Short Comings of Present System of Education in India

SHORT COMINGS OF PRESENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Abstract India’s education system turns out millions of graduates each year, many skilled in IT and engineering. This manpower advantage underpins India’s recent economic advances, but masks deep seated problems within India’s education system. The educational system in India faces numerous problems relating to educational institutions, teachers and students. Mismanagement of all types in educational institutions and maladministration of educational programs are quite common. Commercialization of education system, particularly technical and professional education, has come to stay. Opening of private medical colleges, engineering colleges and poly-techniques has become an attractive financial proposition. Teachers’ indiscipline is rampant. While teachers may have genuine problems, their unions have increasingly resorted to indiscipline and coercive means to achieve their goals. Basic commitment to their profession is lacking in many teachers. The student community which is a sizable section of the population and comprises persons in the impressionable age group is facing and causing a lot of problems. The many drawbacks of the educational system and bleak prospects of employment are increasing the level of frustration in the student community. The nefarious role of the politicians and the undesirable influence of movies


essay on indian education system

Transcript of Short Comings of Present System of Education in India

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India’s education system turns out millions of graduates each year, many skilled in IT and engineering. This manpower advantage underpins India’s recent economic advances, but masks deep seated problems within India’s education system. The educational system in India faces numerous problems relating to educational institutions, teachers and students. Mismanagement of all types in educational institutions and maladministration of educational programs are quite common. Commercialization of education system, particularly technical and professional education, has come to stay. Opening of private medical colleges, engineering colleges and poly-techniques has become an attractive financial proposition. Teachers’ indiscipline is rampant. While teachers may have genuine problems, their unions have increasingly resorted to indiscipline and coercive means to achieve their goals. Basic commitment to their profession is lacking in many teachers. The student community which is a sizable section of the population and comprises persons in the impressionable age group is facing and causing a lot of problems. The many drawbacks of the educational system and bleak prospects of employment are increasing the level of frustration in the student community. The nefarious role of the politicians and the undesirable influence of movies have been responsible for instigating students to take to agitations of different kinds. Teachers and students have been politicized through the energetic efforts of the political parties and local leaders. Law and order problems involving teachers and students are on the increase. The examination system is in a mess. The capitation fee system is a glaring example of the role of money power in education.

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Key Challenges for the Indian Education System

25% of the Indian population is illiterate.

Only 7% of the population that goes to school managed to graduate and only 15% of those who enroll manage to make it to high school and achieve a place in the higher education system.

A few reasons why education in India is given less importance in some areas are as follows:

80% of schools are managed by the government. Private schools are expensive and out of reach of the poor.

More hands to earn remains the mentality amongst many families and therefore little kids are set out to fend for the family over going to school to garner an adequate education, in the most literal sense of the word.

Infrastructure facilities at schools across rural areas and in slums dispense very poor quality of education.

The teachers are not well qualified and therefore not well paid and therefore are not willing to work hard enough. This has been a classical Catch-22 problem that the government has been trying hard to fight against.

Problems faced by Indian Education System

Lack of funds:

Today's Education system is more like a business institutes. Taking Admission in a good school is a difficult task for parents. It develops pressure not only to child but parents too. And once you get the admission in the school parents are realizing that their ward is not getting the education up to mark as in school just syllabus is taught and heavy projects are given to the ward which actually parents completes. 

Lack of qualified staffs in Indian education:

One of the major disadvantage arise from disqualified staff members, they are spoil the current education system, some private institutes are selecting the staff members for running the institute and gaining money from collecting fees. In India

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there are so many schools and higher education institute are running with lesser performance. They are finally providing educational certificates only but improve the students knowledge. So first block the disqualified educational institutions.

Lack of practical knowledge about the subject

One of the prime ways of finding out if you are up that you are able to implement what you learnt in your daily needs. Indian education system lacks the procedure of practical education. Theoretical study is obvious but to some extent. Nowadays Indian students are more prone to books than practical uses. It should be changed.

Lack of practical knowledge about the subjectOne of the prime ways of finding out if you are up that you are able to implement what you learnt in your daily needs. Indian education system lacks the procedure of practical education. Theoretical study is obvious but to some extent. Nowadays Indian students are more prone to books than practical uses. It should be changed.

Reformation in Indian Education System

In my point of view, our Education system should reform immediately. Every students in India is produce as a bookworm. They should have more innovative thinking on their mind. But what happens in schools and colleges? Students are well talented to score a very high marks and getting a good college. After that, placing a good company.

Today, students are completely professionally-oriented and they take examinations for the same rather than to gain knowledge, or do research in the subject. In our colleges, we have infrastructure and good faculty, but there is no motivation to do research. Even in the field of medicine, no one is motivated to do research because everything is so examination and job-oriented.

From primary level, they should have teach some skill to enhance children's knowledge, some research should be there, giving practical knowledge, extracurricular activities. Firstly we should learn other countries educational level with the help of that we can improve our country talent that is one of step to improve our educational system.These problems can be put in points for better understanding,

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1. Rote memory based learning is emphasized from KG level. Analytical and reasoning skills are discouraged and crushed at the elementary level itself.

2. School curriculum is treated like a religion and in my own experience, the first assault on my reasoning was to memorize and vomit "Jana gana mana..." -

3. This blind education continues for 12 years and by this time the young brain is completely brain washed and starts believing that everything written in a book is ultimate and already everything has been invented by a white man.

4. University education - There is no relationship between the Industry and the institution. I know professors teaching electrical engineering for ages but have not visited a power station in their life.


A good education system is fundamental to a nation that wants to be economically and otherwise independent. In my view, India still has a long way to go to reach this goal.

A good education system has the ability to change its society and country. But Indian education system is not doing like this. Our education system can produce a good student not a good citizen of India.

India needs to develop a lot. Today we are culturally strong and we need to be educationally strong. People in India have the capacity to do this but the support of good governance is highly needed. Hope so we can see India as that was seen in Gandhiji's dreams in a very few years.