Session12 J2ME Generic Connection Framework

Outline-session 12 (21-April- 2009) >> GCF(Generic Connection Framework) -Connection Hierarchy -HTTP Connection -Creating a Connection -Client Request -Server Response -Connection Information -Get and POST with JavaServlet and JDBC.

Transcript of Session12 J2ME Generic Connection Framework

Outline-session 12 (21-April-2009)

>> GCF(Generic Connection Framework)-Connection Hierarchy-HTTP Connection

-Creating a Connection-Client Request-Server Response-Connection Information-Get and POST with JavaServlet and JDBC.

Connection Hierarchy>> Weighing in at nearly 200 kilobytes, the 100+ classes and interfaces in J2SE and will exceed the resources available on many mobile devices.

>> To provide an extensible framework for i/o and networking, the GCF was developed.

>> one class, the Connector, that can create any type of connection>> file, http, datagram, and so forth>> open method has the following form.Connector.Open("protocol:address;parameters")Examples:>>Connector.Open("");>>Connector.Open("socket://someaddress:1234");>>Connector.Open("file://testdata.txt");

Connection Hierarchy>> How the protocols are resolved is where the flexibility of the GCF comes

into play.>> At runtime,Connector looks for the appropriate class that implements the

requested protocol.>> This is done using Class.forName()>> file, http, datagram, and so forth>> A request to open a HTTP connection in J2MEClass.forName(""); >> an object is returned that implements a Connection interface>> The Connector class and Connection interfaces are defined in CLDC

Connection Hierarchy>>

>> The actual implementation of the protocol(s) is at the Profile level.>> HttpConnection extends ContentConnection and in turn provides over 20

methods for working specifically with HTTP.

Connection Hierarchy • Connection (public abstract interface Connection)

– public void close()

• InputConnection (public abstract interface InputConnection extends• Connection)

– public InputStream openInputStream()– public DataInputStream openDataInputStream()

• OutputConnection (public abstract interface OutputConnection extends Connection)– public OutputStream openOutputStream()– public DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream()

• StreamConnection (public abstract interface StreamConnection extends InputConnection,OutputConnection)– ContentConnection (public abstract interface

– ContentConnection extends Stream Connection)– public long getLength()– public String getEncoding()– public String getType()

• HttpConnection (public interface HttpConnection extends ContentConnection)– Connector (public class Connector)– public static Connection open(String name)– public static Connection open(String name, int mode)

– public static Connection open(String name, int mode, booleantimeouts)– public static DataInputStream openDataInputStream(String name)– public static DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream(String name)– public static InputStream openInputStream(String name)– public static OutputStream openOutputStream(String name)

HTTP Connection

>> In MIDP 1.0 the only protocol that is guaranteed to be implemented is http>> Through the class HttpConnection you can communicate with a web server or any

remote device that supports HTTP>>HTTP Operation:

-HTTP is Known as Request/Response Protocol-A client Initiate the request ,send to the server with an address specified as a

Uniform Resource Locater-Server send the response back.

Creating Connection>>Connecter method has seven method to create connection with a server.>>There are three variation of methods.

- The first requires only the address of the server- second method accepts a mode for reading/writing– The third option includes a Boolean flag that indicates if the caller of

the method can manage timeout exceptions– The remaining– methods open various input and output streams.

>>Implementation// Create a ContentConnectionString url = ""ContentConnection connection =(ContentConnection);InputStream iStrm = connection.openInputStream();int length = (int) connection.getLength();if (length > 0){byte imageData[] = new byte[length];// Read the data into an;}

CLDC Connector Method and Modes

CLDC Connector Method and Modes

>> Sample –using ContentConnection>> Sample Using InputStream

Client Request

>> HTTP is referred to as a request/response protocol>>A client requests information, a server sends a response>>The most common example is the interaction between a web browser (the

client) and a web serverRequest Method>> Client request , known as the request entity, consist of three Section

-Request Method-Request Header-Request Body

>>There are three request methods are available they are-Get

Client Request>>GET and POST, what differs is how data from the client is transferred to the

server>>HttpConnection http = null;http = (HttpConnection);http.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET);

Client RequestUsing GET>>Using GET, the body (data) of the request becomes part of the URL>>URL Form>>Notice the "?" after the URL. This signifies the end of the URL and start of

the form data. All information is sent through "key-value" pairs such as userColor=blue, userFont=courier. [5]Multiple key-value pairs are separated with "&".

Using POST>>Data submitted using POST is sent separately from the call to the URL.>>The request to open a connection to a URL is sent as one stream, any data

is sent as a separate stream>>There are two major benefits of POST over GET• POST has no limit to the amount of data that can be sent• POST sends data as a separate stream; therefore, the contents are not

visible as part of the URL.

Client RequestHeader Information>> The second part of a client request is header information>> The HTTP protocol defines over 40 header fields>> Some of the more common are Accept, Cache-Control, Content-Type,

Expires, If-Modified-Since and User-Agent>> Headers are set by calling setRequestProperty().HttpConnection http = null;http = (HttpConnection);http.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET); http.setRequestProperty("If-

Modified-Since“,"Mon, 16 Jul 2001 22:54:26 GMT");Body>> Data to be transferred from the client to the server is referred to as the

body of the request>> GET sends the body as part of the URL. POST sends the body in a separate


Server Response>>Once a client has packaged together the request method, header and

body, and sent it over the network>>it is now up to the server to interpret the request and generate a response

known as the response entity>>client request, a server response consists of three sections• status line,• header and • BodyStatus Line>>The status line indicates the outcome of the client request>>For HttpConnection, there are over 35 status codes reported>>HTTP divides the codes into three broad categories based on the numeric

value mapped to the code

Server ResponseStatus Line• 1xx—information• 2xx—success• 3xx—redirection• 4xx—client errors• 5xx—server errors>>When sending a response, a server includes the protocol version number

along with the status code.• HTTP/1.1 200 OK• HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request• HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error>>http.getResponseMessage();>>http.getResponseCode();

Server ResponseHeader >>Like the client, the server can send information through a header>>These key-value pairs can be retrieved in various shapes and forms through

the methods>>

>>// Header field at index 0: "content-type=text/plain"http.getHeaderField(0); // "text-plain"http.getHeaderField("content-type"); // "text-plain"http.getHeaderFieldKey(0); // "content-type"

Server ResponseBody>>The body is the data sent from the server to the client>>There are no methods defined in HttpConnection for reading the body>>The most common means to obtain the body is through a stream>>Example: Download a Fileurl =";HttpConnection http = null;…// Create the connectionhttp = (HttpConnection);The client request is straightforward:• //----------------// Client Request//----------------// 1) Send request methodhttp.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET);// 2) Send header information (this header is optional)http.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");// 3) Send body/data - No data for this request

Server ResponseServer Response• //----------------// Server Response//----------------// • 1) Get status Line• System.out.println("Msg: " + http.getResponseMessage());• System.out.println("Code: " + http.getResponseCode());• // 2) Get header information• if (http.getResponseCode() == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)• {• System.out.println("field 0: " + http.getHeaderField(0));• ...• System.out.println("key 0: " + http.getHeaderFieldKey(0));• ...• System.out.println("content: " +• http.getHeaderField("content-type"));• ...

Server ResponseServer Response• 3) Get data (show the file contents)• String str;iStrm = http.openInputStream();int length = (int) http.getLength();if

(length != -1){// Read data in one chunkbyte serverData[] = new byte[length];•;str = new String(serverData);}• else // Length not available...• {• ByteArrayOutputStream bStrm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();• // Read data one character at a time• int ch;• while ((ch = != -1)• bStrm.write(ch);• str = new String(bStrm.toByteArray());• bStrm.close();• }System.out.println("File Contents: " + str);}

Connection InformationIntroduction:>> Once a connection has been established, there are several methods

available to obtain information about the connection.

• System.out.println("Host: " + http.getHost());System.out.println("Port: " + http.getPort());System.out.println("Type: " + http.getType());

• Host:• Post: 80• Type: plain/text

Get and POST to Java Servlet and JDBCIntroduction:>> Constructing a client request using GET and POST are different enough to

warrant an example>> will connect with a Java servlet to look up a bank account balanceClient Request>> The main Form will hold two TextFields, an account number and password>> Once the form has been completed and the user chooses the "Menu"

option, there will be a choice as to the request method for sending the data

>> The account information will be stored in a database, named acctInfo, located on the same machine as the servlet.

>> The database, acctInfo,will contain three columns (account, password, balance)

Using Get Method// Data is passed at the end of url for GETString url =""

+"?" +"account=" + tfAcct.getString() + "&" +"password=" +

tfPwd.getString();try{http = (HttpConnection);//----------------// Client Request//----------------// 1) Send request methodhttp.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET);// 2) Send header information - none// 3) Send body/data - data is at the end of URL//----------------// Server Response//----------------iStrm = http.openInputStream();// Three steps are processed in this method callret = processServerResponse(http, iStrm);}

Using POST Method// Data is passed as a separate stream for POST (below)String url ="";Try{http = (HttpConnection);oStrm = http.openOutputStream();//----------------// Client

Request// 1) Send request typehttp.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST);// 2) Send header information. Required for POST to workhttp.setRequestProperty("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");// 3) Send data// Write account numberbyte data[] = ("account=" + tfAcct.getString()).getBytes();oStrm.write(data);// Write passworddata = ("&password=" + tfPwd.getString()).getBytes();oStrm.write(data);oStrm.flush();//----------------// Server Response//----------------iStrm = http.openInputStream();// Three steps are processed in this method callret = processServerResponse(http, iStrm);}


Server Response• A servlet will run one of two methods, depending on whether the client request method is

GET or POST.• doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)• doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)>> how the servlet looks up information in the account databaseprivate String accountLookup(String acct, String pwd){// These will vary depending on your server/databaseClass.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:acctInfo");Statement stmt = con.createStatement();ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select balance from acctInfowhere account = " + acct + "and password = '" + pwd + "'");if ( rs.getString(1);elsereturn null;...}


Updating the Client• Now that the client has sent a request and the server has responded, the MIDlet needs to

interpret the server reply and update the display with the account balance.processServerResponse(HttpConnection http, InputStream iStrm){//Reset error messageerrorMsg = null;// 1) Get status Lineif (http.getResponseCode() ==

HttpConnection.HTTP_OK){// 2) Get header information - none// 3) Get body (data)int length = (int) http.getLength();if (length > 0){byte servletData[] = new byte[length];;// Update the string item on the displaysiBalance.setText(new String(servletData));return true;}elseerrorMsg = new String("Unable to read data");}else// Use message from the servleterrorMsg = new String(http.getResponseMessage());return false;}
