Seven have come together to create a world-first platform

Seven of the biggest names in technology have come together to create a world-first platform for televisions; Digital Direct Broadcast.

Transcript of Seven have come together to create a world-first platform

Seven of the biggest names in technology have come together to create a world-first platform for

televisions; Digital Direct Broadcast.

How to access Internet in


W-Fi Dongle

Internet connectivity in DDB LED , DDB LCD

DDB product enables the user to access Internet. Internet functionality can be accessed by using below mode of Connectivity :

1 LAN Connection

2 Data Card

3 Wireless

Data Card

LAN Cable with RJ-45 Connector

Internet connectivity through LAN Cable

using Ethernet Port

Ethernet Port

Step - 1 : To use Internet feature through LAN (Wired)

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Ethernet Port

Connect LAN Cable to Ethernet Port

LED Blinks once active LAN connected

Note : Please check below mentioned in case the LED does not blink a) Check Proper internet Connectivity is available from Internet Service Provider. b) Check the correct LAN Cable is properly connected . (Cable for Telephone line will not work for internet)

Connect LAN Cable (from Modem / Internet source) to Ethernet Port of DDB Product.

Once the LAN Cable is connected LED (near Ethernet Port ) will start blinking, if LAN is Active (up with Internet Connection) If LED (near Ethernet Port) is not Blinking, then check Internet Cable / Internet Connectivity.

Step - 2 : Once the LAN Cable is connected & LED starts blinking near Ethernet Socket.

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “Source” Key

Press “OK” Key

Select NET CONNECT using Navigation Key

Select Setting using Navigation Key

Press “Source” Key from Remote of DDB TV

Select “NET CONNECT” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key

Select “Setting” by using “BLUE” Colored Key to change Network Setup

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Step - 3 : After Choosing the “Setting”, Option Press “OK” Key in Remote.

Use Navigation Keys

Network Setup will appear with 3 Options of Connectivity (Wired, Wireless and Data Card)

Choose the required Connectivity with respect to the Connectivity available at Customer Place

For LAN connectivity

Select “Wired” Option using Navigation Keys and

Press Yellow Key to Enable the Wired Connection

Press “Yellow” Key

Press “OK” Key

Press “OK” Key, Confirmation Pop up will be displayed

Press “OK” Key to Enable the Wired Connection OR

Press “OK” Key

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable Step - 3 (a) : After enabling Wired Connection

Select IP Address Configuration for “Auto” / “Manual”

If we Select “Auto” using “Navigation” Key & “OK” Key

On Selection of Auto Settings -> IP Address. Gateway, Subnet Mask, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS

values will be configured automatically as per the Network Available at Customer Place.

LAN Cable not Connected

LAN Cable Connected

Press “OK” Key

Press “OK” Key

Speed of Internet will depends on the connectivity received from the Internet Service Provider To get better Internet connectivity, use Broad Band connectivity

If LAN Cable is not Connected, Pop Up will be displayed

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Using Number Key, Enter detail

Speed of Internet will depends on the connectivity received from the Internet Service Provider To get better Internet connectivity, use Broad Band connectivity

Step - 3 (b) : After enabling Wired Connection

If we Select “Manual” using “Navigation” Key & “OK” Key

We have to change the Settings -> IP Address. Gateway, Subnet Mask, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS

values manually by using Navigation & Numeric Keys as per the Network Available at Customer Place

Manually enter the IP Address. Gateway, Subnet Mask, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS value

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Step - 4 : Once the IP Address setting are configured

Press “OK” Key in Remote, It will be Connected to Internet and

Automatically it will go to Previous Menu (Network Setup)

Press OK to save the network configuration & press back key to go on main page.

Press “OK” Key

Speed of Internet will depends on the connectivity received from the Internet Service Provider

To get better Internet connectivity, use Broad Band connectivity

Step - 5 : After Completing of all “ Ethernet Settings” >> Press “Back” Key on Remote to return into main Screen

Select the application you want to use.

Select any eNet options like : V Apps, eMail, Web or Chat to browse the Internet.

Press “Back ” Key

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Internet connectivity through Wireless Network using Wi-Fi Dongle

Wi-Fi Dongle

Step - 1 : To use Internet features through Wi-Fi Dongle (Wireless) Wi-Fi Network is Required

Connect Wi-Fi Dongle in USB Port of DDB TV

Configure the Wi-Fi Dongle with the Wireless Connectivity available at Customer Place

Enter the User Name and Pass Word of Local Wi-Fi Network (If applicable)

Connect Wi-Fi Dongle with USB Port

Note : Customer has to purchase Wi-Fi Dongle to use Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi Dongle

Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi Dongle using Wi-Fi N/W

Step - 2 : Once the LAN Cable is connected & LED starts blinking near Ethernet Socket.

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “Source” Key

Press “OK” Key

Select Multimedia using Navigation Key

Select Setting using Navigation Key

Press “Source” Key from Remote of DDB TV

Select “NET CONNECT” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key

Select “Setting” by using “BLUE” Colored Key to change Network Setup

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Step - 3 : After Choosing the “Setting” Option >> Press “OK” Key in Remote

Network Setup will appear with 3 Options of Connectivity (Wired, Wireless and Data Card)

Choose the required Connectivity with respect to the Connectivity available at Customer Place

For Wireless connectivity

. Select “Wireless” Option using Navigation Keys and

Press “Yellow” Key to Enable the Wireless Connection

Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi Dongle using Wi-Fi N/W

Use Navigation Keys

Press “Yellow” Key

Press “OK” Key Press “OK” Key

Press “OK” Key, Confirmation Pop up will be displayed

Press “OK” Key to Enable the Wireless Connection OR

Note : 1 .I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer

2. In case of Manual the data will be manually entered like in case of Wired Setup

Step - 3 (a) : After enabling the “ Wireless” Option

Press OK Keys

Press “OK” Key

Speed of Internet will depends on the connectivity received from the Internet Service Provider To get better Internet connectivity, use Broad Band connectivity

If Wi-Fi Dongle is not Connected Pop Up will be displayed

Wi-Fi Dongle not Connected

Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi Dongle using Wi-Fi N/W

Wi-Fi Dongle Connected

Select IP Address Configuration for “Auto” / “Manual”

If we Select “Auto” using “Navigation” Key & “OK” Key

On Selection of Auto Settings -> IP Address. Gateway, Subnet Mask, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS

values will be configured automatically as per the Network Available at Customer Place.

Note : (I.P. Address Settings will be provided by the Internet Service Provider to the Customer)

Step – 4 : Once the AUTO Option is Selected by using Navigation Keys it will be Highlighted with Blue Color

Press “OK” Key in Remote, It will be show Available WI – FI Networks at Customer Place

Select the Required Wi- Fi Network using Navigation Keys (enter password if Wi-Fi is secured)

Press “OK” Key, DDB will be Connected with Internet through Selected Wireless network

Press Back Key to go to Source Menu

Press OK Keys

Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi Dongle using Wi-Fi N/W

Speed of Internet will depends on the connectivity received from the Internet

Service Provider

To get better Internet connectivity, use Broad Band connectivity

Press yellow Key to get virtual Keypad on screen to enter Password.

Step - 5 : After Completing of all “ Settings” >> Press “Back” Key on Remote to return into main Screen

Select any Net options like : V Apps, eMail, Web , Chat to browse the Internet.

Press “BACK” Key

Internet connectivity via Wi-fi

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Data Card

Step - 1 : To use Internet features through Data Card

Connect Data Card in USB Port of DDB TV.

Configure the Data Card with DDB TV

Enter the User Name and Pass Word of data Card

Note : - Customer has to use his own DATA CARD. For Good Connectivity, Data Transfer Rate should be more than 1.2Mbps

Connect Data Card with USB Port

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Step - 2 : Once the LAN Cable is connected & LED starts blinking near Ethernet Socket.

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “Source” Key

Press “OK” Key

Select NET CONNECT using navigation key

Select Setting using Navigation Key

Press “Source” Key from Remote of DDB TV

Select “NET CONNECT” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key

Select “Setting” by using “BLUE” Colored Key to change Network Setup

Step - 3 : After Choosing the “Setting”, Option >> Press “OK”. Key. in Remote

Press “OK” Key

Press “OK” Key

Network Setup will appear with 3 Options of Connectivity (Wired , Wireless and Data Card)

Choose the required Connectivity with respect to the Connectivity available at Customer Place

For Data Card connectivity

Select “Data Card” Option Using Navigation Keys

Press “OK” Key on Remote to Configure the Data Card Settings

Check the displayed Device Name, Device Number, User Name and Pass Word of the Data Card

If Data Card data is Correct with respect to Service Provider then Press “Green” Key to Connect

If it is not Correct then Press “Blue” Key to Edit the Data Card Details with respect to Service


Internet connectivity using Data Card

Note : - Customer has to use his own DATA CARD. For Good Connectivity, Data Transfer Rate should be more than 1.2Mbps

Press“ Blue” Key to

Open Key Board

Step - 4 : After Choosing the “DATA CARD Setting” Option

Press “Blue” Key to open Virtual Keyboard to Enter Customer Data Card Device Name

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Press“ Blue” Key

to Clear Data

Use “Blue” Key to Clear the Existing Operator Name (Airtel)

Existing Operator Name is Cleared

Operator Name is cleared

Use Navigation


Step - 4 : After Clearing existing Operator Name

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Enter the Customer Data Card Device Name (Operator Name)

Select required Letter using Navigation keys on Virtual Key Board and Press “OK” Key on Remote

Use “Yellow“ Key to create Symbols, CAPS Letters and Small Letters in the Virtual Key Board

Press Yellow

Key Virtual Key Board with Symbols Virtual Key Board with CAPITAL Letters

Press “Green”


Step - 4 : Once the Device Name (Data Card) is Selected as per the Service Provider (Ex:- TATA Photon +)

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Press “Green” Key to Save & Exit to Previous Page

Select Device Number using Navigation Keys

Repeat the same Process to Enter Device Number, User Name & Password

Select Auto Reconnect to be “ON” using Navigation Keys

Note : - Customer has to use his own DATA CARD. For Good Connectivity, Data Transfer Rate should be more than 1.2Mbps

Press “Green”


Step - 4 : Once all the details are Entered Correctly (Device Name, Device Number, User Name & Password)

Internet connectivity using Data Card

Press “Green” Key to Connect to Internet

POP UP will be Displayed in the screen “Device Connect Successfully”

Press “OK” Key to save the Settings and Automatically It will go to Previous Menu

Press Back Key to got o Source Menu

Now the Internet Connection is UP

We can Access Internet through Data Card

How to use Internet functionality

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Step – 6 : After Connecting the Internet Connectivity

Press “OK” Key

Select “V Portal” by using Navigation Key and Press “OK” Key in Remote

Different Option Like You Tube, Face book, Twitter will be available

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “OK” Key

Step – 6 : After Connecting the Internet Connectivity

Select “WEB” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key in Remote

This function enables to browse the website by entering the link at URL text box of browser.

User’s favorite pages with their thumb links are displayed at the front page

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “OK” Key

Use “RED” / “Blue” Key to change Chat Option

Step – 6 : After Connecting the Internet Connectivity

Select “ Chat” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key in Remote

This function is used for instant messaging support with most popular Chat Servers

(i.e. Google Talk, Face book - for text Chat only

Internet connectivity via Ethernet using LAN Cable

Press “OK” Key

Step – 6 : After Connecting the Internet Connectivity

Select “email” by using Navigation Key & Press “OK” Key in Remote

This function is used to send and receive mails from the configured mail server.


(To be purchased additionally by DDB TV Customer)

UPnP- Universal Plug n Play

• UPnP stands for Universal Plug and Play- This function

allows the devices on your home network to discover each other and access services.

• This function is also used for streaming media on the network.

• To access this feature Internet must be connected; TV and the DLNA certified device both must be on same network.

• Select “UPnP” option to access the multimedia content from the host(DLNA certified device).

• Press Yellow key to filter the mobile files, without filtering you can’t access mobile files.

File Sharing

• To access this feature, enter the IP address of Desktop/Laptop in given window of HOST IP.

• Press OK key to access the shared folder. • Create a share in Windows PC. • Right click on folder to be shared. Click on properties. • Got to sharing Tab. Enable share option and click ON. • User can create the sharing with different security levels. • Based on the security level (configurations) File sharing client • Procedure to Share Folder in PC: • Required User name & Password to access the shared media contents. • To enter username & password, press yellow key. • Press green key to connect to the Host device. NOTE: You cannot access mobile files through File Sharing.

Qwerty Keypad Remote can be used for better browsing experience by connecting RF dongle into USB port. It

Works as Keypad & Mouse of Computer.

Qwerty Remote (RF Remote , Part Number : FM-1100065181)

This Section of Remote Works as Mouse of Computer

Left Key



Right Key



This Key works as Flying

Cursor (to access Press &

Hold this Key and Face

towards TV)

RF Dongle

To use Qwerty Remote, First we need to insert RF Dongle in the USB Port of DDB TV.

Qwerty Remote will not work if the RF Dongle is not inserted properly in the USB Port of DDB TV.

Key F1 works as a RED Key F2 work as a GREEN Key F3 work as a YELLOW Key F4 work as a BLUE Key F5 work as Internet key Key F6 work as 3D key Key F7 works as D2H key. Key “Alt” works as MOSAIC key. Key “Page Up” works as DTV menu. Key “Page Down” works as ATV Menu.

Wi-Fi Dongle

Wi-Fi Dongle

(USB,WIFI DON,NETCORE,NW360,300Mbps,5502 , Part Number : SP-1100092772)

Wi-Fi Dongle is required if DDB TV Customer want to access Internet through Wi-Fi Network.

Wi-Fi Dongle is connected in the USB Port of DDB TV

USB Hub can be used to connect additional USB Devices.

If Customer want to connect more than one accessories to the USB Port then Customer has to use USB Hub

In this USB Hub 4 Slots are provided to which it is possible to use 4 accessories like : Wi-Fi Dongle Data Card,

Qwerty Remote Dongle, & USB.

Multiple USB Port to connect USB Devices

1. It is recommended to use only one USB Device at a time in USB Hub 2. If any of the device not detected or not working properly then Remove the particular Device or

Hub & reconnect. If still not detecting then Switch OFF & Switch ON Mains. 3. USB Port can give max 500mA current to the connected Device


(USB,HUB 4 PORTS,i-BALL P423/AMKETTE,7525 Part Number : SP-1100092897)

Matrix for DDB LED / LCD Accessories

Screen Size of DDB LED / LCD

USB HUB Qwerty Remote Wi-Fi Dongle


To be Purchased additionally by the Customer To be Purchased Additionally by the Customer



Will be supplied with Product from factory


55” Will be supplied with Product from factory

65” Will be supplied with Product from factory