Setting & Discussing Performance Goals

Se#ng and Discussing Performance Goals Denise Macik, PHR, SHRMCP HR Client Advisor

Transcript of Setting & Discussing Performance Goals

Page 1: Setting & Discussing Performance Goals

Se#ng  and  Discussing  Performance  Goals    

Denise  Macik,  PHR,  SHRM-­‐CP  HR  Client  Advisor  

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The  Performance  Cycle    

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Challenges  of  Performance  Discussions  

•  Time  constraints    

• How  to  talk  about  performance  challenges    

•  Tracking  performance      

•  Defining  the  expectaGons    

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Purpose:  Se#ng  ExpectaGons  Discussions  

• Understanding  •  Expected  outcomes  are  specific    

•  Measurement  of  success  is  determined    

•  Time  frames  for  performance  and  measurement  are  established    

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Purpose:  Se#ng  ExpectaGons  Discussions  

•  Alignment  •  Goals  and  expectaGons  link  to  work  group  and  organizaGonal  objecGves      

•  Required  behaviors  support  achievement  of  expectaGons.  

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Purpose:  Se#ng  ExpectaGons  Discussions  

•  Agreement  •  ExpectaGons  are  within  control  of  the  person    

•  Required  acGons  are  clear    

•  The  person  can  measure  progress  toward  achievements  

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Criteria  for  EffecGve  Goal  Planning    

•  Specific      –  The  expectaGon  should  define  a  specific  result  to  be  achieved.    

•  Measureable    –  Define  the  expectaGon  in  terms  of  quality,  quanGty,  cost  or  Gmeliness,  or  a  combinaGon  of  these.    

•  A,ainable    –  The  expectaGon  should  be  something  the  individual  can  influence  to  accomplish  the  change  or  ensure  the  result.    

•  Realis.c    –  The  expectaGon  needs  to  relate  to  a  specific  personal,  departmental  or  business  goal.        

•  Time  Bound    –  The  objecGve  should  define  a  specific  result  to  a  specific  Gme  period  the  result  needs  to  happen.    If  the  task  is  ongoing,  define  the  frequency.      

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CommunicaGon  Guidelines      •  Maintain  or  enhance  the  self-­‐esteem  of  the  employee  by  expressing  confidence  and  encouragement  of  his  or  her  success.    

•  Listen  and  respond  with  concern  to  the  employee  response  to  provide  clarity  of  his  or  her  issue  without  your  personal  judgement.    

•  Ask  for  the  employee  for  help  versus  telling  he  or  she  how  to  achieve  the  goal  or  task.    

•  Encourage  the  employee  to  prepare  for  this  discussion  by  bringing  ideas  for  improvement  to  the  meeGng.    

•  Provide  needed  support  to  the  employee  without  removing  his  or  her  responsibility.      

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The  Discussion  Process      







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InteracGon  Guidelines    

•  OPEN  with  purpose  and  importance  of  se<ng  expecta>ons.  

   -­‐    What  will  you  say  to  highlight  the  purpose  and          importance  of  se#ng  goals?          

     -­‐    What  will  you  say  to  highlight  the  benefits?  

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InteracGon  Guidelines      

•  CLAIRFY  the  proposed  goal  expecta>on.        -­‐    How  will  you  explain  why  the  expectaGon  is              important  to  the  group  and  the  organizaGonal          goals  and  objecGves?          -­‐    What  will  you  say  to  explain  the  link  to  work  group          and  organizaGonal  goals  and  objecGves?  

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InteracGon  Guidelines      

•  DEVELOP  the  plan  by  discussion  each  goal/expecta>on.        -­‐    What  will  you  say  to  encourage  discussion?    

     -­‐    How  will  you  build  the  employee’s  confidence  in  his          or  her  ability  to  achieve  the  goal/expectaGon?  

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InteracGon  Guidelines      

•  AGREE  on  each  expecta>on,  including  tracking  method.        -­‐    What  will  you  say  to  confirm  that  the  person  or  team        agrees  to  the  goal?    

     -­‐    How  will  you  ensure  that  everyone  understands  the      expected  performance  levels,  resources/support,        and  measurement  method?  

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InteracGon  Guidelines      

•  CLOSE  by  summarizing  and  confirming  confidence.        -­‐    How  will  you  express  your  confidence  the  person  will        achieve  the  goal?    

     -­‐    What  schedules  will  you  set  for  a  progress  review?  

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PotenGal  SituaGons      

SITUATION   Response  

Lack  of  Confidence  The  employee  doesn’t  believe  he  or  she  can  accomplish  the  goal  yet  understands  the  need  for  this  goal  to  be  met.  

Esteem  –  Acknowledge  past  accomplishments  that  support  the  skill  or  experience  needed  for  success.    Empathy  –  Try  not  to  disregard  or  judge  his  or  her  feelings.    While  the  goal  may  seem  easy  for  you,  it  may  be  difficult  for  the  employee.    Respond  to  what  the  he  or  she  is  feeling,  rather  than  how  you  feel.    Share    -­‐  Share  an  example  of  a  similar  situaGon  you  experienced,  inclduing  how  you  felt  and  how  you  succeeded.  

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PotenGal  SituaGons        

SITUATION   Response  

How  to  Track?  Neither  you  nor  the  employee  can  think  of  a  way  to  track  progress  on  a  goal.  

Involvement  –  Ask  the  employee  to  conGnue  thinking  about  possible  tracking  methods  over  a  few  weeks  and  provide  ideas  to  you  in  a  follow  up  meeGng.    Share    -­‐  Share  your  honest  thoughts  and  feelings  regarding  the  difficulty  in  tracking  and  measuring  results.  

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PotenGal  SituaGons        

SITUATION   Response  

I  Don’t  Need  to  Know  How  The  person  disagrees  that  the  “how”  is  truly  required  to  support  the  goal.  

Empathy/Involvement  –  Empathize  with  the  employee’s  feelings  and  communicate  clearly  that  you  understand  why  he  or  she  may  have  this  posiGon.    Ask  the  employee  to  suggest  an  alternaGve  “how.”    Share    -­‐  If  possible,  provide  your  previous  success  of  how  the  recommended  approach  has  worked.  

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PotenGal  SituaGons        

SITUATION   Response  

Lack  of  Control  The  employee  believes  that  the  goal  can’t  be  achieved  because  of  factors  outside  his  or  her  control.  

Involvement  –  Ask  for  suggesGons  or  ideas  about  how  the  employee  can  use  his  or  her  influence  to  handle  those  tasks  that  they  believe  they  may  be  unable  to  complete.    Share    -­‐  Describe  a  Gme  when  you  were  able  to  overcome  obstacles  or  had  to  influence  people  who  were  not  cooperaGve.    Support  –  Offer  your  availability  to  handle  items  that  might  need  your  authority  or  even  experience.  

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Tips  for  Tracking  Progress      

• Use  what  you  have!      -­‐  Do  not  recreate  something  that      is  already    working.  

 •  Find  a  method  that  is  easy  and  accurate.    

•  Tailor  the  frequency  of  tracking  to  the  situaGon.  


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Tips  for  Tracking  the  Progress      

•  Establish  checkpoints.    -­‐  Set  meeGng  Gmes  in  advance  for  follow  up      with  the  employee.        

•  Promote  ownership.    -­‐  Provide  support  but  do  not  volunteer  to      do  the  work!    


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STAR  Success  Tips      

•  As  with  any  discussion,  use  the  STAR  principal  to  ensure  clear  communicaGon  has  occurred.    •  SituaGon/Task  =  GOAL    

 Clear  explanaGon  of  the  GOAL    

•  AcGon      What  did  the  person  say  or  do  with  the  goal?  

 •  Result  

 What  was  the  final  outcome  of  the  discussion?      

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   EffecGve  communicaGon  leads  to  improved  performance,  posiGve  morale  and  a  successful  organizaGon.        

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HRCI  Cer>fica>on  Credits:    "This  webinar  has  been  pre-­‐cerGfied  for  1  hour  of  general  recerGficaGon  credit  toward  PHR,  SPHR  and  GPHR  recerGficaGon  through  the  HR  CerGficaGon  InsGtute.      We  will  send  out  a  confirma>on  e-­‐mail  to  all  those  that  are  confirmed  as  aXended  with  the  program  ID  code  to  note  on  your  HRCI  recer>fica>on  applica>on  form.      

The  use  of  this  seal  is  not  an  endorsement  by  the  HR  CerGficaGon  InsGtute  of  the  quality  of  the  program.    It  means  that  this  program  has  met  the  HR  CerGficaGon  InsGtute's  criteria  to  be  pre-­‐approved  for  recerGficaGon  credit."  

QUESTIONS?  G&A  Partners  

[email protected]  (800)  253-­‐8562  

*This webinar has been recorded and will be posted on the G&A website by Friday.