Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA)...

OANDQAH KERALI -ZOO OSTOOK VA. [IDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1909 ¦¦* ired at the Post Office, at Woo( ?k, Va., as second-class matter. :nandoah valley loan ani trust company, woodstock, viroinia. mer loaned at 6 per cent, on real estate [good collateral security. Savin-ra de- Wt* received In sums of ft.oo oi over, 0 interest allowed on game. r For particulars address the Company Rts home office, or call on J. W. Kberlv, frasbnrg ; ti. NV Wir.dle, Edinburg; F. S. ¦nnybacker. Mt. Jackson; or 3. K. |N>ver, New Market, Va. ANNOUNCEMENT. For House of Delegates* Haring aeon deolarad the norrine* of the democratic party, for the Legis luture, I moa rcspeotfnUl solicit tht Huppoa of tne voters of Shenandoah Ouuuty, for the oliice. If elected, 1 promise a faithful dis¬ charge of the duties of the otlice and styi; strive in every way to render myself usefn1 to ray constituents, Vcrv resi>ectfully, F H. BRUMBACK. To th- Voters of,Shenandoah County: Having received the nomiuatioo for the H risc of Delegates from the "regular" Republican County Con¬ vention. I hereby announce myself a candidate fo»* re-election, and solicit the support of al! qualified voters. 1 desire also to express my grati¬ tude fo* the pail co; ii tl support given tt-> and promise if re-elected, to serve 0»v constituency in the future as I have in the p'ist, faithful and impar¬ tial ;md at all times to safeguard the w^lf tc., of the £:*eat t trpaylof com¬ te »nitj. of Shenandoah County. V'ei v respectfully, BURDER B. HOWMAN. Ediabu cg, Va- Druid Oil. Thc Great Discovery for Khcuinatism. Backache and Painful Joints. For sale at SCHMITT'S DRUG STORE. Endorsed by Physicians. GENERAL LocM. NEW8, IV- - fl at dlenn Locke's. GOAL OIL Soper gallon at Glenn Locke's, a:i\ quantity. We sell the best COAL OIL'ol 8c gallon. Glenn Locke. To Ladies Only: A Flex never Squeak shoes at G. Metzgei's* The walrus hide whip will give satis¬ faction. Tr\ one. J. A. Dysart A: Co. The -m.Tnor has declined to in- **»***»ir' - in Jflie cise of the Common- **oa*a4Fa7:ainst Kirby J. Bowman. Fall c dds are quickly cured by Pole?'l Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The genuine contains no harmful drugs. Schmitt's, drug store. N< >TICE.Orders for ice cream, for Sunday delivery, should be left at either drug store not later than Satur¬ day noon. A. W. Nicodemus & Sons. The colored orchestra of the town have leen rsoderiof some choice selections on our streets lately. A few nights a^o they wu e moued to serenade some of their friends, all enjoyed and api reciated the music. J. A. Dysait rft Co., tre Agents for the National Leal ier Helling Co., of New Vork. You can get the best leather or canvass stitched belting of them at the lowest cost. Write or call for prices. Messrs. Aaron Vetter and Hubert Art/, bought thi ec trees of Winesaps of Mr. Ceo. Kitenour, of near Maurer- town that yielded 30 bb ls. of fine ap¬ ples. One tree had \6 bbls. choice apples and on.y one bbls. culls. Treos wer« sprayed OOOC and scarcely a w.Miny Off knotty apple was found. Tne various committees of the Shenandoah Chapter will please meet at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Carter on Tuesday 2mh of <>ct. at 7 P. M.. A social will beheld on the 5th and «th of Nov. for the benefit of the Home of Needy Confederate Women. Mrs. Jas. Williams, 1'rs. Chapter. Fut your savings In the Ssving Department . Shenandoah Valley boan & Tmit Co., Woodstock, Va., At 3 per cent, compound interest Amounts of*H/*0 and upward receiv ed. Th only savings institutio in ibe county for the accumulation of the small savings of laboring men, wo¬ men and childi-*- tf Cook says he did it. Peary says he did it, but the chances are neither one did it unless he took Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is the most search¬ ing and 8nding remedy.there is no doubt after taking as sure as you take it you get results. Do it tonight. Schmitt s Drug Store. Ray monti Swank, 'he 10-year-old son Mr. and Mrs. D A. Swank, of Kdoro, was dragged to death by a pony lat>t evening at the home of his uncle, Samuel L. Hoover, a half mile louth of Harrisonburg. The accident occurred while the boy, with a num¬ ber of little playfellows as hit sole companions, was riding over a hur¬ dle. After taking the jump the pony turned ouddenly, throwing its rider, whose foo* hung in the stirrup and lbe little fellow was kicked and drag¬ ged about the field, receiriog in¬ juries from which he died in flfteeu minutes..Harrisonburg News. Antomobile Procession. A procession of from 60 to 75 auto- mobiles will pass ever the great National Highway from New York to Atlanta, Ga., next Wedneeda*, pool¬ ing through Woodstock, early in the afternoon. They will diae in Win- (teeter aod witt asesal taos**** in ^taunto*. ~> rERSONALS. Ifr. John Kibler is visiting his old home iu Kirksville, Mo. Miss Alice Bowman is teaching school at Daphn this sessiou. Miss Maria Snapp, of New Market visited friends in town this week. Dr. S. J. Hoffman, was a court day visitor in Harrisonburg Monday. Mr. G. Met/ger spent Sunday with his parents in Harrisonburg. Mr. W. T. Williams returned Tues¬ day from a visit to Baltimore. Miss Mary Koontz, is visiting htr brother Dr. G. E. Koontz in Salem. Mrs. Fenton Windle ia spending this weak with friends in New Marke". Mr. John Livers spent the first of the week with his family in this plo© ¦ Miss Nettie Kneislev spent the Brat of the week with friends in WT ashing . Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sager ne¬ vi sitin? in Hi^'h Town, W. Va. Mrs. W. S. Cline, returned Tuesday from a visit to relatives lu Harrison¬ burg. Mr. and Mrs. Dwyght Hisey ln\e moved i-to Mrs. J. A. Dysart'* property. .> Mr. Hul>ert Shockey, of Fairfax, visited ..his father in this plane thc first of the week. Mr. Bud Moore, of Moore's Store visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Prayel the first of the week. Miss Lorena Davis has returned ] from a visit to friends in Washington and Brunswick, Md. Dr. J. H. Smoot and Mr. H. < >. Nicodemus are attending the Frede¬ rick, lld., fair this week. Mr. Frank Stillwell hoi moved from the Walton farm into J. D. GrobilPi property on North Main street. Mr and Mrs. F. M. Bird, of Mt. Jackson spent sew-ral days this week with Mr. und .\,r*. J. D. Grahill. Miss Winnie Davis is spending several weeks with her cousin Mitt Florence Errgood in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Site are visit¬ ing Mrs. Rite's brothers Messrs Lenard and Omer Keller, in Pittsburg. Mr. John Koonta, (efl Monday morning for The Plains where he will repaint the residence of Dr. John R. McGill. Mr. Geo. Christman has moved his family from Edinburg into Mr. J. D. GrabilPs property on North Main street. Rey. and Mrs W. Twyman Wil¬ liams, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Williams and family at "Bird¬ wood." Mrs. May Allen Jordon, of Mt. Jacksoon visit*d ihe Misses Allen at Massanntten Academy the first of tit- week. Mr. Boyd GrandstafT returned to his home In LoPort, ind., Thursday morning, after spending several weekl With lelatives in this place. Mr. Clyde I'. Walton spent Sunday with his wife ami daughter who art- visiting Hon. and airs. M. af. John¬ son in Frout RO)Ol. Miss Marie Hollingsworth lt ft Wednesday for her home in Mercer. Teen., alter boring Spent the summer with relatives in this and Rockingham counties. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibbs and li.tie son Chas, left Moe day afternoon for Baltimore where Chas, will enter St. Agnes Hospital to be operated on for hernia. Mr. Sam'l Sheet/, of Keyser, W. Va., was in town Tuesday. afr. Sheetz had the misfortune to have the middle finger of his right hand mashed off last Tuesday. Messrs, Ray Miller und Kail Schuyler, of Washington spent sev¬ eral Oays this Wt¦-k with Mrs Annie Keller and family on North Main Street. Mr. Gilbert Coffman who has bern spending his vocation with his par¬ ents Mr. and Mrs. M. Co MU ian, wi Maple Heights has returned to Rich¬ mond. Mr. Huston Newman acccmj a^ied by his school-mates Messrs. Todd and Smith, of Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, spent the week-end with Judge and Mrs 8 D. Newman. ei Flayer Breaks Ribs. Massanutten Academy defeated Rando1 ph Macon Academy, 61 Front Royal, here Monday by a score of 17 to 0. Only once during the game was the goal of M. A. in danger, and then Et li. A. lost the ball on downs. Moyer got the ball on i forward pas> and made a loach down. In the sec¬ ond hi-if A. Miller got the bail on a punt and scored another touch down, with four minutes to play. Harrison by several line plunges made a thiid touch down. At tbe beginning of the second ha'f Irwin tackled Smith, quart?." hack for S. M. A., and one of Smith's ribs VS! broken. He tried to slay in the game, but after another tackle was compelled to retire. John Crabiil Killed. John Crabill, son of Daniel Crabill i of Tom's Brook, was killed at Bing- t ham, Ptah last Monday. Full por-lf ticular. of his death have nm been re- 1 ceived, but as ho was working ia ole copper mine, it ls supposed that his) J death was caused by the ruachiner\ ri He was a young man about)9 ori'ol years of age. He went out Ut i Colorado, obout 18 months ago and s intended to visit his home about .- Christmas. I r Funeral of Mrs. foyn. The funeral of Mrs. Cathi; e. who died Friday night at h bo near Tom's Brook, was held Si ¦ i i \ afternoon from the United Urethrae ch-irch, of wliio*i slu -./a-, a Kimber. The oorvleee wert conduced by ) pastor, itev. A. H. Smith, bstemmol wa* mn-'e in St. John's cemett ry at Harrisville. Mrs. Coy*, whose death wa* can-ed by dropsy, wa* 81 years old Sh-j i spent r early lifo near Mt. Jack-..> \. Her husbond died 30 years ago. She leave** a sister, Mrs. Jessie Walto i. With F. H. Brumback in the legis- I lature the peoples? interest will be 1 jguorded. \ %* j NOAH COFFMAN SHOT BY BALTIMORE. NE.GR Angered because he had been d charged, Louis Liddell, a negro, w has been employed in the lunchrot conducted by Mr. Noah Coffman, 115 Light St., shortly after 1 o'clc Wednesday afternoon shot h ployer twice, one bullet enteiingt abdomen and the other the right at A third shot went wild. Mr. Coftinan was hurried to Mer Hospital, where he is said to be in critical condition. Tha ph] steta attempted to probe for the bullet the body last night, but failed to I more it. The use of the right ai may bs affected. Liddell is takii li n arrest in a matter-of-fact mann in the Central Pol'ce Station. Excitement followed the shootir besoms so preat that it was fear* that the negro would be roughly hat. 1 d. There were about 50 pat-ons the lunchroom when the shooting o curred. Mr. Huber, who is a member of tl firm, and Mr. Goodman, an employ. were in the cellar '-iii- Mr. Coffins when Ihe OOgrO started to shoo Huber ran through thc lunchroom tt ward the desk for his pistol. When li returned the negro had shot Mr. Cof and was struggling with Goodmoi Pushing Saber and Goodman asidt the nezro ran down the alley in th rear of the store, threatening the lire r>f anyone who attempted to arres lim. Huber following bin?, andcaugh up with him at Pratt street, and hell lim under cover of his pistol until th irrivel of Patrolman Jones. Al tngry crowd gathered, bat Jones sum noned the auto patrol and >ent th legro tt) the station. The trouble started when Mr. ColT nan reprimanded the negro for break ag dishes during the noon hour Che negro became insolent and whet lischorged drew his revolver. When seen at thc station Diddel node no denial of his attempt to kil dr, Coffman. He said he had warned tot only Mr. Coffman, hut tl.-j othei nen in the basement that he wouli hoot if they bothered him He wa* tiken before Justice Grannan. who eld him without bail until the con ition of Mr. Coffman is such as k ppeor in court. Mr. Coffman is 51 years old and ires at SlfS Jefferson street. He i* ell known in East Baltimore ami I Ol large circle of friends among busi* ess men, as he has U-en in the busi¬ es for a long time in the downtown action of thc city. Balto. Sun, -Jay, Oct. 21>t. Mr. Coffman is a native (J this ounty and for I number of a^ ¦ popular merchant at Conics- Hie. The following telegram wa? rceeir« .1 by the Herald Thursday eraring: "Haitimere, (>ct. 21, 4:").") p.m. Ni>-ih Coffman's condition fairly nod* - -ter M. Cumr.ui a MR. MILEY MISS COPP. Wedm - loy oft< moon at 12:.;«. o'clock * the hom- ol the brides parents Ker. ad Mrs. Georgs A. Copp, ol Fisher's ill, their daughter Miss Nella Arie: 6 opp was joined ia marriage to Mr. arl Lowen Miley. of Tom's Brook. Mrs. Miley lethe youngest idough- ir of Rev. Gooree Copp president ol ie People'* National Rank o* Strasb¬ urg and is rory popular in the c.Hu¬ mility in which she li rei Mr. Miley is a son of Mr. and Mrs. . B. Miley and a member of the Ano f Snarr and MI'S)*! big mercantile ^tablishmcnt cf Tl m's Brook. Mr. Miiey was a former student I I Ja.*>sanuiten Academy ol this olice nd made many friends here who «¦ imgratulaticns and b «>t wishes aie iib him. OHN W. COPP SERIOUSLY INJURED Mr. John W. < opp, who now resides i Strasburg met with Jin BOCident last Ionday, which may ci use his death Le was driving a horse hitched to s ugkry and had a cow which he was i'dmr to his son ettiehe I to thc sam > i »gy. The cow, it li .-.uppostd, In rime way frightend the horse which lr log a sudden jump, thrt e Ir. Copp, head foremost from thfl iggy. His foot was in some w.\.r iught in the buggy and he was drag- *d a short distance. It was sup* ned that his skull was fractured. is collar bone broken and his bod) raised. He was carried to his home in an ^conscious condition. Mr. Copp WOS one of the ploot-CI rot growers of ibis county and was ;i energet'c business man. His man\ r cadi will ii*gret to heir of his mis* rt ine. A later dis, a'ch sa; s that he is do¬ ng very well. Clothing Caught Ure. Mrs. Seal ilenUe!, U%iogO mile wes1 .f (Juickshurg, an Invalid sutT-1 * l *ith lheumatism, waa sitting In hei nvalitl chair Sunday morning ne«i lie fireplace r>ili:i,' son* letters, there by some 010001 several of th* otters fe 1 of h*r lap, Th" k I aught hr*, v.. i trr I I fie ll tia u t< .irs Ben .cl' i ..-.-, t*id ls I ate bu o > bi tg w i * i i .i bl is ». She was alone in the ro »..i. Bl laughter, Mi-.*. [rSjoe, In the kitchen md o hired girl opstiirs li-ard bri creams and ea ne t<» md found bs Ij w t ¦Oat of her eh.ih i if of bet*. P tey grabbed t-i ¦ cording from Um >cd and smoth r ri !i i tl .mas. Mrs. leaks! has U > all tht She has not been this walk foi years. At 1 ist OSOUOtf sn*J was ' Silos fairly well. Church Notes. Kv W. T.vymri W-ITams will pr* .uh in the Vi ibjrtsi ian cl,incl lexi Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Da You Want a Good Whip ? Tty Ute walrus hide whip. It 1 id to l>e latter th ni the wholi k*ne or rawhide and is much cheaper J. A. Dysart k Co. is¬ sn m. st ck 1,- lie li. .\ O in e- !!1 kg r REFORMED SYNOD r l ¦ c q : ft d 1! e ¦ *** a 1 t; :t ! d < i ¦t e L a c 0. I Delegates lo Synod will beeutertain Sd Ol follows: Jl. B. Bailey: Key. Dr. W. A. Koro. A. B Bauserman: Rev. E. M. Sands Mr. Walter Blessing. M. L. Bauserman: Revs. Robt. Lee Bair, O. K. I'otU.r. Kev. Pr. A. D. 'dr. Israel Loueks. R. L. Bargelt : loossrs. W. L. Kefauver and Geo, P. frirnich. Prof. H. J. Benoboff: Rees. W, H. Bowers, C. H. Knock, Howard «> Bold, Mr. L. I*. Martin. W. J. Zacharias, K>q . Mr. A. R. Brodheck. Prof. Bolger ! Kev. J. David Miller. Chas. I. Bowman : Rev. T. K. Cromer, Mr. W. 0. Zinn. Mrs. D. O. Bowman : Revs. I K. Bmhoff, C. H. Heller. I). A. Howman: Revi. W. W. Kowe, w. H. Conoey. J. w. Dlnglsdlns: Rsts. M. I* Firor, J. P. Hamer, Mr. D. M. Ma- 11 conley. M. Coffman j Rev. J. S. Kieffer, D I) . Mr. C. Harry Keller. Mrs. M. L. Calvert; Kev. J. A. Kyi. t 1-'. Frere] ! Kev. Geo. S. Borber, Mr. Joha L, Geber. Mix. Ceo. Prara] : Kev. Llovd CohlenUj Mr. John Preyer. Get). H. Prove]: Messrs. Samuel Long. .1. U. Simon. Jacob 7m Fravel: Rows. B. S. Mil- e ler, H. W. Wisder. I M. M. Fravel : Revs.G. w. Welsh, M. J. Roth, Mr. M. K. Berkheimer. Walter Fra ve! Kev. X. W. S- Mr. K. M. Bailey. Lewis Funkhouser ; L C. Woseey, v.. C. Oeorj : Kev. j. a. HoVhelns, l). I)., Mr. K C. Boeskel. Capt. Crabill : Rev. Dr. .1. C.| Leonard, Rer. Dr. J. M. L Lyerly. .1. T. Haas. Rev. J. D. Andrew, Rev. Dr. T. J. Hacker. Revs. A. P, Nun-, A. M. Ki for. ROT. Hartman: Kev. Dr. II. H. Apple, Rev. Dr. C.S. Llogle, Mr. J. D. Zehring, C. M. Wolff, Esq. Dr. Hoffman : Prof. J, H. Apple, Rer. J. H. smith. Mr. ll K. Borton- bough. Chas. Hoover : Messrs. A. S.K-ni-- :. A C. ROSSO. Phillp Hoover : Mr. S. P, Marlin .1. K Lotohow, Esq, Mloi Annie Hottel: Rer. J. M. Rankle, Mr. J. V. Pickea Jasper Hottel : Kev. K. K. Ap. Uar, Mr. I leeper Wick. M. il. Hottel : Kev. Dr. W. E. Lampe, Rer. Dr. J. M. Shick. Dr. M. c. Molter, Rare. O. B. Garrison, B. C. Ho iver. Dr. H. ll. Irwin, Rora. D. J. WolB W. P. More. (apt. Koonta: Messrs. J. P. Cop- pelt, 1). H. Beam. Ceo. Logon : lev. ,i. B. Blom Rte. Dr. T '). i tod. w. W. Logon Rer. \)r. C. Clen r. s. V. P no : Rere. B. Hoy, P. S Kupley. R K. E, Leinl Mr. A B Bo Rilej : K< re, J, K gOmOO, A. . . Thompson. P. s. Rb Ri -.. .i. Kern McKre .1 Joha (ie»,barth Dr. .1. B. K uh Revs. B. R sdi.i.- ti i. Dr. A. Ph ileobei Mm -I* Bheeti : Mr, < .. F. II- c heber. N. H. Fkylei: Rere. Keru. c. W. Worlick, M ton c. M. Qibboney, D. M. Bto Miss Schmitt: Ri Atvii le Coeser Rev, Dr. I. N. Pelgbtel, Rer. C. I'. Shaffer, ll. 8. Bomberger. .i rseph Bheeti: Rei. B. w. Stone- broker, Mr, E. K. King. lol. E. K. Stickle) : Kev. Dr. J. I.. Murphy, ih r, M. Whitener. M. L Welton, Esq*: Ke\. Dr. J. c. Bowman, Kev. Dr. C. J. Muss- Edward Williams : Kev. s. V. Boeder, Mr. (>. I'. Glib Thc thirty-seventh ann il - of the Cot.un. Bynod will convene in st Kalil's Reformed Bhuichi tesl Tuesday, »' s p. m. The opening sermoo will oe preach¬ ed by the retirii g preoid* nt the Rei . Dr. Peightel, ol Greenoostle, Po. The devotional service* trill l». cond by Rev. Dr. Jl. M. Bhick. 11 vYoob- logton, D. C. Immediately upon the con elusion of ib# pennon Ibe Synod will proceed to * ried lie organization by ejecting its officers for the ensuing year. The present officers are Dr. Prlghtel president; Elder J. W Wetzel Esq., Csrliee, Ps., riee-preeident; C. M. Wolff, Esq., Hanover, Pa., trrssurer; K> v. R. L. Bair, York. l';t.. Reading Clerk: Kev, Lr* B. Coblonts, Baitin.oie, Md., Stated Clerk. sren lng session will be gteen orer to the discussion ol important t day loci Cl (SrSClsllj il \he apply to the institution ond work oj I lurch, and |iO>c ICC of the features of the Synod. Business will occupy th" attention of Synod at its ether Sessions. All sessions will be open to the public, anti ail persons are ct rdislly invited to be present at ell the s»Si i M p. Wedaaedeyarealog Kev. k v. Dr. H. H. Apple president ol P. a* M. BgO, Lancaster, Pa , will speak aid an address on the Relief of Min* leters wiil he given probably Ly lbe Kev. D. N. Dittensr, of Byndomn, Pa. Thurodoy afternoon at I p. rn , the Loymon'i Mlsslonsry Coofersoos will ¦ held. Thc Rev. Dr. Lampe return* ii ptoeioaory presiding. Addresses will l»e made by Prot J. tl ;f Apple of the Women's College a .nek, Dr. M. C. MOtter ol Wash- s lawton and other lay delegol p This will he .he fourih tin.c Pot mac Synod hoi oonrouod el Woodstock, and a cordial 0*1 lOOOM OWSltl its mern- bera. 'Ph** aessloni are likely lo con- t :iu« until Moiitlay nl*<ht Nor, 1st. Tn 'dav at .1 p m. the Society for he Relief of Ministers will meet at the burch. M 0 ;." i tl h< r ni ai M fa wi C SI th h G ii V Ol t s 6< Ot ts p fl 111 1.1 l.l T lu a' t:. P G u QB ti c; The Bed-Kock Ol Success li*-s 'n a keen. clear brain, baelo-d by indomitable will and resistless energy. Such jnwer co'iiea from the splendid health that Dr. Kind's New Life Pills inpart. They vitalise every organ snd build up brain and bo.h. J. A. Harmon. Uiemore, W. Va., writes : "They are the bent Pills 1 ever used.' ?~tc. at Walton A Smoot. FOR SALK - Thr e heating stoves. A. G. Carter. CONFEDERATE REUNION Maurertown, Va., Ost Capt. J. H. Grabiil, Editor Shem Herald, Dear Sir:.I am writing to rMve yt some notes of our trip lo Donrill Va., from Oct. 11th to the t 'fbi ol t I ifh to attend the annual meeting rand Camp Coofedi of Virginie, which von can publish the columns of the Heklo for ti l>eneflt of its many readers if it sui convenience. We left home on the early mon lng train Ihe nth Od and tl following persons oom posed our pan *>-wit: Major C. Shirley, of New Ma <<*t, and his two delegates, Messr ntltl and Bowman came tt) us i Danville on their return trip fro South Carolina where they attende is delegates ¦ conference of the: thurah. Anti at Strasburg, we wei -einfOfOed by L. Hum. John Hammai '<¦ W. Mclatarff and Isaac F, nth Mrs. Ida Funk their sponsor, a »f Stover Camp, and Cyrus Keele ommnndsr, Hue. McGuire Cami ImithCooley, Joha Boothe and Get L Snoor, of Lebanon church, an t Front Royal Wm. O. Rual and Jut: v. Ternary came om board. A lonaoSOl we met the Winchester dele stion of Turner Aebby Camp. Capt leo. w. Kurts their commander am ife. the Kev. Dr. J. P. Hyde, chap lin of the Grand Camp of Va. ewton Carpenter and Mr. Striker II together making us a very re¬ settable in size and otherwise party And we now had a ride before us o >.'¦ miles in a good car and plenty o > mi. and leaving Manassas at ahou ! M. on a through train we arrivec I Danville about «:30 P. M , all lr .od shops Sod spirits and were es llted by their committee to hea-i lortere where we were oil oseigcec prlTote borneo, wbere we wen >yally entertained free of charg* iring our stay.bcoldee the com- ittee of ladies gave u: free lune! .ry day an I as the large building is neir the place ol our meeting a .eat many of us went there to uinnei :iich w,i> excellent rations ever; iv anti Danville has the honor to bc . first city t«> hove realy boarded ul lodged tlc vet.-rans free and en- .ely, with so much grace and cor¬ al iv that they have won the hearth all of the reterone, who were then id their thanks and gratitude a- di. I was entertained with comredi Hum. at the polotiol and hoi borne of Mr. E. R. Woddill, < ', Main St . ohoee wife was a Miss lller, of Washington, EtoppohS iunty, Va., a niece of Mi. H. .! of Co, <;. IQth Va. Ri m) and we i i the chi rgy .rt Bti odn an Ihe 85th, March il irere all ooptured. Trie writer in St foi ld fore day had tl e nor | iii command of tie and not bavin-: >een Mr. .ting at I - who boarded m.- at his ins c. wa*, pathetic and Intcrestlpg. r. V i horn end roiei d on the steJ I i State (his .her'g Stotion where it car airy fight of the war is fought I made this note Capt. i cause it will no dout inter- t you as yt)j had your horse killed anti were captured as I think you lld me. Anti in passing will say that I met ml T. T. Munford and Judge D. A. rlmeley, oho was major of the 8th I valry, both of whom poo fame tl will go down Into histor*} a> tt\ji- iguishsd cavalry heroes and < ith Roiling, of Petersburg, Vu , trama! der of the Vs.,Division is an¬ tler of th3 cavalry stars- Danville is a city ot 90,000 inhibi- nts situated on the Dan river in ttsylronlo county, Va, "> miles om thc North Carolina line ami -'» 8 iles from Manassas and is the largest dsO tobacco market In the worlo Its 0 OOtton mills work 5,000 hands. ley have 1 banks. Their agricul- roJ Fair was in full progreeeood we tended it which was excellent and i' horse? were of the very finest kind rs seer s?en. The meeting of the rind Comp, was distinguished for u oratory cf many of Virginia's jst distioguiebed sutakes, among em was Jutlge Sam Williams our nd id ate for Attouuj Cr-neral and ipt. K. S. Parks. of Luray. The Confederate Ladlee choir in dformfrom Norfolk added greatly tn e pleasure of the occasion. Tl I me entertainment ol the Sponeor < is grand. Tbe parodo wai though l>e the largest of an\ State re-uniot er seen in Virginia. Must close. icr-->s to you. Good bye till we set again. Vours truly. R I). F. Note.Pittsylvania is the largest ninty in the State of Va. Doa Lost. A medium sized Scotch Collie with bits lf-gs and streak of white in fore- ¦aJ yellow hack wah lop ears. Las! ten of dog when he followed my team Woodstock (Vtober Kl. A liberal reward will be gi v. n tt) i. ons furnishing Information li od« recovery. J. F. W i SM tn, . F. D. No. 4. F.dinlmrg, Va. Bettina! Belting! .1. A Dysart k Co., are Agents for .. National LsncVr Helling Co., a*nd .e prepared to furnish LoSthor, itched Canes*! end Gum Bolting kl ices which will please you. HAYEYOU TRIED THE NCV/TOl CREME mm**? DU le. hi of 1.1 In tl n- c lj r- S. lt ii. d lr .e ). Killed By Fall From Horse. Winchester, \ a , QpJ 16. Lam: J reen, a lad ol US years, was thro, from a horse an I crushed to dea shortly after 9 o'clock this mornii near White Post. Clarke county, whi 00 bil way to the home of his Mrs. Samuel BryorJy, with whom 1 had resided since the death of h ii ii- Young Ol BOO had ht . n to Bom with his brother-in-law, Mr. Bryarl <>n business. The latter was In h automoble. and Creen was riding h driving boroo, following behind. A though the horse went several mil' without becoming frightened-, lt sr. dooly plunged, stumbled on a stoi aid fe 1, throwing tireen under. Tl; horse stepped upon Green's shoe thing his breastbone sod crosbie out his life. His body was placed I Ihe automobile arid taken to the bom of Mr. and Mrs. Bryarly. The youth was an ev pori boroemi and was greatly liked by the people that neighborhood. Football Flayer Breaks Two Ribs Staunton, Vc, oct. 17..Staunkn Millitary Academy swamped thi Shenandoah Valley Academy, ol Win Iter, Frid.iy on the gridiron, .12 tt o. In the Brat two minutes of plaj Full Back Edmondson, ol the visiting team, was knocked out, sustaining two fractured ribs. Thi ric on out¬ weighed their opponents. FOR RENT. Store room and residence on Xortl Main Street. For particulars app'i to Miss R. J. Rinker, Woodstock For a clear head a stout heart anti strong mind. DeWitt's Little Farly Uisers, gentle, safe easy, pleasant little pills. Dewitt's Corbolloetj Witch Ha/el Salve is unequalled foi anything where a salve is needed, ind is especially good forPih's. Sold bj We on k Smoot. ( $ flK£ co. Crying Over Spilled Ink will not removed the stains. Don't destroy your friends'i high opinion ol von by writ¬ ing her on a cheap, shoddy Wrtiing paper and then scold yourself for your poor judge¬ ment. SO Eaton, Crane & Pike "Made in Berkshire" naper, an>l there will be no spilled ink to cry over. Thees pop* - are of the blgheot »| mil itv, and pnaeesethel "indefinable something exiled Style" that appeals tt) every discriminat¬ ing user of 10010] correspon¬ dence papers. There is 00 Baton, I rans k Pike writing paper for every member of the family and for every pocketbook. Why not drop in and look over our com¬ plete line of these celebrated pa|' - SCHMITT'S DRUG STORE, THI SIDM PSMIQUAUTT, WOODSTOCK, - VA. Druid Oil 10 and oOc. QUAINT and cutious pieces in CHINA ,v GLASSWARE are strum j I ht ilii gs kept at this place. As usual our prices are based on the principal of small profits. BARGELT, The Reliable Jeweler and Optician. COURT STKKKT, WOODSTOCK, - - VA. WATCH WORK AND HAND ENGRAVING B NOTICE. The Tax bills of thc Town for 1W9, are now made out and payment may be made at any t'me, at the Treasurer's ottos la Cooli Bqnsrs. All (ax hills remaining unpaid after Ih*c. 31st, UH) will l>e turned over to the Pcrgeant, and 5 |*»r cent, added, and collection of all bilU enforced according to la*. Re»pectfully, M. w. MAGRUOm, Sept. 10 until OSS tl. Treasurer. Brood Sow for Sale. (m.*) fine gradell chester anti Poland bfOOd cow and ten five weeks old pigs for sale This ls a rare opportunity to get a Tu ht class brood sow. Trice reasonable. Asa A. Shketz, Woodstock, Ve., sept. 24.if. K. F. D. No. 1\ Mr. Kditok:. V. i* b ar much IS about increased appropriations ft schools, and about the improvamei of the same. If this be true, why ca we not have a school at Hottel School House this year. There ha Bf been a year since the war whe there was not a public or privat school at this place This year we ar Informed there will rd bs a schoc opened in Johnston DUtrtot tetwee Narrow Passage anr* Triplett's mill Whit are all thes-j pe )!e to do Some of them are not abe to hat their children to Woodstock, all o them pay their taxes; it is too fa for many of them to walk: no publb cooreyooce Ins hee.i provided: w< don't tt> abandon our fat OM SOI homes anti move to town: the sehoo ar bur.tie-, refuse to reesodj Ihe elt*i Hiinn e e, p| t0 sav> you CUD school in tosm. B**t what good wil that do js ll our children are t< < young to walk to town and if the*- able || it just to u*? We I like somebody who knows a ramed] for Iheir condition to ld as bear Iron him. Respectfully, A Pa peon. Pittsburc the Champion. Pittsburg now has the honor o: having the champron batcha II team o: the world. The World's Champion¬ ship series of even games closed Saturday in Detroit, the final game going to Pittsburg hy a score of 8 to 0. The struggle was one of the closest in the htotorf of baseball, each" team h iring won three games until Satur¬ day's game went t > Pittsburg. The total attendance for the ieejo gaines was .4."), 141 aad total receipts were 1188,60. Pittsburg will give each player 12,000, though it is not likely that any official announcement to this effect will be made. notice. I am paying 28c doz. for eggs; 22c lb. for butt-jr: 60c bushel forpota 18c lb. for ham: 10c lb. for side: l">c for shoulder and lard: 13c lb. for young chickens sod 1-c lb for old hens. GLENN LOCKE, Head Glenn Locke's big ad. Woman Jumps Prom Train. Winchester, Va., Oct. 18 .Miss Georgie Met/, 28 years old, daughter of Mr. Daniel Melz, a prominent firmer and fruit grower of Stephenson lies in a precarious condition, with a fighting chance of recovery, at the home of Asa Crisman, at Kernstowu, ll of jumping from a B. ll 0. passenger tain near Kerostown Sta¬ tion Saturdav eeerfnfl &od falling* against a staticu trucK. She went to Kernstown to visit Miss Minnie Crisman, and did not get off the train until it started to leave the station. It is supposed that she be¬ came bewildered and cutting a long and deep gash, making her uncon- -c ..s lererel hours. She is believed tt> be also sulTt ring from internal aeesorrogee. Her relative- have been summt)ned. TRUSTEE'S SALE. 09 VAbUAHbK Personal Property. Bj rlrtoe ol a deed of Iroel to me bf James W. Link of date Feb¬ ruary Pi. 1008, and of record in lbe Clerk's #llice of Shenandoah county, Virginia, in I) B 89, page 116* etc.. tt» secure certain debts therein set forth, defa.ilt boring been made in the payment of said debts and being there unto requested by tbe beneficiary. I will sell ut public auction, to the high¬ est bidder on FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, Wm. at IL' o'clock, M.. in front ot tbe place of business of Zirkle & Bros., in For¬ esail.e, Shenandoah county, Virginia, OOO Columbia Boy Baler, made hy¬ the Ann Arbor Company, of Ann Ar¬ bor. Michigan, one Gray Mare, one Brown little,OOO Red Cow, one Bro*n Wagon anti one B-.ickboard. TERMS. CASH. U. L. FLOYD, Trustee. Annual Meeting Annual meeting of stockholders of thc Valley Turn Dike Co. will be held at Winchester, Va., (>ctober 2*. IV00, in the office of Hansbrough Si Carter, at lo a. rn All business that can properly coim¬ batore this meeting will then be trans¬ acted. H. F. BYRD, lt. President. The Most Elaborate Display of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ever brought to Woodstock will be on display in my parlors October Isl and 2nd 1 have bought for your benefit the very latest styles which the leading markets afford and BEFORE YOU SELECT YOUR HAT you should inspect my display. WHATEVER IS NEATEST, NOBBIEST AND NEWEST will be displayed. Prices, as always, will be right. Mrs, A. Garrett Carter. N. 1>. Miss Naomi Miller, of Baltimore and Miss Sallie Davis, of Woodstock, exjiericnced milliners, will be with me during the season. Perfect FittingClothes are the ONLY kind that leaves our establishment. The Very Latest Designs in Fall and Winter Prints are now on display and to secure the best and latest in nobby FALL CLOTHS you should call at once. Every Suit Guaranteed as to Workmanship, Material and Fit J. R. MILLER, Opp. Post Office, THE TAILOR" Woodstock, Va. ii BANK MONEY ORDERS, »* are safe, convenient, economical. Cosl Less than Posl Ofiice or Express Orders Payable al any bank in Ihe United States. Ask for our rate card and compart prices. SHENANDOAH NATIONAL BANK. Start To-day with a bottle of our Saraparilla Compound. It wil purify the blood and build up thc system in general thereby enabling it to overcome any disease germs to which it ii so susceptible at this season of the year. The Large and Increasing' demand for this preparation is the best proof as to its merits. , Regular $1.00 size lor 50c. WALTON & SMOOT, 'THK DRUGGISTS" MAGAZINES, FINK CANDIES, CIOAHS HESS' STOCK FOOD THC BEST.

Transcript of Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA)...

Page 1: Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) · Only once during the game was the goal of M. A. indanger, and


[IDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1909


ired at the Post Office, at Woo(

?k, Va., as second-class matter.

:nandoah valley loan anitrust company,

woodstock, viroinia.

mer loaned at 6 per cent, on real estate[good collateral security. Savin-ra de-Wt* received In sums of ft.oo oi over,

0 interest allowed on game.

r For particulars address the CompanyRts home office, or call on J. W. Kberlv,frasbnrg ; ti. NV Wir.dle, Edinburg; F. S.

¦nnybacker. Mt. Jackson; or 3. K.|N>ver, New Market, Va.

ANNOUNCEMENT.For House of Delegates*

Haring aeon deolarad the norrine*of the democratic party, for the Legisluture, I moa rcspeotfnUl solicit thtHuppoa of tne voters of ShenandoahOuuuty, for the oliice.

If elected, 1 promise a faithful dis¬charge of the duties of the otlice and

styi; strive in every way to rendermyself usefn1 to ray constituents,

Vcrv resi>ectfully,F H. BRUMBACK.

To th- Voters of,Shenandoah County:Having received the nomiuatioo for

the H risc of Delegates from the"regular" Republican County Con¬vention. I hereby announce myself a

candidate fo»* re-election, and solicitthe support of al! qualified voters.

1 desire also to express my grati¬tude fo* the pail co; ii tl support giventt-> and promise if re-elected, to serve

0»v constituency in the future as Ihave in the p'ist, faithful and impar¬tial ;md at all times to safeguard thew^lf tc., of the £:*eat t trpaylof com¬te »nitj. of Shenandoah County.

V'ei v respectfully,BURDER B. HOWMAN.

Ediabucg, Va-

Druid Oil.Thc Great Discovery for

Khcuinatism. Backache and

Painful Joints.For sale at


Endorsed by Physicians.


IV- - fl at dlenn Locke's.GOALOIL Soper gallon at Glenn

Locke's, a:i\ quantity.We sell the best COAL OIL'ol 8c

gallon. Glenn Locke.

To Ladies Only: A Flex never

Squeak shoes at G. Metzgei's*The walrus hide whip will give satis¬

faction. Tr\ one. J. A. Dysart A:

Co.The -m.Tnor has declined to in-

**»***»ir' - in Jflie cise of the Common-

**oa*a4Fa7:ainst Kirby J. Bowman.

Fall c dds are quickly cured byPole?'l Honey and Tar, the greatthroat and lung remedy. The genuinecontains no harmful drugs. Schmitt's,drug store.

N< >TICE.Orders for ice cream, forSunday delivery, should be left at

either drug store not later than Satur¬day noon. A. W. Nicodemus & Sons.

The colored orchestra of the town

have leen rsoderiof some choiceselections on our streets lately. Afew nights a^o they wu e mouedto serenade some of their friends, allenjoyed and api reciated the music.

J. A. Dysait rft Co., tre Agents forthe National Leal ier Helling Co., ofNew Vork. You can get the bestleather or canvass stitched belting ofthem at the lowest cost. Write or callfor prices.

Messrs. Aaron Vetter and HubertArt/, bought thi ec trees of Winesapsof Mr. Ceo. Kitenour, of near Maurer-town that yielded 30 bb ls. of fine ap¬

ples. One tree had \6 bbls. choiceapples and on.y one bbls. culls. Treoswer« sprayed OOOC and scarcely a

w.Miny Off knotty apple was found.

Tne various committees of theShenandoah Chapter will please meet

at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Carter on

Tuesday 2mh of <>ct. at 7 P. M.. Asocial will beheld on the 5th and «thof Nov. for the benefit of the Home ofNeedy Confederate Women.

Mrs. Jas. Williams,1'rs. Chapter.

Fut your savings In the SsvingDepartment . Shenandoah Valleyboan & Tmit Co., Woodstock, Va.,At 3 per cent, compound interestAmounts of*H/*0 and upward received. Th only savings institutio inibe county for the accumulation of thesmall savings of laboring men, wo¬

men and childi-*- tf

Cook says he did it. Peary says he

did it, but the chances are neither one

did it unless he took Hollister's RockyMountain Tea. It is the most search¬ing and 8nding remedy.there is no

doubt after taking as sure as youtake it you get results. Do it tonight.Schmitt s Drug Store.

Ray monti Swank, 'he 10-year-oldson Mr. and Mrs. D A. Swank, ofKdoro, was dragged to death by a

pony lat>t evening at the home of hisuncle, Samuel L. Hoover, a half milelouth of Harrisonburg. The accidentoccurred while the boy, with a num¬

ber of little playfellows as hit solecompanions, was riding over a hur¬dle. After taking the jump the ponyturned ouddenly, throwing its rider,whose foo* hung in the stirrup andlbe little fellow was kicked and drag¬ged about the field, receiriog in¬

juries from which he died in flfteeuminutes..Harrisonburg News.

Antomobile Procession.A procession of from 60 to 75 auto-

mobiles will pass ever the greatNational Highway from New York toAtlanta, Ga., next Wedneeda*, pool¬ing through Woodstock, early in theafternoon. They will diae in Win-(teeter aod witt asesal taos**** in


~> rERSONALS.Ifr. John Kibler is visiting his old

home iu Kirksville, Mo.Miss Alice Bowman is teaching

school at Daphn this sessiou.Miss Maria Snapp, of New Market

visited friends in town this week.Dr. S. J. Hoffman, was a court day

visitor in Harrisonburg Monday.Mr. G. Met/ger spent Sunday with

his parents in Harrisonburg.Mr. W. T. Williams returned Tues¬

day from a visit to Baltimore.Miss Mary Koontz, is visiting htr

brother Dr. G. E. Koontz in Salem.Mrs. Fenton Windle ia spending

this weak with friends in New Marke".Mr. John Livers spent the first of

the week with his family in this plo© ¦

Miss Nettie Kneislev spent the Bratof the week with friends in WT ashing .

Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sager ne¬

vi sitin? in Hi^'h Town, W.Va.Mrs. W. S. Cline, returned Tuesday

from a visit to relatives lu Harrison¬burg.Mr. and Mrs. Dwyght Hisey ln\e

moved i-to Mrs. J. A. Dysart'*property. .>

Mr. Hul>ert Shockey, of Fairfax,visited ..his father in this plane thc

first of the week.Mr. Bud Moore, of Moore's Store

visited Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Prayel thefirst of the week.Miss Lorena Davis has returned ]

from a visit to friends in Washingtonand Brunswick, Md.

Dr. J. H. Smoot and Mr. H. < >.

Nicodemus are attending the Frede¬rick, lld., fair this week.

Mr. Frank Stillwell hoi moved fromthe Walton farm into J. D. GrobilPiproperty on North Main street.

Mr and Mrs. F. M. Bird, of Mt.Jackson spent sew-ral days this weekwith Mr. und .\,r*. J. D. Grahill.Miss Winnie Davis is spending

several weeks with her cousin MittFlorence Errgood in Washington.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Site are visit¬

ing Mrs. Rite's brothers MessrsLenard and Omer Keller, in Pittsburg.Mr. John Koonta, (efl Monday

morning for The Plains where he will

repaint the residence of Dr. John R.McGill.Mr. Geo. Christman has moved his

family from Edinburg into Mr. J. D.GrabilPs property on North Mainstreet.

Rey. and Mrs W. Twyman Wil¬

liams, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.W. T. Williams and family at "Bird¬wood."Mrs. May Allen Jordon, of Mt.

Jacksoon visit*d ihe Misses Allen at

Massanntten Academy the first of tit-week.Mr. Boyd GrandstafT returned to

his home In LoPort, ind., Thursdaymorning, after spending several weeklWith lelatives in this place.Mr. Clyde I'. Walton spent Sunday

with his wife ami daughter who art-

visiting Hon. and airs. M. af. John¬son in Frout RO)Ol.Miss Marie Hollingsworth lt ft

Wednesday for her home in Mercer.Teen., alter boring Spent the summer

with relatives in this and Rockinghamcounties.Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibbs and li.tie

son Chas, left Moe day afternoon forBaltimore where Chas, will enter St.

Agnes Hospital to be operated on forhernia.Mr. Sam'l Sheet/, of Keyser, W.

Va., was in town Tuesday. afr.Sheetz had the misfortune to have themiddle finger of his right hand mashedoff last Tuesday.

Messrs, Ray Miller und KailSchuyler, of Washington spent sev¬

eral Oays this Wt¦-k with Mrs AnnieKeller and family on North MainStreet.Mr. Gilbert Coffman who has bern

spending his vocation with his par¬ents Mr. and Mrs. M. Co MU ian, wiMaple Heights has returned to Rich¬mond.Mr. Huston Newman acccmj a^ied

by his school-mates Messrs. Todd andSmith, of Randolph-Macon Academy,Front Royal, spent the week-end withJudge and Mrs 8 D. Newman.


Flayer Breaks Ribs.Massanutten Academy defeated

Rando1 ph Macon Academy, 61 Front

Royal, here Monday by a score of

17 to 0. Only once during the gamewas the goal of M. A. in danger, andthen Et li. A. lost the ball on downs.Moyer got the ball on i forward pas>and made a loach down. In the sec¬

ond hi-if A. Miller got the bail on a

punt and scored another touch down,with four minutes to play. Harrison

by several line plunges made a thiidtouch down.At tbe beginning of the second ha'f

Irwin tackled Smith, quart?." hack forS. M. A., and one of Smith's ribs VS!broken. He tried to slay in the game,but after another tackle was compelledto retire.

John Crabiil Killed.John Crabill, son of Daniel Crabill i

of Tom's Brook, was killed at Bing- t

ham, Ptah last Monday. Full por-lfticular. of his death have nm been re- 1ceived, but as ho was working ia olecopper mine, it ls supposed that his) Jdeath was caused by the ruachiner\ ri

He was a young man about)9 ori'olyears of age. He went out Ut iColorado, obout 18 months ago and s

intended to visit his home about .-

Christmas. Ir

Funeral of Mrs. foyn.The funeral of Mrs. Cathi; e.

who died Friday night at h bonear Tom's Brook, was held Si ¦ i i \

afternoon from the United Urethraech-irch, of wliio*i slu -./a-, a Kimber.The oorvleee wert conduced by )

pastor, itev. A. H. Smith, bstemmolwa* mn-'e in St. John's cemett ry atHarrisville.Mrs. Coy*, whose death wa* can-ed

by dropsy, wa* 81 years old Sh-j i

spent h» r early lifo near Mt. Jack-..> \.

Her husbond died 30 years ago. Sheleave** a sister, Mrs. Jessie Walto i.

With F. H. Brumback in the legis- I

lature the peoples? interest will be 1

jguorded. \%* j


Angered because he had been dcharged, Louis Liddell, a negro, w

has been employed in the lunchrotconducted by Mr. Noah Coffman,115 Light St., shortly after 1 o'clcWednesday afternoon shot h

ployer twice, one bullet enteiingtabdomen and the other the right at

A third shot went wild.Mr. Coftinan was hurried to Mer

Hospital, where he is said to be in

critical condition. Tha ph] stetaattempted to probe for the bulletthe body last night, but failed to Imore it. The use of the right ai

may bs affected. Liddell is takiili n arrest in a matter-of-fact mann

in the Central Pol'ce Station.Excitement followed the shootir

besoms so preat that it was fear*

that the negro would be roughly hat.1 d. There were about 50 pat-ons

the lunchroom when the shooting o

curred.Mr. Huber, who is a member of tl

firm, and Mr. Goodman, an employ.were in the cellar '-iii- Mr. Coffinswhen Ihe OOgrO started to shooHuber ran through thc lunchroom tt

ward the desk for his pistol. When lireturned the negro had shot Mr. Cofand was struggling with GoodmoiPushing Saber and Goodman asidt

the nezro ran down the alley in threar of the store, threatening the lirer>f anyone who attempted to arres

lim. Huber following bin?, andcaughup with him at Pratt street, and helllim under cover of his pistol until thirrivel of Patrolman Jones. Altngry crowd gathered, bat Jones sum

noned the auto patrol and >ent thlegro tt) the station.The trouble started when Mr. ColT

nan reprimanded the negro for breakag dishes during the noon hourChe negro became insolent and whetlischorged drew his revolver.When seen at thc station Diddel

node no denial of his attempt to kildr, Coffman. He said he had warnedtot only Mr. Coffman, hut tl.-j otheinen in the basement that he woulihoot if they bothered him He wa*

tiken before Justice Grannan. whoeld him without bail until the con

ition of Mr. Coffman is such as kppeor in court.Mr. Coffman is 51 years old and

ires at SlfS Jefferson street. He i*ell known in East Baltimore ami I Ol

large circle of friends among busi*ess men, as he has U-en in the busi¬es for a long time in the downtownaction of thc city. Balto. Sun,

-Jay, Oct. 21>t.Mr. Coffman is a native (J this

ounty and for I number ofa^ ¦ popular merchant at Conics-Hie.

The following telegram wa? rceeir«.1 by the Herald Thursday eraring:

"Haitimere, (>ct. 21, 4:").") p.m.Ni>-ih Coffman's condition fairlynod*

- -ter M. Cumr.ui a


Wedm - loy oft< moon at 12:.;«. o'clock* the hom- ol the brides parents Mrs. Georgs A. Copp, ol Fisher'sill, their daughter Miss Nella Arie: 6

opp was joined ia marriage to Mr.arl Lowen Miley. of Tom's Brook.Mrs. Miley lethe youngest idough-

ir of Rev. Gooree Copp president olie People'* National Rank o* Strasb¬urg and is rory popular in the c.Hu¬

mility in which she lireiMr. Miley is a son of Mr. and Mrs.

. B. Miley and a member of the Anof Snarr and MI'S)*! big mercantile^tablishmcnt cf Tl m's Brook.Mr. Miiey was a former student I I

Ja.*>sanuiten Academy ol this olicend made many friends here who «¦

imgratulaticns and b «>t wishes aie

iib him.


Mr. John W. < opp, who now residesi Strasburg met with Jin BOCident last

Ionday, which may ciuse his deathLe was driving a horse hitched to s

ugkry and had a cow which he was

i'dmr to his son ettiehe I to thc sam >

i »gy. The cow, it li .-.uppostd, Inrime way frightend the horse whichlrlog a sudden jump, thrt e

Ir. Copp, head foremost from thfliggy. His foot was in some w.\.riught in the buggy and he was drag-*d a short distance. It was sup*ned that his skull was collar bone broken and his bod)raised.He was carried to his home in an

^conscious condition.Mr. Copp WOS one of the ploot-CI

rot growers of ibis county and was

;i energet'c business man. His man\

r cadi will ii*gret to heir of his mis*rt ine.

A later dis, a'ch sa; s that he is do¬ng very well.

Clothing Caught Ure.Mrs. Seal ilenUe!, U%iogO mile wes1

.f (Juickshurg, an Invalid sutT-1 * l

*ith lheumatism, waa sitting In heinvalitl chair Sunday morning ne«i

lie fireplace r>ili:i,' son* letters,there by some 010001 several of th*otters fe 1 of h*r lap, Th" k Iaught hr*, v.. i trr I I fie ll tia u t<

.irs Ben .cl' i ..-.-, t*id ls Iate bu o > bi tg w i * i i .i bl is ».

She was alone in the ro »..i. Bllaughter, Mi-.*. [rSjoe, In the kitchenmd o hired girl opstiirs li-ard bricreams and ea ne t<»md found bs Ij w t¦Oat of her eh.ih i if of bet*.P tey grabbed t-i ¦ cording from Um>cd and smoth r ri !i i tl .mas. Mrs.leaks! has U > all tht

She has not been this b» walk foiyears. At 1 ist OSOUOtf sn*J was

' Silos fairly well.

Church Notes.Kv W. T.vymri W-ITams will

pr* .uh in the Vi ibjrtsi ian cl,incllexi Sunday morning at ll o'clock.

Da You Want a Good Whip ?Tty Ute walrus hide whip. It 1

id to l>e latter th ni the wholik*ne or rawhide and is much cheaper

J. A. Dysart k Co.




















d< i





0. I Delegates lo Synod will beeutertainSd Ol follows:

Jl. B. Bailey: Key. Dr. W. A. Koro.A. B Bauserman: Rev. E. M. Sands

Mr. Walter Blessing.M. L. Bauserman: Revs. Robt. Lee

Bair, O. K. I'otU.r. Kev. Pr. A. D.'dr. Israel Loueks.

R. L. Bargelt : loossrs. W. L.Kefauver and Geo, P. frirnich.Prof. H. J. Benoboff: Rees. W, H.

Bowers, C. H. Knock, Howard «>

Bold, Mr. L. I*. Martin. W. J.

Zacharias, K>q . Mr. A. R. Brodheck.Prof. Bolger ! Kev. J. David Miller.Chas. I. Bowman : Rev. T. K.

Cromer, Mr. W. 0. Zinn.Mrs. D. O. Bowman : Revs. I K.

Bmhoff, C. H. Heller.I). A. Howman: Revi. W. W. Kowe,w. H. Conoey.

J. w. Dlnglsdlns: Rsts. M. I*Firor, J. P. Hamer, Mr. D. M. Ma-

11 conley.M. Coffman j Rev. J. S. Kieffer, D

I) . Mr. C. Harry Keller.Mrs. M. L. Calvert; Kev. J. A.

Kyi.t 1-'. Frere] ! Kev. Geo. S. Borber,

Mr. Joha L, Geber.Mix. Ceo. Prara] : Kev. Llovd

CohlenUj Mr. John Preyer.Get). H. Prove]: Messrs. Samuel

Long. .1. U. Simon.Jacob 7m Fravel: Rows. B. S. Mil-

e ler, H. W. Wisder.I M. M. Fravel : Revs.G. w. Welsh,

M. J. Roth, Mr. M. K. Berkheimer.Walter Fra ve! Kev. X. W. S-

Mr. K. M. Bailey.Lewis Funkhouser ; L C. Woseey,v.. C. Oeorj : Kev. j. a. HoVhelns,

l). I)., Mr. K C. Boeskel.Capt. Crabill : Rev. Dr. .1. C.|

Leonard, Rer. Dr. J. M. L Lyerly..1. T. Haas. Rev. J. D. Andrew,

Rev. Dr. T. J. Hacker. Revs. A. P,Nun-, A. M. Kifor.ROT. Hartman: Kev. Dr. II. H.

Apple, Rev. Dr. C.S. Llogle, Mr. J.D. Zehring, C. M. Wolff, Esq.Dr. Hoffman : Prof. J, H. Apple,

Rer. J. H. smith. Mr. ll K. Borton-bough.Chas. Hoover : Messrs. A. S.K-ni--

:. A C. ROSSO.Phillp Hoover : Mr. S. P, Marlin

.1. K Lotohow, Esq,Mloi Annie Hottel: Rer. J. M.

Rankle, Mr. J. V. PickeaJasper Hottel : Kev. K. K. Ap.

Uar, Mr. I leeper Wick.M. il. Hottel : Kev. Dr. W. E.

Lampe, Rer. Dr. J. M. Shick. Dr. M.c. Molter, Rare. O. B. Garrison, B.C. Ho iver.

Dr. H. ll. Irwin, Rora. D. J. WolBW. P. More.(apt. Koonta: Messrs. J. P. Cop-

pelt, 1). H. Beam.Ceo. Logon : lev. ,i. B. Blom

Rte. Dr. T '). i tod.w. W. Logon Rer. \)r. C. Clen r.

s. V. P no : Rere. B. Hoy, P.S Kupley.

R K. E, LeinlMr. A B Bo

Rilej : K< re, J, KgOmOO, A. . . Thompson.

P. s. Rb Ri -.. .i. Kern McKre.1 Joha (ie»,barthDr. .1. B. K uh Revs. B. R

sdi.i.- ti i. Dr.A. Ph ileobeiMm -I* Bheeti : Mr, < .. F. II- c

heber.N. H. Fkylei: Rere.

Keru. c. W. Worlick, M ton c. M.

Qibboney, D. M. BtoMiss Schmitt: Ri Atvii le Coeser

Rev, Dr. I. N. Pelgbtel, Rer. C. I'.

Shaffer, ll. 8. Bomberger..i rseph Bheeti: Rei. B. w. Stone-

broker, Mr, E. K. E. K. Stickle) : Kev. Dr. J. I..

Murphy, ih r, M. Whitener.M. L Welton, Esq*: Ke\. Dr. J. c.

Bowman, Kev. Dr. C. J. Muss-Edward Williams : Kev. s. V.

Boeder, Mr. (>. I'. GlibThc thirty-seventh ann il -

of the Cot.un. Bynod will convene inst Kalil's Reformed Bhuichi teslTuesday, »' s p. m.

The opening sermoo will oe preach¬ed by the retirii g preoid* nt the Rei .

Dr. Peightel, ol Greenoostle, Po. Thedevotional service* trill l». condby Rev. Dr. Jl. M. Bhick. 11 vYoob-logton, D. C.Immediately upon the con elusion of

ib# pennon Ibe Synod will proceed to* ried lie organization by ejecting its

officers for the ensuing year.The present officers are Dr. Prlghtel

president; Elder J. W Wetzel Esq.,Csrliee, Ps., riee-preeident; C. M.Wolff, Esq., Hanover, Pa., trrssurer;K> v. R. L. Bair, York. l';t.. ReadingClerk: Kev, Lr* B. Coblonts, Baitin.oie,

Md., Stated Clerk.srenlng session will be gteen

orer to the discussion ol importantt day lociCl (SrSClsllj il \he

apply to the institution ond work ojI lurch, and |iO>c ICC of thefeatures of the Synod.Business will occupy th" attention

of Synod at its ether Sessions. Allsessions will be open to the public,anti ail persons are ct rdislly invitedto be present at ell the s»Si i M p.

Wedaaedeyarealog Kev. k v. Dr.H. H. Apple president ol P. a* M.

BgO, Lancaster, Pa , will speakaid an address on the Relief of Min*leters wiil he given probably Ly lbeKev. D. N. Dittensr, of Byndomn, Pa.

Thurodoy afternoon at I p. rn , theLoymon'i Mlsslonsry Coofersoos will¦ held. Thc Rev. Dr. Lampe return*ii ptoeioaory presiding.Addresses will l»e made by Prot J. tl

;f Apple of the Women's College a

.nek, Dr. M. C. MOtter ol Wash- slawton and other lay delegol pThis will he .he fourih tin.c Pot mac

Synod hoi oonrouod el Woodstock,and a cordial 0*1 lOOOM OWSltl its mern-

bera. 'Ph** aessloni are likely lo con-

t :iu« until Moiitlay nl*<ht Nor, 1st.Tn 'dav at .1 p m. the Society for

he Relief of Ministers will meet at theburch.













The Bed-Kock Ol Successli*-s 'n a keen. clear brain, baelo-d byindomitable will and resistless energy.Such jnwer co'iiea from the splendidhealth that Dr. Kind's New Life Pillsinpart. They vitalise every organsnd build up brain and bo.h. J. A.Harmon. Uiemore, W. Va., writes :

"They are the bent Pills 1 ever used.'?~tc. at Walton A Smoot.

FOR SALK - Thr e heating stoves.A. G. Carter.


Capt. J. H. Grabiil,Editor Shem Herald,

Dear Sir:.I am writing to rMve ytsome notes of our trip lo DonrillVa., from Oct. 11th to the t 'fbi ol tI ifh to attend the annual meeting

rand Camp Coofediof Virginie, which von can publishthe columns of the Heklo for til>eneflt of its many readers if it suiconvenience.We left home on the early mon

lng train Ihe nth Od and tlfollowing persons oomposed our pan*>-wit: Major C. Shirley, of New Ma<<*t, and his two delegates, Messrntltl and Bowman came tt) us iDanville on their return trip froSouth Carolina where they attendeis delegates ¦ conference of the:thurah. Anti at Strasburg, we wei-einfOfOed by L. Hum. John Hammai'<¦ W. Mclatarff and Isaac F,nth Mrs. Ida Funk their sponsor, a»f Stover Camp, and Cyrus Keeleommnndsr, Hue. McGuire CamiImithCooley, Joha Boothe and GetL Snoor, of Lebanon church, ant Front Royal Wm. O. Rual and Jut:v. Ternary came om board. AlonaoSOl we met the Winchester delestion of Turner Aebby Camp. Captleo. w. Kurts their commander am

ife. the Kev. Dr. J. P. Hyde, chaplin of the Grand Camp of Va.ewton Carpenter and Mr. StrikerII together making us a very re¬

settable in size and otherwise partyAnd we now had a ride before us o

>.'¦ miles in a good car and plenty o> mi. and leaving Manassas at ahou! M. on a through train we arrivecI Danville about «:30 P. M , all lr.od shops Sod spirits and were es

llted by their committee to hea-ilortere where we were oil oseigcecprlTote borneo, wbere we wen

>yally entertained free of charg*iring our stay.bcoldee the com-

ittee of ladies gave u: free lune!.ry day an I as the large buildingis neir the place ol our meeting a

.eat many of us went there to uinnei:iich w,i> excellent rations ever;

iv anti Danville has the honor to bc. first city t«> hove realy boardedul lodged tlc vet.-rans free and en-

.ely, with so much grace and cor¬

al iv that they have won the hearthall of the reterone, who were then

id their thanks and gratitude a-

di. I was entertained with comrediHum. at the polotiol and hoiborne of Mr. E. R. Woddill, <

', Main St . ohoee wife was a Misslller, of Washington, EtoppohSiunty, Va., a niece of Mi. H. .!

of Co, <;. IQth Va. Rim) and we i i the chi rgy.rt Bti odn an Ihe 85th, Marchil irere all ooptured. Trie writer inSt foi ld fore day had tl e

nor | iii command of tieand not bavin-: >een Mr.

.ting at I -

who boarded m.- at his insc. wa*, pathetic and Intcrestlpg.r. V i horn end roiei d on the

steJ I i State (his.her'g Stotion where

it carairy fight of the war

is fought I made this note Capt.i cause it will no dout inter-

t you as yt)j had your horse anti were captured as I think you

lld me.

Anti in passing will say that I metml T. T. Munford and Judge D. A.

rlmeley, oho was major of the 8thI valry, both of whom poo fame

tl will go down Into histor*} a> tt\ji-iguishsd cavalry heroes and <

ith Roiling, of Petersburg, Vu ,

trama! der of the Vs.,Division is an¬

tler of th3 cavalry stars-

Danville is a city ot 90,000 inhibi-nts situated on the Dan river in

ttsylronlo county, Va, "> milesom thc North Carolina line ami -'» 8iles from Manassas and is the largestdsO tobacco market In the worlo Its0 OOtton mills work 5,000 hands.ley have 1 banks. Their agricul-roJ Fair was in full progreeeood we

tended it which was excellent andi' horse? were of the very finest kindrs seer s?en. The meeting of therind Comp, was distinguished foru oratory cf many of Virginia'sjst distioguiebed sutakes, amongem was Jutlge Sam Williams our

nd id ate for Attouuj Cr-neral andipt. K. S. Parks. of Luray.The Confederate Ladlee choir indformfromNorfolk added greatly tn

e pleasure of the occasion. Tl I

me entertainment ol the Sponeor <

is grand. Tbe parodo wai thoughl>e the largest of an\ State re-unioter seen in Virginia. Must close.icr-->s to you. Good bye till we

set again. Vours truly.R I). F.

Note.Pittsylvania is the largestninty in the State of Va.

Doa Lost.A medium sized Scotch Collie withbits lf-gs and streak of white in fore-¦aJ yellow hack wah lop ears. Las!ten of dog when he followed my team

Woodstock (Vtober Kl.A liberal reward will be gi v. n tt)

i. ons furnishing Information li od«recovery.

J. F. W i SM tn,. F. D. No. 4. F.dinlmrg, Va.

Bettina! Belting!.1. A Dysart k Co., are Agents for.. National LsncVr Helling Co., a*nd.e prepared to furnish LoSthor,itched Canes*! end Gum Bolting klices which will please you.











Killed By Fall From Horse.Winchester, \ a , QpJ 16. Lam:

J reen, a lad ol US years, was thro,from a horse an I crushed to deashortly after 9 o'clock this morniinear White Post. Clarke county, whi00 bil way to the home of hisMrs. Samuel BryorJy, with whom 1had resided since the death of hii ii-

Young Ol BOO had ht . n to Bomwith his brother-in-law, Mr. Bryarl<>n business. The latter was In hautomoble. and Creen was riding hdriving boroo, following behind. Athough the horse went several mil'without becoming frightened-, lt sr.

dooly plunged, stumbled on a stoiaid fe 1, throwing tireen under. Tl;horse stepped upon Green's shoe

thing his breastbone sod crosbieout his life. His body was placed IIhe automobile arid taken to the bomof Mr. and Mrs. Bryarly.The youth was an ev pori boroemi

and was greatly liked by the peoplethat neighborhood.

Football Flayer Breaks Two RibsStaunton, Vc, oct. 17..Staunkn

Millitary Academy swamped thiShenandoah Valley Academy, ol Win

Iter, Frid.iy on the gridiron, .12 tto. In the Brat two minutes of plajFull Back Edmondson, ol the visitingteam, was knocked out, sustainingtwo fractured ribs. Thi ric on out¬weighed their opponents.

FOR RENT.Store room and residence on Xortl

Main Street. For particulars app'ito Miss R. J. Rinker, Woodstock

For a clear head a stout heart antistrong mind. DeWitt's Little FarlyUisers, gentle, safe easy, pleasantlittle pills. Dewitt's CorbolloetjWitch Ha/el Salve is unequalled foi

anything where a salve is needed, indis especially good forPih's. Sold bjWe on k Smoot.




Crying OverSpilled Ink

will not removed the stains.Don't destroy your friends'ihigh opinion ol von by writ¬ing her on a cheap, shoddyWrtiing paper and then scoldyourself for your poor judge¬ment.


Eaton, Crane & Pike"Made in Berkshire" naper,an>l there will be no spilledink to cry over. Thees pop*

- are of the blgheot »| mil itv,and pnaeesethel "indefinablesomething exiled Style" thatappeals tt) every discriminat¬ing user of 10010] correspon¬dence papers. There is 00Baton, I rans k Pike writingpaper for every member ofthe family and for everypocketbook. Why not dropin and look over our com¬plete line of these celebratedpa|' -



Druid Oil 10 and oOc.

QUAINTand cutious pieces in


are strum j Iht ilii gs keptat this place. As usual

our prices are based on the

principal of small profits.

BARGELT,The Reliable Jeweler

and Optician.COURT STKKKT,




NOTICE.The Tax bills of thc Town for 1W9,

are now made out and payment maybe made at any t'me, at the Treasurer'sottos la Cooli Bqnsrs. All (ax hillsremaining unpaid after Ih*c. 31st, UH)will l>e turned over to the Pcrgeant,and 5 |*»r cent, added, and collectionof all bilU enforced according to la*.

Re»pectfully,M. w. MAGRUOm,

Sept. 10 until OSS tl. Treasurer.

Brood Sow for Sale.(m.*) fine gradell chester anti Poland

bfOOd cow and ten five weeks old pigsfor sale This ls a rare opportunityto get a Tu ht class brood sow. Tricereasonable. Asa A. Shketz,

Woodstock, Ve.,sept. 24.if. K. F. D. No. 1\

Mr. Kditok:.V. i* b ar much IS

about increased appropriations ftschools, and about the improvameiof the same. If this be true, why cawe not have a school at HottelSchool House this year. There ha

Bf been a year since the war whethere was not a public or privatschool at this place This year we ar

Informed there will rd bs a schocopened in Johnston DUtrtot tetweeNarrow Passage anr* Triplett's millWhit are all thes-j pe )!e to doSome of them are not abe to hattheir children to Woodstock, all othem pay their taxes; it is too fafor many of them to walk: no publbcooreyooce Ins hee.i provided: w<don't tt> abandon our fatOM SOIhomes anti move to town: the sehooar bur.tie-, refuse to reesodj Ihe elt*iHiinn e e, p| t0 sav> you CUDschool in tosm. B**t what good wilthat do js ll our children are t< <

young to walk to town and if the*-able || it just to u*? We I

like somebody who knows a ramed]for Iheir condition to ld as bear Ironhim. Respectfully,

A Pa peon.

Pittsburc the Champion.Pittsburg now has the honor o:

having the champron batcha II team o:

the world. The World's Champion¬ship series of even games closedSaturday in Detroit, the final gamegoing to Pittsburg hy a score of 8 to0. The struggle was one of the closestin the htotorf of baseball, each" teamh iring won three games until Satur¬day's game went t > Pittsburg.The total attendance for the ieejo

gaines was .4."), 141 aad total receiptswere 1188,60.

Pittsburg will give each player12,000, though it is not likely that anyofficial announcement to this effectwill be made.

notice.I am paying 28c doz. for eggs; 22c

lb. for butt-jr: 60c bushel forpota18c lb. for ham: 10c lb. for side: l">c forshoulder and lard: 13c lb. for youngchickens sod 1-c lb for old hens.


Head Glenn Locke's big ad.

Woman Jumps Prom Train.Winchester, Va., Oct. 18 .Miss

Georgie Met/, 28 years old, daughterof Mr. Daniel Melz, a prominentfirmer and fruit grower of Stephensonlies in a precarious condition, with a

fighting chance of recovery, at thehome of Asa Crisman, at Kernstowu,

ll of jumping from a B. ll0. passenger tain near Kerostown Sta¬tion Saturdav eeerfnfl &od falling*against a staticu trucK.She went to Kernstown to visit Miss

Minnie Crisman, and did not get offthe train until it started to leave thestation. It is supposed that she be¬came bewildered and cutting a longand deep gash, making her uncon-

-c ..s lererel hours. She is believedtt> be also sulTt ring from internalaeesorrogee. Her relative- have beensummt)ned.


Personal Property.Bj rlrtoe ol a deed of Iroel

to me bf James W. Link of date Feb¬ruary Pi. 1008, and of record in lbeClerk's #llice of Shenandoah county,Virginia, in I) B 89, page 116*» secure certain debts therein setforth, defa.ilt boring been made in thepayment of said debts and being thereunto requested by tbe beneficiary. Iwill sell ut public auction, to the high¬est bidder on

FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, IL' o'clock, M.. in front ot tbe placeof business of Zirkle & Bros., in For¬esail.e, Shenandoah county, Virginia,OOO Columbia Boy Baler, made hy¬the Ann Arbor Company, of Ann Ar¬bor. Michigan, one Gray Mare, oneBrown little,OOO Red Cow, one Bro*nWagon anti one B-.ickboard.


Annual MeetingAnnual meeting of stockholders of

thc Valley Turn Dike Co. will be heldat Winchester, Va., (>ctober 2*. IV00,in the office of Hansbrough Si Carter,at lo a. rnAll business that can properly coim¬

batore this meeting will then be trans¬acted.

H. F. BYRD,lt. President.

The Most Elaborate Displayof FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ever broughtto Woodstock will be on display in my parlors

October Isl and 2nd1 have bought for your benefit the very latest styles

which the leading markets afford and BEFORE YOUSELECT YOUR HAT you should inspect my display.

WHATEVER IS NEATEST, NOBBIEST AND NEWESTwill be displayed. Prices, as always, will be right.

Mrs, A. Garrett Carter.N. 1>. Miss Naomi Miller, of Baltimore and Miss Sallie Davis,

of Woodstock, exjiericnced milliners, will be with me

during the season.

Perfect FittingClothesare the ONLY kind that leaves our establishment.

The Very Latest Designs inFall and Winter Prints

are now on display and to secure the best and latestin nobby FALL CLOTHS you should call at once.

Every Suit Guaranteed as to Workmanship, Material and Fit

J. R. MILLER,Opp. Post Office, THE TAILOR" Woodstock, Va.


are safe, convenient, economical.

Cosl Less than Posl Ofiice or

Express Orders

Payable al any bank in IheUnited States.

Ask for our rate card and compart prices.


Start To-daywith a bottle of our Saraparilla Compound. It wilpurify the blood and build up thc system in generalthereby enabling it to overcome any disease germs to whichit ii so susceptible at this season of the year.

The Large andIncreasing'demand for this preparation is the best proof as to itsmerits. ,

Regular $1.00 size lor 50c.WALTON & SMOOT,