Sermon Notes “YOU CAN WALK WHILE WOUNDED (FROM PAIN TO PRAISE)” Psalm 13 I. INTRODUCTION As you know, “keeping it real” and transparency are two (2) characteristics of the Kingdom Building culture in The Windsor Village Church Family. To that end, it would be senseless and disingenuous to offer a message (today) that ignores the passing of one of our leaders, not to mention the pain associated with Pastor Kibe's transition. So, this week's message will deal with our new reality head-on. Obviously, today's message is designed to instruct and empower you to process all the other painful incidents in your life as well. The pain resulting from the wounds that anything or anybody has caused you should be processed and overcome. That's The King's preferred plan for your life ¾ regardless of how dark or discombobulating the incident may be! Jeremiah 29:10,11 This message will provide the five (5) initial, practical and Biblical steps you can ¾ and should ¾ take to help you get from where you are to where Our Lord and King Jesus Christ wants you to be. Don't be beguiled: You can walk while wounded ¾ and you will in Jesus' Name! Based on Psalm 13, one of the Psalms of disorientation, the five (5) initial steps are as follows: II. STEP 1: ASK THE KING. vv. 1, 2 A. The “complaint” is not spoken by one who is a stranger to Yahweh, but one who has a long history of trustful interaction. B. ALL causes and symptoms of pain and wounds are appropriate conversations with The King. Everything belongs in conversations of the heart with The King. C. When you withhold parts of life from conversations with The One who gives life, you devalue your life and under-appreciate the life of The Lord and King. D. “Religious” protocol suggests that some painful expressions should not be shared. It is also the case, however, that these experiences should not be experienced in the first place. These expressions are “at the limit” precisely because the experiences are “at the limit.” III. STEP 2: “LAY IT ON” THE KING! vv. 1, 2 A. Characterize for God how desperate your predicament is!


Sermon Notes


Psalm 13

I. INTRODUCTION As you know, “keeping it real” and transparency are two (2) characteristics of the Kingdom Building culture in The Windsor Village Church Family. To that end, it would be senseless and disingenuous to offer a message (today) that ignores the passing of one of our leaders, not to mention the pain associated with Pastor Kibe's transition. So, this week's message will deal with our new reality head-on. Obviously, today's message is designed to instruct and empower you to process all the other painful incidents in your life as well. The pain resulting from the wounds that anything or anybody has caused you should be processed and overcome. That's The King's preferred plan for your life ¾ regardless of how dark or discombobulating the incident may be! Jeremiah 29:10,11 This message will provide the five (5) initial, practical and Biblical steps you can ¾ and should ¾ take to help you get from where you are to where Our Lord and King Jesus Christ wants you to be. Don't be beguiled: You can walk while wounded ¾ and you will in Jesus' Name! Based on Psalm 13, one of the Psalms of disorientation, the five (5) initial steps are as follows:

II. STEP 1: ASK THE KING. vv. 1, 2 A. The “complaint” is not spoken by one who is a stranger to Yahweh, but one who

has a long history of trustful interaction.B. ALL causes and symptoms of pain and wounds are appropriate conversations with

The King. Everything belongs in conversations of the heart with The King. C. When you withhold parts of life from conversations with The One who gives life,

you devalue your life and under-appreciate the life of The Lord and King. D. “Religious” protocol suggests that some painful expressions should not be shared.

It is also the case, however, that these experiences should not be experienced in the first place. These expressions are “at the limit” precisely because the experiences are “at the limit.”

III. STEP 2: “LAY IT ON” THE KING! vv. 1, 2 A. Characterize for God how desperate your predicament is!

B. The speaker holds Yahweh accountable for addressing the predicament (after the speaker has laid it out to Him).

C. Make your pain or predicament Yahweh's pain or predicament. D. It is Yahweh Who is both able and responsible for doing something about the


IV. STEP 3: PETITION THE KING. vv. 3a A. Ask God to act decisively! B. This is the most intense element of the process because it is a bold imperative.

There is no sign of reticence here. I John 5:14,15 C. The speaker assumes some “rights against the throne” so the urgency of the

speech has a judicial quality. Job 31:35-37 D. Make a plea for justice as well as mercy!

V. STEP 4: MOTIVATE THE KING! vv. 3b, 4 A. Give Yahweh some reasons to act on your behalf. B. Some of your plea at this stage of the process may be less than noble, but a

desperate voice does not have time to be noble. C. Your motivation may be borderline “bargaining” but there is a certain level of

intimacy assumed in your relationship with The King. D. “I am innocent”; “I am forgiven”; and “I am committed to do it for the sake of Your

reputation and prestige” are examples of spoken motivations to The King.

VI. STEP 5: PRAISE THE KING! vv. 5, 6 A. The speaker has moved from pain to praise! B. Miraculously, everything has been changed. By faith, the Psalmist addressed,

“laid it on,” petitioned and motivated The King believing He would have a new and specific reason to praise Him during the entire process.

C. Yahweh has seen, heard and answered the plea for deliverance. D. Whether your predicament changes or not, when you go through II through V,

you will have changed! E. Worst-case scenario, your inner change produces a praise for The King!

Source: The Message of the Psalms by Walter Brueggermann

December 10-11, 2016

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