Shadows, A Nexus Vale Story, Volume 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Shadows, A Nexus Vale Story, Volume 1



    A Nexus Vale Story, Volume 1

    (A Childrens Short Story)

    Shadow, A Nexus Vale Storyis a work of fiction. Names, characters,places, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or

    are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright 2010 by N.J. Jones

    All rights reserved.

  • 8/9/2019 Shadows, A Nexus Vale Story, Volume 1



    A Nexus Vale Short Story, Volume 1

    Somewhere Safe1

    There is a place inside your mindAnd if you go within it, youll findA light so bright a sound so clearIts not too far its very near.

    Tonight well fly into thatAround your heart - its the color of graceIts filled with love, truth and trustSo bring your spirit it is a must.

    Now close your eyes and you will seeThis world without calamityWhat I think is who I AmWhat I choose is at my command

    A place for you a place for meA place for Matt and Sydney.

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    The Maynard school bus pulled over letting Sydney and her brother Brett spill outits doors onto the country road that led to their farm. They were best friends eventhough they were brother and sister. That day, Brett decided he was going tohave some fun teasing his sister. As they got off the bus he grabbed his sistersbackpack and bolted down the road toward the barn.

    Sydney gave chase, the sunlight glinting off her gold hair on the beautiful springday as she tried to catch up to her older brother. She could hear his laughter ashis longer legs gave him the advantage and he increased the distance betweenthe two of them. Springtime was great on the farm with the light rains that cameat this time of year making everything seem fresh and new. The young colts werechasing one another in the field as Brett dashed into the barn and started up theladder to the hayloft.

    Brett! Give it back you jerk! Sydney called out breathlessly trying to sound

    angry in spite of the fact she was laughing as she rounded the corner of the openbarn door. Come get it - if you can! he shot back with a grin on his face as hereached the top of the ladder. At that same moment, the backpack swung underthe last rung, getting entangled and pulling him backwards. He fought with itmomentarily, teetering dangerously with one foot on the loft and one on theladder before losing his balance and falling straight down thirty feet to the barnfloor below.

    The last thing she remembered for several hours was the sound of her voicescreaming her brothers name.

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    Chapter One

    Sydney would never forget the day she and her parents passed the big greenWelcome to Nexus Vale! sign as they drove to their new home. In the aftermathof her brothers death, her parents decided that they needed to start over. Sothey sold the farm that that had been in their family for many generations andmoved to the town of Nexus Vale.

    Nexus Vale was a mid-sized town with 35,482 people in it (according to theWelcome sign they has passed). As they drove through the town center, Sydneyhad hunkered down even further into her seat and her scowl had deepened.From the looks of things, Nexus Vale was the very definition of the word boring.The tallest building they passed was 3 stories high and many of the businesseslooked older than their farmhouse was and that was over two hundred yearsold. At least Maynard had a shopping mall and some new fast-food outlets. Thisplace looked like it had popped out of one of her history books, a place that theoutside world had forgotten.

    She heard her mothers footsteps coming down the hallway and sighed. Hows itgoing kiddo? her Mother said cheerfully as she stopped in the doorway ofSydneys room. I hate it here Sydney replied with a flat voice.

    Syd, you havent even given it a chance yet her Mom responded with thatpatient tone of voice parents use when theyre trying not to take the bait and getinto an argument with their child. Chance? Mom, I dont know anyone andtheres nothing to do herewhat a stupid place.

    Her Mom smiled sympathetically at her twelve-year old daughter and said, Im

    sorry Sydney. I know its hard, but youll make new friends at school when itstarts next week. You have to give it some timethis willfeel like home soon.

    Shaking her head Sydney heard herself saying the same thing she had been forthe last two weeks since they had moved here Why did we have to move?There was a brief moment of silence before her Mom answered, respondingexactly the same way she had so many times before to her daughters question.Like Dad and I have explained, it was time for us to leave honeysometimes,making a change is the best thing to do. When youre older, youll understand.

    You just dont want to remember Brett Sydney muttered loud enough for her

    mother to hear. Sydney! her mother exclaimed with a hurt look on her face asshe sat down on the bed next to her. You know thats not true. It was too hard tostay at the farmyour Dad and I wanted you to havemore than what we couldgive you there. We want more time to be a family. We dont want to worry aboutthe horses or looking after the rest of the farm. We want more time to be with youSydney. Youre growing up so fast and we dont want to miss any of it.

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    This is so unfair. How about what I want? Bretts gone, now my friends are gonetoo youve taken everything from me everything! she wailed.

    Sydney... Mom said trying to pull Sydney into a hug.

    NO! she shouted pushing her Mom away. You dont care about anyone exceptyourselves just leave me alone.

    Her Dad appeared with a concerned look on his face saying Whats going on inhere?

    I hate you too! Sydney yelled rushing past him.

    What? Where are you going? he called after her. His wife moved next to himputting a lightly restraining hand on his arm. Its alright honey, let her go...sheneeds to be alone for a little while to cool off.

    Sydney walked without thought of her destination she didnt care where sheended up as long as could escape her parents for a while. She wasdevastated by the loss of Brett. Life would never be the same, he was gone andnow she was an only child. Sydney could understand that things would bedifferent but she didnt expect that her parents would change too. They seemedto treat her differently nowthey even talked to her in a different wayit was likeeverything they used to have together died the day Brett died. Sydney turned thecorner and kept on walking as her turbulent thoughts raced through her head. Itfelt like her parents couldnt understand her or even each other sometimes; itwas as if they were all speaking three different languages.

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    Chapter Two

    A block off Main Street, right behind Caseys Drug Store was Gibson Park,named after the founder of Nexus Vale, Art Gibson. As Sydney crossed thestreet toward the park, the turmoil in her head subsided long enough for her tonotice a group of boys by the parks entrance.Four boys surrounded one slightly smaller boy.

    A boy named Billy, the largest and most troubled of the bunch, led the group. Hewould strike out at anyone who was either different or smaller than him especially if that person was alone and he wasnt.

    Hey Matt or should I say Tonto? Billy sneered, I hear you and your familygot kicked off the reservation cause your Dad actually works for a living. Billysbuddies burst into supportive laughter at his taunts.

    Yeah Billy? Well I hear your families going on a trip around the world with all theAirmiles your Dad got with his club beer points! Matt shot back with hisshoulders squared and his eyes blazing with fury.

    The boys couldnt help but snicker at Matts quick comeback, prompting Billy todeclare Youre dead. The boys cheered him on with exclamations of poundhim but were abruptly interrupted by a piercing scream to their left. Turning, theysaw a girl they didnt know that looked to be about the same age as they were,running at top speed toward them. Adults walking by had turned toward thesound of the yell and a few had stopped to see what was happening.

    Leave him alone! Stop it! Sydney yelled at the group. Both Brett and her hadalways hated bullies and she had seen her brother stand up to more than one inhis short life.

    Get lost! This is none of your business Billy growled, but with a little lessmenace in his voice now that he was faced with a girl and he could see a fewgrown-ups taking an interest in the scene.

    Im making it my business and Ill make it the whole towns business if you dontstop it right now! Sydney stated, crossing her arms in front of her and placingherself between Billy and Matt.

    Billy took a step back nervously and then shrugged. Whatever. I made my point.Hey Matt, it says a lot when you need a girl to fight your battles for you he calledout as he and his posse retreated.

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    I dont need anyone to fight my battles for me! Matt retorted looking at Sydneywith a mixture of frustration and anger.

    Sure. Lets get out of here and leave the two lovebirds alone Billy snickered tohis buddies as they lopped out of sight laughing.

    Are you OK? Sydney asked turning to him with concern. Now that she had thechance, she looked him over with interest. He was obviously a little younger thanher, but not by much, maybe a year or two at most. He had jet-black hair anddeep brown eyes and a firm square jaw.

    Im fine, he snapped back, giving her the once-over as she was checking himout.

    Youre welcome. Look, I was just trying to help she responded with her handson her hips.

    I dont need your help he stated firmly, looking into her brilliant blue eyes.

    Right. I guess you like getting your face smashed in. Or is it that you just dontlike the idea of a girl helping you? she asked, more than a little irritated at hiscomplete lack of gratitude.

    Matt sighed and managed a weak Thanks. I just want to be alone, OK? inresponse.

    Sydney sighed too. My name is Sydney by the way and I just moved to this

    stupid place. You can call me Syd if you want to she said wearily.

    My names Matt, and youre right this place is stupid.

    So, what happened? Why were those guys picking on you? What did you do?she asked curiously.

    They just dont like me OK? Im an Indian.

    So what...thats cool! she responded immediately.

    Matt rolled his eyes saying Sure it is. I bet you have a lot of experience withprejudice, with your blond hair, baby-blues and lily-white skin and all.

    What are you talking about? Sydney asked with exasperation.

    Never mind. You wouldnt understand Matt waved his hand dismissively.

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    Sydney stared at Matt for a moment while his words sunk in. Youve got to bekiddingthats juststupid she said with a mixture of horror and disbelief.

    Yeah? Matt responded with sarcasm in his voice. Tell that to guys like Billy.They pick on anyone whos different. I wish I was a real Indian Warrior Id kick

    his butt.

    Thats great Matt. It just sounds like more stupid fighting to me. For some reasonI thought you were smarter than that. Now youre acting like that other jerk.

    What do you know? Matt fired back. You have to take care of yourself aroundhere; nobody else is going to do it for you.

    Really? she said in a matter-of-fact voice. I thought I just did. See ya tough-guy.

    Sydney walked back to her house slowly, not much happier with what she hadfound down her street than what she had left at home. But what could she do?She felt totally alone and she couldnt help but look up at the sky thinking God, Igotta tell youI dont get it...whats the point of this set-up? No matter what wedo it doesnt matter. I loved my brother and he died...I tried to help someoneand he doesnt care...nothing I do makes any difference.

    As she opened the front door to her home, Sydney called out Mom?

    She found her Mom on the living room couch, smiling. That wasnt nearly aslong as I thought it would be. How was your walk sweetheart? she asked with an

    understanding voice.

    It was fine she said, flopping down on the couch next to her Mom. Im sorry. Ijust feel like everything is gone. Brett, our house, my friends she said, hervoice trailing off.

    Im sorry you feel that way honey, but I promise you everything will get better.

    How do you know? Sydney asked, resting her head on her Moms shoulder.

    Experience honey. Things always have a way of working out for the best

    Sydney. You have to have faith that God knows how to make that happen.

    God? If God knows best how could he let Brett die? How can he let people hurteach other Mom? she asked with tears in her eyes.

    Sydney, Brett died because of an accident. Sometimes things happen and wedont know why they do and we have to trust that there really is a good reason.And Im sure God doesnt like it when we hurt each other, but we each have to dothe best that we can in every situation.

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    Chapter Three

    Matt sat alone in his room, looking at the gift he had received from hisGrandfather years ago on his fifth Birthday, a seven-inch high figure of a NativeWarrior. Matt had named him Chief and while the name wasnt very original, ithad suited the then five-year old boy. His Grandfather had told Matt that Chiefhad been blessed by the Shaman (the Tribes Medicine Man) and would helpguide Matt in the old ways when he was away from his people. Matt hadntunderstood what the old ways meant, but as it turned out, Chief had become anunexpectedly important part of his life. Chief was a very good listener. Matt hadalso quickly decided that Chief was strong and brave and he always knew whatto do, because Warriors always knew what to do. Of course Matt knew he wasntreally alive, but he had often fantasized about being a Warrior like Chief.

    Now, more than ever, Matt didnt feel like he could talk to anyone. His Mom andDad had recently divorced and Matts Dad had moved into a place of his own. Itwasnt far away, but he always seemed to be busy with work and didnt visit Matt

    and Laurel (his little sister) much. Matt didnt want to upset his Mom with hisproblems because she seemed to be so tired from going to work and lookingafter them and the house by her self. Besides, if Matt was going to be a Warriorlike Chief, he knew he had to be strong and not show any weakness. Only Chiefheard Matts secrets.

    Matt stretched out on his bed, looking at Chief who stood facing him on hisdresser. I wish I was like you Chief, then everyone would be afraid of me. Theywould respect me. It was so embarrassing; some girl had to basically save mefrom that jerk Billy and his friends. Why cant I be a Warrior like you? I wouldpound on jerks like Billy, then a girl like Sydney would see how brave I was. I

    wish you could show me how I can change things ifanything I do even makesa difference anyway... Matt picked up his foam basketball and started shootinghoops at the miniature basketball net attached to the back of his bedroom door.

    Matt wasnt the only one who didnt feel like he could talk to anyone. Across townin her bedroom, sat Sydney with a glum look on her face. She wanted to talk toher parents, but the harder she tried, the more frustrated she became. Shesimply couldnt find the right words to describe what she was going through orhow alone she felt. Much like Matt, Sydney also had someone she could talk to,a doll she had named Angel. Her Grandma had given Angel to her when Bretthad died saying comforting things and proclaiming that nothing bad would

    happen to Sydney because Angel would watch over her. Sydney had alwaysacted like she was just being polite to her Grandma by keeping the doll close toher, but the truth was that she rather liked the idea that she might be gettingsome extra help and protection in what had turned out to be a very unpredictableworld. Angel was beautiful, with gold hair and blue eyes much like Sydneys,wearing a long white lace dress complete with the prerequisite golden wings. ToSydney she represented all of the best things beauty, kindness, wisdom andfriendship.

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    As Sydney moved restlessly around her bedroom, she used Angel as a soundingboard. Angel, why did God make things work the way they do? Its pointless, itdoesnt matter what I do, every one else gets to decide whats going to happen tome...Mom, Dad...even that boy Matt. I did something nice for him and he didnteven care. Mom always talks about how God made us in his image that were

    his children well, what kind of father leaves his kids in a bad place and allalone? She looked at Angel and as per usual, if Angel had the answers to herquestions, she wasnt sharing.

    As evening deepened, both Matt and Sydney ate their supper, watched some TVand went to bedeach in their own homes, each in their own beds.

    Matt was soon awakened by the sensation of a warm breeze drifting softly acrosshis face. He opened his eyes to find himself inside the most incredible Treehousehe could imagine with an aroma of cedar that was strong and comforting. Thestructure was fashioned out of thick Cedar timbers from the floor to the ceiling

    and sat atop of a huge tree that had to be hundreds of years old.

    He walked out the door and found himself on a large, solidly built balcony with asturdy railing that surrounded the entire Treehouse. He looked down over thetops of a few dozen trees and saw a small clearing filled with wild flowers. Thiswas a place of enchanting beauty, vibrant colors and pure sweet smells. Off inthe distance, he could see a meadow that dropped down to meet up with asteadily flowing river. The sun was low in the valley and backlit the river, causingit to sparkle like a long jeweled necklace through the forest. As he walked alongthe balcony, he marveled at the different vantage points it gave him to look overthe new and unexplored territory below. He could see a long waterfall tumble

    down a cliff face toward the end of the valley, its mist rising to reach the amberlight of the sun.

    As Matt worked his way around the Treehouse, he suddenly became aware of astrange figure standing motionless on the balcony just ahead of him. As his eyesadjusted to the form, he began to feel like he somehow knew this man. He wastall and lean but very muscular. His long, thick dark hair was swirled up acrosshis face and the leaves rustled with every gasp of the warm breeze that wasblowing.

    Matt, strangely without fear, stepped closer to him, eager to see the face of this

    peaceful figure. As he reached the vine covered railing, the breeze gasped oncemore, lifting the long dark hair back and over the mans bare shoulders.

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    Chief?! Matt exclaimed feeling like he had just entered the Twilight Zone.

    The Warrior turned toward him and speaking in a powerful, but quiet voice saidYes Matt.

    It is you. But how can you behere? Youre not real.

    Chiefs lips turned up in a soft smile as he replied, This is your sacred placeMatt. Here, youcreate what is real. Nodding with approval Chief added, I likeit.

    You mean this Treehouse? Matt asked, still trying to get a handle on what washappening.

    Yes. Chief responded quietly. This is your sacred place your creation.

    Its mine? I made this? I dont remember making this Matt respondeduncertainly.

    There are many things you do not remember yet, but if you keep trying to, overtime you will Chief said turning back to gaze at the forest.

    So youre saying I made this whole Treehouse and I cant remember doing it?

    Chief shook his head almost imperceptibly saying, It is not that you cannotremember. It is simply that right now, you choose not to remember. There is verylittle that someone as powerful as you cannot do. So in answer to your question,

    yes, you created this Treehouse and more. You have also created this place thatsurrounds us as far as you can seeand you have brought me here as well.

    This is too weird. Matt said sitting down on the balcony next to Chief letting hislegs dangle off the end into the open air. As Chief sat down next to him hecontinued, This has to be a dream; thats it Im dreaming...but it feels so real.I need to think about this for a minute; maybe I should try to wake up.

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    Chapter Four

    Sydney could only smile as her entire body filled with tingling. These wonderfulsensations seem to start from the center of her chest and then flow evenlythough the rest of her body. It made her feel so alive that she literally couldnthelp but smile.

    Now she noticed a sparkle of light that seemed to somehow match the tingles inher body, growing all around her. This light slowly changed from fragmentedsparkles to a large, glowing pulse of warm, soft light. Then Sydney saw her, themost beautiful face she could envision smiling a soft loving smile right ather.

    Am I in heaven? Are you an Angel? she heard herself asking.

    Well, youcall me Angel the woman replied breaking out into a dazzling smile.

    Sydney blinked and after a moment her eyes opened wide with comprehensionas she gasped You mean my doll?

    Continuing to smile, Angel nodded simply saying, Yes. And in response to yourfirst question, no, this isnt heaven. You made this place for you and I to visit.

    I did? Buthow?

    Sydney, look around you. Everywhere. Look closely what do you see?

    Sydney did as she was instructed. Suddenly, she became aware that they were

    both on a large boat that was drifting down a beautiful emerald green river. Noone seemed to be steering the boat, it was as if the boat knew where to go on itsown. Angel and Sydney were seated at the stern of the boat, perched on a pile oflarge soft pillows. A high ornate roof supported by six columns shaded almost theentire length of the boat. The underside of the roof was filled with paintings ofchildren playing and dancing with Angels.

    At the bow of the boat was a long curved bench covered with overstuffedcushions. Light shear tapestries of gold and white hung from carved woodenarchways along the sides of the boat. With every breath of the wind, the whiteand gold tapestries swirled their colors in and out of the boat.

    All the while, trees, meadows, hills and the occasional waterfall drifted by alongthe bank of this magical place and the colors, sounds and smells seemed tomatch how alive she felt inside.

    Its perfect! she exclaimed feeling happier than she had for a very long time.

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    Of course. It is the perfect place for you, because you made it that way Angelstated, still smiling.

    How could I make a place like this?

    By choosing to Sydney. We all create exactly what we choose all of the time.

    Angel look! Theres someone on the river bank! Sydney said excitedly.

    Not waiting for a response, Sydney scrambled off the pillows and raced up to thebow of the boat. She could see the outline of a figure standing on a small dockon the left bank. As if it could read her mind, the boat turned and moved towardthe dock.

    Angel are weAngel? Angel, where are you? Angel! Sydney cried out afterturning to discover her friend had disappeared.

    As the boat bumped to a stop against the dockside, Sydney wheeled her gazeback to the dock and came face to face with Matt. They stared at each othersoundlessly in total shock.

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    Chapter Five

    Sydney finally found her voice saying You?! How can yoube here?

    Me? What do you mean how can Ibe here? How can yoube here? Chief toldme this was my place Matt said incredulously.

    Whos Chief? Sydney asked automatically.

    Uh, hes myfriend. I went out to explore on my own and he stayed at theTreehouse. Maybe we should go see him and find out whats going on, Matt saidlooking uncertain.

    I dont know if I should leave my boat, Angel may come back Sydneyresponded with a concerned tone in her voice.

    Angel? it was Matts turn to ask.

    Yeah, shes myfriend and she was just here on the boat with me. Then shewas gone.

    Well, I dont really know what to do but Ill bet Chief can help Matt respondedwith conviction.

    Oh. Well, okay, I guess solets go Sydney said jumping onto the dock next toMatt.

    Matt and Sydney climbed up the bank to the meadow and headed toward the

    Treehouse. Sydney couldnt believe how high up the Treehouse was - it sat atopof the tallest tree and towered over all of the other trees in the forest.

    Thats myTreehouse! Matt said proudly with a smile on his face. Wait untilyoure up there you can see everything when youre up that high you cansee across this whole valley! he continued excitedly as they moved closer to itsbase.

    Im sure you can Sydney said very softly, dread growing in her with every stepcloser.

    Chief said Icreated all of this! Can you believe it? This Valley, the Treehouse...everything!

    Sydney stopped in her tracks, grabbing Matts arm. He faced her questioninglyas she said, I dont understand this. Angel said the exact same thing to me...atleast about my boat and the river.

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    Matt considered this new piece of information for a moment and then shook hishead in confusion. I dont have the answers Syd. But dont worry; Im sure wellfigure it out with Chiefs help. Here we are! he proclaimed and she looked up tofind herself at the base of the giant tree with a ladder attached to it that workedits way straight up to the top of the tree where Matts Treehouse sat.

    Just climb up the ladder. Come on! he said.

    Thats really high are you sure its safe? she asked hesitantly.

    Of course its safe, why? Are you scared? he asked with disdain in his voice.

    No, Im not scared! Ill climb up your stupid ladder she responded defiantly.

    You sure you dontneed some help? he asked condescendingly.

    NO. Go ahead, Ill be right behind you.

    Fine. Ill show you how its done Matt said as he jumped on the ladder andmade his way nimbly and quickly up the rungs, finally getting the chance to showSydney how brave and strong he was. What he couldnt see was the fact that theonly thing Sydney was noticing was the next rung in front of her as she trieddesperately not to look around her or even worsedown.

    Reaching the top long before Sydney, Matt began looking for Chief. Afterchecking the inside of the Treehouse, he made his way completely around thebalcony calling out Chief! Chief? Chief, where are you? but saw no one and got

    no response. Matt began to panic a little bit now. It didnt make any sense.Where would Chief go? He rushed back to the top of the ladder, impatient forSydneys arrival.

    Are you coming? I should have known this was no place for a girl he calleddown to her with a slightly disgusted tone in his voice.

    Sydney couldnt answer. She was so scared that all she could do wasconcentrate on making it the last few feet to the top. Neither one of them noticedthat in the valley surrounding the Treehouse, a strange change was beginning tooccur. The once vibrant colors of the valley had begun to lose their intensity; the

    sound was changing was taking on a harder, hollow-like quality.

    Finally Matt said as Sydney pulled herself onto the balcony, breathing hard andputting her back to the railing. Isnt it great up here?

    I like it better on my boat Sydney said with conviction. Whats the attraction ofbeing stuck way up in a tree anyway? she asked, sounding irritated.

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    Well, if you werent a girl youd know. Warriors like having a place were theycan see whats going on around them and keep a look out for their enemies. Youhave to be tough to be a Warrior...and girls cant be Warriors.

    Well ifyouare a Warrior, I dont want to be one. And in case you forgot, Im the

    one who stopped you from getting your head pounded in. I dont know why boysfeel like they have to be so tough anyway, what are you trying to prove? shesaid trying to steady her voice and her breathing at the same time.

    Look. I dont know why I even invited you here to begin with Sydney , so whydont you get back in your little boat and go home. Hey, whats with the nameSydney anyway? It sounds like a boys name. Maybe your parents really wanteda boy instead. I bet they were real disappointed.

    As Matt and Sydney continued to argue, they still hadnt noticed that the coloraround them was almost completely gone. Even the strong comforting smell of

    cedar had disappeared. The only color still evident anywhere, was Matt andSydney themselves. Their beautiful valley has become cold and empty justlike their words.

    For your information, Sydney was my grandmothers name. Then Sydney burstinto tears stuttering and they already had a boy.

    Wow, I made the tough girl cry. Dont expect me to treat you nice just becauseyoure crying. I have a sister and I know all about those stupid girl tricks Mattsaid with an ugly look on his face.

    You dont know anything about girls and you dont know anything about me.Youre not a Warrior either youre just a bully. I wish I hadnt helped you and Iwish I never came up to your stupid Treehouse! she yelled back.

    Then leave. I dont want you around here anyway. Go! Matt yelled pointing atthe ladder.

    Sydney couldnt move. She was overwhelmed with anger and fear, and she feltcompletely helpless because there was no way she could climb back down theladdershe was trapped.

    Look, if your waiting for me to apologize, its not going to happen, so get on yourlittle girly boat and float away Matt said emphatically.

    Youre such a jerk! My brother fell off a ladder a few months ago and he diedright in front of me! I cant climb down your stupid ladder Matt! Im so scared Icant even move. Are you happy now? You win Matt; you know what Im afraid of.I guess you were right, Im not tough enough to be a Warrior like you Sydneysobbed uncontrollably.

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    Matt kept his eyes on Sydney unable to find a single word to say. Too manyhurtful words had already come out of his mouth and he didnt trust what hemight say anymore. He was so certain of so many things just a few minutes agoand now everything was a mess.

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    Chapter Six

    A cold wind swept across them and shadows were all that remained of the oncebeautiful valley and Treehouse. Only two figures stood out against a world ofgray and black. As Sydney began to speak, her hollow voice became entangledwith the growing shadows.

    Its so cold. Mattwhats happening? Sydney said fearfully.

    I.I dont know. Sydney?


    Now Im scared he admitted, meeting her eyes so she could see that he reallymeant it.

    I am too, but I dont think Angel, or your friend Chief, would let anything bad

    happen to us she said after pausing for a moment to think it through.

    I guess not. You know, Chief told me that Imade this place and I brought himhere too...I just dont remember doing it...I think thats important somehow.

    Yeah Sydney replied, sniffling a little bit as she calmed down. Angel saidsomething like that to me...but how does that help us?

    Matt walked over to Sydney and timidly offered his hand to help her.

    Im not sure yet. Maybe we should go inside, I have a couple of chairs and

    inside you wont have to look down, you cant even see outside if you dont wantto. Youll feel safer in there Matt said softly.

    Once Sydney was certain Matt wasnt making fun of her, she took his hand andlet him help her into his Treehouse. He moved a chair so she could sit with herback to the door so she didnt have to look outside.

    Thanks Matt. Its a lot better in here she said gratefully.

    Your welcome Syd. You know, these changes must mean something, we justhave to figure it out.

    I know. Okay, lets try to think this through calmly. When did things start tochange?

    I dont know. One minute we were off to see this Treehouse, then we werefighting and then this Matt replied with a thoughtful look on his face.

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    Matt and Sydney continued to try to figure out what had happened. They satsilently thinking about everything they had done and said. As they did, unnoticedby them, the color had begun to return to the valley outside the Treehouse.

    Angel told me that I created this place...that I can create anything I choose to...

    Sydney mused out loud as she tried to remember everything that happenedbefore things had started to go so wrong.

    Yeah, Chief said the same thing to me Matt said nodding. Syd?


    Im reallysorry about the stuff I said to you...I didnt know...I mean...I wouldnthave I guess I wanted someone else besides Chief to see my fort and whenyou didnt seem to like it I got mad...but I shouldnt have... Matt trailed off withhis head down. He was truly mortified at the way he had acted.

    Its okay Matt. I dont like people knowing what scares me. I could have told youthat I didnt want to go up and why...its just that I liked, well - like you - and Ididnt want you to think I was afraid of everything Sydney said, meeting Mattssheepish eyes with a small smile.

    As they talked, outside, the black and gray their new world had changed to wasshifting slowly back to soft muted colors, the cold wind had almost disappearedand the sun was once again trying to break its way through the dark sky.

    And Syd...I never, ever wouldve said what I did about your parents having a son

    if Id known...I meanever Matt said emphatically, leaning toward her andplacing his hand on her arm.

    I know that Matt and to tell you the truth...I knewhow bad it would make you feelif I told you about Brett Sydney admitted quietly.

    So...were okay then - right? And just for the record theres no way I wouldvewanted to climb up that ladder if the same thing happened to me Matt saidsincerely.

    Sydneys head snapped up and she looked Matt in the eyes Really? she asked.

    Really...that took majorguts Matt assured her. Hey look! he said suddenly,looking past her shoulder and outside.

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    Sydney took Matts hand and she cautiously followed him out onto the balcony.The colors were at their brightest again with the sun shining warmly in the crystalclear blue sky. They were also greeted by the rich smells of the forest, thesounds of birds singing and two voices that rose behind them. Matt and Sydney

    looked at each other and then both whirled around with their mouths hangingopen in surprise.

    You were right Angel, it did not take them very long to figure things out. Now,how about we take a closer look around this place you two have created? Chiefsaid calmly to Matt and Sydney as though everything that had, and washappening, was perfectly normal.

    Choosing to bypass on the obvious questions, Matt focused on his greatestconcern Sydney. No, you dont understand Chief...Syd needs help...theladder...

    Matt started to explain that he wanted to help Sydney and suddenly he found allfour of them standing firmly on the ground beneath the Treehouse.

    Oh thank you Angel! Sydney said embracing her friend.

    Why, youre welcome Sydney...but thank you for what?

    Sydney laughed and said For what? For bringing me down here so I didnt haveto use the ladder again.

    Youre thanking the wrong person Sydney. I didnt do that.

    Sydney blushed and turned to Chief saying Oh Im sorry...thank you Chief...whyare you shaking your head?

    It was not me Sydney, he said with a knowing look in his eyes and a small smileplaying both his and Angels lips.

    Slowly, mirroring Angel and Chiefs smiles, Sydney turned to Matt. Thank youMatt.

    Uh...youre welcome...I think. Whats going on? Did I really do that? How? Can Ido it again? he asked with a grin on his face.

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    Chief nodded and replied, Yes. You really did that. And you know how... stop fora minute and think about what has happened so far.

    Sydney piped up right away saying It was youwho wanted to help me get downMatt then - poof! We were down.

    Yeah...but...hey! Syd! Thats what this was all about! Angel and Chief didnt doany of it...WE DID. We changed everything. When we got angry and mean,everything around us seemed to...well, react. Its like we were...

    ....draining away the life around us...even the sun went away Sydney jumped infinishing Matts sentence. She turned to Angel as she continued, Thats whatyou meant when you said I create everything around me. Does that mean I canchange stuff in my real life any way I want to...or is that just here?

    Life works the same way no matter where you are Sydney. Youget to choose

    not only the two of you...everyone gets to choose what they want to surroundthemselves with. This isnt about what anyone else tells you is right or wrongeither, its about choosing what is right or wrong for you. Youget to decidewhat you want to create in life by the feelings, thoughts, words and actions youchoose...because in the end, no one else can. And that is ultimately what shapesyour life and the experience you have Angel responded with a smile in her eyes.

    But if thats true, I still dont really understand why the colors and sounds looked like everything was just a shadow of what it really was Matt saidstill feeling confused about their experience.

    Who are you Matt? Are you mean? Or do you care about how other people feelas you move through the world? Chief asked him intently.

    Oh! Matt said, understanding flooding his face. I wasnt really being...myself. Atleast not the way I usually am the stuff I was doing wasntreally...real.

    Thats what it was, Sydney said understanding as well. Everything looked likea shadow because we werent showing each other who we really were and assoon as we did...

    Everything looked real again! Matt finished triumphantly.

    Chief turned to Angel smiling as he said, They do make a good team dontthey?
