SHE - Zakat Muslim Community Network

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network “ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

Transcript of SHE - Zakat Muslim Community Network

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Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

Page 2: SHE - Zakat Muslim Community Network

Dear Zakat Donors:

Systems for Human Empowerment (SHE), (c\o ILM Foundation), is a 501 c 3 California registered non-profit organization. SHE’s mission is to “ Teach Life Skills to Replace Social Ills”. Our list of humanitarian programs target those most in need in society. SHE since 1998 has re-allocated nearly $200,000 dollars worth of Zakat in the Muslim Community. In addition to individual Zakat donors, SHE has received and reallocated specific Zakat amounts from Orange County Islamic Foundation, Islamic Relief, UMMA Community Clinic, Masjid Ibaadillah, Islamic Center of Irvine, Islamic Society of Orange County, Islamic Center of Corona and many others. Our dedicated staff includes qualified Islamic advisors who ensure your zakat is distributed according to Islamic guidelines and principals. Sincerely, Executive Management Systems for Human Empowerment

SHE - Zakat Muslim Community Network

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Zakat is one of the major religious duties in Islam. Literally, zakah means to “purify”. It refers to the purification of a Muslim’s wealth and soul. Wealth purification denotes the mobilization of assets for the purpose of financial growth and justified distribution. Purification of the soul implies freedom from hatred, jealousy, selfishness, uneasiness and greed. Other Quranic connotations include the purification of sin. Technically, zakah is a fixed proportion collected from the surplus wealth and earnings of a Muslim. It is then distributed to prescribed beneficiaries and for the welfare as well as the infrastructure of a Muslim society in general. This contribution is made payable by a Muslim once in every lunar year (Islamic Calendar/Hijri).




Delivery Reporting

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

Page 4: SHE - Zakat Muslim Community Network

Systems for Human Empowerment C\O ILM Foundation


Umar Hakim 310-407-9071

Director, USA

Naim Shah Jr. Director, International

P.O. Box 93789 Pasadena, Ca. 91109


800-970-7682 phone / fax Phone

[email protected] Email Website

Ev_Qsms-4 YouTube Facebook

to what The amount requested is openyou, your community or Islamic center desires to allocate.

Amount of Zakat Request Checks payable to: Systems for Human Empowerment

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network


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GENRAL ZAKAT REQUEST CONTENTS • General Zakat Donor letter • Brief background on Zakat • Zakat Request & Organization Fact Sheet • Zakat Muslim Community Network - ZMCN • Examples of groups supported by ZMCN • Muslim Inmate Iftar & Eid Support • Zakat for families, seniors and orphans • Muslim Women Support • Zakat Relief Bags Distributions

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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ZMCN is the result of over fifteen years of serving Muslims community. The network includes Muslims in need locally, state-wide, nationally and abroad. It grows annually due to the number of qualified Zakat recipients provided from Imams, Muslim chaplains, organizers, parents, teachers, and community members. ZMCN allocates Zakat only to Muslims (the needy, working poor, elderly, students, handicap, sick, orphans and widows) in accordance with Islamic law. ZMCN is very accessible and respectful to those being assisted. Zakat funds are also distributed with the utmost respect and dignity.

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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Distributed in thousands

Food, hygiene, towels, clothes


Shelter assistance for those without a home and Iftar support

Transportation – rent support

ORPHANS & WIDOWS Assisting those who lack and

family infrastructure.

Basic necessities support

FAMILIES & ELDERLY Assisting those who simply have a legitimate need.

health wellness, shelter support

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

Other categories supported such as the sick and handicapped.

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MUSLIM INMATE IFTAR – EID SUPPORT Prophet Muhammad said (saw), “ A town in which a man sleeps hungry and wakes up in the morning hungry, looses the promise of protection and safety from Allah.” Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbali

“Across the United States, tens of thousands of Muslims are practicing their faith behind bars. Islam is most likely to win American converts there, according to U.S. Muslim leaders, and the religion has for decades been a regular part of prison culture”. Source, June 2005

SHE is now enriching the Islamic experience for Muslims in Prison. The ZMCN has been applauded by several chaplains in California for providing support to purchase halal meals for Muslim inmates for Iftar and annual Eid celebrations..

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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ZAKAT FOR FAMILES – SENIORS - ORPHANS The Quran reminds us, “ And in their wealth and possessions (remember) the right of the (needy).”

One life event can trigger a number of unexpected difficulties. Due to the high demand for assistance and the low supply of providers, thousands Muslims are in need of a safety net.

ZMCN received formal Zakat request . For each case the critical need of the recipient was assessed. Zakat funds were allocated, only after recipients met all the conditions.

Many recipients were thankful the Zakat Fund was made accessible though familiar community channels.

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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MUSLIM WOMEN SUPPORT Zakat promotes the welfare of every member of the Muslim community. Through the ZMCN, SHE receives request to assist Muslim women. On many occasions their options are limited and more dire if a single mother. SHE has listened to stories of Muslim women being strongly persuaded to admit though untrue of being, mentally ill or addicted to drugs just to receive some forms of public assistance. ZMCN goal is to save these women from that reality and preserve their dignity during this time of need.

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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ZAKAT – RELIEF BAG DISTRBUTION ZMCN is directing a strong stimulus for spiritual and social development. The diversification of SHE’s allocation methodology allows qualified Zakat recipients to be assisted through multiple channels. SHE’s Zakat relief bags contains food, clothing, hygiene / first aid kits, towels and other necessities often greatly appreciated by those Muslims in need.

Systems For Human Empowerment Zakat Muslim Community Network

“ Establishing Zakat as a Source of Purification to fight Poverty ”

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Systems for Human Empowerment “ Teaching Life Skills to Replace Social Ills”