Sequestration 101 Final

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  • 7/31/2019 Sequestration 101 Final


    Federal Budget

    Sequest rat ion 101Perspect i ves t hr ough t he Count y Lens

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    What is Sequest rat ion?

    Sequestration: Process of appl ying aut omat ic, across-t he-boardspending reduct ions evenly di v ided bet w een security (defense)

    and non-security(mandat ory/ ent i t lement f unds + annual

    discret ionary f unds) f unct ions

    Because t he Super Comm it t ee f ai l ed t o reach an agr eement ,

    sequest r at i on is now schedul ed t o occur beginni ng on January 2, 2013

    Sequest r at i on was f i r st enact ed in 1985 as part of t he

    balanced budget and emer gency def i ci t cont r ol act

    (com monly known as t he Gr amm -Rudm an-Hol l i ngs Act )

    Ser ves as t he model f or t he pr ocess t o be used dur i ng

    im pl ement at ion of t he Feder al Budget Cont r ol Act of 2011

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    What is Sequest rat ion?

    However , t he repor t leaves no quest ion t hat

    sequest rat ion would be deeply dest ruct ive t o

    nat ional secur i t y, domest ic invest ment s, and

    core government funct ions.

    - OMB Report Pur suant t o t he Sequest r at ion Transparency Act of 2012 (P. L. 112155),

    President s Of f ice of Manageme nt and Budget , Sept emb er 14, 2012

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    Context for Federal Debt and DeficitDiscussion and Act ions

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    of Our

    Spending is


    Sour ce: Congressional Budget Off ice (Januar y 2012)

    Fiscal Year 2012 Outlays:$3.63 Tril lion

    Federal Budget Pict ure




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    FY2012 Federal Budget


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    Federal Budget Pict ure

    Absent reforms, U.S. debt is set t o skyr ocket in the coming decades

    Sources: Congressional Budget Of f ice (Januar y 2012) and Bipar t isan Poli cy Cent er

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    Source: U.S. Treasur y as of August 15, 2012

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    How Did We Get Here?

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    How Did We Get Here?

    Reached OldFederal Debt Ceil ing

    Budget Cont rol Act of 2011 (S. 365) Enact ed

    Fail ure of Super Com m it t ee t o Find Savings

    Sequest er Requi red by Law

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    How Did We Get Here?

    Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365)

    Set st age f or $2.4 Tr i l l i on increase in Federal debt cei l i ng

    BUTw it h of f set t ing reduct ions in t w o phases

    $900 Bil l i on in savings over next 10 years, incl uding new spendi ng caps f or12 annual appropr iat ions bi l ls

    Joint Select Comm it t ee on Def ic i t Reduct ion ( Super Comm it t ee )

    set up t o ident i f y at least $1. 5 Tr i l l ion in ext ra savings over 10 years

    HOWEVER, i f comm it t ee f ai ls, aut omat ic t r igger of across-t he-board

    cut s in b ot h def ense and non-def ense accounts each year over t henext nine years (t hru FY2021)

    htt p:/ / democrats.budget. si tes/ democrats.budget. f i les/ 08.03.11%20Budget%20Control%20Act%20summary.pdf

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    Basics of the

    Federal Budget


    Process and


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    Under st anding t he Breakdow n of

    Fund ing Level s Under Sequest rat ion

    Total triggered cut$1.2 trillion

    Distribute remaining

    $984 billionevenly among

    fiscal years2013 to 2021

    Evenly split

    each years cutbetween defenseand non-defense


    Subtract 18 percentin debt service

    savings$216 Bil lion

    $109.3 Bil lion inAutomat ic Cuts

    per Year

    Defense$54.6 bill ion

    Non-defense$54.6 bil lion

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    Translat ing FY2013 Sequest rat ion Cut s

    9.4 percent to non-exempt defense

    discretionary spending

    8.2 percent to non-exempt domest ic

    discretionary spending

    Source: htt p:// www.whit fi les/omb/assets/legislat ive_report s/sequest rat ion/sequest rat ion_update_august 2012.pdf

    2.0 percent to Medicare, 7.6 percent to non-exempt

    nondefense mandatory programs, and 10.0 percent

    to non-exempt defense mandatory programs

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    Understanding Sequestration

    What is unique about FY2013

    Cut s occur at st art of 2 nd quart er of t he f i scal year (Jan. 2, 2013)

    Discret ionary cut s occur no mat t er w hat Congress appropr iat es Sequest er cut s happen at program -proj ect act iv i t y (PPA) level

    Across-the-board cuts dif f icult for many PPAs:

    Account s t hat are nearl y al l personnel cost s,

    l ike t hose f or Border Pat rol Agent s

    Large procurement of const ruct ion pro j ects

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    What is Exempt from Sequestration?


    Social Security

    Medicare Part D Low -i ncom e Subsidi es

    Medicare Payments to States for

    Qual i f ied Individual Premiums

    Food Stamps (SNAP)*

    Childrens Health Insurance Funds

    Transit Form ula Grant s

    Grant s in Aid t o Airport s

    Childcare Enti t lement

    Vet eran s Af f airs Programs

    Com m odit y Loans and Conservat ion

    Reserve Program

    Crop Insurance

    Military Personnel Funding

    Pell grant s

    Salar y and benef i t s f or Member s of

    Congress and t he Pr esident

    Here is a snapshot of 149 exempt programs:

    * SNAP receives $8 million annual cut

    For a complete list of exempt programs, download the OMB Report

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    FY2013 Proj ected Cuts:

    8.2% Domest ic Discret ionary Reduct ion = $38 Billion Total

    HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) = $242 Mill ion

    HUD HOME Invest m ent Program = $81 Mil l i on HUD Section 8 Housing = $1.5 Billion

    HUD Hom el ess Assist ance = $156 Mil l ion

    U.S. Economi c Developm ent Adm ini st rat ion (EDA) = $34 Mil l i on

    USDA Rur al Devel opm ent = $203 Mil l i on EPA St at e and Local Grant s = $93 Mil l i on

    EPA Hazardous Subst ance / Superf und = $119 Mil l i on

    DOE Ener gy Ef f ici ency & Renew able Ener gy = $54 Mil l i on

    FEMA St at e & Local Disast er Preparedness & Recover y Program s = $183 Mil l i on

    FEMA Disast er Rel ie f = $580 Mil l ion

    Exam ples of FY2013 Cut s by Program

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    FY2013 Proj ected Cuts:

    8.2% Domest ic Discret ionary Reduct ion = $38 Billion Total

    DOJ State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) = $17 Million

    DOT Essent ial Air Ser vice* = $12 Mil l ion (Discret ionary funds only)

    Educat ion Dept s Elem ent ary & Secondary Educat ion = $1.3 Bi l l ion

    FTA Transit Capi t al Grant s = $163 Mil l i on

    HHS Subst ance Abuse & Ment al Heal t h = $275 Mil l i on

    HHS Chil d Care Discret ionar y = $187 Mil l i on HHS Old er Amer ican / Aging Services = $121 Mil l i on

    DOJ St at e & Local Law Enf orcem ent = $92 Mil l i on

    DOJ Juveni le Just ice = $21 Mil l i on

    DOL WIA Tit le I Form ula Gran t s t o St at es = $262 Mil l i on

    Exam ples of FY2013 Cut s by Program

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    Programs Cut by 7.6%

    Payment-in-Lieu-of-Taxes (PILT) = $30 Mill ion

    HHS Social Service Block Grant (SSBG) = $136 Million

    DOT Essent ial Air Ser vices* = $4 Mil l ion (Mandat ory f unds only)

    HHS Prevent ion & Publ ic Healt h Fund = $76 Mil l i on

    NTIA St at e & Local Imp lem ent at ion Program = $5 Mil l i on

    Programs Cut Less Than 7.6% FHWA Federal -Aid Highways = $56 Mil l i on

    HHS TANF = $2 Mil l ion

    SNAP = $8 Million Child Nut r i t ion = $4 Mi l l ion

    FY2013 Projected Cut s:

    Mandatory/Direct Allocat ion = $5 Bill ion Total

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    Lim it ed t o 2% cut f rom provider payment s under part s A & B

    Medicare Advant age ( Part C) Drug Plan Cont ract s (Part D)

    FY2013 Projected Cut s:

    Medicare - Total $11 bill ion (2.0%)

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    Elect ions and Fiscal Cl i f f Scenar ios

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    Lame Duck Makes Sequest rat ion Negot iat ions More Tense

    Concur r ent Fi scal Pr essur es Cause Legi sl at i ve Bot t l eneck

    Source:National Journal, July 2, 2012, Field Guide to the Lame Duck, Nancy Cook.

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    Key Factors to Avoid Sequester?

    Lame Duck Session: Congress ret urns Novem ber 13 for organizat ionalef f or t s, but w i l l ad j ourn f or Thanksgiv ing w eek and ret urn f i rst week of

    Decem ber f or possib le Lame Duck session

    Market Reactions: In post -elect ion environment , Wal l St reet expect sCongress and t he Whit e House t o addr ess f iscal cl i f f issues, incl uding

    t ax ext ensions and pot ent i a l t ax and ent i t lement ref orms, delay of

    sequest rat ion, and raising of f ederal debt cei l ing

    Elect ion Outcomes: Wil l w e have a change in t he Whit e House, and

    one or bot h cham bers of Congress? Who w i l l be t he key players in t he

    budget d el i berat ions? How w il l t he 2014 Senat e cam paigns f or Senat e

    Minor it y Leader Mit ch McConnel l (R-KY) and Senat e Finance Com m it t ee

    Chair m an Max Baucus (D-MT) com e i nt o pl ay?

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    Can Sequestration be Avoided?

    YES! However

    Congress must pass legislation and President Obama would

    need t o sign bef ore January 2, 2013

    Congress coul d pass legislat ion t o post pone cut sand buy

    t im e f or a grand bargain on t he federal debt and def i c i t

    Moodys Invest ors Servi ces w arned i t w ould low er t he

    U. S. credi t rat ing i f negot iat ions do not produce a plan t o

    st abi l ize and reduce t he nat ional debt . So, t here is st i l l r eal

    pr essure t o address our nat ion s long-t erm debt

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    Beyond Sequestration, What Else is on theTable for Fiscal Cliff Discussions?


    Bush Tax Cuts + AMT $235 Bil l ion

    Extension of Payrol l Tax Cut $90 Bil lionUnemployment Insurance $25 Bil l ion

    Tax Extenders and BusinessDepreciation

    $80 Bil lion

    The Sequester $60 Bill ion

    Af fordable Care Act Taxes $25 Bil l ion

    Medicare Doc Fix $10 Bill ion

    Federal Debt Ceiling ????

    Total $525 Bil lion Minimum

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    How Can You Get Engaged?

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    NACo Posit ion

    I t is near ly im possibl e t o address t he f ederal debt and def ici t cr isis by

    severely cut t ing domest ic, non-mi l i t ary discret ionary programs

    Federal assist ance t o st at e and local governm ent s w i l l help m it igat e fur t herlayoff s; A new r ound of cut s w i l l m ost l ikel y result f rom sequest er

    Federal invest m ent s and mat ching f unds in st at e and local inf rast ruct ure

    proj ect s helps produce pr ivat e sect or j obs and impr ove our compet i t iveness

    Def ici t reduct ion should NOTbe accomplished by shift ing costs to counties,im posing unf unded mandat es, or pre-em pt ing count y programs and t axing

    author i ty

    Special care should be t aken t o ensure t hat ref orm s t o Medicaid,

    in part icular, are not sim ply a shi f t of healt h care cost st o count ies

    NACo is advocat ing f or a balanced approacht o def ic i t reduct ionnegot iat ions. Our general pr incipl es incl ude:

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    Call to Action

    Writ e Cal l Social Media

    Communicate with your Congressional delegationthe following message:

    As a f el l ow elect ed of f ic ia l r esponsibl e f or our ci t izens w el l -being,I urge you t o work in a bi part i san f ashion t o seek a balanced compr omi se

    on reduct ions and r evenue raisi ng i n order t o def use t he budget cr i sist hi s nat i on f aces. Use a bal anced f i scal appr oach i n seeking sol ut i ons.

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    Contact Us!

    Ed Rosado, NACo Legislative Director


    [email protected]

    For quest ions or mor e inf orm at ion, f eel f r ee t o cont act us below