SGIP->GreenButton->GSA ...EPA, HUD, DOT...&more!

What is Green Bu.on? How is it useful to Federal Agencies? Ma. Theall, Presiden>al Innova>on Fellow, DOE, ma.hew[email protected] John Teeter, Presiden>al Innova>on Fellow, NIST, [email protected] Mark Ewing, Director Energy Division, GSA, [email protected] Brian Wright, Energy Division, GSA, [email protected] David Wollman, Deputy Director, Smart Grid & CPS Program Office, NIST, [email protected] Chris Irwin, Smart Grid Standards & Interoperability Coordinator, DOE, [email protected]


rebalancing:energy ... BUTTON agency-by-agency:ObamaClimateAction! thx,Teeter &team

Transcript of SGIP->GreenButton->GSA ...EPA, HUD, DOT...&more!

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What  is  Green  Bu.on?    How  is  it  useful  to  Federal  Agencies?  

Ma.  Theall,  Presiden>al  Innova>on  Fellow,  DOE,  [email protected]  John  Teeter,  Presiden>al  Innova>on  Fellow,  NIST,  [email protected]  Mark  Ewing,  Director  Energy  Division,  GSA,  [email protected]  Brian  Wright,  Energy  Division,  GSA,  [email protected]  David  Wollman,  Deputy  Director,  Smart  Grid  &  CPS  Program  Office,  NIST,  [email protected]    Chris  Irwin,  Smart  Grid  Standards  &  Interoperability  Coordinator,  DOE,  [email protected]  

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Agenda  •  What  is  Green  Bu1on?      çç  –  Brief  history  of  the  ini6a6ve,  goals,  current  status  

•  Federal  Call  to  Ac6on  –  Presiden6al  Vision  and  Direc6on  

Ma1  Theall  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  DOE  

•  How  is  Green  Bu1on  Useful  to  Federal  Agencies  –  GSA  Pilot:  Goals  and  Achievements  

•  Detailed  Discussion  –  Overview  of  the  Moving  Parts  

John  Teeter  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  NIST  

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Federal  Government  Interest  in  Data  

Open  Data  Ini>a>ves  •  Making  government  informa6on  resources  more  publicly    

accessible  in  “computer-­‐readable”  form;  encouraging  its  use  by  entrepreneurs  fueling  the  crea6on  of  new  products,  services,  and  jobs  

•  Project  Open  Data:  h1p://project-­‐open-­‐    •  Examples:  Federal  Register  2.0,,  Health  Data  Ini6a6ve,  …  

My  Data  Ini>a>ves  •  Empowering  consumers  with  secure  access  to  their  own  personal  health,  energy,  

and  educa6on  data  •  Blue  Bu1on  (health  info),  Green  Bu1on  (energy),  Educa6on,  …  

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What  is  Green  Bu1on?    –          How  is  it  useful  to  Federal  Agencies?  •  The  Green  Bu1on  Ini6a6ve  encourages  all  u6li6es  and  service  providers  to  standardize  the  format  and  communica6on  of  energy  data  so  customers  and  third-­‐party  service  providers  can  easily  access  and  exchange  energy  usage  informa6on  from  u6lity  or  electricity  suppliers.  

•  Agencies  can  benefit  from  having  Green  Bu1on  Data  available,  in  a  cost  effec6ve  common  format,    from  all  their  energy  suppliers  and  using  that  data  to  more  cost-­‐effec6vely  manage  their  energy  use  informa6on.    

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Green  Bu1on  Evolu6on  

White  House  Call  to  Ac6on  9/2011  

First  DMD  Available  1/2012  

Connect  My  Data  Beta  Deployments  12/2012  

0  Customers  (Download  My  Data)  

42  Million  Customer  Accounts*  

26  Million  Customer  Accounts*  

12  Million  Customer  Accounts*  

NAESB  ESPI  Standard  Ra6fied  10/2011  

HEY  Update  w/Green  Bu1on  


Presiden6al  Memorandum  to  Federal  Agencies  12/2013  

DMD  Cer6fica6ons  2H/2014  

DOE  Apps    for  Energy  5/2012  

American  Energy  Data  Challenge  11/2013  

*  Represents  Customer  Accounts  with  Access  to  Green  Bu1on  Data  –  Primarily  DMD;  Actual  Customer  download  numbers  are  not  available  

Green  Bu1on  CMD  Cer6fica6ons  4Q  2014  

Green  Bu1on  CMD  Rollouts  Na6onally  1H/2015  

2011   2012   2013   2014   2015  

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Download  My  Data  and                                              Connect  My  Data  

A  customer  visits  their  u>lity  web  portal,  they  can  simply  login  and  download  their  Green  Bu.on  Data  as  an  XML-­‐forma.ed  file.  

This  powerful  model  allows  a  consumer  to  authorize  a  third-­‐party  service  provider  to  receive  direct  access  to  their  Green  Bu.on  Data  -­‐  no  need  to  repeatedly  login  to  their  u>lity  and  download  files.  These  authoriza>ons  are  valid  for  an  agreed  upon  >me  and  can  be  revoked  at  any>me  by  the  consumer.  

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Green  Bu1on  Supports  Innova6on  in  New  Applica6ons  Insight:  entrepreneur-­‐created  web  portals  analyze  energy  usage  and  provide  ac6onable  6ps;  Hea>ng  and  Cooling:  customized  hea6ng  and  cooling  ac6vi6es  for  savings  and  comfort;  Educa>on:  community  and  student  energy  efficiency  compe66ons;  Retrofits:  improved  decision-­‐support  tools  to  facilitate  energy  efficiency  retrofits,  Virtual  Energy  Audits;  Verifica>on:  measurement  of  energy  efficiency  investments;  Real  Estate:  provide  energy  costs  for  tenants  and/or  new  home  purchasers;  and  Solar:  op6mize  the  size  and  cost-­‐effec6veness  of  roolop  solar  panels.  

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Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data              In  Washington  DC  Governmental  Services  

 Providing  15  Minute  Interval  Data  for  400  Buildings  in  DC    Local  U6lity  (Pepco    Holdings)  providing  first    in  the  na6on  deployment  with  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  inside!    


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Agenda  •  What  is  Green  Bu1on?        –  Brief  history  of  the  ini6a6ve,  goals,  current  status  

•  Federal  Call  to  Ac6on  çç  –  Presiden6al  Vision  and  Direc6on  

Ma1  Theall  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  DOE  

•  How  is  Green  Bu1on  Useful  to  Federal  Agencies  –  GSA  Pilot:  Goals  and  Achievements  

•  Detailed  Discussion  –  Overview  of  the  Moving  Parts  

John  Teeter  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  NIST  

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 “The  Administra/on  will  leverage  the  ‘Green  Bu9on’  standard  –  which  aggregates  energy  data  in  a  secure,  easy  to  use  format  –  within  federal  facili/es  to  increase  their  ability  to  manage  energy  consump/on,  reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions,  and  meet  sustainability  goals.”  

The  President’s  Climate  Ac6on  Plan,  June  25,  2013  

Climate  Ac6on  Plan  Commitment    

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US  Federal  Government  Commitment  

Presiden>al  Memorandum  (to  all  Federal  agencies)    

“Sec.  3.  Building  Performance  and  Energy  Management  ..  each  agency  shall:  …  incorporate  Green  Bu9on  into  repor/ng,  data  analy/cs  and  automa/on,  and  processes,  in  consulta/on  with  local  u/li/es  …”    [..  GSA,  EPA  pilots  …]      Presiden/al  Memorandum  on  Federal  Leadership  in  Energy  Management,  Dec  5,  2013    

 Buildings  use  40%  of  our  Energy  Resources;  75%  of  our  Electricity    

Achieving  Efficiency  is  a  Na>onal  Priority    

Green  Bu.on  provides  the  missing  feedback  loop    

And  helps  to  engage  the  consumer  in  the  solu>on    

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Sec.  3.  Building  Performance  and  Energy  Management.    A  -­‐  To  encourage  con6nuous  improvement  and  be1er  manage  building  performance,  enhance  energy  efficiency,  and  reduce  energy  waste  in  an  open  and  transparent  way,  each  agency  shall:      (i)  install  building  energy  meters  and  sub-­‐meters  (ii)  install  water  meters  at  agency  buildings    (iii)  …    agency  buildings  ….  associated  monthly  performance  data  is  

entered  into  the  EPA  Energy  Star  Porpolio  Manager.  (iv)  publicly  disclose  …  web-­‐based  tracking  system    annual  energy  

performance  data    (v)  …  incorporate  Green  Bu1on  into  repor6ng,  data  analy6cs  and  

automa6on,  and  processes,  in  consulta6on  with  local  u6li6es  

Presiden6al  Memorandum  for  Heads  of  Exec.    Departments  and  Agencies  

Dec  2013  .  

Federal  Leadership  in  Energy  Management  

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Agenda  •  What  is  Green  Bu1on?        –  Brief  history  of  the  ini6a6ve,  goals,  current  status  

•  Federal  Call  to  Ac6on  –  Presiden6al  Vision  and  Direc6on  

Ma1  Theall  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  DOE  

•  How  is  Green  Bu1on  Useful  to  Federal  Agencies  –  GSA  Pilot:  Goals  and  Achievements    çç  

•  Detailed  Discussion  –  Overview  of  the  Moving  Parts  

John  Teeter  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  NIST  

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Use  Case:  The  Energy  Audit  Site  visit  •  Long  lead  6me  •  Slow  feedback  •  Very  Thorough    

Facili6es  Opera6on  •  Management  •  Benchmarking  •  …  

   Buildings  •  Occupancy  Models  •  Sub-­‐Meter  1  •  Sub-­‐Meter  2  •  …    

Analysis  and  Discovery  •  Benchmarking  •  Opportunity  Iden6fica6on  •  Projec6ons  

   No  site  visit  •  Short  Lead  Time  •  Rapid  Feedback  •  Less  Thorough  

Hands    On  Audit    

Virtual  Audit    

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Framing  the  Energy  Management  Discussion  

U6lity  •  MDM  •  Portal    

Agency/Owner  •  Management  •  Benchmarking  •  …  

Building  •  Energy  Management  System  (EMS)  •  Sub-­‐Meter  1  •  Sub-­‐Meter  2  •  …    

Contracted  Service  Provider  •  Analy6cs  •  Virtual  Energy  Audits  •  …  

U6lity  Meter  

Energy  Manager  

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GSA Pilot Overview

•  Leverage  exis6ng  Energy  Management  Pilot  to  include  agency  owned  energy  management  systems  via  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data.    

•  Coordinate  with  local  u6lity  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  deployments  to  receive  data  obtained  from  u6lity  owned  meters.  

•  Authorize  third  party  to  receive  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  streams  from  u6lity  and  agency  owned  systems  for  5  target  buildings  in  GSA  Region  11.  

•  Coordinate  with  EPA  as  they  determine  Green  Bu1on  integra6on  possibili6es  for  Porpolio  Manager.  

•  Provide  input  to  FEMP  to  aid  in  the  prepara6on  of  guidance  to  be  provided  to  the  agencies.  

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GSA  Pilot  In  Facility  Management  Encourage  vendors  to  support  Green  Bu.on  standard    when  providing  energy-­‐related  services  to  GSA    •  Details:  

–  Request  Schneider-­‐Energy  EEM  product  team  to  provide  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  to  transmit  submetering  interval  data  to  Energy  Services  Vendor  (First  Fuel)  

–  Request  First  Fuel  to  Provide  Green  Bu1on  data  in  monthly  format  to  EPA  Porpolio  Manager  using  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  

•  Desired  Outcome:  –  Prove  benefits  of  interoperable  access  to  Green  Bu1on  data  for  GSA  

Energy  Efficiency  Processes  –  Increase  ability  of  businesses  and  other  agencies  to  par6cipate  in  

energy  efficiency  programs  using  Green  Bu1on  

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Engage  U6li6es  (Pepco  Holdings)  Ask  u>li>es  to  provide  GSA  electricity  data  in  Green  Bu.on  format    •  Details:  

–  GSA  usage  u6li6es  that  serve  its  buildings  –  GSA  asks  u6li6es  to  use  “Connect  My  Data”  standard  to  link  data  directly  to  energy  management/efficiency  systems  and  vendors  (First  Energy)  

•  Desired  Outcome:  –  Prove  U6lity  Interval  Data  Supports  GSA  Efficiency  Programs  –  Integrate  U6lity  Data  with  (Interoperable)  Green  Bu1on  Data  from  Building  Sub-­‐Meter  systems  

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Future  Goal:  Publish  GSA’s  U6lity  Data  Publish  GSA  facili>es  u>lity  data  (ideally  in  the  Green  Bu.on  format)  

•  Details:  –  Send  Green  Bu1on  data  to  EPA/Porpolio  Manager  using  Green  Bu1on  

Connect  My  Data  –  DOE’s  Building  Performance  Database  is  seeking  data  –  to  support  public  consump6on  of  energy  efficiency  


•  Desired  Outcome:  –  Significantly  increase  the  volume  of  publically  available  building  and  

u6lity  data  available  to  researchers,  developers  and  the  public  –  Increase  effec6veness  of  energy  benchmarking  tools  by  providing  a  

significant  increase  in  data  availability  

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GSA  Building  Selec6ons  

•  New  Execu6ve  Office  Building  •  Orville  Wright  Building  •  Na6onal  Building  Museum  •  Department  of  Educa6on  •  Switzer  Building  

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Section 3.B.i - GSA Pilot Activities

3Q  2013   4Q  2013     1Q  2014   2Q  2014  

OSTP/CEQ/GSA/NIST/DoE  Pilot  Plan  


Vendor  Iden6fica6on  11/2013  

PEPCO  Connect  My  Data  Pilot  1/2013  –  2/2013  

Climate  Ac6on  Plan  June  2013  

FEMP  Guidance  Ini6ated      Apr  2014  

Presiden6al  Memo      Dec    2013  

Technical  Discussions  8/2013  –  10/2013  

GSA  Pilot  Strategy  Prepared/Ini6ated  2/2014  

EPA  Technical  Discussions  2/2014  

DC  Pilot  Opera6onal  4/2014  

DC  Pilot  Plan  FirstFuel/    PEPCO/Schneider  12/2013  

EPA  Porpolio    Manager  Plan  TBD  

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Pilot  Status  •  U6lity  Green  Bu1on  data  flowing  to  First  Fuel  •  Green  Bu1on  Cer6fica6on  for  Schneider-­‐Electric  Energy  Profiler  Online  (EPO)  product  

•  Schneider-­‐Electric  EEM  product  aggrega6ng  in  facility  data  

•  Automated  movement  of  data  from  both  sources  to  First  Fuel  on  a  daily  basis  

•  Benchmarking  by  First  Fuel  

•  Pilot  Summary  and  Lesson  Learned  to  be  finalized  and  delivered  to  FEMP  

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Analy6cs  for  Ac6ve  Management  

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Analy6cs  for  Ac6ve  Management  

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Agenda  •  What  is  Green  Bu1on?        –  Brief  history  of  the  ini6a6ve,  goals,  current  status  

•  Federal  Call  to  Ac6on  –  Presiden6al  Vision  and  Direc6on  

Ma1  Theall  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  DOE  

•  How  is  Green  Bu1on  Useful  to  Federal  Agencies  –  GSA  Pilot:  Goals  and  Achievements  

•  Detailed  Discussion    çç  –  Overview  of  the  Moving  Parts  

John  Teeter  –  Presiden6al  Innova6on  Fellow,  NIST  

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Smart  Grid  Consumer  Domain      

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 Green  Bu1on  Privacy  and  Security  

•  Data  Security.  –  Standard  Cer6ficate  Based  HTTPS  and  SFTP    –  Uses  IETF  OAuth2  authoriza6on  –  Requires  128  bit  (Third  Party)  and  256  bit  (Data  Custodian)  Transport  

Layer  Security  –  Aligned  with  NIST  best  prac6ces    

•  Personal  Iden6fiable  Informa6on  (PII)    –  Cer6fied  Green  Bu1on  Metered  Data  contains  no  PII  –  All  Loca6on  informa6on  must  be  exchanged  separately  from  Metered  

Data  –  Account  and  Porpolio  informa6on  must  be  exchanged  separately  from  

Metered  Data  –   DOE  is  leading  a  Voluntary  Code  of  Conduct  Stakeholder  Process  

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Both  U6lity  and  Facility  Data  28  

U6lity    Data  

Facility  Data  

• Measurements  of  power,  energy,  gas,  water,    …  • Quality:  Raw,  validated,  es6mated,  …  • Source:  Meter  near  real-­‐6me,  u6lity  back  end,  third  party  • Economics:  Consumers  need  to  know  the  cost  of  their  consumed  power  (but  we  did  not  construct  a  pricing  model)  • Iden6fica6on:  by  customer,  device,  loca6on  • Interval  data  • Summary  Informa6on  • Power  Quality  Metrics  

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Green  Bu1on  Data  Exchange  

Data  Custodian   Third  Party  

Web  Service  Provider  

Web  Service  


Retail  Customer  

Web  Portal  

Web  Portal  

User  (agent)  

One-­‐6me  Authoriza6on  

Automated  Transfer  

Third  Party  Registra6on  

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Simple  Agency  Energy  Manager  

Rural  Co-­‐op   Agency  Energy  Repository  

Web  Service  

Web  Client  

Agency  Energy  Manager  

Web  Portal  

Web  Portal  

User  (agent)  

One-­‐6me  Authoriza6on  

Automated  Transfer  Agency  Registra6on  

U6lity  Meter  

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Building  5  EMS  

Web  Service  

Web  Portal  

Web  Service  

Building  4  EMS  

Web  Portal  

Building  3  EMS  

Web  Service  

Web  Portal  

Building  2  EMS  

Web  Service  

Web  Portal  

Building  1  EMS  

Web  Service  

Web  Portal  

   GSA  Pilot  Scenario                          Five  Buildings  

First  Fuel  

Web  Client  

GSA  Energy  Manager  

Pepco  Holdings  

Web  Service  

Web  Portal  

Web  Portal  

User  (agent)  

One-­‐6me  Authoriza6on  

Automated  Transfer  

•  New  Execu6ve  Office  Building  •  Department  of  Educa6on  •  Orville  Wright  (FOB10A)  •  Switzer  FB  •  Na6onal  Building        

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General  Federal  Support  

U6lity  or  Energy  Management  System  

Agency  or    Contracted  Third  Party  

Web  Service  

Web  Client  

Agency  Energy  Manager  

Web  Portal  

Web  Portal  

User  (agent)  

One-­‐6me  Authoriza6on  

Automated  Transfer  Agency  Registra6on  

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Value  Proposi6ons  

Cost  Effec6ve  Improvements  to  Advanced  Metering  Infrastructure    

•  U6lity  did  not  charge  addi6onal  fees  for  Green  Bu1on  capabili6es  

•  Offsets  GSA’s  capital  expenditure  to  install  addi6onal  metering  where  u6lity  interval  data  is  available  

•  Offsets  O&M  costs  associated  with  maintaining  meters  

•  Compa6ble  with  agency  metering  systems  

•  Green  Bu1on  can  lower  the  cost  of  deployment  for  agency  energy  management    

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Value  Proposi6ons  

Data  Quality/Data  Valida6on/Data  Scaling  •  12%  of  GSA  metering  infrastructure  is  missing  data  due  to  

meters  being  offline.    Green  Bu1on  Data  gives  GSA  the  opportunity  to  replace  this  missing  data  with  u6lity  interval  data  from  second  (u6lity)  source.  

•  Green  Bu1on  Data  can  also  be  used  to  correct  data  anomalies  in  Energy  Management  Systems  such  as  spikes,  blanks,  null  values  etc.  

•  Green  Bu1on  encourages  mul6ple  vendors  to  present  data  to  GSA  in  a  uniform,  interoperable  manner.  

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Lessons  Learned  

Significant  value  achieved  through  ac6ve  management  •  Virtual  energy  audit  for  all  proper6es  is  possible  •  Data  drives  efficient  management      Interoperability  is  KEY  •  Look  for  Cer6fied  Connect  My  Data  implementa6ons  in  2015  •  Leverage  your  purchasing  power  to  bring  your  service  

providers  on-­‐board!    Early  in  the  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data  life  cycle  •  Pepco/Schneider  first  in  the  na6on  commercial  deployment  •  Na6onal  Rollout  2015-­‐2016  –  plan  for  success  now!    

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What  is  Green  Bu1on?    –          How  is  it  useful  to  Federal  Agencies?  •  Green  Bu1on  is  a  standard  for  data  exchange  inspired  by  the  

federal  government  and  enabled  by  the  private  sector  

•  The  Green  Bu1on  carries  the  metered  data  that  enables  ac6ve  management  of  resource  usage  

•  Green  Bu1on  provides  a  uniform  way  for  energy  managers  to  use  metered  data  across  mul6ple  u6li6es  to  manage  large  porpolios  

•  Agencies  can  save  on  their  energy  costs  •  Agencies  can  provide  uniform  data  to  Porpolio  Manager  

•  Agencies  can  leverage  real,  measured  data  to  monitor  and  manage  their  energy  and  resource  usage  

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FAQ  Development  •  How  do  I  find  out  if  my  u6lity  supports  Green  Bu1on  Connect  My  Data?  

•  Is  a  Smart  (AMI)  meter  required  for  Green  Bu1on  Support?  

•  How  do  I  determine  when  in  Facility  Metering  is  jus6fied?  

•  Is  there  a  roadmap  for  agency  support  of  Green  Bu1on  in  their  energy  management  processes?  

•  Are  agencies  to  be  provided  informa6on  as  to  vendors  whose  products  and  services  support  Green  Bu1on?  

•  Do  agencies  have  a  sense  as  to  how  many  of  their  facili6es  are  in  services  areas  of  u6li6es  that  support  Green  Bu1on?  

•  What  authority  do  agency  managers  have  to  ini6ate  Green  Bu1on  energy  management  ac6vi6es?  

•  How  are  larger  facili6es  such  as  campuses  or  bases  to  approach  the  Green  Bu1on  opportunity  


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Thank You