Service Excellence by balancing operational quality

ISLA Conference, Frankfurt, May 2014 / Service Excellence Page 1 © Siemens AG 2014. All rights reserved Service Excellence by balancing operational quality Ronny Weinig Siemens Switzerland Ltd.

Transcript of Service Excellence by balancing operational quality

Page 1: Service Excellence by balancing operational quality

ISLA Conference, Frankfurt, May 2014 / Service ExcellencePage 1 © Siemens AG 2014. All rights reserved

Service Excellenceby balancing operational qualityRonny WeinigSiemens Switzerland Ltd.

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…and how the human factor influences customersatisfactionan approach for transparency and measurable optimization

Leverage Service @ Siemens Agenda

The meaning of Service and its business impact for Siemens

Corporate Leverage Service @ Siemens Program

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Siemens AG – Facts and Figures

Orders received: € 82.4 billion

Revenue: € 75.9 billion

Profit after tax: € 4.4 billion

Research and Developmentinvestment: € 4.3 billion

362 000 employees globally in approx. 190 countries

Figures per 30.09.2013

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Sector Organization of Siemens todayDedicated service organizations in Sectors

Attractive markets driven by megatrends

Globalization UrbanizationClimate change Demographic change

Fossil Power Generation

Wind Power

Power Transmission

Oil & Gas

Energy Service

Imaging & Therapy

Clinical Products

Customer Solutions


Industry Automation

Drive Technologies

Customer Services

Rail Systems

Mobility and Logistics

Smart Grid

Low & Medium Voltage

Building Technologies

IndustryEnergy Healthcare Infrastructure & Cities

Dedicated Service Organization with P&L

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Business Impact of Service for Siemens


Service is our main interface to our customers

Service as key differentiator for us and our customers

Creates broad installed base with high growth potential

Service is high margin business

Innovation driven by lifecycle data from installed base

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1 increase revenue

2 boost productivity

3 enhance customer satisfaction

Service Business… Go for it !

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Our Customers need knowledge to generate value and stay competitive

We supply our Customers with required knowledge for improved business decisions and business innovation

We create required knowledge based on advanced data analytics

How to turn Knowledge into Customer Value ?

It is the Customer needs that drive Service Excellence and Innovation




Value Generation

Business Innovation

Business Intelligence

Data Analytics



Market demands

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Scope of Leverage Service @ Siemens10 Corporate focus areas to drive innovation & expand service business


Business Innovation

Value Generation


Business Intelligence

Data Analytics




Business Model & Operational Setup

Service Technologies

Service Parts Logistics

Service Culture & Customer Intimacy

Service Processes

Service Communication

Remote Service

Service Transparency

Sales Excellence / Consultative Selling

Project Mgmt @ Siemens

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Lean Processes are the Basis

Clearly defined Service Processes are the basis for successful Service Management

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Is there a common Process Framework for Service in place?


Service Marketing



Project Processing

Service Delivery

Service Lifecycle Support (HW/SW)

Serv. Portfolio Evalua-tion & Developm.

Service Support






Questions for a successful Service business

Management:How do we plan services?How do we want our service reporting to look like?What does our service market look like?

CRMHow do we sell services?How do we manage long-term customer relations?

SCMHow to supply cost-effective services that meets quality needs? How can we supply or support our services on a global level?

PLMHow can we introduce innovations into our services?Which services do we want / plan to offer?What kind of product design do we have for our services?

SupportHow do we monitor and manage our installed base? How do we establish a successful competence management system for services?

Core processes for Services

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Improved performance by process optimizationover a “closed loop” process

Management Control & Performance / Quality Optimization

Service Settlement

ServiceExecution &Reporting

Job Planning& Dispatch

Maintenance Planning


On-call TicketCreation

Cost allocation & Invoice Module

Mobile Front EndWork Scheduling Module

Commercial AdministratorCoordinator / Dispatcher Field Service Engineer






Analysis and Interpretation of

KPIs Reports

ERP System

Process KPI Reports

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Methodical analysis to ensure reliable results


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Sou rce : SE RVO R ® Imp rov eme nt Le ve r W o rksh op s RC Ca na da & C T P P4 – 0 9.-2 5. Au gu st 2 00 4, Toro n to

• Agreed Areasof Improvement

Identificationof Improvement Areas

Identificationof Improvement Levers

Quantification of Improvement Levers

• Agreed financialimpact ofImprovement Levers

Hypothesis for Areas of Improvement

Hypothesis forImprovement Levers (activities)

Calculation Models Potentials and interdependencies of Improvement Levers

Create condition based maintenance plan

Createpredetermined maintenanceplan

Create automated condition based maintenance program

InvoicingJob Planning& Dispatch

Dispatch ofcustomer

Dispatch ofSupportEngineer

Dispatch ofcorrection

Dispatch ofservice part

Reporting & TicketClosure

ClarificationMaintenance, Solution Finding and Repair

Perform off-sitesolutionfinding

Maintenance StrategySet up

Maintenance PlanSet up


Invoic e se rvic es not covered by contract

Dispatch ofthird party

Clarifyproblem by re moteconnectionwith system

Performr emotemaintenance,solution finding& repair

Createticket by pre-dete rminedmaint. plan


Invoic e se rvic es covered by contract

Dispatch ofField ServiceEngineer

Report r esults, close ticke t technica lly

Clarifyproblem with-out remoteconnectionwith system

Performon-sitemaintenance,solution finding& repair

Definemainte nanc estr ategy

Createticket byunscheduledincident


Dispatch ofcustomerpreparation

Dispatch ofmaintenancefacility

Perform on-site inspection

Define corre ctive maintenance actions

Createticket byconditionbasedmaint. plan

Perform r emoteinspection



Area ofImprovementArea ofImprovement Conse-


Area ofImprovementArea ofImprovement


Area of ImprovementArea of Improvement


Area ofImprovementArea ofImprovement


Area ofImprovementArea ofImprovement



• Mapped processes• Analyzed

geographical & organizationalprocesses and roles

• Analyzed Process Metrics

Process & Metrics/KPI Analysis

• Agreed ImprovementLevers (activities)

• Defined impacts, actions, period for implementation and IT relevance

Set-up of Implementation Roadmap

• Defined Road Map for Implementation

Final Presentation

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Creating sustainable value for our customers and Siemens





Definition:“A customer-focused service culture is the sum of values,

traits, behavior & communication of the organization and is very much fostered by a widely established employee-

oriented company culture.

All service activities need to be carried out in order to meet and exceed the customer’s expectations in the

best possible way and to leave an outstanding service experience.

Combined with a trustful relationship and highengagement levels this contributes to

sustainable customer loyalty and a highly profitable business.”

The Siemens Service Culture FrameOur answer to establish a solid foundation for profitable service businesses

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Employee Motivation and Satisfaction

Stage Director Backstage AudienceStage BoxOffice

Perceived Expectations

Strategic Set-upMission VisionStrategy

Portfolio Business ModelBranding

Operational Set-upProcessesOrganizationTechnology

Work EnvironmentPeople / Competencies

New AudienceAdvertisement Other

TheatresThe Line-Up:

Page 14

The Service StageThe Service StageThe Service TheatreThe Service StageThe Service StageThe Service StageThe Service Theatre

Customer Expectations



Service Delivery

Service Sales

Employee Retention

Employee Productivity and Behavior

Profit-ability up


Service Development


Perceived Customer Value

1 2










The Siemens Service Value Model12 Gaps identified with potential for improvement

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NPS Driver Tree – a strong “tool” to higher customer loyalty

Drivers „operational & emotional“Result Key SuccessFactors

Employee Motivation

Processes &Tools

Org. Set-Up

Skills &Competences












Customer Loyalty

Customer Satisfaction




Results /Quality

Experience withCompetitors

Value for Money


Ease of doingBusiness













Care &Communication


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Operational Customer Satisfaction Survey

Two level improvement program

Customer-related Follow-up

Follow-up on Rating and

Contact Alerts

Documentation & tracking


Definition ofaction items

in follow-up calls

Process-related Follow-up

Definition of improvement


Success tracking of measure


Implementation of measures

Definition & evaluation of


Closed loop process and follow-up approaches

Customer Satisfaction Management

Improvement activities are the core part of the customer satisfaction closed loop process

Internal processes and methodology for improvement programs based on customer feedback have to be in place

Rating and Contact Alert

Improve-ment areas

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Identical structure, KPIs and questions across all services to achieve maximum comparability

Solution Time

Range of Information

Quality of Information

Repair Service

Service-specific Satisfaction Drivers

Online Support Technical Support Field Services / Service Contracts

Recommendation / NPSOverall Satisfaction with the Service

Solution Time (TS)

Solution Quality (TS)Competence (TS)

Spare Parts

Transparency of Quotation


Solution Time


Transparency of Service Report

Quotation Lead Time

Delivery Time

Response Time

Reporting & Ticket Closure

Maintenance /Solution Finding

/ Delivery/Repair


“Entry Channel”

Ticket Creation

Competence (Dispatch)

Response Time


Information Process about Arrival Time

Accessibility to Repair Center

Response Time

Transparency of Quotation

Quotation Lead Time


Repair Time

Accessibility to Spare Parts Sales

Accessibility to Field Service Coordination

Accessibility (Dispatch)

Job Planning / Dispatching

Quality of informationCoverage of technical

information for products

Application examples

Page layout and clarity


Search function

Callback Time

KPI Fulfillment

Depth of information per product

Social competence (Dispatch)

Online Support Request

Support Request

Social Competence and Accountability of Siemens Contacts

Improvement Potential

Contact Request

Data Privacy Statement

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Improvement Lever Repository47 improvement levers collected and documented to address the 12 gaps


Related Areafor Improvement

Main Activities

Effects / Benefits

Good Practices / Contacts

Implementation Timeframe



Addressed Gaps

47 ImprovementLevers

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Major Improvement Levers to improve Service Culture10 Levers have been prioritized by the expert group

Assignment of best possible resources (competence instead of names)

Proactive customer communication

Top-down alignment of dedicated service strategy with clear communication

Customer-Lifecycle oriented business model

Transparent service career paths

Clear decision making authority for service employees (entrepreneurship)





Defined service core processes with efficient escalation / support structures (Regionalization Strategy)

Regular and systematic feedback mechanisms

Recognition and rewards

Alignment of internal KPI-Structures and customer motives

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…declare service as top priority

…enable and motivate the teams by being a good example

…design the right processes and keep measuring

…design and infuse a common service culture

…live all of it !!

Now it is time to work for a living service excellence experience and …

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Thanks for your interest on Excellence in Service

Ronny WeinigCustomer Services Industry
