Service and communication / Writing strategies (Service Management_2nd semester)

Service and Communication 2 Effective Planning and Writing COMMUNICATION


This presentation gives you a short, helpful introduction to business writing, online writing strategies and basic information architecture in relation to writing and layout. It comes with some suggestions for class activities and workshops, but the slides can be used as study materials as well. Fully validated with a bibliography and references/links.

Transcript of Service and communication / Writing strategies (Service Management_2nd semester)

Page 1: Service and communication / Writing strategies (Service Management_2nd semester)

Service and Communication

2 Effective Planning and WritingCOMMUNICATION

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The communication trio

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FORMVisual layoutRhetoricsCodificationCultureStyle/genreText/speech

STRATEGYPlanning See next slide


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Strategy: Comm. planning template


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Audience >

Identify and list your different audiences.

You can use a Stake-holder Analysis to help you do this.

Think about the audi-ence’s needs – what do they need and want to know from you?

Communication objectives >

Clarify specific objectives for each audience/stakeholder.

What do you want to happen when you communicate with the audiences: change of behaviour, knowledge, funding etc.?

Message >

Once you have clarified your objectives and got a full understanding of the audiences you need to communicate with, it’s time to plan the messages needed to meet your objec-tives and when and how these will be delivered.

Channel >

Think creatively, but be aware of the communi-cation effects and pos-sibilities of each type of channel! Evaluate:web / Email / presenta-tion / Newsletter / Event / Posters / Lunch-time meeting / Article / Podcast on intranet etc.


When? Why?

Who does what?

Practical issues?


Communications Plan for :

Overall Communication Objective :

Page 4: Service and communication / Writing strategies (Service Management_2nd semester)

Content and form: Business writing

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Source: . See also this ressource for tips on writing:

Workshop: 7 Cs of communication

Visit the website:

Read the article in groups. Discuss:

The 7 Cs; What do you consider to be related to content, and what is form? Or is there sometimes a mix?

What is a “call to action” (see Complete) ?

What is your good and bad experiencewith business writing?






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Content, strategy and form: Online service writing

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Based on Förster, 2004.

THE LANGUAGE HAS A COLOUR. Or, to be more precise; the style conno-tates a certain form, a climate. At least, that’s the theory. Anyway it’s a good idea to work with a rhetorical strategi when writing for your social media audience. A part from ethos, logos and pathos, you can work with this strategy based on Försters work (2004).It’s usually a mix between two or more of these strategies!

■ BLUE function text: Information and facts: focus on numbers, dates, precise information.

■ GREEN function text: Guarantee and quality: focus on tradition, order, experience.

■ YELLOW function text: Spontanity: focus on ideas, visions, fun, spontanity.

■ RED function text: Contact and emotion: focus on empathy, warmth, invitation.

Visual strategy cues: numbers, graphs, non-fictional photos.

Visual strategy cues: positive groupings and culture.

Visual strategy cues: fun and dynamic life.

Visual strategy cues: peace, inviting, understanding

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Form: Layout 101 via AIDA

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Busch et al., 2011: 268 f.

The hiearchy of graphics and typog-raphy is essential when you want to communicate your message, set your information priorities etc. The essential and basic levels can be planned strate-gically by following the AIDA model:

A : AttentionI : InterestD : DesireA : Action

Let’s start with the simple information hierarchy of the written business letter:

Sender / Return Address



HeadlineContent Nat. Officab iminvel iciatium eturi rerro ipsae

nulpa di odiam, tem quas reici cus volo incidus mi, con

porem harum.


for more topics or longer letters Tem eost, con por maio

id eum in pe comni comnihi litibus idunti temporro is

qui omni ut porupta con nitiaest, utemposandis nit qui

des aut a dolore qui niant.

Kind Regards,

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The anatomy of the poster:Marketing objective

A : AttentionI : InterestD : DesireA : Action

Busch et al., 2011: 268 f. Image ressource:

Form: Layout 101 via AIDA

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The anatomy of the poster:Information objective

A : AttentionI : InterestD : DesireA : Action

What is the difference between a marketing poster and a service information product like a poster, a service booklet etc.?

Busch et al., 2011: 268 f. Image ressource:

Form: Layout 101 via AIDA

Page 9: Service and communication / Writing strategies (Service Management_2nd semester)

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The anatomy of interactive media:information kiosk

In relation to a static poster this infor-mation kiosk provides possibilities of tailor-made interactive service options for the customer. This requires strate-gies of usability, awereness of culture and the best information architecture.

Busch et al., 2011: 268 f. Image ressource:

Form: Layout 101

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Anne Mette Busch et al. (2011):Kommunikation i multimediedesign.Hans Reitzel/Gyldendal Akademisk.

Hans Peter Förster (2004):Texten wie ein Profi.Frankfurter Algemeine Buch.

Background literature/ressources

Gay Walley (2012):“The Smart Guide to Business Writing” publising.Download the document here (PDF):

Communication planning (simple):

7 Cs of communication:

Business letters (examples):

Graphic design by D. EngelbySlideshare profile:

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