
 Rock County 4-H Cloverpatch Cloverpatch  September 2010 Phone: 608-757-5690 Fax: 608-757-5581 “4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.” If you were a TV or radio announcer, what would you say or do to promote 4-H, tak- ing into consideration all of the events and activities you have been involved in over the last year? Here’s a check list of just a few things you may have b een involved in to help you answer that question.  ___ Attended my 4-H Club a ctivities & events  ___ Helped with my 4-H Club fund raiser(s)  ___ Attended 4-H Club and pr oject meet ings  ___ Attended Clove rbud or Summer C amp  ___ Was a camp counselor  ___ Was in my club play  ___ Gave a speech at Communication Arts Festival  ___ Joined Jr. C ouncil  ___ Completed a county award f orm or went on a county awar d trip  ___ Was a county committee member  ___ Exhibited at county fair  ___ Helped at the count y fair  ___ Participated in stat e fai r  ___ Joined 4-H Heatwave Show Chior  ___ Met new friends and or t ried something new  ___ Was a club or Jr. Co uncil Officer  ___ Attended count y officer training  ___ Participated in one o f the many Jr. Council activiti es offered There are many more things that can be add ed to this list to make your TV or radio promotion really exciting and real! All of your involvement helped you to meet new people, gave you an opportunity to gain independ- ence and learn to make good decisions, gave you an opportunity to master something new and most of all you were able to help othe rs. So be sure to tell others ab out your 4-H experience s! National 4-H Week is October 3-9. What is your club doing to get the word out about 4-H?

Transcript of September2010_Cloverpatch

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