this short opening sequence I have edited small sections of Adam in the last sequence before

his dream began. This is to help the audiece understand that he is dream and that where he feels he is, is an illusion. The pace of the shots are much

quicker in this section.

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At this point the music begins to change to low strings and electronic bass synths to increase the tension and highlight th change in location. Throughout each of the clips in the dream sequence I have added transitions called ‘Bloom’, ‘Colour Panes’ and ‘Flash’ to highlight the dream nature.

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I have also added in straight cuts of the young actor in this setting. I have filtered all of his shots into ‘Dream’ to show the difference between what is real and what isn’t. I wanted these shots to have a flash back element to them, so that my audience can wonder why Adam is think of this young boy and in

what way are they connected?

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This is another straight cut ECU of Adam falling asleep, reminding the audience that he is dreaming and the things they can see are not real. Or let them question if they are real or not.

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This is a mid shot from behind Adam, I have taken this shot at a slanted angle as I wanted the audience to not only visualise and feel the disjointed nature of the dream.

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Straight cutting to another flashback with the filter ‘Dream’ adds to the creepiness of the teaser trailer. Also I have to make this shot quick in pace but also in reverse to add to the strange nature of the piece.

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A steady mid-shot of the actor realising where he is is again enhanced by the increase of non-diegetic music. This shots here a very quick paced to keep audiences interested and on the edge of their seats.

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When the actor begins to walk and move I have taken these shots free hand. This mid OTS shot is also to highlight the characters disjointed/stumbling nature as he ‘wakes up’ in this dream.

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I have added in diegetic sounds of panting to illustrate the characters confusion and worry over the non-diegetic soundtrack. This steady OTS also is essential as it establishes the MES and location for my dream sequence but also the characters realisation that he knows where he is. Leaving the audience

wondering why and how does he know where he is? Has this happened before? Does he know the little boy?

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Straight cutting to my second written transition. I have chosen to use a critical review as tis can increase the credibility of films and enhance their success. At this point I have also included a loud gong over the non-diegetic sound track.

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Straight cutting to a free hand camera, I have again added in panting from the character. This a an eye line match shot which alludes to the audience that Adam is in search fr the young boy in order to gain some answers. The use of the free hand shots allow me to highlight the panic and worry in the

characters mind.

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I have added in a layered effect of Adam sleeping and making his way into the house within the dream. This again, is to remind the audience that the character is dreaming but and is confused about his own reality.

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Low mid shot of a boys feet in the forest. This is a Flashback for Adam of the young boy as it rains and in the filter of ‘Dreams’

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This eye line shot is hand frees came and I have blurred this shot to show the character of Adam’s confused vision and blurred reality.

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Straight cut from a low angle of the young actor looking down. Transitions called ‘Flash’ and ‘Bloom’ allow the dream like strange atmosphere to increase

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Straight cut back to the blurred vision eye line shot of the character from a low angle to show he is looking up. The non- diegetic music begins to build more in tension.

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The young actor from a low angled mid shot look directly into the camera as the non diegetic music enhances further. Again, in the filter of ‘Dreams’ and transition to the next shot through the effect of ‘Flash.’

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Another straight cut into my third written transition, the non-diegetic music is enhanced further with a loud low bass single drum beat. The text I have used here is reiterated by the protagonist with a non-diegetic voice over.

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I then straight cut to a steady mid shot of the young actor playing the piano in the filter ‘Dreams’.

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I then take a high angled shot as if the character Adam is looking over his dream and the little boy. This will raise questions within the audiences mind - Is this really a dream? Why is Adam looking over this child? I have also added in a piano synth to show dietetically the tune the two characters play.

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Straight cutting into a layered effect shot, Separately i kept the ‘Dreams’ effect over the little boys footage and with a steady camera, whereas I kept Adam’s natural and unsteady. I wanted this to be a sneak peak into what is possessing Adam’s mind. Also having him sit playing the piano is like a shadow

of the young boy. I have also made Shadows a large theme throughout my teaser trailer.

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Here within a short, quick

paced steady straight cut I have Adam

looking in the mirror and a

similar shot of the young

actor popping up, the non

diegetic music heightens and

this is a moment

where I want my audience

to ‘jump.’

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Steady straight cut of the young actor ‘trapped’ inside the abandoned dream house. This creates a dark and eerie atmosphere which connotes well with my genre.

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This is the first shot that the two actors are together. This action chase scene is enhanced further by the

increase in pace of the non diegetic sound track. The camera is free hand to show Adam stumbling towards

the young boy.

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Straight cut of an OTS shot of Adam as he looks over a bed. Raising questions such as, is he dreaming? Why is there a bed? I chose to shoot over a bed as it has connotations to dreams.

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Straight cutting to the same location and MES from a mid ES, non diegetic deep breathing over the sound track will connote that the character is uncomfortable with the thought of the bed because he is uneasy about sleeping as he know he will dream.

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ECU of half the face of the young boy in the filter for ‘Dreams’ this is an intimidating shot as the character look directly into the lens of the camera. We as the audience feel uncomfortable and confused to the boys purpose and what he wants from Adam.

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As the shots quicken further, Adam wakes evidently afraid from his sleep. I want the audience to be aware that he is even not sure himself of what is real and what is not.

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I end the footage by having a straight cut of Adam repeating the same actions of the young boy as he touched the portrait of the lady. I have filtered this to ‘Dreams’ like i have done with the footage of the young boy throughout, this is to highlight that Adam may be apart of the dream. This raises questions

within the audience on who is this woman? What does she have to do with Adam and the young boy?

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This is the closing credit of my teaser trailer. I have kept all the typeface the same throughout all my pieces to make the continuity flow fluently. I made this transition fade in. Compared to my usual straight cut. The sound track changes here to a non diegetic creepy overlay which fades out in time with the
