Session 4 Jul 9 2010 Minutes

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Transcript of Session 4 Jul 9 2010 Minutes

  • 7/27/2019 Session 4 Jul 9 2010 Minutes


    Bhagavad Gita (BG) Class Minutes 09JUL2010

    Chapter 1why is this context setting? Whats going on?

    1. We need to build a very strong character2. Collectively a very strong society

    Whats this character building? How do we judge character building?

    1. Ability to handle extreme situationsa. If one is weak , the situations could tear you up

    2. Can we face and handle trauma in life?a. Kathopanishad discusses extensively on death

    3. Can we develop inner strength and mental courage, the indicators of character?4. Can we evolve our mind into a higher plane of existence?

    a. Physical and material evolution do not matter5. Do we have clarity of thought?

    a. Metrics:i. List of things to worry about should come downii. Amount of time being happy should go up

    6. Ability to draw enormous energy from withina. Cites an example of a swamiji who sits cross-legged on floor without

    interruption or any movement for more than twelve hours and stands up from

    that posture just like that without any effort evidence of energy drawn from


    Ch 1: Slokas 26-30:

    - Decision making is not easy always- States all signs of people who are exhausted- Expression of energy coming out negatively

    Ch 1: Sloka 34: Argument 1

    - No motivation for war- End is not selfish we wanted the kingdom for the sake of them whom we are against.

    Ch 1: Slokas 35-36:

    - Even if I perish its OK- Even if the gift of the war is all the universes, I do not need them.- Shows lack of clarity of thought

    o Enormity of the situation and moral dilemma pull you down- When we are in deep crisis, intellect works at its best though negatively!

    Ch 1: Sloka 37: Argument 2:

    - Very convincing by logic

  • 7/27/2019 Session 4 Jul 9 2010 Minutes


    - Needs extraordinary effort to answer thisCh 1: Slokas 38-39:

    - Greed shuts off intellect- Why are we walking into this trap?

    Ch 1: Slokas 40-41:

    - Moment you create a disequilibrium by creating a vacuum by destroying a class, dharmais lost.

    - Dharma is a collection of non-conflicting ideas which maintains perennial sustainability.Ch 1: Slokas 42-44:

    - Hell is an idea not to consider the mythological meaning-

    Disequilibrium these days children are not feeding their parents

    Ch 1: Slokas 43-44:

    - Damages by a war could be irreversible- Why post-war issues could be very serious

    Slide: So What?

    - An organization that is decayed has all these symptoms- Corporate dharma is severely challenged

    oWhats the point of profits if you are not going to exist after 5 years?!

    Where is the question of painting without a wall?- Weaker section honest, soft people become vulnerable in the organization- Hell: Chaos, nepotism and unprofessional ambience in the organization- Merit and performance become uncared for- These effects would cause permanent damage to the organization

    Question by a student: Is means important or the end?

    - There is no dichotomy between the means and the ends- With dharma, both of these cannot go in conflict- Means and ends together should not create a disequilibrium- The whole challenge is in knowing if the means and ends are in conflict

    Ch 1: Slokas 45-46:

    - We surrender meekly when challengedEssentially, we see that the situation proves to be an acid test for Arjunas character.