September 28, 2013 Singapore - The Mutiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing (Handouts)

The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing ‘’Making the Words Come Alive’’ Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. ( Rise and Shine Expo 2013 Suntec Convention Hall 401 The Republic of Singapore September 28, 2013


This was a workshop I did for parents at the Rise and Shine Expo in the Republic of Singapore on September 28, 2013. The title of the workshop was ''The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing.''

Transcript of September 28, 2013 Singapore - The Mutiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing (Handouts)

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The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing

‘’Making the Words Come Alive’’

Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. (

Rise and Shine Expo 2013

Suntec Convention Hall 401

The Republic of Singapore

September 28, 2013

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Self Smart

Word Smart

Number/Logic Smart

Picture Smart

Body Smart

Music Smart

Nature Smart

People Smart

MI Pizza

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Strategies for Logic Smart Students

• Words: analyze origins of words

• Text: use logical graphic organizers

• Books: employ sources with numbers

• Styles: assist in quantifying when reading or writing

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Strategies for Self Smart Students

• Words: mind-map associations when writing

• Text: create personal links for comprehension

• Books: use passionate texts

• Styles: allow space for emotions when reading or writing

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Strategies for People Smart Students

• Words: use vocabulary in everyday life

• Text: see social context in reading and writing

• Books: use socially relevant/interactive sources

• Styles: allow students to read/write together

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Strategies for Nature Smart Students

• Words: explore nature origins of phonemes and words• Text: look for nature references in reading• Books: select books that deal with nature• Styles: read and write in nature or with pets

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Strategies for Body Smart Students

• Words: act out phonemes and vocabulary

• Text: role play reading selections

• Books: select books that have hands-on features

• Styles: allow movement while reading or writing

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Strategies for Picture Smart Students

• Words: draw vocabulary and spelling words

• Text: visualize after reading something

• Books: use visually-rich sources• Styles: let kids draw what they write, or

draw what they read

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Strategies for Music Smart Students

• Words: repeat words and definitions rhythmically

• Text: be sensitive to auditory imagery while reading or writing

• Books: select texts that have musical features

• Styles: promote out loud reading and writing

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MI Lesson Plan Mind-Map


Linguistic - How can I use the spoken or written word?

Logical-Mathematical - How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking?

Spatial - How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, or metaphor?

Musical - How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythmic or melodic framework?

Bodily-Kinesthetic - How can I involve the whole body or the use of hands-on experiences?Naturalist - How can I incorporate

living things or systems?

Interpersonal - How can I engage students in peer sharing, cooperative learning, or large group simulation?

Intrapersonal - How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices?

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MI and Reading a Book

Linguistic – delight in sounds of words

Logical-Mathematical – focus on references to numbers (of sleepers in the world) Spatial – enjoy the superb

pictures and images

Musical – emphasize the Seuss rhythms

Bodily-Kinesthetic – read it in bed; mimic yawning, tooth-brushing, and other actions in bookNaturalist – examine how animals

of different kinds sleep, build nests

Interpersonal – act out sections of the book as a group (e.g. yawns)

Intrapersonal – share sleep experiences (talking, walking, snoring, dreaming etc.)

Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book

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BibliographyArmstrong, Thomas. The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the Words Come Alive. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003.

Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 3rd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Develompent, 2009.

Ashton-Warner, Sylvia. , Teacher. New York: Touchstone, 1986.

Bettelheim, Bruno and Karen Zelan. On Learning to Read: The Child’s Fascination with Meaning. New York: Knopf, 1982.,

Chomsky, Noam. “An interview with Noam Chomsky.” The Reading Teacher, Dec-Jan. 1994-1995, 48(4), 328-333.

Douglas, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave: Written by Himself. New Haven, Ct: Yale University Press.

Freire, Paulo. The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 2000.

Klutz Press, 455 Portage Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306;; 1-800-558-8944.

McEwen, Christian (Ed.). The Alphabet of the Trees: A Guide to Nature Writing. New York: Teachers & Writers Press, 2000.

Nash, Grace C. Creative Approaches to Child Development with Music, Language, and Movement Incorporating the Philosophies and Techniques of Orff, Kodaly, and Laban.. Alfred Publishing Co., 1974.

Rico, Gabrielle Lusser Writing the Natural Way. New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1983.

Robinson, Andrew. The Story of Writing. London: Thames and Hudson, 1995.

Steiner, Rudolf , The Kingdom of Childhood. Anthroposophic Press, 1995.

Workman Publishing Co.,708 Broadway, New York, NY 10003., 212-254-5900.

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• Twitter: @Dr_Armstrong