Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM

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  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Service Contracting:

    An Integrated Approach

    William Cox, CPCM, MAM

    United States Department of Veterans Affairs

    ffice of Ac!"isition and Materiel Management

    Ac!"isition Assistance Division#$%&A'D(illiam)cox*va)gov

    April ++, $$- 

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



     Today’s Topics1. Introduction to Service Contracting

    2. Project Management of ServiceContracting

    3. Risk Management in ServiceContracts

    4. Financial s!ects of Service

    Contracts". Current #egislation $out Service


    %. #a$or #a&s for Service Contracting

    '. Contracts for S!eciali(ed Services

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  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Chapter 1

    Introduction to ServiceContracting

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    c)uisition of Services

    Applicable processes and practicesin:

    – Acquisition Planning

    – Solicitation Development

    – Perormance Assessment

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    c)uisition Planning

     Determining your customer’srequirement

    –!ho is your customer–"eet #ith your customer

    –$evie#ing recurring requirements 

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Market Researc*+ Sum of ,&o

    ProcessesProvides a general sense of theservices available in the market placeand their characteristics andcapabilities.


    Determine, with a high degree ofcondence, whether any services willsatisfy the need, or can be modied ortailored accordingly.

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    Market Researc*

    %no#ledge gained should assist in identiying:

    & 'est methods or conducting a service acquisition

    & 'est available sources or perorming the services

    & 'est mar(etplace practices& 'est practices in the perormance o services

    & 'enchmar(ing perormance standards)measures

    & 'est practices in evaluation and use o incentives

    & 'est strategies or socioeconomic considerations

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    o& Market Researc*

    Can el!/& Commercial practices

    & *evel o competition

    & 'uyer or Seller "ar(et+

    & Price estimate& Delivery terms

    & Payment terms

    & !arranty terms

    & ,nsurance $equirements

    & -nit pricing terms& Contract type and length

    & Contract rene#al terms

    & Commercial Clauses

    & Commercial standards

    & .uality processes

    & Are metrics used+

    & Certi/cations)accreditations& $emedies0poor perormance

    & Source Selection procedures

    & Sample !or( Statements

    & Sample Contract Clauses

    & "ar(etingliterature)brochures

    & "onetary)non0monetaryincentives

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Market Researc* Process

    Step 1: stablish a group leader or acilitatoror the acquisition team

    Step 2: De/ne basic needs and identiy type o

    serviceStep 3: Compile a list o potential sources

    Step 4: Develop #ritten survey or oralintervie# questions

    Step 5: Conduct surveys or intervie#s

    Step 6: Document the mar(et research

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Identif0 ,0!es of Services

    & Process services 7o8site9 perormance o aparticular tas(

    & ;pert services 7on0 or o80site9 applicationo creativity or intelligence


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    Market Researc* Re!ort

    Com!onents& Description o need

    & Desired or required delivery schedule

    & ;planation o methodology–

    "ethod used or compiling and re/ning list o potentialsuppliers)vendors

    & =irms or organi>ations contacted– Summary o ino received rom /rms

    & Summary o commercial terms and)or perormance0

    based characteristics& ,denti/cation o price ranges

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    *at are Statements of ork and

    Statements of $jectives/& A Statement o !or( 7S

    – "inimum requirements or perormance o tas(s under acontract

    – Standards o perormance or determining i the requirementshave been met

    & A Statement o

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    *at is a Performance ork

    Statement PS/A Perormance !or( Statement is adocument describing the #or( in terms othe required results rather than either ho#the #or( is to be accomplished or thenumber o hours to be provided and itstructures all aspects o the acquisitionaround the purpose o the #or(B

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    *at is a Performance ork

    Statement PS/A P!S may be prepared by theEovernment or result rom a Statement


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    *at is a Performance ork

    Statement PS/& nable assessment o #or( perormance

    against measurable perormance

    standards@ and& $ely on the use o measurable

    perormance standards and /nancialincentives in a competitive environment

    to encourage competitors to develop andinstitute innovative and cost0e8ectivemethods o perorming the #or(B

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Solicitation 5evelo!ment

    &  S

    &  -nique Clauses or Services&  Proposal Preparation ,nstructions

    &  valuation Criteria

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    6e0 to Procurement ctions

    & stablishing contracts rom ne#solicitations

    & "odiying e;isting contracts& Providing tas( orders and inde/nite0

    quantity contracts

    & stablishing the basis or other documents

    & valuating perormance

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    S or PS Role In t*e

    c)uisition of Services& ,denti/es tas(s required o the contractor

    & Contractually binds the document stating thosetas(s the contractor must perorm to get paid

    & ngages the time and e8ort o a contractor toperorm an identi/able tas( rather than tournish an end item o supply

    & ,denti/es either personal or non0personalservice contracts

    & De/nes contractor e8orts& De/nes deliverables or services and data

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  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Statement of ork or Performanceork Statement riting8uidelines

    Fere are the steps #hen #riting aStatement o !or( S

    – ,dentiy outputsB

    – Structure around the purpose o the#or( to be perormedB

    – nsure completenessB

    – Communicate clearly

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    9nsuring Com!leteness

    & ,dentiy and de/ne all tas(s

    & ,dentiy completion criteria or each tas(

    & ,dentiy relationships bet#een tas(s

    & ;clude unnecessary tas(s

    & ,dentiy logical Go# o tas(s

    & ;clude ho#0to requirements

    & "a(e sure that requirements trac( toperormance standards and to evaluationcriteria

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    6e0 to riting Clearl0

    & -se active voice – The passive voice should notbe used.

    & Choose descriptive verbs

    &Distinguish bet#een shall)#ill andshould)may

    & Avoid ambiguity – Eschew Obfuscation.

    & Avoid generalities but do not over speciy

    & Avoid agreements to agree& De/ne all abbreviations and acronyms

    & -se short sentences

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Issues :ni)ue ,o 5i;erent ,0!es ofServices

    & Eeneral issues:

    – Payment schedule

    &31 -BSBCB 3324 speci/es that a payment under acontract to provide a service or deliver an article or the

    -nited States Eovernment may not be more than thevalue o the service already provided or the articlealready deliveredB

    &See =A$ 32B4H3 and 32B4H4 or applicability ande;clusions

    – Time o perormance– Authori>ation and changes

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Issues :ni)ue ,o 5i;erent ,0!es ofServices

    ,ssues related to e;pert services

    – Delegation

    – ,ntellectual property– Patents

    – Copyright

    – Disclosure and con/dentiality issues– *icense and royalties

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Issues :ni)ue ,o 5i;erent ,0!es ofServices

    ,ssues regarding process services– cope 0 De/ne the limits o the #or( you #ant doneB

     The scope o the #or( is the most requent source odisputes #ith service suppliersB

    – ,ssues related to this type o service’s e;amplesinclude:& Photocopying

    & quipment "aintenance

    & Photographic Services

    & Data Processing

    – De/nition o Scope& .uality

    & Authori>ation

    & Completion

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Issues :ni)ue ,o 5i;erent ,0!es ofServices

    ,ssues regarding operational services

    – *iability

    – ,nsurance– Conduct

    – Compliance

    – -se o asset)materials

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    6e0 :se of S7PS in SourceSelection Process

    %ey to successul use o S

    – stablishment o a clear relationshipbet#een the S

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    Section #< Instruction to ;erors

    Iis that place in the solicitation #hereinormation and guidance is posted to

    guide o8erors in preparing proposals inresponse to the solicitationB 

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    Section M+ Source SelectionCriteria

    Section " o the solicitation contains theevaluation actors or a#ardB This part o a$equest or Proposals is intended to

    represent a:– Clear communication rom the Eovernment topotential o8erors

    – Statement o #hat is most important to thecustomer7s9 or end0user7s9

    – Delineation o actors dealing #ith ho# proposals #illbe evaluated

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Illustration of t*e Relations*i!=et&een S7PS< Section # > MStatement of WorkPerformanceRequirement

    Section L Section M

    Provide taxi service so

    that pick up time iswithin 5 minutes ofrequest time, 95% ofthe time.

    The offeror shall

    describe how taxiservice will beprovided inaccordance with thestated requirement.

    The agenc will

    evaluate the offeror!sapproach for taxiservice. The offerorwill be evaluated forbest value, in termsof technical merit andcost with additionalconsideration for theofferor!s relevant pastperformance trackrecord.

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    Performance ssessment

    &  .uality Assurance Surveillance Plan7.ASP9 Development

    &  ,mplementing Perormance Assessment

    &  Contractor Assessment Documentation

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    ?ualit0 ssurance SurveillancePlan ?SP

    & Eovernment’s technical management plan oproposed actions to evaluate perormance@ not acontractual item 7=ormulated #ith S

    & Provides inormation to potential o8erors on– !hat and #hen tas(s are inspected

    – !hat standards #ill be employed

    – Fo# assessment #ill be conducted

    &  Tailored to requirement 7ris( management tool9

    & Provide the means #hereby deductions mayproperly be ta(en or non0perormance

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    Contractor ?ualit0 Control Plan

     Those assessment methods identi/ed inthe .ASP together #ith the contractor’squality control plan #ill help determine

    #hether the contractor delivers the levelo perormance agreed to in the contractB

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    Im!lementing Performancessessment

    & ,nsight vsB ed

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    Contractor ssessment5ocumentation The record should contain as a minimum:

    – The contractor number

    – A short description o the requirement beingsurveyed

    – The contract paragraph number reerencing therequirement

    – The method o assessment and observation

    – The date time and location o assessment

    – The results o the assessment– The signature and title o the individual doing the


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    ,*e Federal Su!!l0 Sc*eduleProgram a.k.a Multi!le &ard

    Sc*edule AMSB& Provides =ederal agencies #ith a simpli/ed

    process o acquiring commonly used suppliesand services

    – ,n Jarying quantities– !hile obtaining .uantity discounts

    & ,nde/nite0delivery contracts are a#ardedusing competitive procedures

    &  The /rms provide supplies and services atstated prices or given periods o time

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Industrial Funding Fee

    & "AS contracts are unded through a KLee paid to ESA by the agencies thatpurchase supplies and services

    & The ee is incorporated into the price osupplies and services sold on theSchedule

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    o& does t*e MS Program &orkfor Contractors/

    & Contractors may ?oin to sell a single serviceunder a single Schedule or multiple servicesunder multiple Schedules

    & ESA determines that the vendor is responsibleand the services are priced reasonably

    & $easonable pricing required o contractors byinsisting that the Eovernment be treated as

    the vendor’s most avored customer& ,t does not guarantee sales or contractors

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    Com!etition Re)uirements forMS Program

    & Any authori>ed purchaser may purchaseservices rom that vendor #ithout additionalcompetition

    & ,ndividual purchasers under the "AS Program donot need to to meet the requirements o C,CAB– "AS contracts are a#arded through ull and open


    & Agencies must comply #ith certain basicrequirements set orth at =A$ NB4H4:– sole source a#ards are limited per =A$ NB4H506

    – several recent court decisions have emphasi>ed the needor agencies to revie# at least three Schedule price lists

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risks in*erent in t*e MSProgram

    for Contractors& Jolume $equirements

    & Product $equirements

    & Jendor $equirements

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risks in*erent in t*e MSProgram

    for =u0ers& ConGicts o ,nterest bet#een ESA and

    your agency

    & Sot#are license agreements aresometimes not included or #henincluded conGict #ith ederal la#

    & Oeed to retain complete copy o ESA

    schedule contract 7not ?ust the scheduleitsel9 or contract administration

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Current State of ,*e MS Programfor =u0ers

    & ,s quic(ly becoming the procurement vehicleo choice or many Eovernment buyers

    & ,s open to most Eovernment agencies

    & ,t is considered easy to use

    & Signi/cantly reduces the administrativeburdens o traditional Eovernment

    procurements& ,s becoming restricted #ith the Department

    o Deense

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Current State of MS Program forContractors

    & Almost every ma?or purveyor ocommercial services holds one or more

    Schedule contractsB& Provides e;cellent revenue0generatingopportunities #ithout many o theburdens o traditional Eovernment


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    *en Procuring Services<gencies

    "ust loo( to the ollo#ing sources in the order sho#n:

    •  Services available rom the Committee or Purchaserom People !ho Are 'lind or Severely Disabled

    •  "andatory =ederal Supply Schedules


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    ational conGict o interests 7

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    59R E'.3'1G% GG Incom!ati$ilit0 $et&eenregular duties and !rivate interests. 7a9 mployees o a management and operating contractor shall notbe permitted to ma(e or inGuence any decisions on behal o thecontractor #hich directly or indirectly a8ect the interest o theEovernment i the employees personal concern in the matter maybe incompatible #ith the interest o the EovernmentB =or e;ample:An employee o a contractor #ill not negotiate or inGuence thea#ard o a subcontract #ith a company in #hich the individual hasan employment relationship or signi/cant /nancial interest@ and anemployee o a contractor #ill not be assigned the preparation o anevaluation or Dation 7other than the contractor#ho is the individuals regular employer9 in #hich the individual hasan employment relationship or signi/cant /nancial interestB

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    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    59R E'.3'1G% GG Incom!ati$ilit0$et&een regular duties and !rivateinterests< continued+

    7b9 The contractor shall be responsible orinorming employees that they are e;pectedto disclose any incompatibilities bet#eenduties perormed or the contractor and theirprivate interests and to reer undecided

    questions to the contractorB

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    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest


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    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    $easons or ,ncreasing

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    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    $easons or ,ncreasing

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    rgani(ational ConDicts of Interest

    $easons or ,ncreasing

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Chapter 2

    Project Management ofService Contracting

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    #earning $jectives

    & Describe the nature o pro?ect managementB& Construct a pro?ect net#or(B

    & Perorm critical path analysis on a pro?ect net#or(B

    & Allocate limited resources to a pro?ectB

    & Crash activities to reduce the pro?ect completiontimeB

    & Analy>e a pro?ect #ith uncertain activity timesB

    & -se the earned value chart to monitor a pro?ectB

    & Discuss the reasons #hy pro?ects ail to meetperormance time and cost ob?ectivesB

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    ,*e @ature of Service ProjectManagement& !haracteristics of Pro"ects: purpose lie cycle

    interdependencies uniqueness and conGictB

    & Pro"ect #anagement Process: planning 7#or( brea(do#nstructure9 scheduling and controllingB

    & electing the Pro"ect #anager : credibility sensitivityability to handle stress and leadershipB

    & $uilding the Pro"ect Team: =orming Storming Oormingand PerormingB

    & Principles of E%ective ervice Pro"ect #anagement :direct people individually and as a team reinorcee;citement (eep everyone inormed manage healthyconGict empo#er team encourage ris( ta(ing andcreativityB

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    ,*e @ature of Service ProjectManagement

    &  The depth and breadth o service pro?ectmanagement depends on the degree ocriticality o the pro?ect and ho# the contractingparties have allocated ris(B

    & !hen the government controls the processesand methods o pro?ect e;ecution it #illgenerally retain responsibility or all aspects opro?ect managementB

    & !hen a pro?ect is e;ecuted through aperormance0based services contract thecontractor #ill be primarily responsible orpro?ect managementB

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    Project Management ?uestions

    & !hat activities are required to complete apro?ect and in #hat sequence+

    & !hen should each activity be scheduled tobegin and end+

    & !hich activities are critical to completing thepro?ect on time+

    & !hat is the probability o meeting the pro?ectcompletion due date+

    & Fo# should resources be allocated toactivities+

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

    WBSA Simple


    to identify

    What work/tasks

    must be done

    Adapted from

    Reference Text p!" #$#

    .raphic Displa/











      Indented 0ist

      #"% System

      #"# &ardware

      #"#"#" esi!n

      #"#"'" f!"


    #"' Software






    The WBS can be written

    functionally oriented or

    task oriented

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    WBS - Best .racticesWBS - Best .ractices

      The WBS should be de+eloped at an appropriate  le+el of detail to mana!e the pro0ect"

      The WBS should be de+eloped by the entire

    (multi1functional) pro0ect team to ensure


      2nsure the WBS includes all of the work contained

      in the contract Statement of Work (S3W)"

      4our customer should re+iew the WBS to ensure  all pro0ect re5uirements are addressed"

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    .ro0ect .lannin!.ro0ect .lannin!

      8uidelines *at 0ou

    must kno&


    !hat is to be doneB & *ist o pro?ect deliverables

    & !or( 'rea(do#n Structure 7!'S9

    & Scope o !or(

    & Statement o !or(

    !hen it should be done and #hat is thecurrent statusB

    & Eantt Chart& "ilestone Chart

    & Critical Path "ethod 7CP"9

    & Program valuation $evie#  Technique 7P$T9

    !ho is responsible or doing itB & Point o contact lists

    & ational 'rea(do#n Structure 7

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    ,ennis ,ournament ctivities

    "# $ctivit #escription etwork "mmediate #uration

      ode Predecessor &das'

    ( egotiate for )ocation $ * +

    + ontact -eeded Plaers * /0 Plan Promotion ( 0

    1 )ocate 2fficials # 0 +

    5 -end 3-4P "nvitations 0 (6

    7 -ign Plaer ontracts 8 +,0 1

    Purchase alls and Trophies : 1 1

    / egotiate atering ; 5,7 (

    9 Prepare )ocation " 5, 0

    (6 Tournament < /,9 +

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Schedulin! Tool - 6antt 7hartSchedulin! Tool - 6antt 7hart

    6antt 7hart

      Sho(s Start#finish and d"ration of 

      vario"s activities

      1asiest sched"le to ma2e

      Uses target dates 3 4Most 0i2el/ 5ime6

      Progress displa/ed 7/ indicatingact"als (ith s/m7ol

      5ells least amo"nt of information


    Determine Requirements ****************************************

     Assess Needs *********************

     Identify Desires   ***********************T"=5


    Design Hardware   *******************************************************

     Dee!o" Pre!iminary Design   *********** #onduct PDR   *******

     Dee!o" $ina! Design   *******

     #onduct #DR   *****

    Dee!o" Hardware   **************************************************************************

      Design Hardware   ****************

      %rder Materia!s   ************************

     Dee!o" Prototy"e   ***********************************

     &est Hardware ********************

      Manufacture *********

    &ime Period

    &ask Name

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    9arl0 Start 8antt C*art for ,ennis,ournament

    "# $ctivit #as #a of Pro?ect -chedule

    ( + 0 1 5 7 / 9 (6 (( (+ (0 (1 (5 (7 ( (/ (9 +6

     $ egotiate for +


    ontact -eeded /


    Plan Promotion 0

    # )ocate 2fficials +

    -end 3-4P (6


    8 -ign Plaer 1


    : Purchase alls 1

      and Trophies

    ; egotiate (  atering

    " Prepare )ocation 0

    < Tournament +

      Personnel 3equired + + + + + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + ( ( ( + ( ( ( (

    ritical Path $ctivities

     $ctivities with -lack

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Resource #eveled Sc*edule for ,ennis ,ournament

    "# $ctivit #as #a of Pro?ect -chedule

    ( + 0 1 5 7 / 9 (6 (( (+ (0 (1 (5 (7 ( (/ (9 +6

     $ egotiate for +


    ontact -eeded /


    Plan Promotion 0

    # )ocate 2fficials +

    -end 3-4P (6


    8 -ign Plaer 1


    : Purchase alls 1

      and Trophies

    ; egotiate (  atering

    " Prepare )ocation 0

    < Tournament +

      Personnel 3equired + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + ( (

    ritical Path $ctivities

     $ctivities with -lack

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Schedulin! Tool - ilestone 7hartSchedulin! Tool - ilestone 7hart

    ilestone 7hart

      Condensed graphic displa/

      Sho(s Milestones

     -  Planned 5arget dates

     -  8evised dates

     -  Act"al dates

      Used on contracts of longer d"ration

      Does not sho( relationship 7et(een









    7ustomer Acceptance



  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



     8etwork Schedules - 7. and .2RT 8etwork Schedules - 7. and .2RT

      7ritical .ath ethod .ro!ram 2+aluation Re+iew Techni5ue  (7.) and (.2RT)

      Shows lon!est path throu!h a


      Shows the path with 9ero slack

    time (7ritical .ath)

      7ritical .ath - is the shortest time

      to complete a pro0ect

      Shows explicit relationships

      7oordinates the bi! picture

      To reduce the schedule you must reduce the

      time it takes to complete acti+ities on the

      critical path - 7alled 7rashin! the 7ritical


      *ays out work flow

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Schedulin! Tool - 8etwork SchedulesSchedulin! Tool - 8etwork Schedules

    7. or .2RT7. or .2RT

     8etwork Schedules

      Developed from W9S

      Sho(s time to finish

      Sho(s activit/ interdependencies  More diffic"lt to ma2e

      Provides more info than .antt or

    Milestone charts

      Ma/ "se 5arget time estimate i)e)


      Ma/ "se m"ltiple d"ration estimates

      most li2el/, optimistic, andpessimistic times; to calc"late expected

      time i)e) P185;







    8 9

     8etwork Schedule

    3 : 2+ent (Start/;inish)

     : Acti+ity

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    ,ennis ,ournament ctivit0 on @ode5iagram

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    @otation for Critical Pat* nal0sis

    "tem -mbol #efinition

     $ctivit duration t The expected duration of an activit

    arl start ES   The earliest time an activit can begin if all previous

      activities are begun at their earliest times

    arl finish EF The earliest time an activit can be completed if it

      is started at its earl start time

    )ate start LS   The latest time an activit can begin without

      delaing the completion of the pro?ect

    )ate finish LF   The latest time an activit can be completed if itis started at its latest start time

    Total slack TS   The amount of time an activit can be delaed

    without delaing the completion of the pro?ect

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Com!letion ,ime 5istri$ution for ,ennis,ournament

    ritical Path

     $ctivities # 4

      $ + 1@07

      0 1@07  (6 (11@07

      " 0 07@07

      < + 6

      A +6 (//@07 A 5.+ A  µ    σ  '

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Costs for 0!ot*etical Project

       ,  o  s   t


    -chedule with =inimum Total ost

    #uration of Pro?ect

    Total ost

    "ndirect ost

    2pportunit ost

    #irect ost

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    ctivit0 CostGtime ,radeo; 


    #B #  $ctivit #uration as'



    -lope is cost to expedite per da


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    CostG,ime 9stimates for ,ennis ,ournament 

    Time stimate #irect ost xpedite ost

     $ctivit ormal rash ormal rash -lope

      $ + ( 5 (5

      / 7 ++ 06

      0 + (6 (0

      # + ( (( ( (6 7 +6 16

      8 1 0 / (5

      : 1 0 9 (6

      ; ( ( (6 (6

      " 0 + / (6

      < + ( (+ +6 

    Total ((5

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Progressive Cras*ing

    Pro?ect $ctivit #irect "ndirect 2pportunit Total

    #uration rashed ost ost ost ost

      +6 ormal ((5 15 / (7/

      (9 1( 7

      (/ 0 1

      ( 00 +

      (7 +9 6

      (5 +5 *+  (1 +( *1

      (0 ( *7

      (+ (0 */


    ormal #uration $fter rashing $ctivit

    Pro?ect Paths #uration

     $**#*:*"*< (7

     $***"*< +6

     $***;*< (/

     $**8*;*< (+

    *8*;*< (5

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Sources of :neH!ected Pro$lemsCost 5ime Performance

    •  (ifficulties re5uiremore resources

    •  Scope of work increases


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    9arned alue C*art





    Bud!eted 7ost






       C  o  s   t   V  a  r   i  a  n  c  e

       S  c   h  e   d  u   l  e

       V  a  r   i  a  n  c  e


       $   T   >   P

       -   T   >   P

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Chapter 3

    Risk Management inService Contracting

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    More 6e0s to riting Clearl0

    & 'e more or less speci/cB

    & Dont repeat yoursel or say again #hat youhave said beoreB

    & Oever use a big #ord #hen a diminutivealternative #ould suceB

    & Oo sentence ragmentsB

    & And al#ays be sure to /nish #hat

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    De/nition o $is(De/nition o $is(

    Risk  is a measure o the inability to achieveoverall program ob?ectives #ithin de/nedcost schedule and technical constraints and

    has t#o components: 719 the probability oailing to achieve a particular outcome and729 the conse&uences'impacts o ailing toachieve that outcomeB U

      U RIS6 M@89M9@, 8:I59FR 55 C?:ISI,I@

    Fift* 9dition

    ersion 2.

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    De/nition o $is(De/nition o $is(

    Risk  is the possibility o su8ering lossBU,n a development pro?ect the loss

    describes the impact to the pro?ect

    #hich could be in the orm odiminished quality o the end productincreased costs delayed completion or


    U Sot#are ngineering’

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    $is( "anagement

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    & Develop a $is( "anagement structure

    & nsure integration #ithin the currentprogram management rame#or(

    & ,dentiy (ey participants and sta(eholders& De/ne roles and responsibilities

    & De/ne the processes and methodologies

    & stablish ris( management tools

    parameters reports and ormatsB&  Train Program Team "embers

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risk Management Planning ,i!s

    & $is( management plan must include clearperormance based metrics as inputs to youridenti/cation processB

    & Create a committed pro?ect charter or the ,PTdedicated to resolving ris(s #ithout 7/rst9 requiring

    restructuring o the contractB& Design and structure ho# team members #ill

    collaborate to implement e8ective processes in orderta(e advantage o these technologiesB

    & 'e sure to evaluate and complete business processdesign /rst beore building the process #ith electronic#or(Go# tools

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    & Coordinated e8orts o:

    – $is( "anager

    – ,ndependent Assessments

    – Program Team "embers

    & De/ned communicationstreams

    & ,dentiy ris( attributes

    – $is( De/nition

    – $is( lements

    – Potential ,mpacts 

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risk IdentiKcation ,i!s

    & nsure ris( identi/cationprocesses are #ithineach team member’sresponsibilities and

    yearly perormance goalsor the entire programteamB

    & valuate the use otechnology tools to

    support proactive ris(identi/cation

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    & Collect basis o estimates or the impact and

    li(elihood o ris( events rom sub?ect matter


    & stablish dispositions o lo# medium andhigh ris(s and appoint a ris( champion to

    manage mitigationB

    & -nderstand appropriate use o quantitative

    methods S" bias and hypnotic statistical


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risk ssessment ?uantiKcation

    Antennae (ias

    Days De!ayed )eyond (ase!ine Schedu!e Im"act












    6 56 (66 (56 +66

    Days De!ayed *#AI+

    "mpact Probabilit

      =odule $d?ustment

     $lgorithm 3edesign


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risk ?uantiKcation ,i!s

    &  The ris( quanti/cation process can be delayedor the technical person #ho #ishes toe;haustively study the situation todetermine a statistically signi/cant '

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    & Develop "itigations Plans– $is( Champion

    – S"’s

    & Collect relevant supporting documentation

    & Determine metrics to monitor "itigation Actions& Develop $is( Closure Criteria

     T,P: $e#ard successul ris( champions and the

    team or their time e8orts and ideas and includeincentives in annual perormance revie#sB

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Risk Management

    Monitoring & Collect status rom ris( champions& "onitor (ey plan metrics

    & "aintain current supporting documentation

    & -pdate the $is( "anagement Database& "onitor mitigation e8orts

    & Eenerate and distribute summary and detailreports to relevant Program Team members

    and "anagement

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    & Collect veriy and analy>e all requisiteinormation pertaining to a potential ris( closure

    & Coordinate and agree ris( closure #ith all

    relevant parties including $is( Champion

    & $ecord the criteria supporting each ris( close

    out including all supporting documentation

    & Prepare and distribute regular reports detailing

    ris( closures to the relevant parties 7iBe Program"anager9

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Chapter 4

    Financial Issues of ServiceContracts

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    'udgeting and Appropriation Process 0Statutory requirements

    & 31 -BSBCB 13H17a9@ Appropriated unds usedonly or the intended purposes

    & 31 -BSBCB 13H17d9@ $eprogramming o undscannot violate the intended use provision& 31 -BSBCB 1341 – The Anti0de/ciency Act@

    Spending limited to the amount stipulated inthe appropriation@

    & 31 -BSBCB 15H27a9 – The 'ona =ide Oeeds$ule@ Provisions o the 'ona =ide Oeeds$ule are to be ollo#edB

    i i l f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Contract Types and Characteristics

    & =irm =i;ed0Price

    & Cost $eimbursable

    & Time0and0"aterials

    & *abor Four

    & ,nde/nite Delivery ) ,nde/nite .uantity

    & ESA Schedule

    Fi i l f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContractsCost Allo#ability and Allocability& Pertinent #hen actual cost data is used or estimating and

    billing purposesB

    & $elevant contract clauses@– =A$ 52B21502 – Audit and $ecords

    – =A$ 52B21501H)11 – Price $eduction or Deective Cost or Pricing

    Data– =A$ 52B2160R – Allo#able Cost and Payment

    – =A$ 52B2320R – Payments under Time0and0"aterials and *abor FourContracts

    – =A$ 52B23202H – *imitation o Cost

    – =A$ 52B232022 – *imitation o =unds

    & Contract type and characteristics govern the inclusion ocontract clauses and resultant business inrastructurerequirements

    Fi i l t f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContractsCost Allo#ability and Allocability& =undamental accounting concepts

    – Actual costs are determined based on ull absorptionaccounting

    – Actual costs are computed based on allo#able costs

    & =undamental business system capabilities& Accounting system– Consistent de/nition o cost as direct or indirect– ,denti/cation and segregation o unallo#able costs– Accumulation and reporting o costs at ?ob or pro?ect

    level and under general ledger control&  Time(eeping and labor charging system – adequate

    time(eeping practices and distribution o labor costs

    Fi i l t f S i

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability@ De/nitions& Actual cost& Allocable costs& Allo#able costs

    & Direct cost& =inal cost ob?ective& =ull absorption accounting& ,ndirect cost

    & $easonable costs& -nallo#able costs

    Fi i l t f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability

    Attributes o an adequate accounting system

    & Consistency #ith EAAP

    & Segregation direct V indirect costs& Direct costs by contract pro?ect tas( order


    & Allocation o indirect costs

    &  ob costs under general ledger control& Adequate time(eeping system

    Fi i l t f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability

    Attributes o an adequate accounting system

    & $outine posting o boo(s o account

    & Segregation o unallo#able costs& Segregation o pre0production costs

    & =inancial inormation or compliance #ithnoti/cation and billing requirements

    & Provide reliable data or estimating

    Fi i l t f S i

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability

    ,ndirect cost collection V distribution e;amples


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability

    ,ndirect cost collection V distribution e;amples

    & 'usiness -nit EVA ;pense–  Total cost input

    – Direct labor dollars

    & Fome

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Allo#ability and Allocability& Accounting practices or direct and indirect costs

    must be consistently applied or -S Eovernmentcontracts

    & Application o accounting practices is independent o

    the ability to bill or recover recorded costs under a -SEovernment contract& BE overtime cost normally accounted or and

    treated as a direct costs– Speci/c clause does not allo# reimbursable under a given -S

    government contract as a direct cost

    –  The cost is still accounted or as direct–  The cost may not be reclassi/ed and reimbursed as an overallelement o indirect e;pense

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Accounting Standards

    & Purpose is to ensure consistent and equitableaccounting practices or cost– "easurement

    – Assignment

    – Allocation

    & Administrative remedies provided oraccounting practice changes or non0


    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Accounting Standards

    & Application to negotiated contracts in e;cesso M5HHHHH unless other#ise e;empt

    & Coverage– "odi/ed CAS coverage requires compliance #ith CAS4H1 4H2 4H5 and 4H6

    – =ull CAS coverage includes applicability o all 1Qstandards

    & Disclosure statement may be required orlarger contracts or contractors

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContractsCost Accounting Standards& CAS 4H1 0 Consistency in stimating

    Accumulating and $eporting Costs& CAS 4H2 0 Consistency in Allocating Costs

    ,ncurred or the Same Purpose

    & CAS 4H3 0 Allocation o Fome ation o Tangible Assets& CAS 4H5 0 Accounting or -nallo#able Costs

    & CAS 4H6 0 Cost Accounting Period& CAS 4HR 0 -se o Standard Costs or Direct"aterial and Direct *abor

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Cost Accounting Standards& CAS 4HN 0 Accounting or Costs o Compensated

    Personal Absence& CAS 4HQ 0 Depreciation o Tangible Capital Assets& CAS 41H 0 Allocation o 'usiness -nit Eeneral and

    Administrative ;penses to =inal Cost

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM


    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    ,aHes L 5e!artment of 9nerg0 ContractsDA$ QRHB2QH301 00 Applicability o state and local

    ta;es to the government: 

    ,t is D

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    ,aHes L 5e!artment of 9nerg0 ContractsQRHB2QH301 00 Applicability o state and local ta;es to

    the government continued:

    7b9 Acquire directly and urnish to contractors as Eovernment

    urnished property equipment material or services #hen inthe opinion o the Fead o the Contracting Activity:719 Such direct acquisition #ill result in substantial savings tothe Eovernment ta(ing into consideration any additionaladministrative costs@729 Such direct acquisition #ill not have a substantial adversee8ect on the relationship bet#een D

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    ,aHes L 5e!artment of 9nerg0 Contracts

    Payment in *ieu o Ta;es -nder the Atomicnergy Action o 1Q54 7D

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9

    & Application to all negotiated pricing actions oM65HHHH or more unless:

    – Price is based on adequate price competition

    – Price is set by la# or regulation

    – Contract or subcontract is or a commercialitem

    – $equirement #aived by the head o thecontracting activity

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deectivepricing9

    & Contractors to certiy that cost or pricing

    data #as complete accurate andcurrent as o the date o agreement oncontract price

    & Price reduced i signi/cant overpricing

    occurred because the government reliedon deective cost or pricing data

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9& =A$ 52B21501H7a9 de/nes deective pricing

    & =A$ 15B4HR 15B4HN 52B21501H and 52B215011provides remedies

    & Eovernment is entitled to– Price reduction

    – ,nterest on any overpayment

    – Penalty equal to the amount o any overpayment ithe contractor (no#ingly submitted cost or pricing

    data #hich #ere incomplete inaccurate or noncurrent&

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9

    & Applicable pricing actions include– A#ard o any negotiated contract 7e;cept or

    unde/niti>ed actions such as letter contracts9

    – A#ard o a subcontract at any tier i the contractorand each higher tier subcontractor have beenrequired to urnish cost or pricing data

    – "odi/cation o any sealed bid or negotiated contract7#hether or not cost or pricing data #ere initiallyrequired9 or subcontract

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9Cost or pricing data

    & All acts

    & As o the date o price agreement

    &  That prudent buyers and sellers #ould reasonably e;pectto a8ect price negotiations signi/cantly

    & Certi/ed as accurate complete and current inaccordance #ith =A$ 15B4H6B2

    & =actual not ?udgmental and are thereore veri/able

    & ,ncludes the data that orm the basis or the prospectiveo8eror’s ?udgment about uture cost pro?ections

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9Contractor obligations

    & Provide the government a parity o position #ithrespect to all the actual data supporting price

    proposals& -pdate cost or pricing data but not necessarily

    the proposal

    & Cooperate during the conduct o a posta#ardaudit


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiations Act 7deective pricing9

    "ethods o protection

    &  The preparation and consistent use o anstimating System "anual

    &  The development o a sound pricing strategy& Constant updating o the cost or pricing data

    & Clear understanding o disclosure requirements

    & Documentation o the inormation that is disclosed

    & A #ell e;ecuted negotiation strategy& Careul planning or post0a#ard audits

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

     Truth0in0Oegotiation Acts 7deective pricing9

    Eovernment has burden o proo that:

    &  The inormation is cost or pricing data

    & Data e;isted and #ere reasonably available& Data #ere not properly submitted or


    & Eovernment relied on the deective data

    & Eovernment reliance on the data caused anincrease in price

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0mentEeneral

    & -S Eovernment paying oces usually have3H days to pay

    & Speci/c agency may prescribe shorter period7but no shorter than R days9

    & Audit or other revie# may delay payment

    & Payment request must be proper

    & *ate payments may require -S governmentinterest payment

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment

    Department o nergy "anagement and

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment Payments under Time0and0"aterials and *abor0Four Contract

    & Fourly rates multiplied by the number o direct labor hoursperormed

    & Jouchers normally– Submitted monthly

    –  To the contracting ocer’s representative

    &  Timecards or other documentation to support incurredhours

    & Contracting ocer may #ithhold o 5 L per tas( order #ith

    total amount #ithheld not to e;ceed M5HHHH& Allo#able direct materials per =A$ 31B2

    & Oormal indirect rates may be applied to materials

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment Payments under Time0and0"aterials and *abor0Four


    & Ceiling price established or contract or each order

    & Ooti/cation required o any e;pected overrun& Contractor not obligated to e;ceed the ceiling price

    & Eovernment not obligated to pay in e;cess o ceilingprice

    & ,nterim payments sub?ect to Prompt Payment Act orservices contracts but not or other than servicescontractsB

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment 

    Cost0reimbursable contracts@ =A$ 52B2160RAllo#able Cost and Payment

    & Eovernment shall pay #hen requested as #or(progresses

    & Oo more than every t#o #ee(s 7e;cept smallbusiness9

    & Allo#able costs in accordance #ith =A$ 31B2

    & Small business can bill more oten than t#o#ee(s

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment Cost0reimbursable contracts@ =A$ 52B2160R

    Allo#able Cost and Payment

    & $eimbursable costs@ Costs include:

    – $ecorded costs that have been paid or items andservices purchased directly or the contract

    – ,ncurred costs i the contractor is not delinquent inpaying costs in the ordinary course o business

    – Supplies and services and subcontractor /nancingpayments i payments #ill be made

    & ,n accordance #ith terms and conditions o subcontract orinvoice


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment Cost0reimbursable contracts@ =A$ 52B2160R

    Allo#able Cost and Payment

    & $eimbursable costs@ Costs include:– "aterials issued rom inventory and placed into


    – Direct travel

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Financial s!ects of ServiceContracts

    Financing and Pa0ment Cost0reimbursable contracts@ =A$ 52B2160R

    Allo#able Cost and Payment

    & 'illing rates– $eimbursement at provisional billing rates

    – Anticipated /nal rates

    – $evised by mutual agreement

    & Audit

    – ,nvoices to be audited any time– Payments reduced or unallo#able costs

    – Payments ad?usted or over)under billings

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment 

    Cost0reimbursable contracts@ =A$ 52B2160RAllo#able Cost and Payment

    & =inal indirect rates established in accordance#ith =A$ 42BR

    & =inal payment@ contractor to submit– Completion invoice #ithin 12H days o /nal rate


    – Assignment o reunds rebates credits or otheramounts

    – A release discharging government liabilities

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment =i;ed price contracts@ =A$ 32B5 Progress

    Payments 'ased on Costs

    & Applies to /;ed price contracts

    & $epresents /nancing 7loans9 againstundelivered #or(

    & Customary@ NHL o total costs 7N5L or smallbusiness9

    & Figher rates considered WunusualW andrequire approval by agency head

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment =i;ed price contracts@ =A$ 32B5 Progress

    Payments 'ased on Costs& Progress payments approved as matter o

    course i contractor– ,s reliable competent and capable– Fas an adequate accounting system– ,s in sound /nancial condition

    & All others require advance determination that

    – Contractor #ill liquidate– Eovernment is protected against loss– Accounting system is adequate

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment=i;ed price contracts@ =A$ 32B5 Progress Payments

    'ased on Costs

    & ligible costs

    –  Total costs incurred under the contract– Subcontractor /nancing payments under similar terms

    – Supplies and services and subcontractor /nancingpayments i payments #ill be made

    & ,n accordance #ith terms and conditions o subcontract orinvoice


  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment 

    =i;ed0Price Contracts 0 Progress paymentsbased on a percentage o completion

    & Payments to be commensurate #ith #or(accomplished

    & Percentage or stage o completion must bemeasurable

    &  Typically used or contracts #ith tangibledeliverables

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment =i;ed0Price Contracts@ =A$ 32B1H Perormance0'ased

    Payments 7=A$ 52B23202N 7P9 and =A$ 52B2320327C99

    & "ay be made against #hole contract price

    & "ay be made against a deliverable 7line item9 price

    & Perormance bases– Speci/cally described events

    – Some measurable criterion o perormance

    – ach event or perormance criterion triggers a payment

    & vents that do not qualiy

    – Signing o contract– ;ercise o options

    – ;ecution o modi/cations

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment =i;ed0Price Contracts@ =A$ 32B1H Perormance0

    'ased Payments& Perormance 'ases

    – vents or criteria may be severable or cumulative– Oo payment or cumulative items until dependent is

    accomplished– Severable items speci/cally identi/ed in contract– Contract shall identiy preconditions or successul

    achievement o cumulative items

    & , payments is on deliverable item basis theneach event or criteria shall be part operormance necessary or that deliverableand be identi/ed to the line item

    Financial s!ects of Service

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM




    Financing and Pa0ment =i;ed0Price Contracts@ =A$ 32B1H Perormance0

    'ased Payments

    Payment amounts

    – Payments not to e;ceed QH L o contract price i on #holecontract basis

    – Payments not to e;ceed QH L o deliverable item price i onC*,O basis

    – Amount o each payment to be speci/cally stated as dollaramount or percentage o speci/c price

    – Payment amounts may be established on any rational basis– Payment schedule to be ad?usted to reGect actions required

    by modi/cations

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financing and Pa0mentPrompt Payment and lectronic =unds Transer

    & , payment is not made by the speci/ed due date– Eovernment #ill automatically pay an interest penalty

    – !ithout request rom the contractor& Provision does not apply to contract /nancing


    & Due date is usually later o – 3Hth day ater paying oce receives a proper invoice

    – 3Hth day ater government acceptance o servicesperormed

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financing and Pa0ment Prompt Payment and lectronic =unds Transer

    Proper invoice includes:– Contractor name and address– ,nvoice date and number– Contract number– Description quantity unit o measure unit price and

    e;tended price o services perormed– Oame and address o contractor ocial– person to notiy i deective invoice

    –  Ta;payer ,denti/cation Oumber 7T,O9– Any other inormation or documentation required by the


    Financial s!ects of Service

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    Financing and Pa0ment

    Prompt Payment and lectronic =unds Transer

    & =T to be used to ma(e contract payments

    & Eovernment #ill protect contractors =Tinormation rom improper disclosure

    Financial s!ects of Service

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    & $evie# the solicitation and contract termsand conditions

    & nsure that appropriate inrastructure e;istsor #ill be implemented

    & stablish appropriate internal controls

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    Chapter 5

    Current #egislation andRegulation ;ectingService Contracting

    vervie& of Regulator0

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    & ,ncreased government procurement osupport services in the past several years

    & Surge in service procurements has beengreatly assisted by signi/cant changes in

    la#s and regulations 7iBeB =ASA9& ,ncreased sales and easing o rules createsthe potential or actual or perceived abuses–  This oten leads Congress to go bac( and add

    requirements to the procurement process

    &  The environment is al#ays changing: Xesterday’s reorm may be catalyst ortomorro#’s perceived abuse

    8S Sc*edule Re)uirements for 55rdering gencies

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    rdering gencies

    & Section NH3 o 2HH2 DoD Authori>ation Act imposedadditional ordering obligations on D

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    of 23& Acquisition #or(orce and training

    & 'usiness acquisition practices

    & Commercial item acquisitions&

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    FR Su$!art 3'.%

    & De/ne the #or( in measurable terms o results

    & De/ne perormance standards such as quality ortimeliness

    & stablish a .ASP to measure perormance against

    & Contracts are a#arded competitively on best0valueevaluation criteria

    & Contracts are /;ed0price completion type contracts #ithlimited e;ceptions


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    FR Su$!art 3'.% L P


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    FR Su$!art 3'.% L P

    Recommendations& Publish a 'est Practice Euide ondevelopment o measurable perormancestandards or contractsB

    & "odiy the =A$ to include an identi/cationo the government’s need)requirementsby de/ning a 'aseline PerormanceCase in the P!S or S

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    FR Su$!art 3'.% L P


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    FR Su$!art 3'.% L P



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    ct for Fiscal ear 24

    Speci/c ocus on Title Z,J  @ ServicesAcquisition $eorm

    & Adopted rom the Services Acquisition$eorm Act 7SA$A9

    – Stemmed rom e8orts o Congressman Tom Davis 7$0JA9 Chairman o the Fouse Eovernment $eormCommittee

    – Signed into la# by the President

    @ational 5efense ut*ori(ation t f Fi l 24

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    ct for Fiscal ear 24

    Acquisition !or(orce and Training

    & Section 1412 establishes a civilian acquisition#or(orce training und #ithin ESA– =inanced by 5L ee on the ollo#ing non0D

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    ct for Fiscal ear 24

    Adaptation o 'usiness Acquisition Practices

    & Section 1421 calls or each e;ecutive agencyto establish a chie acquisition ocer and a

    senior procurement ocer& Section 1422 establishes a Chie Acquisition

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    @ational 5efense ut*ori(ation t f Fi l 24

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    ct for Fiscal ear 24

    "andate or Perormance0'ased S

    &  This act clearly states a mandate or use o thistool

    & Congress and the 'ush Administration have alsoencouraged its #idespread use

    & ,ntent is to move a#ay rom heavily detailedspeci/cations and move to#ard morestreamlined methods associated #ith privateindustry– ,dea is to contract or results not ?ust pay or best e8orts

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    Commercial Items Contracts @o&Include ,ime and Materials and

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    Include ,imeGand Materials and

    #a$orGour ,0!e Contracts

    8ective =ebruary 12 2HHR the =ederal Acquisition$egulation 7=A$9 e;pressly authori>ed the use o time0and0materials 7TV"9 and labor0hour 7*F9 contracts orcommercial services under speci/ed conditionsB 'eore

    this change commercial services #ere limited to /rm0/;ed0price 7==P9 and /rm0/;ed0price #ith economicprice ad?ustment 7PA9 type contracts #hen using =A$Part 12 procedures and services based on hourly rates#ere generally e;cludedB The =A$ de/nition ocommercial services no# does not prohibit services sold

    based on hourly rates #ithout an established catalog ormar(et price or a speci/c service perormed or aspeci/c outcome to be achievedB

    Commercial Items Contracts @o&Include ,ime and Materials and

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    Include ,imeGand Materials and

    #a$orGour ,0!e Contracts


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    .R. 13%2 L Marc* %< 2'

    $equires the revision o the =ederalAcquisition $egulation 7=A$9 to restrict theperiod to a ma;imum o one year ornoncompetitive ederal contracts issued orunusual and compelling urgency unless thehead o the e;ecutive agency concerneddetermines that the Eovernment #ould beseriously in?ured by the limitation on the

    contract periodB

    ccounta$ilit0 in Contracting ct< R 13%2 Marc* % 2'

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    .R. 13%2 L Marc* %< 2'

      Amends the =ederal Property andAdministrative Services Act o 1Q4Q to requirespeci/ed e;ecutive agency heads to developand implement plans to minimi>e the use o:

    719 noncompetitive contracts@ and 729 cost0reimbursement type contractsB $equiresagencies to ma(e ?usti/cation and approvaldocuments or noncompetitive contracts

    including deense agency contracts publiclyavailableB

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    Chapter 6

    #a$or #a&s ;ectingService Contracting

    A O d T th S lli

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



     Ann Owed Two the Spelling

    Checker   unkno&n

    ye have a spelling chec(er

    ,t came #ith my Pea Sea,t plane lee mar(s our my revue"iss stea(s aye can (not seaB

    ,*e !rimar0 federal la$or statutes 

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    ! 0

    & =air *abor Standards Act 7=*SA9& Davis0'acon Act 7D'A9

    & "cOamara0

  • 8/17/2019 Service Contracting an Integrated Approach William Cox CPCM



    & mployers to compensate their coveredemployees at a rate o one and one0haltimes the employee’s regular rate o pay

    & 'ans employers rom hiring child laborers

    & $equires that men and #omen be paid equalpay or #or( perormed under similar#or(ing conditions requiring the same s(ills

    & =*SA imposes certain record(eeping

    requirements on employers covered by theActB

    F#S !!lica$ilit0

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    & mployers that have employees handlingselling or other#ise #or(ing on goods ormaterials that have been moved in orproduced or commerce #ho have grossannual sales o M5HHHHH are presumptively

    covered by the =*SA& All activities o public agencies are coveredby the =*SA

    & Oumerous e;ceptions and e;emptions orspeci/c provisions

    & Jarious state la#s supplement applicabilityand enorcement

    5avisG=acon ct 5=

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    & $equires payment o locally prevailing #ages and ringe

    bene/ts to laborers and mechanics employed to perormcontracts or construction alteration or repair o publicbuildingsB

    & !or(ers must be paid unconditionally and not less oten thanonce per #ee( #ithout subsequent rebates or deductions7e;cept or payroll ta; and other related deductions9B

    & Contractor must post #age schedules in a visible location at the

    #or( siteB& Contractor must maintain payroll and related records pertaining

    to its compliance #ith the D'A provisions during perormanceo the contract and or three years thereaterB

    & Proponents argue that it is necessary to prevent governmentcontractors rom underbidding each other by lo#ering #or(ers’salariesB

    &  The Act imposes a considerable bureaucratic and regulatoryburden on government agencies and contractorsB

    5= !!lica$ilit0

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    & very contract in e;cess o M2HHH to #hichthe -nited States or the District o Columbia isa party or construction alteration and)orrepair including painting and decorating opublic buildings or public #or(s o the -nited

    States or the District o Columbia&  Types o contracts covered by the D'A includehigh#ay construction dredging demolitionand cleaning and painting o public buildings

    & $equires both the prime contractor and all

    subcontractors to comply #ith the terms othe contract 

    Service Contract ct SC

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    & Service employees #ho perorm services under contractscovered by the SCA must be paid at the prevailing local#age rate as determined by the Department o *aborB

    & Service employees include s(illed and uns(illed manuallaborers and cratsmen guards and #atchmenB

    & stablishes minimum ringe bene/tsB

    & $equires employers to maintain certain records and topost required inormation at the #or(placeB& ,mposes minimum saety and health standards or

    #or(ersB& Designed to address the concern that by a#arding

    contracts to the bidder #ith the lo#est proposed hourly

    #age rate the government #ould contribute to anoverall reduction in the #ages o service employeesB

    SC !!lica$ilit0

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    & very contract entered into by the -nitedStates or the District o Columbia in e;cesso M25HH the principal purpose o #hich is tournish services through the use o serviceemployeesB

    & Services must be provided in the -nitedStates including any State o the -nitedStates the District o Columbia Puerto $icoor the Jirgin ,slandsB

    & Oumerous e;emptionsB

    als*Geale0 Pu$lic Contracts ct

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    All contractors #ho urnish materials suppliesarticles and equipment in any amount e;ceedingM1HHHH must– Pay their employees not less than the prevailing minimum

    #age or persons employed in similar positions in the locality@

    – Compensate employees or overtime hours #or(ed at the#age rate set orth in the =air *abor Standards Act@

    – Oot hire any male #or(er under age 16 or any emale #or(erunder age 1N@ and

    – nsure that no part o the contract is perormed underconditions that are unsanitary ha>ardous or dangerous to the

    health and saety o the employees engaged in theperormance o the contract 7or subcontracts9 B


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    & Any contract entered into by the -nited States or itsagentsB& =or the manuacture or urnishing o materials supplies

    articles and equipmentB& ,n any amount e;ceeding M1HHHH&

    ;ceptions– Contracts or public utility services including electric light andpo#er #ater steam and gas@

    – Deliverables completely manuactured or urnished outside thegeographic limits o the -nited States Puerto $ico the Jirgin,slands or the District o Columbia@ and

    – Contracts a#arded to sales agents or publisher representatives

    or the delivery o ne#spapers maga>ines or periodicals by thepublishers thereo– Contracts or the purchase o materials supplies or equipment

    that may usually be bought in the open mar(et perishableslivestoc( and nursery products or to agricultural or armproducts processed or /rst sale by the original producersB

    Contract ork ours and Safet0Standards ct CSS

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    Standards ct CSS

    & Oo contractor or subcontractor contractingor any part o the #or( #hich may involvethe employment o laborers or mechanicsshall require or permit any such laborer or

    mechanic to #or( more than 4H hours in any#or(#ee(

    & -nless the #or(er is paid a #age o time0and0one0hal or all hours #or(ed in e;cess o


    CSS !!lica$ilit0

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    & Any contract #hich may require or involvethe employment o laborers or mechanics

    & -pon a public #or( in the -nited States inany territoryB

    & Does not apply to:– Contracts o less than M1HHHHHB– Contracts done in accordance #ith the provisions o

    the !alsh0Fealey Public Contract ActB– Contracts or transportation by land air or #ater or

    or the transmission o intelligence or or thepurchase o supplies or materials or articlesordinarily available in the open mar(etB

    Co!eland ntiG6ick$ack ct

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    & Prevents employers rom orcing intimidating orthreatening dismissal or by any other manner#hatsoever employees to give up any part o thecompensation to #hich he is entitledB

    &  The Act is intended to aid in the enorcement o theminimum #age provisions o the Davis0'acon ActB

    & $equires contractors and subcontractors to submit#ee(ly statements detailing the hours #or(ed and#ages paid including deductions to #or(ersB

    & "aintain #ee(ly payroll records on /le or threeyears rom the date o completion o the contractB

    Co!eland ct !!lica$ilit0

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    & Any contract #hich is sub?ect to ederal #agestandardsB

    & =or an amount greater than M2HHHB

    & =or the construction prosecution

    completion or repair o public buildings or#or(s /nanced in #hole or in part by loans orgrants rom the -nited StatesB

    orker djustment and Retraining@otiKcation ct R@

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    @otiKcation ct R@

    & ,ntended to protect employees against une;pectedlosses o employment due to plant shutdo#ns ormass layo8sB

    & $equires employers provide their employees #ith 6Hdays notice o impending plant closings or mass

    layo8sB– A plant closing occurs #hen a single site o employment or a

    discrete operating unit #ithin a single site shuts do#n terminatingthe employment o S< or more employees e;clusive o part0timeemployees during any 3H0day period

    – A mass layo8’ occurs #hen a reduction other than a plant closinga8ects 7i9 one0third 733 percent9 o the #or(orce e;clusive o part0

    time employees but a minimum o 5H employees or 7ii9 5HHemployees at a single site o employment during any 3H0day period

    R@ !!lica$ilit0

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    & mployers #ith 1HH or more employeesother than part0time employeesB–  Test is met i in the aggregate all o the employees

    together #or( more than 4HHH hours each #ee(e;cluding overtimeB

    – mployees on temporary layo8 #ho have areasonable e;pectation o recall or #ho are on leaveo absence also are included #hen determining#hether the 1HH0employee test is satis/edB

    & ;ceptions– Oatural disaster

    – =altering company– -noreseen business circumstances

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    Chapter R

    Contracts for S!eciali(edServices

    5e!artment of 9nerg0 Contracts 

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    Agency has contracts #ith variousorgani>ations to manage and operate 7"V

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    !!lications and Restrictions

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    Can be used to:


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    &  The primary purpose is to advance scienti/c andtechnical (no#ledge and apply that (no#ledge tothe e;tent necessary to achieve agency andnational goalsB

    & $VD contracts are directed to#ard ob?ectives or#hich the #or( or methods cannot be precisely

    described in advanceB& ,t is dicult to ?udge the probabilities o success orrequired e8ort or technical approaches some o#hich o8er little or no early assurance o ullsuccessB

    & Process must encourage the best sources rom the

    scienti/c and industrial community to becomeinvolved in the programB

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    c)uisition Process

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    & ,n $VD acquisitions the precise speci/cations necessary orsealed bidding are generally not available thus ma(ingnegotiation necessaryB

    & =i;ed0price arrangement preerence applies in $VDcontracting only to the e;tent that goals ob?ectivesspeci/cations and cost estimates are sucient to permit sucha preerenceB

    & Absence o precise speci/cations and diculties in estimatingcosts #ith accuracy normally precludes using /;ed0pricecontracting or $VD the use o cost0reimbursement contractsis usually appropriateB

    & Pro?ects having production requirements as a ollo#0on to $VDe8orts normally should progress rom cost0reimbursementcontracts to /;ed0price contracts as designs become more

    /rmly established ris(s are reduced and production toolingequipment and processes are developed and provenB

    rc*itecture and 9ngineeringServices

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    & -nique source selection procedures are appliedrather than the solicitation or source selectionprocedures prescribed in =A$ Parts 13 14 and 15B

    & Services that do not require perormance by aregistered or licensed architect or engineer should

    be acquired pursuant to =A$ Parts 13 14 and 15B& !hen the statement o #or( includes both

    architect0engineer services 7that requireperormance by a registered or licensed architector engineer9 and other services the contracting

    ocer shall ollo# the AV proceduresB

    Construction Contracting

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    & Sealed bid procedures are used orconstruction contracts unless the contract #illbe perormed outside the -nited States and itsoutlying areasB

    & Eenerally /rm0/;ed0price contracts shall be

    used to acquire constructionB& Special Aspects o Contracting or Construction– Disclosure o the magnitude o construction pro?ects– "odi/ed sealed bidding procedures– Statutory cost limitations–

    *iquidated damages– 2 phase design0build selection procedures

    Personal Services Contracts

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    & Personal services contractW means a contractthat by its e;press terms or as administeredma(es the contractor personnel appear to bein e8ect Eovernment employeesB

    &  The Eovernment is normally required toobtain its employees by direct hire undercompetitive appointment or other proceduresrequired by the civil service la#sB

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    & An employer0employee relationship under a servicecontract occurs #hen as a result o 7i9 the contractsterms or 7ii9 th