Shallow Mount High Security Bollards

Exposed to security with shallow mount high security bollards Shallow Mount High security bollards were originally designed to combat the problematic fitting of traditional bollards which require deep foundations and can cause inconvenience when exposing a range of services, prohibiting installation. Body- A bollard, a name inherited from the Norman- French name Boulard still often found in Normandy, is a short wooden, iron or stone post used on a quayside. During installation of this innovative Shallow Mount technology, disruption of habitats and tree roots is kept to a minimum. Less plant machinery is required on site to fit the product which in turn reduces pollution and noise. Fundamentally the 'greener solution' uses a smaller amount of concrete, less than 25% of the concrete employed in a traditional foundation. Shallow Mount High Security Bollards can be mounted near enough to each other that they block ordinary cars, for instance, but wide enough to premit special- purpose vehicles.


Unless a would be property intruder is very familiar with bollards, he is unable to quickly distinguish which are Shallow Mount High Security Bollards and which are of other category. Therefore, in many instances, bollards can provide security by their mere presence- onlookers cannot tell whether bollaeds are security rated and tend to avoid them in most deployments. So to know more about such bollard visit our site M2Security Document now and be informed.

Transcript of Shallow Mount High Security Bollards

Exposed to security with shallow mount high security bollardsShallow Mount High security bollards were originally designed to combat the problematic fitting of traditional bollards which require deep foundations and can cause inconvenience when exposing a range of services, prohibiting installation.Body- A bollard, a name inherited from the Norman- French name Boulard still often found in Normandy, is a short wooden, iron or stone post used on a quayside.During installation of this innovative Shallow Mount technology, disruption of habitats and tree roots is kept to a minimum. Less plant machinery is required on site to fit the product which in turn reduces pollution and noise. Fundamentally the 'greener solution' uses a smaller amount of concrete, less than 25% of the concrete employed in a traditional foundation.Shallow Mount High Security Bollards can be mounted near enough to each other that they block ordinary cars, for instance, but wide enough to premit special- purpose vehicles.

Creating harmony in the midst of heavy foot or vehicle traffic is quite tough, especially if you own a commercial building. This is often a problem in shopping malls, restaurants, or other crowded places which is why certain regulations are necessary for a more organised operation. But aside from these rules, it is also important that you give people some visual signs of what these rules are, in the form of shallow mount high security bollards so people will be made aware that there are rules to be followed. These bollards are commonly found in public places, and one can find parking bollards in streets with heavy traffic or in front of buildings that need protection from vehicles. Some are even used as an alternative to cycle racks and others would even allow these bikes to be locked for security purposes.When such bollards are installed, it is mainly to reinforce security and safety. They are visual indications that no unauthorised person is allowed to enter the area that is cordoned with bollards.Shallow Mount High Security Bollards secure entrances and access roads best when the most suitable bollard type is chosen for the work. They are often the ideal choice for speed and ease of use. Unlike removable bollards, they do not need to be lifted out of their receptacle and carried to either an alternate receptacle or nearby lawn area, saving valuable seconds in emergencies.While the term security bollard is often applied to bollards in driveways or other entrances, manually Shallow Mount High Security Bollards are not actually heavy duty security bollards. Comprised of decorative bollard covers installed over concrete-filled steel posts, or they are specially designed, engineered and reinforced structured bollards. By using a simple key lock, these bollards can be lowered quickly when needed. Inhibiting the occurance of ice or debris compromising the user's ability to instantly restore bollards to their upright service position.