Shell Programming Part 1

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  • 7/29/2019 Shell Programming Part 1


    2/15/13 shell programming part 1

    UNIX Copyright B. Brown, 1988-2000. All rights reserved. March 2000.

    Assignment 3: Shell Programming

    The objective of the following exercises is to introduce you to shell programming. At the end of these

    exercises you will be able to

    write simple shell scripts

    understand shell arguments and how they are processed by the shell

    manipulate the shell environment variables

    configure your user environment at login time

    write shell functions and intercept shell interrupts

    Shell ProgrammingShell programming is using Unix commands to perform actions like sorting, editing, re-arranging, merging and

    formatting files. Commands are strung together to form miniature applications.

    This module builds on the previous modules of [OS100] shell commands and the vi editor. During this module,

    you will use the shell commands to process files created with the vi editor. Handy access to the previous two

    modules will prove valuable in completing the various exercises scattered throughout this module.

    Shell CommandsThe shell processes user commandsaccept parametersbe executable programs which ordinary . These

    commands can , or text files containing shell command lines (script files).

    For script files, the shell spawns another instance of itself to read the file and execute the commands in it. This is

    known as a shell procedure.

    The shell searches the shell variablepath for finding commands. The shell uses a preset method of locating the

    command, by searching for the command in each of the following directories (in the order specified).

    the current directory



    other directories specified by the PATH variable

    Shell VariablesA variable is a name representing a string value. In this example, the variable 'today' is assigned the value
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    $ today="Wednesday"

    User Defined Shell VariablesThe format for creating a shell variable is,


    Consider the following example, which saves the current working directory (calculated by the command pwd)

    into the shell variable homedir.

    $ homedir=`pwd`

    To use the variable within the shell, it is preceded by a $. The following example uses the value stored in the shell

    variable homedir to switch directories.

    $ cd $homedir

    Predefined Shell VariablesThe shell uses a number of variables. Some of these are

    Variable Meaning

    HOME name of users login directory

    IFS internal field separators

    PATH search path used for finding commands

    PS1 shell prompt

    The shell variables are printed out on the console screen by typing the keyword set.

    Fill in the following table with your shell variable states (Hint, use the set command).

    Variable Current Value





    Change the PS1 shell variable to the text string "hello ". Enter the command you used to do this in the
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    space provided below.


    What happened to the UNIX prompt symbol?


    Reset the PS1 shell variable back to its original value, as a text string equal to what you found in theprevious exercise and filled in the table on the previous page.

    Shell arguments and quotesThe shell supports pattern matching and recognition. The patterns supported by the shell are,

    Argument Meaning

    * Match all characters in a string

    ? Match a single character

    These matching characters (called wildcardcharacters) are used in the same way as other operating systems like

    MS-DOS. When you type a command, theshellprogram interprets symbols like the wildcard characters

    according to pre-defined rules. The following example lists all files ending in .dat in the current directory.

    $ ls *.dat




    What is the command to list all the files in the current directory which begin with a . (period) character

    Enter the command in the space provided below.


    Does it work?? YES NO. If NO why do you think this might be so?



    Other characters also have special meaning to the shell. These are interpreted according to special rules, and

    often lead to confusion, because of the way in which the shell interprets them.

    < > * ? [ ]

    To use these special characters as arguments to the shell, they are enclosed using single or double

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    For example, the following statement assigns the text string 'cp * $1' to the shell variable copyall.

    $ copyall = 'cp * $1'

    The contents are printed out by typing the command (this shows that the shell has created a new variable called

    copyalland set its value to the string cp * $1.

    $ set



    copyall=cp * $1



    Without the quotes around "cp * $1", the shell will try to execute the command 'cp * $1', rather than assign it to

    the new shell variable copyall. This means the copy command will be invoked to copy all files (*) to the filename

    specified in argument one ($1).

    Type the command this time without quotes!

    $ copyall=cp * $1

    What is printed?



    Within double quotes, the characters $, \, ` and " retain their special meaning to the shell. If you usethese characters inside double quotes, the shell interprets them according to preset rules. To over-

    ride this, precede these characters with a backslash (\).

    To examine this, consider the following example where the text string

    The man said "hello".

    is assigned to a shell variable. To assign this to a shell variable calledstring, the user types

    $ string="The man said " hello "."

    and the shell interprets this as equivalent to

    "The man said" + hello + "."

    as the second double quote is interpreted by the shell as finishing the text string. The shell thus interprets the word

    "hello" as a command, and tries to run it.

    To prevent the shell from interpreting the second double quote as an end of string termination, it is preceded by a


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    $ string="The man said \" hello \"."

    Typing set to now display the value of the shell variables reveals,

    $ set



    string=The man said " hello ".


    Complete the following table (HINT: assign each of the values to a shell variable, then use the set command to

    display the result, as in the previous examples).

    Input Shell Interprets as

    ' ' back quotation mark

    one two the string "one two"


    " "

    'one * two"

    Shell standard input and outputMost Unix commands do not care where their input is derived from, or where their output is written. This feature

    allows commands to work with files, devices, terminals and other commands.

    There are three standard devices associated with a command when it executes.

    Device Name File Descriptor Normally associated with

    stdin standard input 0 Keyboard

    stdout standard output 1 Console

    stderr standard error 2 Console

    Standard Device Redirection OperatorsIn addition, the following characters have special meaning to the shell, describing the origin ofstdin and stdout

    associated with a shell command. They are called redirection operators.

    Redirection is always used with files, never with other programs. Stdin can be redirected to read commands

    from a file instead of the keyboard, and stdout redirected to write to a file rather than the console screen.

    Symbol Meaning
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    > redirect stdout, create new

    >> append to stdout

    < redirect stdin

    The following example shows an example of redirectingstdin. The program sort normally reads from stdin, but

    in this example is instructed to read its input from the file input.dat (dont type the following command, it's

    only an example!)

    $ sort < input.dat

    Redirecting stdoutThe following example creates a file called user.log that contains a list of the currently logged in users. Note that

    the standard output for the who command has been redirected from the terminal console to the file users.log. In

    other words, the file users.logholds the output of the command who, instead of the output being displayed on

    the console screen. If the file users.logalready exists, it will be erased then created anew (Dont type the

    following command, it's only an example!)

    $ who > users.log

    Redirecting stderrError output from Unix commands is associated with file descriptor 2, and by default goes to the console screen.

    The following command redirects stderr for the executed command to a file called 'errors'. Note the use of the

    file descriptor preceding the redirection symbol (Dont type the following command, it's only an example!).

    $ cc test.c 2>> errors

    Note that the file descriptor precedes the redirection symbol without space or tab characters. The above

    example runs the UNIX C compiler on the source file test.c, and writes the error output to the file errors.


    Pipes are a means of interconnecting commands together. The output of one command becomes the input toanother. Consider the following example using redirection, using an intermediate file temp1 (dont type the

    following command, it's only an example!).

    $ who > temp1

    $ wc -l < temp1 > users

    This example counts the number of users currently logged in, using a file called 'temp1'.

    A pipe alternative is shown below. The two commands are connected via the pipe (a vertical bar, |), and this
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    eliminates the need for the temporary file temp1 (dont type the following command, it's only an example!).

    $ who | wc -l > users

    Note that the following example is wrong!

    $ who > wc -l > users

    because programs can only be connected together via pipes.

    What is the command pipeline you would use to search the output of who for a user called joe (HINT:

    Use the commands who and grep, connected via a pipe). Enter the actual command is the space

    provided below.


    Command SubstitutionAny command line can be placed within back quotation marks so that the output of the command replaces the

    quoted command line itself. This is known as command substitution.

    The command or commands enclosed between the back quotation marks are first executed by the shell, then

    their output replaces the whole expression, back quotation marks included. This feature is most often used to

    assign shell variables.

    $ today=`date`

    In the above example, the command date returns the current date and time, which is then assigned to the shell

    variable today.

    Consider the following examples. In the first example, the shell variable today is assigned the value date. In the

    second example, it is assigned the output of the program date, giving a different result.

    $ today=date

    $ set


    $ today=`date`

    $ set

    today=Thursday 6th April, 1994


    What is the command you would use to assign the output of the command pwdinto the shell variable

    homedir. Write the actual command in the space provided below.

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    Shell Positional ParametersWhen a shell is invoked, it creates positional parameters which reflect the position of the arguments on the

    command line to be processed. The name of the shell command (or script) is assigned parameter $0, the next

    argument $1 and so on (Dont type the following command, it's only an example!).

    $ cp test1 test2 test3 test4

    In this example, the command 'cp' is parameter $0, whilst 'test4' is parameter $4. There are four arguments to

    the program.

    Predefined Special Shell VariablesThe following variables have special meanings, and are set ONLY by the shell. They cannot be set by the user.

    Variable Meaning


    Records the number of arguments passed to the shell, not counting the first command. For example,

    cp a b c sets $# to 3. One of its primary uses is to check that enough arguments have been specified,

    if test $# -lt 2

    then echo 'two or more args required';

    exit fi

    $?Contains the exit status of the last command executed. Its value is a decimal string, and is usually

    zero for successful completion.


    The process number of the current process, and is unique. Often used to generate temporary


    ls > $temp

    $!The process number of the last process run in the background (using an &) and is a string of one to

    five digits.

    $-A string consisting of names of execution flags currently turned on in the shell. See the shell options

    'xv' for more information.

    $* All the arguments given to the shell

    Shell Conditional TestsThe test command evaluates the expression specified by the arguments, and if true, returns a zero status, else it

    returns a nonzero status.

    Test Meaning

    != not equal

    = equal
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    -eq equal

    -gt greater than

    -ge greater than or equal

    -lt less than

    -le less than or equal

    ! logic negation

    -a logical and

    -o logical or

    -r file true if the file exists and is readable

    -w file true if the file exists and is writable

    -x file true if the file exists and is executable

    -s file true if the file exists and its size > 0

    -d file true if the file is a directory

    -f file true if the file is an ordinary file

    -t filed true if the file descriptor is associated with a terminal

    -n str true if the length of str is > 0

    -z str true if the length of str is zero

    Consider the following shell script example.

    #test to see if only one argument is passed to the shell script

    if test $# != 1


    echo "You must supply one argument"; exit


    What is the sequence of commands you would use to test for two or more arguments? Enter the

    command sequence in the space provide below.






    What is the sequence of commands you would use to test if argument $1 was a directory? Enter the

    command sequence in the space provide below.

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    More Shell Test Examples

    #test to see if the argument is a file

    if test $# != 1


    echo "You must supply one argument"; exit

    fiif test -f $1


    echo "$1 is a file"


    echo "$1 is not a file"


    #test to see if the argument exists, is a file or directory

    if test $# != 1

    thenecho "You must supply one argument"; exit


    if test -d $1


    echo "$1 is a directory"


    if test -f $1


    echo "$1 is a file"else

    echo "$1 does not exist"



    REVIEW TESTAnswer all questions below before proceeding. Place your answers in the spaces provided.
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    Which shell character matches a single character?


    State the three standard devices associated with shell procedures.

    .............. .............. ...............

    Rewrite the following command so that it executes correctly.

    who | users.log ............................................

    Write a command that assigns the system date to the shell variable PS1.


    The Shell StateThe state of the shell at any given instance includes the values of positional variables, user defined variables,

    environment variables, modes of execution and the current working directory.

    Often, the user requires to change the working directory within the shell. This can be done without affecting the

    original shell by enclosing the command in parenthesis.

    (cd /etc; cp passwd /usr/joe/passwd)

    The shell also reads the .profile file stored in the users home directory when the user first logs in. This file

    specifies the state of various shell variables. The next module will explain in detail the significance of this file.

    Shell Execution FlagsThe set command is used to alter the behaviour of the shell by altering two flags.



    -v Input lines are printed as they are read by the shell. Commands are executed after the line is printed.

    -x Commands and their arguments are printed as they are executed. Shell control commands (like for,while) are not printed. Displays a trace of only the commands actually executed by the shell.

    The flags are turned off by typing

    $ set +xv

    To list the shell variables which are exported external to the shell, type

    $ export
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