Shearwater or snaking of your...

Shearwater Mark Page 1 Spring 2018 Dear Neighbors: Shearwater is a community and my goal as president is to make it a better one. I have three ideas to make this happen. First, I firmly believe that the whole idea of community is based on involvement. My main job as president, as was Lynn Maichle’s before me, is to make sure that everyone has a chance to be involved in making our community better. From serving on the Board or a committee, to picking up a piece of litter in the driveway, every little and large contribution is equally effective in building a strong community. I believe the key is to eliminate the pronoun “they” from our vocabulary. There is no “they” that can solve all our problems and concerns. There is only “we,” the volunteers that manage committees and pick up trash. Please get involved in some way, large or small. So many resi- dents have already been generous with their time and we have many ideas for new initiatives. The second goal is to take a hard look at our budget and find ways to reduce it. Nobody likes increasing condo fees, but cutting budgets and cutting spending are very different animals. Although there are probably some easy savings that are possible, as the former treasurer, I know that the budget is lean and cuts, in most cases, mean reductions in the maintenance, ser- vices, and amenities we enjoy. Literally, cuts mean maintenance deferred, plants not planted, trees not trimmed, and shorter hours at the pool. For me, cutting services is a last resort. We will entertain any and all ideas for reducing the Shearwater operating budget, but I think it will take some real creativity to make a substantial dent. Utilities are a big-ticket item – 28% of the total operating expenses. We can investigate the installation of solar collectors to lower the lighting bill. We can look at ways to encourage water conservation to reduce our $38,000 water bill. We can look at the $29,000 Cable TV expense and see if we can get a better value from another vendor or a better deal from the one we have. We can take a serious look at our general maintenance expenses to find ways to get more val- ue, improve our scheduled maintenance planning, and make sure that we are using our reserve fund to refresh Shearwater’s existing assets before they deteriorate into costly recurring maintenance liabilities. To go back to the first goal, we need help to get these initiatives off the ground. (Continued on Page 2) President’s Letter…….1-2 Volunteers…….…...........2 What’s Up at Shearwater! ….………………………3 Trash & Recycling………4 Prevent Water Leaks…..5 Committee Reports….6-7 Call to Neighbors………8 Group & Clubs……,,…..9 Chesapeake Bay News…. ………………….…10-11 Real Estate Update…....12 Events……….…..…13-18 Editor’s Note……....….19 Contact Info…….......…19 Inside this issue: Shearwater Mark Spring Issue, 2018 Larry Birch

Transcript of Shearwater or snaking of your...

Page 1: Shearwater or snaking of your unit condensate lines all the way below the floor to the building condensate lines.

Shearwater Mark Page 1 Spring 2018

Dear Neighbors:

Shearwater is a community and my goal as president is to make it a

better one. I have three ideas to make this happen.

First, I firmly believe that the whole idea of community is based on

involvement. My main job as president, as was Lynn Maichle’s before

me, is to make sure that everyone has a chance to be involved in making our community better.

From serving on the Board or a committee, to picking up a piece of litter in the driveway, every

little and large contribution is equally effective in building a strong community.

I believe the key is to eliminate the pronoun “they” from our vocabulary. There is no “they”

that can solve all our problems and concerns. There is only “we,” the volunteers that manage

committees and pick up trash. Please get involved in some way, large or small. So many resi-

dents have already been generous with their time and we have many ideas for new initiatives.

The second goal is to take a hard look at our budget and find ways to reduce it. Nobody likes

increasing condo fees, but cutting budgets and cutting spending are very different animals.

Although there are probably some easy savings that are possible, as the former treasurer, I

know that the budget is lean and cuts, in most cases, mean reductions in the maintenance, ser-

vices, and amenities we enjoy. Literally, cuts mean maintenance deferred, plants not planted,

trees not trimmed, and shorter hours at the pool. For me, cutting services is a last resort.

We will entertain any and all ideas for reducing the Shearwater operating budget, but I think it

will take some real creativity to make a substantial dent. Utilities are a big-ticket item – 28% of

the total operating expenses. We can investigate the installation of solar collectors to lower

the lighting bill. We can look at ways to encourage water conservation to reduce our $38,000

water bill. We can look at the $29,000 Cable TV expense and see if we can get a better value

from another vendor or a better deal from the one we have.

We can take a serious look at our general maintenance expenses to find ways to get more val-

ue, improve our scheduled maintenance planning, and make sure that we are using our reserve

fund to refresh Shearwater’s existing assets before they deteriorate into costly recurring

maintenance liabilities. To go back to the first goal, we need help to get these initiatives off the


(Continued on Page 2)

President’s Letter…….1-2


What’s Up at Shearwater!


Trash & Recycling………4

Prevent Water Leaks…..5

Committee Reports….6-7

Call to Neighbors………8

Group & Clubs……,,…..9

Chesapeake Bay News….


Real Estate Update…....12


Editor’s Note……....….19

Contact Info…….......…19

Inside this issue:

Shearwater Mark

Spring Issue, 2018

Larry Birch

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My third priority is to build on Lynn’s tireless efforts to make us more efficient. I will work with our management com-

pany, MMG, and our committees to streamline procedures and get a better alignment between authority, responsibility,

and accountability. We are a $730,000 organization, and we need to delegate more authority for management responsi-

bilities and demand accountability that the tasks are well done.

The bottom line is to be the Premier Waterfront Condominium Community in Annapolis - a tight community of satisfied and

engaged residents, enjoying the natural beauty of Shearwater on Spa Creek.



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The situation at the dumpsters is improving (THANKS to everyone who is help-

ing with this!), but there are still a few people out there who seem to have forgot-

ten the rules! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE:

ALWAYS break down boxes before putting them into the recycle dumpster;

never put them in full.

NEVER put a box into the regular dumpster.

NO construction materials – tell your contractors to take OFFSITE any items

left over from your repairs or remodeling.

NO furniture or large objects that won’t fit – take them to the dump or con-

tact the City for a bulk pickup.

NO items on the ground – if the dumpster is full, wait until after the Tuesday morning pickup.


Everyone hates unsightly trash in their community. And so do we! We have heard your concerns and have noticed

how often the trash provider has missed a pick-up. MMG is working diligently with your trash provider to ensure

trash pick-ups are completed on time. There are occasions that drivers who are not familiar with a trash route are

scheduled to work that route and miss areas of pick-up. We experience this all too often. We also recognize that the

customer service representatives provide incorrect information. Allow us to work through those problems for you.

We communicate directly with your account representative to correct these issues, so you don’t have to. We appre-

ciate hearing from you when problems arise. You can contact us at [email protected] with trash or other

community issues. Or you can call us at 410.508.3819. We look forward to helping keep Shearwater as beautiful as it

always is!


(Continued on Page 5)

Other Shearwater Updates

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1. Have your HVAC unit serviced by a professional AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR, if not twice. This must include a

cleaning or snaking of your unit condensate lines all the way below the floor to the building condensate lines.

There is a list of reputable companies used by your neighbors on the Resources tab of the Shearwater website, or

ask one of your neighbors who they use.

2. Until you’re sure the company you choose knows what they’re doing, make sure they snake all the way under-

neath the floor (at least 10 feet) to the building lines. If there is only 1 cleanout cap at the top of the convoluted

line of small white PVC pipes in front of your heat pump in your unit, get a plumber or someone qualified to install

a cleanout cap near the floor, at the bottom of that convoluted line of pipes. If you don’t do that, neither a snake

nor blowing air will get all the way through those pipes, under the floor, and over to the building condensate lines.

3. Buy a battery-operated water alarm (e.g., The Watchdog Water Alarm Model BWD-HWS available at Home De-

pot and online) and place it in the tray under your water heater. It will alert you if there is a leak in your water

heater and/or the pipe leading from that tray is clogged. Then you can turn off the water in your unit and correct

the problem before water overflows from the water heater tray onto your floor and into your downstairs neigh-

bors’ units.

4. If you are going to be away for more than 3 days, turn off the master water valve for your unit. This is usually

found either above your hot water heater or in the washer/dryer area. If you can’t find it, get a plumber or a con-

tractor to find it for you. Also, if you have a temperature control on your hot water heater, turn it down to the

“Vacation” setting.

5. Do not leave water running in sinks or tubs unattended.

6. Clean your kitchen and bathroom sink drains monthly – there are rec-

ommendations available online for how to do this. Other degreasers

may be found here and here. And consider using Dawn liquid dishwash-

ing soap rather than other types, since it cuts grease and is safe on ducks!

7. 10 things you should never put down your garbage disposal or sink drain:

Grease or oil

Vegetable peels

Egg shells

Coffee grounds

Pits or seeds

Rice & pasta (they expand with water)


Food in bulk

Stringy vegetables

Paper, plastic, etc.

8. If you discover a leak in your building: TURN OFF THE MAIN WATER VALVE for your building. There is 1 main

water valve for each pair of buildings, located in or near one of the end storage lockers in the basement storage

rooms (see table below). The storage room key for each pair of buildings works on both storage room doors.

There is a sign to indicate the main water valve location: one on the door to the basement storage room, and one

on the storage locker itself.

Buildings 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8 11 & 12 13 & 14 15 & 16

Shut Off


2 4 6 8 11 13 15

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TREASURER’S REPORT—Pam Mantica (by Marj Sparer)

Pam Mantica has been working diligently since becoming our new treasurer at the end of

April. However, due to circumstances beyond her control, the March and April financial re-

ports are not yet ready for publication. They will be available as soon as possible on our web-

site, where the January and February reports are already posted. And many thanks to our

outgoing treasurer, Joy Ambrogio, for her service!

MARINA REPORT—David Densmore (by Marj Sparer)

Our Dockmaster, David Densmore, says he has no news to report - and as the

saying goes, no news is good news! So, instead of reading “no news,” enjoy this

bird’s eye view of our lovely marina, which is all ready for the 2018 boating season.


Finally Spring!

And we earned it, living thru that eternal late winter that would not budge. Snow in April?

Some of you may have noticed our first erosion project along the path at "Poop Hill." As I write this, work is under-

way to prevent the wash out we experienced last year with heavy rains. Hopefully, the terracing will prevent the path

from being covered with slick mud in future rain storms.

And we were all so sad to lose the beautiful cherry tree which fell next to the racquetball building. Luckily, one home-

owner has stepped up with an offer to replace the tree; more to follow on that.

Looking forward, the Landscape Committee would like to develop a "Wish

List" of sorts. Please email me or anyone on the committee (see page 2)

with offers to donate or suggestions for projects. Already on the wish list:

Fire pit,

Picnic table,

Off-leash dog area.

The irrigation systems for buildings 1-10 are operational. A necessary repair has delayed the start of the systems for

buildings 11-16 until May 21st. Please let the landscape committee know of any issues you see with the sprinklers.

In the next week you may see the folks from Bru-Mar Nurseries installing plant materials in Shearwater. The focus of

this round of plantings is to replace materials that have died or had to be removed. We would love to have feedback

from the community on this project as well.

(Continued on Page 7)

Committee Reports

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POOL REPORT—Carey Kirk (by Mike LaFortune and Pam Mantica)

Changes at the pool include new extended hours, updated rules and sign-in procedure.

Please stop by to meet our lifeguard and familiarize yourself with the changes.

The 2018 Pool Calendar is also posted on each building's bulletin board and on page 14 of this newsletter.

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Summer Camp Donations Needed by

Seeds 4 Success

Children growing up in low-income communities are at a great

risk of SUMMER BRAIN DRAIN! This is what we call it when

students forget the academic material they worked so hard to

learn during the academic year. We are committed to enrolling

every Seeds 4 Success student in at least 2 academic summer

camps this year. Will you be a summer hero and donate towards

this initiative?

Volunteer at the Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre

The Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre (ASGT) offers many opportunities for

community involvement, including ushering, box office support, technical crew,

and more. No prior experience is needed; we will train. Join us and learn

about the many ways you can support ASGT while making friends and having


The 2018 Season starts soon and we need ushers! If you are friendly, have the

time, and don't mind a little work, come join us and see some great shows

(Bullets Over Broadway: The Musical, Altar Boyz, and 9 to 5: The Musical) for free!

This sign-up is for ushers and tech crew help. If you are interested in other opportunities (backstage crew, costumes,

social media/marketing, fundraising, etc.) please visit our website.

Shearwater Pickleball Group

Ladies and Gentleman of Shearwater:

What the heck is Pickleball!?!?!

Why should you want to play!?!?!

It’s a court game for all ages!

It can be played indoors or outside.

It doesn’t require a lot of expensive equipment.

It’s good exercise!

Want to play pickleball at Shearwater?

Come to an orientation/demo play session

to be arranged this summer!

Interested? Email Joy Ambrogio.

Call to Neighbors!

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Looking for a social group that enjoys reading and discussing books? Then join the

Shearwater Book Club! We take turns hosting at our homes, usually meeting the

last Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. We enjoy food, wine, and friends, eventually

get around to discussing the book, and we always have a good time!

Books on our reading list for 2018 include: Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue,

The Blue Zones of Happiness by Dan Buettner, Hero of the Empire by Candice Millard,

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel

Joyce, Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger, and A Gentleman from Moscow by

Amor Towles, so we find something for everyone. Our next meeting is Thursday,

May 24th. Contact Charlotte Featherstone (410.280.5173, char-

[email protected]) if you are interested in joining!

If you are new to Annapolis, consider joining New Annapolitans. It’s a vibrant social club formed to welcome new res-

idents to the Annapolis area and to help them assimilate into the social, cultural and civic activities of the community.

We hold regular meetings, each encompassing an informative, entertaining program of interest to the general member-

ship. Members also organize and participate in a wide array of smaller groups centered on their special interests.

These “Interest Groups” may change over time, but typically include book discussion groups; bridge and other games;

couples gatherings; lunch, happy hour, wine tasting and dinner events; art, music, writing and needlework; walking,

boating, golf, tennis and biking; cultural excursions; and charitable endeavors.

New Annapolitans is open to residents who have moved to the greater Annapolis area within two years of applying for

membership, but then you may remain a member for as long as you remain current with dues. If you want to know

more, call Shearwater residents Pat Duvall (410.295.6589) or Charlotte Featherstone (410.280.5173). View our web-

site at

Shearwater Book Club

New Annapolitans

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The Back Creek Conservancy announces its second annual Feet for the Creek Walk-a-Thon on Sunday, May

20th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Walkers of all ages are welcome. Participants will enjoy:

A day at the beach with food, drink, and live music!

A 6K walk around the creek with water stops, and a shorter route for families with small children.

Scenic overlooks and points of interest where they can learn about creek conservation, rain gardens, and

future projects to protect the creek.

A free boat ride courtesy of Annapolis Electric Boat Rentals from the Davis’ Pub side back to the starting

point at Annapolis Sailing School.

Free Sailing rides by Annapolis Sailing School.

If you don't want to walk, enjoy the beach party for a $10

donation! Or make a donation on our website!

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This page is provided for informational purposes only. Shearwater Condominium, Inc. (the Association) has not confirmed the validity of state-

ments/information contained within this page nor can/will they promote or verify any services offered.

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This year, Eastport turns 150 -- and what better way to celebrate than to experience a unique set of historic

properties on the picturesque Horn Point peninsula!

On Sunday, June 10, join the Eastport Civic Association for the 13th annual Eastport Home and Garden Tour.

You’ll get an inside look at buildings that have stood the test of time, and along the way you’ll learn stories of

Eastport’s rich history and the people who settled here.

The tour will also showcase incredible renovations that have brought these properties new life. And it will fea-

ture a few of Eastport’s most beautiful gardens! If you’ve never attended this highly anticipated event, this is

the year.

Tickets are available now online - click here to purchase yours. Tickets will also be available in-person at

Eastport businesses soon.

The tour's proceeds are funneled right back into the community in the form of grants to local non-profit or-

ganizations, which makes it a wonderful way to have fun and serve neighbors at the same time.

For more information, please contact this year's chair, Mike Leonard, [email protected].

ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS! Pulling the Home & Garden Tour off takes a lot of work from a lot of people. We would love for you to help!

Please contact Marie King at [email protected] if you would like to be a docent, or Lu Godfrey

at [email protected] if you would like to help with registration and setup.

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The Friends of Quiet Waters Park have announced the schedule for the

Park's upcoming Summer Concert Series:

July 14 6:00 - 8:00pm Fractal Cat - Psychedelic Rock Baltimore Band

July 21 6:00 - 8:00pm Folken Phunk Band - Funk

July 28 6:00 - 8:00pm Channssez and his Band - Oldies

Aug. 4 6:00 - 8:00pm Clones of Funk - Funk

Aug. 11 6:00 - 8:00pm Zakke - Latin Fusion

Aug. 18 6:30 - 8:00pm Guava Jelly Band - Reggae-Styled/Kids

Aug. 25 5:30 - 7:30pm Kelly Bell Band - Phat Blues

Sept. 3 5:30 - 7:00pm Annapolis Symphony Orchestra

Did you know the Friends of Quiet Waters Park with support from the Anne Arundel County Department

of Recreation and Parks, pay for the annual summer concert series open to the community free of charge?

Interested in donating a raffle item to help the Friends raise money to help pay for the concert series? Raffle

donor names will be announced from the stage during the intermission period. If you are interested in do-

nating an item, please contact the FQWP at [email protected].

Quiet Waters Park Summer Concerts

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BEST OF Event Details

Join us at our annual celebration in honor of

our Best Of winners of the year! Enjoy freshly

prepared food and drink samples from the

best local restaurants, entertainment, and mu-

sic. This event sells out each year, so be sure

to purchase your tickets early to join the par-

ty! Follow our Facebook page for party up-

dates. A portion of the proceeds will benefit

the YWCA of Maryland and Haven Ministries.

Participating Restaurants

Carrol’s Creek, Main & Market, Bread and Butter Kitchen, Annapolis Ice Cream, Harvest &

Thyme Tavern, Melting Pot, Capital Teas, City Dock Coffee, Brian Boru, Ledo's Pizza, Lewnes

Steakhouse, Iron Rooster, Ram's Head Tavern, Ram's Head Shore House, Carpaccio Tuscan

Kitchen, Miss Shirley's, The Big Cheese, Yellowfin, Fishpaws Market, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse,

Pascal's Chophouse, Baroak, Mamma Roma, Mother's Peninsula Grille

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Shearwater Board Officers:

President, Larry Birch, [email protected] - 301.807.6877

Vice President, Don Baker, [email protected] - 405.606.1117

Treasurer, Pam Mantica, [email protected] - 314.614.1047


Linda Bolling, [email protected] - 410.507.2300

Lynn Maichle, [email protected] - 443.949.9890

John Schaake, [email protected] - 410.320.4838

Standing Committee Chairs:

Architecture, Barbara Britt, [email protected] - 410.295.4929

Landscape, Cheri Hall, [email protected] - 504.813.3545

Marina, David Densmore, [email protected] - 410.268.1539

Pool, Carey Kirk, [email protected] - 443.254.0754




A great place to live!

Did you know…There is a

residents’ directory on

the Owners page of our

website? Check it out

and be sure to email [email protected] with any corrections or


Shearwater Mark is a

quarterly publication for

the Shearwater Condo


All residents are welcome

to submit articles and

photos for publication.

To receive your newslet-

ter by email, make sure

your email address in the

Shearwater Directory on

the Owners page is up-to-

date. Printed copies are not available, but you can

find back issues on the

Shearwater News page.

Editor’s Note

All residents are welcome to submit articles or photos for publication to

the Shearwater Mark. We also publish classified ads for Owners and

Residents at no charge.

The Shearwater Mark is written for Shearwater Owners and Residents

by members of our Board and our community to provide information

and news we need. For more detailed and historical information, re-

ports, pictures, etc., visit our website,

Marj Cahn Sparer, Editor, Shearwater Mark

[email protected], 410.224.1150