Shop energy general_led

Save Money, Time and the Environment and make your home safer. Invest in LED…. GENERAL LED

Transcript of Shop energy general_led

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Save Money, Time and the Environment and make your home safer. Invest in LED…. GENERAL LED

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Background… • Glass light bulbs, or incandescent bulbs, were invented by Thomas Edison in 1879.

• While the shape of incandescent bulbs has changed slightly over the years, the concept has virtually stayed the same since inception.

• Incandescent bulbs are extremely inefficient, losing 90% of the electricity used in the form of heat. Only 10% is used to produce light.

• With increasing evidence of global warming, the world is leaning towards reducing our carbon footprint through the more efficient use of energy.

• The US has a goal of becoming energy independent by relying less on foreign sources of energy and becoming more energy efficient locally.

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• As a global leader in Going Green and in line with efforts to become energy independent, the U.S Government passed the 2007 Energy Act.

• The 2007 Energy Act mandated phasing out the incandescent bulb for more energy efficient options; with the clear leader being LED bulbs.

• As of the end of 2014 most incandescent bulbs have been phased out and replaced on store shelves with mostly LED light bulbs.

• Consumers have no choice but to convert to LED bulbs and join the LED Revolution.

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• Save Money – Use 80% less energy and reduce your monthly electricity bill.

• Save Time – LEDs last 20 x longer. Saves you time, hassle & cost of replacing bulbs and you continue to save money throughout the lifespan of your LED bulbs.

• Save the Environment – Use less energy, burn less coal, reduce your carbon footprint and go green. Do your part in helping America reach it’s goal of energy independence.

• Safer Home – Very durable, child safe and shatter-proof. No risk of burning – cool to the touch.

Why LED?Invest in LED & Save

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• LEDs are extremely more energy efficient. An LED light bulb that provides an equivalent light to a 60 Watt incandescent uses only 10 Watts of electricity. So each incandescent bulb that you change over to LED saves 50 Watts of electricity.

• In an average US home there are 55 bulbs. For example, If each bulb saves 50 Watts, you would be saving 2750 Watts of electricity or using 80% less power to light up your home if you changed over to LED. Depending on the rate you are paying for electricity, that means big savings on your electricity bill, every month for the lifespan of your LEDs.

• Think of it as making an investment in LED bulbs. The savings on your monthly electricity bill will pay off your initial investment in LEDs within a number of months. And you will continue receiving the monthly savings/return for the duration of the LED’s long lifespan.

Why LED?Invest in LED & Save Money

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• LED bulbs last 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

• Based on average usage of 4 hours daily, an LED bulb will last thirteen years versus only eight months for an incandescent bulb.

• The cost, time and hassle of changing out 20 incandescent bulbs over thirteen years is saved by using one LED bulb. Imagine, you won’t have to climb up on that ladder to change your bulbs for a while!

• While the monthly savings on your electricity bill will pay for the purchase of your LEDs in a number of months, you will continue to receive the monthly savings for the 13 year lifespan of your LEDs. You get your initial investment back in a few months and you continue to receive the savings for the thirteen year lifespan of your LEDs. What a deal!

Why LED?Invest in LED & Save Time

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• By using the more energy efficient LED bulbs you will have a direct impact on saving the environment.

• The less electricity you use, the less coal is burnt in the utility plant that provides your power. Resulting in less harmful carbon gases being released into the air, which cause global warming.

• Each LED bulb you use will reduce your carbon footprint and save many trees per year.

• LED bulbs are made of recyclable material and contain no hazardous materials such as lead or mercury.

• During the thirteen year lifespan of one LED bulb, you will have thrown 20 bulbs into the trash can. With LEDs you dramatically reduce waste.

Why LED?Invest in LED & Save The Environment

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• LED bulbs are very durable and built to last. • LED bulbs are shatter-proof, no more cleaning up glass splinters off the floor.

• LEDs produce very low levels of UV rays which cause wall paint to discolor as well as furniture fabric and carpets to lose their luster.

• LED bulbs are cool to the touch and produce practically no heat. Impossible for you or your child to burn your hand.

• LED bulbs are child safe. They use DC power which reduces risk of contact with electricity.

Why LED?Invest in LED & Make Your Home Safer

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The Arithmetic of Lighting

Our example is based on an Average US home:• 2000 square feet• Mix of 55 light bulbs• Lights turned on for 4 hours a day• $200 monthly electric bill • Average US utility rate of 12.5 Cents per kWh.

Assuming the following mix of 55 bulbs:• 8 x A19 40W standard light bulb• 20 x A19 60W standard light bulb• 6 x B11 40W Candelabra light bulb• 15 x BR30 65W High Hat light bulb• 6 x PAR 38 90W Flood Light

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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Energy – Incandescent vs LED

Electricity used by 55 Incandescent Bulbs

A19 Bulb: 8 x 40 Watts = 320 WattsA19 Bulb: 20 x 60 Watts = 1200 WattsB 11: 6 x 40 Watts = 240 WattsBR30: 15 x 65 Watts = 975 WattsPAR38: 6 x 90 Watts = 540 Watts

Total Watts used = 3,275 Watts


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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Energy – Incandescent vs LED

Electricity used by 55 LED Bulb

A19 Bulb: 8 x 7 Watts = 80 WattsA19 Bulb: 20 x 10 Watts = 200 WattsB11 Bulb: 5 x 6 Watts = 30 WattsBR30 Bulb: 10 x 15 = 150 WattsPAR 38: 16 x 6 = 96 Watts

Total Watts used: 556 Watts


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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Energy – Incandescent vs LED

3,275 Watts used – 556 Watts used = 2,719 Watts Saved

You save 83% in electricity by investing in LED light bulbs!

INCANDESCENT LEDTotal Watts used: 556 WattsTotal Watts used = 3,275 Watts


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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Money – Incandescent vs LED

• Assuming an average household has their lights on 4 hours per day, ie. 6pm to 10pm.

• The Average Electricity Rate in the US is 12.5 cents per kWh.

• 4 hours/day x 30 days = 120 hours/month

• 3275 Watts x 120 hours = 393,000 Watts used per month

• 393,000 / 1000 = 393 kWH

• 393 kWh x $.125 (electric rate per kWh) = $49.13 (Monthly electricity cost of incandescent lighting)


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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Money – Incandescent vs LED

• Assuming an average household has their lights on 4 hours per day, ie. 6pm to 10pm.

• The Average Electricity Rate in the US is 12.5 cents per kWh.

• 4 hours/day x 30 days = 120 hours/month

• 556 Watts x 120 hours = 66,720 Watts used per month

• 66,720 / 1000 = 67.2 kWH

• 67.2 kWh x $.125 (electric rate per kWh) = $8.40 (Monthly electricity cost of incandescent lighting)


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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Money – Incandescent vs LED

$49.13 / month - $8.40 / Month = $40.73 Savings

Your maximum monthly electricity savings could be $40.73

INCANDESCENT LEDSo your maximum electricity cost / month for lighting could be as little as $8.40 per month using LED bulbs.

So your maximum electricity cost / month for lighting could be as much as $49.13 per month using incandescent bulbs.


The example above is not based on actual results and is used for example purposes only. Your experience may be very different depending on the state of your residence, the number of bulbs you use and the number of hours your bulbs are turned on.

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• The retail cost of buying the 55 LED bulb mix is $600.58, but we are offering the same mix on in the Economy LED Package for $499; a $101.58 or 17% savings.

• Invest in the Economy LED Package or Custom LED Package and get paid an exceptional return each month for the next 13 years.

• Pay off your initial investment in LED light bulbs with your monthly savings/return in a number of months.

• If you purchase the Economy or Custom LED Package using PayPal Credit, you can buy your LED bulbs with practically no out of pocket funds.

• Continue receiving your monthly savings/return over the thirteen year lifespan of your LED investment, potentially saving as much as $6,353.88

The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Money – Incandescent vs LED

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The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Time – Incandescent vs LED


LED• LED bulbs have an average lifespan of 20,000 hours

• At 4 hours of use per day, an LED bulb lasts 5,000 days or thirteen years.

• Incandescent bulbs have an average lifespan of 1,000 hours

• At 4 hours of use per day, an incandescent bulb lasts 250 days

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• During the 13 year lifespan of an LED bulb you would have to replace your incandescent bulb 20 times.

• You are saving the cost of the actual bulb replacement, plus the time and hassle of replacing bulbs.

• After paying off your initial investment in LED bulbs with your monthly electricity savings, you will continue to receive the savings for the thirteen year lifespan of the LED bulbs. Based on our example, your maximum total savings over the lifespan of the LEDs could be 40.73 x 13 x 12 = $6,353.88

• Imagine saving the time and hassle of changing bulbs!

The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save Time – Incandescent vs LED

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• Using 80% less energy has a direct and immediate impact on the environment.

• Much less Coal is burnt in Utility plants, producing less greenhouse gases which directly cause global warming.

• LEDs contain no toxic material such as Mercury/Lead and is recyclable.

• Produce less trash/waste – During the thirteen year lifespan of one LED, you would throw away twenty incandescent bulbs, adding to our bulging landfills. Reduce waste.

• Go Green and be a part of saving Billions of Dollars of wasted funds going to utility companies to further pollute the planet.

• Be a vital part of helping America gain it’s independence from foreign sources of energy. Do your part….

The Arithmetic of Lighting:Save the Environment – Incandescent vs LED

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A Quick Review• There are 110 Million households with in excess of 5 Billion light bulbs in the US. All of the bulbs must be replaced

with LED bulbs. So far only 1% have changed over to LED. Do you think the target market is big enough?

• Save Money, Time and the Environment and make your home safer. Invest in LED.

• Count the bulbs in your home and use our Custom LED Package tool to see how much you will save by replacing your bulbs with LED. Custom tailor your investment in LEDs to your specific lighting needs.

• Make it a no brainer! And take advantage of our discounted ready-to-go 55 bulb Economy LED Package for $499. Save $101.58 cents or 17%, use the bulbs you need and resell the rest of the bulbs at a retail profit.

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A Quick Review• Pay off your initial investment in LED bulbs with your monthly savings/return over a number of months. Continue

to receive your monthly savings/return for thirteen years. What an incredible investment!

• Use PayPal Credit and pay for your LEDs with practically no out of pocket funds.

• Join the Energy Revolution. Do your part by replacing your bulbs today with LED and help make America energy independent.

• It’s a no brainer! Feed your Shopping Annuity, get Cash Back and earn BV points!