Shivam | Summer Internship Report |

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Transcript of Shivam | Summer Internship Report |

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Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is the promotion of your business, organisation or brand using channels

such as the Internet, mobile devices, television and radio in addition to using creative online

advertising, video, podcasts and other such methods to communicate your message. Internet

marketing in particular plays a huge part in any digital marketing strategy and is becoming

the core of many organisations overall marketing strategies, particularly with regard to social

media and viral marketing.

Digital marketing ecosystem is not only concerned with internet marketing and social media

marketing, in introduction we discussed that peoples have a belief that internet or social

media marketing are same but not same, be clear from beginning itself. Digital marketing

ecosystem consists of internet marketing and social media marketing. They are just a

channels for communication, digital ecosystem consist of integrating channels and

integrating services.

5.1) Digital Ecosystem

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5.1.1) Digital Marketing Models

Digital Branders are often consumer products companies, retailers or other marketers that focus on building brand equity and deeper consumer engagement. These companies are moving away from traditional linear advertising and investing in digital experiences that connect with their customers. They are focused on recruiting new consumers to the brand, increasing advocacy and driving loyalty.

Demand Generators such as retailers, play the numbers game. They are focused on driving traffic and converting leads in the fewest steps possible.

To quote the report again, “All elements of the digital marketing strategy—website design, search engine optimisation, mobile connected apps, and engagement in social communities—are tailored to boost sales and increase loyalty.

Product Innovators are organisations who use digital marketing to help identify, develop, and roll out new digital products and services.

Customer Experiencedesigners use customer data and insights to create a superior end-to-end brand experience for their customers. Typically, these companies (such as financial-services companies, airlines, hotels, and

retailers) build their business models around customer service.

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DigitalBrandersCustomer ExperienceDemand GeneratorsProductInnovatorsDigital Marketing Models

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5.1.2) 4 Must have elements for digital marketing

5.1.3) Digital Marketing Strategy

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Market AutomationContent MarketingLead GenerationSocial Media Marketing

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Digital marketing strategy definition

A digital marketing strategy is a channel strategy which means that it should...

Be informed by research into customer channel behaviour and marketplace activity = intermediaries, publishers and competitors

Based on objectives for future online and offline channel contribution % Define and communicate the differentials of the channel to encourage customers to use

it, BUT, need to manage channel integration

5.1.4) Framework of Digital Marketing Strategy

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5.1.5) 5 Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Publish Articles

Everything and anything you post on the internet is out there forever. This is why posting your information online is one of the best internet marketing strategies.

2. Generate chained auto responders

Auto responder is one of the best internet marketing tool to help build your list. Establish a draft to potential subscribers. Offer the full series if they agree to join your list.

3. Broadcasting

Target readers will be attentive to if and when you have updates about your services or products, and it is vital to communicate to them about such issues. Make sure that you construct relevant links on your web page that will direct them to access such information.

4. Construct and offer free product and service

People love freebies, and this works well for you since you will be able to attract a lot.

5.Utilize bulletins and newsletters

Through all the free channels, ensure you provide detailed information with regards to your niche or expertise. Point out clearly to your readers that these information are free for all. Offering free information is the best internet marketing attraction

5.1.6) Advantage of Digital Marketing Democratization of advertising Reach: Collapsing barriers of time & space Lower risk of product / services innovation Lower cost / higher ROI Digitization of all information

Virtual supply chains Virtual markets Virtual real-time interaction with customers & suppliers

Scalability Ability to coalesce and reach increasingly fragmented markets Streamline business process

5.1.7) Strategic Advantage of Digital Marketing6 | P a g e

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Create new sources of competitive advantage More direct distribution model Reengineer the supply chain Invent new business models Target underserved segments Lower price barrier New delivery methods to reduce capital expenditure and pricing Create more efficient marketplace Create a “virtuous cycle”

5.1.8) 5 New Digital Marketing Tools

1. Content marketing techniquesOne of the most frequently dropped buzzwords in digital marketing, content marketing is essentially storytelling for your brand. “Content” can be virtually anything with a clear message: a series of attention-grabbing images, videos, blog posts, or news items.

2. Tools for social networking

A strong digital marketing strategy incorporates all social media forums appropriate to your organization, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram.

These tools have different purposes: Twitter has become a virtual telephone, a way for customers to lodge complaints or

ask questions. Instagram and Pinterest - are a great way to get viral with visual storytelling. It’s also

vital to stay connected to new trends. LinkedIn’s recent Influencers program, which promotes industry insiders as thought

leaders and offers them a forum to share wisdom.

3.Go mobile

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More and more of us are accessing information on-the-go. Having a website that uses responsive design for various mobile formats - smartphones, tablets, etc - gives your company a competitive edge. Many marketers are now taking mobility a step further by using location data garnered by customer check-in tools like Foursquare or Facebook, or data provided by Adwords and GPS, to target marketing campaigns and build an ever more complete picture of who your customer is.

4. Retargeting

One of the most interesting new marketing techniques, retargeting (or remarketing) tracks customers through cookie placement and continues to show them ads for products they’ve viewed in the past across a network of websites. Since only 2% of traffic converts on a first visit, retargeting is a simple, powerful way to keep your brand and product in the minds of potential customers and requires little effort on the part of the company.

5. Community Building

The common thread in these best new digital marketing techniques is the need for brands to cater to the desire of consumers to be seen as individuals, and not just as a number.

5.1.9) Scope of Digital Marketing

In India only 16% people was using internet till the end of 2013 and usage of internet is increasing by 17% and its reach to 33% in 2014 and increase rapidly day by day.

High return on investment (ROI) through Online Marketing. Target only most interesting audience, pay only You can start without spending with small amount. Advertising your products on specific hours, time or day bases. Fully Controlled as per your location, budget and time.

More than 40% business depend on Digital marketing. With increasing of internet and smartphone users soon in coming years around 90% business will be depend on online marketing in India.

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After USA, UK& China India deal with largest online shopping deals in E-Commerce Businesses.

The major shift in Digital Marketing Scope

1. From anonymity to identity: Now people are on web with full identity, this is enabling businesses to interact with more data, better targeting.

2. From information to entertainment

In a perfect world, your Key Performance indicators apply to all phases – and you should have KPIs and tie them together with overall website and business goals.

Future Scope of Digital marketing Industry

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Digital marketing is still at its initial phase in India. Most of the companies are still thinking to adopt the medium while many top brands have already rolled their digital marketing campaign. Seeing the large number of youth population in India, corporate will be more happy to engage the target audience and spread their product & service among them via digital media. Thu there will be a Big Change in coming future.

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5.1.10) Future of Digital Marketing

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5.1.11) The Heart of Customer Engagement

Marketing executives believe these 6 channels will be the most valuable in driving customer engagement. Here’s what is currently being used and what’s projected.

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5.1.12)8 key components to developing a successful marketing campaign

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5.2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website on search engine result pages (SERPs), by incorporating search engine friendly elements into a website.

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is the simple activity of ensuring a website can be found in search engines for words and phrases relevant to what the site is offering.


93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, 68% of which use Google to do so.

Combine that with the fact that the first 5 results in Google get 67% of all clicks, and you get an idea of why SEO is important.

Why SEO????

1. SEO brings authority but Social Media Quick Majority:

Good SEO brings you organic traffic; given, content is powerful, websites and blogs will link to your site’s homepage or a particular page. More links pointing to your site means higher page rank on Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing).

2. Social Media Employ Talk But SEO Means Real Business:

People come to social media for talking, but when buying products or services they go to search engines. Good SEO employs that your website will roll up higher in search results. You may get a prospective client / customer.

SEO is a slow motion process but important; alongside turn to Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Create high quality posts. Many shall press like and share button and your popularity shall multiply.

3. Harness the power of keywords and hashtags:

While building SEO, we all use various SEO tools to find good quality keywords. Find related hashtags too. Make some of those parts of SEO keywords and speak around popular hashtags on social media. This way, you are trending together for Best Hashtags on Social Media and Best SEO Keywords on Search Engines while saving a lot of time.

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Types Of SEO

Black Hat White Hat

Black Hat Strategies

Duplicate Content

Invisible text and stuffed keywords

Cloaking or redirecting the user to another site or page

Links from site or non-relevant content

White Hat Strategies

Relevant Content

Well-labelled images

Relevant links and references

Complete sentence with good spelling and grammar

Standards- compliant HTML

Unique and relevant page titles

Steps to doing SEO

1. Research

2. Reporting & Goal Setting

3. Content Building

4. Page Optimization

5. Social & Link Building

6. Follow Up Reporting & Analysis

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How result can be measured after SEO is done

1. Find Your Website’s Market Share

o Measuring search engine traffic is important because these metrics allow you to compare performance versus market share.

o Knowing both the number of visitors and percentage of traffic from a specific source will help you identify weaknesses and track trends over time. For example, if your search engine traffic suffers a dramatic fall off, your SEO strategy may be in trouble.

How to find your website’s Market Share:

Google Analytics provides a breakdown of different traffic sources. Many SEO monitoring tools also include these traffic sources, along with statistics on your website’s market share.

2. Measure Your Website’s Strength

o How well does your website perform in search engine rankings? Domain Authority predicts your website’s performance versus other competitor websites in Google’s search engine rankings based on the strength of your website pages and link profiles.

o Domain Authority rankings are most useful for measuring your website’s strength versus other sites. Since it is a predictive ranking system, it is less useful as an historic measurement of your website’s own SEO efforts.

3. Keyword Rank Tracking: Keep an Eye on the Competition

o Keyword rank tracking is one of the most important SEO monitoring tools for any business. Here at iSpionage, keyword rank tracking tool includes keyword monitoring and alerting functionality that can be used to track your company’s trademarks and

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brands across the Internet. This keyword tracking service will also notify you if a competitor begins to optimize for your same keyword terms.

How to track keyword rank:

The easiest way to track keyword rank is through an SEO metrics service like iSpionage; keyword rank tracking is not available through Google metrics.

5.2.1) Keys to successful SEO16 | P a g e

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1. Original, engaging stories always win. This is the first most important key to SEO. Publishing stories that people are compelled to share, link to, and write about is simply the most organic path to great SEO.

2. Keyword and audience research still matters. Keywords may be more than the sum of their phrasing, but publishers should still use the available research to help them determine optimal content themes.

3. Social matters to search, in more ways than one. Google and others are non-committal on the exact role social media plays in their complex set of considerations. But if considered beyond Facebook likes and links, social’s influence on search can’t be ignored.

Content is Still King

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How many times you may hear in digital marketing content is king? Well with changes in Google latest search engine algorithms also, still content is king and long tail content may rule them all. it will generate more profits to your business.

We are talking about your website, is your website is Responsive? And what’s the load

time of your Website? Google releases revolutionary aspects for mobile users. If your website is not responsible for small

screens don’t except better rank in search results.

Be Responsible and be fast….

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Social media platforms and its user engage rate like number of followers in each social media

platform is also important in latest SEO camping. Search engine algorithms are

includes, social media factors to get better keyword rank in search engine.

Social media integration & Engaging

Branded Marketing

Mainly focus on branded marketing like brand mentions in everywhere and increase your links through more content like Creating Slides and

Videos and visual content

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Understanding the consumer Buying behaviour

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As part of this internship, I have done a research to understand the consumer buying

behavior of Indians in the digital era. First, we can understand consumer buying behavior,

Kotler and Keller defined consumer buying behavior as “the study of the ways of buying and

disposing of goods, services, ideas or experiences of the individuals, groups and organizations

in order to satisfy their needs and wants”.

The main motive behind this research is zero moments of truth (ZMOT) of Google. In 2012

Google done a research to understand the change in consumer buying behavior, for that they

have taken samples from U.S, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, France, Netherlands,

Australia, Poland, Turkey and Brazil. After the research they arrived at a new concept called

‘ZMOT’, which showing the big change in consumer buying behavior in the digital era.

In past years marketer believed that consumer get ‘two moments’ to understand a brand.

Marketing efforts at that period will try to create stimulus in customers through

advertisements and this stimulus will lead customers toward ‘two moments’. At that period

one model was coined by P&G in 2005 and CEO said "The best brands consistently win two

moments of truth. The first moment occurs at the store shelf, when a consumer decides

whether to buy one brand or another. The second occurs at home, when she uses the brand

— and is delighted, or isn’t."

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Let’s see an example to understand how this model works.

Stimulus is advertisement. Dad is watching a football game and sees an ad for digital

cameras. He thinks, “That looks good.”

First moment of Truth it will happen in the shopping Shelf. He goes to his favourite

electronics store, where he sees a terrific stand- up display for that same digital camera. The

packaging is great. A young sales guy answers all his questions. He buys the camera.

Second moment of truth is Experience or Post Purchase behaviour. Dad gets home and the

camera records beautiful pictures of his kids, just as advertised. He becomes loyal to the


Later in 2012 Google coined a model and named it as ZMOT or Zero Moment of Truth.

Google coined this model through research of 5000 shoppers and asked them a simple

question, how many sources of information you will collect before making a purchase

decision? The survey revealed that the average shopper uses 10.4 sources of information,

ranging from TV commercials and magazine articles, to recommendations from friends and

family, to websites, ratings to blogs. [25] ZMOT model of customer buying behaviour is like


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Let’s take the pervious example; dad purchased the camera after see television ad. But now,

after seeing an ad dad will open his laptop and make a search or ask in social networking

sites or visit company site or see customer rating before making an action. Then only first

moment of truth and second moment of truth will come. So presence in digital is important

for brands, they need to use this platform to convince customers.

In this ZMOT report Google is advising brands to go for multi-screen marketing. The reason

for this was “77% of viewers use another device while they are watching TV”. So if brands go

for multi- screen it will help to create efficient stimulus in customers.

This is main motive for doing this research; one more thing is there penetration of internet in

India. I already mentioned about penetration of Internet in India in this report.

6.1) Habits of Customers

Shopping based on price

Using coupons or discount codes

Comparison-shopping for good deals

Buying products in bulk

Shopping online more often

Trading down to less expensive brands or private label products

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Culture and societal environment:

Culture is crucial when it comes to understanding the needs and behaviour's of an individual.

Throughout his existence, an individual will be influenced by his family, his friends, his

cultural environment or society that will “teach” him values, preferences as well as common

behaviour's to their own culture.

Social classes:

Social classes are defined as groups more or less homogenous and ranked against each other

according to a form of social hierarchy. Even if it’s very large groups, we usually find similar

values, lifestyles, interests and behaviour's in individuals belonging to the same social class.

Cultural trends:

Cultural trends or “Bandwagon effect” are defined as trends widely followed by people and

which are amplified by their mere popularity and by conformity or compliance with social

pressure. The more people follow a trend, the more others will want to follow it.

For example:-Facebook has become a cultural trend. The social network has widely

grew to the point of becoming a must have, especially among young people.

Purchasing power and revenue:

The purchasing power of an individual will have, of course, a decisive influence on his

behaviour and purchasing decisions based on his income and his capital.

As for social status, some consumers may also look for the “social value” of products they

buy in order to show “external indications” of their incomes and their level of purchasing



The lifestyle of an individual includes all of its activities, interests, values and opinions. The

lifestyle of a consumer will influence on his behaviour and purchasing decisions.

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6.2) Things Customer like

Things Customers hate

You don’t take their complaints seriously

o Once upon a time, complaints could be shrugged off. However, with the advent of

Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media, one little voice could ruin your

reputation. Whilst we may be out of the recession, that time provided us with an

additional reminder on why it’s so important to look after existing customers.

Sending too many emails.

o With an average of 88 emails in our inboxes every day, not only is there a greater

chance your message will get lost in the mix, but the last thing customers want is

more messages than necessary from your business. Maybe it’s daily or maybe it’s

weekly. Figure out what gets you the best response and work from there–but

remember to keep testing!

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You’re not empathetic

o In most sectors, if you don’t have a website, you’re not doing much business! Even

if you’re not selling directly from your website, it’s an opportunity to reassure

potential customers that you are an established, trustworthy business. For a

smaller business, it’s the easiest way of giving a big company feel too.


o Sometimes you have a situation where a call must be escalated to another support

rep who is better qualified to handle their problem. This makes perfect sense from

a business and customer perspective. However, don’t make the customer explain

the problem from the beginning just because they have a new rep.

Things customer hate while shopping online

Slow Load Time

Hidden shipping costs

Lack of discounts

Untimely shipping

Having to wait for an already purchased item is something that rarely happens in

real life. Hence, shortening the time of wait to a minimum while buying online is

every shopper’s dream. If the shipping takes longer than promised or is just

generally slow, your site will be dumped in favour of one whose delivery is quicker.

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What Customer Expect

6.2) Online Consumer Shopping Habits and Behaviour

More than 8 in 10 people (83%) are satisfied overall with their online shopping experience.

80% of surveyed consumers are more likely to purchase a product online when offered free shipping.

36% of online shoppers say they spend time to find out which sites stocks their desired item at the lowest price.

63% Clothing and apparel are purchased online.

84% of online shoppers refer to at least one social media site for recommendations before shopping online.

78% of online shoppers don’t look at a product in a store before buying it online.

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Purchase Interested Segment

o The members of this segment are characterized by their purchase behaviour, their brand opinion and their buying decisions.

o The members of this group have a great social orientation.

o They prefer to be large groups and enjoy parties with music and noise.

o They are shrewd purchasers and do not keep any durable good for more than 5 years.

o They do not hesitate to buy goods on credit and are highly concerned about the price of the product.

o They are people who never take a risk of trying new products.

Family Oriented Lifestyle Segment

o These people are characterized by a strong involvement with their family. They like to stay at home and spend their free time with the family members.

o As their purchases are of family’s demand, they are not bothered about the price of the goods. They are ready to pay any price for goods, which they think, could bring happiness to the family.

o They look out for advertisements, and take the advices of friends before making purchases.

o They are also concerned about the quality of the products and goods purchased.

o They have a high positive perception towards life.

Innovative Lifestyle Segment

o The members of this group are characterized by their high involvement in trying new goods and products.

o They are the trendsetters.

o They always want to be one among the first few to try new fashions.

o They always prefer those activities that make them “stand out”. They are involved in many activities outside their house.

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o As they are ones who always want to try new products, they do not search for information regarding the product.

o They have no preference to a particular brand or store for their purchase.

o They are more interested in new fashions and new things in the market.

6.3) Causes of Customer Dissatisfaction

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Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more information about

quality, price and refer customer’s experiences before purchasing a product.

Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers. But this

stimulus will get in to action only through opinion leaders.

Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase. They have high

affinity to go online for electronic products and apparels.

One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the T.V

programs via online portals. May be the main reason is convenience of time, they can

watch programs which they had skipped due to some reasons.

The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more affinity

towards online news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get news updates

very early; they don’t need to wait for daily newspapers.

In both of these cases, one opportunity is lost for marketer and one opportunity is

emerging for them to reach their T.G.

More than 90% of the samples have a mobile or Smartphone and laptops or PC. 96% of

samples have an internet connection is any of these gadgets, this showing the

penetration of internet in India.

If we take tablet, penetration in Indian is low. But it doesn’t mean that no one is using

tabs. More than 30% of samples have tablet. For brands they are getting three more

platforms to reach their T.G and engage them.

33% of the samples are using these gadgets while they are with their friends, so just

think about the reach. If one person noticed something which is cool and awesome

they will surely communicate to others.

25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching T.V; it’s again a barrier for

brands which use TVC only. 21% of the samples are using this gadget for chatting and

16% are using for surfing. What they are surfing? It can be about a product, local

events or locations...etc.

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In this situation, one opportunity is again losing to brands and one opportunity is

emerging for brands to reach their T.G.

More than 90% of samples are noticing ads, among them 35% of samples noticed ads

through online media, followed by TVC and Newspapers.

48% of samples are telling they give more importance to online ads and 34 % of

samples give importance to T.V.C.

From the first part of this research itself, we know that customers are highly

information seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in online ads. They can search

for more information after seeing an ad or online is the only two way communication

channel for customers.

22% of the samples do research through their lap or PC before purchasing a product

from the retail shop and 21% do research via mobile.

Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only, but before going to

retail shop they will seek information about the product through an online platform.

Here is actually change happens in consumer buying journey, early times consumer

belief a product only after seeing the product in a retail shop.

But now Indian customers want to get conviction about a product before going to

retail shop. So from a marketers view they want to convince their customers before

going to a retail shop.

Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms because the customer will

do research about the product after seeing an ad or after getting stimulated.

Brands are getting more touch points to reach target group in a cost effective manner.

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Learning Points

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“Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes a lifetime to master” by

Philip Kotler

Before leaving from IBS, I believed that I am will become a good marketer because I

know all the concepts which I learned from my classrooms. But from the beginning of

second week itself, I understood, marketing is not about concepts it’s all about the


Strategy is not a rock science

After induction my first assignment was to create pitch presentation for amante

lingerie. I start working on my first assignment, but I don’t know how to create

strategy part. I tried my best, but I was completely blank. After two days I went to talk

with my company guide. He told me this “strategy is not rock in science you will take

some time to create an excellent strategy”.

Similar Task, but different situations

It’s not only from my experience, but also from my observation. All colleagues are

doing the same type of work, but the situation is different. Sometime they have

problem with a client, but on the next day they have problems with vendors or with

creative team. While coming to me, my first month was more concentrated on pitch

presentation. Industry or clients are different or requirements of the client are

different, but contents or the flow of pitch presentations are same.

“I don’t know” short sentence, but difficult to express

Gokaldas Exports Limited is one of India's largest manufacturer/exporter of apparel.

Once my company guide told me to make presentation on their products and how to

segment their market. Basically, he wanted details about the company and

component of their product. This was one of the biggest challenges which I faced in

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my internship. Because I am a commerce background student and I don’t understand

the technical usage of this product and component used to manufacture this product.

But I couldn’t refuse to do this because it will affect my image and mark. I took some

days to study the whole thing, before making the presentation. Finally, I learned you

can’t tell “I don’t know” in your corporate life.

Observation is the best teacher

There are lots of situations where I am completely blank and I don’t know how to do

some task. In those situations I observed my colleagues to know how they are doing it

and I understood the importance of observation.

Go and ask for work

In beginning stage of my SIP, I don’t have any work to do or they are not giving. First

week full of induction and in second week, first two days I sat idleI felt my internship

wouldn’t be very interesting but everything changed the next day, When I took some

initiative and volunteered for work. To the last day, I enjoyed my internship and had

many meaningful internship.

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Thank You

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