Short story


Transcript of Short story

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The documentary is all about eating disorders and how they affect people’s lives, or don’t affect people’s lives. Many people I know have had eating disorders and having seen them go through what they have I feel it would be a strong enough subject to make a moving documentary. I wanted to make a film that caught attention and was emotionally moving but something that meant something to me at the same time.

Doing a documentary seemed the best way to create emotion with the audience, its real life and with the inclusion of on the street interviews people can really relate to how different life can be for those affected. It will explore how their journey through their eating disorder with references to how it all started, and what essentially made them get help.

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Having access to consultants, G.Ps, therapists and nutritionist’s really helped with the idea as any information needed was easy to find out and utilize. The interviewees used are still in recovery from their disorders however they have a rational, unbiased view on their previous lifestyle now, this pre-caution was taken to stop the film from being pro-eating disorder and encouraging them.

Having seen friends go through an eating disorder and hearing many other stories I knew this would definitely be a subject to help raise awareness of. Most people see the disorder as someone not eating, but there is so much more beneath the surface that would really change how the audience view the disorder.

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Having previous friendships with the main participants will help them be able to speak more openly and freely about their issues with eating disorders and add to the emotional, dramatic element of the film.

Ultimately I hope the film will make people aware, I hope it makes them think and realise there is so much more than meets the eye with eating disorders, and even anyone you may meet on the street.