Seven Core Competencies for Third Graders

25 Botchagalupe Learns Computers Demystifying Clouds [email protected]



Transcript of Seven Core Competencies for Third Graders

Page 1: Seven Core Competencies for Third Graders

Botchagalupe Learns ComputersDemystifying Clouds

[email protected]

Page 2: Seven Core Competencies for Third Graders

New Computer Stuff Class Questions

What is the Internet? Who uses Google? Who sends emails? Does anyone know what a blog site is? Has anyone heard of a Wiki? What is a programming language? What about Virtual Words?

Page 3: Seven Core Competencies for Third Graders

New Computer Stuff The Internet by the numbers

How many people live in Atlanta How many people live in the United States How many people live in the world How many people use the Internet

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New Computer Stuff The Internet by the numbers

How many people live in Atlanta 5 million (5,000,000)

How many people live in the United States 300 million (300,000,000)

How many people live in the world Around 6 billion (6,000,000,000)

How many people use the Internet Around 1 billion (1,000,000,000)

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New Computer Stuff What do people do on the internet?

Search Email Plan things Buy things Play games

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New Computer Stuff What else do people do on the internet?

Write Stuff Collaborate

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New Computer Stuff What do they write?

Newspapers Magazines Blogs Wiki’s Computer programs Games

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New Computer Stuff Atlanta Newspaper?

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New Computer Stuff What is a blog?

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New Computer Stuff Top 100 Blogs

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New Computer Stuff My blog is 37,356 out of 5 million blogs

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New Computer Stuff Who knows what the word analytics means?

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New Computer Stuff Who else blogs?

Celebrities Doctors Lawyers Cooks Moms

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New Computer Stuff Even dogs blog

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New Computer Stuff What is a Wiki?

A Wiki is an easy way for anyway to create information on the internet.

Wikipedia is the most famous Wiki.

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New Computer Stuff A fun contest

Encyclopedia Britannica versus Wikipedia

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New Computer Stuff Collaboration

Remember I said earlier that there were about 6 billion people in the world and 1 billion of them are using the internet

What fraction is 1 out of 6? By the time you start high school, there will be

around 3 billion people using the internet What fraction is 3 billion out of 6 billion?

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New Computer Stuff Collaboration

Remember I said earlier that there were about 6 billion people in the world and 1 billion of them are using the internet

What fraction is 1 out of 6? 1/6 or 16.6%

By the time you start high school, there will be around 3 billion people using the internet

What fraction is 3 billion out of 6 billion? 3/6 or ½ or 50%

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New Computer Stuff What are inventions?

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New Computer Stuff Who makes all this stuff?

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New Computer Stuff Before the Internet

If you wanted to be a scientist who invents things: You would study real hard in school Do really good at math and science Go to college Go to work for a big company who has

1000’s of scientists.

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New Computer Stuff Now with the Internet

If you want to be a scientist who invents things: You would study real hard in school Do really good at math and science Go to college Work independently with millions of


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New Computer Stuff Proctor and Gamble Company now uses millions

of people from all around the world

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New Computer Stuff One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)

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New Computer Stuff Computer Programming

William’s demonstration of Alice