Serenity Character Creation

Serenity Character Creation Plot Points Plot points allow you to add an extra die to your action rolls. The more points you spend the higher the die type. See table below. If used after the action roll the Plot points simply add 1 to your rolled total instead of adding a additional die. All characters start each game with 6 plot points. Players can only have up to 12 Plot points at anytime and cannot gain any new plot points if they have 12 points. (You cannot have 13 or more plot points at any time, so dont be stingy with them.) Players may roll over up to 6 plot points to the next session, anything over 6 points is converted to advancement points which can be spent to improve attributes or skills or purchase new skills. Plot Points Spent Bonus Die 1 d2 2 d4 3 d6 4 d8 5 d10 6 d12 7 d12 + d2 8 d12 + d4 9 d12 + d6 10 d12 + d8 11 d12 + d10 12 d12 + d12 Heroic Levels Green Horn - 42 Attribute Points Veteran - 48 Attribute Points Big Damn Hero - 54 Attribute Points Step 1: Choose Traits Traits


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Transcript of Serenity Character Creation

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Serenity Character Creation

Plot PointsPlot points allow you to add an extra die to your action rolls. The more points you spend the higher the die type. See table below. If used after the action roll the Plot points simply add 1 to your rolled total instead of adding a additional die. All characters start each game with 6 plot points. Players can only have up to 12 Plot points at anytime and cannot gain any new plot points if they have 12 points. (You cannot have 13 or more plot points at any time, so don’t be stingy with them.) Players may roll over up to 6 plot points to the next session, anything over 6 points is converted to advancement points which can be spent to improve attributes or skills or purchase new skills.

Plot Points Spent Bonus Die

1 d2

2 d4

3 d6

4 d8

5 d10

6 d12

7 d12 + d2

8 d12 + d4

9 d12 + d6

10 d12 + d8

11 d12 + d10

12 d12 + d12

Heroic LevelsGreen Horn - 42 Attribute PointsVeteran - 48 Attribute PointsBig Damn Hero - 54 Attribute Points

Step 1:Choose Traits


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Must choose at least 1 and no more than 5 assets and complications.Assets cost 2 attribute points for minor, 4 points for majorComplications give player 2 attribute points for minor, 4 points for major

AssetsAllure (minor/major) - Physically attractive, keyed to appearance such as: +2 step Skill die bonus on all actions keyed to trait Seduction, Negotiation, Persuasion, or winning beauty pageants. As major trait any plot points spent on actions keyed to trait are improved as if you had spent 2 additional plot points.

Athlete (minor/major) - Able to push your body past its normal limits, Pick one athletic specialty. You may choose to exert yourself in the use of that skill. if you voluntarily suffer Stun damage, you gain an extra die roll as if you had spent an equal number of Plot Points. You may spend an equal number of points that would render you unconscious, but no more. As a major trait, any plot points (not Stun) spent on physical activities are improved as if you had spent 2 additional points.

Born behind the Wheel (minor/major) - Learned to fly or drive before you learned to walk, choose either land or air/space vehicles. Gain +2 step bonus to your agility attribute whenever you are at the controls of your chosen vehicle type. As major trait any plot points spent on actions keyed to trait are improved as if you had spent 2 additional plot points.

Cortex Specter (minor/major) - There is almost no record of you in the Cortex. A cortex search won’t show much about your history besides your birth. Anyone attempting to dig up information on your past has a +8 added to the difficulty of their search. As Major no official docket of you exists anywhere. Could have disadvantages as well: credit could be denied, trouble checking into emergency ward on Alliance run hospital, if Alliance arrests you it could mean a whole heap of trouble as you don’t officially exist.

Fighting Type (major only) - You know how to handle yourself in almost any combat-type situation. Take one non-attack action each combat turn without penalty.

Friends in High Places (minor only) - You know important people. Once per session you can spend 1 or more Plot points to call in a favor or secure a quick loan, either someone known from previous play or someone who occurs to you on the spot. GM must agree on the nature and position of your “friend” and if they would grant you the favor, which must be appropriate for people in positions of influence of authority.

Plot Points Type of Favor

1 - 2 Small Loan (up to 500 C); loan of minor equipment

3 - 4 Medium loan (up to 5000 C); lifting land lock; invitation to important event

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Plot Points Type of Favor

5 - 6 Large loan (up to 10000 C ); security clearance; use of a ship

Friends in Low Places (minor only) - Your connections are of the shady, criminal, and underworld variety. Could include money launderers, fencers, thieves, cartel bosses, counterfeiters, and the like. They can set you up with jobs, tip you off to the latest word on the street, and offer you first-buy on recently smuggled items. Once per session you can spend 1 or more Plot points to call in a favor or secure a quick loan, either someone known from previous play or someone who occurs to you on the spot. GM must agree on the nature and position of your “friend” and if they would grant you the favor, which must be appropriate for people in positions of influence of authority.

Plot Points Type of Favor

1 - 2 Small loan with interest (up to 500 C); information; purchase imprinted goods

3 - 4 Medium loan with interest (up to 5000 C); a cut on a smuggling job

5 - 6 Large loan with interest (up to 10000 C); protection from rival crime lord

Good Name (minor/major) - You’ve made a name for yourself through some heroic or charitable deed of have underworld credibility. You are held in high regard within your social circle. As minor you gain +2 step skill bonus to any social interaction in which your good name comes into play. As a major trait, just about everyone in the Verse has heard of you and your bonus applies almost all the time.

Healthy as a Horse (minor/major) - You just don’t get easily sick. As minor you gain +2 step Vitality Attribute Bonus whenever you roll a resist or shake off illness or infections. As a major trait, and plot points spent on such rolls gain a bonus as it you had spent 2 additional points, you also heal damage (stun/wound) at twice the usual rate.

Heavy Tolerance (minor only) - Drugs and Alcohol just don’t affect you like they do most folk. Gain +2 step Vitality attribute bonus whenever you resist the effects of alcohol, drugs, knock-out or lethal gasses, and poison.

Highly Educated (minor only) - You were good in school, actually paid attention to the teachers, and retained what you learned. Gain +2 attribute bonus to intelligence for any knowledge-based skill roll when you try to recall some information.

Intimidatin’ Manner (minor) - You’ve got a steely-eyed stare. You have true grit. You gain +2 step attribute bonus to Willpower on any action that involves intimidating,

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interrogating, bullying, frightening, and all manner of awing other folks. You can also use this on your rolls to resist similar attempts made against you.

Leadership (minor/major) - You are an inspiration to others. Once per session, you can designate a goal for receiving your leadership bonus. Everyone working to achieve the goal gains +2 step skill bonus on any one action directly related to completing the task.

Lightnin’ Reflexes (major only) - You react to danger quickly. Gain +2 step attribute bonus to agility on all initiative rolls.

Math Whiz (minor only) - You perform complex mathematical calculations effortlessly, and solve most mathematical problems without fail (and no need to roll the dice). Gain +2 step attribute bonus to intelligence for all actions related to accounting, engineering, and navigation - and in any situation that requires immediate mathematic interpretation.

Mean Left Hook (minor only) - Your fist are hard as rocks. Your unarmed attacks inflict basic damage (split between stun and wound) instead of stun.

Mechanical Empathy (minor only) - Machines talk to you. For the cost of a given number of plot points (as determined by the GM; see table for guidance), you gain intuitive knowledge as to what’s wrong with your particular mechanical device under your care, as well as a +2 step Skill bonus to Mechanical Engineering for any action attempting to fix said device. Certain unusual circumstances might block your ability (the machine turns out to be a hologram). When such is the case, you do not spend your plot points.

Plot Points Nature of Problem

1 - 2 Minor problem (dead battery, slipped belt)

3 - 4 Moderate problem (corroded wiring, blown gasket)

5 - 6 Major problem (faulty catalyzer, crack in the external fuel tank)

Military Rank (minor only) - You are or were either an enlisted man or officer. Gain +2 step attribute to Willpower on all discipline-based actions. Officers gain and equivalent bonus on all influence-based actions.

Moneyed Individual (major only) - You’re loaded. Increase your starting credits by one-half (multiply your normal starting total by 1.5). Once per session you, you can make an Intelligence + Influence (or any appropriate Specialty) roll when making a purchase to see if you can afford it by dipping into your trust fund. Difficulty starts at easy (3) for a purchase up to 2000 C and increases by 4 for every additional 2000 C of purchase (see table). You may spend plot points of the roll.

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Difficulty Cost of item

3 up to 2000 C

7 up to 4000 C

11 up to 6000 C

15 up to 8000 C

19 up to 10000 C

Natural Linguist (minor only) - You’ve got an ear for languages and can learn a new one with remarkable ease. You learn linguist specialties at half their normal costs. You can also imitate and detect specific accents and dialects, giving you a +2 step skill bonus to influence or performance (and appropriate specialties) whenever you are trying to pass for native.

Nature lover (minor) - You’re in harmony with nature. Gain +2 step attribute bonus to all alterness-based rolls while in an outdoor setting, along with equivalent bonus to a Survival-based skill die when applied to a natural environment.

Nose for Trouble (minor/major) You’ve got a mental alarm that sounds when something’s about to go wrong with the plan. You can make an intelligence or alertness based roll to sense trouble even when circumstances might not normally permit it, and you gain a +2 step bonus to either attribute when the circumstances warrant. As a major trait, you may also spend 1 plot point to negate all effects of surprise.

Reader (minor/major) - You mind is open to the thoughts and emotions of folk nearby. As a minor trait, you abilities are empathic in nature, letting you learn the general feelings and moods of those around you. Gain +2 step attribute bonus to alertness whenever observing someone, trying to discern the truth from a lie, and in other situations where your talents might help you understand a person. As a major trait, the bonus increase to +4, and once per game session you may spend plot points to gain clues or other information.

Plot Points Information Gleaned

1 - 2 Minor Information (trivial details, casual thoughts)

3 - 4 Moderate Information (private details, significant thoughts)

5 - 6 Major Information (vital details, closely guarded secrets)

Registered Companion (minor only) - You posses an active license in the companion registry, which legally permits you to business throughout the system. Most worlds open

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the doors for you a +2 step skill bonus to influence based actions in dealing with those who respect your station.

Religiosity (minor/major) - You follow the tenants of a particular faith and are either a faithful practitioner of a bona fide man or woman of your particular god. Select a religious faith. (Most folks in the Verse are either christian or buddhist, though other faiths exist) Minor trait - you are a faithful worshipper. Gain +2 step attribute bonus to willpower based action per game session. Major trait - you are a priest, pastor, monk, rabbi, or other ordained figure and can easily be recognized as such by your garb. In addition to minor benefits all plot points spent on influence (and specialty) actions with those who respect your station are resolved as if you had spent 2 additional points.

Sharp Sense (minor only) - One of your sense is especially keen, and you can use it to your advantage. Pick one of the five senses: smell, touch, sight, taste, or hearing. Gain +2 step bonus to your alertness attribute for any action utilizing that sense. You make take this trait more than once during character creation, choosing a different sense each time.

Steady Calm (minor/major) - You keep a clear head while all around you are losing theirs. Gain +2 step attribute bonus to willpower to avoid being shaken, frightened or startled. As a major trait, you are never rattled unless extreme or unusual circumstances apply.

Sweet and Cheerful (minor only) - No power in the Verse san stop you from being cheerful. Gain +2 step skill bonus on any action in which your sweet and likable nature works in your favor.

Talented (minor/major) - Whatever it is, your good at it. Pick one skill specialty, gain +2 step skill bonus on every use of that skill. As a major trait each progression to a higher die costs you 2 points less than normal. (The latter benefit applies only to advancement during play, not character creation.)

Things go Smooth (minor/major) - Lady luck has taken a liking to you. Once per session, you may re-roll any one action except Botches. As a major trait, you gain an additional re-roll, including Botch results.

Total Recall (major only) - your brain stores all information you’ve garnered over a lifetime within easy reach. Gain +2 step skill bonus to any action in which your trait may come in handy. You may also spend plot point to remember verbatim every detail of a past event of encounter with absolute photographic clarity.

Tough as Nails (minor/major) - You’re tougher than you look. Gain 2 extra life points over your normal total. As major trait you gain 4 points instead.

Trustworthy Gut (minor/major) - You’ve learned to trust your hunches. Gin +2 step attribute bonus to any mental attribute roll when you are relying on intuition. As a major

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trait you can spend 1 plot point to as the GM a specific yes of no question related to your hunch.

Two-Fisted (major) - You are ambidextrous. You incur no off-hand penalty.

Walking Timepiece (minor) - You never need to look at a watch to know what time it is. You also have a good idea of how much time has passed between actions. If you are knocked unconscious or otherwise incapacitated, it takes a full-turn Intelligence + alertness action at average difficulty to get your internal clock ticking again.

Wears a Badge (minor/major) - You represent the law - at least somewhere. Gain +2 step skill bonus to all influence based actions with those who respect your position. Minor means you represent local law enforcement on one planet or region. Major means your authority covers most of the system.

ComplicationsAllergy (minor/major) - Certain things mess with your body something fierce. Pick an allergy. As a minor trait your reaction is minor and you will suffer -2 step penalty to your physical attributes for all actions in its presence, or until you take medication. As a major trait you suffer a life threatening reaction to the substance and take d2 points of stun each turn, all additional damage over stun capacity is suffered as both wound and shock points.

Amorous (minor) - Sex might not be the only thing on your mind, but it definitely ranks up there at the top. You’ll make a pass at almost anyone of your sexual preference and you don’t put up any barriers when someone is coming on to you. -2 step Skill penalty to Influence based actions when the other party is offended by your advances. -2 step willpower attribute penalty when attempting to resist the wiles of someone who is your “type”.

Amputee (minor) - You are missing an arm or leg. If an arm, actions that usually take two hands suffer a -2 step penalty. If leg, your base movement is reduced to 5 feet per turn and you suffer -4 step penalty on movement action.

Bleeder (major) - If you suffer wound damage you’ll begin to bleed and suffer 1 additional wound each turn until the bleeding is stopped.Blind (major) - Your character has difficulties moving in unfamiliar surroundings and suffers -4 step skill penalty on any action that normally depends on vision. Penalty is doubled to -8 step for any attempt at ranged combat.

Branded (minor/major) - You’ve got a bad reputation - fairly earned or not - in your home region. -2 step skill penalty to any social interaction when the story of your terrible misdeeds comes into play. As major trait, virtually everyone in the Verse has heard bad things about you and the penalty applies almost all the time. You suffer no penalty when dealing with folks who know you personally, or those who feel you got a raw deal.

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Chip on the Shoulder (minor/major) - You’re ready for a fight at the slightest provocation. -2 step skill penalty to all peaceable social actions with even a hint of tension. As major trait anytime you suffer wound damage you go completely berserk, concentrating only on the person who hurt you - until someone else tags you.

Credo (minor/major) - you live by a set of principles and you will not deviate from them without damn good reason. As minor trait pick a credo that will get you into minor trouble. As a major trait choose a credo that is a sure fire way to put yourself in danger.

Combat Paralysis (minor/major) - When combat beings your are unable to take any action for d2 turns. You may spend plot points equal to the number of turns rolled to shake it off.

Coward (minor) - When danger strikes, you look for the nearest exit. -2 step skill penalty on all combat actions in which you are in danger and on equal willpower attribute penalty on any action to resist fear, intimidation, torture, or other threats.

Crude (minor) - You cuss, put your elbows on the table, spit on the sidewalk, and engage in other crude behavior. -2 step skill penalty on influence based actions whenever refined social behavior is called for.

Dead Broke (minor) - You never have any measurable amount of wealth. Decrease starting credits in half and you must spend all of your remaining credits during character creation. Also whenever near any type of civilization you must give up half of all your income the first day there due to debts.

Deadly Enemy (minor) - Someone is out to get you. Your enemy is dangerous and poses a direct threat every 3 to 5 adventures. You will never be completely free of this complication until you buy it off - because someone is always going to try and recoup what you owe them.

Deaf (major) - You automatically fail any alertness based action involving sounds. You are immune to any sonic attack that are designed to injure or disable hearing individuals, and you might be able to tell what people are saying at a distance by reading lips. you can understand sign language and receive +2 step bonus to any use of the Perception/Read lips skill.Dull Sense (minor) - Pick on of the five senses: smell, touch, sight, taste, or hearing. -2 step penalty to your alertness attribute for any action utilizing that sense. May take this more than once for a different sense each time.

Easy mark (major) - You generally believe what you are told. In situations where you are attempting to distinguish the truth from lies, you suffer a -4 step mental attribute penalty.

Ego Signature (minor) - You consistently leave some sort of identifying clue at the scene of your crimes.

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Filcher (minor) - If some piece of pretty catches your fancy, you’ll try to take it - even if committing the theft is a really dumb move.

Forked Tongue (minor) - Your a compulsive liar. -4 step skill penalty to all influence based actions when dealing with someone who knows you.

Greedy (minor) - You take almost any opportunity to acquire money.

Hero Worship (minor) - You attempt to emulate your hero in dress and speech and will go to great lengths to feel physical connections to this person. -2 step skill penalty to influence based actions when in the company of those who are’n as enthralled with your hero as you are.

Hooked (minor/major) - You’re addicted to a substance. -2 step penalty to all attributes for 1 week or until you get a fix, as major -4 to all attributes for two weeks or until you get your fix, requires a long with drawl period once you buy off this complication.

Leaky Brainpan (minor/major) - You have more than a few screws loose. As a minor trait you are prone to occasional delusions and random, nonsensical outbursts, -2 step skill penalty to influence based social interactions. As a major trait you’re completely weird and creepifying, as likely to rub soup in your hair as slash a butcher knife across a crew mate’s chest because you think they look better in red. -4 step skill penalty to influence based social interactions

Lightweight (minor) - -2 Vitality penalty to any attempt to resist the effects of alcohol, diseases, environmental hazards, and poisons.

Little Person (minor) - You are only 3 to 4 feet tall. Opponents attacking you with a ranged weapon from more than 10 feet away receive a +4 to the difficulty. Base speed is reduced to 8 feet per turn. -2 step skill penalty on movement actions.

Loyal (minor) - Pick a group that can count on your loyalty. You will do anything short of sacrificing your own life to help and protect them.

Memorable (minor) - You’re easily identified. Others gain a +2 step alertness attribute bonus when attempting to spot you or recognize your likeness.

Mute (major) - You can’t speak. you must make use of non-verbal communication to get your point across.

Non-fightin’ type (minor) - You will fight only for your own survival or in situations where there is no other choice. -2 step skill penalty to any combat actions.

Overconfident (minor) - You know that you’re up for any challenge. You’ll run not walk, into deadly altercations. You’ll pick a fight even when you’re outnumbered. you’ll bet all

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the credits you have on a single throw of the dice. You’ll risk attempting a dangerous action even if you’re not the least bit skilled at it.

Paralyzed (major) - Without mechanical assistance, you can crawl at a speed of only 2 feet per turn. In manual wheel chair your base speed is only 5 feet per turn. -4 step penalty to movement actions. -4 step penalty when fighting hand-to-hand.

Phobia (minor) - Specify your Phobia. You become shaken in the presence of your fear suffering -2 step attribute penalty to all actions.

Portly (minor/major) - As minor trait your are somewhat overweight - 2 step attribute penalty to all athletics based actions (except swimming) and influence based actions dealing with fitness and physical appearance. As a major trait you are morbidly obese penalty increased to -4 and base movement is reduced to 5 feet per turn. -2 step skill to all covert based actions involving disguise and hiding.

Prejudice (minor) - Pick a group of people based on race, religious views, region of space, which side they fought on during the war, etc. All influence based social interactions with the object of your prejudice suffer a -2 step skill penalty

Sadistic (major) - Your cruelty knows no bounds, and you don’t pass up any chance to express your sadistic side, including maiming and torturing those under your power.

Scrawny (minor) - You’re skinny. -2 step penalty to strength attribute to all athletic based actions and -2 step skill penalty on influence based actions dealing with fitness and physical appearance.

Slow Learner (minor) - Choose one general skill. you pay 2 additional points for any improvement to the skill or any of its specialties. (This applies only to advancement, not character creation) You also suffer a -2 step skill penalty any time you try to use it.

Soft (minor) - You are a sensitive flower. take 1 additional point of stun every time you take any damage at all. You also must succeed an average willpower + discipline action to keep from weeping and wailing whenever you suffer any wound damage whatsoever.

Stingy (minor) - No matter how rich you are you never part with money you don’t have to.

Straight Shooter (minor) - You speak the truth without regard for other people’s feelings, of the circumstances involved. -2 step skill penalty to influence based actions when trying tell a falsehood.

Superstitious (minor) - When ever you receive an omen of bad luck, you receive a -2 penalty to all of your Attributes for a set of actions. When you receive a good omen you gain +2 attribute to bonus to a group of actions which the GM determines.

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Things don’t go smooth (minor/major) - Bad luck follows you around. Once per session the GM can force you re-roll and action and take the lowest of the two results. As a major trait the GM can do this twice per session.

Traumatic Flashes (minor/major) - Once per session, some trigger will cause you to suffer a traumatic flash. these episodes leave you incoherent, shaking, and screaming - rending you incapable of action for d2 turns and causing you to suffer -2 step attribute penalty on all actions for ten minutes following the flash. As major this happens twice per session.

Twitchy (minor) - You’re not paranoid. You know for a fact that everyone is out to get you! You don’t trust anyone, especially folk you don’t know. -2 step skill penalty to all influence based actions in social situations.

Ugly as Sin (minor/major) - you’re unattractive, and suffer -2 step skill penalty to all actions keyed to appearance, such as seduction, negotiation, and persuasion. As a major trait you’re ugly to the bone and all plot points spent on such actions cost twice the usual amount.

Weak Stomach (minor/major) - You cannot stand to be in the presence of blood, entrails, and dead bodies. -2 step penalty to all attributes until either the source of your discomfort is removed or until you leave on your own. As a major trait, you also have to make an average Vitality + Willpower test for each five minute interval you are exposed to the gory scenes or fall unconscious for 2d4 minutes.

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Step 2:Choose Attributes

AttributesAttributes are the qualities that describe a character’s physical and mental makeup.Attributes cost a number Attribute points equal to the die type. See Table below.

Die Type Point Cost

d4 4

d6 6

d8 8

d10 10

d12 12

d12 + d2 14

d12 + d4 16

Physical Attributes:Agility - represents quickness and physical coordinationStrength - tells you just how strong your character isVitality - is a measure of toughness and general health

Mental Attributes:Alertness - represents intuition and observationIntelligence - is smarts - plain and simpleWillpower - is about determination and force of personality

Derived Attributes:Initiative = Agility + AlertnessLife Points = Vitality + Willpower

Step 3:Choose Skills

SkillsCharacters start with skill points equal to 20 plus number of starting attribute points.

Purchase skills the same way as attributes where you pay a number of skill points equal to the die type. General skills max out at a d6 after which you have to may an additional

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amount for specialty skills in addition to the general skill cost. (must be spent for every specialty) See table below.

Die Type General Cost Specialty Cost

d2 2 ---

d4 4 ---

d6 6 ---

d8 --- 2

d10 --- 4

d12 --- 6

d12 + d2 --- 8

d12 + d4 --- 10

Skill List:General Skills Specialty Skills

Animal Handling Animal training, Riding, Veterinary, zoology

Artistry appraisal, cooking, forgery, game design, painting, photography, poetry, sculpting, writing

Athletics climbing, contortion, dodge, juggling, jumping, gymnastics, parachuting, parasailing, pole vaulting, riding, running, swimming, weight lifting

Covert camouflage, disable devices, forgery, infiltration, open locks, sabotage, sleight of hand, stealth, streetwise, surveillance

Craft architecture, blacksmithing, carpentry, cooking, leather working, metalworking, pottery, sewing

Discipline concentration, interrogation, intimidation, leadership, mental resistance, morale

Guns assault rifles, energy weapons, grenade launchers, gunsmithing, machine guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns

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General Skills Specialty Skills

Heavy Weapons artillery, catapults, demolitions, forward observer, mounted guns, repair heavy weapons, rocket launchers, ship’s cannons, siege weapons

Influence administration, barter, bureaucracy, conversation, counseling, interrogation, intimidation, leadership, marketing, persuasion, politics, seduction, streetwise

Knowledge appraisal, cultures, history, law, literature, philosophy, religion, sports

Linguist* Arabic, Armenian, French, German, Hindu, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, Swahili, Swedish, etc

Mechanical Engineering* create mechanical devices, machinery maintenance, mechanical repairs, fix mechanical security systems, plumbing

Medical Expertise* dentistry, forensics, general practice, genetics, internal medicine, neurology, pharmaceuticals, physiology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, surgery, toxicology, veterinary medicine

Melee Weapon Combat clubs, knives, melee weaponsmithing, nunchaku, pole arms, swords, whips

Perception deduction, empathy, gambling, hearing, intuition, investigation, read lips, search, sight, smell, tactics, taste, tracking

Performance acting, dancing, costuming, keyboard instruments, impersonation, mimicry, oratory, percussion instruments, singing, stringed instruments, wind instruments

Pilot* aerial navigation, astrogation, astronomy, astrophysics, space survival, specific types of vehicle (gunships, hang glinders, helicopters, large cruisers, mid-bulk transports, patrol vessels, rocket shuttles, ultra-light aircraft, short range shuttles, etc.)

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General Skills Specialty Skills

Planetary Vehicles aquatic navigation, cars, canoes, equestrian, ground vehicle repair, horse-drawn conveyances, hovercraft, industrial vehicles, land navigation, large ground transports, military combat vehicles, powerboats, sailing, scooters, scuba diving, skiffs, submarines, yachts

Ranged Weapons Blowguns, bows, crossbows, darts, grenade, javelin, ranged weaponsmithing, slings, throwing axes, throwing knives

Scientific Expertise* earth sciences, historical sciences, life sciences, mathematical sciences

Survival aerial survival, aquatic survival, general navigation, land survival, nature, space survival, specific environment survival (Zero-G, desert, jungle, etc.), specific condition survival (cold, heat, toxic, etc), tracking, trapping

Technical Engineering* Communication systems, computer programming, hacking, create/alter technical devices, demolitions, electronics, technical repair, technical security systems

Unarmed Combat boxing, brawling, judo, karate, kung fu, savate, wrestling

* Skilled use only

Step 4:Starting Credits and gear.

Gear and cash will be given in game due to starting point.

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House Rules

Everyone take the Dead Broke Complication to begin with. (Don’t worry this will change soon enough)

The only equipment you will need is the clothes on your back.

Each player starts with 10p.

The GM will handle all combat to help speed along game play. (This is optional, if you insist on rolling your own die we will use Invisible Castle [assuming it will work]. Use the “GMF-Serenity Escape” as the Campaign name for all die rolls. Everyone must be in agreement on this.)

Characters are due by Saturday April 26, 2008.

I will try to have the first post up sometime on Sunday April 27, 2008. (No promises since I will be out of town for the week prior)

You are expected to post at least once per calendar week. (Sunday to Saturday) The faster people respond the faster the pace of the game will be. If you are going to be offline for a week send me a PM so that I will know.

Check your PMs as I may send you in game information that way. Feel free to PM me with any in game action you wish to take in secrecy. (This does not count as your required weekly post.)

Make use of colored text as it can help things to stand out better. Red for Actions taken. Blue for Dialog. Orange for OCC. Green for Die rolls. (If decided that you want to roll your own die)