Set Up OpenLDAP Server on Centos

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  • 7/31/2019 Set Up OpenLDAP Server on Centos


    Set up OpenLDAP server

    Install OpenLDAP Serversu - root

    yum install gcc

    yum install openldap*

    Setup OpenLDAP Server via Webmin

    Point brower to Webmin ->Unused Modules ->LDAP Server -> Module Config and

    change values to match attached screenshot

    Point brower to Webmin ->Unused Modules ->LDAP Server -> OpenLDAP Server

    configuration and change values to match attached screenshot

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    Point brower to Webmin ->Unused Modules ->LDAP Server -> Manage Schema andchange values to match attached screenshot

    Edit slapd.confsu - root

    gedit /etc/openldap/slapd.conf

    paste the following lines into slapd.conf (Add Access Control Rules)

    access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange

    by dn="cn=manager,dc=saioc,dc=in" writeby anonymous auth

    by self write

    by * none

    access to *

    by dn="cn=manager,dc=saioc,dc=in" write

    by dn="cn=nss,dc=saioc,dc=in" read

    by * auth

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    After above step, point brower to Webmin ->Unused Modules ->LDAP Server -> LDAPAccess control and match with attached screenshot

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    Start LDAP server

    Point brower to Webmin ->Servers ->LDAP Server and click on Start server

    LDAP Directory Structure - design and implementation

    Design considerations and explanation for LDAP

    Directory Structure

    SAIoC LDAP Directory structure as a treedc=in



    | | | | | |

    | | | | | |

    ou=People ou=Group ou=Hosts ou=policies ou=machines


    | || |

    | cn=ldapusers, labadmin, students, myfuse




    cn=adminuser, pcuser1, labteacher1, labstudent1

    # Design comments Notes


    The base DN or root of the LDAP directory tree was

    derived from the domain name in use in SAIoC LAN



    organizationalUnit is a standard ObjectClass? inLDAP. It is used to define entries that represent a

    relatively static grouping in an organization. We have

    chosen to create 5 top-level organizationalUnits.

    1 People - all user accounts representing people in
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    # Design comments Notes

    SAIoC will belong to this organizationalUnit


    Group - the concept of groups is used to logicallyorganize resources for managing them. This seems

    similar to the concept of organizationalUnit but one

    thumb-rule to differentiate between them is that aresource can belong to only one organizationalUnit at

    a time but it can belong to multiple groups

    1 Hosts - this is for future use

    1 Machines - this is for future use

    1 Policies - this is for future use


    organizationalRole is a standard ObjectClass? in

    LDAP. It is used to define entries that represent rolesheld by people within an organization

    simpleSecurityObject is a standard ObjectClass? in

    LDAP. It is used to allow an entry to contain the

    userPassword attributeWe have chosen to create two roles.


    nss represents a role which is allowed to perform

    read-only operations on LDAP and will be used byLDAP clients especially nss

    What is nss or name switch


    1ldapadmin represents a role which is allowed to

    change passwords for user accounts created in LDAP



    posixGroup is a standard ObjectClass? in LDAP. It

    is an abstraction of a group of accounts. It

    corresponds to Unix groups.We have chosen to create 4 groups

    Special Note for adminstrators: it is

    decided to reserve the range 10000

    to 10199 to be used as groupId forgroups created in LDAP.

    1ldapusers - this is the primary group to which all user

    accounts created in LDAP belong to.The groupId is 10000.

    1labadmin - this is the group which represents the

    computer lab administrators typically the lab


    The groupId is 10001. This groupwill typically be used to provide its

    members with extra privileges like

    read/write/execute access to homedirectories of all students etc

    1students - this groups represents students who use the

    computer lab.The groupId is 10002

    1myfuse - this corresponds to an inbuilt group in

    Ubuntu 8, named fuse with groupId 107.

    The groupId is 107. All users whoneed to have USB drives auto-

    mounted need to be made members

    of this group

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    Explanation for LDIF

    LDIF Design comments

    saioc.ldifdn: dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: domaindc: saioc

    dn: cn=nss,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalRole

    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject

    cn: nss

    description: LDAP NSS user

    userPassword: testpwd

    dn: cn=ldapadmin,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalRole

    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject

    cn: ldapadmin

    description: LDAP Password Admin user

    userPassword: testpwd

    dn: ou=Hosts,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: Hosts

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    objectClass: domainRelatedObject


    dn: ou=People,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    objectClass: domainRelatedObjectou: People


    dn: ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: Group

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    objectClass: domainRelatedObject


    dn: cn=ldapusers,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: ldapusers

    objectClass: posixGroupgidNumber: 10000

    dn: cn=labadmin,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: labadmin

    objectClass: posixGroup

    gidNumber: 10001

    dn: cn=myfuse,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: myfuse


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    LDIF Design commentsobjectClass: posixGroup

    gidNumber: 107

    dn: cn=students,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: students

    objectClass: posixGroupgidNumber: 10002

    dn: ou=machines,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    ou: machines

    dn: ou=policies,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: policies

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    Create LDAP directory structure (Create LDAP objects using saioc.ldif)

    Create a file named saioc.ldiffirst.

    ldapadd -W -x -D "cn=manager,dc=saioc,dc=in" -f saioc.ldif

    saioc.ldifdn: dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: domain

    dc: saioc

    dn: cn=nss,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalRole

    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject

    cn: nss

    description: LDAP NSS useruserPassword: testpwd

    dn: cn=ldapadmin,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalRole

    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject

    cn: ldapadmin

    description: LDAP Password Admin user

    userPassword: testpwd

    dn: ou=Hosts,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: Hosts

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnitobjectClass: domainRelatedObject


    dn: ou=People,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    objectClass: domainRelatedObject

    ou: People


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    dn: ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: Group

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    objectClass: domainRelatedObject


    dn: cn=ldapusers,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: ldapusers

    objectClass: posixGroup

    gidNumber: 10000

    dn: cn=labadmin,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: labadmin

    objectClass: posixGroup

    gidNumber: 10001

    dn: cn=myfuse,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: myfuse

    objectClass: posixGroupgidNumber: 107

    dn: cn=students,ou=Group,dc=saioc,dc=in

    cn: students

    objectClass: posixGroup

    gidNumber: 10002

    dn: ou=machines,dc=saioc,dc=in

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    ou: machines

    dn: ou=policies,dc=saioc,dc=in

    ou: policies

    objectClass: top

    objectClass: organizationalUnit

    After above step, point brower to Webmin ->Servers ->LDAP Server -> Browse Database

    and match with attached screenshot

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    Restart LDAP server

    Point brower to Webmin ->Servers ->LDAP Server and restart server

    Setup ldap client on Gratitude

    Point browser to webmin ->System ->LDAP client ->Module config and change values tomatch attached screenshot

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    Point browser to webmin ->System ->LDAP client ->LDAP Server Config and changevalues to match attached screenshot

    Point browser to webmin ->System ->LDAP client ->LDAP Search Bases and change

    values to match attached screenshot

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    Point browser to webmin ->System ->LDAP client ->Authentication options and changevalues to match attached screenshot

    Point browser to webmin ->System ->LDAP client ->Services using LDAP.

    Edit options to match attached screenshot

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    Screenshot of editing service options

    Create users in LDAPCreate admin user in LDAP (via Webmin using screen)

    Point browser to Webmin ->System ->LDAP user and groups -> Add LDAP userCreate adminuser by following attached screenshots

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    users.txtcreate:pcuser1:testpwd:10202:10000:PC user1:/home/pcuser1:/bin/bash:::::

    create:pcuser2:testpwd:10203:10000:PC user1:/home/pcuser2:/bin/bash:::::









    Associate all users with secondary group myfuse

    This will allow users to automount USB drives in Ubuntu

    Point browser to Webmin ->System ->LDAP user and groups -> Groups

    Click on myfuse

    Associate lab teachers with secondary group labadmin

    This will allow lab teachers to access home directories of lab studentsPoint browser to Webmin ->System ->LDAP user and groups -> Groups

    Click on labadmin

    Enable SSL in OpenLDAP server

    Point brower to Webmin ->Servers ->LDAP Server -> OpenLDAP Server configurationand click on Generate SSL certificate

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