Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In...

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition Diffused Tetryon Beam The Tzenkethi use a diffused beam of tetryons as their primary energy weapons. These weapons resemble phasers but they also are debilitating to deflector systems. Diffused tetryon weapons grant the Versatile 1 and Piercing 1 Qualities. Shuk-din Cruiser In their wars against other forces in the Alpha Quadrant, the Shuk-din-class cruiser is both patrol ship and frontline vessel. Hundreds of these ships move through Coalition space and keep it blocked off from other species. This is the first commission of many Tzenkethi officers but a large percentage choose to stay on Shuk-din vessels rather than be promoted to larger starships. There is an intimacy to the compact Shuk-din that is appealing to communally-minded Tzenkethi. On larger ships and colonies Tzenkethi soldiers will mix with other Echelons but onboard a Shuk-din cruiser they have only other soldiers to interact with. While not for everyone, this is a reassuring situation for many of the Lor Echelon. The smallest of the Tzenkethi capital ships, the Shuk-din-class cruiser is fast and maneuverable but with the powerful tetryon weapons of the Tzenkethi Coalition. Their strong shields and powerful weapon systems allow Shuk-din cruisers to contend with much larger starships, though once their shields fail the Shuk-din has few resources to sustain direct hits. Trait: Tzenkethi Starship Systems Comms 6 Engines 7 Structure 7 Computers 7 Sensors 8 Weapons 9 Disciplines Command 1 Security 3 Science 2 Conn 2 Engineering 2 Medicine 1 Power: 7 Scale: 4 Shields: 15 Resistance: 4 Crew: Proficient (Attribute 9, Discipline 2) Attacks Diffused Tetryon Banks (Energy, Range Medium, 7A Versatile 1 and Piercing 1) Photon Torpedoes (Torpedo, Range Long, 6A, High Yield) Tractor Beam (Strength 2) Special Rules Advanced Shields (Ship Talent, core rulebook p. 255)

Transcript of Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In...

Page 1: Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In addition to the Lor Echelon soldiers common aboard starships of the Tzenkethi Coalition,

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson

Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition Diffused Tetryon Beam TheTzenkethiuseadiffusedbeamoftetryonsastheirprimaryenergyweapons.Theseweaponsresemblephasersbuttheyalsoaredebilitatingtodeflectorsystems.DiffusedtetryonweaponsgranttheVersatile1andPiercing1Qualities.

Shuk-din Cruiser IntheirwarsagainstotherforcesintheAlphaQuadrant,theShuk-din-classcruiserisbothpatrolshipandfrontlinevessel.HundredsoftheseshipsmovethroughCoalitionspaceandkeepitblockedofffromotherspecies.ThisisthefirstcommissionofmanyTzenkethiofficersbutalargepercentagechoosetostayonShuk-dinvesselsratherthanbepromotedtolargerstarships.ThereisanintimacytothecompactShuk-dinthatisappealingtocommunally-mindedTzenkethi.OnlargershipsandcoloniesTzenkethisoldierswillmixwithotherEchelonsbutonboardaShuk-dincruisertheyhaveonlyothersoldierstointeractwith.Whilenotforeveryone,thisisareassuringsituationformanyoftheLorEchelon.



Systems Comms 6 Engines 7 Structure 7

Computers 7 Sensors 8 Weapons 9

Disciplines Command 1 Security 3 Science 2

Conn 2 Engineering 2 Medicine 1

Power:7 Scale:4

Shields:15 Resistance:4 Crew:Proficient(Attribute9,Discipline2)

Attacks • DiffusedTetryonBanks(Energy,Range

Medium,7AVersatile1andPiercing1)• PhotonTorpedoes(Torpedo,RangeLong,

6A,HighYield)• TractorBeam(Strength2)

Special Rules • AdvancedShields(ShipTalent,core


Page 2: Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In addition to the Lor Echelon soldiers common aboard starships of the Tzenkethi Coalition,

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson

Broln’ta Cruiser ManyveteransoftherecentTzenkethiWarrefertotheBroln’ta-classas“Specter-of-Death”ships.WhiletheyarenoworsethanmanyotherenemywarshipsintheAlphaQuadrant,evenunderperformingthenotoriousGalor-classcruisersoftheCardassianUnion,theBroln’taclasshasbecomesofearedbecauseofitscombinedshieldprocessingtechnology.TheshieldemittersoftheBroln’taclass,likeallTzenkethiweapons,areparticularlyrobustbuttheBroln’tahastheaddedabilitytosupportnearbyTzenkethivessels.Byextending“processingbeams”ofconcentratedenergytotheirallies,theBroln’ta-classcruisercanbolstertheirshieldsandallowthenearbyvesseltoconcentrateonfiringweaponsandrepairingbreachestotheirsystems.



Systems Comms 7 Engines 8 Structure 9

Computers 7 Sensors 8 Weapons 9

Disciplines Command 2 Security 3 Science 1

Conn 2 Engineering 2 Medicine 2

Power:8 Scale:4 Shields:17 Resistance:4 Crew:Proficient(Attribute9,Discipline2)

Attacks • DiffusedTetryonBanks(Energy,Range

Medium,8AVersatile1andPiercing1)• PhotonTorpedoes(Torpedo,RangeLong,

6A,HighYield)• TractorBeam(Strength3)

Special Rules • AdvancedShields(ShipTalent,core

rulebookp.255)• CombinedShieldProcessing:Oneofthe


Page 3: Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In addition to the Lor Echelon soldiers common aboard starships of the Tzenkethi Coalition,

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson

Rhas’bej Battleship Thoughusuallysupportedbysmallerships,theRhas’bej-classbattleshipisacombatvesselthroughandthrough.It’sadvancedweaponryandpowerfulshieldsmakeitadangerousfoetootherships,particularlywhentheenemygetsinrangeofitsforwardcannons.ThoughthesepowerfulweaponsmaketheRhas’bejaseriousadversary,itcomesatthecostofpowertotheirshieldarray.TheRhas’bejclassstillhasastrongersetofshieldsthanmostshipsofitssizeandwarpcoredesignbutisactuallylessprotectedthanthesmallerBroln’taclass.ThisisonemorereasonwhytheTzenkethitypicallydeploytheirstarshipsingroupswhenexpectingcombat.



Systems Comms 8 Engines 9 Structure 9

Computers 8 Sensors 9 Weapons 9

Disciplines Command 2 Security 2 Science 2

Conn 2 Engineering 3 Medicine 2

Power:9 Scale:5 Shields:16 Resistance:5 Crew:Talented(Attribute10,Discipline3)

Attacks • DiffusedTetryonBanks(Energy,Range

Medium,8AVersatile1andPiercing1)• DiffusedTetryonCannons(Energy,Range

Close,9AVersatile1andPiercing1)• PhotonTorpedoes(Torpedo,RangeLong,

5A,HighYield)• TractorBeam(Strength4)

Special Rules • AdvancedShields(ShipTalent,core


Page 4: Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In addition to the Lor Echelon soldiers common aboard starships of the Tzenkethi Coalition,

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson

Tzen’tar Dreadnought ThesizeofaRomulanD’deridex-classwarbird,theTzen’tar-classdreadnoughthastheweaponssysetmsandshieldstocontendwiththebestofwhatStarfleethastosendagainsttheCoalition.LiketheRhas’bej-classbattleship,theTzen’tar’sforwardtetryoncannonsareitsmostpowerfulweaponssotheytrytokeepclosetotheenemy’smajorvesselstokeeptheminrange.WhenbackedupbyoneortwoBroln’ta-classcruiserstheTzen’tardreadnoughtcansheddamageanddealoutpowerfulblowswiththeirweaponssystems.



Systems Comms 8 Engines 9 Structure 10

Computers 10 Sensors 9 Weapons 11

Disciplines Command 3 Security 3 Science 2

Conn 2 Engineering 3 Medicine 2

Power:9 Scale:6 Shields:18 Resistance:6 Crew:Talented(Attribute10,Discipline3)

Attacks • DiffusedTetryonBanks(Energy,Range

Medium,9AVersatile1andPiercing1)• DiffusedTetryonCannons(Energy,Range

Close,10AVersatile1andPiercing1)• PhotonTorpedoes(Torpedo,RangeLong,

6A,HighYield)• TractorBeam(Strength5)

Special Rules • AdvancedShields(ShipTalent,core


Page 5: Ships of the Tzenkethi Coalition - · serviceable exploratory vessels as well. In addition to the Lor Echelon soldiers common aboard starships of the Tzenkethi Coalition,

Star Trek Adventures by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson