Ship's log

Ship Log of the Winchester Household Captain: Ivy Phantasma

Transcript of Ship's log

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Ship Log of the Winchester Household

Captain: Ivy Phantasma

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Week 1:

Grew up happily with twin brother Gabriel. Both of us received good-luck makeovers from Mother.

Got engaged to Leo. Charming fellow. Is a bit over-obsessed with the idea of small test subjects, but he will do.

Moving into his house tomorrow. I intend to give it a decent scrubbing from top to bottom.

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Week 2:

Got married to Leo. He was thrilled.

Spent time with siblings. There was a party at Linder’s house. Found discrepancy; small test subjects everywhere, yet party appeared to be a wedding. Still no conclusive results.

Bindi is very happy, despite having three young test subjects and another coming in some days. I fear she is somewhat deluded.

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Week 3:

Have begun first professional thesis. Suspect imminent arrival of small test subject. Leo is thrilled.

Small test subject arrived. Leo calls it Christine.

Have finished first thesis. Test subject is quite delightful; all smiles and giggles. Leo looks quite worn out; perhaps he is ill.

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Week 4:

Small test subject has been presented with variety of activities; prefers most the creativity device.

Still hope for small one; she is interested in travel and other such things. Also expecting another small test subject.

Christine is beginning to look like Bindi. It is most unnerving; I never knew Bindi as a child, yet Christine is precisely as I have always pictured her. It is most disturbing.

No word from Gabriel in quite some time.

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Week 5:

Small test subject is imminent.

Have purchased new laboratory. Christine refuses to share a room with small test subject. Leo quite agrees.

Have been working on another thesis. Twins and what happens to those who lose them. Still have not heard from Gabriel.

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Much of Ivy’s log has been lost from this point on, and exists only in memory. It’s quite a pity, although admittedly I do not miss the horrid photography.

She gave birth to twins, named Aspher and Rhia after a fictional prince and princess from my early high school writings. Christine went to university in class with Xena, Dena, and Wesley. The twins were rather neglected; Leo was rather burned out and Ivy had little use for any of the children.

Ivy fostered a pair of teens after all her children had gone, mostly to relieve the monotony of my using her house as a Corgi breeding ground. They were a young witch and warlock, orphaned due to a complete accident.

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Gabirel did indeed stop calling. He did get married to Leo’s twin Maria, who gave birth to a son. Both of them spent a good long time in the Sim bin; they have only come back into rotation very recently after I developed a use for the little boy and his subsequent brothers. There will not be a chapter for Gabriel; not anytime soon.

Tune in soon for a return to Bindi’s house and her charming young ones, then a visit to Phantasma University. I look forward to seeing you.