shark attack showcase

Senior Yessance Lewis and Senior Blake Herring were voted Prom King and Queen. Photo: Savannah Phillips Shark Attack Showcase 4/5/2012 1:36:23


shark attack showcase

Transcript of shark attack showcase

Senior Yessance Lewis and Senior Blake Herring were voted Prom King and Queen. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:23

Once again this year we invite a speaker to talk about drinking and driving with the lower classman. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:45

Mrs. Burdick talks on the phone about her use of firearms, but don’t worry Sharks, she keeps her guns off campus. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:58

Freshman Morgan Haselden gets pumped up for the upcoming blood drive on April 4. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:11

In another morning at St. James, students continue to come in late after an eventful weekend. Photo: Kaylei Knapp

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:23

Prom 2012 was filled with elegant young ladies and handsome young men. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:23

Senior Ivan Medina and Sophomore Savannah Phillips stated that Prom was more fun then they expected it to be. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:23

Mrs. Mitchell’s art class paints it up and shows off what being a good shark is all about. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:23

Junior Tyler London says, “I was actually thinking about joining Computer Programming next year for first semester.” Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:39

Freshman Austin Belanger creates a piece of art. He says, “I’m commemorating my favorite music artists.” Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:36:39

Come on St. James let’s start to cut back on all the tardies. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 8:49:31

Mr. Wendler’s class hangs up their projects about different Greek goddesses. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 8:49:31

Junior Ashley Lucas says, “I like sitting in the library to read all the Ripley’s books.” Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 8:49:32

Sophomore Tanner Hale tries not to rip his pancreas out of its socket while benching. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:33:48

Freshmen Jason Wallace is carefully painting his artwork in Mrs. Martin’s art class. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:33:59

Senior Quinton Holbert and sophomore Paige McGaugh discuss their blood on the day of the drive. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:34:11

Sharks Wall of Fame is posted at the front of the school with information about what is going on in the hallways of St. James. Photo: Kaylei Knapp

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:34:22

Mrs. Howard’s Drama 1 class studies over their lines and stays off drugs. At the same time! Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:34:34

Mr. Armstrong’s class is making fresh baked chocolate chip cookies to sell at all lunches. Photo: Savannah Phillips

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:34:45

Senior Carson Kriener and sophomores Devann Donavan and Tristen Kiniry are developing film as a team during first block photography class. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:34:57

Senior Michael Mayer and his brittle bones work diligently on his senior project. “I’m not going to let getting hurt stop me from doing my work,” says Michael Mayer. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:08

Smart Sharks post their college picks on this bulletin board. Senior Mary Elliott says, “My name is up there. I am going to Costal!” Photo: Kaylei Knapp

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:22

Two English 3 “readers” here at St. James look for a new literary adventure to go on. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:22

Junior Austin Mishoe says, “I love my blood,” but at least he’s not stingy about it. He supports the SJHS Blood Drive. Photo: Johnny Matthias

Shark Attack Showcase

4/5/2012 1:35:33