Seven tips for DIY kitchen remodeling

Seven Tips for DIY Kitchen Remodeling

Transcript of Seven tips for DIY kitchen remodeling

Page 1: Seven tips for DIY kitchen remodeling

Seven Tips for DIY Kitchen Remodeling

Page 2: Seven tips for DIY kitchen remodeling

The declining of the housing market has alarmed many people - making them look for several ways to increase the value of their home of

their homes in preparation for future decisions pertaining to putting it on the market. And

every home's kitchen is always the best place to start with. A refurbished and well remodeled

kitchen will dramatically improve both the appearance of your home's interior and its

market value as many potential buyers will look at the kitchen as a priority in their decisions. While buying new countertops, floors, and cabinets would be ideal; they can also be pretty expensive. However, DIY (or Do-it-

yourself) remodeling can be a more affordable option in improving your kitchen's appearance and your overall home's resale value as well.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

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1) Make Advance Plans and Plan Ahead

By now you probably know that kitchen remodeling projects will require a lot of

time, patience, and energy. But still, most people tend to overlook the details and underestimate the needed effort one

should have. To ensure you get to have great remodeling result, carefully outline all phases necessary for the process, create a list of every required materials (with prices

if possible), and schedule the phases to help you prevent making the entire kitchen unusable while the remodeling project is

still on the way.

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2) Make Priorities

Always take into consideration the things matters to you most. Most of the times,

money will never stretch as far you'd want, so carefully consider what elements are

really needed, and those that you can and can't live without. If cooking is your thing, for instance, then you might want to set

aside more funds for appliances.

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3) Embrace the Personality

The truth is every kitchen has its own personality. Don't try to hide the key

elements that are in place already. Rather, embrace the given and allow those quirks to emphasize your kitchen's personality.

4) Location of your Appliances

If you have re-arrangement plans for your appliances, always place functionality

ahead of appearance. Experts suggest that the fridge, sink, and oven should be

arranged in a triangular position to allow maximum efficiency while providing

aesthetic appeal.

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5) The Cabinets

Cabinets are the most visually influential element of the kitchen, and changing the

look of your cabinet fronts will provide your preferred look for the entire room. If

replacing the cabinet doors are financially out of the question, a wide variety of

panels, dyes, and stains that can accomplish a great effect as well.

6) Focal Point

One of the most important steps to achieving an attractive kitchen is developing a focal point. Naturally, the island is the best focal point in any kitchen. Try a darker shade on

the island and a lighter one on the surrounding cupboards.

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7) Good Lighting

Both the quality of your lighting fixtures and lighting itself can greatly enhance the overall appearance of your kitchen. As much as possible, avoid single fixture

lighting and consider the option of having contemporary lighting. Task lighting can

enhance the both the look and the functionality of the kitchen as well.

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