September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to...

Temple Beth-El Bulletin 28 Av - 27 Elul September 2016 Reflections & Connections Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about e Ha- vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting new initiative aimed at bringing our community closer together by nurturing newer and deeper relationships among con- gregants through Shabbat meals. So far, we are excited to report that we have 40 registra- tions, which translates to about 80 individu- als. at is roughly 10% of our congregation! But the more congregants who participate, the better and more successful the Project will be. So, I’m reaching back out to invite you to be part of this extraordinary opportu- nity. You can register by filling out the online form here: Below are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions we’ve been getting about the project, in the hopes it will make your decision to register an easier one. What is a Havurah? Havurah is the Hebrew word for a small group of friends. e plural of havurah is havurot. How is the program going to work? Once we receive all the registrations, we will group participants into small groups called “Ha- vurot.” Every month, one or two members of each Havurah will host the other mem- bers of their Havurah for a potluck Shabbat dinner. Additionally, Rabbi and Adira will open up their home one Friday each month to host a Havurah, and they will also host a kick-off Shabbat dinner and an end of the year celebration for all program participants. When your Havurah is formed, you will be given a contact list of the people in your group, and instructions for making initial contact. You should take the days following your Havurah assignment to develop a “host- ing schedule” for your Havurah (your date at the Rabbi’s home will be pre-assigned), de- termining who will host each month’s meal, as well as discussing issues like the dietary needs of people in your group. How many people will there be per Havu- rah? Each Havurah will have between 8-12 individuals (i.e., a couple counts as 2 individ- uals, and a family of 4 counts as 4). When are the monthly Shabbat dinners? You can find the schedule here: http://www. Of course, if you and your Havurah deter- mine that a given month’s Shabbat dinner date doesn’t work for your group, you are welcome to work together to find a date that works for you. What type of Shabbat meal will I be expect- ed to serve? Any kind you want! We are en- couraging all Havurot to do all their meals as dairy/vegetarian potlucks. at will help keep the cost and stress level at a minimum for hosts; contribute to a more DIY, casual communal atmosphere for each meal; facili- tate group bonding; and accommodate most peoples' kosher and/or diet needs. Of course, if you're the host, you can serve any kind of meal you want! Want to have a treifa ban- quet? go right ahead (assuming the others in your Havurah are cool with it)! Want to do a traditional meal with matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, roast chicken and kugel? Have at it, Hebrew! Want to order a bunch of pizzas? No problem! All you need to do to make it a Shabbat dinner is to have your Havurah over and do the traditional Shabbat prayers (which will be included each month in Shab- bat kits). Oh, and we'll be giving a small sti- pend to each of our hosts every month to help offset any hosting costs. (Continued on Page 2) Visioning Committee Update page 4 September Services Friday, September 2 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, September 3 Bar Mitzvah of Stuart Altman 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for September Wedding Anniversaries; Kiddush sponsored by Paula Weaver Altman and Charles Rothenberg Friday, September 9 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, September 10 10:00 a.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services (new Saturday version!) For the Traditionalist: Pray like our ancestors in this unabridged, He- brew-only Shabbat Service. Kiddush with Q & A Friday, September 16 6:00 p.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services For the Traditionalist: Pray like our ancestors in this unabridged, Hebrew-only Shabbat Service. Saturday, September 17 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Friday, September 23 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, September 24 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for September Birthdays Friday, September 30 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, October 1 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for October Wedding Anniversaries; Life & Legacy page 3 Havurah Project page 2 Rosh Hashanah Live! page 8 Religious School & Bar Mitzvah page 6 Bubbles & Brunch page 3 Adult Education page 9 Casino Night page 12 Selichot Service page 7 Sign up now online: Tashlikh Celebration page 10

Transcript of September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to...

Page 1: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

Temple Beth-El Bulletin28 Av - 27 Elul September 2016

Reflections & Connections Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s

exciting new initiative aimed at bringing our community closer together by nurturing newer and deeper relationships among con-gregants through Shabbat meals. So far, we are excited to report that we have 40 registra-tions, which translates to about 80 individu-als. That is roughly 10% of our congregation! But the more congregants who participate, the better and more successful the Project will be. So, I’m reaching back out to invite you to be part of this extraordinary opportu-nity. You can register by filling out the online form here: Below are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions we’ve been getting about the project, in the hopes it will make your decision to register an easier one.

What is a Havurah? Havurah is the Hebrew word for a small group of friends. The plural of havurah is havurot.

How is the program going to work? Once we receive all the registrations, we will group participants into small groups called “Ha-vurot.” Every month, one or two members of each Havurah will host the other mem-bers of their Havurah for a potluck Shabbat dinner. Additionally, Rabbi and Adira will open up their home one Friday each month to host a Havurah, and they will also host a kick-off Shabbat dinner and an end of the year celebration for all program participants. When your Havurah is formed, you will be given a contact list of the people in your

group, and instructions for making initial contact. You should take the days following your Havurah assignment to develop a “host-ing schedule” for your Havurah (your date at the Rabbi’s home will be pre-assigned), de-termining who will host each month’s meal, as well as discussing issues like the dietary needs of people in your group.

How many people will there be per Havu-rah? Each Havurah will have between 8-12 individuals (i.e., a couple counts as 2 individ-uals, and a family of 4 counts as 4).

When are the monthly Shabbat dinners? You can find the schedule here: Of course, if you and your Havurah deter-mine that a given month’s Shabbat dinner date doesn’t work for your group, you are welcome to work together to find a date that works for you.

What type of Shabbat meal will I be expect-ed to serve? Any kind you want! We are en-couraging all Havurot to do all their meals as dairy/vegetarian potlucks. That will help keep the cost and stress level at a minimum for hosts; contribute to a more DIY, casual communal atmosphere for each meal; facili-tate group bonding; and accommodate most peoples' kosher and/or diet needs. Of course, if you're the host, you can serve any kind of meal you want! Want to have a treifa ban-quet? go right ahead (assuming the others in your Havurah are cool with it)! Want to do a traditional meal with matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, roast chicken and kugel? Have at it, Hebrew! Want to order a bunch of pizzas? No problem! All you need to do to make it a Shabbat dinner is to have your Havurah

over and do the traditional Shabbat prayers (which will be included each month in Shab-bat kits). Oh, and we'll be giving a small sti-pend to each of our hosts every month to help offset any hosting costs.(Continued on Page 2)

Visioning Committee Update page 4

September ServicesFriday, September 2 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat ServicesSaturday, September 3 Bar Mitzvah of Stuart Altman 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for September Wedding Anniversaries; Kiddush sponsored by Paula Weaver Altman and Charles RothenbergFriday, September 9 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat ServicesSaturday, September 10 10:00 a.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services (new Saturday version!) For the Traditionalist: Pray like our ancestors in this unabridged, He-brew-only Shabbat Service. Kiddush with Q & AFriday, September 16 6:00 p.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services For the Traditionalist: Pray like our ancestors in this unabridged, Hebrew-only Shabbat Service.Saturday, September 17 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat ServicesFriday, September 23 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat ServicesSaturday, September 24 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for September BirthdaysFriday, September 30 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat ServicesSaturday, October 1 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services Group Aliyah for October Wedding Anniversaries;

Life & Legacy page 3Havurah Project page 2

Rosh Hashanah Live! page 8

Religious School & Bar Mitzvah page 6

Bubbles & Brunch page 3

Adult Education page 9Casino Night page 12

Selichot Service page 7

Sign up now online:

Tashlikh Celebration page 10

Page 2: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 2

Havurah ScheduleChallah Baking Workshop - Thursday, Sept. 22 7:00 pm in the Grove Ave. Kitchen Kickoff Shared Shabbat Dinner - Friday, Sept. 23 7:30 -10:00pm for all Havurot at the home of Rabbi & Adira KnopfHost Shabbat Dinners These Fridays: Nov 18, 2016 Dec 16, 2016 Jan 20, 2017 Feb 17, 2017 Mar 17, 2017 Apr 7, 2017 May 5, 2017Celebratory Shared Shabbat Dinner Friday, June 2, 2017 7:30 - 10:00pm for all Havurot at the home of Rabbi & Adira Knopf

Register by Sept. 7

Havurah:Hebrew-“fellowship,” noun [khah-voo-rah]: a small

group of friends who celebrate Jewish life and learning together. plural, havurot


Project Temple Beth-El's Havurah Project was made possible

through an IMPACT GRANT from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.

(Cont'd from previous page) Do all the Shabbat dinners need to be kosher? Respecting the Jewish dietary laws is encouraged, but not mandatory. Before you decide what to serve when you host, you should check in with the other members of your Havurah about their kosher standards and other dietary needs. For what it’s worth, we believe the easiest way to accommodate most people’s kosher standards is to have dairy/vegetarian meals.

What if I don’t know how to “do” the tradi-tional Shabbat prayers? Those “Shabbat Din-ner Tool Kits” mentioned above (which will in-clude materials such as scripts, blessings, songs, and Jewish text-based discussion material), as well as some electronic-based resources we are preparing, will give you the skills you need to confidently host a beautiful Shabbat experi-ence. And the opening dinner at Rabbi Knopf 's home will function as a Shabbat dinner “boot-camp” training session.

Are there other requirements for the Shab-bat dinners? Not really. You can choose to host your dinner at any time of the evening that works for you and the other members of your Havurah. Your meals can be as short or as long, as casual or as formal, as kid-friendly or as adult-centric as you want. It's really up to you and the other members of your Havurah, and we expect that no two Havurot will be the same!

Can I be assigned to a Havurah with friends? Yes! Simply make a note of your request on your registration. Keep in mind, though, that

we are trying with this project to do some deliberate demographic mixing and enable people within the congregation who wouldn't otherwise know each other to interact. But we definitely want to take into account people's preferences, life-stages, and interests, and try to group people in a way that will make sense and will be enjoyable. We'll do our very best to honor requests and, generally, to put you in a group that is a good fit.

What is the expected time commitment if I join? Our expectation is that all participants at-tend their Havurah's monthly Shabbat dinner and participate in other Project programs (like our opening and closing Shabbat dinners at Rabbi Knopf 's home). We also expect that each participant host the other members of their Havurah at least once during the program year.

What if I know I won't be able to attend one or more of my Havurah's Shabbat dinners and/or some of the year's programming? Not a problem. As long as you make a concert-ed effort to show up to most of the dinners and programs, you are still good by us. We recog-nize that life sometimes gets in the way, and that not every member of every Havurah will be able to attend every Shabbat dinner.

What if my home is not big enough to host? Your Havurah will need a Shabbat dinner host each month, from November to May. However, Rabbi and Adira will be hosting a different Ha-vurah every month, which brings the number of home-hosted Shabbat dinners per Havurah down by one. That means your Havurah needs 6 individuals/families to volunteer to be hosts

for this program year. So, if you can't host,

it's no problem, so long as there are 6 other people in your Havurah who can (or fewer, if someone is willing to host more than once). Make a note on your registration that you can't host in your home, and we'll do what we can to put you in a Havurah with others who can.

What if I have young children? Can our whole family participate? Absolutely! We want people of all ages to enjoy this program, and for families to be able to participate togeth-er! Simply make a note on your registration that you intend for your children to participate with you, and we will do our best to group you in a Havurah that makes sense and will be en-joyable for everyone.

When will I know who’s in my group? Hope-fully, sometime between the close of registra-tion (Sept. 7) and the opening Shabbat dinner (Sept. 23).

What if I don't drive? You can still participate in the program! Simply speak with the other members of your Havurah and arrange to have someone pick you up and take you home. This is community-building, and community mem-bers are supposed to take care of each other!

Sounds great! Sign me up! Is there a registra-tion deadline? Yes. The deadline for registra-tion is September 7. You can sign up by filling out the form at the following link:

Other questions? Drop me a line at [email protected]. Looking forward to your participation in this unique opportu-nity!

Rabbi Knopf

Page 3: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 3

&invites you to

Drop off the kids at Religious School and join us! No kids? More time for Bubbles!

Sunday, Sept. 11, 9:15amRSVP to [email protected]

Sisterhood News Chris Greenberg, PresidentSisterhood welcomes Ramona Brand, our new Director of Youth Learning, and we are excited to support Ramona with program-ming and financial support to enhance our children’s and family’s experiences at Temple Beth-El. Ramona has many interesting plans to add to the regular classroom curriculum. We are also happy to welcome Faith Kallman, our new Executive Director, and look forward to working with Faith as well. As always, our first program of the year is Bubbles & Brunch which will be held at 9:15am on the first day of Sunday school, Sep-tember 11th. Beth Rubenstein has graciously agreed to host the event at her home again this year (599 Raleigh Manor Road). We look for-ward to sharing some good food, conversation and a little of what Sisterhood has planned for the coming year. Please RSVP for the event and bring your friends. Details are in this bulletin. Our first luncheon of the year will feature local author, Claire Rosenbaum, speaking on “Southern Jewish Culture and Heritage”. The luncheon will be held in the Social Hall at Grove Avenue on Wednesday, October 19, at noon.

2016-2017 Calendar of Events • September 11, 9:15 a.m. Bubbles & Brunch (599 Raleigh Manor Rd.)• October 19, 12 p.m. Speaker Luncheon, “Southern Jewish Culture and Heritage”• November 15, 7 p.m. Evening Activity to be determined• February 15, 10 a.m. Game Day, Grove Ave.• March 21 or 22 (TBD), 6 p.m. Cook’s Night Out with Paint Nite

at the home of Beth Rubinstein 599 Raleigh Manor Rd.


Save the Date!Sisterhood Speaker Luncheon

Dr. Claire Millhiser Rosenbaum Southern Jewish Culture

& HeritageWed. October 19 • 12 pm

Grove Ave. Social Hall

Page 4: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 4

September 2016 CommuniqueThe TBE Visioning Steering Committee has continued to work even with the challenges of summer schedules.

Most recently the Executive Committee heard recommended changes in board governance. This effort is intended to align with the constitutional review anticipated this year. VSC members will incorporate the Execu-tive Committee’s feedback in preparation for a presentation to the Board of Governors in the upcoming weeks.

VSC thanks the New Member Recruitment and Engagement Taskforce:Karen Gerring, Larry Goldman (Chair), Melody Imburg, Rachel Imburg, Rebekah Levy, Hilton Rubin (Steering Committee Liaison), Alisa Shapiro, Janie Schwarz, Barbara Shocket, Brie Stammer, Miriam Stiefel. The Task-force submitted their report which we have just begun to review. With the help of our new Executive Director, Faith Kallman, we look forward to putting some of the more practical ideas into effect quickly!

In August Rabbi Knopf and Ramona Brand held two information ses-sions to acquaint families with the Nesiyah (Journey) youth education

program. “Ms. Ramona” shared many examples of experiential learning planned for THIS YEAR and the years to come as Nesiyah unfolds.

Lastly, we want you to anticipate our next steps. While continuing the work at hand we are also dipping our toes into discussion of the signif-icance of space. As we build our intentional spiritual community we want to consider how our physical space can contribute to the full real-ization of our vision and help us live our stated values. So...we will soon be reaching out to gather information in a variety of ways to ask about your needs and hopes for a spiritual, communal, accessible, functional… facility. (No, we aren't ignoring the “real implications i.e. funding and building.”) First we dream, then we fund, then we strive to make our dreams a reality! Our thanks to those who sent messages via [email protected]. Keep sending us your feedback!

-Judy Gary, Roy Zeidman, Marsha Feldstein, Hilton Rubin, Ari Hirsch, Debbie Minden, Rabbi Michael Knopf, Ben Lewis, Brie Stammer, Chris Greenberg, Jake Pasternak, and Moshe Feldman

DEDICATE A NEW SIDDURIn honor or memory of a loved one or to celebrate a milestoneSponsor a new Siddur Lev Shalem for $50! Your personalized dedication will appear inside one of our new books in Temple Beth-El’s Main SanctuaryComplete and return this donation form with credit card number or check made payable to Temple Beth-El, or contribute online at

Dedicated by___________________________________________Phone ________________

Dedication to (person’s name or names & address if a nonmember of Beth-El)

___________________________________________________________________________ check one: in honor of in loving memory of in appreciation of

Occasion & date, if any (Bar Mitzvah, Wedding, etc.) _________________________________________________________

Number of prayer books dedicating _________ @ $50.00 each = total________ (payment required in advance)

Credit Card No:________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________ CVV_________

Address____________________________________________City, State, Zip ____________________________________


Page 5: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 5

Notes From Hazzan Marian TurkSinging is Good for All of our Souls Anyone who enjoys singing knows that it is good for you. You don’t have to sound good; you don’t have to be “good” at it—just the act of singing calms us, lifts our spirits, com-forts us. Singing in a group is even better. We get to enjoy not just our own singing but the intimate experience of connecting our voices with others, of making music together, of creating something larger than ourselves. And science has validated what we already knew: there is research that shows that group singing releases endorphins in the brain, which create a feel-ing of pleasure. The hormone oxytocin is also released during singing, which can alleviate anxiety and stress. The Hasidim of the eighteenth century didn’t need science to tell them that singing is good for you. Music became an in-tegral part of the Hasidic movement, most notably through the singing of nigunim. A nigun is a repetitive, wordless melody (or sometimes a repetitive melody set to a short text). Hasi-dim sing niggunim—often composed by a rebbe—in groups. If you have ever been to a Hasidic tisch on a Friday night, you know that such singing can last for hours. Singing niggunim is a spiritual practice that helps to focus our attention and energy on prayer and on connecting with God. Singing niggunim in a group is powerful experience that allows us to experience and cultivate our own connection to God through music while also helping others do the same through the creation of music to-gether. At Temple Beth-El, you may have noticed that Rabbi Knopf and I usually start services by singing a niggun. Our hope in doing so is that by hearing our voices in song together, we can focus on the task of prayer at hand. This year, we are trying something new at Temple Beth-El to give anyone in the community who wants to sing an opportunity to do so. Starting on the Shabbat afternoon of October 15 at 5:00 pm, we will have a monthly Community Singing Circle at the synagogue (meeting times will vary). Anyone who wishes to can come and sing with us. We will sing niggunim and short songs, and they will be from many different places. We will sing some Hasidic tunes, and we will also sing some contemporary nigunim by Joey Wiesenberg and other current Jewish musicians. I hope you will come, bring friends, and get the joy and spiritual uplift that comes from joining your voice together with others in song. If you would be interested in playing drum or guitar at one of these singing circles, please be in touch with me at [email protected]. I hope to see you there, and I look forward to making beautiful music with you! It is my hope that the singing circles will inspire you to sing more often and more passionately at services. Even if you’re not sure you know the prayers well, even if you are not confi-dent with your Hebrew ability. Just sing. It will help you release

your worries, it will help you connect with your fellow con-gregants, and it will help you feel prayer in your heart. I look forward to seeing you at synagogue and to hearing your joyful voices in song!

Shalom uvracha, Hazzan Marian

Temple Beth-El Committee Members

Judy CrockerRon Felmus Frances GoldmanBen LewisFranklin Wolf

Thank you to those who have already made a legacy commitment to Temple Beth-El

Judy CrockerBenita Felmus

Ron FelmusEdith & Eugene Glock (OBM)

Brian ImburgMelody Imburg

Dara Hirsch KurtzBen Lewis

Laura LewisMartin & Arlene Slutzah

Nancy WalterAnonymousAnonymous


For more information email

[email protected]

Page 6: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 6

News from Brown Religious School Ramona Brand, Director of Youth Learning Nesiyah, our new educational program means journey. What does it mean to take a journey? Several definitions include the words; trip, passage, voyage, wandering, and the act of traveling from one place

to another. This is an apt description of what it means to delve into a Jewish education. At Beth-El Religious School your children may take a "trip" to Israel or other lands where Jews have lived through millennia. Your children will dis-cover spiritual passage from childhood through teen years as they become B'nei Mitzvah and Confirmands. We may wander through Torah to make personal and interpersonal connections. And all of us will travel from this starting point of our Nesiyah program to a place that we yet do not know. Together, it will be a blessing. On Sunday, September 11th, we welcome you and your child to the start an amazing Jewish Journey and discover learning that begins in this building but will expand outward into your homes, our community and the world beyond. We will also journey within ourselves as we delve into heart of what it means to center lives around strong Jewish values. Nesiyah will challenge our teachers and students alike to think differently about what a Jewish education looks and feels like. We will use music, art, and Teva (nature) to excite learning and provide hands-on exploration. Field trips will take our students out of the building and provide opportunities for them to en-counter Judaism in action in the world around us. I warmly welcome you to our 2016-2017 academic school year. One of our sages once said that "education without vision is like a present without a future". Our children are our future and it is our goal to guide them with vision as they learn and grow.

Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning [email protected] 804.740.0820

September Religious School CalendarSundays, 9:00am – 12:00pm: Sept. 11, 18, 25Wednesdays, 4:15pm – 6:15pm: Sept. 14, 21, 28Beth-El Teens: Sunday, September 18

Youth Groups – meet in the lobby after Sunday SchoolKadima (Grades 6-8): Sunday, September 18, 2016..... Mini Golf!Ruach (Grades 2-5): Sunday, September 25, 2016…BETH-ELympics!

Shalom Morim!Our 2016-2017 StaffLaurie Kaplan - Pre-K

Mali Ben-Meir - K-1

Anna Nagle - Grade 2

Jordan Wilburn - Grades 3-4 Judaics

Hannah Piracha - Grades 3-4 Hebrew and Music Specialist

Eric Saar - Grades 5-6 Judaics

Ronit Saar - Grades 5-6 Hebrew

Brandon Metheny - Grade 7

Sara Rosen - Art


The Religious School is seeking donations of the following:

doll houses (preferably wood), doll house dolls, furniture etc. PJ library booksgardening toolsplay kitchen , pots, pans, toy food (clean please)fabric remnants clean bean bag chairs or other comfortable child-friendly seating

Please contact Ramona at [email protected]

to donate


Stuart Gary altman

September 3, 2016 Stuart Altman is the son of Paula Weaver Altman and Sander Jess Altman. He is brother to Taylor Altman and Louis Altman. Stuart is the grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Weaver of Richmond, Va. and of Mona E. Altman of Baltimore, Md. and Marc Altman of Lecanto, Fl.

Stuart is in the 7th grade at Rudlin Torah Academy. He enjoys video games and sports, including wrestling, basketball, and baseball. Please join us for a Kiddush directly after services to celebrate this simcha with Stuart, sponsored by Paula Weaver Altman and Charles Rothenberg.

We Love Volunteers It takes a Shtetl! There are lots of opportunities to volunteer in the school. We anticipate that every parent will volunteer during the school year. Here are ways that you can get involved: Assist in the Sunday School office or School Library Chaperone a Field Trip Offer a special talent or skill for a Chug (elective) Volunteer to help during a school wide holiday or special program Attend Family Learning Programs with your child

To volunteer, please contact Ramona at [email protected]

Page 7: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 7

President’s Message Ben Lewis Even though it's still incredibly hot outside, summer truly is coming to an end. Vacations are behind us. Michael finished his internship in Nashville and returned to Chapel Hill for his senior year. (In fact, as I write this, his classes have already begun.) Stores are advertising school supplies and back-to-school clothes. Temple Beth-El's High Holiday packets have already been mailed and received. And just as thoughts of school and the High Holidays creep from the subconscious to the conscious mind, many people also con-sider temple affiliation at this time of year. I'm delighted to share that Beth-El's membership has grown nicely over the past few months in a beautifully di-verse manner. Our newest members include young profes-sionals and an octogenarian; former members, unaffiliated couples, and families moving from another shul; as well as a couple who drives to TBE from Williamsburg just to partic-ipate in our services and activities and be part of our com-munity. And at the most recent session introducing Nesi-yah (our new youth education program), three prospective religious school families expressed their excitement in the program. Do you know anyone in the Richmond area who you would like to see become part of the Beth-El commu-nity? There are a number of opportunities over the next few months to invite them to come and “check us out.” Of course, our (Erev and) Shabbat services are always open to all, but the following programs might offer a different kind of glimpse into what makes TBE truly special:

• Rosh Hashanah Live featuring Susan Greenbaum and Chris Parker – October 3 (see page 8)

• Tashlikh Celebration at the shore of the James River during the Richmond Folk Festival – October 9 (see page 10)

• Let the Good Times Roll Casino Night – November 12 [feel free to invite Jewish and non-Jewish friends to this fundraiser]

• Guest Rabbi Andrew Hahn, Ph.D. [Kirtan Rabbi, Jew-ish Mystical Chant] (co-sponsored by The Chrysalis Institute) – December 2-3

• Religious School Hanukah Party – December 11

One other potential area of interest is Hazzan Marian Turk's upcoming Singing Circles on Shabbat afternoons one time per month starting in October. See details in her col-umn in this month's bulletin on page 5. With the High Holidays in October this year (and our membership year starting January 1), there's plenty of time to introduce your friends to Temple Beth-El before then. Let's see if we can continue our current membership growth trend! Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, and I look forward to celebrating the cooler weather with you all soon!

"Standing Together" Discussion at U of R with guest panelist Rabbi Michael Knopf Friday, Sept. 9, 12-1 pmJoin us as we explore interfaith understanding fifteen years after 9/11 with a panel of multifaith leaders in this Brown Bag Discussion. This session is co-sponsored by the Chaplaincy, and will be held from 12:00-1:00PM to honor Muslim prayer time during Eid.

LOCATION: room 305 on the third floor of Tyler Haynes Commons on the University of Richmond Campus

Pizza will be provided; free and open to the publicThe Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) initiated the Brown Bag Discussion Series in support of its mission to bring together campus and community members in collaborative study, reflection, and action to address contemporary social issues.

Page 8: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 8

Celebrate the New Year at this contemporary & uplifting worship experience!

Monday, Oct. 3 8 pm

Temple Beth-El3330 Grove Avenue

Please bring canned & dry foods for

the Central Virginia Food Bank!

featuring music by

Susan Greenbaum & Chris Parker


followed bya champagne & dessert reception

apples & honey included! free and open to the community

Page 9: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 9

Adult Education Fall OfferingsHasidic Lunch & Learn 1st Wednesday of every month from Sept. 7 - June 1 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR with Rabbi KnopfBring a dairy or vegetarian lunch and join Rabbi Knopf as we unlock the spiritual secrets of the great Hasidic masters. This year we will focus on what these mystic sages teach us about prayer.

Read Hebrew America: Level 1 Hebrew Reading Crash Course 6 Tuesdays: Nov. 1, 8, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20 7:30 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR with Dr. Gary GoldbergAn essential component of the practice of Judaism, Hebrew is the language in which virtually all Jewish prayer books, holiday services, and most religious texts are written and read. This FREE course will concentrate on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and basic reading skills to Jews with limited or no back-ground in Hebrew. Call the synagogue office at 804-355-3564 ext. 100 to reserve your spot.

Congregant SpotlightKuddos To Franklin Wolf For Completing The Sports Backers 156-Mile Bicycle Ride From Richmond To DC!Bike Walk RVA of Sports Backers is focused on leading efforts to build bike and pedestrian infrastructure such as bike lanes, paved trails, crosswalks, and sidewalks. Its mission is to make Richmond a great place to live and for our residents to be healthy and happy.

The vision of Sports Backers is to transform greater Richmond into the most physically ac-tive community in the nation by leading the area in embracing and celebrating an active lifestyle.

Every woman has the opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York City), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles),

Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamerica-no (Buenos Aires), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam).

We celebrate women’s achievements and creativity with the 2017 Torah Fund pin/pendant, designed by Eytan Brandes.

Women’s League’s support of the Torah Fund Campaign helps strengthen Conserva-tive/Masorti Judaism throughout the world and enhances the Jewish community by recognizing and appreciating our diverse families.

Most of our Rabbis, Cantors and Educators receive some or all of their education at one of the listed schools, so contributing ensures future clergy.

The pin is a gift for donations of $180 +, however, all contributions are welcomed.

For further information, please contact Marian Winer @ 270-7898.

Torah Fund Pin for 5777 - 2017

Wedding AnniversariesSeptember

Andrew and Geri Stahl AdlerWilliam and Helene Bradshaw

Fred and Fran BroederJoshua and Monica Cane

Leo and Mary CantorBarry and Patricia Comess

Frederick and Sandra FogelsonLouis and Judy Gary

Michael and Karen GrossNeil and Laurie Halpert

Sheldon and Rose HeroldDavid and Karen Kravitz

Steven and Shelly Clarke MontanteKevin and Jennie O'HolleranRobert and Melia Pustilnik

Jay and Lisa Childress RosenthalGD and Susan RothenbergAbraham and Linda Shait

Michael and Betty Anne SoffinStephen and Cathy Soffin

Rubin and Eleanor UnowitzAllan and LynneDee Weiman

Charles and S. Vickie WeitzenhoferSteven and Shelley Zimmerman

Welcome New


Jan & Randi Berkowitz Alan & Lynn Katz

Maxine PaulRobert & Jennifer Nomberg

Jason & Miriam Zarin

Page 10: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 10

Tashlikh Celebration

Join Temple Beth-El & Jewish Community Fed. of Richmond for aCommunity-Wide

Use Festival Parking OR use Shuttle: Park at City Stadium, 3201 Maplewood Ave. From there take the shuttle to the 5th Street Stop and walk towards the Tredegar Civil War Museum. Services are along the river in front of the museum.

Cast your sins away at this moving and memorable service Free and Open to the Public • Music • Refreshments • Bring your own Bread

Sunday, Oct. 912 pm



at the Richmond Folk Festival

Sponsored in part byHadassah Richmond

Richmond Jewish Foundation

at the James River

Page 11: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 11

Diamond annual dues plus $5,400

Platinum annual dues plus $1,000

Silver annual dues plus $500

Bronze annual dues plus $250

Goldannual dues plus $750

Double Chai annual dues plus $3,600

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Edelstein Mr. & Mrs. James Plotkin

Mr. & Mrs. GD Rothenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sisisky

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Baum Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis Mr. & Mrs. Marc Greenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Linas Mr. & Mrs. David Ruby

Mrs. Betty Borton (OBM) Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Corn Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hirsch

Mr. & Mrs. Neal Menkes Mrs. Sandra Sisisky Mr. Franklin Wolf & Mrs. Gini Blostein-Wolf

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Biegler Mr. & Mrs. Irving Blank Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cohen Dr. Rutledge Dennis Dr. & Mrs. Adam Falik Mrs. Helen Horwitz

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ipson Mr. Benjamin Lehman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Linas Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zinder

Mrs. Edith Glock Cantor & Mrs. Errol Helfman Dr. Jerome Imburg Mrs. Doris Katz Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Knopf Mr. & Mrs. Joel Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lieb

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lowenstein Mrs. Barbara Shocket Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Singer Mrs. Nancy Walter Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell WaskinMr. & Mrs. Roy Zeidman

Thank you to the Patrons of 2016

Sunday, September 18 1:00 -2:30 p.m. Bogeys Sports Park, 1675 Ashland Rd (Off Broad Street just west of Rt. 288) Cost: $8 for unlimited mini-golf

Sign up by Sept. 15th CLICK HERE

Sunday, September 18 - 1:00 -2:30 p.m.Bogeys Sports Park, 1675 Ashland Rd(Off Broad Street just west of Rt. 288)Cost: $8 for unlimited mini-golf Sign up by Sept. 15th email Leah Bondy at [email protected]

Page 12: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 12

Men’s Club Matters Josh Cane, President Where did the summer go? Temple Beth-El Men's Club hopes yours made for wonderful memories. We had an excellent turn-out for our Flying Squirrels outing in July. Thank you to Don Light for organizing this event and to those who came out to enjoy the game. Welcome to the new school year! Men's Club is joined by Dorot for our annual Back-to-School picnic. Join in the carnival-style fun that includes bounce houses, magic, and arts & crafts. Of course we'll be serving our World Famous Hot Dogs and sno-cones. The event starts at noon on Sunday, Septem-ber 11. Temple Beth-El Men’s Club meet-ings are open to all and are held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the library of the Brown Religious School on Parham Road. For more in-formation about Men’s Club, please con-tact me at [email protected].

d e ta i ls ● s p o n s o rs h i p o p p o rt u n i t i e s ● T i c k e t sa l e s

B e t h e l r i c h m o n d . o r g / e v e n t / cas i n oo r ca l l 8 0 4 . 3 5 5 . 3 5 6 4 e x t . 1 0 4

at Beth-El’s Casino Night Fundraiser

Good Times

Brown Religious School601 N. Parham Rd.

Saturday November127:00-10:00pm


starting at

$50 /person

real las vegas-style gambling tables

Let the

Claim your Prayerbook! Since incorporating the new Siddur Lev Shalem in the Sanctuary, the old prayerbooks are taking up needed space in the Administration build-ing. If you would like to claim your personalized prayerbook, please do one of the following BEFORE the end of October: -Come in to the office during business hours OR -Call the office so we can hold your book for you.

If we do not hear from you before the end of October, your prayer-book will go to a good Jewish home!


$5 per class


$50 for the 18-class series

Page 13: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 13

Kiddush & Pre-Neg SponsorshipsDo you have a birthday, anniversary or social event coming up? A great way to help celebrate the event is to sponsor a Kiddush or Pre-Neg. Even if you do not have something special to celebrate, sponsoring a Kiddush for the congregation is a great mitzvah! Your sponsorship will be announced in the Shabbat handout, the Good Shabbos, and the Temple Bulletin. For prices please contact Faith Kallman at 804-355-3564 ext. 104 or [email protected]

September 3 - Kiddush sponsored by Paula Weaver Altman and Charles Rothenberg to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Stuart Altman


Irving L. Gordon by Jeffrey Gordon

Mother by Lorraine F. Hecht

Father by Sonny Zinder

Sarah Kashinejad by K. (Joe) Kashinejad

Gloria A. Weisberger & Abe Kahan by Shirley A. Kahan

Sidney Grossman by Sid & Sally Sperberg

Jane Pustilnik by Bob & Mimi Pustilnik

Lois Pustilnik by Bob & Mimi Pustilnik

Harry M. Kirson by Margaret K. Weinberg

Linda Kravitz Dranoff by Robin & Lee Dranoff

Mother & Sister by Sylvia Grossman

Annie Kadis Meyers by Amy Krumbein

David Benenson by Claire Benenson

Simon Sperberg by Sid & Sally Sperberg

Jack Ladin by Gene Ladin

Dena Cantor by Dr. & Mrs. David K. Cantor

Ben Friedman by Frances Amernick

Jack Frishtick by Risa & Jay Levine

Kate Goldberg by Debbie Minden & Gary Goldberg


REMEMBRANCEJoAnn Hogan, sister of Reggie Levet Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Barshow Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan Mrs. Judy Petock Mrs. Nancy Walter Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel

Kaleb Grant, grandson of M.E. and Ted Hessberg Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin

Kaleb Grant, nephew of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hess-berg TBE Men's Club

Family of Betty Borton Mrs. Helen Dobken

Mother of Robert CanfieldMr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman


Mary Lee Cantor Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin Mrs. Edith Glock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Meyer Mrs. Judy Petock

Hannah Rosman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan


Susan Clayman's forthcoming wedding Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan


Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stahl, Birth of Granddaughter Mr. & Mrs. William Sporn Mrs. Toby Rosenthal

Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Adler, Birth of Daughter Mr. & Mrs. William Sporn

Janice and David Abady, Birth of Grandson TBE Men’s Club



Father of Mrs. Leslie Baron & Family Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel

Order your Sisterhood Cards from:Mrs. Mary Messler (804) 270-7298 Mrs. Gail Schwartz (804) 741-2999 [email protected] Mrs. Nancy Walter (804) 273-9136


Judy Kowler's HusbandWelcome to Faith Kallman, our new Executive Director! Faith has spent more than 15 years in leadership

roles in the non-profit world in both Atlanta and Richmond. From 1999-2004

Faith was at United Way of Metro Atlanta where she oversaw a $10 million

portfolio, including The Coca-Cola Company and Delta Airlines. In 2005,

Faith became the Chief Development Officer at Jewish Family & Career Ser-

vices where she helped lead the strategic planning and direction for agency


In 2007, Faith and her family returned to her husband's hometown

of Richmond. Faith spent 4 years as Director of Development at Jewish

Family Services and most recently as Director of Corporate Campaigns at

United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg.

Faith is excited to join Temple Beth-El, where her husband, Lee

Kallman, was a Bar Mitzvah. Email Faith at [email protected] or

call 804.355.3564 ext. 104.

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TRIBUTES Unrestricted funds in support of Temple Beth-El

IN HONOR OFGeri and Drew Adler Birth of your new daughter Judith and John Levy

August Birthday Aliyah Rutledge M. Dennis Gail Plotkin

July Birthday Aliyah Katherine Belza Harold Horowitz

Marriage of Leah and Dan Bondy Edith Glock

Harold Chasen 98th Birthday ~ Gladys Tatarsky and Doris Tatarsky Abraham

Susan Clayman and Frank Starks In celebration of their upcoming marriage ~ Susan and Ronnie Adolph

Inge and Harold Horowitz 66th Wedding Anniversary ~ Edith Glock

Rabbi Michael Knopf for officiat-ing the wedding of Dan Bondy and Leah Frommer Peter and Susan Bondy Liz and Paul Frommer

Our 66th Wedding Anniversary Harold and Inge Horowitz

Alfred Lehman 90th Birthday Susan Adolph

The Memory of Charlotte Levine Jerome Imburg

Rick Abraham 60th Birthday! ~ Bob and Doris Tatarsky Abraham, and Gladys Tatarsky

Geri and Drew Adler Birth of their new daughter ~ Judith and John Levy

Gene and Frank Stahl Birth of their new granddaughter, Mollie Brynn Adler

CONDOLENCESMilton "Papa" Brown Milton was preceded in death by his son, Steven Brown. He is survived by his wife, Marcia; son, Harry Brown; daughters, Susan Brown, Karin (Steve) Valentine, Debra (Doug) Whitehead; nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Dorothy Caplan Dorothy is survived by her daughter, dear member, Blanche Kornfeld, grandchildren, Steven Kornfeld of Atlanta, Georgia, Rachel Pustilnik of Richmond, Virginia, and seven other grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

Sylvia Grossman Sylvia is survived by her beloved and loving hus-band, Frank Grossman; children, Steve and Gail Grossman, Roxie Grossman and Chris Wise, and Mark Grossman and Eileen Wynne; grandchil-dren, Sam and Jamie Grossman, Pete and Mollie Grossman, Jake Wise, David Wise, Joe Grossman, and Michael Grossman; great-grandchildren, Leo Grossman and Anna Grossman; and several nieces, nephews, great and great-great nieces and nephews.

JoAnn Hogan JoAnn is survived by her sister, our dear member, Reggie Levet; by her nephews, Ronnie Levet and his wife, Delores and Steve Levet and his wife, Margaret, and niece, Deborah Brock and her husband, Ty.

Ruth Kirsch Ruth was preceded in death by her husband, Jack; and her son, Jerry. She is survived by her daugh-ter, Audrey Kirsch; and a multitude of family and friends who adored her. A

Dr. Daniel Edward Kowler Daniel is survived by his wife, Judith Kowler; three children, Suzanne (Dr. Jonathan) Gelbard, Dr. Andrew (Astrid) Kowler, and Dr. Laura Kowler; four grandchildren, Sanora Rose and Grace Mikaela Gelbard, and Samuel Micah and Paula Michal Kowler; and brother, Richard (Constance) Kowler. He was preceded in death by his parents and by his sister, Judith Lynn Kowler.

Louis “Lou” Paul Survived by his wife, our dear member, Maxine; children, Sheldon Paul and his wife, Beth, Leslie Baron and her husband, Howard; grandchildren, Laura, Paul, Natalie DeNardo and her husband, Matt, Karen Stauffer and her husband, Craig, and Harry Baron and his wife, Caitlin; and three great-grandchildren.

Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg Father of beloved, long-time Temple Beth-El congregant GD Rothenberg. Rabbi Rothenberg is survived by, among others, his wife, Ethel; his son, GD and wife Susan; and grandchildren Jordan and Leora.

IN MEMORY OFBetty Borton Doris Katz Randy and Paul Carl Barbara and Elliot Rosenthal Helen and James Ryan

Dorothy Caplan Gail and Sam Genderson

Sylvia Grossman Bernice W. Slipow Franklin Wolf and Gini Blostein-Wolf Edythe Hoffman

Frances and Larry Goldman Jay and Elly Ipson Arthur and Julie Mullian Robert Freed Theodore and JoAnn Brenner Debra and Sam Craghead I.Norman Sporn

JoAnn Hogan Doris Katz Margaret and Fred Weinberg Eva Kalman Michael and Betty Anne Soffin Rita Stein

Dr. Daniel Edward Kowler Gail and Sam Genderson Paul Silverstein Gail and Stuart Grandis Peter Heyman Linda and Rick Gary Mickey and Stan Corn Rhona and Irving Blank Franklin Wolf and Gini Blostein-Wolf Esta Kornstein Judi Zoldan Rhona and Irving Blank Lee and Earl Surwit Emily Surwit Mary and Bob Siegel Anne and David Schwartz Gail and Jim Plotkin Steven and Barbara Miller Michael and Beth Edelstein Susan and Mark Sisisky

Sidney Kessler Gail and Sam Genderson

Louis “Lou” Paul Randy and Paula Carl

Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg Bob and Mary Siegel Richard and Ruth Genter

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITCharles Borton Laura and Ben Lewis

Arthur Brandeis Edith Levin

Sonia Cramer, Al Berritt, Dvoira Ipson, Golde Ipson and Tone Ipson Jay and Elly Ipson

Mary Dolinger Sandi Nogi Syrel Elfman and Charles Borton Marci and Steve Linas Robert Ellenson Micki Spector Walter Feibelman Neal and Joan Menkes

Page 15: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 15

Reeven Kalman Charles Kalman

Sarah Kaminsky Mickey and Stan Corn

Morton Karlan Neil Green

Lillian Milkin and Don A. Adler Sam and Debra Craghead

Abraham Nawy Lisa and Nathan Zasler

Shirley Plotkin, Jacob Yank Plotkin, Jeanette Wallins, Paul Wallins, Samuel Perel, Sam Plot-kin and Sadie Plotkin Gail and Jim Plotkin

Erna Siegel

Ruth Rosenberg

Benjamin A Wolf Frank Wolf and Gini Blostein-Wolf

SPEEDY RECOVERYMary Lee Cantor Thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery -Flo Weinberg

Stewart Deutsch Edith Glock

Pearl Karp Markham Judith and John Levy

Helen Zimm Edith Glock

THANK YOURabbi Knopf and Hazzan Marian Harold’s Birthday Greetings ~ Inge and Harold Horowitz

Temple Beth-El Thank you so much for the warm welcome into your congregation during Shavuot. It was very much appreciated. We enjoyed not only the services both downstairs and in the beautiful Sanctuary but also the Kiddush luncheon where we had the opportunity to meet wonderful peo-ple ~ Shalom, Teresa and Larry Swern

TRIBUTES Unrestricted funds in support of Temple Beth-El (Cont'd)

TRIBUTES Temple Beth-El Funds





LEGACY FUNDIN HONOR OFJohn B. Levy Happy Birthday! -Ellen and Barry Krauss


FUNDIN MEMORY OFSylvia Grossman Gail and Roy Yamamoto

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITLouis Frankel Victor, Dale and Laurie Moes

THE SUSAN COHEN MARKS MEMORIAL FUNDIN MEMORY OFDorothy Caplan With deepest sympathy -Nancy Walter



Sylvia Grossman May her memory always be a bless-ing -Janice and Robert Freed

CANTOR MORRIS AND HELEN OKUN JEWISH MUSIC FUNDIN MEMORY OFSylvia Grossman Carl Hayslett and David Frink Karen Hough

JoAnn Hogan Betty Anne and Michael Soffin Flo Weinberg

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITTerry Sisisky Susan and Mark Sisisky


IN HONOR OFMarilyn and Gary Sager 25th Wedding Anniversary -Jena Sager

IN MEMORY OFDr. Daniel Edward Kowler Ephraim Steinberg

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITClara Steinberg Ephraim Steinberg


IN MEMORY OFDorothy Caplan James P. and Trina R. McElligot


Rabbi Michael Knopf Helen Horwitz

IN HONOR OFMillie Buckberg Bat Mitzvah ~ Helen Horwitz

Rabbi Gary Creditor Helen Horwitz

Susan Fife and Arthur Davis Marriage, July 4, 1970 -Arthur and Susan Davis

Jessica Bagner and Aaron Davis Marriage, November 7, 2004 -Arthur and Susan Davis

Francie Comstock and Gabe Davis Marriage, September 28, 2015 -Arthur and Susan Davis

Julia Davis and

Page 16: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 16

TRIBUTES Temple Beth-El Funds (Cont'd)

Marcus Stevens Marriage, August 30, 2015 ~ Arthur and Susan Davis

Ricky, Caroline, Cory and Jocelyn Horwitz Helen Horwitz

Joel, Cheri, Hanna, Audrey and Elan Horwitz Helen Horwitz

Rabbi Michael Knopf Helen Horwitz

Debbie Horwitz, Steve, Claire and Ben Shoyer Helen Horwitz

Our Children, Grandchil-dren & Great-Grandchil-dren Alan and Halina Zimm

IN LOVING MEMORY OF Betty and Charles Bor-ton Laura and Ben Lewis

Margie and Jake Clayman Allen and Jere Mollen Susan Clayman and Frank Starks

Sarah and Albert Cohn Helen Horwitz

Ella and Nat Horwitz Helen Horwitz

Hal Horwitz Helen Horwitz

Mildred and Bernie Per-lin Helen Horwitz

David and Ora Porcher Dennis Rutledge Dennis

Joseph and Rebecca Rutledge Weathers Rutledge Dennis

Dr. Daniel Kowler Judith J. Kowler Phyllis and Ronald Rubinstein Bernice Slipow

Dr. Jay Nogi Sandi Nogi and Family

Al Rosenbaum The Rosenbaum Family

Bea and Jerry Scherr Frona and Alan Colker

Jean and Lou Colker Frona and Alan Colker

Joseph and Bertie Fischbein, parents of Frances Goldman Frances and Lawrence Goldman

Alvin Leopold Lipson Bernice Berkman Lipson Katz

Samuel and Celia Berk-man Bernice and Harold Katz

William and Edith Katz Bernice and Harold Katz

Joseph and Mollie Roth-enberg and, Louis and Minnie Lewis Gail and Joel Lewis

Victor Zinder, and Betty Litton Marty and Lynn Zinder

Louis H. Horwitz My Bashert, Tracey Horwitz

Cantor Isaac Danker Harry Kirschbaum

Shlomo Levine Harry Kirschbaum

Geraldine Simons Mar-cus My beloved mother, Dr. Wendy Simons Klein

JoAnn Hogan Marcia L. November

Sam and Julia Brown, Morris and Pearl Hyman Robert and Margie Hyman

JoAnn Hogan and Malcolm R. Levet Reggie Levet

Louis and Eleanor Sternfield, Jack and Libby Price Linda and Howard Price

ARK FUNDIN HONOR OFDr. Louis Gelrud Happy Birthday! -Ellen and Barry Krauss

SIMCHA TREEIN HONOR OF Howard and Maureen Genderson 25th Wedding Anniversary of August 3 and Special Birthdays ~ Ranid and Meir Amar, Devin and Frank Gender-son, Hymie, Jake and Will Genderson, and Sam and Gail Genderson

A Note From Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Co., Inc.Do you know what Kever Avot means? Why is there an Annual Cemetery Service during the High Holidays? Throughout our lives the example our loved ones modeled for us, good or bad, simple or complex, shape our lives forever. Even when they are no longer on this earthly plane, the need to connect, remem-ber, and honor them lives on. One of the many ways we can express that need is through participation in Kever Avot services which we hold between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. At Kever Avot v’lmahot (literally, the Graves of our patriarch and ma-triarch) Jews meet at the cemetery to participate in a brief service hon-oring their departed loved ones and their memories. Historically, Kever Avot was a superstitious occasion when Jews would take advantage of the auspicious timing before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when the Book of Life was open and God’s judgment was open to argument, to ask their departed loved ones to intercede on their behalf and make sure that their names were recorded for another year of life. In our time, Kever Avot is not so much about soliciting heavenly in-tervention as about reconnecting with our personal history and honor-ing those who shaped it. As we look to the future, we should acknowl-edge the past and our debt to it, especially to those special people who helped mold our lives; who helped make us who we are. We are linked to those who came before us as well as to those who will come after us, and we are responsible for connecting the past to the future.

This year the Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc. will hold its Kever Avot v’lmahot Annual Memorial Service on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at both Cemetery locations:

3:00 pm at B’nai Shalom Cemetery in Greenwood Me-morial Gardens with Hazzan Marian

3:00 pm at Richmond Beth-El Cemetery at Forest Lawn with Rabbi Knopf

Page 17: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 17

Y ahrzeits SeptemberSEPTEMBER 1 ~ 28 AV Joe Neuman Isadore Kuntz Barry Spector Rosa Lee Schiff Harry P. Freeman Irving S. Abady

SEPTEMBER 2 ~ 29 AVArthur Silverstein Herman Joel Belle P. Saxe Geraldine MarcusMurray B. GordonSol WisePaul WallinsHelene Kahn

SEPTEMBER 3 ~ 30 AVRae Levin Freida SilverLouis B. Boynton Michael GordonFannie Bridge George WasserbergFaye J. Lipman Cecil Jacobs PassamaneckLeivy SmolarIlse Schwab StahlBenny GreenblattRichard LaxBertie Fischbein

SEPTEMBER 4 ~ 1 ELULMollie R. Katz Sophia Goldman Michael Jaffee Julius Novick Minnie B. Messler Judith Ray Cantor

SEPTMBER 5 ~ 2 ELULMorris Leader Malcolm Kalman Hilbert Ben Smeyne David Joel Marcus

SEPTEMBER 6 ~ 3 ELUL Dennis Gordon Bertha Brandeis NewmanJulia Doris Mitchell Joseph Klein Dorothy Orlow Irving Pasternak Irwin Teitelbaum Morris Blotman Louis Amster Anna Schwab Mautner Mary Cantor Cohen

SEPTEMBER 7 ~ 4 ELULRobert B. Elkins Charlotte S. Licker Rose Sobel Robert Kramer Harold Merriam Sara J. Bagen William H. Dranoff Nicole Sage Cormen

SEPTEMBER 8 ~ 5 ELULSelma Goldberg Ida Pinkofsky Steven S. Russinsky Ella Abraham Janice Rose Scherr

SEPTEMBER 9 ~ 6 ELUL Lawrence Schoenberger Andrew Kalan Avrum Cimerman Frances Fine Leopold Henry S. Fine Rose Fox Feldstein Edythe M. Binder Louis Opengart Hyman H. Hyman

SEPTEMBER 10 ~ 7 ELULPat Lebo Louis Shapiro Fannie C. Gould Paula Reiman Steve M. Alpert Cecelia Tessler Morris Schapiro Jim Blumberg

SEPTEMBER 11 ~ 8 ELULRose Azzie Genderson Samuel Levin Sarah Kaizen Lewis Evelyn Fox Kirson Minnie Cohen Jacqueline Ann Burke Edith Katz Isadore Klatzkie William Rosenberg Benjamin B. Schieken SEPTEMBER 12 ~ 9 ELUL Noah A. Hessberg Stanley N. Cohen Thomas D. Morewitz Mary Clayman Plotkin Carl Robins Betty Sturman Katz Herman E. Siff

SEPTEMBER 13 ~ 10 ELULTheresa Roth Simons Florence R. Hollander Benjamin JacobsEsther Krumbein Sam Silver Joseph Cohen Rose Luterman Bess Grafman Cohen Esther Ruth Meyer

SEPTEMBER 14 ~ 11 ELULBenjamin Radow Louis Kravitz Jack Goldstein Benjamin Goodman Michael Messler Yetta F. Morenfeld

SEPTEMBER 15 ~ 12 ELULBernard Katz Harold Davidson Joseph R. Lebo Sol B. Evans Frances Becker Rose Lee Luterman Harry Rosenbloom

SEPTEMBER 16 ~ 13 ELULMartha S. Thomas Charles Siegel Priscilla Greenberg Albert J. Wasserman

SEPTEMBER 17 ~ 14 ELULMary Roth Klein Morris Balansoff Dorothy Marcus Swetlitz Murray Spielberg Helen Gerson Hauptschein Tilda Radbill

SEPTEMBER 18 ~ 15 ELULSidney Levine Dorothy Winer Harowitz

SEPTEMBER 19 ~ 16 ELULJacob Suss Ida Shevick Joseph R. Kaminsky Gussie C. Hoffman Leonard Charles GreenebaumTheresa MacConnell Elaine Lorn SEPTEMBER 20 ~ 17 ELULCelia S. Levet Max Barshow Isadore Katz Reva Wilks Gene Martin Linden Lois Izenberg Menkes James Cohen

SEPTEMBER 21 ~ 18 ELULAbraham Kelberg Beatrice I. Pines Morris Horowitz Michael Sporn Beulah Rosenbaum Samuel L. Feldman Beulah P. Rosenbaum Flora Mendel Jerome S. Gershman Roza Cimerman Daniel Kaufman

SEPTEMBER 22 ~ 19 ELULMorris Lutto Julius Brandeis Jerrold Elford Rose Lapkin Mina Schuchat Becker Roberta Cohen Neblett Frank Feibelman SEPTEMBER 23 ~ 20 ELULAbe Rabhan Esta Fleishman Katie G. Passamaneck Ann B. Passamaneck Harry Borton Richard Gibian SEPTEMBER 24 ~ 21 ELULEstelle Finer Leonard Meyer Charles Barker Ronald Lee Jacobson

SEPTEMBER 25 ~ 22 ELULBernhard Bieler Joseph Schreibfeder John Penn Bertha Kaminsky Rich Herman Gerstein Rebecca Borton Phyllis Nordin Arthur Leonard Slater Millie Segal

SEPTEMBER 26 ~ 23 ELULMollie G. Kaufman Harry C. Hoffman Thelma G. Wise

SEPTEMBER 27 ~ 24 ELULEmil Cohen Samuel Siff Joseph D. Kessler Max E. Teller Morris I. Okun

SEPTEMBER 28 ~ 25 ELULAlice R. Feibelman Stella M. Blank Rose S. Jaffee Abe Davids

SEPTEMBER 29 ~ 26 ELULRebecca Greenberg Thomas Hart Robinson Francis G. Warcewicz Lena Scherr Evelyn Tannenbaum Lillian Levin Perlin Gus Carwich

SEPTEMBER 30 ~ 27 ELULLouis Bimby Bertha Betty Greenman Esther Dolinsky Mauricio Parker Pearl Strauss Mason Marilyn Linas Elaine Miller Jerome S. Meyer Helen Gary Zimberg

Page 18: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 18

Calendar is subject to change. For the most up-to-date calendar, alw

ays refer to the online version at

Temple B


ber 2016P

rinted Sep 1, 2016 03:25pm






28 Av

Morning M

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229 A


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41 E


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Rabbi A


Morning M

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52 E


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Morning M

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63 E


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74 E


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85 E


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107 E







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ervice 10:00aK

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Havdalah 8:14p

118 E






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School 9:00a

Bubbles &

Brunch 9:15a

Picnic &

Carnival 12:00p

129 E






orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening M

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1310 E






Talmud C

lass 12:15pS

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Evening M

inyan 5:45p

1411 E






School 4:15p

Evening M

inyan 5:45p

1512 E






Morning M

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1613 E







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Candle Lighting 6:57p

1714 E


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1815 E


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School 9:00a


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1916 E


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2118 E


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2219 E


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2320 E


rev Shabbat S

ervice 6:00pH

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inner 6:00pC

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2421 E


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Shabbat S

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2522 E


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2623 E


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2724 E


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2825 E


chool 4:15pE

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Ritual C


Mtg 7:30p

2926 E


orning Minyan 7:00a

Evening M

inyan 5:45p

3027 E


rev Shabbat S

ervice 6:00pC

andle Lighting 6:35p

Page 19: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

September 2016 Page 19

WELCOMING FUNDS Both of these funds provide economic assistance to prospective members or members who cannot afford Temple dues or activities

Horwitz-Perlin Welcoming FundMargie & Jake Clayman Welcoming Fund

STUDENT FUNDS for events, Camps, Reli-gious School activities, travel to Israel, or other needs

Beller-Jackson College Mother Fund Send holiday packages to College students twice a year

Celia Brown Fund Aids youth activities at Jewish camps such as Ramah and furthers Jewish education for the children of Beth-El members

Hannah & Philip Kittenplan Fund For students of TBE Religious school for summer study or religious enhancement programs, or for Beth-El graduates for Jewish Theological Seminary study. Includes support for Jewish camps, trips to Israel, etc.

Margaret & Kurt Hirsch, MD Student Education Fund Provides funds for students of Brown Religious School for activities designed to strengthen their Jewish education

Robert G. & Mildred Meyer Eskeles Religious Edu. Fund Provides support for religious educ. at Beth-El

Stanley J. & Sidney S. Schapiro Education Fund Benefits individuals for educational purposes, tuition grants, travel, organizational activities

Cantor Morris & Helen Okun Youth Music Scholarship Fund Assists children of Temple Beth-El members in developing their musical talent

Mary & Alex Cohen Education Fund Provides teacher training for Temple Beth-El’s Religious School including in-service training, attendance at CAJE, class-es for teachers to enhance religious school program-ming, and similar training opportunities

Charlotte Sobel Licker Memorial Scholarship Subsidizes+ travel to Israel for a full-time college student who is currently attending school and has satisfactorily completed one college year

Susan & Mark Sisisky Summer in Israel Scholarship Fund Provides funds for a confirmand whose parents are Temple Beth-El members with an interest in Judaism and a desire to learn

New School Fund For capital repairs and improve-ments for Parham Road Religious School building

LEGACY FUND Non-restricted funds to sup-port TBE operations annually

Lily & Louis Frankel Fund Lillian & Dr. Louis Perlin Fund by Joan Ruby

ADULT EDUCATION FUNDSSarah & Meyer Vitsky Memorial Lecture Series Fund To promote Adult Education through lectures, activities, etc.

Susan Marks Cohen Memorial Fund A perpetual endowment for the benefit of Temple Beth-El Libraries. To support all Beth-El libraries, including but not limited to the purchase, housing and maintenance of all forms of printed and other educa-tional materials, to benefit the congregation

DESIGNATED FUNDSArk Fund To maintain or replace ark curtains

Kalman Library Fund To support purchases of books, media, etc. for all Temple Beth-El libraries

PlayPen Pals Fund Provides care & equipment for infants & toddlers during all services

Prayer Book Fund Replenishes all types of prayer books used at Temple Beth-El.

Rabbinic Book Fund To acquire Jewish related books and texts for use by the Rabbi

Senior Services Fund Facilitates programs for our seniors including transportation to synagogue events, programs and the purchase of special materials for programs.

Siegel Torah Fund To maintain, repair and pur-chase all Torahs and ritual objects owned by Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth-El values your contribution to any of its funds. Your kind generosity will be acknowledged in the Bulletin and the recipient(s) will be promptly notified. Simply complete and return this donation form together with your check made payable to Temple Beth-El. The minimum for each donation is $18.00. 



In honor of Speedy recovery of Marking yahrzeit of

In appreciation of In memory of

Your Address:


Your Name:

Your Phone:

Please make a contribution to the following fund:


For (Bar Mitzvah, wedding, etc.):


$400 Simcha Tree Leaf $75 Lev Shalem High Holiday Prayer Book (Large Print)

$18 Contribution

$50 Lev Shalem (Mahzor) High Holiday Prayer Book

$800 Simcha Tree Rock $500 Memorial Plaque $5000 Large Yahrzeit Tablet Other, please specify:

Please send acknowledgement card to:





$50 Siddur Lev Shalem Prayer Book

Credit Card No.

Temple Beth-El Donation Form

Page 20: September Services Rabbi Michael Knopf...Rabbi Michael Knopf As September rolls around, I wanted to take one last opportunity to tell you about The Ha-vurah Project, Beth-El’s exciting

Bulletin DeadlineFor the October issue, please submit your items

to [email protected] September 19.

TEMPLE BETH-EL3330 Grove Avenue • Richmond, VA 23221

Phone: 804-355-3564 Fax: 804-257-7152

BROWN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL601 N. Parham Road • Richmond, VA 23229

Phone: 804-740-0820

Michael Knopf .....................................................................................RabbiMarian Turk ...................................................................................... HazzanFaith Kallman ..................................................................Executive DirectorRamona Brand ....................................................Director of Youth LearningBen Lewis ........................................................................................PresidentSara Waskin .............................................................................Vice PresidentBonnie Wilensky .....................................................................Vice PresidentNancy Walter ..........................................................................Vice PresidentDeborah Minden ....................................................................Vice PresidentMarci Linas .....................................................................................SecretaryElliott Bender ..................................................................................TreasurerChris Greenberg ............................................................ Sisterhood PresidentJosh Cane .....................................................................Men’s Club PresidentKrista Fidlow ......................................... Communications & Bulletin Editor

Temple Beth-El Bulletin welcomes submissions of articles, photos, and artwork.

Submissions are generally due by the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication and may be edited.

Display advertisements are available. Contact [email protected]

TEMPLE BETH-EL3330 Grove AvenueRichmond, Virginia 23221

Stay Connectedwith Temple Beth-El!