September 30th We would like to welcome you all to our classroom! Even though we started off with an...

September 30th would like to welcome you all to our ssroom! Even though we started off h an unexpected situation with the ation of a second Gr.5/6 class, we ieve that in the long-run, it will prove be very beneficial for the students. It now easier to plan curriculum and work ether in order to ensure that this year full of constructive learning and many ningful experiences. this newsletter you will find helpful ormation on various areas of our program. ase feel free to address any questions or cerns you may have during our meeting you can always make an appointment to ak to us over the phone or in person. TDSB suggests that for every grade vel, students complete 10 minutes of mework. This means that in Grade 5/6, udents may be engaged with homework r 50-60 minutes. mework may consist of the following: complete classroom work me Reading Log signments or projects aningful performance tasks as an xtension of concepts learned in class working together, teachers and parents n help students create important work bits by practising skills which foster a nse of responsibility and personal complishment. These are skills which ll be used throughout their lives! Agendas are an excellent tool not only to make sure students stay organized but they also serve as an important form of communic between school and home. The routine to keep the agenda updated is quick and easy. We ask that every night a parent or older family member read the agenda to see what homework, projects, or tests have been assigned. We then ask that you check to make sure that tasks are complete. If the child cannot complete the work (due to family responsibilities or because they not understand a task), we ask that you please write a note in the agenda on that date . It is best to sign your child’s agenda every night. This tells us that you are aware of complet incomplete homework. That way, we all stay organized and informed. You also send a ve important message to the child that their w and learning matters to you! We work hard to ensure that our classroom is a safe, positive, and engaging learning environment where everyone’s ideas, opinions and personal beliefs are valued. We teach ou students the importance of respecting their environment, themselves, and others. We consistently teach and practise: Attentive listening Appreciating each other (no put-downs) Cooperatively working together Mutual respect Behaviour is addressed in the classroom unle is serious in which case parents are called.

Transcript of September 30th We would like to welcome you all to our classroom! Even though we started off with an...

Page 1: September 30th We would like to welcome you all to our classroom! Even though we started off with an unexpected situation with the creation of a second.

September 30th

We would like to welcome you all to our classroom! Even though we started off with an unexpected situation with the creation of a second Gr.5/6 class, we believe that in the long-run, it will prove to be very beneficial for the students. It is now easier to plan curriculum and work together in order to ensure that this year is full of constructive learning and many meaningful experiences.

In this newsletter you will find helpful information on various areas of our program. Please feel free to address any questions or concerns you may have during our meeting or you can always make an appointment to speak to us over the phone or in person.

The TDSB suggests that for every grade level, students complete 10 minutes of homework. This means that in Grade 5/6, students may be engaged with homework for 50-60 minutes.

Homework may consist of the following:

•Incomplete classroom work•Home Reading Log•Assignments or projects•Meaningful performance tasks as an extension of concepts learned in class

By working together, teachers and parents can help students create important work habits by practising skills which foster a sense of responsibility and personal accomplishment. These are skills which will be used throughout their lives!

Agendas are an excellent tool not only to make sure students stay organized but they also serve as an important form of communication between school and home.

The routine to keep the agenda updated is quick and easy. We ask that every night a parent or older family member read the agenda to see what homework, projects, or tests have been assigned. We then ask that you check to make sure that tasks are complete. If the child cannot complete the work (due to family responsibilities or because they do not understand a task), we ask that you please write a note in the agenda on that date. It is best to sign your child’s agenda every night. This tells us that you are aware of complete or incomplete homework. That way, we all stay organized and informed. You also send a very important message to the child that their work and learning matters to you!

We work hard to ensure that our classroom is a safe, positive, and engaging learning environment where everyone’s ideas, opinions, and personal beliefs are valued. We teach our students the importance of respecting their environment, themselves, and others. We consistently teach and practise:

•Attentive listening•Appreciating each other (no put-downs)•Cooperatively working together•Mutual respect

Behaviour is addressed in the classroom unless it is serious in which case parents are called.

Page 2: September 30th We would like to welcome you all to our classroom! Even though we started off with an unexpected situation with the creation of a second.

The TDSB offers an informative brochure for parents detailing issues related to combined grades. It has been attached to this newsletter. For additional information about issues related to education, the TDSB is an excellent resource. Visit the website at Click on Parents in the upper left-hand corner for a list of topics.

At Burrows Hall, students are encouraged to try out for and join the various sport teams and extra-curricular activities. The advantages to participating in such teams and clubs are many and we value such opportunities.

However, the emphasis in our class is on academic improvement and constructing knowledge and understanding in order to practise and use skills that will allow our students to reach their full potential. It is because of our commitment to academic excellence that students belonging to a team or club who do not fulfill their responsibilities may be asked to leave the team/club in order to focus on their studies.

Prior to such a decision, parents/guardians will be contacted. Every student joining a team/club will be made aware of this policy.

This year, the Grade 6 class will be going to Kearney from October 27th-29th. A package will be sent home the week of October 4th

detailing all necessary information.

Please feel free to contact Mrs. Oliveira at the school with any additional questions or concerns that have not been addressed in the information package.

Whatever your child’s age, a specific question, or even a specific statement, may prompt more of a response than the more general "How was school today?" If you listen to your child’s answer, and (if the opening is there) ask another question, you’ll be on your way to a meaningful conversation.

Ask kids about what interests them:

"What did you like best today?" “What new books are you reading?" "How did the science experiment turn out?”“Did your math test go well today?”

Ask about specific people and events in your child’s life:

"What did Mr. Caluya talk about in Science?" "Who’d you play with at recess?" "Did Mrs. Oliveira say something about your project?" "Are you and your friend still having a hard time?" "How are you and your friend doing?" "What do your friends think about the assignment?“

Make comments about schoolwork. You can look over your child’s work or the teacher’s newsletter, and ask:

"Wow, what a cool picture of a plane. Which type of aircraft is it?”"Can you explain photosynthesis to me?" "What is patterning about, anyway?”“Tell me about the book you’re reading for your Reading Log.”

However, communicating effectively about school goes deeper than just asking the right questions. More than just finding out how their day was, we want to help kids become problems solvers and independent learners. Good conversations help kids see we care about their lives, that we are there to support them, and to help them develop strategies for solving problems themselves."

Together, we hope to work with you in order to support, guide, teach, and learn with your child so that their learning experience is one which they will remember as positive and meaningful.

We’re off to a great start and this year promises to be filled with fantastic memories!

Regards, Mrs. Oliveira Mr. Caluya