Sherri's Statement to Payson PD for False Report

On May 16, 2012 my husband Tom and I picked up our boys from school. School gets out at 3:15. We went to Smith's in Payson to get a couple of things. Tom went into Smith's while I and the boys stayed in the car. I noticed a band playing for a fundraiser I asked my boys if they would like to watch them. Cody jumped out of the car and followed Tom into the store. Conner and I stayed at the car. I gave Conner some money to put in the bucket, then we decided to get a few more things that I had not told Tom to get. We went into the store. Tom was in line and he asked me for the keys. I realized that I had locked the door so I rushed back out to the car. The back door was unlocked so I got in and waited for Tom and Conner, Cody had followed me out. We got home and Officer Shaw (I think ) from Payson PD called asking if I had been to Smith's I said I had. He informed me that one of the Black kids were there and had called their dad Chad Black. I was instantly upset because I have been harassed by these people for 2 plus years and Chad had managed to commit prejury in court with his personal friend as the Judge and obtain a stalking injunction against me. He is a policeman with Orem PD and had been with Santaquin PD also. To our knowledge he had been fired from the Santaquin PD because of his relentless persuit of me. The Utah County Sheriff Sergeant Packer 1-801-851-4050 has told us after his investigation that "We should be in FEAR of Chad Black" and that he was recommending charges be brought against him for his relentless harrassment of me. This man calls the cops on me when he spots my car. I do not have to be in my car.l am NOT on his street, nor am I trying to have any communication with them. He is constantly trying to accuse me of breaking the stalking injunction. The last Sheriff I believe Lawranson with Utah County, that came to my home told us he was going to WARN Chad Black that if he kept making false reports against me accusing me of breaking the stalking injunction he would charge him with filling false police reports that was on Nov. 17 I believe. The stalking injunction was granted because I tried to take video of his kids harassing me standing in front of my home staring at me outside for 40 plus minutes. The Sheriff, The Mayor, The Santaquin PD, My Lawyer, The town secratary had all said this was within my legal rights to do so, so I did. The Judge and Chad Black are friends and he was going to support his friend period. When does his accuations cross the line into harassment? I have caught him sitting in his truck right outside my home. If he sees me outside in my yard he calls the cops on me. I am looking for someone strong enough, brave enough, powerful enough, rightous enough to STOP him.I beg you to PLEASE PROTECT ME, I am constantly afraid. Please pass this on to the Payson attorny for a false police report charges against him. Please pull the video at Smith's. Do they have the right to turn me in anytime they see me or my car? This man is SICK and he needs help before he hurts me more. PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP ME. Chad asked the Judge for permission to come in front of my home. Chad asked the Judge to make me take my security camera's down. We put them up because of Chad and the fear he brings to us. The Judge's direct response to his request's was " You, will be well advised NOT to engage in conduct which is THREATENING or DISTURBING and might result in a counter order." These constant accusations of me breaking the stalking injunction are VERY THREATENING and EXTREMELY DISTURBING to me and my family.Please take action against this man. We are requesting an investigation with the Santaquin Chief and the Orem Chief, after that Al Acosta with POST is in line to do a full investigation, after them UHP Sergeant Matt Spillman is willing and waiting to do an investigation also. I beg you to look into this

Transcript of Sherri's Statement to Payson PD for False Report

Page 1: Sherri's Statement to Payson PD for False Report

On May 16, 2012 my husband Tom and I picked up our boys from school. School gets out at 3:15. We went to Smith's in Payson to get a couple of things. Tom went into Smith's while I and the boys stayed in the car. I noticed a band playing for a fundraiser I asked my boys if they would like to watch them. Cody jumped out of the car and followed Tom into the store. Conner and I stayed at the car. I gave Conner some money to put in the bucket, then we decided to get a few more things that I had not told Tom to get. We went into the store. Tom was in line and he asked me for the keys. I realized that I had locked the door so I rushed back out to the car. The back door was unlocked so I got in and waited for Tom and Conner, Cody had followed me out. We got home and Officer Shaw (I think ) from Payson PD called asking if I had been to Smith's I said I had. He informed me that one of the Black kids were there and had called their dad Chad Black. I was instantly upset because I have been harassed by these people for 2 plus years and Chad had managed to commit prejury in court with his personal friend as the Judge and obtain a stalking injunction against me. He is a policeman with Orem PD and had been with Santaquin PD also. To our knowledge he had been fired from the Santaquin PD because of his relentless persuit of me. The Utah County Sheriff Sergeant Packer 1-801-851-4050 has told us after his investigation that "We should be in FEAR of Chad Black" and that he was recommending charges be brought against him for his relentless harrassment of me. This man calls the cops on me when he spots my car. I do not have to be in my car.l am NOT on his street, nor am I trying to have any communication with them. He is constantly trying to accuse me of breaking the stalking injunction. The last Sheriff I believe Lawranson with Utah County, that came to my home told us he was going to WARN Chad Black that if he kept making false reports against me accusing me of breaking the stalking injunction he would charge him with filling false police reports that was on Nov. 17 I believe. The stalking injunction was granted because I tried to take video of his kids harassing me standing in front of my home staring at me outside for 40 plus minutes. The Sheriff, The Mayor, The Santaquin PD, My Lawyer, The town secratary had all said this was within my legal rights to do so, so I did. The Judge and Chad Black are friends and he was going to support his friend period.

When does his accuations cross the line into harassment? I have caught him sitting in his truck right outside my home. If he sees me outside in my yard he calls the cops on me. I am looking for someone strong enough, brave enough, powerful enough, rightous enough to STOP him.I beg you to PLEASE PROTECT ME, I am constantly afraid. Please pass this on to the Payson attorny for a false police report charges against him. Please pull the video at Smith's. Do they have the right to turn me in anytime they see me or my car? This man is SICK and he needs help before he hurts me more. PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP ME.

Chad asked the Judge for permission to come in front of my home. Chad asked the Judge to make me take my security camera's down. We put them up because of Chad and the fear he brings to us. The Judge's direct response to his request's was " You, will be well advised NOT to engage in conduct which is THREATENING or DISTURBING and might result in a counter order." These constant accusations of me breaking the stalking injunction are VERY THREATENING and EXTREMELY DISTURBING to me and my family.Please take action against this man. We are requesting an investigation with the Santaquin Chief and the Orem Chief, after that Al Acosta with POST is in line to do a full investigation, after them UHP Sergeant Matt Spillman is willing and waiting to do an investigation also. I beg you to look into this

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further. I am sending you a copy of the Court Proceedings. Chad admits to harassing me. Please remember Chad is a cop and he knows full well what does and does not constitute breaking of a stalking injunction. It is more that obvious that he is doing this to harass me. Please make him STOP HARASSING ME.I beg for you to care.

Thank you for your time Sherri Watson