Service, Sustainability, Social Justice …Towards a Coalition?

Service, Sustainability, Social Justice …Towards a Coalition?

Transcript of Service, Sustainability, Social Justice …Towards a Coalition?

Page 1: Service, Sustainability, Social Justice …Towards a Coalition?

Service, Sustainability, Social Justice

…Towards a Coalition?

Page 2: Service, Sustainability, Social Justice …Towards a Coalition?

Global Premises: 21st century USA

Huge demographic changes

Increases in ethnic diversity

Competition for increasingly limited natural resources

Atonement of culture with nature, and/or the end of nature as we know it

Increasing economic inequality

Dwindling/Stagnant social mobility

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Social Justice and Diversity

2012: nonwhite US births become majority

2042: US will be majority persons of color

However, economic and racial segregation is increasing

College may be the first place students encounter diversity

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Sustainability and Resilience Criticism: a ‘luxury’ activity for those with privilege?

Epistemic Closure: Global Warming is a hoax!

What’s a green economy?

BUT, 350ppm CO2 in atmosphere = necessary to sustain life

Currently we are at 400ppm and climbing

Consequences: More powerful natural disasters

Drought and stress to food supply (see California)

Ocean acidification

Fresh water scarcity

Hotter climate

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Poverty vs. The American Dream

2013: 47 million on food stamps

2010: 30% living on <$44,000 for a family of four Or, 104 million people below 200% of poverty line

Great Wealth, Low Social Mobility VS. France, Germany, Canada, Scandinavia, etc.

1950 – 1980: Social Mobility UP*

1980 – Present: Worker Productivity UP

Wages STAGNANTSocial Mobility DOWN*Student Debt = $1.2 Trillion

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Social Justice & Diversity*2012: nonwhite US births become

majority*2042: US populationwill be

majority persons of color*However, economic and racial

segregation is increasing*College may be the first place students encounter diversity

Sustainability & Resilience

*Criticism: a ‘luxury’ activity for those with privilege?

*350ppm CO2 in atmosphere = necessary to

sustain life*Currently we are at 400ppm

and climbing*Apocalyptic

consequences for food, water, climate

Poverty vs. The American Dream

*2013: 47 million on food stamps

*2010: 30% living on <$44,000 for a family of

four. Or, 104 million. *Great Wealth, Low Social

Mobility VS. France, Germany, Canada, Scandinavia, etc

*1950 – 1980: Social Mobility UP

*1980 – Present: Worker Productivity UP

Wages STAGNANTSocial Mobility DOWN

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Argument: These problems are interconnected, yet we as a society do not often address them as such.

Question: How does this connect to Geneva & HWS?

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Geneva Connections: Strengths

28% diverse population 41% of children under 17

Anchor Institutions: Education

Health Care

Small Manufacturing


Agriculture & Local Food

Geneva 2020 Literacy

Graduation Rate

Career-College Readiness

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Geneva Connections: Challenges 8% of property is vacant; 50% is rental

Tension with law enforcement

Segregated populations by race/class + migrant farm workers

Unrepresentative government

Lake/Wine Country or Trash Country?

Fracking and future air/water quality

23% population loss since 1950

26% poverty rate vs. 16% nationally

60% of children in schools on free/reduced lunch = <$31,000 for a family of four

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What If the Periphery Became the Center?

What would a coalition look like?

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Social Justice & Diversity*25% Diverse Population

41% Diverse - age 17 and under*migrant farm worker population

*somewhat segregated local populations

*some tension with law enforcement

Sustainability & Resilience

*Lake/Wine Country or Trash Country?

*Fracking and future air/water quality

*Rich agricultural history and continued economic


Poverty vs. The American Dream*10% vacant housing

*23% population loss since 1950

*24% poverty rate vs. 16% nationally

*60% of schoolchildren on free/reduced lunch =

<$31,000 for a family of four

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Local Connections: HWS as Microcosm

April Syndrome: Symptoms 1: Overwhelming sense of dread

2: Panic

3: Exhaustion

4. …Recovery?

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April Syndrome: “Chicken In The Gym”

Awards, awards, awards…with food!

Events, events, events…with food!

Time & Resources = Limited, Fractured

Attendance = Meh

Impact = Inconsistent

Result = Exhaustion

How Can We Do Better? Example: politics clubs, green clubs

Example: typical student that walks into your office

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How Can We Do Better?

Why are the students interested in environmental activism mostly white and how can we be more inclusive in our environmental programs?

What can community service directors/practitioners learn from diversity directors? sustainability directors?

How can student diversity programs benefit from creating service opportunities in the community?

How can civic engagement efforts build bridges across student subgroups, and move beyond the choir?

Who takes credit?

Is this more work/more time? Or working smarter?

What would be the ideal student learning taking place?

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A Nascent Coalition? – “Justice League” Skidmore 2011 – Angela Park

Stanford Social Innovation Review Collective Impact & When Good Is Not Good Enough

Administrative Story Fits and starts – progress and analysis paralysis

The eternal recurrence of the “Why Are We Here?” discussion

Gaining momentum for 2014/15 – focus on food, Earth Week

“Shared Values and Collaborative Action”

Possible Structures Coalition

Town Hall Meeting

Divisional Focus

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Other Stakeholders

Student Story – “Think. Talk. Act.” Issue areas & Platform

Food options

Town hall meetings/open forums

Faculty Story? – curriculum review

Administrative Focus: A Sense of Place

Other leverage points? Intervening in the system to affect change

Paradigm Shift or Paradigm Transcendence

Interrogate assumptions: freedom, growth, flourishing

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What is our big brain good for?