Sede Amministrativa: Università degli Studi di Padova Dipartimento di Pediatria SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN: Medicina dello sviluppo e scienze della programmazione INDIRIZZO: Malattie rare: genetica, biologia e biochimica CICLO: XXIV SET UP AND OPTIMIZATION OF A TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY PROCEDURE FOR ENZYMATIC ASSAYS OF LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISORDERS AND FEASIBILITY EVALUATIONS FOR A NEWBORN SCREENING PROGRAM Direttore della Scuola : Prof. Giuseppe Basso Coordinatore d’indirizzo: Prof. Giorgio Perilongo Supervisore :Dott. Maurizio Scarpa Co-supervisori : Dott. Olaf Bodamer, Dott.ssa Rosella Tomanin Dottoranda : Elisa Legnini


Page 1: SET UP AND OPTIMIZATION OF A TANDEM MASS … · 2012. 1. 26. · 2.1.2 Activity comparison for α-Glucosidase, α-Galactosidase

Sede Amministrativa: Università degli Studi di Padova

Dipartimento di Pediatria

SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN: Medicina dello sviluppo e scienze della


INDIRIZZO: Malattie rare: genetica, biologia e biochimica






Direttore della Scuola : Prof. Giuseppe Basso

Coordinatore d’indirizzo: Prof. Giorgio Perilongo

Supervisore :Dott. Maurizio Scarpa

Co-supervisori : Dott. Olaf Bodamer, Dott.ssa Rosella Tomanin

Dottoranda : Elisa Legnini

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1.1 The Lysosome 9

1.2 Lysosomal Storage Disorders 9

1.2.1LSDs classification 10

1.2.2 Therapies and diagnostic tests 11

1.2.3 Newborn screening pilot studies 15

1.3 Diseases included in the study 16

1.3.1 Pompe Disease 16

1.3.2 Fabry Disease 18

1.3.3 Krabbe Disease 19

1.3.4 Gaucher Disease 20

1.3.5 Niemann Pick A/B Disease 21

1.3.6 Mucopolysaccharidosis type I or Hurler Syndrome 22

1.4 Mass Spectrometry 24

1.4.1 Uses of mass spectrometry 24

1.4.2 Principle of mass spectrometry 25

1.4.3 Biological applications of mass spectrometry 30



2.1 Experiments performed at the Vienna Centogene Unit 40

2.1.1 Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B assays set up 40

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2.1.2 Activity comparison for α-Glucosidase, α-

Galactosidase and β-Glucosidase


2.1.3 Newborn screening pilot project 41

2.2 Experiments performed at the Padova Unit 44


3.1 Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B assays set up 47

3.1.1 Assay features 47

3.1.2 Intra-and Inter-assay variability, carryover 47

3.1.3 Effect of hematocrit and position of punch 47

3.1.4 Stability 49

3.1.5 Newborn activity ranges 50

3.1.6 Positive samples 52

3.2 Comparison of β-Glucosidase, α-Galattosidase and α-

Glucosidase Activities


3.3 Newborn screening pilot project 57

3.4 Assays set up in Padova 61






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LSDs are a cluster of about 50 different inheritable pathologies mainly due to the

deficit of lysosomal enzymes, which lead to severe and progressive multiorgan

dysfunction. Biochemically well defined, they are characterized by an ubiquitous

accumulation of undegraded macromolecules and, although individually rare,

they present an overall incidence around 1 in 1500-7000 newborns.

Main therapies for these pathologies are Enzyme Replacement and

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, both needing an early application to

maximize their benefits; up to now, laboratory tests are carried out only following

a particular clinical suspect and they allow a correct diagnosis when symptoms

(sometimes irreversible) are already clearly developed.

Other medical approaches, as enzyme enhancement therapy, substrate

deprivation/reduction therapy and gene therapy, are on trial.

Moreover, still very little is known on the individual determinants of therapeutic

efficacy and, at the moment, the same therapeutic scheme is applied to all

patients, although it is becoming clear that much better results could be obtained

for each single patient if personalized therapeutic protocols could be defined.

Both of these questions drive to the search of new diagnostic approaches able to

detect patients in the population at the earliest possible time, in order to allow a

very precocious application of therapies, and able to rapidly test enzymes bio-

availability in blood, to facilitate the development of personalized therapeutic

protocols, to reduce unnecessary treatments and side effects and to lead to a

more cost-effective healthcare.

Finally, recent studies on high number of samples, have reported an unexpected

high incidence of these disorders, underlined how LSDs might have been since

now underestimated.

For all these reasons in the last years a new easy, cheap, and reliable diagnostic

test, using Tandem Mass Spectrometry, was developed allowing to measure

enzymatic activities in Dried Blood Spots (DBS).

This work was addressed to the set up and optimization of this method for the

detection of the enzymatic activities for six lysosomal storage disorders; the

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choice of the diseases to take into consideration in this study was made

according to the availability of a therapy and of reagents for MS/MS analysis.

The first part of the work was conducted at the Centogene Laboratory of Vienna;

after the Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B assays set up, they were multiplexed in

a single test together with Pompe, Fabry and Krabbe assays. Then, the reliability

and sensitivity of the method were investigated through a cross comparison work

between two laboratories (the Vienna Centogene Laboratory and a research

group of the Wadsworth Center of NY). An evaluation of the most critical steps of

the protocol that needed to be optimized was made.

Finally, a pilot newborn screening project was started in collaboration with the

Hospital of Szeged. Ten thousand Hungarian anonymous samples were

analyzed singly, then samples presenting low activities for one of the enzymes

were re-tested in duplicate. Confirmed positive samples were sent to a third

laboratory in Rostock for molecular analysis, so the detection of mutation for

pathological samples and an evaluation of the false positive rate was possible.

These studies confirm, not only the reliability of using DBS as biological

specimens and the feasibility of the analysis by tandem mass spectrometry, but

also the easy application of the method for screening intent.

The second part of the work was carry out in Padova, in collaboration with the

Tandem Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the Department of Pediatrics.

Here the multiplex assay was reproduced and the test for Mucopolysaccharidosis

type I was added.

Considering the preliminary results obtained in Vienna the protocol has been

modified, by reducing the sample manipulation, through the introduction of an

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography connected in line with the MS/MS

spectrometer, and by optimizing the analytical parameters.

The aim of the work was to maximize MS/MS sensitivity, precision and accuracy,

to allow all enzyme activities to show an unambiguous difference between DBS

obtained from healthy controls and LSD affected patients.

The new defined protocol for enzyme activity detection described in this thesis

will be potentially applied for several different purpose: it can be used both for the

screening of wide populations, with the possibility to add new enzymatic tests for

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those disorders that will have a therapy available, or for the enzyme

bioavailability determination in single patients.

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Le malattie da accumulo lisosomiale (LSD) rappresentano un gruppo di circa 50

disordini genetici, dovuti principalmente al deficit di specifiche idrolasi con

conseguente accumulo di substrati non degradati nei lisosomi di organi e tessuti.

Le LSD sono malattie molto complesse, gravemente debilitanti o letali,

caratterizzate da un’estrema variabilità per quanto riguarda età di esordio,

sintomatologia e rapidità di decorso clinico.

Pur essendo singolarmente rare, esse presentano un’incidenza complessiva

stimata di 1:1500-7000 nati vivi.

Le principali terapie a disposizione, oltre alle cure palliative, sono la terapia

enzimatica sostitutiva (ERT) e il trapianto di cellule staminali ematopoietiche;

entrambe presentano massima efficacia se iniziate precocemente, prima cioè

dell’insorgenza delle principali manifestazioni cliniche. Tuttavia, spesso una

diagnosi precoce non è possibile poiché i test di laboratorio vengono eseguiti

solo in seguito ad un evidente sospetto clinico. Altre strategie terapeutiche in fase

di trial comprendono l’enzyme enhancement therapy, la terapia da

inibizione/riduzione del substrato e la terapia genica.

Ad oggi inoltre, i soggetti in trattamento vengono tutti sottoposti allo stesso

protocollo terapeutico; sarebbe invece opportuno riuscire a sviluppare protocolli

terapeutici personalizzati andando a valutare rapidamente la biodisponibilità

dell’enzima somministrato, durante il follow up dei pazienti.

Entrambe queste problematiche hanno portato, negli ultimi anni, alla ricerca di

nuove tecniche diagnostiche, sia adatte per l’analisi di un elevato numero di

campioni, che rispondenti alla necessità di permettere una veloce stima

dell’attività degli enzimi di interesse in singoli soggetti.

Il dosaggio enzimatico su Dried Blood Spot (DBS) mediante spettrometria in

tandem massa si è rivelato un metodo ideale per la diagnosi delle malattie

lisosomiali, poiché esso si distingue per affidabilità, sensibilità, rapidità e

accuratezza e consente l’analisi enzimatica multipla in un elevato numero di

campioni contemporaneamente.

Infine, studi recenti di screening per alcune LSD condotti sia su ampie

popolazioni sia su specifici gruppi a rischio (pazienti con infarto criptogenico o

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con insufficienza renale) hanno riportato un’incidenza complessiva

sorprendentemente elevata, oltre a diversi casi, in particolare della malattia di

Fabry, di mancato riconoscimento della patologia; ciò prova come questi disordini

siano stati fino ad oggi sottovalutati, e sottolinea l’importanza di una corretta e

tempestiva diagnosi.

Questo lavoro è dedicato alla messa a punto e all’ottimizzazione di questa nuova

metodica per lo studio dell’attività enzimatica per sei malattie da accumulo

lisosomiale (Pompe, Fabry, Niemann Pick A/B, Gaucher, Krabbe e

Mucopolisaccaridosi di tipo I). La scelta delle patologie è stata determinata sia,

per ragioni etiche, dalla disponibilità di una terapia possibile, sia dalla disponibilità

dei reagenti per la MSMS da parte del CDC di Atlanta.

La prima parte del lavoro è stata svolta presso il laboratorio Centogene di

Vienna, e ha previsto la messa a punto dei saggi per la malattia di Gaucher e

Niemann Pick A/B, che sono stati successivamente unificati in un unico test

insieme ai saggi per le malattie di Pompe, Fabry e Krabbe.

In seguito, uno studio incrociato tra due laboratori (il laboratorio Centogene di

Vienna e un gruppo di ricerca del Wadsworth Center di NY), su più di 400

campioni ha permesso di valutare l’affidabilità e la sensibilità della tecnica

utilizzata, oltre ad individuare i passaggi critici del protocollo che sarebbero stati

in seguito ottimizzati.

Infine, nel corso di questo progetto è stato iniziato uno studio pilota di screening

neonatale in collaborazione con l’Ospedale di Szeged (Ungheria). Diecimila

campioni anonimi sono stati analizzati singolarmente; i campioni che

presentavano una bassa attività per uno degli enzimi di interesse sono stati ri-

analizzati in duplicato e nel caso di conferma, inviati ad un terzo laboratorio

(Centogene di Rostock) per l’analisi molecolare. In questo modo è stata possibile

sia un’identificazione delle mutazioni nei campioni patologici, sia una valutazione

della percentuale di falsi positivi.

Questi lavori hanno confermato non solo l’affidabilità nell’utilizzo dei DBS come

campione biologico e la sensibilità della spettrometria in tandem massa per

l’analisi, ma anche la facile organizzazione e applicazione di tale metodica per

progetti di screening.

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La seconda parte del progetto è stata svolta a Padova in collaborazione con la

sezione di spettrometria di massa del Dipartimento di Pediatria.

Qui è stato riprodotto il saggio multiplo per i 5 enzimi sopra citati ed è stato

aggiunto inoltre il test per la Mucopolisaccaridosi di tipo I.

Tenendo conto dei risultati preliminari ottenuti a Vienna il protocollo è stato così

modificato: è stata ridotta al minimo la parte preparativa dei campioni, sostituita

da una cromatografia liquida collegata online con lo spettrometro di massa;

inoltre, tutti i parametri analitici sono stati minuziosamente ottimizzati. Lo scopo è

stato quello si massimizzare la sensibilità e precisione di rilevamento degli analiti

per garantire una inconfutabile discriminazione tra soggetti sani e patologici.

Questa nuova metodica può essere applicata per scopi diversi: sia per lo

screening di ampie popolazioni, con la possibilità di aggiungere nuovi test al

pannello delle malattie screenate via via che sarà per esse disponibile una

terapia, sia per una rapida valutazione della bio-disponibilità dell’enzima in singoli


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1.1 The Lysosome The lysosome received its name in 1955 thanks to the work of the doctor and

scientist Christian De Duve and his co-workers. Lysosome was first described as

a “sac-like particle surrounded by a membrane that prevented the enzyme from

getting out and the substrate from getting in” [1]; moreover, the discovery of five

acid hydrolases, acting on different substrates, suggested the digestive function

of the structure.

In 1963 J. Danielli (the father of the bi-layer concept) supervised the first

international symposium on lysosomes, where the terms “endocytosis”,

“autophagy” and “exocytosis” have been coined [2]. After this milestone, the

studies on that field expanded very rapidly and led in 1969 to the publication of a

multi-author work “Lysosome in biology and pathology” [3].

The very first lysosomal deficit was hypothesized by Hers, in 1961: it involved the

enzyme α-Glucosidase, responsible of the hydrolization of glycogen; Hers first

proposed the concept of "inborn lysosomal disease", which he defined as a

condition in which the genetic deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme leads to the

intra-lysosomal accumulation of all the materials that are normally degraded by

this enzyme [4].

Nowadays, the structures, the functions and the activity mechanisms of

lysosomal enzymes are commonly known. Synthesized in the Golgi apparatus,

they are modified with mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) that, being recognized by

specific M6P receptors allows them to be transferred via endosome to

lysosomes, where they accomplish their catalytic function.

Since there are many steps necessary for synthesis and processing of lysosomal

enzymes, errors can result at many different steps in the pathway.

1.2 Lysosomal Storage Disorders Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are identified as a group of more than fifty

rare genetic diseases with a combine incidence of 1:1500-7000 live births [5].

The deficit of one or more lysosomal enzyme activities or, in few cases, of non-

enzymatic lysosomal proteins, or non-lysosomal proteins involved in lysosomal

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biogenesis, lead to the storage of undegraded substrates in lysosomes of

different cell types.

LSDs present an autosomal recessive inheritance, except for the X-linked Fabry

Disease Mucopolysaccharidosis type II and Danon Disease. Although normally

monogenic, for most LSDs many mutations have been described in the same

gene, leading to a really wide spectrum of symptoms, age of onset (but mainly

the pediatric age) and degree of severity, preventing any possibility of genotype-

phenotype correlation [6,7].

1.2.1 LSDs classification The LSDs most common classification has been proposed considering the type

of accumulated material in cells; moreover the age of onset and disease severity

are discriminating for subgroups division.

Defective degradation of glycogen:

Infantile-onset Pompe Disease (α-Glucosidase deficiency) Late-onset Pompe Disease

Defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans (Mucopolysaccharidosis)

MPS type IH, Hurler syndrome (α-L-Iduronidase deficiency) MPS type I H/S, Hurler-Scheie Syndrome MPS type IS, Scheie Syndrome MPS type II A, Hunter Syndrome, severe (Iduronate Sulfatase deficiency) MPS type II B, Hunter Syndrome, mild (Iduronate Sulfatase deficiency) MPS type III A-D, Sanfilippo Syndrome (Heparan N -Sulfatase deficiency) MPS type IV A, Morquio Syndrome, classic (Galactose 6-Sulfatase

deficiency) MPS type VI, Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome (Arylsulfatase B deficiency) MPS type VII, Sly Syndrome (β-Glucuronidase deficiency)

Defective degradation of glycan portion of glycoproteins

α-Mannosidosis and β-Mannosidosis (α-Mannosidase and β-Mannosidase deficiency)

α-Fucosidosis I and II (α-Fucosidase deficiency) Sialidosis I and II (α-N -Acetyl Neuraminidase deficiency) Aspartylglucosaminuria (Aspartylglucosaminase deficiency)

Defective degradation of sphingolipid components

Niemann Pick Disease type A and B ( Acid-Sphingomyelinase deficiency)

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Fabry Disease (α-Galactosidase deficiency)

Farber Disease (acid-Ceramidase deficiency)

Gaucher Disease I, II, III ( β-Glucosidase deficiency)

GM1 Gangliosidose I, II, III (β-Galactosidase A deficiency)

Tay-Sachs Disease I, II, III (β-hexosaminidase (α chain) deficiency)

Sandhoff Disease (β-Hexosaminidase (β chain) deficiency)

Krabbe Disease (Galactocerebrosidase deficiency)

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy I, II (Arylsulfatase A (ASA) deficiency)

Defective degradation of polypeptides

Pycnodystosis (cathepsin k deficiency)

Defective degradation or transport of cholesterol, cholesterol esters, or other complex lipids

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis I, (palmitoyl-protein thioesterase deficiency)

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis II (deficiency of the acid protease tri-peptidyl-peptidase (TPP-1))

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis III (LN3 protein (“Battenin”))

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis IV (deficiency of palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1)

Niemann Pick C (NPC1/2 Protein deficiency)

Multiple deficiencies of lysosomal enzymes

Galactosialidosis (32-kilodalton protein deficiency)

Mucolipidosis II, III (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-l-phosphotransferase deficiency)

Transport and trafficking defects

Cystinosis (Cystinosin deficiency)

Mucolipidosis IV (Unknown, but likely ganglioside sialidase (neuraminidase) deficiency)

Infantile Sialic acid storage disease (ISSD) (sialic acid transporter deficiency)

Salla Disease (sialin protein deficiency)

1.2.2 Therapies and diagnostic tests Lysosomal storage disorders may manifest at every age. The infantile forms,

most severe, present acute brain involvement and patients generally die within

the first years of life.

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Instead in adult forms symptoms develop more slowly and with less severe

disabilities. Intermediate juvenile forms are also common.

Neurological symptoms can include seizures, dementia and brainstem

dysfunction. Main peripheral symptoms consist in hepatosplenomegaly, heart and

kidney injury, abnormal bone formation, muscle atrophy and ocular disease.

However each LSD has a quite distinct clinical and pathological picture which

partly relates to the nature of the accumulated material and to the cell type in

which it accumulates [8].

In some diseases different levels of enzyme activity may be the cause of

phenotypic variability, but in other cases there is no obvious genotype-phenotype

correlation, rather patients that present the same genetic background may show

widely different clinical symptoms or even be asymptomatic for the disease [9].

The overlap of LSD‟s symptoms to those of other most common diseases often

makes the diagnosis very long (months or even years) and complex, limiting the

benefits of available therapies. Generally after a particular clinical suspect several

laboratory tests could be carried out to get the right diagnosis.

Urine tests are performed for quantitative and qualitative analysis of

glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and oligosaccharides in patients suspected to have

an MPS, or a disorder that presents with oligosaccharinuria, such as I-cell

Disease, Mucolipidosis type 3, GM1 and GM2 Gangliosidosis, Fucosidosis, α-

Mannosidosis, Sialidosis, Galactosialidosis and infantile Sialic Acid Storage.

Although urine tests are very sensitive, affected individuals with normal urine

have been reported.

Other diagnostic exams entail enzyme analysis of either leukocytes or cultured

skin fibroblasts; they predominantly include enzymes involved in the digestion of

glycosphingolipids and oligosaccharides (Gaucher Disease, Niemann Pick Type

A and B, Pompe Disease, MPSs, Acid Lipase Deficiency, GM1 and GM2, Krabbe

Disease, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Mucolipidosis type 2 and 3,

Fucosidosis, α-Mannosidosis and Schlinler Disease) [10].

In the cases in which defects in secondary or activator proteins occur, the

diagnosis can be achieved by determination of radiolabeled substrate turnover in

cultured cells; for example in Niemann Pick type C Disease it is possible to

analyze cholesterol processing and accumulation in cultured fibroblasts [11].

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For all these disorders molecular analysis provide the confirmatory test and,

alone or combined with the determination of enzyme activity in fetal amniotic fluid

cells, it allows a rapid, sensitive and accurate prenatal diagnosis for some LSDs,

as it has been shown in several studies [12,13,14,15].

All these diagnostic methods could be very useful for specific suspected patients,

but they are not feasible for a great number of samples as in the case of specific

high risk population or for newborn screening intent.

On the contrary the need to perform screening tests at least for some of these

pathologies is becoming mandatory, considering that the effectiveness of

therapies, particularly for those LSDs involving the Central Nervous System

(CNS) and bone pathologies, will strictly rely upon an early treatment, before the

onset of irreversible damages.

Recombinant functional enzymes have been developed for the so called Enzyme

Replacement Therapy (ERT), based on the premise that only 1% to 5% of

enzyme activity is sufficient to correct many of these defects and on the capability

of somatic cells to internalize exogenous enzymes (via the mannose-6 receptor

pathway or via the macrophage mannose receptors) and to transfer them to the

lysosome where they degrade accumulated substrate [16,8].

ERT is at the moment available for Gaucher Disease type 1, Fabry Disease, MPS

type I, II and VI, Pompe Disease while clinical trials for Niemann Pick A/B and

MPS IVA are in progress. The big limitation of this therapy, in addition to the

elevated costs, is its incapacity to correct central nervous system (CNS)

manifestations given the inability of the enzymes to cross the blood brain barrier.

Moreover, even if important results have been obtained for the majority of

patients, the extent of response seems to vary a lot from individual to individual.

Other medical approaches mainly include deprivation/reduction therapy

(SDT/SRT) [17], enzyme enhancement therapy (EET) [18], gene therapy [19] and

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) [20].

SRT aims to reduce substrate accumulation by partially inhibit its biosynthetic

circle. Between the inhibitors, Miglustat (N-butyl-deoxynojirimycin) has been

approved for use in patients with Gaucher type 1, but it is recommended only for

adults in combination with ERT or when ERT is not a possibility; under

experiment patients with Gaucher type3, Niemann Pick type C, GM2

gangliosidosis [21].

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In some specific mutants, yet catalytically active, enzymes EET is used and

involves small molecule chaperones that reversibly bind the active site of the

enzyme, correcting the misfolding and allowing the delivery to lysosomes. This

strategy is being tested for Fabry, Gaucher type1, Pompe, GM1 gangliosdosis,

Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff Diseases [22].

HSCT or bone marrow transplantation is also a valid therapeutic option, which

success strongly depends on the precocity of intervention, and on the enzyme

deficiency. It has been successfully used in MPS I, VI, VII and Krabbe Disease.

Another potential treatment under development is gene therapy, that may have

the advantage to provide the functional enzyme for long time in all involved organ

systems. Studies with both viral or non-viral vectors have been performed in

animal models but these protocols are not ready yet for clinical trials in patients.

In general, all therapeutic strategies would need an early application to maximize

their benefits [23,24]. Moreover, an early and accurate diagnosis is imperative for

genetic counselling of the parents and may provide them with reproductive

choice; finally, but not less relevant, a rapid test would avoid the prolonged,

stressful diagnostic “odyssey”.

At the beginning of the last decade the work of Chamoles and co-workers led to

the introduction of Dried Blood Spots (DBS) for enzymatic diagnosis of several

LSDs, demonstrating that activities of many lysosomal enzymes remain stable

after elution from DBS and can be measured using artificial fluorescent tag

substrates (e.g. 4-methylumbelliferone) [25] linked to an analogue of the natural

substrate, that does not fluoresce unless cleaved.

DBS, introduced for different purposes by the pioneering work of Dr. Robert

Guthrie in the „60s, have represented the real innovation for the diagnosis of

LSDs since, being simple blood drops spotted onto specific filter paper with little

invasiveness, they allow an easy delivery of the samples at room temperature,

with no problems of deterioration, thus favouring the creation of a few centralized

reference laboratories for their analysis. Nowadays DBS are used to screen

newborns for more than 50 treatable inborn diseases [26].

In particular, with respect to LSDs, this method allowed so far to set up reliable

tests for many pathologies as Pompe, Fabry, Gaucher, Niemann Pick A and B

Diseases, GM1 gangliosidosis, Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff Diseases and some

MPSs, but the main advance in this direction has been provided by the

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application of the Tandem Mass Spectrometry, which renders the analysis more

robust and even faster, performing multiple assays for the contemporary analysis

of several pathologies, in an elevated number of samples [27].

1.2.3 Newborn screening pilot studies Several newborn screening pilot studies have been carried out.

In Austria Dajnoki and co-workes set up the MS/MS method for high-throughput

analysis and newborn screening of Pompe Disease in more than 10000

anonymous newborns [28]; moreover, in 2005, a screening program for Pompe

Disease was conducted in Taiwan (where this pathology is more frequent than in

the world-wide population) on 344056 newborns [29]. Four patients, who were

less than one month of age, were identified and could immediately initiate the

therapy; thus resulting in normal cardiac functions, growth and acquisition of age

appropriate milestones [30].

Also in Taiwan, a pilot project for Fabry reported an incidence of 1~1250 males of

which 86% carried mutations associated with a late onset phenotype [31].

In 2006 New York was the first state that approved the screening for Krabbe

disorders to allow early diagnosis of the infantile form of the disease to be

followed by HSCT. In 2009, after three years of screening, they defined cutoffs, a

testing algorithm and a long term follow up study for moderate and high risk

children [32]. Moreover, the National Institutes of Health and Genzyme

Corporation is supporting in Washington State a pilot study to detect Pompe,

Fabry, and MPS I disorders.

In Italy, in 2004 LSDs were included in the screening program of the Tuscany

Region, with so promising results that in 2006 also part of the Umbria region

joined the project [33].

In the last few years the challenge was to assess the feasibility of a multiplex

assay for at least six disorders [27] with very promising results [34,35].

Very recently Thomas Mechtler and co-workers reported the outcome of an

anonymised neonatal screening in Austria for a group of four LSDs (Pompe,

Fabry, Niemann Pick A/B and Gaucher Disease). 34736 blood spots from

neonates were tested in 2010 in a 7 months period; positive samples went

through molecular analysis. The study revealed a higher than expected birth

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incidence (on average 1:2315), with a high frequency of mutations associated

with late onset forms [36].

Being LSDs monogenic and globally well characterized disorders, for some of

which the availability of animal models can help the preclinical evaluation for

pathophysiology studies, they could be defined an ideal model of Rare Disorder,

to be included in newborn screening programs. In addition, the recent rapid

development of therapeutic strategies for this group of pathologies would be

meaningless without the possibility of a precocious application, which could be

importantly guaranteed by a newborn screening program.

Under the pressure of the rapid spread of LSD screening programs in several

countries, The Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program (NSQAP) at the

US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, has already distributed quality

controls and standards to more than 70 laboratories, playing a pivotal role in

maintaining and enhancing the quality of LSD newborn screening test results.

A preliminary Quality assurance (QA) study involving 16 laboratories indicates a

coefficient of variation between different units of 20% [37].

The importance of newborn screening programs has been previously

demonstrated in several works conducted on specific ethnic groups characterized

by high consanguinity (especially on Jewish and Turkish populations).

In Israel, the Dor Yeshorim organization [38] offers screening for genetic

diseases for people belonging to the Ashkenazi Jewish population: a significant

impact, in particular by reducing the number of cases of Tay–Sachs Disease, was

reported [39]. The same organization carries out anonymous genetic screening of

couples before marriage in order to reduce the risk of children affected by genetic

diseases [40].

1.3 Diseases included in the study 1.3.1 Pompe Disease

It was first described by Dr. J.C. Pompe in 1932. Pompe Disease (OMIM 232300)

is an autosomal recessive disorder with an incidence of approximately 1:40000

live births. Mutations in the gene α-glucosidase (GAA) (EC: result in

reduced or absent enzyme activity (Hydrolysis of terminal, non-reducing (1->4)-

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linked α-D-glucose residues with release of α-D-glucose) and leads to glycogen

accumulation in different cell types, mainly in skeletal muscle and heart.

Pompe Disease presents different phenotypes that swept from an infantile, most

severe form to a slower late-onset form [41]. The first one is characterized by

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a generalize muscle weakness often followed

by cardio respiratory failure or respiratory infection that lead to death within the

first year of life; on the contrary the late onset forms present no cardiac

symptoms and the skeletal muscle weakness is slowly progressive [42].

Molecular aspects

The α-Glucosidase gene is located on chromosome 17 (17q25.2-q25.3), and it is

constituted by 19 coding exons in 20kB of genomic DNA producing a 952 aa


There are three common alleles of GAA: GAA*1 (the most common), GAA*2 and

GAA*4 (

More than 200 mutations have been described [43].



The first treatment for Pompe patients was Myozyme, that in March 2006

received marketing authorization in the European Union and one month later the

FDA approval in the Unites States. Myozyme is a recombinant human acid α-

glucosidase derived from Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO-cells) and is used

in a protocol of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) [44].

Other therapeutic approaches are under investigation: Enzyme Enhancement

Therapy (EET) and Gene Therapy. The former aims to restore α-Glucosidase

activity in the lysosomes of patients that produce a misfolded protein. The effect

of chemical chaperones has so far only been tested in cultured fibroblasts from

patients with Pompe Disease [45].

Gene therapy with adenoviral (Ad), adeno-associated (AAV) and hybrid Ad-AAV

vectors has been developed in rat, mice and quail. The results in animal models

are promising, but still several important aspects, regarding immune response

control, sustained expression of the transgene or safety have to be investigated


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1.3.2 Fabry Disease

Fabry Disease (also called Anderson-Fabry Disease,OMIM 301500) was first

described in 1898 by two dermatologists working independently: Dr. Dr William

Anderson in England and Dr Johannes Fabry in Germany. It is an X-linked

disorder with an incidence from 1 to 5 in 100000; according to several studies, on

specific populations (kidney transplant patients, patients with early-onset

cryptogenic stroke or with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) true prevalence may be

underestimated, as they identified previously unrecognized individuals with Fabry

Disease [47].

The deficiency of the α-Galactosidase A (GLA) (E.C. activity (hydrolysis

of terminal, non-reducing α-D-galactose residues in α-D-galactosides, including

galactose oligosaccharides, galactomannans and galactolipids) leads to a

progressive multisystemic disorder due to the accumulation of

globotriaoslyceramide (Gb3) and related glycosphingolipids in the plasma and

cellular lysosomes throughout the body.

Symptoms typically arise in childhood between the age of four and ten years and

are characterized by acute and chronic pain, tingling and paresthesias of the

extremities; with increasing age very frequent are cardiac dysfunctions, renal

failure and cerebrovascular abnormalities. Heterozygous females can present a

wide range of symptom‟s severity, from very mild to severe. Late-onset

presentations with residual GLA activity and predominantly cardiac or renal

manifestations have also been described [48].

Molecular aspects

The α-Galactosidase A gene is located on the X chromosome (Xq22), it has a

length of 10.222 nucleotides and consists of seven exons and six introns

producing a 429 aa protein.

492 mutations in this gene, associated with Fabry Disease, are known (HGMD),

moreover one mutation is not clearly associated with Fabry and one mutation

leads to an increased transcription of GLA. About 70% are missense or nonsense

mutations [49].


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ERT is available since 2001; Fabrazyme is produced by Genzyme by

recombinant DNA technology in a Chinese Hamster Ovary mammalian cell

expression system [50].

Enzyme enhancement therapy is on trial with galactose [51]

1.3.3 Krabbe Disease

The disease (OMIM 245200) is named for the Danish neurologist Knud Haraldsen

Krabbe, who described it in 1913-16. It is an autosomal recessive disorder with a

global incidence of 1: 100000 live birth [52].

Krabbe Disease is caused by the deficit of the enzyme Galactocerebrosidase

(GALC, EC= responsible of the hydrolyzation of the galactose ester

bonds of galactosylceramide, galactosylsphingosine, lactosylceramide, and

monogalactosyldiglyceride, that are important in the production of normal myelin;

demyelination causes physical disabilities, while mental abilities are not hindered.

The disease could manifest very early in life (three-six months) with sudden onset

irritability, startle response to stimuli and developmental arrest; most of affected

infants do not survive beyond two years of age. Late-onset forms could develop

in childhood or in adulthood with similar symptoms and a rapid unlucky onset


Molecular aspects

GALC gene is located on chromosome 14 (14q31) and consists of 17 exons

spanning about 60 kb of genomic DNA, encoding for a 685 aa protein [54].

More than seventy pathogenic mutations are known, the most frequent of which

is a 30kb deletion starting in intron 10 and extending beyond the end of the gene,

associated with an early onset form of the disease.



Treatment for Krabbe Disease is currently limited to pre-symptomatic

hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) typically using umbilical cord

blood, unfortunately a procedure with a 10% mortality and significant morbidity


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1.3.4 Gaucher Disease

The disease (OMIM 230800, 230900, 231000) is due to the French doctor

Philippe Gaucher, who originally described it in 1882. It is an autosomal

recessive disorder caused by the deficit of the activity of the enzyme acid-β-

Glucosidase (ABG; E.C., responsible for the degradation of

glucocerebroside into glucose and ceramide. Undegraded molecules lead to

accumulation and storage of glucosylceramide in cells of mononuclear origin.

Gaucher Disease (GD) is the most common disorder among LSDs, with a global

incidence of about 1:57000 but may be as frequent as 1:855 in the Ashkenazi

Jewish population [55].

Gaucher Disease comprises three subtypes: type 1 is the non-neuropathic form,

it could manifest early in life as well as in adulthood and it includes

hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal weakness and bone disease; many patients have

a mild form of the disease or may not show any symptoms. Type 2 is the acute

infantile neuropathic form, and it is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly,

extensive and progressive brain damage, eye movement disorders, spasticity,

seizures, limb rigidity; affected children usually die by the age of 2. Finally, type 3

can show up at any time in childhood or even in adulthood and presents slowly

progressive but milder neurologic symptoms, enlarged spleen and/or liver,

seizures, poor coordination, skeletal irregularities, eye movement disorders,

blood disorders, including anemia, and respiratory problems; patients often

survive up to their early teen years or adulthood [56,57].

Molecular aspects

ABG gene is constituted by 11 exons located on Chromosome 1 (1q22),

encoding for a 536 aa protein.

There are nearly 200 known mutations, mostly missense, which result in

substitution of amino acids in the protein. Some mutations cause complete

deactivation of the enzyme; others impair its stability, and some affect both

activity and stability.


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Recombinant enzyme for ERT received FDA approval in 1994, and it is produced

by Genzyme (Cerezyme™) in CHO cells or in a carrot stem cells suspension

[58]. Recently an FDA-approved Early Access Program (EAP) allowed the use of

a new drug, pre-licensed ERT, called velaglucerase alfa (VPRIV™, Shire HGT,

Cambridge MA, USA) [59].

Bone marrow or hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation are also applied, but

limited because of shortage of adequate donors and procedural risks; moreover

HSCT results really effective if performed before the development of irreversible

skeletal and organ changes [60].

Other therapeutic approaches in trial are substrate reduction therapy and gene

therapy. For the first strategy a small molecule inhibitor (Zavesca™) is used to

inhibit the synthesis of the accumulated glucosylceramide: it is indicated for the

treatment of adult patients with mild to moderate type 1 Gaucher Disease for

whom enzyme replacement therapy is not a therapeutic option, due to

immunological response [61].

Retroviral gene transfer has been tested with success in GD1 mice (Enquist et al,

anno) and could be used to correct the GBA deficit in primary hematopoietic cells

from patients with Gaucher Disease [62].

1.3.5 Niemann Pick A/B Disease

Albert Niemann published the first description of what is now known as Niemann–

Pick Disease, type A, in 1914. Ludwig Pick described the pathology of the

disease in a series of papers in the 1930s.

It is an autosomal recessive disorder (OMIM:257200, OMIM:607616) due to the

deficit of lysosomal acid-Sphingomyelinase (ASM; E.C., that converts

sphingomyelin to ceramide and phosphorylcholine. It results in intracellular

accumulation of sphingomyelin mainly in the monocyte/macrophage system.

NP is a panethnic disorder with an estimated global incidence of 1:100000 live

births. The incidence of NP is higher in populations as Northern Africans, Arabs

or Ashkenazi Jewish descent [63].

The disease can be divided into two distinct subtypes based on their rate of

progression and involvement of the central nervous system: NP-A represents the

neuropathic and most severe form, characterised by hepatosplenomegaly,

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psychomotor retardation, recurrent respiratory infections and subsequent death

during or before the third decade of life. NP-B is typically later in onset and milder

in manifestation, with no neurologic involvement [64,65].

Molecular aspects

ASM gene (designated SMPD1), composed of 6 exons, is located on human

chromosome 11p15.1-11p15.4 (Schuchman and Desnick, 2001) and encodes for

a 629 aa protein. Several mutations have been identified to cause the disease,

including single base substitutions, small deletions/insertions and one splice-site

alteration [66].



At the moment therapies for NP are mostly supportive. Only few patients with NP-

B underwent successful bone marrow transplantation [67]. Enzyme replacement

therapy for NP-B has concluded its Phase 1 clinical trial in 2009.

1.3.6 Mucopolysaccharidosis type I or Hurler Syndrome

The syndrome is named from the German pediatrician Gertrud Hurler who first

described the disease in 1919. It is an autosomic recessive disorder (OMIM

252800) caused by the deficit of the enzyme α-Iduronidase (EC

responsible of the hydrolysis of unsulfated α-L-iduronosidic linkages in dermatan

and eparan sulfate with consequent accumulation of these glysosaminoglycans in

lysosomes. MPS I has an estimated incidence of 1 case per 100000 live births

and the attenuated type represents about 20% of the total MPS I population.

MPS I includes separate diseases on the basis of clinical presentation: Hurler,

Hurler-Scheie, and Scheie Syndromes.

Hurler is the most severe form; patients develop symptoms in early childhood and

have marked cognitive delay, hepatosplenomegaly, heart problems, corneal

clouding, airway obstruction and severe joint restriction [68]; they usually don‟t

survive longer than the first decade of life.

Hurler-Scheie is the intermediary form, with a similar clinical spectrum, but a

slower rate of progression.

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Finally, Scheie's Syndrome is the mildest form, patients present less extensive

disease and a potentially normal life span.

The difference in severity is due primarily to the effect of various mutations, some

of which permit residual enzyme activity [69].

Molecular aspects

IDUA gene consists of 19 kb and is located on chromosome 4, locus 4p16.3. The

gene comprises 14 exons and encodes a precursor protein of 653 amino acids.

To date, more than 100 pathogenic mutations and numerous nonpathogenic

sequence variants have been reported [70].

( ).


Bone marrow transplantation, especially if performed early in life, could be an

effective treatment for patients with Hurler's syndrome, even if the morbidity and

mortality of the procedure and the need for matched donor marrow limit its


Enzyme-replacement therapy is available with laronidase (human recombinant α-

L-iduronidase, Aldurazyme) [71].

Gene therapy has been assayed with retroviral, lentiviral and adeno-associated

virus vectors, also non viral vectors have been evaluated to deliver the

iduronidase gene. By now treatment of the mouse, dog, and cat models of MPS I

are in trial [72].

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1.4 Mass Spectrometry

The origin of Mass Spectrometry (MS) dates back to 1898 with the discovery by

W Wien, that beams of charged particles could be deflected by a magnetic field;

this concept mainly developed thanks to the work of two physicist, Thomson and

Aston, that studied the properties of canal rays (positive ions) in a vacuum tube,

exposed to electrostatic and magnetic field: ions could be deflected through small

angles according their mass to charge ratio and detected with a photographic

plate [73].

It took more than 30 years to spread the spectrometry technology out of the

academic field where it was applied mainly to isotopes identification, to measure

their relative abundance and their atomic mass (with an accuracy of 1 ppm).

Those findings throw the basis for an ever-increasing number of mass

spectrometry applications in science and technology.

So what is Mass Spectrometry?

“Mass spectrometry is the art of measuring atoms and molecules to determine

their molecular weight. Such mass or weight information is sometimes sufficient,

frequently necessary, and always useful in determining the identity of a species.

To practice this art one puts charge on the molecules of interest, i.e., the analyte,

then measures how the trajectories of the resulting ions respond in vacuum to

various combinations of electric and magnetic fields.

Clearly, the sine qua non of such a method is the conversion of neutral analyte

molecules into ions. For small and simple species the ionization is readily carried

by gas-phase encounters between the neutral molecules and electrons, photons,

or other ions. In recent years, the efforts of many investigators have led to new

techniques for producing ions of species too large and complex to be vaporized

without substantial, even catastrophic, decomposition.” (John B. Fenn, the

originator of electrospray ionization for biomolecules and the 2002 Nobel

Laureate in Chemistry).

1.4.1 Uses of mass spectrometry

The mass spectrometer technique could be used both for qualitative and

quantitative aims, such as:

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Identification of unknown compounds

Determining the isotopic composition of elements in a compound

Determining the structure of a compound by observing its fragmentation

Quantifying the amount of a compound in a sample using carefully designed methods

Determining the molecular weight of compounds

Studying the fundamentals of gas phase in ion chemistry

Determining other physical, chemical or biological properties or compounds

Determining intermolecular interactions

1.4.2 Principle of mass spectrometry

All the mass spectrometers are made up of four standard elements (Fig.1):

a. Sample inlet b. Ionization source c. Mass analyzer d. Ion detector

Fig.1 Basic elements of a mass spectrometer

The samples, in liquid, solid or gaseous state, are injected in the spectrometer

and ionized.

Resulting ions are electro-statically propelled to the analyzer, separated

according their mass to charge ratio (m/z) and then collected by a detector that

converts the ion energy into electric signals, witch intensity will be proportional to

the number of ions. Several pumps are used to strictly maintain all the machinery

in an high vacuum condition (~10-7) [74,75].

a. Sample Inlet

Samples could be injected directly on a probe or plate in the ionization region of

the mass spectrometer typically through a vacuum interlock, that allows samples

at atmospheric pressure (~ 760 torr) to be introduced in a high vacuum area (~

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10-6). Otherwise they could be injected by direct infusion through a capillary or a

capillary column as a gas or in solution.

The need to analyse complex mixture and to obtain a spectra of a single

component, led to the combination of separation technique with mass analysis:

gas chromatography (GC) was first coupled with a MS in the 60s to separate

different components in gaseous mixture prior mass analysis, but it is unsuitable

for non volatile or thermally fragile molecules [76]. Instead, the liquid

chromatography (LC) can safely separate a very wide range of organic

compound, but it was not used until the 90s since the ionization techniques were

unable to handle the continuous flow of LC [77]. Nowadays High Performance

Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography

(UPLC), Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

(SFC) are currently used.

Sample ionization

According on samples nature and on witch pattern of information you are

interested in, several ionization techniques could be used; they include

protonation, deprotonation, electron ejection, electron capture, cationization, or

by transferring a charged molecule from a condensed phase to the gas phase.

b. Ionization source

Prior to 1980s electron ionization (EI) was the primary ionization source for mass

analysis. The main limit, that induced lots of scientists to develop a new

generation of ionization techniques, was that EI can not be used with high mass

compound. That excludes the majority of bio-organic molecules.

A good ionization source must satisfy several requirements: it must have an high

ionization efficiency and an high transmission coefficient, it has to produce

monoenergetic ion beam, guarantee an high signal to noise ratio and a low

memory effect [75].

The available methods are listed in Tab.1

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Ionization Source Acronym Event Mass range

Electrospray ionization ESI Evaporation of charged droplets less than 200,000 Da

Nano-electrospray ionization nanoESI Evaporation of charged droplets less than 1000 Da

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization APCI Corona discharge and proton transfer less than 2000 Da

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MALDI Photon absorption/proton transfer less than 500,000

Desorption/ionization on silicon DIOS Photon absorption/proton transfer less than 18,000 Da

Fast atom/ion bombardment FAB Ion desorption/proton transfer 300-6000 Da

Electron ionization EI Electron beam/electron transfer less than 1,000 Da

Chemical ionization CI Proton transfer less than 1,000 Da

Tab.1 Ionisazion sources for mass spectrometry

They are mainly divided in “hard” and “soft” according to the level of energy

involved during the ionization process, that determines the degree of molecular


MALDI and ESI are now the most common ionization sources for biomolecular

mass spectrometry, offering excellent mass range and sensitivity.

c. Mass analyzer

In the most general terms a mass analyzer uses electric and magnetic field to

separate and measure gas phase ions (with respect to their mass to charge

ratio); the force applied causes an acceleration that is mass (Newton‟s second

law) and ionic charge (Lorentz force law) dependent.

The first mass analyzer was made in the early 1900‟s and it separates ions

according to their radius of curvature through a magnetic field.

In the last years the design of mass analyzer has been in continuum progress to

follow the rapid evolution of ionization techniques and satisfy the demand of

analyzing a wide range of bio molecular ions with part per million mass accuracy

and sub-femtomole sensitivity; the most common mass analyzers are:

o Magnetic sector o Quadrupole o Ion traps (Quadrupole ion trap or Paul trap and Static trap or Penning trap o Fourier transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) o Time of flight (TOF) o Quad-TOF mass analyzer

Multiple mass analysis (MS/MS, MSn)

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This is the ability of the analyzer to separate different molecular ions, fragment

selected ions, and then measure the masses of the obtained fragments. This type

of data is used for sequencing (peptides and sugars), structural elucidation and

analyte identification through fragment fingerprinting.

Tandem mass analysis

Tandem mass analysis could be performed in space or in time.

Separation in space.

It is made by consecutive analyzers physically separated and distinct, although

there is a physical connection between the elements to maintain high vacuum.

The most common tandem mass spectrometer is a triple quadrupole, in which

two quadrupole (Q1 and Q3) work as mass filter and one (Q2) as collision cell.

Four most common types of MS/MS experiment are:

1) Product ion scan: the precursor ion is selected in Q1, fragmented in Q2

through collision (collision induced dissociation CID) with gas molecules

(Argon or Helium), and then all fragments are measured by scanning in Q3

2) Precursor ion scan: ions are scanned in Q1, fragmented in Q2 and only a

particular fragment ion is measured in Q3. The result is a spectrum of

precursor ions that produce a particular product ion.

3) Neutral loss scan: Q1 works as in (2), but this time measured all ions that

have undergone a particular mass loss. In this case the spectrum

represents all the precursor ions that undergo a particular neutral loss.

4) Selected reaction monitoring(SRN or MRM): Both Q1 and Q3 are set to a


Triple quadrupole and Q-Tof instruments tend to produce more energetic CID

with more fragmentation, but less operator control

Separation in time

It is accomplished with ions trapped in the same place, with multiple separation

steps taking place over time. Ion traps or FT-MS instruments can be used for

such an analysis. Ion-trap and FT-MS instruments allow for the most control over

CID, but also tend to produce less energetic reactions

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The main advantage of separation in time is that it allow multistage fragmentation

experiments (MSn), essential for structural elucidation studies since it allows the

re-fragmentation of product ions.

d. Ion detector

All mass analyzer, except the FT-ICR, that is a combined mass analyzer and

detector, need accurate and reliable ion detection.

The choice of the detector depends on the design of the instrument and on the

type of the experiment.

The first ion detector dates back in the days of Thomson and Aston and consists

of photographic plates placed at the end of the analyzer. It is based on the fact

that all ions of a given m/z would impact at the same place on the photographic

plate making a spot, and that its intensity is proportional to the darkness of the


Nowadays different types of detector are in use:

o Faraday cup or cylinder o The electron multiplier o The photomultiplier or scintillation counter o Array detector o Charge (or inductive) detector

Performance characteristics

o Accuracy

It is largely a function of an instrument‟s stability and resolution and it can be

expresses in percentage or in ppm (part per million). It represents the capability

with which the analyzer can accurately provide m/z information.

o Resolution

It is the ability to distinguish between ions of different mass to charge ratios.

The most common definition of resolution is:


Where M is the m/z and ΔM is the width at half maximum.

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To some extent the accuracy is determined by the resolving power, for example

as regard the instrument ability in resolve isotopes; if not, it will generate a bread

peak with the centre representing the average mass.

o Mass range

This is the m/z range of the mass analyzer. For instance, quadrupole analyzers

typically scan up to m/z 3000. A magnetic sector analyzer typically scans up to

m/z 10000 and time-of-flight analyzers have virtually unlimited m/z range.

More details on the mass spectrometry technology are reported in Appendix A.

1.4.3 Biological applications of mass spectrometry


The first application of mass spectrometry to biology dates back to the „40s, when

heavy stable isotopes were used as tracers to study processes such as CO2

production in animals.

At the beginning only volatile compounds could be analyzed, but improvements in

the range of detectable masses and in the types of samples that could be

vaporized made possible the study of organic compounds.

Few years later, MS was applied to peptides and oligonucleotides sequencing,

and in 1962 it was used to study the structure of nucleotides [78].

In 1983 Donike et al. proposed the testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) excretion

ratio measurement with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS), that

was first employed in Olympic doping control during the 1984 Los Angeles

Olympic Games [79].

In the „80s, the introduction of the fast atom bombardment ionization method

allowed Ionization of larger molecules such as proteins [80] that further improved

with the advent of electrospray ionization (ESI) by Fenn and coworkers in 1988

[81]; moreover ESI could be easily connected to an on-line liquid chromatography

(LC), which made possible the analysis of complex mixtures.

Protein structure was first studied by MS in „90s [82], thanks to the advent of

MALDI (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization) technology, and the peptide

mass fingerprinting was developed immediately later for protein identification.

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Isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT), at the end of the 90s, made possible the

quantification of individual proteins in a complex mixture. This technology allowed

the simultaneous comparison of the expression levels of all proteins in cells

grown in different media [83].

The first clinical applications of mass spectrometry dates back to 1966, when the

use of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for identification of

organic acidurias in children was reported. Twenty years later tandem mass

spectrometry (MS/MS) was introduced into clinical laboratories, mainly because

of its enhanced sensitivity and specificity, and it was primary applied to the

evaluation of children at risk of inborn errors of metabolism.

Up to now MS has having an exponential growth in clinical laboratory applications

of which pharmacology and proteomics have been the major drivers.

Mass spectrometry for drug monitoring and toxicology studies

Mass spectrometry is widely used for therapeutic drug monitoring

(immunosuppressive drugs, antidepressants, etc) and for the detection of illicit

pharmacological agents, their metabolites and testosterone and epitestosterone

conjugates, especially in anti-doping procedures [84]. Since ESI MS/MS enables

the direct determination of the steroid conjugates, the technology facilitates


Mass spectrometry for diagnostic procedures

LC-MS/MS has rapidly substituted several traditional diagnostic methods,

especially those that have tedious specimen preparation protocols or prohibitive

interference problems, thanks to its sensibility, reliability and capability to detect

low analytes concentration and to make simultaneous analysis.

For example, LC-MS/MS was the gold standard for Methylmalonic acid (MMA)

determination in serum, plasma or urine; MMA, that is employed as a reflex test

for intermediate serum vitamin B12 concentrations, could not be detected before

the advent of mass spectrometry because of its low endogenous concentration

and potential interference from other low molecular weight organic acids.

Similarly, LC-MS/MS was the revolution for the diagnosis of some endocrine

tumours, since it allows the measurement of plasma free metanephrine that

occurs in low nanomolar concentration in a complex matrix. With the advent of

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LC-MS/MS all tests performed became more rapid, sensitive and resulted easier

to interpret.

In Cushing syndrome, characterized by a chronic state of cortisol excess LC-

MS/MS became the only method providing the specificity required for a correct

diagnosis, as automated immunoassays lack the sensitivity to detect the low

salivary cortisol concentrations [85].

ESI MS/MS can be used to determine urinary sulfatide concentrations to

distinguish metachromatic leukodystrophy from pseudodeficiency in those

patients with low Arylsulfatase A activity [86]; or for the detection of bile acid

metabolites arising from inherited defects in bile acid metabolism [87,88].

Urine oligosaccharides have been determined by MS/MS using their 1-phenyl-3-

methyl-5-pyrazolone derivatives [89].

Finally, combination of MALDI-TOF MS-based system with specific software and

database of more than 2,000 microorganism species is now routinely being used

as a diagnostic tool for microbial identification in many European laboratories

because it shortens time to results, reduces costs and increases accuracy

compared to conventional biochemical assays [90].

Mass spectrometry and screening

The real revolution of the clinical application of mass spectrometry was in the

field of the screening; in fact, starting in the „90s the introduction of tandem mass

spectrometry (MS/MS) for population-based newborn screening programs, has

enabled to detect an increasing number of metabolic disorders in a single

process by using dried blood-spot specimens [91].

MS/MS technology allowed improvements in the analysis of amino acid disorders

(PKU, maple syrup urine disease and homocystinuria) among newborns, with a

false-positive rate 10-fold lower than the best method previously available [92,].

Successively the metabolic disorder screening panel was expanded by

incorporating an acylcarnitine profile (eliminating time-consuming

chromatography but maintaining method specificity), which enables the detection

of fatty acid oxidation disorders (medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [MCAD]

deficiency) [93].

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Also optimization of the system has facilitated the simultaneous screening for

various disorders of organic acid degradation, fatty acid oxidation, the urea cycle

and amino acids.

More than 30 inborn errors of metabolism can now be rapidly detected by


A rapid and specific screening method by HPLC ESI MS/MS [94] has been

shown to be effective for the analysis of purine nucleoside phosphorylase

deficiency, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, molybdenum cofactor

deficiency, adenylosuccinase deficiency and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase

deficiency in patients at risk of inherited disorders of purine and pyrimidine


Recently, a protocol has been developed for the quantification of hexose mono

phosphates in blood spots by negative ion ESI MS/MS [95] which could be

applicable to newborn screenings for galactosemia. Screening for congenital

adrenal hyperplasia by detection of 17-α-Hydroxyprogesterone in blood spots has

also been reported [96], as well as a rapid screening procedure for the diagnosis

of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome [97].

For several metabolic disorders, early detection, with screening programs, can

result in substantial improvements in health outcomes, and pilots programs in

Australia, New England and NY suggested a higher incidence of metabolic

disorders compared to clinical diagnosis [98].

In Italy, since 2004, a screening program for nearly 50 metabolic disorders,

including LSDs, is conducted with so encouraging results [33] that in 2006 part of

the Umbria Region joined the project.

Finally, all commercially available dedicated screening systems are currently

based on MALDI-TOF technology, that has been demonstrated to be a superior

analytical tool for various screening and diagnostic applications, like SNP

genotyping, oligonucleotide quality control or biomarker screening. Measuring an

intrinsic property of the analyte molecules (the molecular weight) is neither a

need for indirect detection methods (hybridisation, labelling with fluorescent dyes

or radioactive isotopes ) nor for antibody-based detection in the case of profiling

applications in clinical proteomics [99].

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Lysosomal storage disorders are a group of about 50 inherited metabolic

diseases, with a global incidence of 1:1500-7000 live birth. They are mainly due

to the deficit of lysosomal enzymes which leads to the development of complex,

severe and progressive disorders.

Few therapeutic approaches are now available, however in most cases, they

cannot be really effective, since the correct diagnosis usually occurs when

irreversible symptoms have already developed.

Several studies performed in the last few years have shown these pathologies to

be more frequent than expected; moreover, analysis on specific groups of

patients (affected by cryptogenic stroke or renal failure) has identified some

cases of Fabry Disease previously misdiagnosed.

Another relevant point of discussion is the need of a correct determination of

LSDs incidence in the population, which will have an important fall-out both on

the attention of the medical community to LSDs and on the future plans of the

Countries with respect to these disorders.

That considered, together with the great development and the encouraging

results of enzymatic analysis on Dried Blood Spot, first performed with

fluorimetric tests, and more recently with tandem mass spectrometry, the aim of

this work was to set up and to optimize a rapid, reliable, sensitive and non

invasive method for the multiplex detection of enzyme activity in a high number of


Main aim of this work was focused on the reproducibility and reliability of the

protocol, underlying the most critical steps that need to be optimized; in addition,

an evaluation of the feasibility of a newborn screening project was made.

The second purpose was to improve the protocol, reducing at a minimum

chances to introduce biases during the preparation of samples, and optimizing all

the analytical parameters for MSMS analysis.

Main challenge of this study was to define a method that could, first of all, be

used for a newborn screening program, also able to guarantee an as low as

possible false positive rate, being this last one of the most controversial point in

the decision to introduce or not LSDs in the panel of screened disorders.

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Moreover the set up protocol could be proposed to screen not only newborns, but

also specific high risk populations, or populations presenting with particular

clinical manifestations, as nefropathic or cardiopathic subjects, therefore helping

to possibly correctly identify under/misdiagnosed patients.

Finally, being a rapid method for the detection of enzymes availability in blood, it

could be applied to patients follow up, allowing an innovative and more

personalized approach in the treatment of LSDs.

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Specimens from anonymous newborn were collected at the Wadsworth

Center, Albany, New York and at the Szeged Hospital, Hungary. Blood

sampling typically occurred between 48 and 72 h of life. DBS were

shipped at RT and then stored dessicated at −20 °C until analysis.

Blood of healthy adults have been used. The blood was anonymously

collected in EDTA tubes, immediately spotted on to filter paper (Whatman

903, Whatman plc, Kent, UK, 60 μL/spot) and dried at

room temperature. DBS were then stored dessicated at −20 °C until


Samples from patients with a confirmed diagnosis of type I Gaucher

Disease and Niemann Pick A/B Disease were obtained from Genzyme Inc.

Framingham, USA.

Samples from patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Pompe and Fabry

Disease were obtained from our clinical unit and Florence, respectively

For all samples blood was drawn following written, informed consent.

Control samples (Low, Medium, High activity) have been supplied by the

Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA



Vials of substrate and internal standard for six LSDs (Pompe, Fabry, Gaucher,

Niemann Pick A/B, Krabbe and Mucopolysaccharidosis type I) were provided by

the CDC of Atlanta, and have been resuspended in specific solutions (Cockails),

according to CDC instructions.

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12 μmol ABG substrate D-Glucosyl-β1-1′-N-dodecanoyl-D-erythro-

sphingosine [C12-glucocerebroside (C36H69NO8)] (molecular weight of

643.9 Da) and 0.23 μmol ABG internal standard N-myristoyl-D-erythro-

sphingosine [C14-ceramide (C32H63NO3)] (molecular weight of 509.8 Da)

in a molar ratio of approximately 50:1


ABG assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 15.6 ml of

Gaucher buffer (0.715 mol/L Sodium Phosphate Monobasic (NaH2PO4)

(Sigma, MO, USA, and 0.358 mol/L Sodium

Citrate Tribasic Dihydrate (C6H5Na3O7) (Merck; pH 5.1) and 2.4 ml of

sodium taurocholate (120 g/L in water) (Sigma). The vial was vortexed

until reagents were completely dissolved and then stored at −20 °C. The

final ABG assay cocktail contained 0.67 mmol/L β-Glucocerebrosidase

substrate, 13.05 μmol/L β-Glucocerebrosidase internal standard and 0.029

mmol/mL sodium Taurocholate.

Niemann Pick:

3.37 mg (5.9 μmol) of ASM substrate, N-Hexanoyl-D-erythro-

sphingosylphosphorylcholine[C6-sphingomyelin (C29H59N2O6P)], and 0.04

mg (0.1 μmol) of NP internal standard, N-butyroyl-D-erythro-

sphingosine[C4-ceramide (C22H43NO3)], in a molar ratio of approximately



ASM assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 150 μl of

detergent solution (120 g/L Sodium Taurocholate in water) and 17.85 ml of

buffer (930 mol/L Sodium Acetate + 0.604 mmol/L Zinc Chloride, pH 5.7).

Reagents were completely dissolved and vials stored at -20°C. The final

NP assay cocktail contained 0.33 mmol/L substrate, 6.67 μmol/L internal

standard and 1.8 mmol/L Sodium Taurocholate.

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7.9 mg (11.9 μmol) of GAA substrate, (7-benzoylamino-heptyl)-{2-[4-


phenylcarboamoyl]-ethyl}-carbamic acid tert butyl esther (C34H49N3O10),

and 0.06 mg (0.11 μmol) of Internal Standard (7-d5-benzoylamino-heptyl)-

[2-(4-hydroxy-phenylcarbamoyl)-ethyl]-carbamic acid tert butyl ester

(C28H34N5O5D5), in a molar ratio of approximately 100:1.


GAA assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 0.306 ml of

acarbose (5.165 mg/ml), 15.9 ml of buffer (0.34M Sodium Phosphate, 0.17

M Sodium Citrate, pH 4.0) and 1.8 ml of CHAPS (100g/l). Reagents were

completely dissolved and vials stored at -20°C. The final GAA assay

cocktail contained 0.661 mmol/L substrate, 6.1 μmol/L internal standard,

0.136 mmol/L Acarbose and 0.016 mmol/ml CHAPS.


38.72 mg (60 μmol) of GLA substrate, (6-benzoylamino-hexyl)-{2-[4-(3,4,5-


ethyl}-carbamic acid tert butyl esther (C33H47N3O10), and 0.06 mg (0.12

μmol) of Internal Standard (6-d5-benzoylamino-hexyl)-[2-(4-hydroxy-

phenylcarbamoyl)-ethyl]-carbamic acid tert butyl ester (C27H32N5O5D5), in a

molar ratio of approximately 500:1.


GLA assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 450 μl of

Sodium Taurocholate (120 g/L), 14.67 ml of buffer (0.174M Sodium

Acetate, pH 4.6) and 2.88 ml of N-acethyl-galactosamine (1M). Reagents

were completely dissolved and vials stored at -20°C. The final GLA assay

cocktail contained 3.33 mmol/L substrate, 6.66 μmol/L internal standard,

5.5 mmol/L Sodium Taurocholate and 0.159 mmol/ml N-acethyl-



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10.57 mg (17.9 μmol) of GALC substrate, D-Galactosyl-β1-1’-octanoyl-D-

erythro-sphingosine [C8-galactosylceramide (C32H61NO8), and 0.05 mg

(0.11μmol) of Internal Standard N-decanoyl-D-erythro-sphingosine [C10-

ceramide (C28H55NO3), in a molar ratio of approximately 150:1.


GALC assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 1.8 ml of

detergent (96 g/L Sodium Taurocholate, 12 g/L oleic acid) and 16.2 ml of

buffer (0.2M Phosphate and 0.1M Citrate, pH 4.4). Reagents were

completely dissolved and vials stored at -20°C. The final GALC assay

cocktail contained 0.994 mmol/L substrate, 6.1 μmol/L internal standard,

0.017 mmol/ml Sodium Taurocholate and 4.2 mmol/L Oleic Acid.


17 mg (30 μmol) of IDUA substrate, (7-(1-Iduronic acid)-oxycoumarin-4-

acetic acid-(1’,4’-N-boc-diaminobutane)-amide) (C26H34N2O12), and 0.08

mg (0.212μmol) of Internal Standard, (7-hydroxycoumarin-4-acetic acid-

(1’,3’-N-boc-diaminopropane)-amide) (C19H24N2O6), in a molar ratio of

approximately 150:1.


IDUA assay cocktail was prepared by the sequential addition of 0.5 ml D-

saccharid acid 1,4 lactone monohydrate (0.63 mg/ml) and 17.5 ml buffer

(0.112 M Sodium Formiate, 0.158 M formic acid, pH 3.6). Reagents were

completely dissolved and vials stored at -20°C. The final IDUA assay

cocktail contained 1.666 mmol/L substrate, 11 μmol/L internal standard

and 0.83 μmol/ml Lactone.

2.1 Experiments performed at the Vienna Centogene Unit

During the first year and a half of my PhD period I worked at the Centogene

Laboratory of the Vienna Biocenter.

Experimental plan

2.1.1 Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B assays set up

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The first step of the work was the β-Glucosidase (Gaucher) and Acid-

Sphingomyelinase (Niemann Pick A/B) assays set up and their inclusion in one

multiplex test together with Pompe, Fabry and Krabbe assays, that were already

performed in this laboratory. β-Glucosidase (ABG) and Acid-Sphingomyelinase

(ASM) stability in DBS of an healthy adult control, have been monitored for three

months at different storage temperatures (-80°C, −20 °C, 4 °C, room temperature

and 37 °C).

Blood from an healthy adult was used to analyze the effect of hematocrit and

location of the punch on ABG and ASM activity. EDTA blood was spun down and

the cellular component was mixed with the plasma at different ratios to generate

six groups of DBS with different hematocrit concentrations (30%, 40%, 50%,

60%, 70% and 80%). Enzyme activities in 6 peripheral and 6 central punches of

the same DBS were detected.

The same healthy adult sample stored at −20°C was used to carry out the assay

variability; for the inter-assay repeatability four punches from different DBS were

measured on 7 different days, while for the intra-assay variability ten punches

obtained from the same DBS were analyzed simultaneously.

Moreover, 12 punches of the same sample and 12 blank punches used to

investigate possible carryover problems were always used.

For Niemann Pick A/B, Gaucher, Pompe and Fabry Disease 2088 anonymous

newborn samples were analyzed to generate newborn reference ranges; then 10

previously diagnosed cases with Gaucher Disease and 10 with confirmed

NiemannPick A/B Disease were tested.

2.1.2 Activity comparison for β-Glucosidase, α-Galattosidase and α-


An activity comparison study was performed on three enzymes (β-Glucosidase,

α-Galattosidase and α-Glucosidase) between two different laboratories; 435

newborn samples were analyzed in parallel in Vienna and at the Wadsworth

center of NY. Then, to discriminate if differences were due to the preparative

steps or to the spectrometric analysis, all plates from each laboratory were dried

out and sent to the other laboratory to repeat the MSMS analysis.

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2.1.3 Newborn screening pilot project

A newborn screening pilot project was conducted on 10000 anonymous samples

collected at the Szeged Hospital (Hungary) for four lysosomal storage disorders

(Pompe, Fabry, Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B).

Each sample was first tested singly, then, samples with activity lower than the

fixed cutoffs were retested in duplicate. DBS of samples confirmed at the second

test, were sent to a third laboratory (Centogene in Rostock) for the molecular


Sample preparation

3.2 mm spots from the DBS were punched into 96-well plates (Greiner Bio-one,

Frickenhausen, Germany; using a Wallac DBS Puncher

(Perkin Elmer, Massachusetts, USA;

100 μL of extraction buffer (20 mmol/L potassium phosphate solution (pH 7.1;

Merck, New Jersey, USA; were added to each well, mixed

gently and plates were sealed with a siliconer plate sealer. Samples were

extracted at 37°C and 750 rpm with shaking for 1 h in a Heidolph incubator

(Incubator 1000, Titramax 1000). After incubation, 10 μL extract was transferred

into a new plate containing 15 μL assay cocktail in each well. If all the five

enzymes are tested simultaneously, five different plates are needed, one for each

test; punches for Krabbe assay do not need to be eluted, but 30 μL of assay

cocktail are added directly on the punch.

The plates were sealed and incubated for 21 h at 37°C. The enzyme reactions

were quenched by adding 100 μL of 1:1 ethylacetate:methanol (Merck; BDH

Prolabo Chemicals, Leicestershire, UK; to each well. After mixing,

if more than one enzyme was tested, samples were recollected and transferred

into one 96-deep-well plate (Brand). For liquid–liquid extraction we added 500 μL

1:1 ethylacetate:methanol, followed by 400 μL ethylacetate (Merck) and 400 μL

distilled water (BDH Prolabo Chemicals).

Samples were centrifuged for 3 min at 3000 rpm. Then, 300 μL of the upper

phase were transferred into a new 96-well plate (Greiner Bio-one) and dried

using a Minivap (Porvair Science, Leatherhead, UK;

Samples were reconstituted in 100 μL of 1:19 methanol:ethylacetate and

transferred into a 96-well filter plate (Pall Corporations, Port Washington, New

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York, USA; containing silica gel 60 (Merck) to remove any

impurity, salts and residual reagents. Resin was washed twice with 400 μL of

1:19 methanol:ethylacetate. Samples and washes were collected into a 96-deep

well plate and dried. Samples were reconstituted with 200 μL of 80:20:0.01

acetonitrile:water:formic acid (Merck; BDH Prolabo Chemicals) prior to analysis

with MS/MS. Each plate contained 5 blank filter papers, 2 positive control

samples (LSD-base pool) and two negative control samples (pooled cord blood).

Mass Analyzer

An API 3000 triple–quadruple MS/MS (PE Sciex, Perkin Elmer, Massachusetts,

USA; in positive ion mode and analyst v. 1.5 software

(Applied Biosystems, MDS Sciex, Ontario, Canada) were used for analysis.

The analytes of interests are detected with a Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)

approach: in this case the first quadrupole acts as a mass filter for the ions of

interest (the precursors), those ions pass then into the second quadrupole, a

collision chamber in which impacts with gas molecules cause the ion to shatter

into characteristic pieces. In the third quadrupole, instead of obtaining full scan

ms/ms, where all the possible fragment ions derived from the precursor are

analyzed, only a small number of specific fragment ions (transition ions) are


This allows to obtain the highest sensitivity and selectivity. MS/MS parameters

were optimized and reported in Tab. 2:

Analyte Time

(msec) Declustering Potential (V)

Focousing Potential


Entrance Potential


Collision Energy


Collision Cell Exit


Source temperature


Ion spray

voltage (V)

ASM-IS 200 20 250 10 25 15 150 5500

ASM-P 200 20 250 10 30 15 150 5500

GALC-P 200 45 250 12 28 15 150 5500

GALC-IS 200 45 250 12 28 15 150 5500

ABG-P 200 45 250 12 45 15 150 5500

ABG-IS 200 45 250 12 45 15 150 5500

GLA-P 200 45 250 12 20 15 150 5500

GLA-IS 200 45 250 12 15 15 150 5500

GAA-P 200 45 250 12 21 15 150 5500

GAA-IS 200 45 250 12 15 15 150 5500

Tab.2 Analytical parameter for MS/MS analysis

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Those parameters give the highest sensitivity for transitions: m/z 370.6>264.3 (ASM-IS)

m/z 398.6>264.3 (ASM-P)

m/z 426.5>264.3 (GALC-P)

m/z 454.5>264.3 (GALC-IS)

m/z 482.6>264.3 (ABG-P)

m/z 510.6>264.3 (ABG-IS)

m/z 484.4>384.4 (GLA-P)

m/z 489.4>389.4 (GLA-IS)

m/z 498.4>398.4 (GAA-P)

m/z 503.4>403.4 (GAA-IS)

100% Acetonitrile was used as MS/MS wash solution.

Activity calculation

Enzyme activity was expressed as μmol/h/L, and calculation were made

according to the formula:

Activity: (P/IS)*ISnmol*EF*1000/T/V μl/RF(P/IS)


(P/IS) is the ratio between Product and Internal Standard peak areas

ISnmol is the amount of IS in assay solution; it is 0.1 for ASM, GLA and GAA; 0,2

for GALC and ABG; 0.35 for IDUA

EF is the elution factor and corresponds to 8

T is the incubation time for the enzymatic reaction, from 20 to 24 hours

V is the amount of blood in the 3.2 mm punch, and it is 3.1μl

RF is the response factor of product to IS

The response factor was calculate periodically to monitor the Tandem Mass

response, using several known concentration of P/IS (0-0,05-0,1-0,5-1-2-5).

In Appendix B some examples of chromatograms are shown and precisely one

blank sample, a low activity sample (CDC control sample) and a sample with

normal activity.

2.2 Experiments performed at the Padova Unit

The second part of my PhD project has been conducted in Padova in

collaboration with the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the Pediatric Department.

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The five assays performed in Vienna have been reproduced in Padova with the

addition of the α-L-Iduronidase test for the Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPSI).

This last assay could be made on the same DBS used for the other enzymatic

tests, since the same elution buffer is needed.

First, the protocol has been modified reducing the preparative part. After the

plates were incubated with enzymes cocktails for 22h at 37°C shaking, reactions

were stopped with Methanol, 1% Formic Acid and re-collected into one vials for

each samples. An Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) step was

introduced with a C18 column (Reverse Phase separation). In this way samples

undergo directly to UPLC, that is connected online with the mass spectrometer

(Waters Alliance Four Ultima, triple quadrupole).

Solvents used for the mass analysis are:

MeOH + 1% Formic Acid

H2O + 1% Formic Acid

Purge solution: H2O + 1% Formic Acid

Wash solution: MeOH + Isopropanol + 0.1% Formic Acid

Successively a perfusion column was introduced before the UPLC (POROS R1

20µm, 2.1mmDx30mmL SS 0.1, Applied Biosystems) to obtain a better package

and separation of analytes.

The valve with 6 entries has 2 positions and works as follows:

Fig.2 The switching valve mechanism

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1) The valve is in position 1: the flow with samples comes from the HPLC and

enters in position 6; it goes out from position 1 and passes across the

perfusion column, the excess goes out in the discharge from position 5. The

flow coming from UPLC enters in position 3 and goes directly to the

chromatographic column.

2) With the activation of the valve (position 2) at 0.5 min, the flow coming from

UPLC enters in position 3 and passes through position 4 and then across the

perfusion column against the stream of samples entry. In this way it removes

and carries analytes into the chromatographic column through position 1 and

then 2. The flow from the HPLC goes directly to the discharge.

3) With the switching back of the valve the perfusion column is re-equilibrated

with the flow coming from the auto sampler to be ready for the next injection.

The flow from UPLC goes directly to the chromatographic column that need to

be re-equilibrated as well.

Two acquisition functions were defined: the first from time 0 min to 2.5 min; the

second from time 2.51 min to time 5.5 min.

Each function includes six channel, for six metabolites:



All chromatographic and spectrometric parameters were optimized (see Results

and discussion).

Results were worked out with a Masslynx software.

CDC quality controls (DBS) with low, medium and high activities have been

tested, together with a confirmed positive sample for Fabry Disease and for

Pompe Disease.

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3.1 Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B assays set up

3.1.1 Assay features

The limit of detection was defined as three times the standard deviation of the

blank activity values obtained, and was 0.75 μmol/h/L for β-Glucosidase (ABG)

assay and 1.13 for acid-Sphingomyelinase (ASM) assay; limit of quantification,

settled as five times the standard deviation of the blank activity values obtained

using a defined sample volume, was 1.25 μmol/h/L for ABG and 1.88 for ASM.

3.1.2 Intra- and inter-assay variability, carry-over

Ten punches of the same DBS were analyzed simultaneously to assess intra-

assay variability while four DBS from the same individual were analyzed during

six consecutive days to assess inter-assay variability. Mean, standard deviation

and coefficient of variation (CV) are shown in table 3 and 4.

For acid-Sphingomyelinase intra-assay variability is 7.7 while for β -Glucosidase

is 9.7; for both enzymes inter-assay variability is approximately 10%. No

carryover was observed.

Tab. 3 n Avarage activity


Tab. 4 n Avarage activity


Interassay 4 11 0,9 7,7 Interassay 4 12,7 1,2 9,7

Punch 1 6 10,1 1 9,9 Punch 1 6 11,9 1,6 13,7

Punch 2 6 11,2 1 8,8 Punch 2 6 14,2 2,0 14,0

Punch 3 6 12,1 1,2 9,5 Punch 3 6 11,5 0,9 8,1

Punch 4 6 10,8 1,2 11,6 Punch 4 6 13,3 0,8 6,0

Intraassay 10 10,4 0,9 8,6 Intraassay 10 11,8 0,9 7,7

Tab.3 and Tab. 4 show respectively Acid Sphingomyelinase and β -Glucosidase assay variability

3.1.3 Effect of hematocrit and position of punch

Six peripheral and six central punches of the same DBS were analyzed for each

hematocrit level (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80%).

Differently from other analytes as acylcarnitine species or amino acids [100],

position of the punch within the blood spot does not have any relevant effect on

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lysosomal enzymes activity; this was previously demonstrated by Dajnoki and co-

workers analyzing the α-Galactosidase and α-Glucosidase enzyme activities

[101,28] and it was here confirmed for both acid-Sphingomyelinase and β-


Then, as ABG activity is mostly derived from leukocytes, increasing hematocrit

levels result in enzyme activities linearly increasing (R2 = 0.9822 for peripheral

punches, R2 = 0.9838 for central punches), as for GLA and GAA enzymes

[101,28]. In such cases parallel measurements of hematocrit may reduce the risk

of false positive and/or false negative results. Instead, acid-Sphingomyelinase

activity did not change significantly over a range of different hematocrit levels

(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Correlation between ASM and ABG activity and and punch location and between enzyme activity and


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3.1.4 Stability

Niemann Pick A/B

ASM activity in DBS was analyzed in six distinct punches after 7, 14, 21, 28 days

and 2 months of storage at 37°C, room temperature, 4°C, -20°C and -80°C. DBS

were stored in plastic bags with desiccants. Activities were normalized using

ASM activity at -80°C.


ABG stability in DBS at different temperatures (−20 °C to 37 °C) was analyzed for

3 months. Baseline ABG-activity from six different punches of the same DBS

(mean: 9.9 μmol/L/h) was defined when DBS were dried. The measurement was

repeated at day 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28 and at 3 months.

Fig. 4 Acid Sphingomyelinase and beta-glucosidase stability in DBS at different storage temperature

ASM activities were stable for two months when stored at or below 4°C but they

decreased by about 20% when stored for 7 days at either room temperature or

37°C. After two months at 37°C only a 30% of activity was detected (Fig.4).

ABG activities, analyzed up to 3 months in sample stored at 4°C to −20°C

showed to be stable; at room temperature a 20% reduction of enzyme activity

following 3 months of storage was observed, although enzyme activity remained

stable for up to 2 week. As expected, ABG activity showed a progressive decline

when DBS was stored at 37 °C. Shipment at RT of DBS for ASM and ABG

analysis over a longer distance was therefore confirmed to be still feasible. From

our evaluation we can conclude that DBS still represent the real innovation for the

diagnosis of these pathologies since they allow an easy delivery of the samples

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at room temperature, with no problems of deterioration, thus favouring the

creation of a few centralized reference laboratories for their analysis [25,102].

3.1.5 Newborn activity ranges

Activity ranges for Gaucher, Niemann Pick A/B, Pompe and Fabry diseases were

constituted analizing 2088 newborn anonimous DBS. Samples presented a

normal distribution for all tested enzymes (Fig.5).

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Fig.5Newborn activities range for Gaucher, Niemann Pick A/B, Pompe and Fabry diseases

Mean, standard deviation, median and 0.5, 1, 99.5 and 99.9 percentiles have

been calculated. Values are reported in tab. 5.

Fabry Pompe Gaucher NP

mean 15,0 21,9 21,8 10,6

st dev 8,8 10,0 10,9 5,1

median 12,9 20,5 19,9 9,5

min 2,6 1,7 0,5 1,2

max 106,8 89,7 181,2 43,9

0,5% 4,2 5,9 5,3 2,9

1,0% 4,6 6,4 7,0 3,2

99.5% 51,6 58,6 62,9 28,1

99,9% 94,3 81,0 139,2 33,9

CUTOFF 3.5 3 4.2 2.5

positives 5 3 3 5

% pos 0.23 0.14 0.14 0.23

Tab.5 Values of activities distribution

The median of enzyme activity in 2088 newborn infants was 12.9 μmol/h/l for

GLA, 20.5 for GAA, 19.9 for ABG and 9.5 for ASM.

Considering the 0.5th population percentile and the number of samples that would

be repeated, the cut-off value to distinguish between potential disease and non-

disease, has been established to be 3.5 μmol/h/l for GLA, 3 for GAA, 4.2 for ABG

and 2.5 for ASM.

In such conditions 5 infants were found to have GLA activities below or equal to

the cut-off, 3 for GAA, 3 for ABG and 5 for ASM. Unfortunately, due to the

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anonymous nature of the study we were unable to confirm these 16 cases

(0.76%) that result positive at the first test and would have needed to be re-


The analysis of 2088 samples required less than one month, data analysis

included, and no management problems were reported, thus demonstrating the

adequacy of the method to test also a high number of samples, which is a basic

feature for a possible newborn screening application.

3.1.6 Positive samples

Ten confirmed positive samples of Gaucher Disase and ten of Niemann Pick A/B

were analysed and all of them presented an activity lower than the cut-offs

previously set (Fig.6).

Fig.6 Activities of ten confirmed Gaucher and ten Niemann Pick A/B patients.

3.2 Comparison of β-Glucosidase, α-Galattosidase and α-

Glucosidase Activities

B-Glucosidase, α-Galactosidase and α-Glucosidase activities were measured for

the 435 newborn samples (five plates). Then, results were compared with those

obtained in the Wadswarth Center (NY) on the same newborn samples. Bland-

Altman analysis of the data obtained was applied. This approach is based on

quantifying the variation in between-method differences for individual patients.

Agreement between two methods of measurement can be represented using the

mean of each couple of measurements

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X i = X1i + X2i 2

while the difference between the two observations on the same subjects is indicated by

di = X1i − X2i

The Bland-Altman plot is a dispersion graph in which each point is represented

by these new couples of values (X I; di).

The 95% limits of agreement, estimated by mean difference ± 1.96 standard

deviation of the differences, provide an interval within which 95% of differences

between measurements by the two methods are expected to lie [103].

The concordance correlation coefficient ρc [104] was calculated: it evaluates the

degree to which pairs of observations fall on the 45° line through the origin. It

contains a measurement of precision ρ and accuracy Cb:

ρc = ρ Cb


ρ is the Pearson correlation coefficient, which measures how far each

observation deviates from the best-fit line, and is a measure of precision,


Cb is a bias correction factor that measures how far the best-fit line

deviates from the 45° line through the origin, and is a measure of


The comparison shows an acceptable correlation between the two methods,

especially related to Fabry (Agreement limits: 1.38, -1.01) and Pompe assays

(Limits: 5.42,-9.2). More variability was observed for Gaucher assay (Limits:

10.94, -20.0). The plate to plate comparison showed an homogeneous

distribution of results (Fig. 7).

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Fig. 7 Bland-Altman graphs and concordance correlation graphs for the multiplex assay comparison in the two laboratories

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An acceptable correlation of results confirms the reliability of using DBS even for

long distance sample transfer; no biological deterioration was observed in

samples coming from NY and analyzed in Vienna, compared to the same

samples analyzed in NY just after spotting.

Anyway, the correlation could be improved. Therefore, to establish if these

differences were due to the assay rather than to the tandem mass analysis all the

plates were dried and sent to the other laboratory to repeat the measurement.

A very good correlation related to the instrumental analysis was detected. On the

other hand more variability related to the samples preparation, was reported,

mainly for β-Glucosidase assay (Tab. 6, Fig. 8).

ABG mean st dev upper limit

lower limit

ρc ρ Cb Spread %

Total comp. -4,5 7,8 10,9 -19,9 0,68 5,13 6,39 33,1

MS/MS comp. -4,2 4 3,6 -12,2 0,85 0,93 0,91 21,7

Assay comp. -0,3 7,9 15,2 -15,8 0,7 0,7 0,99 26,2

GAA mean st dev upper limit

lower limit

ρc ρ Cb Spread %

Total comp. -0,1 6,33 12,2 -12,5 0,8 0,83 0,95 23,44

MS/MS comp. -2,1 1,6 1,2 -5,4 0,95 0,99 0,96 15,07

Assay comp. 0,8 3,3 7,2 -5,8 0,86 0,87 0,99 15,11

GLA mean st dev upper limit

lower limit

ρc ρ Cb Spread %

Total comp. -2,4 3,3 4,2 -9,1 0,8 8,87 0,91 30,62

MS/MS comp. 0,6 0,3 1,4 -0,1 0,99 0,99 0,99 5,74

Assay comp. -1,7 3,1 4,49 -7,9 0,83 0,87 0,95 26,6

Tab.6 Concordance values between 2 laboratories for ABG, GAA and GLA activities

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Fig. 8 MS/MS and assay concordance correlation for the ABG, GAA and GLA tests

For Gaucher assay no positives samples were detected. For Fabry assay only

one sample presented low activity in both laboratories (Vienna 2.6 μmol/L/h; NY

2.4 μmol/L/h); instead, for Pompe assay one sample results positive both for

Vienna 2.0 μmol/L/h and NY 1.8 μmol/L/h, finally one showed low activity only in

the analysis made in Vienna (1.6 μmol/L/h against 21.5 μmol/L/h in NY). Due to

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the anonymous nature of the study it was not possible to repeat the analysis on

samples detected as positive at first run.

Despite the use of different spectrometers and the work of different operators will

inevitably lead to the introduction of biases, this work of comparison showed an

acceptable correlation between laboratories: it showed that the tandem mass

analysis is a robust and sensitive method for the metabolite analysis and that

variability mainly depends on the procedure of samples preparation. For that

reason the second part of my work was focused on the reduction of samples

manipulation steps and on the optimisation of analytical parameters.

Moreover, the results obtained stressed the need of a strict coordination and of a

protocol homogeneity between laboratories that want to performed in

collaboration these enzymatic assays.

3.3 Newborn screening pilot project

In 9966 anonymous newborn samples, obtained from the Szeged Hospital, β-

Glucosidase, α-Glucosidase, α-Galactosidase and acid-Sphingomyelinase

activities were measured.

Sample were first analyzed singly; provvisory cuttoffs values have been used and

respectively 4.0 μmol/L/h for Gaucher, 2 μmol/L/h for Nieamann Pick A/B, 3

μmol/L/h for Pompe and 2.5 for Fabry Disease.

At the first analysis 348 samples (2.23%) gave anomaluos values (141 Gaucher,

42 Niemann Pick A/B, 49 Pompe and 116 Fabry), therefore they were retested in


After a second analysis 41 samples (0.15%) were confirmed to have low enzyme

activity (8 for Gaucher, 0.08%; 2 for Niemann Pick A/B, 0.02%; 15 for Pompe,

0.151% and 16 for Fabry, 0.161%) (Tab. 8).

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Sample Enzyme Cutoff 1.Test Retest 1 Retest 2 Result

6G3 ABG 4 3,2 3,4 3,7 carrier

14C5 ABG 4 3,4 3,0 2,8 carrier

17B8 ABG 4 3,6 3,2 2,9 carrier

19H7 ABG 4 3,7 1,9 2,2 carrier

14F10 ABG 4 3,8 3,8 3,3 carrier

20L2 ABG 4 3,9 2,8 3,2 normal

24F8 ABG 4 3,8 3,6 2,4 normal

26D4 ABG 4 3,5 2,4 2,7 normal

21C5 GLA 2,5 2,3 1,6 1,6 normal

8H2 GLA 2,5 2,4 1,9 2 normal

46H4 GLA 2,5 2,2 1,9 2 normal

54B8 GLA 2,5 2,4 2,6 2,5 normal

57I9 GLA 2,5 2,5 2,3 2,3 normal (SNPs)

58H9 GLA 2,5 2,3 2,2 1,9 normal

80D2 GLA 2,5 2,1 2,3 2,9 normal

70D7 GLA 2,5 2,5 1,9 1,9 normal (SNPs)

75I7 GLA 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,7 normal

83E1 GLA 2,5 1,8 2 1,5 normal

63G4 GLA 2,5 1,7 1,7 1,7 unclear

63E3 GLA 2,5 2 2,5 2,2 normal (SNPs)

60G8 GLA 2,5 1,8 1,9 2,2 normal

85C2 GLA 2,5 1,9 1,8 2 normal

85C9 GLA 2,5 2,1 2,1 1,8 unclear

63A7 GLA 2,5 2,1 2 2,4 normal (SNPs)

11i2 GAA 3 2,1 2,3 2 carrier

25F4 GAA 3 2,6 2,8 2 pathologic

39F2 GAA 3 3,1 2,4 2,6 normal

43B3 GAA 3 2 1,6 1,6 pathologic

43H7 GAA 3 1,6 1,5 1,7 carrier

46E10 GAA 3 2,8 2,5 2,5 carrier

47H7 GAA 3 2,7 2,6 2,9 carrier

75I4 GAA 3 3 2,6 2,6 carrier

76A4 GAA 3 2,9 2,4 2,3 normal

80C5 GAA 3 2,9 2,6 2,5 normal

80F9 GAA 3 1 0,7 0,8 carrier

80I4 GAA 3 2,6 1,9 2,6 normal

72G6 GAA 3 2,7 2,8 3 normal

85E1 GAA 3 3 1,7 1,9 normal

87D10 GAA 3 2,3 2,4 2,7 normal

55D7 ASM 2 0,9 1,6 1,9 normal

87C3 ASM 2 1,6 2,4 1,9 normal (SNPs)

Tab. 8 Molecular analysis result for samples that presented low enzymatic activity

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These samples were sent to a third laboratory for the molecular analysis, that

could isolate genomic DNA directly from the DBS card used for enzymatic tests.

Molecular analysis of the β-Glucosidase gene

Of the 8 samples requested for the β-Glucosidase analysis 3 resulted with no

mutations; in five sample a C>T substitution in nucleotide 1223 was identified in

heterozygosis. This gene variant was first described by Beutler and co-workers in

1996 in an European patient; it predicts a threonine-->methionine substitution in

amino acid 369, however the associated severity is not known [105].

One patient presents a A>G transition in nucleotide 1226 in heterozygosis.

Previous studies have indicated that this A>G point mutation [106] is the most

common genetic variant found in patients with Gaucher Disease type 1. It is

responsible for the high incidence of GD in the Ashkenazi Jewish population


Activity values of carrier samples varied from 1.9 to 3.8 μmol/L/h.

False positive rate for Gaucher Disease was 0.08%.

Molecular analysis of the α-Galactosidase gene

16 samples were submitted for alpha-galactosidase analysis: ten of them present

no mutations, four present several polymorphisms, and were reported as

negative. Finally two samples have an unclear result; in both samples the

mutation c.937 G>T was reported in heterozygosis, resulting in an aspartic acid-

to-tyrosine substitution (D313Y); in one sample 2 SNPs were detected (640-

16A>G and 1000-22C>T).

The D313Y lesion was previously identified in classically affected males as the

single mutation [109] or in cis with another missense mutation; Yasuda and co-

workers demonstrated that the expressed D313Y enzyme (in COS-7 cells) was

stable at lysosomal pH (pH 4.6), while at neutral pH (pH 7.4), it had decreased

activity; D313Y is a rare exonic variant with about 60% of wild-type activity in vitro

and reduced activity at neutral pH, resulting in low plasma alpha-Gal A activity

[110]. These samples were reported as negative.

Activity of the two female samples with D313Y space from 1.7 to 2.1 μmol/L/h.

False positive rate for Fabry disease was 0.16%.

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Molecular analysis of the α-Glucosidase gene

Seven of the 15 samples present no mutations; six samples carry non pathologic

mutations in heterozygosis(4 with 664G>A, 1 with 1903 A>G, 1 with 841C>T).

In one sample the mutation 1552-3 C>G was identified in homozygosis; it is a

splice-site mutations that cause the reduction of the number of correct splicing

events by more than 90% and it is associated to a potentially mild phenotype


One sample that reported two mutations in heterozygosis (1216 G>A, D406N and

1409 A>C, N470T) was classified as pathologic.

Heterozygote carriers shows an activity range of 0.7 to 3 μmol/L/h, that overlap to

that of positive samples (1.6 to 2.8 μmol/L/h).

False positive rate for Pompe disease was 0.13%.

Molecular analysis of the acid-Sphingomyelinase gene

No mutations were detected in the two analyzed samples, in one of them 3 SNPs

were detected; the false positive rate for NP disease was 0.02%.

Overall, the study identified 2 positives samples for Pompe Disease out of 9966

tested, one of them probably associated to a mild phenotype; for the other patient

we had no information to predict the potential phenotype. This study also allowed

the identification of carriers which were 5 for Gaucher Disease, 2 for Fabry

Disease (one male and one female), and six for Pompe Disease, respectively.

The false positive rate was 0.15%, meaning that 41 newborns would have to be

recalled. This value is acceptable, although quite high, especially if considering

the false positive rate obtained in the recently published LSD newborn screening

in Austria (0.06%) [36]. Therefore, to render this value as low as possible it will be

necessary to optimize some protocol steps.

From our study, the global incidence of these diseases, considering a population

of 10000 samples, came out to be 1:4983, which is surprisingly high considering

the currently accepted LSD frequency, but it is totally in line with the more recent

works on LSD newborn screening [31,36].

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Nowadays, in the Centogene Laboratory the screening program reached the

29000 samples with an incidence of 1:2416, including 7 confirmed Pompe

patients, 2 Fabry and 3 Gaucher subjects (personal communication).

Also, newborn screening for Fabry Disease carried on in Taiwan identified a high

frequency of the disorder (~1 in 1,250 males) with the majority of the identified

patients(86%) carrying the later-onset phenotype (~1 in 1,390 males) [31]. Very

recently Mechtler and co-workers published the first population screening study

for Fabry, Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B Diseases and they report a global

incidence of 1:2315 [35].

In addition, several studies have reported potentially undiagnosed cases of Fabry

Disease in specific populations as kidney transplant patients [112], patients with

early-onset cryptogenic stroke or with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [113,114].

All these results lead to the hypothesis that until now the LSD incidence has been


The comparison of the cut off values set in these different studies deserves some

considerations. For Gaucher and Niemann Pick A/B Diseases the cutoff should

be not lower than 4.2 μmol/L/h, and 2.5 μmol/L/h respectively, that are the higher

activity values of tested patients. For Pompe it is confirmed to be 3 μmol/L/h

since the higher activity in the confirmed positive samples was 2.8 μmol/L/h; and

for Fabry 2.5 μmol/L/h.

Considering that each laboratory will define its own cutoffs values, depending on

the specific arrangement of the protocol, only a wide screening project will allow a

more precise and reliable definition of the cutoffs values, that could be varied a

little, from the ones established in this work.

3.4 Assays set up in Padova

The five assay performed in Vienna were then reproduced in the laboratory in


Since in the first assays performed a high variability in the enzymatic activities

analyzed was detected and taking also into consideration the results obtained

with the previously mentioned comparison study, some protocol modifications

were made. The aim was to reduce at a minimum the possibility to introduce

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errors and biases in the pre-analytical phase, that results to be the most critical

step due to a consistent samples manipulation.

The extraction and purification steps were eliminated and substituted with an

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis connected in line with the

mass spectrometer. In this way the samples processing time was remarkably

reduced, and above all, limiting the manipulation of samples, the probability to

introduce biases, errors and deriving false positive results was drastically

knocked down.

Solutions for liquid chromatography were optimized as follows:

A: H2O + 0,05 % ACF

B: 50:50 ACN: MeOH + 0,1 ACF

Successively, since some substrate interference problems were detected for the

peaks corresponding to ABG product and GALC product the UPLC gradient was

modified to obtain a better peaks separation.

A higher water concentration was used at 1 minute time to obtain a better peaks

package (Tab. 9).

Previous gradient Optimized gradient

Time (min)

Flow (ml/min)

Sol A (%)

Sol B (%) Curve

Time (min)

Flow (ml/min)

Sol A (%)

Sol B (%) Curve

0 0.3 50 50 6 0 0.3 50 50 6

1.5 0.3 2 98 6 1 0.3 25 75 6

4 0.3 2 98 6 2.5 0.3 2 98 6

4.01 0.3 50 50 6 4 0.3 2 98 6

5 0.3 50 50 6 4.01 0.3 50 50 6

5 0.3 50 50 6

Tab. 9 Optimization of UPLC gradient

This modification was essential since, in these tests positive samples are

detected for the reduction of the peak corresponding to the product of the

enzyme activity; having an interference that could overlap with the peak of the

analyte of interest, or that could make the spectra interpretation more complex, it

will lead to false negative results.

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To get an even better separation, high precision and sensitivity a perfusion

column and a switch valve were introduced. As was reported in a recent paper by

La Marca and co-workers [115] this additional online sample purification step

guarantees the maximum sensibility and reliability of the analysis, so that all

enzyme activities show an unambiguous difference between DBS from healthy

controls and LDS affected patients.

Samples passing through the perfusion column are deprived of impurities, salts

and interferers and this ameliorates the definition of the peaks.

The challenge is to reduce at a minimum the false positive rate that is still one of

the main controversial points of discussion for the inclusion of LSDs in newborn

screening programs because of the high level of stress for families with a re-

called baby.


A: H2O + 0.05 ACF



Time (min)

Sol. A (%)

Solv. B (%)

Flow (μl/min)

0 98 2 400

0.01 98 2 800

0.5 / 100 800

0.51 / 100 800

2 / 100 800

2.01 / 100 800

3 / 100 800

3.01 98 2 800

4.99 98 2 800

5.5 98 2 400

Tab. 10 Elution parameters of the HPLC

MS/MS parameters were optimized as they are summarize in Tab.11

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Analyte Parent (Da)

Daughter (Da)

Dwell(s) Cone (V) Coll (EV)

Delay (S) Ret time (min)

IDUA-IS 377,54 277,40 0,05 35 10 0,010 1,57

IDUA-P 391,45 291,20 0,03 35 10 0,010 1,60

GLA-P 484,57 384,40 0,05 35 15 0,010 2,07

GLA-IS 489,64 389,40 0,02 35 15 0,010 2,06

GAA-P 498,64 398,40 0,05 35 15 0,010 2,19

GAA-IS 503,61 403,40 0,02 35 15 0,010 2,18

ASM-IS 370,63 264,20 0,02 35 15 0,010 3,41

ASM-P 398,67 264,20 0,05 35 15 0,010 3,62

GALC-P 426,72 264,20 0,05 35 15 0,010 3,84

GALC-IS 454,82 264,20 0,05 35 15 0,010 4,07

ABG-P 482,80 264,20 0,05 35 15 0,010 4,38

ABG-IS 510,83 264,20 0,03 35 15 0,010 4,80

Tab. 11 MS/MS parameters for LSD analysis

Other MS/MS parameters are:

Capillary Voltage: 3kV Source Temperature: 100°C Desolvation Temperature: 200°C Multiplier: 650V

Fig 9 shows the results of the assay set up and optimization: all the 12 peaks

related to the metabolites under investigation are revealed with a good intensity,

they are all well defined, with no problems of interference with other blood


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Fig. 9 The chromatogram shows the separation of the12 peaks that correspond to the analytes of interest.

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One confirmed positive Pompe and one confirmed positive Fabry sample were

tested (Fig. 9,10).

Fig.9 Chromatograms of a blank, a Fabry patient and an healthy control are reported: GLA Internal

Standards peaks are shown in the upper part, while GLA product peaks lay in the lower part

Fig.10 Chromatograms of a blank, a Pompe patient and an healthy control are reported: GAA Internal

Standards peaks are shown in the upper part, while GLA product peaks lay in the lower part

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As it is shown the Internal Standard peaks has the same intensity in the controls,

in the blanks and in the pathological samples; instead the Product peak shows an

unambiguous difference in the compared samples. In the positive samples the

peak is significantly reduced: in Fabry DBS it is nearly 10% with respect to the

Product peak in the control, and in Pompe DBS it is comparable to the ground


Unfortunately, confirmed positive samples of other Disease were not available,

therefore an evaluation of the assay performance was obtained using CDC

quality controls (low, medium and high activities) (Fig.1)

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Fig. 11 Chromatograms of low activity and high activity samples are shown for the six enzymatic tests

The reduction of the samples manipulation during the pre-analytical phase

combined with the introduction of the perfusion column and the UPLC, whose

analytic parameters were minutely optimized, has led to an excellent peaks

isolation. Impurities were mainly removed thanks to the perfusion column,

allowing to avoid interference problems in samples ionization and detection and

to maximize sensitivity and precision.

Moreover, in order to avoid to misinterpret as “positive” a sample in which the

assay failed for any experimental reasons, it is mandatory that each plate

includes some control samples (positive and negative), although the performance

of a multiplex assay contains in itself an internal control: in fact, the detection of a

low enzyme activity for more than one enzyme is a sign of sample degradation or

of a problem occurred during the enzyme reaction and not of a pathological


Then, since results are expressed starting from a ratio between the generated

product and the internal standard (undergoing the same process of samples), no

false positive results due to the loss of sample along the preparation steps will be


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Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a wide and complex group of inherited

progressive diseases.

In the last decade, the research on LSDs has led to remarkable advancements in

terms of innovative therapeutic approaches and of new diagnostic methods.

For the most diffused of these pathologies recombinant functional enzymes have

been developed for the so called Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) which,

together with the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, is the main form of

treatment for LSDs. It is nowadays evident that these therapeutic strategies

would need an early application to maximize their benefits. It is, in fact, of primary

importance that treatments start before the development of irreversible damages.

On the other hand, recently the application of tandem mass spectrometry

analysis has allowed the set up of a safe, rapid, economic, non-invasive and

highly reliable method for the detection of enzymatic activities in Dried Blood

Spots (DBS). For ethical reasons, the diseases taken into consideration were

primarily those that can already benefit of a therapy.

This study confirms the stability of lysosomal enzymes in DBS for months if

stored at 4°C or lower temperatures; moreover, with DBS a delivery of the

samples at room temperature with no problems of deterioration is feasible, thus

favouring the creation of a few centralized reference laboratories for their


Precision and reproducibility of tests even between different laboratories were

demonstrated in this study, enabling the application of the method to different


First of all it can be used to rapidly evaluate the enzyme bioavailability in single


Since, until now, ERT protocol is standard for all patients (weekly or beweekly

infusions as mg/kg) [116], and since still very little is known on the individual

determinants of therapeutic efficacy, the application of this method to monitor the

enzyme up-take in patients undergoing ERT will facilitate the development of

personalized therapeutic protocols, thus reducing unnecessary treatments and

side effects and leading to a more cost-effective healthcare.

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Enzymatic tests could even be proposed for defined high risk populations

presenting specific symptoms, as it has been reported in several recent studies

on kidney transplant patients, patients with early-onset cryptogenic stroke or with

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, that identified previously unrecognized individuals

with Fabry disease [112,113,114].

Finally, the feasibility of a multiplex assay, allowing the simultaneous analysis of

several enzymes for a high number of samples, represents a necessary condition

to allow LSDs to be included in screening projects.

As was done here for MPS I, it is also possible to implement the multi-test with

assays for other LSDs, as soon as therapies and reagents will be available for


In fact, considering that the general criteria of the World Health Organization to

add a disease in the screening panel are, mainly, the relatively high frequency,

the availability of a treatment and of a reliable test suitable for high throughput

analysis and a lower screening/therapies cost with respect to the care of

untreated patient, LSDs could be a good candidate to be added to the in force

screening programs [98].

My experience in the pilot screening work on Hungarian samples demonstrates

as a project of screening for LSDs is not only feasible, but, with DBS and tandem

mass analysis is also rapid, reliable and easy to organize.

Moreover the protocol optimization conducted in Padova has reduced at a

minimum the possibility to introduce operator’s mistakes and has rendered the

analysis even more sensitive and precise, significantly reducing the risk to obtain

false positive values.

The use of MSMS will offer more internal controls compared to fluorometric test,

in fact analysing several enzyme simultaneously will permit to discriminate if a

positive result is due to a real enzyme deficiency or simply to samples

deterioration (if more than one enzyme present low activity).

Besides, having an internal standard for each enzyme reaction, that undergoes to

the same process of samples, will guarantee an easier critical interpretation of

positive results.

Since the false positive problem is one of the most controversial point in the

decision to include or not LSDs in newborn screening programs, as reported by

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Ross [117], we believe that this optimized protocol could be a challenge in this


On the opposite, there are no doubts that a newborn screening program will be

essential for a precocious identification of true positive samples, and that a

prompt therapeutic intervention in early onset patients will maximize its efficacy

and will also guarantee benefits in terms of patients’ lifestyle and compliance,

families management and sanitary costs.

The time of screening for the late-onset variants, especially for Fabry disease,

and the time to start the therapy in non-symptomatic patients still need to be

critically discussed, since opposite positions are debating and particularly strong

is the position of who discourages the testing of minors for adult onset conditions.

The aim of clinicians is now to overcome this problem: guidelines for diagnostic

confirmation and clinical management of presymptomatic individuals suspected

to have a lysosomal storage disease were recently published [118].

Interestingly, the Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) carrier screening, initiated in the ’70s,

has reduced the birth-rate of Ashkenazi Jews with TSD worldwide by 90%.[119].

Moreover, the positive results in term of clinical outcome in screened populations

(as it was reported for Pompe [30,120] and Krabbe [121]), or in precocious

detected patients [122] strongly support the screening direction; this tendency

was recently confirmed with the insertion of LSDs in the screening panel of the

State of New Jersey.



Another relevant question in debating is whether the test should be applied to the

most common disorders or if it should be limited to pathologies for which an early

diagnosis would allow early treatment: Hayes and colleagues assessed the

opinions of parents of MPS patients regarding the possibility of newborn

screening for this condition [123]. Most of them would support it even when

diagnosis would not lead to the application of a therapeutic protocol.

In addition, a screening program will permit to reveal the real incidence of these

pathologies, too often underestimated, with an important fallout both on the

attention of the medical community to LSDs, and on the future plans of National

Health Care Systems with respect to these disorders.

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An early detection of pathologic mutation will be the basis for genetic counseling

on reproductive risk or prenatal diagnosis.

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I wish to thank Dr. Giuseppe Giordano (Laboratory of Tandem Mass

Spectrometry, Department of Pediatrics, University of Padova) and

his working group (Dr. Gucciardi, Dr. Pirillo and Dr. Di Gangi) for their

important help in the optimization of the MS/MS procedure and Dr.

Annachiara Frigo (Department of Environmental Medicine and Public

Health, Biostatistic and Epidemiology Unit, University of Padova) for

her precious contribution on statistical analysis of the data.

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Appendix A

A more detailed description of mass spectrometry characteristics

Sample Ionization

According on samples nature and on witch pattern of information you are interested in,

several ionization techniques could be used; they include protonation, deprotonation,

electron ejection, electron capture, cationization, or by transferring a charged molecule

from a condensed phase to the gas phase.

Protonation: a proton is added to on the more basic residues of the molecule, such as amines, to form stable cations, and producing a net positive charge of +1 for every proton added. It is very used for peptides.

M + H+ → MH+

Advantages: many compounds could accept H+; many ionization sources, as ESI, APCI,

FAB, CI and MALDI will generate these species.

Disadvantages: some compounds result not stable to protonation or cannot accept a

proton easily (ex. Carbohydrates or hydrocarbons respectively).

Deprotonation: it is obtained by the removal of a proton from a molecule, giving the net negative charge of -1.

M – H+ → [M-H] –

Advantages: It is very useful for acidic species including phenols, carboxylic acids and

sulfonic acids; it is commonly achieved via MALDI, ESI, FAB or APCI.

Disadvantages: compound specific

Electron ejection: a 1+ net positive charge it is obtained by the ejection of an electron. It is used with relatively non-polar compounds with low molecular weight.

M - e-→ M+

Advantages: associated with electron ionization (EI); it provides molecular mass as well

as fragmentation information.

Disadvantages: it could generate too much fragmentation, it could be difficult to establish

whether the highest mass ion is the molecular mass or a fragment.

Electron capture: a net negative charge of 1- is achieved with capture or absorption of an electron. It is a recommended method for molecules with high electron affinity, as halogenated compounds.

M +e- → M-

Advantages: associated with electron ionization (EI); it provides molecular mass as well

as fragmentation information.

Disadvantages: it could generate too much fragmentation, it could be difficult to establish

whether the highest mass ion is the molecular mass or a fragment.

Cationization: a positively charged ion (other than a proton, ex. alkali, ammonium) is added to a neutral molecule to form a non- covalent charged complex. Since the

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charge remains localized on the cation, the fragmentation is minimized. Carbohydrates are excellent candidates for this ionization mechanism with Na+.

M + Cation+ → MCation+

Advantages: many compounds will accept a cation, such as Na+ or K+; many ionization

sources could generate these species: ESI, APCI, FAB and MALDI.

Disadvantages: cationized molecules give limited fragmentation information in tandem

mass spectrometry experiments.

Transfer of a charged molecule to the gas phase: a compound already charged in solution is transferred through the desorption or ejection of a charged species from the condensed phase into the gas phase.

M+solution → M+ gas

Advantages: useful when the samples is already charged; many ionization sources could

generate these species: ESI, APCI, FAB and MALDI.

Disadvantages: only for pre-charged ions.

Ionization sources

Electrospray Ionization (ESI) The first electrospray experiments date back to the 1930s (Chapman), but it’s only in the late 60s that Dole coupled electrospray ionization and mass analysis, and discovered the phenomenon of multiple charging of molecules. The ESI modern technique and its application to biological macromolecules warranted Fenn the Nobel prize in 2002. ESI is a soft desorption ionization method routinely used with fairly large mass molecules, as peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, small oligonucleotides ext. It produces gaseous ionized molecules from liquid solution, at atmospheric pressure, by mixing the sample with a polar solvent, and pumping it through a stainless steel capillary which carries between 10-6 and 10-7 mV. The needle to which the potential is applied serves to disperse the solution into a fine spry of charged droplets (“Taylor cone”) that undergo electrophoretic movement in response to the imposed electric field. In the positive ion mode, anions migrate in the direction of the capillary, while cations migrate in the direction of the counter-electrode (vice versa for the negative ion mode). Dry gas or heat, or both could be applied to the droplets at atmospheric pressure causing the solvent evaporation, the consequent reduction in droplet size and the increase of charge density. When the electrostatic repulsion becomes equal to the surface tension force, the “Rayleigh stability limit”, droplets undergo to the “Coulomb fission”, a process that produce smaller droplets. This event may occur several times, until small droplets contain one or more charge but only a single analyte molecule. It is called “charged residue model” and it was the first mechanism initially proposed by Dole and co-workers. Another mechanism, the “ion evaporation mechanism” was proposed later by Iribarne and Thomson. They hypothesized, that a certain point before the Rayleigh stability limit, the electric field on the surface of the droplets is sufficient high that solvated ions may be emitted into the gas phase. It is possible that the two mechanisms may actually work in concert: the charge residue mechanism dominant for masses higher than 3000 Da while ion evaporation dominant for lower masses.

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In either cases emerging ions are directed into an orifice through electrostatic lenses leading to the vacuum of the mass analyzer. Since ESI involves the continuous introduction of solution, it is suitable for using as an interface with HPLC or capillary electrophoresis. Advantages: practical mass range up to 70 000 Da, good sensitivity (high femtomole to

low picomole), adaptable to liquid chromatography and to tandem mass analysis,

multiple charging allows for analysis of high mass ions with a relatively low m/z

instrument, no matrix interference, no sample degradation.

Disadvantages: carryover from sample to sample, essential sample purity, not ideal for

complex mixtures.

Nano Electrospray ionization (nano-ESI) It was originally described by Wilm and Mann (1996), and it utilized the same ESI fundamental ionization process. The main differences between conventional electrospray and nano-ESI is its 1-2 µm spraying orifice, its very low flow rate of ~20nL/min (nowadays even few nL/min), the smaller size of droplets it generates and the absence of solvent pumps and inlet valves. It is typically used for peptides and proteins and strongly recommended for impure samples, as peptide mixtures. Advantages: mass range up to 70 000 Da, few µl of samples needed, less interference effects of salts or other species, high sensitivity (high zeptomole to low femtomole), very useful for impure mixtures, freedom to choose solvents in a wide range of composition and pH, no sample degradation.

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) Although ESI and APCI were published in parallel, APCI was not widely used until the late 80s. The sample solution is introduced directly in the ionization source, that contains an heater vaporizer which allows a rapid vaporization of the droplets. Vaporized molecules are then carried through an ion-molecule reacting region at atmospheric pressure. Here a corona discharge produces primary ions, N2

+, N4+ by electron ionization; the

collision of these ions with the vaporized solvent molecules produces secondary reactant gas ion as H3O

+, or (H2O)nH+ that undergo to repeated collision with the analyte resulting

in the formation of the analyte ions. Proton transfer, MH+ reactions or electron transfer or proton loss, [M-H]-, occurs in the positive or in the negative mode. Finally ions enter in the pumping and focusing stage. Advantages: mass range up to 1200 Da, combination with HPLC or other separation techniques, spectra of predominantly molecular species and adduct ions with very little fragmentation, useful for very large and neutral molecules as lipids. Disadvantages: not for thermally labile compounds, no multiple charging, lower sensitivity than ESI (high femtomole).

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) It was first introduced, in 1988, by Hillenkamp and Kavas: it is a solid phase techniques that uses a laser energy for a non destructive vaporization and ionization of both large and small biomolecules. The analyte is co-crystallize with a matrix compound in large molar excess, usually a UV-absorbing weak organic acid; a laser irradiation of this mixture results in the vaporization of the matrix, which carries the analyte with it.

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The matrix has a double function, on one hand it plays a key role by strongly absorbing the laser light energy and causing indirectly the analyte vaporization. On the other hand it serves as proton donor and receptor providing the analyte ionization both in positive and negative modes.Two main theories have been proposed for desorption of large molecules by MALDI: the “thermal spike model” and the “pressure pulse theory”.The first assumes that the matrix molecules sublime from the surface due to a local laser heating at low fluence; poor vibrational coupling between matrix and analyte lead to a low fragmentation level. The pressure pulse theory provides that large molecules are desorpted by a momentum transfer from collision with matrix molecules, thanks to a pressure gradient from the matrix normal to the surface. In any case ionization (generally protonation or cationization) depends critically on matrix-analyte interactions.

Advantages: good for analysis of complex biological samples and for synthetic polymers which have low volatility, low to high femtomole sensitivity, good for masses bigger than 200000 Da (up to 300000 Da), little to no fragmentation is possible, tolerance of salts in mill molar concentration Disadvantages: photo-degradation by laser desorption/ionization can occur, not recommended for small molecular weight compounds, because matrix related ions could overlap with mass range of interest, degradation of some compounds if acidic matrix is used, photo degradation and matrix reactions.

Desorption/ionization on silicon (DIOS) It was introduced in 1999 by Siuzdak and co-workers which used a laser irradiation to vaporize and ionize the analytes trapped in a porous silicon. The structured silicon geometry provides a scaffold for retaining solvent and analyte molecules; furthermore the high area surface and the UV absorption properties of the silicon are crucial for the desorption/ionization process. It is also possible to perform different chemical or structural surface modifications to optimize the process. The DIOS technique produces the same low fragmentation level as MALDI, but it supplies, thanks to no matrix interference, a good sensitivity for small molecules. Advantages: mass range up to 3000 Da, little or no fragmentation, no matrix dependence, no interference and consequently low background in the lower mass range, good for complex mixtures, low femtomole to high yoctomole sensitivity. Disadvantages: rapid molecular degradation observed upon direct exposition to laser irradiation

Fast atom/ion bombardment (FAB) Similar to MALDI, FAB provides a matrix and a highly energetic beam of particles to desorb ions from a surface. FAB technology uses a non-volatile liquid matrix to constantly supply new sample to the surface as it is bombarded by the incident ion beam. Matrix, commonly n-nitrobenzyl alcohol and glycerol, also prevents the analyte from degradation by adsorbing most of the incident energy. Unlike MALDI, FAB uses a continuous ion beam of Xe neutral atoms or Cs+ ions to sputter sample and matrix in the gas phase; the analytes could be charged before desorption or they may become charged during FAB through reactions with surrounding molecules or ions. In FAB spectrum matrix ions and protonated/cationized molecular ions of analyte are detected. Advantages: mass range up to 7000 Da, good for non-volatile compounds, few fragmentation

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Disadvantages: 1000 less sensitive than MALDI, samples should be pure and free of additional salts, buffer etc., matrix interference, matrix reaction and some photo degradation are possible, very limited for complex mixtures, nanomole sensitivity.

Electron ionization (EI) In this hard ionization source for volatile compounds, where the sample is vaporized before be passed through a continuous electron beam, that is generated by heating a filament. The ejected electrons are accelerated with an electric field at 70eV and, impacting with gaseous molecules, they transfer part of their kinetic energy to the analyte. This transfer results in analyte ionization, and the excess of energy taken over by the analytes (not more than 6 eV) leads to some degree of fragmentation. Adoption of this 70 eV standard has allowed to create libraries to identify molecules by their unique fragmentation pattern. It is possible to work both in positive and negative mode, even if electron capture is usually much less efficient than electron ejection, but it is recommended for high electron affinity samples. An EI source is often coupled with a gas chromatography capillary that provides analytes separation. Advantages: high fragmentation, no matrix interference, picomole sensitivity Disadvantages: limited mass range (up to 500 Da) due to thermal desorption requirement, only for thermally stable molecules, not so useful with complex mixtures, unless used with GC

Chemical ionization (CI) Ideal for volatile compound that do not give molecular ions in EI. In this technology a reagent gas ( Methane, isobutene, ammonia) is used to transfer proton to the sample, producing (M+H)+ ions, that have not much tendency to fragment, being even electron species and little excess energy is imported to them. The reagent gas is ionized by an electron beam, and the resulting ions, at high pressure, undergo a complex series of ion-molecules reaction to produces charged species that finally collide with the analyte that gives or takes a proton. For analytes that have electron-capturing moieties (ex. fluorine atoms or nitrobenzyl groups), negative chemical ionization is used, with the limit that molecules are often chemically modified with an electron capturing moiety prior analysis. Advantages: Ion fragmentation determines the number of labile hydrogenous, it is possible to selectively ionize ammine, limited but powerful approach for certain derivatized molecules such as steroids, no matrix interference, picomole sensitivity. Disadvantages: limited mass range (up to 500 Da), only for volatile and thermally stable compounds, not so useful with complex mixtures, unless used with GC.

Mass analyzer

Magnetic sector A magnetic sector alone will separate ions according their m/z. An electric field is used to accelerate ions into a magnetic field, perpendicular to the direction of ion motion, where they assume a circular trajectory with a radius that depends on the speed of the ion, the magnetic field strength and the ion m/z. However, since ions leaving the ion source do not all have exactly the same energy and therefore do not have exactly the same velocity, the resolution will be quite low. In order to improve this, it is necessary to add an electric sector, with a force perpendicular to the direction of ion motion as well, to focuses ions according to their kinetic energy.

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The most common way to use this double sector instrument is keeping the accelerating potential and the electric sector at a constant potential and to varying the magnetic field. Ions that have a constant kinetic energy, but different mass-to-charge ratio are brought into focus at the detector slit. An alternative is to hold the magnetic field constant and scan the electric potential. This has the advantage that the electric field is not subject to hysteresis, so the relationshipbetween mass-to-charge ratio and accelerating voltage is a simple linear relationship. These double-focusing mass analyzers are used with ESI, FAB and EI ionization, but owing to their large size and the success of time-of-flight, and of the quadrupole and Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS) analyzers with ESI and MALDI, they are not widely used.


Accuracy: < 5ppm Resolution: 30 000 m/z range: 10 000 Scan speed: ~a second Tandem mass: MS MS, but with limited resolution, high collision energy

It is the “classical” model against which other mass analyzers are compared, very high reproducibility, best quantitative performance of all mass spectrometer analyzers, high sensitivity and high dynamic range.

Disadvantages: Not well-suited for pulsed ionization methods as MALDI, usually larger and higher cost than other mass analyzers.

Quadrupole The most common mass analyzer in existence today is the quadrupole, used with EI source since the 1950s, and then coupled with ESI and APCI. It is made up of 4 axial roads through witch ion pass on their way to the detector. Roads, positives and negatives, are coupled two by two, and they are connected to a radio frequency (RF) generator and a DC potential.

What’s happened to ions when they pass through the quadrupole, in positive ion scan?

o First electrodes pair (with a positive DC): since RF has a positive and a negative phase, during the first one ions are pressed in the centre between bars, instead during the negative phase ions tend to deviate from the centre according to the electrodes distance. Lightest ions will oscillate more and they will be lost.

o Second electrodes couple,(with a negative DC): during the negative phase ions stay closed to the negative electrodes, while during the positive phase ions are pressed in the centre. In this case are heaviest ions that will be lost.

A logical consequence is that varying DC potential (U) and the applied RF potential (V(t)) and the RF frequency (omega) is possible to select which m/z ions are allowed to reach the detector. Considering two parameters a and q, is possible to identify the region of ion stability, being:

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a: 4eU


q : 2eV


The area at the apex of the stable region identifies the ions that will reach the detector. It is possible to vary U and V maintaining a/q=(2U/V) constant and consequently changing the slope of the scan line: decreasing the slop means to decrease the resolution because more ions will be detected and vice versa.


Accuracy: 100ppm Resolution: 4 000 m/z range: 4 000 (very useful for proteins and biomolecules ionized by EI that produce charge distribution from m/z 1000 to 3500) Scan speed: ~a second Tandem mass: Triple quadrupole, good accuracy and good resolution, low-energy collisions.

It tolerates quite high pressure, it is a relatively low cost instrument with a good reproducibility and it is easy to switch pos/neg ions.

Disadvantages: limited resolution, peak heights variable as a function of mass (mass discrimination), not recommended for pulsed ionization methods.

Ion traps Quadrupole ion trap or Paul trap Three different subtypes have been developed depending on space configuration: the three-dimentional trap (quadrupole ion trap QIT), the linear trap (Linear trap quadrupole LTQ) and the cylindrical ion trap. Generally an ion trap is made by three hyperbolic electrodes: a central ring, an entrance and an exit end caps electrodes that form a cavity in which ions are trapped. A DC potential is applied to the two end caps, instead an RF potential of constant frequency but variable amplitude is applied to the ring electrode to produce a three-dimensional potential field within the trap. Ions are created by EI, ESI or MALDI and are focused and pumped into the ion trap by an electrostatic ion gate that pulses open (-V) and closed (+V), once inside the trap they start a stable oscillating trajectory. Usually ion traps are filled with helium (1 mtorr) that, increasing molecule collisions, lead to decrease ions kinetic energy and to focus ions in the centre of the trap. The following formula describes ion motion according some parameters: the trap size (r), the oscillating frequency of the fundamental RF (w) and the amplitude of the voltage of the ring electrode (V).

qz = 4eV/mr2w2

To eject ions two ways are possible: the “Mass-selective axial instability mode” or the “Resonant Ejection mode”. In the first case a mass spectrum is generated by sequentially ejecting ions from low m/z to high m/z by varying amplitudes of the fundamental RF potential at the ring electrode,

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that sequentially make ion trajectories unstable. Ions are ejected through a hole in the end cap and detected using an electron multiplier. In the second mode beside the RF potential at the ring electrode, an additional oscillating RF (AC) is applied at the end caps, so that ions are excited by resonance with the AC potential. The motion of ions with the same m/z, influenced by the AC, becomes bigger, and they are ejected together. The very nature of trapping and ejection makes a quadrupolar ion trap especially suited to performing MSn experiments in structural elucidation studies. It is possible to selectively isolate a particular m/z in the trap by ejecting all the other ions from the trap. Fragmentation of this isolated precursor ion can then be induced by CID experiments. The isolation and fragmentation steps can be repeated a number or times and is only limited by the trapping efficiency of the instrument.

Static trap or Penning trap A Penning trap is structurally very similar to Paul trap, but it uses a combination of a strong homogeneous axial magnetic field to confine particles radially and a quadrupole electric field to confine the particles axially. The motion of the ions in the resulting total potential is now a complex orbit composed of three independent harmonic motions: the epitrochoid. The sum of these two frequencies is the cyclotron frequency, which depends only on the m/z and on the strength of the magnetic field. This frequency can be measured very accurately and can be used to measure the masses of charged particles.

Advantages: comparing to a Paul trap it has many advantages: there is no micro-motion and resultant heating of the ion due to dynamic fields, it can be made larger maintaining strong trapping, and moreover Penning-trapped particles can be cooled to an extent that renders second-order Doppler shifts negligible.

Characteristics Accuracy: 100ppm Resolution: 4 000 m/z range: 4 000 Scan speed: ~a second Tandem mass: MSn, good accuracy, good resolution and low energy collision. It is easy to switch pos/neg ions.

Fourier transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) It was first published in the middle1950s but it remained a largely academic tool until the application of FT methods in the early 1970s. The ion trap has a cubic shape with six electrodes faces coupled two by two, and it is located inside a high magnetic field (4,7 to 13 tesla), with a pressure in the range of 10-10- 10-11mBar, and a temperature closes to the absolute zero. Ions that enter in that cell acquire a circular motion, whose frequency is dependent on their m/z ratio, but at this stage no signal is detected since the radius of their motion is too small. It is then possible to apply a swept RF pulse across the excitation plates of the cell, so that each individual excitation frequency will couple with the ion natural motion. The "resonant" ions will absorb energy and the size of their orbit will increase until they they induce an alternating current between the detector plates. The frequency of this current is the same as the cyclotron frequency of the ions and the intensity is proportional to the number of ions.

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When the RF gets out of resonance for a particular m/z the ions go back to their natural orbit, and the next m/z packet is excited. The rapid RF sweep applied will produce an image current that contain frequency components from all of the mass-to-charge ratios. The various frequencies and their relative abundances can be extracted mathematically by using a Fourier transform which converts a time-domain signal (the image currents) to a frequency-domain spectrum (the mass spectrum).

Characteristics Accuracy: <5 ppm Resolution: 100 000 m/z range: 10 000 Scan speed: ~a second Tandem mass: MSn, excellent accuracy and resolution of product ions. It can be coupled with MALDI.

Disadvantages: limited dynamic range, influenced by space charge effects and ion molecule reactions, artefacts such as harmonics and sidebands are present in the mass spectra Time of flight (TOF) It is the simplest mass analyzer, based on the principle that when molecules are given the same amount of energy, they migrate along a drift zone to a detector within different times, according to their mass. The equation governing TOF separation is:


E is the extraction pulse potential s is the length of flight tube over which E is applied d is the length of field free drift zone t is the measured time-of-flight of the ion

At the end of the drift zone a series of electric field (reflectron) are applied to re-pulse the ions back along the flight tube. The aim is to solve the problem of the existence, for each discrete m/z, of a distribution of kinetic energy due to the fact that the pulse is not felt by all ions to the same intensity. At first TOF analyzers were coupled with a pulsed ion source, as MALDI, because ions have to enter in the analyzer at the same time; nowadays electrospray has also been adapted where the ions from the continuous ESI source can be stored in the hexapole (or octapole) ion guide then pulsed into the TOF analyzer. Thus, the necessary electrostatic pulsing creates a time zero from which the TOF measurements can begin.

Characteristics Accuracy: 200 ppm, 10 ppm with reflectron Resolution: 8 000, 15 000 with reflectron m/z range: 4 000 Scan speed: milliseconds Tandem mass: only with reflectron, by taking advantage of MALDI fragmentation. The reflectron takes advantage of the fact that the fragment ions have different

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kinetic energies and separates them based on how deeply the ions penetrate the reflectron field, thus producing a fragment ion spectrum

It can be coupled it with MALDI, ESI and Gas Chromatography and it present an extreme sensitivity.

Disadvantages: fast digitizers used in TOF can have limited dynamic range, limited precursor-ion selectivity for most MS/MS experiments.

Quad-TOF mass analyzer It combines the stability of a quadrupole analyzer with the high efficiency, sensitivity, and accuracy of a time-of-flight reflectron mass analyzer. The quadrupole can act as a simple analyzer that scan a specific mass range or can select a particular ion that will be fragmented in the collision cell; the TOF analyzer has the great capability to achieve simultaneous and accurate measurements of ions across the full mass range.

Characteristics Accuracy: 10 ppm Resolution: 10 000 m/z range: 10 000 Scan speed: ~a second Tandem mass: MSMS, excellent accuracy, good resolution. Low energy collision and high sensitivity

Ion detector o Faraday cup or cylinder

It uses a dynode electrode made of a secondary emitting material like CsSb, GaP or BeO. The ions strike the dynode surface which emits electrons, creating a positive charge on the detector and so induced a current which is amplified and recorded. It is not so sensitive but it is very robust, recommended for isotope analysis and IRMS.

o The electron multiplier It is an extending of the Faraday Cup: the first type of multiplier is made up of a series (12 to 24) of Aluminium Oxide dynodes maintained at increasing potential and resulting in a series of amplifications. The second type, called “Channel Multiplier” has a curved continuous dynode where ion collision with the dynode surface generate amplifications. The secondary ions so generated, are attracted either to the second dynode held at higher potential, or into the continuous dynode generating a repeated process that ultimates in a cascade of electrons.

Advantages: It is very useful especially when positive and negative ions need to be detected in the same instrument, amplification of the order of 1 million to 1.

o The photomultiplier or scintillation counter In this way the secondary electrons, emitted after the ion impact with a dynode, strike a phosphorous screen which in turn release a burst of photons. Then these photons are amplified through a photomultiplier in a cascade fashion.

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Advantages: the multiplier can be kept sealed in a vacuum preventing contaminations and extending the lifetime of the detector.

o Array detector Typically used with magnetic sectors, it is made by a group of individual detectors, aligned in an array format, that spatially detect ions according to their different m/z.

Advantages: scanning is not necessary and therefore sensitivity is improved (over a small mass range).

o Charge (or inductive) detector It is widely used in FTMS to generate an image current of a ion. It simply recognizes a moving charge particle that passes through a plate and induces a current on the plate Advantages: independent of ion size

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Appendix B Blank sample. Products and Internal Standards signals.

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Low activity control sample. Products and Internal Standards signals

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High activity control sample. Products and Internal Standards signals

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