sexual harrassment at workplace

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  • 7/23/2019 sexual harrassment at workplace


    Prevention of Sexual


    Workplace in IndiaK Rajasekharan

    Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA)

    Email: [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    The tatutes on !re"ention of e#ual$arassment

    The e#ual $arassment of %omen at%ork&lace ( !re"ention ' !rohiition andRedressal) Act *1+ ,

    The e#ual $arassment of %omen at%ork&lace ( !re"ention ' !rohiition andRedressal) Rules *1+

    The la- re&laced the ishaka /uidelines100 of the u&reme 2ourt

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    Timeline of the La-

    Lok aha initiall3 &assed the ill' -ith nodeate' on +rde& *1

    Raj3a aha &assed it on 4th5eruar3 *1+

    Lok aha a6ain &assed it -ith minor chan6eson 11th7arch *1+

    The ill 6ot !resident8s assent on A&ril *1+

    The Rules *1+' -ere issued on 0 9ecemer

    *1+ The act and rules' as the 6o"ernment notied'

    came into force on 0th 9ec *1+


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    !recise ;ject of the La-

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    %hat 2onstitutes e#ual $arassment

    It includes un-elcome se#ual eha"ior of direct orim&lied nature such as:

    !h3sical contact , ad"ances

    Re>uest for se#ual fa"ours

    e#uall3 colored remarks ho-in6 &orno6ra&h3 ,

    un-elcome &h3sical' "eral or non?"eral se#ualconduct

    If the com&lainant had -elcomed the res&ondent8sconduct' the incident cannot fall under se#ualharassment

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    Essential In6redients of e#ual$arassment

    7ust e


    e#ual innature

    7ust occurat %ork&lace


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    5ile 2riminal 2ase for 2riminal$arassment

    This LawProvides a Civil

    RemedyIf the Harassmentis Criminal !ile a

    Complaint with thePolice for action

    under IPC "#$ %#&'

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    arrin6 of 2ourts

  • 7/23/2019 sexual harrassment at workplace


    Kinds of %ork&lace $arassment




    Quid ProQuo




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    $ostile %ork En"ironment means

    2reatin6 an intimidatin6 -ork en"ironment, humiliatin6 treatment that aBecthealthsafet3 of -oman

    A &er"asi"e se#ual harassment that makesthe -ork en"ironment FhostileF

    The se#ist remarks' dis&la3 of &orno6ra&h3or se#istoscene 6raCti' &h3sicalcontactrushin6 a6ainst -omen createhostile work environment


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    Quid Pro Quoe#ual $arassment means

    Im&liede#&licit &romise of &referentialtreatment in jo

    threat of detrimental nature , threat to jo

    se#ual fa"ours or ad"ances in e#chan6e forenets

    Gsin6 a se#uall3 e#&licit eha"iour or s&eechas a condition for &ro"idin6 em&lo3ment

    An3 retaliator3 action such as dismissal'demotion' diCcult -ork conditions on arefusal to com&l3 -ith a Fre>uestF


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    H%ork&lace8 means

    or6aniations' de&artments' institutions' oCce'ranch unit etc. in the &ulic&ri"ate sector'oth or6anied and unor6anied'

    hos&itals' nursin6 homes' educationalinstitutions' s&orts institutes' stadiums' s&ortscom&le#'

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    the head or

    the &erson res&onsile for formulation ,administration of &olicies of the -ork&lace

    the &erson dischar6in6 contractualoli6ations -ith res&ect to hisherem&lo3ees and

    5or a domestic -orker' the &erson -hoenets from that em&lo3ment


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    Kinds of Em&lo3ees2o"ered

    re6ulartem&orar3ad?hocdail3 -a6eem&lo3ees' -hether for remunerationincludin6 "olunteers

    2ontractual -orker' &roationer traineea&&rentice etc


  • 7/23/2019 sexual harrassment at workplace


    E"er3 %oman at %ork&lace 2o"ered

    The act co"ers all -omen

    in the or6anised or unor6anised sectors

    &ulic or &ri"ate and

    clients' customers and domestic -orkers

    irres&ecti"e of their a6e or em&lo3mentstatus


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    Res&onsiilities of the Em&lo3er

    To &rohiit se#ual harassment as &art of ser"ice rules To formulate , disseminate a no-harassment

    The !olic3 should state -hat constitutes se#ualharassment , the &rocedures to &rocess a com&laint

    To &ro"ide safe no?harassment -ork en"ironment To take &re"enti"e measures

    To conduct sensitiation &ro6rammes to stakeholders

    To declare contact details of the 2om&laint



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    te&s Em&lo3ers must Take

    !rohiit se#ual harassment , its &enalties inthe rules , &ulicise it

    !ri"ate em&lo3ers should include the&rohiition in the standin6 orders under the

    Industrial Em&lo3ment (tandin6 ;rders) Act'10=* or its e>ui"alent

    !ro"ide -ork conditions in res&ect of -ork'leisure' health and h36iene -ith no hostile

    environment to-ards -omen Ensure attendance of the res&ondent for


    u&&ort the com&lainant to le criminal &etition1

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    Em&lo3er to 6et &unishment for9ereliction

    E"er3 em&lo3er should create anen"ironment free from se#ual harassment

    An em&lo3er -ill e liale to a ne of Rs

    *'*** in case of an3 "iolation of this act In suse>uent "iolations' the amount of

    ne -ill 6et douled ,

    ma3 lead to cancelation of his license orre6istration of his rm


  • 7/23/2019 sexual harrassment at workplace


    The 2om&laint 2ommittee to e et u&

    It is mandator3 to set u& a 2om&laints2ommittee to deal -ith incidents of se#ualharassment

    The committee must e headed 3 a -oman

    $alf of its memers should e -omen ,

    It should include a third?&art3 re&resentati"efrom an

  • 7/23/2019 sexual harrassment at workplace


    ;n 2om&laint 2ommittee

    T-o kinds of committee for diBerent t3&es ofor6aniation are &ro"ided for in the la-

    AnInternal Complaints Committee (I22)' at

    least a memer committee at all -ork&lacesem&lo3in6 1* or more -orkers

    ALocal Complaints Committee (L22). A "e?memer committee at the district le"el for

    handlin6 com&laints from -ork&laces em&lo3in6less than 1* -orkers

    %hen the com&laint is a6ainst the em&lo3er' it-ill e handled 3 L22

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    A 9omestic -orker can le acom&laint

    A domestic -orker is one em&lo3ed forhousehold -ork for remuneration

    The3 can a&&roach the L22 in case of an3

    com&laint Relati"es of the em&lo3er cannot le a



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    !rocedures for 5ilin6 a 2om&laint

    A com&laint shall include 4 co&ies -ithsu&&ortin6 documents

    The com&laint committee should send one

    co&3 to the res&ondent -ithin -orkin6da3s to 6et a re&l3

    The res&ondent has to le his re&l3 -ithin1* -orkin6 da3s

    The com&laint committee has to in>uireinto the com&laint' -ith &rinci&les ofnatural justice


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    ;n !re&arin6 a 2om&laint

    e s&ecic aout the incident

    9on8t make an3 6eneral alle6ations such as theoCcer harassed me.

    Tell e#actl3 -hat ha&&ened -ith details' dates'

    -itnesses , documents e honest' don8t lie' as the com&lainant can e

    sued for l3in6 or false sumission

    Also' re>uest -hat the com&lainant -ants like' JI

    -ant the head to reassi6n me to a diBerentoCcer

    The em&lo3er need not ha"e to acce&t hersu66estion' ut her in&ut -ould e hel&ful

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    Time Limit for 5ilin6 a 2om&laint

    A com&laint of se#ual harassment needs to eled within " months

    The &eriod ma3 e#tend to another + months' in6ra"e circumstances that &re"ented her fromlin6 the com&laint in time


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    !ro"ision for 2onciliation

    The I22L22 can take ste&s to settle thematter et-een the a66rie"ed -oman ,the res&ondent'

    This o&tion -ill e used onlyat the re>uestof the -oman

    7onetar3 settlement shall not e the asisof conciliation

    If the settlement is not reached' thecom&lainant can 6o ack to the 2ommittee, initiate an in>uir3

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    If !rima facie 2riminal 2ase E#ist

    If the com&laint discloses a criminaloBence' the committee should &ass on thecom&laint -ithin da3s to the &olice for

    criminal action under I!2 2rime can e char6ed under I!2 *0 or

    an3 other section as the incident discloses


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    !eriod of In>uir3 , Action

    The 2ommittee is re>uired to com&lete thein>uir3 -ithin 0* da3s

    ;n com&letion of the in>uir3' the re&ort should

    e sent to either the em&lo3er or the 9istrict;Ccer -ithin 1* da3s of its com&letion

    the3 are mandated to take action on the re&ort-ithin 4* da3s

    If alle6ation is not &ro"ed the committee tosend a re&ort statin6 that no action is re>uired


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    Interim Action 9urin6 In>uir3

    The a66rie"ed or the res&ondent can etransferred to a"oid face to face contact

    /rant lea"e to the a66rie"ed u& to

    +months ;ther reliefs to the a66rie"ed as

    &rescried in the rules

    The em&lo3er should im&lement the ao"erecommendation and inform thecommittee aout it


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    2ommittee hould RecommendActions

    a6ainst the res&ondent as &er the rules in


    It ma3 e a deduction of an a&&ro&riate sumfrom the res&ondent8s salar3 or askin6 him

    to &a3 the sum If the amount is not &aid' it can e reco"ered

    as an arrear of land re"enue

    The committee can recommend forrestrainin6 the res&ondent from su&er"isionof com&lainant8s -ork


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    ;n Arri"in6 at the Amount to e !aid

    The com&laints committee should considerthe follo-in6 factors:

    the trauma' &ain or distress caused

    The loss of career o&&ortunit3 due to theincident

    7edical e#&enses incurred

    Income of the res&ondent 5easiilit3 of such &a3ment in lumsum



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    9ealin6 -ith a 5alse7alicious2om&laint

    If com&laint is false -ith malicious intent'the com&lainant can e &enalied as &erthe er"ice Rules

    An en>uir3 to de conducted &rior toestalishin6 malicious intent

    7ere inailit3 to &ro"e a com&laint -ill notattract &enalt3

    An3 malicious com&laint 3 a -oman -illattract the same &unishment' a man -hohas een found 6uilt3 of the oBence at the-ork&lace suBers


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    !rohiits 9isclosure of Identit3

    !rohiits disclosure of the identit3 ,address of the a66rie"ed -omanres&ondent and the -itness

    An3one -ho discloses the name or identit3of the a66rie"ed -oman or -itnesses -ille liale to &a3 a &enalt3 of Rs '***

    ut information re6ardin6 the justicesecured to an3 "ictim' -ithout disclosin6the identit3' can e &ulicised


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    E#?!arte 9ecision

    The com&laints committee can terminatethe in>uir3 &roceedin6s or 6i"e an e#?&artedecision'

    if the com&lainant or the res&ondent fails'-ithout suCcient cause' to &resent herselfor himself for three consecuti"e hearin6s

    E#?&arte or termination order -ill not e

    &assed -ithout 6i"in6 thecom&lainantres&ondent a 1?da3 notice in-ritin6


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    The La- Reco6nies

    /ender e>ualit3 under Article 1= of the2onstitution of India and

    The right to life & live with dignity under

    Article 1 of the 2onstitution %hich' in essence' includes a right to a

    safe environment free from sexualharassment


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    The La- La3s do-n

    a uniform &rocedure for conductin6 anen>uir3 into the com&laint on se#ualharassment

    across a "er3 -ide ran6e of em&lo3ers

    includin6 the 6o"ernment' armed forces'&ri"ate or6anied sector as -ell as theunor6anied sector such as a6riculture'domestic -ork' construction -ork and theser"ice industr3


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    2i"il suit for dama6es

    2i"il suit ma3 sur"i"e for dama6es undertort la-s

    5or mental an6uish' &h3sical harassment'

    loss of income and em&lo3ment caused 3the se#ual harassment


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    2reatin6 A-areness on !re"enti"e7easures

    Em&lo3ers must disseminate se#ualharassment &re"ention &olic3

    or6anie -orksho&s on the &ro"isions of the

    la- , 2onduct em&lo3ees a-areness &ro6rammes

    at re6ular inter"als for sensitiin6 allstakeholders aout the &rocedures

    !ro"ide and &ulicise contact details of thememers of the Internal com&laintscommittee


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    In 2onclusion

    The la- makes se#ual harassment at-ork&lace a le6al -ron6

    It aims at man?-oman harmon3 at -ork

    &lace It aims to uild u& condence amon6st

    female em&lo3ees to stand u& a6ainstharassment

    It makes the em&lo3er dut3?ound toensure a harassment?free atmos&here for-oman to enhance -ork &roducti"it3


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