Shiatsu massage

11 Shiatsu Massage ñ A Worldwide Popular Acupressure Treatment Most physical and psychological complaints are better treated by going to a qualified physician; however, alternative medicines or treatments can greatly aid in making these conditions better. As a matter of fact, alternative treatments, such as the shiatsu massage, are becoming well-trusted and relied on by many people. Even celebrities and Hollywood individuals go to alternative doctors, therapists, and practitioners to improve their overall well being. Shiatsu massage is just one of these applications that people actually rely on to bring improved overall health and uplifted spiritual condition. So, if you are suffering from physical and psychological complaints, shiatsu massage therapy can very well help improve your condition. It does not totally treat but alleviate some body disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, stiffness, nausea, cramps, pulled muscles, cramps, and headaches. The shiatsu massage therapy is believed to help a lot by applying pressure points to the affected parts of the body. Shiatsu massage is a form of Chinese acupressure method but actually has meaning of "shi," which means finger, and "atsu," which means pressure, from the Japanese language. It is sometimes referred to as the Zen shiatsu. By the philosophy of balancing energy, it unites philosophical, medical, and spiritual levels of the body. The Popular Zen Shiatsu The Zen shiatsu has become very popular that in the Western countries, massage techniques have evolved combining them with the philosophy that the energy, also called "chi" or "qi," is circulating along the passage channels, called meridians. If the energy is freely flowing along these meridians, it brings strong energy so that it fetches wasted energy away together with the body toxins. But then, it is inevitable that this chi becomes diverted or blocked so that it upsets the natural balance of energy, or the Yin and Yang, causing your body to become physically and psychologically affected too. In order to free it with this negative condition, the blocked meridians must be cleared and the chi restored back by using shiatsu massage. Another view from the Eastern perspective doesn't see headaches, depression, sleeplessness, swollen joins, and indigestion as discomfort sources; however cites them as symptoms or signs that there exists underproductive or hyperactive chi, either which can be negative condition. Similarly, the eastern perspective sees that shiatsu massage therapy is good for these conditions. How Is Shiatsu Administered To You Before you are applied with the massage therapy, the practitioner first makes any diagnosis, in this case, to assess or find where the energy or chi may be obstructed and siphoned or where it flows healthily. They will inquire if you are suffering from specific ailments. After which, they will administer some light massage to find where the tender or stiff pressure points are. After the diagnosis, firm pressure will be applied on the pressure points running along the fourteen meridians of your body through the use of their fingers, thumbs, palms, knuckles, knees, elbows, and feet. As shiatsu massage is done on the clients with their clothes fully on, it is advised to wear garments that are loose, comfortable, and thin, like the linen or cloth, so it will be comfortable for them. As you receive the acupressure treatment, expect stretching, rotating, and manipulating of your

Transcript of Shiatsu massage

visitavallartamexico.comShiatsu Massage ñ A Worldwide Popular Acupressure Treatment

Most physical and psychological complaints are better treated by going to a qualified physician; however, alternative medicines or treatments can greatly aid in making these conditions better. As a matter of fact, alternative treatments, such as the shiatsu massage, are becoming well-trusted and relied on by many people. Even celebrities and Hollywood individuals go to alternative doctors, therapists, and practitioners to improve their overall well being.

Shiatsu massage is just one of these applications that people actually rely on to bring improved overall health and uplifted spiritual condition. So, if you are suffering from physical and psychological complaints, shiatsu massage therapy can very well help improve your condition.

It does not totally treat but alleviate some body disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, stiffness, nausea, cramps, pulled muscles, cramps, and headaches. The shiatsu massage therapy is believed to help a lot by applying pressure points to the affected parts of the body.

Shiatsu massage is a form of Chinese acupressure method but actually has meaning of "shi," which means finger, and "atsu," which means pressure, from the Japanese language. It is sometimes referred to as the Zen shiatsu. By the philosophy of balancing energy, it unites philosophical, medical, and spiritual levels of the body.

The Popular Zen Shiatsu

The Zen shiatsu has become very popular that in the Western countries, massage techniques have evolved combining them with the philosophy that the energy, also called "chi" or "qi," is circulating along the passage channels, called meridians. If the energy is freely flowing along these meridians, it brings strong energy so that it fetches wasted energy away together with the body toxins.

But then, it is inevitable that this chi becomes diverted or blocked so that it upsets the natural balance of energy, or the Yin and Yang, causing your body to become physically and psychologically affected too. In order to free it with this negative condition, the blocked meridians must be cleared and the chi restored back by using shiatsu massage.

Another view from the Eastern perspective doesn't see headaches, depression, sleeplessness, swollen joins, and indigestion as discomfort sources; however cites them as symptoms or signs that there exists underproductive or hyperactive chi, either which can be negative condition. Similarly, the eastern perspective sees that shiatsu massage therapy is good for these conditions.

How Is Shiatsu Administered To You

Before you are applied with the massage therapy, the practitioner first makes any diagnosis, in this case, to assess or find where the energy or chi may be obstructed and siphoned or where it flows healthily. They will inquire if you are suffering from specific ailments. After which, they will administer some light massage to find where the tender or stiff pressure points are. After the diagnosis, firm pressure will be applied on the pressure points running along the fourteen meridians of your body through the use of their fingers, thumbs, palms, knuckles, knees, elbows, and feet.

As shiatsu massage is done on the clients with their clothes fully on, it is advised to wear garments that are loose, comfortable, and thin, like the linen or cloth, so it will be comfortable for them. As you receive the acupressure treatment, expect stretching, rotating, and manipulating of your

pressure points, as well as deep breathing. You are also expected to experience a slightly uncomfortable condition after the massage but this is normal.

Combining shiatsu massage therapy with a good physical workout, healthy diet, and proper lifestyle can lead to an improved overall well being. Having it regularly applied on you can also become preventative as much as healing to some specific health and psychological conditions.

Shiatsu Massage: An Oriental Therapy Rebalancing Treatment

Shiatsu originated from the Eastern or oriental therapy treatment to energy imbalance and physical disorders. It is typically associated as mere oriental massage; however, the underlying principle that it has been promoting since 2000 years ago proves that there is more to shiatsu massage therapy than mere massage.

In fact, the use of point-pressure method, with thumbs, fingers, palms, elbows, knees, and feet and toes as instrument, and without the use other mechanical or medical instruments, can help improve one's overall health and well-being. How? Read through to find more about this oriental therapy rebalancing energy treatment.

First, let's take a look at the wide benefits that shiatsu provides to the human bodies:- improving circulatory system- giving flexibility to muscular system as well as to the skin- aiding in recovery of the bone system balance - facilitating in the digestive system functions- improving endocrinous system- regulating the nervous system's functions

Note that all these benefits are delivered with the use of point-pressure principle promoted by shiatsu massage. The point-pressure massage, as it sounds as simple lacking deep health significance, reaches through the chi flowing through the series of meridians which are associated with the vital organs of the human body.

The massage balances the out of control flowing of chi or energy in these meridians, so that after enough shiatsu massage therapy sessions, there is a balanced energy. As the balanced energy is achieved, there reflects improved condition on the treated specific meridian points. Shiatsu therefore is a medical instrument/device-free technique that helps correct internal dysfunctions, promote and keep health back on track.

It does not cure diseases though. That assignment is of course left to the more qualified medical practitioners and wonders of the science technology. But what shiatsu can do is to give bigger sense of improvement that the client instantly experiences once they start having the massage therapy; and enjoying the fortification of the functions of the body organs and more importantly to the natural resistance against illnesses.

It is not to be confused. Shiatsu is designed to normalize and balance vital energy to improve overall well being. By well being, it means not only the physical but the mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual being. The meridian sections found in the body where the chi flows freely, are said to be linked to all these aspects of the human and spiritual body.

The shiatsu massage principle instantly works when there is a deficit or overflow of energy chi in these meridian sections. These couple conditions mean there is an irregularity in the nature of the human body; therefore needs to be corrected, and shiatsu can administer a lot of help in doing so. The therapist works with their hands, elbows, knees and feet to find these irregularities and do that pressure-point technique to give you energy rebalance. The shiatsu massage therapy is very well a

concept that ideally provides better alternative to people seeking only improved well being and better lifestyle.

In the daily hassles they experience, through the trials and harshness, rebalancing the energy through this massage technique will help in improving your life so that an individual can live happier, with uplifted being, and controlled health condition. Shiatsu massage therapy is not a mere massage method but it goes deep beyond, seeking more significance in the name of better health and well being.

Shiatsu Massage Basics

Ever since shiatsu massage therapy was brought into the healthcare market, many people has been benefiting from it. It is now popular worldwide and if you are reading this, you are probably interested to try it too. Why not? But first, let's see how shiatsu will benefit you.

Health Philosophy

Shiatsu adheres to the philosophy that in order to have healthy benefits, the vital energy, 'qi' for Chinese people and 'ki' for Japanese people, should flow the entire body through its meridians, which are the series of pathways. Other oriental health massage or therapy practices, like the acupuncture, also use these meridians principle likewise believing that these can be blocked once energy is not allowed to flow freely, subsequently producing symptoms of some diseases.

How It Is Applied

In the case of shiatsu, manipulative technique and pressure are used to adjust your body and allow the vital energy to flow generously. The pressure is applied onto the acupuncture points together with manipulating and stretching the body.

The techniques include dynamic rotations, palm pressing and gentle holding on the elbows, knee, feet and knees on your meridians. Shiatsu massage does not utilize massage oil and performed on you with full clothes on.

It is believed that this therapy can benefit those people suffering with any of the conditions, such as: migraines, arthritis, joint problems, muscular pain, stress, chronic fatigue, digestive and skin orders.

The massage therapy typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. This is done via sessions, with the first expected to be longer than the succeeding ones since the shiatsu therapist requires medical history, lifestyle detail, and other health information from you.

You will be applied with the massage with you lying down whether on a padded mat, at a floor level, or on a couch. If not, a shiatsu massage chair will be used, which is now gaining popularity because of its convenience and benefits.

A combination of different treatment styles are often applied by the shiatsu practitioners.

These include Tsubo therapy, which uses methods like needles, electrical devices, massage, and moxa, focusing on the pressure point natures. The moxa is an herbal plant derived, believed to prevent and treat diseases via heat application.

Namikoshi Shiatsu is another style which emphasizes more on physical techniques like rubbing on specific body areas and pressing to assist to its healing.

Zen Shiatsu, on the other hand, is the third style, which as opposed to particular points used on other styles, concentrates on the entire meridian points and performed with both hands.

What Are To Be Expected After The Therapy

After the massage treatment, the clients are expected to find new sense of energy levels, as well as relaxed muscles while joints with improved mobility. It is also normal for them to experience muscle soreness and mild headaches after the treatment but should disappear only after a few hours of rest.

The application of Shiatsu massage therapy depends on the condition of the client. The normal course would continue with sessions lasting up to 6 or even 10 treatments. However, most clients who experienced the benefits of the therapy continue to avail even after the condition is gone.

This is not a problem since shiatsu massage therapy is safe as long as it is performed by only qualified practitioner or therapist. It is deeply relaxing and releases the tension all throughout your body that you can still continue especially on the rough days that you went through.

Shiatsu Massage ñ For Menopausal Treatment

Even women who suffer from menopause symptoms can benefit from shiatsu massage. This has been found a long time ago and so in aid to other pharmaceutical remedies or herbal treatment, shiatsu massage therapy can help women alleviate the often uncomfortable and painful symptoms associated with menopausal stage.

The shiatsu practice was derived from an oriental medical principle pointing to human body as one with a series or network of meridians. This series of meridians is where chi, the vital positive energy, found to flow freely through it. According to this principle, a person becomes sickly once this flow of energy becomes disrupted and sluggish, or imbalanced.

This imbalance of energy in the body can also be associated to symptoms caused by menopause therefore is believed to be cured by using shiatsu massage therapy, with application of pressure on particular body points which correspond as meridian point. The goal now of shiatsu therapy is to bring back the free flow of chi so that the body becomes normal again.

How Are Menopause Symptoms Treated?

Before shiatsu massage therapy is administered, the patient is given accurate diagnosis first by a qualified practitioner. If the patient is suffering from shoulder pains, dizziness, and ringing in her ears, the practitioner can address these conditions with the help of shiatsu therapy. If the patient has the tendency to suffer from any stomach disorders or nervous disorders, eating disorder or to become easily caught with frustration and anxiety, the practitioner can help by applying pressure to stomach point.

Likewise, heart palpitations and nervous disorders can be treated by applying pressure to meridian points for the kidneys, bladder, and the heart. It is also the same treatment that can help improve the patient's condition when she is suffering from a constant fatigue. For obese and those with hormonal imbalance, the practitioner needs to apply pressure to the meridian point corresponding the gall bladder.

Tension and anxiety can be treated by finding the middle point existing between the patient's eyebrows, above where the nose bridge is found. A circular massage technique finds relief for the patient as she inhales and exhales in a count of 30. Repeating the process will continue providing relief, and even more so when the patient shuts her eye and concentrates to her heartbeat and steady breathing.

What to Expect

Sometimes, it will help a lot if you ask the shiatsu massage specialist of the different techniques applied to your body points. Certain application of pressure can hurt you and if you are uncomfortable with it, you can always choose the type that works for best, whether it is pulsating, stroking, or smooth kind of shiatsu massage.

The session usually lasts from forty to an hour. You are typically applied pressure while lying down on a padded mat on a flat floor. It usually starts with manipulation of your skin combined with gentle stretching, and this allows relaxation of the muscles as well as stimulation of the body's energy.

The effect on your body can be very calming, gentle, or good with high pressure. However, always remember that is should never let you feel hurt or painful. While shiatsu massage therapy is about rapid circular motion, it is aided with medium pressure. The shiatsu massage shall aid to the symptoms of menopause and shall give you improved condition after each session and even better after continued ones.

Shiatsu Massage - Its Some Little Yet Significant Known Benefits

A point-pressure method, shiatsu massage is a form of acupressure using only the fingers, palm, elbow points, knees, and feet and toes. It is a long time Chinese medicine practice designed to improve or balance out the energy flow in the human body. Using those point-pressure body parts, the massage enables the body to experience deep relaxation, increased and balance energy levels.

For the couple thousand years, it is undeniable what the principle shiatsu adheres to being able to produce many health and wellness benefits to the ancient and modern people alike. When it went into Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, the shiatsu therapy widely evolved from treating spiritual, mental, and physical conditions into curing simple muscular disorders and tension.

As it continued to be exported, other Western countries adopted it as well back in 1970s causing now the therapy system to become a universal treatment technique providing overall wellness to the people. As its popularity rose, licensed providers flourished so that every individual can now enjoy its little yet significant known benefits.

Muscle pain and rheumatoid arthritis

According to the statistics, a percent of the population in the world is a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis. A chronic inflammation occurring in the body tissues and attacking the joint linings, rheumatoid arthritis can be treated by shiatsu acupressure massage system by alleviating the patient with these symptoms. It is most effective especially when the massage pressure is applied into the hands and feet where arthritis commonly affects; but also beneficial when applied to different body parts affected by the disease. In addition to treating rheumatoid arthritis, shiatsu massage is also helpful in improving the health and condition of other muscles found in the body by reducing pain and improving blood circulation.

Digestive and circulatory system

A gentle pressure provided by the shiatsu massage therapist is known to be therapeutically beneficial to the digestive and circulatory system. It helps improve cellular nutrition and the circulation throughout your body that its digestive system allows food to be digested more easily while it also aids in proper elimination of its waste products. It is also beneficial as it assists in the metabolism and removal of fat as well as increases the body's stamina.

Migraine and Headaches

Migraines are caused when blood vessels found in your brain are rapidly narrowing and widening giving you pain and irritation. Some of the common symptoms include nausea, weakness, numbness, vision problems and sensitivity to glare or light. There are many causes why migraines occur and some of them are stress, hunger, foods that contain caffeine and nitrates, and weather changes. The shiatsu principle said to ease migraines by increasing your blood flow and improve circulation as well as relax your body.


Not only those women who suffer from depression and menstrual cramps during menstrual cycles who benefit from shiatsu but those who are expecting as well. In fact, it has been used since shiatsu has begun thousands of years ago. The principle of shiatsu is believed to help pregnant women who are in labor as well as help in turning the babies inside the womb. It also helps alleviate morning sickness symptoms as well as swelling often associated with pregnancy.


Shiatsu massage is known to help stimulating the circulation of the skin's soft tissues in the capillaries. As the massage to the skin is administered, it enables the sebaceous glands to open up and keep the skin smooth and moist. It keeps resilience of the skin and prevents wrinkling.

Shiatsu Massage To Balance Energy Chi

With the many occupancies and concerns that people have to endure through the day, they sometimes disregard the need to keep health and wellness, which is kind of unfortunate because it is through this neglect why they cannot easily avoid to contract diseases.

If all individuals put more concern on their health, it is easy to approach a holistic lifestyle, leading them to become happier, more fulfilled and productive persons. One of better health-promoting applications is resorting to therapy massages, like the shiatsu massage, whether that will serve as mere periodic indulgence or as therapeutic application/treatment to certain conditions.

Nowadays, a lot of massage therapy applications are available that they have become a sought-after treatment to most people to promote better health for both the spirit and the body. The shiatsu massage therapy is one of them, which has become a household name in the name of bridging the gap between the spirit and the body.

Through the remedy of therapeutic massage sessions, the condition of the body is significantly improved while the status of the spirit is satisfyingly uplifted. If you have heard of the Swedish massage therapy, its health and well being target is the same as of the shiatsu massage therapy.

The Swedish massage, which is offered in different spas and other locations, is an application involving deep tissue massage and offers treatment that invigorates the muscles to promote better blood circulation or flow in specific areas of your body.

The treatment includes long, circular strokes, kneading using the palm, hand and/or the fingers. When you undergo this treatment, you feel relaxed and freed of mental stress because of the improved blood circulation.

The shiatsu massage, on the other hand, promotes the same; however has this philosophy that focuses around its metaphysical rationale. For a bit of information, shiatsu is derived from Japanese term, which actually means, "the finger pressure."

The philosophy explains that certain diseases or physical ailments can be rooted from the fact that there are imbalances or blockages of the vital energy flow happening through the meridians of the body. The meridians are supposedly those passageways or energy points in the entire body.

The shiatsu massage therefore is designed to free these meridians from those imbalances or blockages so that the vital energy, called "ki," flows freely throughout your entire body. As a result, balance of the energy is restored, in shiatsu principle, a balance of the Yin (negative energy) and Yang) positive energy.

When you are applied with a shiatsu massage, the therapist looks for parts along the meridian points in your body that have energy build-up or energy deficiency. Either of the two conditions causes problems in your body. The therapist then applies pressure on these affected body parts, using their toes and feet, fingers and arms, elbows, or knees.

The aim is to restore the energy flow balance using their fingers for gentle pressure, while the elbow's point for forceful pressure. The amount of pressure to be applied depends on the amount of blockage or imbalance. Removing this blockage and balancing the irregular energy flow results to better spiritual and physical condition, and therefore, improved health as well.

If you seek to improve your overall being, shiatsu massage therapy is one of the best ways you can get. However, it is not recommended that you still investigate about this matter before you consider it. You can ask the experts, particularly the doctor, professional massage therapist to gain more knowledge about this application.

The Holistic Approach Of Shiatsu Massage

With the constant battle we have to make through each day, living life with less stress seems to be a futile effort despite the calm and ease efforts we try to apply. As a result, it makes it even more exhausting and tiring for us at each end of the day. But thinking more at it, you might not consider that it might be for something else. Maybe, all you need is a good, soothing massage, for instance a shiatsu massage, to alleviate the discomfort that your body and mind have been suffering all those days.

The shiatsu massage is a holistic approach to countering the effects of the hard days' stress and exhaustion. Why it is holistic? It is because it focuses not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. It is not mere massage method that we are talking about but its ability to reach through your mind and spirit so that at the end of each session you feel emotionally, mentally, and spiritually relieved. And when you feel this way, it is automatically conveyed to your physical aspect so that everything becomes lighter and easier for you to go through each day's stressful experience.

In contrast with the principle of western medical system, which we knew treats symptoms; shiatsu massage therapy principle goes beyond that. It seeks to treat and root out the sources of the imbalances of the body. Accordingly, the shiatsu principle, which originated from eastern or oriental practices, can be safely used to prevent and treat at the same time. But the holistic approach of shiatsu massage is not only pressure-point per se, wherein your body receives pressure from the gentle touches that the massage specialist administers to you.

While it is a great alternative you can adopt if you only want to experience the goodness of acupuncture without the needle, it also intends to assist you with the healing process; meaning, you are given healthy advises on what to be included in your daily dietary habit, and more importantly, the thought and perception you have to make on your general lifestyle changes. After all, any treatment wouldn't be successful if you do not change along with the nature that it is suggesting and promoting to you.

Both physical and psychological disorders are targets of shiatsu method of pressing pressure points to various meridian points of the human body. With this technique, it is believed to take away and prevent from coming back several certain disorders like anxiety, depression, stiffness, nausea, arthritis, headaches, pulled muscles, cramps, and a lot other more. The proper administration of shiatsu massage therapy can very give you these benefits especially if you continue to believe in its power to do them and undergo these alternative practices.

Shiatsu massage, as the principle points it, is the unification of philosophical, spiritual, and medical facets of the body. The western techniques combine this with its view that the chi is circulating through meridian channels. When the chi is freely flowing, without obstacles and hindrances, the body is in the state of balance, meaning in a good condition. Meanwhile, if the flow is disrupted, an imbalance of energy is produced, so that it reflects to body and mind condition.

It is in this principle why shiatsu massage therapy is designer thousands of years ago to correct the imbalanced energy and correct it so that the body and mind are restored to their normal condition, without the disorders and illnesses.

The Principle Of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is a form of Chinese acupressure treatment but with the words that come from Japanese. As it goes around the world, there are many names that the Western world has brought to the awareness of the people. As a result, it is also now called as oha shiatsu, namikoshi shiatsu, barefoot shiatsu, Zen shiatsu, and macrobiotic shiatsu.

Shiatsu may be known now with different names and methods, it still is used with the basic principle that it was originally known and formulated with, although at times can be radically different, depending on the perception of the shiatsu experts around the world.

Shiatsu literally means, finger pressure, from the Japanese shi = finger, and atsu = pressure. For over a couple of thousand years, it has been a massage technique that ancient and modern people alike use as a healing and massaging method Chinese acupressure.

In the principle of shiatsu, the human body is comprised of passage channels, or which called as meridians. Each meridian corresponds with a specific major body organ. It is through these meridians where the energy, or qi or chi, is flowing. A balanced and unhindered flow of this energy translates to only good health.

As any irregularity happening in the unhindered energy flow, an illness is believed to be suffered by the body because either there is a depleted chi or overflowed chi in certain body points. If this is true to your body, in which you are suffering with an illness, this is where shiatsu massage therapy comes into action.

The goal of the shiatsu massage therapy is to remove anything that blocks or hinders the chi from freely flowing in any of the 14 meridians of your body. It is also applied to restore the balanced nature of the chi or energy. All these goals are achieved by applying the acupressure method, which is a press of the fingers, elbows, knees, toes, and feet, on specific affected acupoints, or your pressure points found throughout the body meridians. In addition to pressing, the practitioner applies manipulation on the adjacent areas of the acupoints with the goal of stimulating your body to enhance wellness and heal negative conditions.

Shiatsu most often provides intense effect, finding clients receiving the treatment displaying emotions like crying or laughing, wanting to scream, or just to keep still. This is not to be afraid of since it is not a bad side effect but rather a good, common and normal reaction giving the sign that the chi or energy is being restored and balanced within the human body as where it is supposed to be.

Since the world of conventional western medicinal treatment is not convinced that there exists chi flowing in certain areas of the body, they continue to regard shiatsu and other alternative treatment as simply complementary medicine techniques. However, with the many years of existence, it has proven that shiatsu actually helps significantly the human body to fight diseases and improves overall body wellness.

In fact, it is found to be helpful in addressing various health conditions, such as digestive pain, muscular pain, and emotional pain. A lot other benefits are also experienced by the people receiving the shiatsu massage treatment, specifically, complete relaxation, improvement of blood circulation, prevention of diseases, balanced menstrual cycles, increased flexibility and mobility in the body, removal of wastes and toxins, and increased energy, spiritual, and mental well-being.

The Wide Holistic Benefits Of Shiatsu Massage

Using the application of pressure and power of touch, shiatsu massage became popular and widely patronized by different people all around the world to get the benefits it was believed to provide as far as medical, mental, and spiritual well being is concerned.

If by chance you still don't have any idea what shiatsu is, it is the massage technique that Chinese medicine has been practicing and utilizing the meridian healing system since 2000 years ago to provide health and wellness benefits to the people.

The principle of shiatsu is focused on balancing the energy found in the body by increasing its blood circulation or opening it up. The chi, which is the energy found in the body, needs to flow freely along the meridians of the body in order to achieve proper balance.

There are fourteen meridians found in the body, twelve of which are used as channels or passageways for the healing. The liver, kidney, stomach, bladder, spleen, gall bladder, small and large intestines, the pericardium, body temperature regulator, and the heart are some consisting the twelve meridians associated to body organs that serve as passage for the chi to flow to balance out the body.

Shiatsu massage is not only beneficial in improving health condition of the above body organs but likewise to other illnesses such as tension, stress, and even aches resulting from long term repetitive motions such as the arm using for writing, typing on the keyboard, and computer mouse.

Specifically, the therapy is known to treat various disorders including:- headaches, migraines - back pain, back problems and stiff/frozen shoulders- sciatica nerve pains- whiplash injuries- carpal tunnel- abdominal pain, , gastrointestinal disorders, and joint pain- tennis elbow, herniated or bulging discs- dizziness, weakness, and vertigo- muscle pain disorders- anxiety disorders, fatigue and stress

Additionally, it is also known to prevent progression, if not to treat, long list of health disorders. It includes:- providing complete relaxation- reducing overall anxiety and stress- improving blood circulation and preventing diseases- getting rid of body toxins and waste - increasing mental, spiritual, and mental well-being

- increasing flexibility and mobility of the body- balancing the menstrual cycles of the women- increasing sexual exuberance- clearing the mind - relaxing the musculoskeletal in the body structure

The explanation for the improvement and treatment provided by shiatsu massage therapy is when the body becomes imbalanced the immune system tends to become weak and consequently vulnerable enough to easily contract diseases.

If the body shows loss of energy, it experiences weakening, meaning the organs in the body are not functioning well while the body tissues are slowly failing. In shiatsu principle, it shows that the energy, chi, is already losing its capabilities as well to freely flow.

The aim of the shiatsu massage now is to restore that chi so that everything will follow suit until all the body organs are able to function better again. The technique that the massage therapist uses boosts the immune system so that the body is freed of the negative conditions.

It is amazing that the shiatsu massage technique only uses pressure method applied by the fingers, palm, thumbs, and sometimes by the elbow, knees and feet, but it is all about the amount of pressure administered into the pressure points of the body. The amount of pressure releases the hindered energy so that your overall well being improves significantly.

What Benefits Can You Get From Shiatsu Massage Chair

First, we need to know what shiatsu is and what it can do for you. It is a form of oriental medical treatment known to be started by Chinese people thousands of years ago, and became a powerful yet gentle healing art of the Japanese, with shi, meaning finger, and atsu, as pressure. It has the philosophy that the flow of energy must be re-established to benefit overall well being of the person by focusing on the network of meridians found in the human body.

The shiatsu has a literal meaning of "finger-pressure." It uses fingers, palms, thumbs, knees, elbows and even feet to apply the pressure to the body energy points. Through the use of these pressure-applying parts, shiatsu can serve as preventative therapy, addressing the underlying roots as well as the symptoms of various diseases. The meridians, which as shiatsu principle elaborates, are associated to most major body organs, like the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, and others.

As shiatsu principle teaches the people, it is the sole responsibility of the person to take care of their own well being and health. It is in contrast with the Western medical belief which earlier told us that it is the medical practitioners who are primarily responsible for the health of the people. In the Western awareness, the unique characteristic of tough therapy has been lost that it is believed that only the medical experts can give cure and treatment to people suffering from diseases.

While to most extent, it is necessary to trust one's well being into medical practitioners, it is not right to forget that there exists essential benefits between touches of two human beings delivering the needed communication that can also serve as therapy to improve one's health and condition. It is a good thing the western culture has now seen the significance of this touch therapy that it finally has recognized the beneficial effects of massage therapy, acupressure, and acupuncture methods, such as the shiatsu massage.

As the world recognized the essence of shiatsu massage method, out born the shiatsu massage chair for the people who want to improve their health condition and seek a more convenient way to do it. Shiatsu massage chairs are designed to provide the people a medium to improve their overall

being without going outdoors. What they get from the massage therapy sessions administered by the shiatsu specialists and practitioners can be obtained by using a shiatsu massage chair.

Obviously, shiatsu massage chairs have principles the same as that traditional shiatsu massage finger-pressure techniques provide. All the same, the massage chairs work to strengthen and improve the immune system so that when practiced or used more consistently, can become your instrument of preventive health care.

Many people can benefit from shiatsu massage chairs. As have been used by many celebrities like Henry Kissinger and professional dancers around the world like Martha Graham, Ivan Nagy, and others, this device is truly a magic working its way to provide better life not only to them but to people who are suffering from certain disorders and those wanting to relax their body.

The shiatsu massage chairs are a great way to relieve the patient from their muscle pains, especially at the back, legs, arms, and others parts of the body that are in constant rigid mobility, as well as other unhealthy conditions. The chairs will restore the vitality and energy so that the patient will always be ready to face the challenges even the harshness of their daily activities.