Session 3 will begin shortly

Speaker biographies ASIA

Transcript of Session 3 will begin shortly

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Tom was appointed as the first Chief Executive of the Carbon Trust in 2001. Since then, he hasgrown the company to become a world leader, advising businesses and governments on carbonemissions reduction and the development of low carbon technologies, markets and businesses.

More recently, he has taken the company's unique capabilities to China, Singapore, Mexico, Braziland South Africa, extending its mission to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon future.

A chartered engineer, Tom worked for Shell for 16 years in commercial and operations roles in Africaand Europe before moving into management consultancy with McKinsey and A.T. Kearney.

Tom is a member of the UK Energy Research Partnership and the advisory boards of the Centre forClimate Finance and Investment at Imperial College London and the Global CO2 Initiative at theUniversity of Michigan. He studied mechanical engineering at the University of Southampton andcompleted an MBA at INSEAD, Fontainebleau.

In 2018, he was awarded a CBE by the Queen for services to sustainability in business.


Chief Executive

Carbon Trust


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Ms Grace Fu began her career in 1985 with the Overseas Union Bank, and later with the Haw ParGroup, in the areas of corporate planning, financial controls and business development.Ms Fu joined the PSA Corporation in 1995, and took on different responsibilities in finance andmarketing. She held the position of Chief Executive Officer, PSA South East Asia and Japan, whereshe was responsible for the business performance of PSA’s flagship terminals in Singapore,Thailand, Brunei and Japan.

She was appointed Singapore's Minister for Sustainability and the Environment in July 2020, havingpreviously held the roles of Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, and Leader of the House.

She was also involved in a number of committees, including as co-chair of the Singapore-ZhejiangEconomic and Trade Council, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Joint Steering Council, theMinisterial Committee on Ageing and the Economic Strategies Committee.

She enjoys an active lifestyle, which includes running, yoga and hiking. She is married with threesons.


Minister for Sustainability and the Environment


Minister Grace FuASIA

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Our keynote address wears the hat of a Regulator, Market Operator and Business. He led theteam that achieved record results at Bursa Malaysia for FY2020 and 1H2021 as well as theMalaysian equities market. He has a varied background beginning in PriceWaterhouse,Melbourne, then moving on to Banking and was then entrusted to build the reticulated gasnetwork in Peninsular Malaysia. No stranger in the financial industry, he has alsosuccessfully led teams in insurance, banking, takaful and now – in capital markets. He isalso a keen open water swimmer.


Chief Executive

Bursa Malaysia

Datuk Muhamad Umar SwiftASIA

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Jean-Gaetan Guillemaud is the Director of Government Affairs & Sustainability for ZuelligPharma, one of Asia’s leading healthcare services groups aimed at making healthcare moreaccessible. His work is focused on driving social, environmental and health-relatedinitiatives. Through these activities, our sustainability team aims at creating a positive impacton the communities we serve, as well as creating a ripple effect within the healthcare sectorin Asia.


Regional Director –Government Affairs and Sustainability

Zuellig Pharma

Jean-Gaetan GuillemaudASIA

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Brett Marshall is the Vice President of Quality Assurance at Zuellig Pharma, one of thelargest healthcare services groups in Asia with a mission of making healthcare moreaccessible. Based in Singapore, Brett has direct reporting lines from Quality AssuranceHeads in 13 Countries and Quality oversight of Clinical Reach Operations in another 4Countries. Brett is a strong advocate of change for the Quality landscape in Asia. He activelydrives more effective risk management in the Cold Chain, Supplier Management anddigitisation opportunities driving to Industry 4.0 in the Quality space. Originally fromMelbourne, Australia, Brett has a Bachelor's Degree in Transport & Logistics Managementfrom RMIT. He has 25 years’ experience in Executive Management, Logistics & Supply Chain,Business Process Transformation and Quality Assurance and 15 years in the PharmaIndustry. He has spent more than 20 years living in Asia including Indonesia, Thailand, thePhilippines, Bangladesh and now Singapore


Vice President Quality Assurance

Zuellig Pharma

Brett MarshallASIA

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Chris has 15 years’ experience of supporting low carbon development in the energy and landuse sectors of developing countries. He leads the Carbon Trust's activities in Asia andoversees the Carbon Trust's offices in Beijing and Singapore. Chris also coordinates theCarbon Trust’s engagement with various international climate funds, including the GreenClimate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).Before joining the Carbon Trust in 2015, Chris lived in Jakarta where he helped establish andmanage the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)'s Indonesia programme. Prior to this hedirected international parliamentary commissions on global environmental challenges(GLOBE International) and developed a risk analysis tool and rating methodology foremission reduction projects in developing countries (IDEAcarbon).Chris holds a first class Master's degree in Engineering Science from the University ofOxford.


Asia Director

Carbon Trust

Chris StephensASIA

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Chief Sustainability Officer, Mahindra GroupAnirban leads Sustainability at the USD 15 billionMahindra Group. Under his leadership Mahindra hasdeveloped an award-winning Sustainability framework,become the first to have a certified carbon neutralfactory in India, doubled energy productivity in acompany, become water positive and enabled 25locations to become zero waste to landfill. He has, inpartnership with the World Bank, facilitated the creationof the Sustainable Housing Leadership Consortium toaccelerate the spread of green buildings in India.

Anirban has led a shared value project that more thandoubled per capita income for 50,000 rural Indians. Hetakes great pleasure in implementing projects that drivepositive change in society and has been acknowledgedas a “Thought Leader” and a “DistinguishedSustainability Officer”.


EHS Director, Envision GroupEHS Director for Envision Group, in charge of EHS, ESG andCarbon Neutrality Across Operations. Corporate Mentor ofSHUMBA by Shanghai University in Sustainability, ESG andOperations Excellence since 2015.

Formerly being the Director for Asia-Pacific SAINT-GOBAIN incharge of EHS & WCM (World Class Manufacturing ) & LossPrevention & Industry 4.0


Sustainable Development Operational Process Manager and Energy

Efficiency Project Leader, Decathlon

Graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University, MBA. Engaged insustainable development for 6 years, involving human rightsand environmental protection, and focusing on supply chainenergy efficiency improvement projects in the past two yearsParticipate in the implementation of the SBT of the company'ssupply chain and the formulation of the emission reductionroadmap.

Carbon footprinting and net zero target setting



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South East Asia Regional Lead, Commit to Action, ScienceBased Targets initiative and CDPAmelie is the Regional Lead for CDP’s Commit to ActionProgram in the Asia and Oceania regions. Her workfocuses on creating strategic collaborations withregional stakeholders to drive corporate climateambition, as well as engaging and supporting companiesto commit and develop science-based emissionsreduction targets through the Science Based Targetsinitiative.

Amelie previously worked on CDP’s CorporateEngagement team, supporting listed companies in HongKong and Southeast Asia towards environmentalleadership. She also held another role to lead partnershipdevelopment and stakeholder engagement to expandCDP’s work in the APAC region.


Senior Asia Manager, Carbon TrustEloise manages the UK Government’s ASEAN Low CarbonEnergy Programme working across the region to drive energyefficiency and green finance. She is focused on growing theCarbon Trust’s work and impact in Asia.

Previously Eloise was programme manager in London for theoffshore wind team working with governments, wind farmdevelopers and regulators to increase the evidence base andreduce the risk of offshore wind projects. Additionally, Eloisewas a technology manager for the world leading OffshoreWind Accelerator (OWA), Carbon Trust’s flagship research,development and innovation programme. In the OWA, shemanaged multiple research projects with external technologyexperts that were aimed at further reducing the cost of windenergy and renewables.

Eloise has been working on programme delivery in thesustainability field for more than nine years and has notableexperience working in the field of energy efficiency in industryand the sustainable, energy efficient refurbishment ofbuildings.

Carbon footprinting and net zero target setting



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Head of Sustainability, Nestlé Greater China RegionZhang Qi is Head of Sustainability of Nestlé Greater ChinaRegion (GCR), whose key responsibility is to deliver NestléGroup’s Sustainability commitments in GCR through flagshipinitiatives and stakeholder collaborations. He has beenworking for Nestlé for 27 years starting as refrigerationengineer in 1994. From 2005, he spent 13 years in managingSafety, Health and Environmental Sustainability both in NestléGCR and at Nestlé global headquarters in Switzerland. He wasappointed to the current position since July 2018.


Principal Research Engineer, LG KoreaManages product-related regulatory and environmental affairs(chemical, e-waste, eco design, conflict mineral) in electroniccompany, LG Electronics. Previous roles include JSPS Fellow for theSustainability Governance Research Group, Research Institute ofScience for Safety and Sustainability, and Postdoctoral ResearchScientist within the LCA Methodology Research Team, ResearchCentre for Life Cycle Assessment at the National Institute ofAdvanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba,Japan.Education: Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at Ajou University,Suwon, Korea.Honors and Awards: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Societyfor the Promotion of Science; Best Oral Presentation Award, KoreanSociety of Environmental Engineering

Demonstrating action and providing transparency on the route to net zero



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Sustainability Transformation Director (Asia Pacific)

Terrynz joined Tetra Pak in 1996 in Marketing & Research and has spentover 20 years at the company in various roles ranging from marketing,business intelligence, key account management and communications.

In 2005, Terrynz took on the role as Communications & EnvironmentManager and subsequently, in 2007, she was appointed EnvironmentDirector for Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines. Currently, Terrynz is theSustainability Director overseeing Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines andIndonesia market. In parallel to her market responsibility, she is also theSustainability Transformation Director for Asia Pacific region.

In this role, Terrynz is responsible for the strategizing and implementationof Tetra Pak’s environment plans and activities across country market level.This includes developing sustainable business model for beverage cartonrecycling by working closely with key stakeholders across the value chain,driving continuous improvement of recycling solutions throughdevelopment of recycling capacities and network, ensuring active collectionand recycling participation among national waste organisations and othercommercial partners. Part of her role also includes working closely withgovernment agencies, industry organisations, NGO’s, and commercialstakeholders to proactively contribute to legislative/ policy developments.Terrynz is a member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce SustainabilityCommittee and a member of the steering committee of MAREA (MalaysianRecycling Alliance Berhad).

Terrynz graduated from the National University of Malaysia with a degree inBusiness Administration.


General Manager, China Standard Conformity Assessment Co. Ltd. (CSCA)

Since 1986, he has been working in China National Institute of Standardization for

more than 20 years, engaged in standardization and quantity management, and

successively led the development of more than 20 national standards related to

quality management. In 1998, he took a lead to found the China Energy

Conservation Product Certification Center and has been engaged in the filed of

certification so far.

He was one of the core experts who introduced the ISO9000 family standards to

China, and led the development of GB / T19000 quality management system series

national standards.

As the ISO registered expert, he took part in the development of ISO20671,

ISO50001 and ISO17741 series standards。

He has served as vice chairman of ISO / TC176 and Chairman of ISO / TC257. He is

registered expert of ISO / TC289 and ISO / TC309 now.

He serves as Experts for the United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia

and the Pacific (UN / ESCAP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),

the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the

International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Demonstrating action and providing transparency on the route to net zero



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Demonstrating action and providing transparency on the route to net zero




China Director, Carbon TrustLijian manages the Carbon Trust’s China office and oversees all of itsactivities in China, including energy efficiency, greenfinance, offshore wind, corporate advisory services, and productcarbon footprinting. Lijian joined the Carbon Trust from the EnergyFoundation China, where he was the Director of the EnvironmentalManagement Program. Prior to this, he was a Program Officer forEnvironment at The Asia Foundation and Consultant/Auditorat Sinosphere. Lijian holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy andManagement from the International Institute for Industrial EnvironmentalEconomics (IIIEE), Lund University (Sweden), University of Manchester(UK), and Central European University (Hungary). He holds a Bachelor ofPhilosophy from Peking University. He is a visiting scholar at ChinaEnergy Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2015), and aLEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development) Fellow (2006).

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Global Head of ESG Research, Engagement and Voting,Amundi Asset Management

Caroline Le Meaux joined Amundi on July 1st, 2019 and takesthe responsibility of the ESG Research, Engagement andVoting team. She was previously head of the long-terminvestment department at the pension division of Caisse desDépôts et Consignations (CDC) which is the fiduciarymanager of several French pension funds including Ircantecand RAVGDT. She was notably in charge of the SRI strategy,ESG and climate policy. Before that, she was director ofinvestment at FRR Fonds de Réserves des Retraites from2011 to 2014. She was formerly fund manager at BNPPAM,managing Small and Mid-Caps European equities and hasbeen head of quantitative analysis for European equities.

Caroline Le Meaux began her career at Paribas AssetManagement; she is a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) andis a graduate of Paris IX Dauphine University.


Chief Executive, Asia Investment Group for Climate Change (AIGCC)Rebecca is the CEO of IGCC and AIGCC, based in Sydney, bringingover 20 years’ experience in climate change, sustainability andinvestment banking to the role. Rebecca is responsible fordeveloping and delivering the strategy and implementation acrossAIGCC and IGCC, covering investor practice and policy advocacy.She is a member of the global Steering Committee for the ClimateAction 100+ and the Investor Agenda. She joined IGCC in 2012 asDirector of Investor Initiatives, before moving to Executive Directorof AIGCC in 2016. Rebecca became CEO of both organisations inJune 2021. Rebecca has worked in Hong Kong, Europe and Australiain investment banking, working in equity research, credit analysis,commodities and derivatives for groups such as Nomura Securities,BlackRock, Exxon Mobil and JPMorgan. Involvement in earlycorporate sustainability programs in many of her roles was thecatalyst to move into the nascent sustainable finance andinvestment field in Asia where she led ASrIA (Assoc. for Sustainableand Responsible Investment in Asia) in Hong Kong. She is also aboard member of The Orangutan Project that works on directorangutan and habitat conservation in Indonesia. Rebecca has a BA(Asian Studies/Commerce), Dip.Business Administration andspeaks conversational Japanese, French and Czech.

Net zero targets and ambitious commitments –

Making this work for Asian financial institutions



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Head of Sustainable Finance and Investments–ASEAN, HSBCKelvin Tan has been appointed as Head of Sustainable Finance& Investments, Asean for HSBC. His appointment is effective 1September 2021. Prior to taking on this role, Kelvin Tan wasChief Executive Officer of HSBC in Thailand for the past 6 years,managing the bank’s franchise for the country. He wasresponsible for overseeing and growing HSBC’s Wholesale andPrivate Banking business. He also held several other seniorroles during his tenure in Thailand, including the Chairman ofthe Association of International Banks in Thailand and was thefounding member of the Thailand-United Kingdom businessleadership council. Previously, Kelvin Tan held several otherpositions within HSBC, including Head of Commercial Bankingin Singapore and Head of Large Corporates and Conglomeratesin the Singapore Global Banking client management team.Kelvin’s banking career spans over three decades; with a focuson corporates and MNCs across industries in Singapore andAsia Pacific. Prior to joining HSBC Singapore in 2009, hestarted his career with Citibank and had worked at JP Morganand Société Générale. Kelvin holds an MBA(Accountancy)degree from the Nanyang Technological University and aBachelor of Business Administration degree from the NationalUniversity of Singapore.


Executive Director, Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFC), ChinaHU Min has almost 20 years experiences in climate and sustainableenergy policies research and advocacy. She has published articlesand co-edited books on low carbon cities. Hu Min is also ChinaAdvisor for Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program, senior fellow atEnergy Innovation and Non-resident senior fellow at BrookingsInstitute. Hu Min served the Energy Foundation China for over12years as the Program Director for Low Carbon Economic GrowthProgram, and Environmental Management Program. Hu received aBA in Economics, studied doctoral program in environmentaleconomics at Renmin University and MPA from Harvard KennedySchool.

Carbon footprinting and net zero target setting



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Carbon footprinting and net zero target setting




Green Finance Lead, South East Asia, Carbon TrustXin Yi is the South East Asia Green Finance Lead in the Carbon TrustSingapore office. She previously spent five years at a leadingindependent think tank, the Singapore Institute of International Affairs(SIIA), as a Senior Policy Research Analyst (Sustainability) where shefocused on environmental sustainability in ASEAN’s resource sector.She is actively involved in engagement with corporations and thefinancial sector with a view to drive sustainability and deepen cross-sector partnerships. Prior to this, Xin Yi worked at Sustainalytics whereshe evaluated and benchmarked the Environmental, Social andGovernance (ESG) practices of publicly-listed companies in threeindustries: Consumer Discretionary, Food and Utilities. Xin Yi holds aBachelor of Science (Economics) with a second major in PoliticalScience (Public Policy, Development and Management) from theSingapore Management University.