Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda

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Transcript of Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda

  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


    Gfomfr kom jkom4

    jfssios erih kocoajuscvf `uscofss

    himfj co Vgkomk

    Hkrck Bkrtj

    ]fabocakj Kmvcsfr, ^ijcay kom

    ]fabocakj Kmvcsiry Mcvcscio,



    HM@-spiosirfm wirlsbip,Hkocjk, Duof 0 =, 0>;=

    Mcsajkchfr4 ]bf vcfws fxprfssfm co tbcs pkpfr/prfsfotktcio krf tbf vcfws ie tbf kutbir kom mi oit ofafsskrcjy rfejfat tbf vcfws ir pijcacfs ie tbf KsckoMfvfjiphfot @kol (KM@), ir cts @ikrm ie Givfroirs, ir tbf givfrohfots tbfy rfprfsfot. KM@ mifs oit gukrkotff tbf kaaurkay ie tbf mktk coajumfm co tbcs

    pkpfr kom kaafpts oi rfspiosc`cjcty eir koy aiosfqufoaf ie tbfcr usf. ]frhcoijigy usfm hky oit ofafsskrcjy `f aioscstfot wctb KM@ ieecackj tfrhs.

  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


    UIM^`uscofss himfj Qhkjjbijmfr ekrhfrs, prcvktf sfatir, Givfrohfot

    Qhkjjbijmfr ekrhfrs (;5;> ekrhfrs, coaj 672 wihfo)

    ^rcvktf sfatir4 privcmfs sfrvcafs ti

    ekrhfrs (qukjcty coputs, kssurfm hkrlft,trkcocog io qukjcty stkomkrm)< ouajfus

    fstktf kom aiotrkat ekrhcog

    Givfrohfot4 purabksfm kom jfksfm

    jkom eir ouajfus stktf, suppirtsshkjjbijmfr covijvfhfot (LI^G]) (15% wihfo)< =6> kjrfkmy bkrvfstcogVQM 31>/bk oft priect (57%) ketfr rfpkyhfot

    Coputs, jikos, sfrvcafs Erfsb eructs

    Coerkstruaturf (rikms, wktfr

    trkospirt)VQM ;> H

    JikoVQM ;6 H




    @ikrm hfh`frs Ecokoackjsuppirt

    Icj ^kjh

    Vgkomk Jtm

    Icj rfecofry(VQM 7>H


  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


    UIM^ Vgkomkgfomfr kokjyscs kt mfscgo

    ^rikatcvf hfksurfs tbiriugb gfomfr kokjyscs kt mfscgo Wihfos kaafss ti jkom>fhpjiyfm io ouajfus fstktf,6>> co ekrhfr gkrmfos kom ;,5>>mcrfatjy ks ekrhfrs)

    Kmmrfss gfomfr mcspkrcty(biusfbijm hfotircog)

    Chprivfm coerkstruaturf (f.g. 76>lh ie rikm oftwirl kom efrry

    sfrvcaf) kom sfrvcafs (f.g.ecokoackj kom pu`jca)

  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


    UIM^ecrst rfsujts aihhuocty

    ^rimuatcio co itbfr arips,jcvfstial kom aihpjfhfotkrykgrcaujturkj katcvctcfs, tiurcshkom itbfr oio-kgrcaujturkjfotfrprcsfs cs fxpkomcog

    Cjjfgkj jiggcog cs miwo< jfssrfjckoaf io mwcomjcog ecsbstials

    I^VJ Aiotrc`utcio tiLkjkogkjk Mcstrcat cs covfstfmco chprivcog ekacjctcfs (sabiijs,ajcocas, fta.) kom coerkstruaturf(rikms kom fjfatrcacty)

  • 8/12/2019 Session 6. Gender and land: lessons from an inclusive business model in Uganda


    UIM^ - Ecrst rfsujts ekrhfrs

    672 wihfo fogkgfm co tbf pridfat co tbfcr iwo rcgbt