Setting Up Comcast’s AI/ML COE: Lessons Learned from a 10-Year Journey [Presentation]

Setting Up Comcast’s AI/ML COE: Lessons Learned from a 10-Year Journey Amit Bagga VP, AI/ML R&D

Transcript of Setting Up Comcast’s AI/ML COE: Lessons Learned from a 10-Year Journey [Presentation]

Page 1: Setting Up Comcast’s AI/ML COE: Lessons Learned from a 10-Year Journey [Presentation]

Setting Up Comcast’s AI/ML COE: Lessons Learned from a 10-Year Journey

Amit Bagga


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The Origin


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The Acquisition


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Show Me the Money!!!

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Time for Change

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• Platforms for Search & Discovery

– Metadata Processing

– Search

– Recommendations & Personalization

– Scene Level Metadata

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The Origin – Part II

#1 – Define the Mission

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Time for Change – Part II

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• Startup with deep pockets– Small team with big impact

– Reward folks making most impact

– Openness and transparency (minimal politics)

– Sharing of ideas

– Clear career path

– Lots of flexibility in work hours and remote work

– Causal and relaxed environment

– Weekly social events

– Free snacks/drinks

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The Foundation

#2 – Establish a Culture

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• Reach out to area universities

– Give a talk on the exciting work being done

• If possible, show demos

– Dangle the ”data” carrot

• Nothing attracts ML folks more than availability of

lots of data

– Network with faculty & students

– Explore potential collaborations

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Start With Your Backyard

#3 – Reach Out to Local Universities

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• Set up internship program

– One of the best sources of potential candidates

– They know the work, people, and culture and

vice versa

• Word of mouth

– Happy employees are your best salespeople

– Use their professional networks as a source

• Conferences

– Great for connections and name recognition

– Also allows for current employees keep abreast

of latest research

• Recruiters

– They always exist as a backup option

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The Need for Good Plumbing

#4 – Set Up a Recruiting Pipeline

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• Interviews are two way streets

– Candidates learn as much about you as you do about them

• Show off your best

– Pick smart interviewers who are passionate about their work

– More is better

• contrary to Google where 4 interviews is enough

– Interviewers need to be prepared and thorough

– If you have a good culture, it will shine through

• Show off your culture (invite recruits to social events)

• Highlight the impact factor

Comcast Confidential & Proprietary

The Power of Marketing

#5 – Sell the Job

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• Do not wait for the perfect candidate – there ain’t


• But, ensure you have a really good one

– Hire the candidate that clears the bar

– Do ensure the bar is high enough

– Importance of debrief session

• Open and honest discussion

• Everyone gets equal weight

• Makes candidates feel wanted

• Reduces chances of candidates shopping your offer


• Reduces time to hire

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Avoid Analysis Paralysis

#6 – Make Quick Decisions

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• Attracts other rockstars

– By helping in the interview process

– By using his/her network to seed the recruiting pipeline

• Helps make a larger impact within the org

– Usually highly motivated and are able to carry a

disproportionate amount of the weight of the org on

their shoulders

• Acts as a role model for others

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Build a Program

#7 – Make an Early Rockstar Hire

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• Pick impactful projects with potential low hanging


– Choosing right projects is an art

• Have a crawl/walk/run approach

• Hire or work closely with product managers who can

act as a bridge between AI/ML algorithms/platforms

and customer facing products

– Traditional product managers do not have a “data-

driven” mind-set, a necessary skill for building products

powered by advanced AI/ML algorithms

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Create Some Magic

#8 – Make An Impact

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• Create awareness of work and impact across the

key folks in the org

– Builds external confidence in group’s ability to deliver

• Awareness helps create pipeline of interesting and

impactful work

• That in turn helps retention and recruitment

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The Razzle Dazzle

#9 – Showcase the Work

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Baby Steps


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• As the org grows

– Identify key leads/managers and empower them

• Must be folks who are passionate and bought into the

culture and program

– Foster an environment of innovation

• For example, labweeks 3 times a year

– Ensure that pay and benefits continue to be


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Back to the Foundation

#10 – Maintain the Culture

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1. Define the Mission

2. Establish a Culture

3. Reach out to local universities

4. Establish a recruiting pipeline

5. Sell the job

6. Make quick decisions

7. Make an early rockstar hire

8. Make an impact

9. Showcase the work

10. Maintain the culture

Comcast Confidential & Proprietary

Recruiting AI/ML Talent - Ten Lessons Learned