Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1910-10-21. · 2017. 12. 16. · Woodstock, Va. FORSALE. Anice...

SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY DY JNO. H. GRABILL -SUBSCRIPTION- SI OO P*»- Yaarf INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Communications of private nature charged for aa advertising. HERALD JOB OF-F-ICB is complete in every respect. Woik done on short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Vol. 93 Woodstock, Virginia, Friday, October 21,1910. No. 42 Sher\ar\doahHcardI ADVBRTISIN3 RATBS Advertisements will bs Inserted at One Dollar per square of ten lines or less, for the first insertion and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. .iTQuarterly or yearly adver ti<»<jnient-a by contract. GTUnless the number of inser¬ tions ls marked upon the manu¬ script, advertisements will be pub¬ lished until forbidden and charge* accordingly. trailing Hair Dandruff Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly destroy* the germs Avcr's Hair Vigor Just as promptly destroys the Jj that cause falling hair. If nourishes the hair- germs that cause dandruff, lt removes even I bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the sca.pB falling out. grows more rapidly. clean and in a healthy condition. Does not Color the Hair We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair may use it freely without having the hair made a shade darker. Ingredients: *#^^^ Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it. J V. ATCB CV>MI>A!*T. lowell. Maw For Sale. An excellent lime stone farm 140 acres of productive lund, 30 acres iu Woodland. 7 room dwelling, large Swisher barn with free electric lights at house and barn, and all necessary outbuildings in /-cod repair, well watered and fenced. 1 1-2 miles from Woodstock, l-l mile from Valley Pike reason for selling owner desires to engage in othyr business. Price - VH), 1-3 cash, ballauce to suit pur* chaser not a cent less will buy lt. Six room frame dwelling, good r-llar, metal roof, two porches nicely pslnlsd and other outbuildings. Plenty i>f fruit of nearly all kinds, 2 miles from Mau.'srtovvn, Va., on H. Y. D. 1 | -maining 3 l-l licres of land under wire fecce only 1750.60 for this coz;. little home. Apply to J. N. DAVIS i CO., Real Bst- Agents. For Sale. An up to date new dwelling just -ned of 8 rooms with bath, front and back porches good cellar, (will install furnace) nice lot, tine gar-den. ?vnd nice fruit, enclosed by iron fence. ( Msw nt pavement and walks.100 yards t'roju station. This is an ideal resi- ai-*sfce and will be sold at a reasonable le. Location at Mt. Jacgson, Va. Nice 7 room dwelling3-4 mile from rXroSjs) Run, Va , BJ acres of land, l\ heres in tine fruit, barn 42*10 feet, carriage house lf>xl<», blacksmith -.hop 20s28 feet, iee house lfaltt feet, tine garden and shade all in ti rot-Mass condition. Price reasonable. Apply to J. N. DAVISS CO., Woodstock, Va. FOR SALE. A nice small home H miles north of Woodstock on the Valley Pike, nice roosn dwelling.papered and paint- sd and anana Oil I < utbuildings all in food repair,2i acies of excelent land, anc' plenty o' all sort of fruit. R. F. D. Woodstock Va., To quick pur¬ chaser at a Real bargain. Apply to J. N. DAVIS & CO, Real Estate Agt. If You Want to Drive, Come Here I ara now running a FIKST (las liv kuy in Woodstock with my hotel J can furnish you teams you will en- driving. Good horses and nice equipment. Nothing cheap looking about any outtit which leaves my stable. Prices roas-)nable and good service. J. W HOLTZMAN Ice Cream Constantly on hand at the Excelsior Creamery Wood¬ stock, Va. AL.L. I CK CRriAM AND ICES GUAKANTKED PURE. fjmww your orders for Sundav* creams, only, at Wallon & Smoot's Drug Btore Our ice plant is now in operation. A. W. NICODEMUS & SONS, Woodstock. Va Feb 2l*.l vr CORE Of THE EARTH. -©fi. .f .h. Enioma. .? Natur. Th.t Sei.t.M Cannot Solv.. Human being, know only a mere .Vin of the .urfaoe of tho «irtb. M ^orelo thirty .*».?»* .lute la 8.000 mlle* I. diameter AM 1, probably no Wf" **.» ul"w rt,i, X a^ lt .. dimc-lt to ****- what are tte «.***"**¦ *I|W"; p . SS the beavlca, MM *"¦ ¦ ri<.n«e rore near tbe center. . 1 .tannin-. th.t m. tn so conv .f the coiwtltueiil" of the MM mass of Sm beueu.b us and really only know he mere*, Stan A akin or mern- ^ one-.wen,,-,, of an im-h In browu .*£*. .!'« ^...,er repre. tl«» more than n T»*'t ¦¦ ^"S "he ,Z £" »«."': Te Ire dependent on inference and «--r SSsSaMrS s eonatitnt un uf ^IMhn. ^^ mere akin of IWrW ...., . on .be globes* f"^ Tolcllm,(, thrown up by fte ***Jte. does not come from <* orTeUu. -M. lies bidden there-Ex- change. cam# Famous Echoas* There ia a S-nte echo on tte Rhine There » , ,..,.,.. nrnicB between Roblen" ...,, repeats a won W^ .tff "". s-,'i'u''h ,..!,, CMW. "J S"'u JT . ho bk -, rite- «v, £2 ta Mff re t key, and -111 ,,^ In d.ffre (tnwn ^^ *;v* £* J, ,u KUM two «"" " ?ter l«w» .'".ter Brewster men >»**-**#W"" ... u.rtu aide of dona JW* " ,. Englflnd Ripley --l-'urcb- O' vWllM. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SHENANDOAH COUNTY. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW' M. L. Walton, Collection K. D. Ni wv >n. Department. NV. L. N kw man. Notary Public. w ALTON ft WALTON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Woodstock, Va. Practice in State and Federal Courts. 8. TAVENNER. J. M. BAUSERMAN np a v i; n N B i: k 11A U 8 B11M A N, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Woodstock, Va. | EMU EL BORDER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Began practice in 1878. Owner and Manager of The Shenandoah Valley Collection and Adjustment Agency, established 1899. I'ost-ottiee address Calvary, Shenandoah county, Va. T? n. BRUMBACK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Woodstock, Va. Office: In uLawers Row,*1 former¬ ly occupied bi the late P. W. Magruder. R USH II. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Woodstock, Va. Common wealth's attorney for SHENANDOAH COUNTY. Will practice in adjoining- counties Will be in New Market every Satur- dav. PHYSICIANS. D R. R. McC. HOFFMAN, TOM'S BROOK, VIRGINIA. Having decided to locate at Tom's, Brook, I oiler my professional ser¬ vices to the neople of that place and vicinity. Calls promptly answered dav or night. IMO-'09. D R. J. H. SMOOT, Having located in Woodstock, can be found at his residence on North Muhlenburg Street, the late residence of Dr J. L. Campbell, when not pro¬ fessionally engaged. D R. D. D. CARTER, Offlos and Residence South Main St Woodstock, Virginia. <# Special attention given to Sur¬ gery. Phone Call 38. D TX. W. S. CLItfE, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. §$?' Calls answered day or night. Office and residence North Main St. March DENTISTS. D U. T. P. LOCKE. RESIDENT DENTIST, Office Main St., Woodstock, Va. KiT Chloroform, ether and cocaine used for painless extraction of teeth. Dec. 20.lyr. D R. J. C. BOWMAN, DENTIST, Woodstock, Virginia. Office on Court Street, above the, of Tftvf»nner & Bauserman. Mutual Telephone. May 28, 'OU.lyr. BUSINESS CARDS- Woodstock Marble Works WOODSTOCK, VA. Monuments, Tombs and all kinds of Cemetery Work. Lowest prices in the Valley. Give us a call. E. U. SNYDER. Barber Shop. Court St,, Woodstock Va. Warden Fravel, Propr. Shavs. 10 | Haircut.... 15 Singe. 15; Shampoo.. ll Facial Massage. 25 Tonic Rub. I snd 10 Shaving Corpse_ 1.00 Shave awav from shop 25 Haircut *r " 30 Haircut and shave away from shop 50 S/jf Prompt attention given to all customers A Snarf of the public patronage80" iicited. For Sale. 130, acre tract of grazing land on Rysls Run between Diberty Furnace and CoDicville, on which is some timber.all in grass except the tim¬ ber-well watered bv Ry als Run. It is an excellent grazing .arm and will be sold low. Aisalv to J. N. DAVIS & CO., Woodstock. Va. wmmm*SNs\ WORRY DOES KILL lt Slowly but Surely Destroys the Celia of the Brain. Modern science- has brought to light nothing more curiously lilla, tating than I hat WfOTtf will kill. More re¬ markable still, it bas been able to de¬ termine Inst bow wurry does kill. lt ls bflleved by many scientists who have followed carefully the growth of the science of brain dis¬ eases that scores of thc deaths set down to their causes are due to arorry and that alone. The theory is a sim¬ ple one, so simple that any one can readily understand it. Briefly put, lt smonntS to this: Wor¬ ry injures beyond repair certain cells of the brain, and. tbs brain being the nutritive center of the kodj", the other organs become gradually injured, and when some diseases of these organs or a combination of them arises death finally ensues. Thus wurry krils. Insidiously, Uko manj other Alec¦ rca it creeps upon the brain In the form of a single, e<m stnnt. never 1-st Idea, ami as a drop¬ ping of water Over a perilh\ of year-1 will wier a groove In the Stone, Ki d"es worry gradualiy. Imperceptibly and no less surely destroy the brain cells that lead all the rest, Which are. so to speak, the commanding officers of mental power, benito ami BtOtlOP. Worry, to make the theory still stronger, is an Irritant at certain points, which pmdacea little harm if lt comes nt intervals or irregularly. Occasional worriment the brain ct\n cope with, but the iteration and the reiteration of one idea nf a disquiet¬ ing sort the cells of the brain are riot proof against. It Is as if tim skull wvre laid baie and the snrfsce «f the brsln arrack lightly with a hammer every few sec* onds with mechanical precision, arith nerer a sign of a atop r»r ihe failure "f a atr '. Jnsi in flu; tray dot i thu annoying kies, the maddening though! that will ir.; 1 e done awsy with.sttil e or fall upon certain nerve rells, never ig. diminishing tbe vitality of the delicate organisms that aro so mlnuti that they can be s. en only under !h« microscope..Journal of Physiologies! Therapeutics. _ COMMISSIONERS' SALK OF VALUABLE Real Estate. Pursuant to a decree rendered by tiie Circuit Court of Shenandoah county at its September term. 1910, in the chancery suit of Ida ('overstone, i\c , vs. Jno.' A. MclnturtT, fee., the under¬ signed special commissioners will sell at public auction, on the premises, on Wednesday, October 26th. 1910, the -eal estate of which the late B. L. MclnturtT, dec'd, died seized and possessed, consisting of sundry tracts of land lying adjacent to each other, containing in all about 106 acres,more or less. This land lies in Powell's Fort Val¬ ley, directly across the Massanutten Mountain from Woodetock, and ll very desirable property. The cleared land is in good con¬ dition, with a good comfortable house and all the necesaary outbuildings, and a considerable quantity of good fruit od the property. A considerable portion of tin land is in good timber. TERMS OF SALK: One-third cash in hand on the day of sale, the residue in two equal annual installments, deferred pay¬ ments to be evidenced by bondi with good security, and the title to be re-, tained until the purchase money is fully paid. |p The sale will begin at Ki o'clock, A. M. i I.. D. NEWMAN. F. S. TAVENHER, Oct. 7-td. Conns, of Sale. K. H. Smith, Auctoneer. In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Shenandoah County. Woodstock, Va., Sept 28, 1910. Ida Coverstone &c. Corapls. against In Chancery. John A. MclnturtT, &c. Defts. I, Geo. W. Miley, Deputv Clerk of said Court, do hereby certify that K. D. Newman, who was appointed Special Commissioner of sale in said Cause by a decree rendered therein on the 12th\lay of September, 1010, has r>YPPnfr»(l hond. with nersonal security, o the penalty fixed by the Court, and onditioned and payable as prescribed »y law. Given under mv hand this 28th dav >f Sept. A. I)., 1910. GEO. W. MILKY, I). Clerk c. c. c. s. C CAIMILD Uhr BY A LION. Thrilling Expsriercc of a Rai ctr In tha Transvaal. Twa men si mmx* have ghan nc- .om.ts nf their Beuafltloua arbes th. \ I led "t by Ilona ihe great rs .il rer Lil il da name. .Voiltiter, i or -'ame i ?aerve* ti t' v 'J r W liol, i hi dven un- la not al ry In Interest I L!\ Itu itone'a i iperleiiee. His a blcfa area atte* t'-.l i. thc .rriii .f the m. M i. aral substantially w-. Ile was riding aleut a IC:fir patt SbOSJl °.n boor after MUDA t. It h.ic been a long march, end be had posited sj sliead of [wtilona His doj barked si iroeni i : w IL iter an > a lion crouching dosi to bim "ti bl bau I side. The rang* r lumecl bi i anarply a < Irnimsfauce !.,it no doubt cn; c. the li' D to I . I Wo!' tiler \ led At Ihe aa mc a.'On' . be aa pr ano '. i li ¦¦>. coming fr m ihe opno Ile direr! n. The rushed ott, arith tl . lion kn pursuit, si d tits omi lion pfc Wo! bc tor op ni:n< * i pf< re bs * the gr und aud gi j right sin adder in su«ii a position thai he was face up. erith ids lega snd body drugging onderueatii tha beast. The lion trotted down the po th uttering i loud, grou i..i .. | Wolhuter's sensations were not those Of lavington", who mid tie vms lu n stat.* of spot by, with entire sheena e f pain during tbe time thc lion had bim. The game ruttger suffered terribly, both menially and physically, aid saw no possible woy of escape. The lion tonk him ne yards, Suddenly fViiltinter he b u-..!.i him of his sheath knife, whl h be carried In bia bait bia rtfjht bin. On reach lug a large tree with ov< rbanglng r the lion atopp d. poa Wollmtcr stabbed him twice in the Bide with bia left band, it en d after ward thai Ihe Di tah lou bed tbe bottom of the henri ; ul that tbe aec omi one i III i; d n r di lance The lion Irani dropped Wol I e ranger st.-.: li Iii. ). l In the throat SpVi : Tit.- k snd atc* d rac* .. Ibuter wran Men" iring nt the top of bi :i-t tl ul U did not lo I. nilli growl A to I b .'. In turn knew that thi - .' i : w<; t tree sa fast e* h!> Injured sn > a i nhl ; ermlt, ami hardly was he i led erben tbe Uno lion, irbk'h Natl been :ifr.-r t!.». bon** came bark i n Ihe trail R.» this time the plucky ranger'waa faint that be tied himself to the tree to prevent himself fruin miling OOt lie was found ly bis companion* who tonk bim to a pla «. of - ifcty. The Hon be had killed ursa a*i old male, and the wennon need eras sn ordlaarj Bheath knife.- New York Tribune. FIGHTING FATIGUE. Jacking Up the Tired System Without Using Stimulants. If efforts to Beep at work atv tinned in spite of fatigue the qunfttj of the work ls poor and the exhaustion Inordinate. Students constantly make this error and do all sorts of things to keep Baraks IO burn the mldnlghl oil when if they arnold go to bed awl rest they could accomplish far mon In half the time in the morning with little or no fa Mime. Yet lhere ;ire ilinea when sleepiness ami fatigue must be overcome without resort to stimulants which injure tin Judgment. Uss tired physician will. a critical cine, for instance, must bSV# his wits Sbottl bim, snd it Hill aid bin vastly to ^'o to un open window ever? lifteen or thirty minutes to take I dozen or two deep inspirations of cold air. Bis exhaustion in the end will h. great, but be rsn make it np utter. As a matter of fact, surgeons am others whose work requires the keen esr pereepflona Instinctively choose th. early murnini: for their best efforts reserving Ihe afternoon for "tnt pressure" tasks or recreation Thai ls. it is far hotter to so live thar we ib not need the stimulus of I heae est rsm (Unary merlinda il respiration.-Amet ICSU Medicine. Banking Service Hanks are becoming more and more the custodians of the funds of the people, of both lar^e and small means. This is due to a wider appreciation of the value of banking: service as its usefulness in extend and its methods become better known, In the case of The Shenandoah National Bank THE BEST service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to pro¬ tect the interests of its patrons, making usc of every means of precaution. It's up-to-date s> stem pf accuracy, promptness and the same carfeul attention to large or small depositors. It is a safe bank. It is the bank for all the and poor, men, women and chil¬ dren. If you have any banking business to transact, come to the The Shenandoah National Bank of Woodstock. 4 A MISMATEO POET The Tardy Marriage of Fitz¬ gerald and Lucy Carton. A UNION PITIFUL, YET COMIC The Couplo Were Utterly Unsuited te One Another, ar.d He Fled From Her During the Honeymoon.A Reunion That Failed to Reunite. The Incidents li sdlng up lo ind those following the marriage of Edward Fitzgerald, translator <>f the "omar Khayyam," were of n Indi tons ind si tbs same time somewbui leffoos e isr ¦cter. Ur. Francis Ulibbie gtre the farts in the Port nigh (ly Kevicwt "The Lory Barton at< ry la rery piti¬ ful, hut it is .iiso rather corni.-. Sn urns n Quaker's daughter, who had joined tho Church of England BS :i means, one Imsgtnea, of climbing the social ladder, and abe was just tbe sort of person whom OTttgerald would i. hut detest.prim, pious, me¬ thodical, fussy, not quite a lady snd yet In a weird provincial way world- ly, the sort of person to whom it aeema equally Important to teach In the Sun¬ day school and to he u leader of so¬ ciety. ""aTttaajetald nnd nhs) bad known each other for tbs greater part of their lives mid were both nearly fifty years of sgt when marriage overtook Se did Hot even know that be was ,n- gUged to her. Hut she told him that he was. and he was too polite to contra¬ dict her. "Politeness only broke down winn, .after the ceremony, she assumed pro¬ prietorial airs and Insulted that h«r husband should pay afternoon calla with her and dress f..r dinner. That was the last straw, though very likely it was also the lirst. MFltsgerald supposed apparently that lu marrying Lucy Barton be bad mere¬ ly acquired a housekeeper who would know her place, ar ho ifould confine her new dignity io ber housekeeper's room, leering bim as free sa of old to atop about In allppered ease, unkempt, unshaven, enveloped In n drcaalug gown until the evening, arith booka all OTer the floor, pipes all over the mantelpiece and tobacco ssh all ©ref his clothes. "It BfOUtd not have mattered, of course, if he had married f..r lora sud if hil bride had been fl woman of grace and charm. Ruell a one would bare changed all thal 'i!..* n fairy arne- Ing i magie wami. Bul Fitzgerald had only married 'to oblige.' snd Mrs. Fitz- gerald area nol In ihe leam like a fairy. She ursa more like a female drill ser¬ geant, convent iona I, miff and yet erith pretensions, "Her (low of fussy small t. 'k l nuisance, and lier interruption of I- it:'.- geralda' meditations arith tbe demand that he should shave sud urear clean linen assumed the proportion cf a tragedy in hui eyes ..He st... d i; f. r a fortnight an 1 iben Bed. 1 iring tbe b nc nntlnlabed, going off to stay u'itli friends, boltl _ like a rabbit for its IrUtToW. "There were a reunion and tnt at¬ tempt at reconciliation, hut in rain. Fitzgerald's !e;;crs to his friends at this period are like I be letters home of a boy who is being bullied at achoo! "'I boii.-ve.' he writes to Professor fowell, 'there are new channels fretted In my cheeks erith many unmanly bBBn, Bud til! re toa;ly is no »-\ I bat he had anything to .-ry about be¬ yond the fa. t IbSt he was bein;; hus¬ tled out of a comfortable dressing gown Into a atarched shirt with high collars "That fa t area symbolical of the general discrepancy of tastes and points «.f rle***. Bo sr* And him writ- lng again. 'Tin I see better how we get on 1 dare li\ on no place to live or die in.' Bid lieu before long came definite separation aud the drafting of a d»ed of aettlemeot, "Fitzgerald, it i; said, used lon;* aft¬ erward to walk op and down a certsln garden path f<>r hours together railing himself a fool, and nlien in later .wars he met his wife again he first put out his band aud then changed his mind and turned US back." Tha Scales on the Hair. If you look at a human hair nuder the mi roscope you will find that its sui fa'e la f.rined of rmccoealTB over¬ lapping ace les. The bristles of the hog bear much resemblance to the human hair, though their diameter is greater SUd tiie tllellke srtlei are much tin t Sheep's hair has much < . ar>er s it is OWlng to tile existence of these settles that « tie is able by a peculiar prooe** to tell arbk'fa is lbs tip and arbtcll tba oilier cod of a hair rollin*: it between his Huger sud thumb. Thus Oiaulputated the hair always tra\ ol¬ in the direction of the base be the edges or tbes ales prewitt it fr ... going the other arny. The Attraction. Tourist I must ninteen that 1 can't see why so main seofote want to rome nen* Mi rwewery. Wu amusements, no BJOnd thirii;s to eal. ah<olutel\ 110 al ira-ti..n** Innkeeper Ali. rigs**?. Bey rome because are .ive bs lt ran' iaf<ei to alick sst m> Biggage. Ueslcas Bet ¦H Peculiarities of Lichens. Tie lit hm \* remarkable for the rroat B|*e to wi,I h it ims. Hates behsg .1 devine that the plants endri . for ICU I Th. lr prowth is es rrd ". almost he- .f. indi sting that only a lit¬ tle n- ut i- h. ry to ke..p In a dry time they bate ihf power to asap rod prowth alto- r. renewing lt Bgaln st the fail .f raia Tiii- pe D ¦.'¦"lie is : table U ;. i rota rty usjasa by r . Otl r le* «>f plant Auother Interesting feet i bout ii hens Ls thai they gro I li-'te the air ls free frees ttmet and aasoke. They may ix* -aid to I I i -ure Indication of Um pu rity of the air. n* tiny are never found trowing in I'ltlra mid towns vilate tue atuosjU're ts Impr-enated with dust, soot. Bssafje sad other Impurities. Trouble For the Tourist!. There ls a story on record of three Irishmen rushing sway from the race meeting at Puacbestowa to catch a train bach to Dublin. At the moment a train from a long distance pulled up at tho station, and tbe three men acrumbled in. lu the carriage waa seated one other passenger. As soon as they had regained their breath one said: 'Tat. have you got th* tickets?'' "What tieliets? I've got me loire' I (bought I'd have lost that gettln' In th' thrain. Have you got 'em, Molke?" "Ol? Iiegorrah. I haven't!" "Oh. we're all done for, thin!" said the third. They'll charge us rolght from th' other solde of Olreland." The old gentleman* looked over his newspaper and said: "You are quite safe, gintlemen. Wait till we get to th' next station." As soon ss the train pulled up the little gentleman Jumped out and came back with three first clars tickets. Handing them to the astonished stran¬ gers, he said: "Whist! I'll tell you how I did it! I whit along th' thrain 'Tickets, plaze; tickets, plaze!' I called and these belong to three Saxon towr ists In another carriage." Banks on the Lookout. A merchant in a large 'itv allowed his name to be posted in his club three times for nonpayment of dues. A few days after the last posting he applied to hhs hank for a loan. When the ap¬ plication came up to the bank's credit man.that newest of a bank's lmpor taut officials.he pulled out the eua tonier's history card. The latest entry was one typewritten sentence, "Does not pay his club dues, three times delinquent." The loan was refused. The merchant w-as either careless, near broke or unappreciative of Ids credit standing. Any of these reasons looked bad to the banker. Business men do not realize how Closely their banks watch DUch the banks are bound to know about their affairs, how much seem bigly sm.; ll I binga in their daily lives affect credit, and big things that they BometlmeM irani to conceal too..Sys¬ tem Maga/ii.e. Eddystone Island. The ama I esl Inhabited island in the on which the Eddystone lighthouse da At low water lt ls thirty feet in diameter. At high water the lightbou . whose diameter at the is eight and three-fourths feet, completely covers lt. It is inhabited by three i ersons. It lies nine miles off the Cornish cost Bud fourteen miles southeast of Plymouth breakwater Platholme, an island in the Hritish chaim. I. is only a mil.' and a half in circumference, but. coualsting mostly of rich [Mature lands.supports a farm besides the ligbtbi use, with a rejoicing light ICU feel above the sea Tl-, re are sta nt ads, lan:-. ;::. i Bluall, acattered orer the oceans America al. to b i 5 0 around Ita -. Tier.' are 305 in the bay of .Janeiro. ItXOOO between alsdsgsa car and lu.lia atal aome 1.200 off the east.-rn roast of Australia between lu maiulaud and New Ouinea. Jenny Lind and the Trill. Jenny Finn after years of stead} practice believed thal the much covet ed trill was for her an impossibility She practiced hours a day. hut wa- unable to accomplish the feat. On. day, thoroughly discouraged, abe wai Bitting lu ber garden when all tit one* she looked up Into a tree. Above bet a bini was trilling. Mie at once areni to her plano ami through some magi1 or power of imitation bogan the tri', ami from that day never had any fur thor difficulty. Losing His Senses. A mischievous boy. baring get po« BtmmUtn <>f bia -rm nd fut ber** aperl-srl*** privately took 001 the glasses. Winn the old gentleman put them on. Budlu, he could not see. he exclaimed: "Moro; on me! I've lost my sight!" But. thin!; ing the Impediment to vision might li¬ the dirtiness of the glasses, he tool them off to Wipe them. when, not feel bag them. he. still more frightened cried out: "Why. what's come now' I've lost my feeling too!".hondo i Idcas. An Ancient House. The ancient Romans had a catspo*1 that could burl rocks more luau a mile." "Now 1 understand it." "What?' My HUS ' >rd told me the house was | st- no's throw from the depot. Hf must have 1 ad lt on his hands sine* the time of thc Caesars. A Complex Rest Cure. MB!la*aiua la a very vociferous per son."' "Yes." r*q»!ieu Miss Cayenne, "but I don't blame bim. Tba erny a man a his rest* td* lieltes is li; talking so loud he can't hear himself think." IVusbiugtoU Kiar. Center et Toujhrcss. inquiring TourM Wend yen cai this a tough town) s:i-.y Native Tough) say. airsuger. oVii**u ar** han old home week here (tel. lives iron nP ov.r tin' < oiiuti v (iitnc sad pick on' just \. Ito they want. I'm. h. Co-sc'e cs (Jotl i^ Hi : an in !l alor Ol what i< right. Thal ls the province o wisdom based on knowledge. Con Glenco is Hie illflUr hr.; native in, pelling us to d whit we betters t" ». rigid_. A who'- M of people n*wee besot ihe foo! f ?r rain tug from hi* mon.-* umil Hftf-r ll is all goss* Phllaealptli I inquirer. Seeking For Danger. "I'm going lo lick Smltn." -Whj'.'" .Ile .said 1 was a horse thief and a liar." .Hld he prove UT "No" "Then let weil enough alone and don't get him any madder.".Cleve land I^'udei. I* S I I I ll **J I \ j ¦*. Their Velocity Vants According to t h tret ol Gravity. A n:a lsUiUg from u th. *ui! bi: : :.u New Orleans trill Hui f is f st . > la- would if he were lu mu city. In fact, in hardly any two .¦a- s will he fall with the rame Thia la because i to¬ ward thp equator Ihe for o of gravity *eta i.-s and less, and consequently the Bccderatlon <f a fa! log body be- - loss, and tiie force of Impact ls fore terna. While it docs not make very much difference in the injury tc a psrsou falling from a height, it does make a difference in other things. Take a rifle ;;.<1 it exactly horizontally, and if 'h.- gun is sixteen feel al ore the ground, say. at New York the bullet Bred from such a rifle will srriUo the 'round in exactly oue so*«>nd after !t leaves the rifle. If the bullet has a horizontal velocity of IjOOO feet per second it will strike the earth exactly 1.0<n feet away. Let us take the same rifle to a place where the force of gravity ls not the same as Ht New York, but a good deal smaller, say two-thirds smaller. We find that if the goo is placed sixteen feet above the ground, as before, and absolutely horizontal the bullet will not fall the sixteen feet in oue second, but will take over one and a half seconds to fall. thea enabling the bullet to be in the iir during that length of time. Therefore lt will strike the grouud about 1.000 feet away. Thus it ls seen that the range of a ri He is Increased as it Is taken toward the equator. Of course there ls no place on the earth where the force of gravity two-thirds smaller than at New York but there are many places where tile difference is considerable enough to affect slightly the range of rifles.-Har¬ per's Weekly. The Chicle Tree- Cl iring gum is ootbmg but chicle mixed with sugar and flavoring, and chide is the -"Uta <>f a tree that grows plentifully in Mexico and Central Ar erics and that of recent year- been cultivated on a large scale In Yucatan. The chicle tree is not unlike the india rubber tree, and the gum was first shipped to America by men who believed that in It they had a per feet substitute for rubber. In this, how-ever, they were mistaken, as lt was found that the chicle gum was Insolu¬ ble. Not to this day has any medium acid or alkali, spirit or ether beer found that will dissolve it.-Argonaut Tolerance. Jane.I've something on me mind. 'Arry, that I hardly knows how to tell yer. 'Arry-Aht wiv it. Jane.Fm afraid yer won't marry me If I tells yer. 'Arry- Ant wiv it. Jane.Fm a somnambulist. 'Arry. 'Airy (after prolonged pause).Neve, mind. .lane. ICU be all right. If there ain't no chapel for it we'll be o*arried at a registry..London Fuueh A Good Actor. **I see you have an actor employed on the farm." "Y'es, I put him on. He's a darn good actor too. I thought he was working the first week he was here.".Kansas City Times. The Little Things. It Is not the straining for great thiugs that is most effective; it ls th*? doing the little things, the common duties, a little better and constant Improving.that tells. Not Ladylike. "What do you think I ought to sn) to you for coming home so in such a condition'.'" demands th lady of the house. Torlea she abougbtr gracefully re piles the courteous husband. "Peri-d Sha shought! IF dear, -uroly yo- would not sh'pose I would ever shin you ought to shay she shings I shin1 you ought to shay!".Judge. Fate of a Speeder. Gunner- Bigwoed, the miliiouair. started off for a banquet and was si rested for speeding. Coyer-Then li wasn't witted and toasted? l.unuor- No; instead lie was tined aud roa.ste.; .Chicago News. Genuine Genius. "Jones ls a genius." "I never thought much of h' poems." "They are not the reason. He sin cacda in selling them."-Buffalo Cj press. CHILDREN In disorders and dis¬ eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. *&*» Careful feeding and bathing are the babies9 remedies. Scott's Emulsion it the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil¬ dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR 8AI.R BY AU. DRUGGI8T8 Send !0c., nsme of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Bach bank contains S Good I«nck Penny. SCOTTaBOW^ffi.40Sl-o--HSl,lC,Y. FGUnilT TO A FINISH. riger and Crocodile In a Battle In the Water. In India a native ireul to bathe in a ratine, Ile was in the water up to aM neck wlien a tffSr on the hill ibore gars a leap toward its prey. [int the tig. r had not calculated that, .imo his victim was nindi lower than llmaetf, a hap of tho ri^bi tfrr-ngth 'or a horizontal range would carry dm far beyond his msrk: n naetiueut y he fell some ten fte* on the other dde. Now, lr happened t%»t! a hungry croc- >dlle was et the san;,, tine drawing a :>ec line under waar toward the ne* Ive. When the crocodile had almost sjsjss upon his prej be li d 'id In front ami mad.- a dash, bring' ng his enormous Juwa down on the iver's paw. The bather nearly fainted | 'ri^lit wlien he saw \'.,<> tiger fall lie water, and for a few ; 'ould not uuderstarid why the < iva- ure did not devour him. Why did he )ersist in kiping ono «»f his paws un- let water. beating savagely with flin >ther? And the water ramed red! Then all ar once the saasvltS of the lger becasae more furious, and his rrowls developed imo na rs. The huge ail of a crocodile rear d np ont <>f water. The obvious intention was o pull the tiger under water and irowu him, and the tiger, understand* ng this purpose, tried to frustrate lt >y beating the snout of the crocodile Sith his other paw. I'.ut the BSSSl vas too far down, and he left mw h if his force on the surface of the wa- er. His struggles became more and nore feeble, and at length he disap¬ peared altogether, only a cluster of nibbles remaining to show where he md been. Ills fight, however, had been a game me, not entirely In vain, for when he bodies of the two besets finally .ame to the surface lt was seen that he tiger had literally torn away the vhole front of the crocodile's face and lad blinded it so that Irs victory waa i useless one..Chicago Record Herald. Our affections are oar life. We Uv* by these They supply our warmth . Channing. LAWYERS IN GERMANY. rhey Cannot Advertise, and Their Feee Are Fixed by Law. The German law fixes the exact fees ivhich a German attorney has to claim for all kinds of professional work, and ;he rechtsanwalt can charge neither nore nor loss Those fees apply to all matters of he civil code mid of criminal cases. |he amount, accorShlg to the Gr--.ii I'.ag. depends exclusively on the value >f the object of contention. It is an old thougb Mill unfulfilled arish of German lawyers to have a Dew fixed list of fe. r-. not made after the old and low standard of tie yoaf l-j~9, but made with consideration to the changes.tbe numerous d. ' i PbSllgH SJlaVh have takeu place since that year. The rechtsanwalt is attorney and counselor at law ail in one (in Kngland solicitor and bsirtsti-r). The ratotana* walt can never be a business man. as ls the case in the United States. The steel ise of the law la not to be considered a (ailing of profession, but ls to be looked on more as a public office. According to the lawyers" code of the 1st of July, 18TB, a lawyer is iharged publicly with certain duties. Ile is obliged to have his residence in the tows or district where he is ap¬ pointed (so called residence duty). Further, he must conduct himself In and out of osaca hs a way boiitting his lirofrrsalnnsl and ¦oeSSl atSilrtsBBJ I e., duty due to his rank. Thus a lawyer Ls forbidden to advertise in newspa¬ pers, by raarsaalng, etc., or to buy or take over a practice already made is being unworthy of his calling. His position iu society is between officials and ra .. ilsrs, and through elis¬ ion) and law he is compelled to keep 'he position r.( the last de-:oe. This ompu'sion to keep one's rank has jives rise t-» the exi-ton<o w»f com¬ mittees calh d aawslmkaasssera, whose duty it Ls to keep a strict watch that no lawyer dishonors his cal! ag. Theso committees have a strict rode of pun¬ ishment, ranging to complete expul¬ sion from oilice. In this way the law¬ yers in Germany have a good and hon¬ ored position. In fact, there is scarcely a couutry lu which the lawyer enjoys more respect and confidence. TASMANIA. Nicknames Applied to the One Tims Convict Settlement. "Tasmania is perhaps th > BBBBJ inter- eating of the states of mir common¬ wealth." remark*d the Australian. "It is a large triangular island liing to the aoutb of Melbourne ami was once a convict settlement. 'The climate is delightful and the aoll remarkably fertile. The Island Is practically one large orchard, whers peaches, apples, cherries, etc., are grow n In sufficient quanti! s to keep the adjoining continent tsiij ,>.ied, with some left over fer exi>ort tu Englaud Aa fruit trees do not r* : re much tending, leisure ls a uotnMe . Iiaracter* istic of the Inhabitants, and Tasmania is known throughout the BUUpoSBBI as ¦ihe land of lois 0f time" or r..e land of sleep a lot." lt is also saltrd the jam country' and its native* ; imillarly termeil 'Jam eaters." This la « a account of the Bffssssjee of au enormous can¬ nery in the Island, where sc me of the orchard products are con\» ried Into jsms, Jellies and preserved milts. "But this by no means en ls the list of Tasmanian niekuames. Two I Hitch explorers.Tasman aud Van 1 denian. had to do with the discovers of the island, and, although the Din >* of Tas¬ man 1m now used. It la adte** referred to in old aehool booka as Van (Memana Land. We find lt amualn,. to twist the latter name a blt and Bad tbe Tas¬ manians 'demons,' which 1m a shame, ss they are tbe mildest nod best tal¬ lowa in tbe world. TUey speak ot themselves ss Taaiea/ snd (hat may be accepted aa their naaaViul dcasfsav ejosu"*-Jle*w ta* ftes* ^^

Transcript of Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1910-10-21. · 2017. 12. 16. · Woodstock, Va. FORSALE. Anice...

Page 1: Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1910-10-21. · 2017. 12. 16. · Woodstock, Va. FORSALE. Anice small homeHmiles north of Woodstockon the Valley Pike, nice roosn dwelling.papered



Communications of private naturecharged for aa advertising.

HERALD JOB OF-F-ICBis complete in every respect. Woikdone on short notice and on the mostreasonable terms.

Vol. 93 Woodstock, Virginia, Friday, October 21,1910. No. 42

Sher\ar\doahHcardIADVBRTISIN3 RATBSAdvertisements will bs Inserted

at One Dollar per square of tenlines or less, for the first insertionand 50 cents for each subsequentinsertion..iTQuarterly or yearly adver

ti<»<jnient-a by contract.

GTUnless the number of inser¬tions ls marked upon the manu¬script, advertisements will be pub¬lished until forbidden and charge*accordingly.

trailing Hair DandruffAyer's Hair Vigor promptly destroy* the germs Avcr's Hair Vigor Just as promptly destroys the Jjthat cause falling hair. If nourishes the hair- germs that cause dandruff, lt removes even Ibulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the sca.pBfalling out. grows more rapidly. clean and in a healthy condition.

Does not Color the HairWe wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's HairVigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightestdegree Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicateblond hairmay use it freely without having the hair made a shade darker.

Ingredients: *#^^^Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it.

J V. ATCB CV>MI>A!*T. lowell. Maw

For Sale.An excellent lime stone farm 140

acres of productive lund, 30 acres iuWoodland. 7 room dwelling, largeSwisher barn with free electric lightsat house and barn, and all necessaryoutbuildings in /-cod repair, wellwatered and fenced. 1 1-2 miles fromWoodstock, l-l mile from ValleyPike reason for selling owner desiresto engage in othyr business. Price- VH), 1-3 cash, ballauce to suit pur*chaser not a cent less will buy lt.

Six room frame dwelling, goodr-llar, metal roof, two porches nicelypslnlsd and other outbuildings. Plentyi>f fruit of nearly all kinds, 2 milesfrom Mau.'srtovvn, Va., on H. Y. D. 1 |-maining 3 l-l licres of land under

wire fecce only 1750.60 for this coz;.little home. Apply to

J. N. DAVIS i CO.,Real Bst- Agents.

For Sale.An up to date new dwelling just-ned of 8 rooms with bath, front

and back porches good cellar, (willinstall furnace) nice lot, tine gar-den.?vnd nice fruit, enclosed by iron fence. (Msw nt pavement and walks.100 yardst'roju station. This is an ideal resi-ai-*sfce and will be sold at a reasonablele. Location at Mt. Jacgson, Va.Nice 7 room dwelling3-4 mile from

rXroSjs) Run, Va , BJ acres of land, l\heres in tine fruit, barn 42*10 feet,carriage house lf>xl<», blacksmith-.hop 20s28 feet, iee house lfaltt feet,tine garden and shade all in tirot-Masscondition. Price reasonable.

Apply toJ. N. DAVISS CO.,

Woodstock, Va.

FOR SALE.A nice small home H miles north of

Woodstock on the Valley Pike, nice

roosn dwelling.papered and paint-sd and ananaOilI < utbuildings all in

food repair,2i acies of excelent land,anc' plenty o' all sort of fruit. R. F.D. Woodstock Va., To quick pur¬chaser at a Real bargain.

Apply toJ. N. DAVIS & CO,

Real Estate Agt.

If You Want to Drive, Come HereI ara now running a FIKST (las

liv kuy in Woodstock with my hotel

J can furnish you teams you will en-

driving. Good horses and nice

equipment. Nothing cheap looking

about any outtit which leaves mystable. Prices roas-)nable and goodservice.


Ice CreamConstantly on hand at theExcelsiorCreamery Wood¬stock, Va.



fjmww your orders forSundav* creams, only, atWallon & Smoot's DrugBtore Our ice plant isnow in operation.

A. W. NICODEMUS & SONS,Woodstock. Va

Feb 2l*.l vr

CORE Of THE EARTH.-©fi. .f .h. Enioma. .? Natur. Th.t

Sei.t.M Cannot Solv..

Human being, know only a mere

.Vin of the .urfaoe of tho «irtb. M

^orelo thirty .*».?»*.lute la 8.000 mlle* I. diameter AM

1, probably no Wf" **.» ul"w

rt,i,X a^ lt .. dimc-lt to ****-

what are tte «.***"**¦ *I|W"; p.SS the beavlca, MM *"¦ ¦

ri<.n«e rore near tbe center.

.1 .tannin-. th.t m. tn so conv

.f the coiwtltueiil" of the MM mass

of Sm beueu.b us and really only

know he mere*, Stan A akin or mern-

^ one-.wen,,-,, of an im-h In

browu .*£*. .!'« ^...,er«» more than n T»*'t ¦¦

^"S "he ,Z £" »«."':Te Ire dependent on inference and

«--r SSsSaMrS seonatitnt un uf ^IMhn. ^^mere akin of IWrW ...., .on .be globes* f"^ Tolcllm,(,thrown up by fte ***Jte.does not come from <*

orTeUu. -M. lies bidden there-Ex-change.

cam# Famous Echoas*

There ia a S-nte echo on tte RhineThere »

, ,..,.,.. nrnicBbetween Roblen" ...,,repeats a won W^ .tffi» "". s-,'i'u''h ,..!,, CMW."J S"'u JT . ho bk -, rite- «v,

£2 ta Mff re t key, and -111,,^ In d.ffre

(tnwn ^^

*;v* £* J, ,u KUM two «"" "

?ter l«w» .'".ter Brewster men>»**-**#W"" ... u.rtu aide ofdona .« JW* "

,. EnglflndRipley --l-'urcb- O' vWllM.



ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW'M. L. Walton, CollectionK. D. Ni wv>n. Department.NV. L. N kw man. Notary Public.



Practice in State and Federal Courts.


npa v i;n N B i: k 11A U8 B11MA N,



Began practice in 1878. Owner andManager of The Shenandoah ValleyCollection and Adjustment Agency,established 1899. I'ost-ottiee addressCalvary, Shenandoah county, Va.


AT LAW.Woodstock, Va.

Office: In uLawers Row,*1 former¬ly occupied bi the late P. W. Magruder.


ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,Woodstock, Va.

Common wealth's attorney forSHENANDOAH COUNTY.

Will practice in adjoining- countiesWill be in New Market every Satur-




TOM'S BROOK, VIRGINIA.Having decided to locate at Tom's,Brook, I oiler my professional ser¬

vices to the neople of that place andvicinity. Calls promptly answereddav or night.IMO-'09.


Having located in Woodstock, canbe found at his residence on NorthMuhlenburg Street, the late residenceof Dr J. L. Campbell, when not pro¬fessionally engaged.


Offlos and Residence South Main StWoodstock, Virginia.

<# Special attention given to Sur¬gery. Phone Call 38.

DTX. W. S. CLItfE,

RESIDENT PHYSICIAN.§$?' Calls answered day or night.

Office and residence North Main St.March



RESIDENT DENTIST,Office Main St., Woodstock, Va.KiT Chloroform, ether and cocaine

used for painless extraction of teeth.Dec. 20.lyr.


DENTIST,Woodstock, Virginia.

Office on Court Street, above, of Tftvf»nner & Bauserman.Mutual Telephone.May 28, 'OU.lyr.



Marble WorksWOODSTOCK, VA.

Monuments, Tombs and all kindsof Cemetery Work.

Lowest prices in the Valley. Giveus a call. E. U. SNYDER.

Barber Shop.Court St,, Woodstock Va.

Warden Fravel, Propr.Shavs. 10 | Haircut.... 15Singe. 15; Shampoo.. ll

Facial Massage. 25Tonic Rub. I snd 10Shaving Corpse_ 1.00Shave awav from shop 25Haircut *r " 30

Haircut and shave away from shop 50S/jf Prompt attention given to all

customersA Snarf of the public patronage80"


For Sale.130, acre tract of grazing land on

Rysls Run between Diberty Furnaceand CoDicville, on which is some

timber.all in grass except the tim¬ber-well watered bv Ry als Run. Itis an excellent grazing .arm and willbe sold low. Aisalv to

J. N. DAVIS & CO.,Woodstock. Va.


WORRY DOES KILLlt Slowly but Surely Destroys the Celia

of the Brain.Modern science- has brought to light

nothing more curiously lilla, tatingthan I hat WfOTtf will kill. More re¬

markable still, it bas been able to de¬termine Inst bow wurry does kill.

lt ls bflleved by many scientistswho have followed carefully thegrowth of the science of brain dis¬eases that scores of thc deaths set

down to their causes are due to arorryand that alone. The theory is a sim¬ple one, so simple that any one can

readily understand it.Briefly put, lt smonntS to this: Wor¬

ry injures beyond repair certain cellsof the brain, and. tbs brain being thenutritive center of the kodj", the otherorgans become gradually injured, andwhen some diseases of these organs or

a combination of them arises deathfinally ensues.

Thus wurry krils. Insidiously, Ukomanj other Alec¦rca it creeps uponthe brain In the form of a single, e<m

stnnt. never 1-st Idea, ami as a drop¬ping of water Over a perilh\ of year-1will wier a groove In the Stone, Kid"es worry gradualiy. Imperceptiblyand no less surely destroy the braincells that lead all the rest, Which are.

so to speak, the commanding officersof mental power, benito ami BtOtlOP.Worry, to make the theory still

stronger, is an Irritant at certainpoints, which pmdacea little harm iflt comes nt intervals or irregularly.Occasional worriment the brain ct\n

cope with, but the iteration and thereiteration of one idea nf a disquiet¬ing sort the cells of the brain are riotproof against.

It Is as if tim skull wvre laid baieand the snrfsce «f the brsln arracklightly with a hammer every few sec*onds with mechanical precision, arithnerer a sign of a atop r»r ihe failure"f a atr '. Jnsi in flu; tray dot i thuannoying kies, the maddening though!that will ir.; 1 e done awsy with.sttil eor fall upon certain nerve rells, never

ig. diminishing tbe vitality of thedelicate organisms that aro so mlnutithat they can be s. en only under !h«microscope..Journal of Physiologies!Therapeutics. _


Real Estate.Pursuant to a decree rendered by tiie

Circuit Court of Shenandoah countyat its September term. 1910, in thechancery suit of Ida ('overstone, i\c ,

vs. Jno.' A. MclnturtT, fee., the under¬signed special commissioners will sellat public auction, on the premises, on

Wednesday, October 26th. 1910,the -eal estate of which the late B. L.MclnturtT, dec'd, died seized andpossessed, consisting of sundry tractsof land lying adjacent to each other,containing in all about 106 acres,moreor less.This land lies in Powell's Fort Val¬

ley, directly across the MassanuttenMountain from Woodetock, and llvery desirable property.The cleared land is in good con¬

dition, with a good comfortable houseand all the necesaary outbuildings,and a considerable quantity of goodfruit od the property.A considerable portion of tin land

is in good timber.TERMS OF SALK:

One-third cash in hand on the dayof sale, the residue in two equalannual installments, deferred pay¬ments to be evidenced by bondi withgood security, and the title to be re-,

tained until the purchase money isfully paid.|p The sale will begin at Ki o'clock,

A. M. i


Oct. 7-td. Conns, of Sale.K. H. Smith, Auctoneer.

In the Clerk's Office of the CircuitCourt of Shenandoah County.

Woodstock, Va., Sept 28, 1910.Ida Coverstone &c. Corapls.

against In Chancery.John A. MclnturtT, &c. Defts.

I, Geo. W. Miley, Deputv Clerk ofsaid Court, do hereby certify that K.D. Newman, who was appointedSpecial Commissioner of sale in saidCause by a decree rendered therein on

the 12th\lay of September, 1010, hasr>YPPnfr»(l hond. with nersonal security,o the penalty fixed by the Court, andonditioned and payable as prescribed»y law.Given under mv hand this 28th dav

>f Sept. A. I)., 1910.GEO. W. MILKY,

I). Clerk c. c. c. s. C


Thrilling Expsriercc of a Rai ctr Intha Transvaal.

Twa men si mmx* have ghan nc-

.om.ts nf their Beuafltloua arbes th. \

I led "t by Ilona ihe great rer Lil il da name.

.Voiltiter, i or -'ame i ?aerve*ti t' v 'J r W liol, i hi dvenun- la not al ry In Interest IL!\ Itu itone'a i iperleiiee. Hisa blcfa area atte* t'-.l i. thc .rriii

.f the m. Mi. aral

substantially w-.

Ile was riding aleut a IC:fir pattSbOSJl °.n boor after MUDA t. It h.icbeen a long march, end be had positedsj sliead of [wtilona His dojbarked si iroeni

i : w IL iter an > a lion crouchingdosi to bim "ti bl bau I side.The rang* r lumecl bi i anarplya < Irnimsfauce !.,it no doubt cn; c.

the li' D to I . IWo!' tiler \ led At Ihe aamc

a.'On' . be aa pr ano '. i li ¦¦>. comingfr m ihe opno Ile direr! n. The

rushed ott, arith tl . lionkn pursuit, si d tits omi lion pfcWo! bc tor op ni:n< * i pf< re bs *

the gr und aud gi jright sin adder in su«ii a position thaihe was face up. erith ids lega snd bodydrugging onderueatii tha beast. Thelion trotted down the poth uttering i

loud, grou i..i .. |Wolhuter's sensations were not those

Of lavington", who mid tie vms lu n

stat.* of spotby, with entire sheena e f

pain during tbe time thc lion had bim.The game ruttger suffered terribly,both menially and physically, aid saw

no possible woy of escape. The liontonk him ne yards,Suddenly fViiltinter he b u-..!.i him of

his sheath knife, whl h be carried Inbia bait bia rtfjht bin. On reachlug a large tree with ov< rbanglng r

the lion atopp d. poa Wollmtcrstabbed him twice in the Bide with bialeft band, it en d afterward thai Ihe Di tah lou bed tbebottom of the henri ; ul that tbe aec

omi one i III i; d n r di lanceThe lion Irani dropped Wol

I e rangerst.-.: li Iii. ). l In the throatSpVi :

Tit.-k snd atc* d rac*.. Ibuter wran

Men" iring nt the top ofbi :i-t tl

ul U did not loI. nilli growl

A to I b .'. In turn

knew that thi-

.' i :w<; t tree sa fast e*

h!> Injured sn > a i nhl ; ermlt, amihardly was he i led erben tbe Unolion, irbk'h Natl been :ifr.-r t!.». bon**came bark i n Ihe trail R.»this time the plucky ranger'waafaint that be tied himself to the treeto prevent himself fruin miling OOt

lie was found ly bis companion*who tonk bim to a pla «. of - ifcty. TheHon be had killed ursa a*i old male, andthe wennon need eras sn ordlaarjBheath knife.- New York Tribune.

FIGHTING FATIGUE.Jacking Up the Tired System Without

Using Stimulants.If efforts to Beep at work atv

tinned in spite of fatigue the qunfttjof the work ls poor and the exhaustionInordinate. Students constantly makethis error and do all sorts of thingsto keep Baraks IO burn the mldnlghloil when if they arnold go to bed awlrest they could accomplish far monIn half the time in the morning withlittle or no fa Mime.Yet lhere ;ire ilinea when sleepiness

ami fatigue must be overcome withoutresort to stimulants which injure tin

Judgment. Uss tired physician will.

a critical cine, for instance, must bSV#his wits Sbottl bim, snd it Hill aid bin

vastly to ^'o to un open window ever?lifteen or thirty minutes to take I

dozen or two deep inspirations of coldair. Bis exhaustion in the end will h.

great, but be rsn make it np utter.As a matter of fact, surgeons am

others whose work requires the keen

esr pereepflona Instinctively choose th.

early murnini: for their best effortsreserving Ihe afternoon for "tntpressure" tasks or recreation Thails. it is far hotter to so live thar we ib

not need the stimulus of Iheae estrsm(Unary merlinda il respiration.-AmetICSU Medicine.

Banking ServiceHanks are becoming more and more the custodians

of the funds of the people, of both lar^e and smallmeans. This is due to a wider appreciation of the valueof banking: service as its usefulness in extend and its

methods become better known, In the case of

The ShenandoahNational Bank


service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to pro¬

tect the interests of its patrons, making usc of everymeans of precaution. It's up-to-date s> stem pf accuracy,

promptness and the same carfeul attention to large or

small depositors. It is a safe bank. It is the bank for

all the and poor, men, women and chil¬dren. If you have any banking business to transact,come to the

The Shenandoah National Bankof Woodstock.


A MISMATEO POETThe Tardy Marriage of Fitz¬

gerald and Lucy Carton.


The Couplo Were Utterly Unsuited teOne Another, ar.d He Fled From HerDuring the Honeymoon.A ReunionThat Failed to Reunite.

The Incidents li sdlng up lo ind thosefollowing the marriage of EdwardFitzgerald, translator <>f the "omar

Khayyam," were of n Indi tons ind sitbs same time somewbui leffoos e isr¦cter. Ur. Francis Ulibbie gtre thefarts in the Portnigh(ly Kevicwt"The Lory Barton at< ry la rery piti¬

ful, hut it is .iiso rather corni.-. Snurns n Quaker's daughter, who had

joined tho Church of England BS :i

means, one Imsgtnea, of climbing thesocial ladder, and abe was just tbesort of person whom OTttgerald would

i. hut detest.prim, pious, me¬thodical, fussy, not quite a lady sndyet In a weird provincial way world-ly, the sort of person to whom it aeema

equally Important to teach In the Sun¬day school and to he u leader of so¬

ciety.""aTttaajetald nnd nhs) bad known each

other for tbs greater part of theirlives mid were both nearly fifty yearsof sgt when marriage overtookSe did Hot even know that be was ,n-

gUged to her. Hut she told him that hewas. and he was too polite to contra¬dict her."Politeness only broke down winn,

.after the ceremony, she assumed pro¬prietorial airs and Insulted that h«rhusband should pay afternoon callawith her and dress f..r dinner. Thatwas the last straw, though very likelyit was also the lirst.MFltsgerald supposed apparently that

lu marrying Lucy Barton be bad mere¬

ly acquired a housekeeper who wouldknow her place, arho ifould confineher new dignity io ber housekeeper'sroom, leering bim as free sa of old toatop about In allppered ease, unkempt,unshaven, enveloped In n drcaaluggown until the evening, arith bookaall OTer the floor, pipes all over themantelpiece and tobacco ssh all ©refhis clothes.

"It BfOUtd not have mattered, ofcourse, if he had married f..r lora sudif hil bride had been fl woman ofgrace and charm. Ruell a one wouldbare changed all thal 'i!..* n fairy arne-Ing i magie wami. Bul Fitzgerald hadonly married 'to oblige.' snd Mrs. Fitz-gerald area nol In ihe leam like a fairy.She ursa more like a female drill ser¬

geant, convent iona I, miff andyet erith pretensions,"Her (low of fussy small t. 'k l

nuisance, and lier interruption of I- it:'.-

geralda' meditations arith tbe demandthat he should shave sud urear cleanlinen assumed the proportion cf a

tragedy in hui eyes..He st... d i; f. r a fortnight an 1 iben

Bed. 1 iring tbe b nc nntlnlabed,going off to stay u'itli friends, boltl _

like a rabbit for its IrUtToW."There were a reunion and tnt at¬

tempt at reconciliation, hut in rain.Fitzgerald's !e;;crs to his friends at

this period are like Ibe letters home ofa boy who is being bullied at achoo!"'I boii.-ve.' he writes to Professor

fowell, 'there are new channels frettedIn my cheeks erith many unmanlybBBn, Bud til! re toa;ly is no »-\

Ibat he had anything to .-ry about be¬

yond the fa. t IbSt he was bein;; hus¬

tled out of a comfortable dressinggown Into a atarched shirt with highcollars"That fa t area symbolical of the

general discrepancy of tastes andpoints «.f rle***. Bo sr* And him writ-

lng again. 'Tin I see better how we geton 1 dare li\ on no place to live or die

in.' Bid lieu before long came definiteseparation aud the drafting of a d»edof aettlemeot,"Fitzgerald, it i; said, used lon;* aft¬

erward to walk op and down a certslngarden path f<>r hours together railinghimself a fool, and nlien in later .warshe met his wife again he first put out

his band aud then changed his mind

and turned US back."

Tha Scales on the Hair.If you look at a human hair nuder

the mi roscope you will find that itssui fa'e la f.rined of rmccoealTB over¬

lapping ace les. The bristles of the hogbear much resemblance to the humanhair, though their diameter is greaterSUd tiie tllellke srtlei are much tin t

Sheep's hair has much < . ar>er s

it is OWlng to tile existence of thesesettles that « tie is able by a peculiarprooe** to tell arbk'fa is lbs tip andarbtcll tba oilier cod of a hair rollin*:it between his Huger sud thumb. ThusOiaulputated the hair always tra\ ol¬

in the direction of the base bethe edges or tbes ales prewitt it fr ...

going the other arny.

The Attraction.Tourist I must ninteen that 1 can't

see why so main seofote want to rome

nen* Mi rwewery. Wu amusements, no

BJOnd thirii;s to eal. ah<olutel\ 110 al

ira-ti..n** Innkeeper Ali. rigs**?. Beyrome because are .ive bs lt ran' iaf<ei

to alick sst m> Biggage. Ueslcas Bet¦H

Peculiarities of Lichens.Tie lit hm \* remarkable for the

rroat B|*e to wi,I h it ims. Hates behsg.1 devine that the

plants endri . for ICU I <¦ Th. lr

prowth is es rrd ". almost he-.f. indi sting that only a lit¬

tle n- ut i- h. ry to ke..pIn a dry time they bate

ihf power to asaprod prowth alto-r. renewing lt Bgaln st the fail

.f raia Tiii- pe D ¦.'¦"lie is: table

U ;. i rota rty usjasa

by r . Otl r le* «>f plant AuotherInteresting feet i bout ii hens Ls thai

they gro I li-'te the air ls free

frees ttmet and aasoke. They may ix*

-aid to I I i -ure Indication of Um pu

rity of the air. n* tiny are never foundtrowing in I'ltlra mid towns vilate tue

atuosjU're ts Impr-enated with dust,soot. Bssafje sad other Impurities.

Trouble For the Tourist!.There ls a story on record of three

Irishmen rushing sway from the race

meeting at Puacbestowa to catch a

train bach to Dublin. At the momenta train from a long distance pulled upat tho station, and tbe three menacrumbled in. lu the carriage waa

seated one other passenger. As soon

as they had regained their breath one

said:'Tat. have you got th* tickets?''"What tieliets? I've got me loire'

I (bought I'd have lost that gettln' Inth' thrain. Have you got 'em, Molke?""Ol? Iiegorrah. I haven't!""Oh. we're all done for, thin!" said

the third. They'll charge us rolghtfrom th' other solde of Olreland."The old gentleman* looked over his

newspaper and said:"You are quite safe, gintlemen. Wait

till we get to th' next station."As soon ss the train pulled up the

little gentleman Jumped out and cameback with three first clars tickets.Handing them to the astonished stran¬

gers, he said: "Whist! I'll tell you howI did it! I whit along th' thrain'Tickets, plaze; tickets, plaze!' I calledand these belong to three Saxon towrists In another carriage."

Banks on the Lookout.A merchant in a large 'itv allowed

his name to be posted in his club threetimes for nonpayment of dues. A fewdays after the last posting he appliedto hhs hank for a loan. When the ap¬

plication came up to the bank's creditman.that newest of a bank's lmportaut officials.he pulled out the euatonier's history card.The latest entry was one typewritten

sentence, "Does not pay his club dues,three times delinquent." The loan was

refused. The merchant w-as eithercareless, near broke or unappreciativeof Ids credit standing. Any of thesereasons looked bad to the banker.Business men do not realize how

Closely their banks watch them.howDUch the banks are bound to knowabout their affairs, how much seem

bigly sm.; ll Ibinga in their daily livesaffect credit, and big things that theyBometlmeM irani to conceal too..Sys¬tem Maga/ii.e.

Eddystone Island.The ama I esl Inhabited island in the

on which the Eddystonelighthouse da At low water lt ls

thirty feet in diameter. At high water

the lightbou . whose diameter at theis eight and three-fourths feet,

completely covers lt. It is inhabitedby three i ersons. It lies nine miles offthe Cornish cost Bud fourteen milessoutheast of Plymouth breakwaterPlatholme, an island in the Hritishchaim. I. is only a mil.' and a half incircumference, but. coualsting mostlyof rich [Mature lands.supports a farm

besides the ligbtbi use, with a

rejoicing light ICU feel above the sea

Tl-, re are sta nt ads, lan:-.;::. i Bluall, acattered orer the oceans

America al. to b i 5 0 around Ita-. Tier.' are 305 in the bay of .Janeiro. ItXOOO between alsdsgsacar and lu.lia atal aome 1.200 off theeast.-rn roast of Australia between lumaiulaud and New Ouinea.

Jenny Lind and the Trill.Jenny Finn after years of stead}

practice believed thal the much covet

ed trill was for her an impossibilityShe practiced hours a day. hut wa-

unable to accomplish the feat. On.

day, thoroughly discouraged, abe wai

Bitting lu ber garden when all tit one*

she looked up Into a tree. Above beta bini was trilling. Mie at once arenito her plano ami through some magi1or power of imitation bogan the tri',

ami from that day never had any furthor difficulty.

Losing His Senses.A mischievous boy. baring get po«

BtmmUtn <>f bia -rmndfutber** aperl-srl***privately took 001 the glasses. Winn

the old gentleman put them on. Budlu,he could not see. he exclaimed: "Moro;on me! I've lost my sight!" But. thin!;

ing the Impediment to vision might li¬

the dirtiness of the glasses, he toolthem off to Wipe them. when, not feel

bag them. he. still more frightenedcried out: "Why. what's come now'

I've lost my feeling too!".hondo i


An Ancient House.The ancient Romans had a catspo*1

that could burl rocks more luau a

mile.""Now 1 understand it.""What?'My HUS ' >rd told me the house was |

st- no's throw from the depot. Hfmust have 1 ad lt on his hands sine*

the time of thc Caesars.

A Complex Rest Cure.MB!la*aiua la a very vociferous per

son."'"Yes." r*q»!ieu Miss Cayenne, "but I

don't blame bim. Tba erny a man a

his rest* td* lieltes is li;talking so loud he can't hear himselfthink." IVusbiugtoU Kiar.

Center et Toujhrcss.inquiring TourM Wend yen cai

this a tough town) s:i-.y NativeTough) say. airsuger. oVii**u ar** han

old home week here (tel. lives iron

nP ov.r tin' < oiiuti v (iitnc sad pick on'

just \. Ito they want. I'm. h.

Co-sc'e cs

(Jotl i^ Hi : an in !l alor Olwhat i< right. Thal ls the province o

wisdom based on knowledge. Con

Glenco is Hie illflUr hr.; native in,

pelling us to d whit we betters t" ».

rigid_.A who'- M of people n*wee besot

ihe foo! f ?r raintug from hi* mon.-*

umil Hftf-r ll is all goss* PhllaealptliI inquirer.

Seeking For Danger."I'm going lo lick Smltn."-Whj'.'".Ile .said 1 was a horse thief and a

liar.".Hld he prove UT"No""Then let weil enough alone and

don't get him any madder.".Cleveland I^'udei.

I* S I I I ll **J I \ j *» ¦*.

Their Velocity Vants According to th tret ol Gravity.

A n:a lsUiUg from u th.*ui! bi: : :.u New Orleans trill Hui fis f st . > la- would if he were lumu city. In fact, in hardly any two.¦a- s will he fall with the rame

Thia la because i to¬

ward thp equator Ihe for o of gravity*eta i.-s and less, and consequentlythe Bccderatlon <f a fa! log body be-

- loss, and tiie force of Impact lsfore terna.

While it docs not make very muchdifference in the injury tc a psrsoufalling from a height, it does make a

difference in other things. Take a rifle;;.<1 it exactly horizontally, and if'h.- gun is sixteen feel al ore theground, say. at New York the bulletBred from such a rifle will srriUo the'round in exactly oue so*«>nd after !tleaves the rifle. If the bullet has a

horizontal velocity of IjOOO feet persecond it will strike the earth exactly1.0<n feet away. Let us take the same

rifle to a place where the force ofgravity ls not the same as Ht NewYork, but a good deal smaller, saytwo-thirds smaller. We find that ifthe goo is placed sixteen feet abovethe ground, as before, and absolutelyhorizontal the bullet will not fall thesixteen feet in oue second, but willtake over one and a half seconds to

fall. thea enabling the bullet to be inthe iir during that length of time.Therefore lt will strike the grouudabout 1.000 feet away. Thus it ls seen

that the range of a ri He is Increasedas it Is taken toward the equator.Of course there ls no place on the

earth where the force of gravity b»two-thirds smaller than at New Yorkbut there are many places where tiledifference is considerable enough toaffect slightly the range of rifles.-Har¬per's Weekly.

The Chicle Tree-Cl iring gum is ootbmg but chicle

mixed with sugar and flavoring, andchide is the -"Uta <>f a tree that growsplentifully in Mexico and CentralAr erics and that of recent year-been cultivated on a large scale InYucatan. The chicle tree is not unlikethe india rubber tree, and the gumwas first shipped to America by men

who believed that in It they had a perfeet substitute for rubber. In this,how-ever, they were mistaken, as lt was

found that the chicle gum was Insolu¬ble. Not to this day has any mediumacid or alkali, spirit or ether beerfound that will dissolve it.-Argonaut

Tolerance.Jane.I've something on me mind.

'Arry, that I hardly knows how to tellyer.'Arry-Aht wiv it.Jane.Fm afraid yer won't marry me

If I tells yer.'Arry- Ant wiv it.Jane.Fm a somnambulist. 'Arry.'Airy (after prolonged pause).Neve,

mind. .lane. ICU be all right. If thereain't no chapel for it we'll be o*arriedat a registry..London Fuueh

A Good Actor.**I see you have an actor employed

on the farm.""Y'es, I put him on. He's a darn good

actor too. I thought he was workingthe first week he was here.".KansasCity Times.

The Little Things.It Is not the straining for great

thiugs that is most effective; it ls th*?

doing the little things, the common

duties, a little better and Improving.that tells.

Not Ladylike."What do you think I ought to sn)

to you for coming home so hire.amin such a condition'.'" demands thlady of the house.Torlea she abougbtr gracefully re

piles the courteous husband. "Peri-dSha shought! IF dear, -uroly yo-would not sh'pose I would ever shin

you ought to shay she shings I shin1you ought to shay!".Judge.

Fate of a Speeder.Gunner- Bigwoed, the miliiouair.

started off for a banquet and was si

rested for speeding. Coyer-Then li

wasn't witted and toasted? l.unuor-

No; instead lie was tined aud roa.ste.;

.Chicago News.

Genuine Genius."Jones ls a genius.""I never thought much of h'

poems.""They are not the reason. He sin

cacda in selling them."-Buffalo Cj


CHILDRENIn disorders and dis¬

eases of children drugsseldom do good andoften do harm. *&*»

Careful feeding andbathing are the babies9remedies.

Scott's Emulsionit the food-medicine thatnot only nourishes themmost, but also regulatestheir digestion. It is a

wonderful tonic for chil¬dren of all ages. Theyrapidly gain weight andhealth on small doses.FOR 8AI.R BY AU. DRUGGI8T8

Send !0c., nsme of paper and this ad. forour beautiful Savings Bank and Child'sSketch-Book. Bach bank contains S

Good I«nck Penny.SCOTTaBOW^ffi.40Sl-o--HSl,lC,Y.

FGUnilT TO A FINISH.riger and Crocodile In a Battle In the

Water.In India a native ireul to bathe in a

ratine, Ile was in the water up toaM neck wlien a tffSr on the hillibore gars a leap toward its prey.[int the tig. r had not calculated that,.imo his victim was nindi lower thanllmaetf, a hap of tho ri^bi tfrr-ngth'or a horizontal range would carrydm far beyond his msrk: n naetiueuty he fell some ten fte* on the otherdde.Now, lr happened t%»t! a hungry croc-

>dlle was et the san;,, tine drawing a:>ec line under waar toward the ne*Ive. When the crocodile had almostsjsjss upon his prej be li d'id In front ami mad.- a dash, bring'ng his enormous Juwa down on theiver's paw.The bather nearly fainted |

'ri^lit wlien he saw \'.,<> tiger falllie water, and for a few ;

'ould not uuderstarid why the < iva-

ure did not devour him. Why did he)ersist in kiping ono «»f his paws un-

let water. beating savagely with flin>ther? And the water ramed red!Then all ar once the saasvltS of thelger becasae more furious, and hisrrowls developed imo na rs. The hugeail of a crocodile rear d np ont <>fh» water. The obvious intention was

o pull the tiger under water andirowu him, and the tiger, understand*ng this purpose, tried to frustrate lt>y beating the snout of the crocodileSith his other paw. I'.ut the BSSSlvas too far down, and he left mw hif his force on the surface of the wa-

er. His struggles became more andnore feeble, and at length he disap¬peared altogether, only a cluster ofnibbles remaining to show where hemd been.Ills fight, however, had been a game

me, not entirely In vain, for whenhe bodies of the two besets finally.ame to the surface lt was seen thathe tiger had literally torn away thevhole front of the crocodile's face andlad blinded it so that Irs victory waa

i useless one..Chicago Record Herald.

Our affections are oar life. We Uv*

by these They supply our warmth .


LAWYERS IN GERMANY.rhey Cannot Advertise, and Their Feee

Are Fixed by Law.The German law fixes the exact fees

ivhich a German attorney has to claimfor all kinds of professional work, and;he rechtsanwalt can charge neithernore nor lossThose fees apply to all matters ofhe civil code mid of criminal cases.

|he amount, accorShlg to the Gr--.iiI'.ag. depends exclusively on the value>f the object of contention.

It is an old thougb Mill unfulfilledarish of German lawyers to have a

Dew fixed list of fe. r-. not made afterthe old and low standard of tie yoafl-j~9, but made with consideration to

the changes.tbe numerous d. ' i

PbSllgH SJlaVh have takeu place sincethat year.The rechtsanwalt is attorney and

counselor at law ail in one (in Knglandsolicitor and bsirtsti-r). The ratotana*walt can never be a business man. as

ls the case in the United States.The steel ise of the law la not to be

considered a (ailing of profession, but

ls to be looked on more as a publicoffice. According to the lawyers" codeof the 1st of July, 18TB, a lawyer is

iharged publicly with certain duties.Ile is obliged to have his residence

in the tows or district where he is ap¬pointed (so called residence duty).Further, he must conduct himself Inand out of osaca hs a way boiitting his

lirofrrsalnnsl and ¦oeSSl atSilrtsBBJ I e.,

duty due to his rank. Thus a lawyerLs forbidden to advertise in newspa¬

pers, by raarsaalng, etc., or to buyor take over a practice already madeis being unworthy of his calling.His position iu society is between

officials and ra .. ilsrs, and through elis¬

ion) and law he is compelled to keep'he position r.( the last de-:oe. This

ompu'sion to keep one's rank has

jives rise t-» the exi-ton<o w»f com¬

mittees calh d aawslmkaasssera, whose

duty it Ls to keep a strict watch that

no lawyer dishonors his cal! ag. Thesocommittees have a strict rode of pun¬ishment, ranging to complete expul¬sion from oilice. In this way the law¬

yers in Germany have a good and hon¬

ored position. In fact, there is scarcelya couutry lu which the lawyer enjoysmore respect and confidence.

TASMANIA.Nicknames Applied to the One Tims

Convict Settlement.

"Tasmania is perhaps th > BBBBJ inter-

eating of the states of mir common¬

wealth." remark*d the Australian. "Itis a large triangular island liing to theaoutb of Melbourne ami was once a

convict settlement.'The climate is delightful and the

aoll remarkably fertile. The Island Is

practically one large orchard, whers

peaches, apples, cherries, etc., are

grow n In sufficient quanti! s to keepthe adjoining continent tsiij ,>.ied, with

some left over fer exi>ort tu EnglaudAa fruit trees do not r* : re muchtending, leisure ls a uotnMe . Iiaracter*

istic of the Inhabitants, and Tasmaniais known throughout the BUUpoSBBI as

¦ihe land of lois 0f time" or r..e land of

sleep a lot." lt is also saltrd the jamcountry' and its native* ; imillarlytermeil 'Jam eaters." This la « a accountof the Bffssssjee of au enormous can¬

nery in the Island, where scme of theorchard products are con\» ried Into

jsms, Jellies and preserved milts."But this by no means en ls the list

of Tasmanian niekuames. Two IHitch

explorers.Tasman aud Van 1 denian.

had to do with the discovers of the

island, and, although the Din >* of Tas¬man 1m now used. It la adte** referredto in old aehool booka as Van (Memana

Land. We find lt amualn,. to twistthe latter name a blt and Bad tbe Tas¬

manians 'demons,' which 1m a shame,

ss they are tbe mildest nod best tal¬lowa in tbe world. TUey speak ot

themselves ss Taaiea/ snd (hat maybe accepted aa their naaaViul dcasfsavejosu"*-Jle*w ta* ftes*̂ ^