September 2014 New Hope Newsletter

Change is difficult. I was reminded of this recently when I had a con- versation with some of our staff. For the past 30 years it has been my practice to write a personal note to members and regular attendees of New Hope, if we have their information, on their birthday and wedding anniversary. In the course of conversation someone on staff mentioned that fewer people are able to read cursive handwriting. And, I'm very aware that some who receive my notes spend considerable time trying to decipher my handwriting. So, I asked some of our staff, "what would you think if, instead of my hand writing notes, I would simply print them on our office printer and then sign my name?" The answer I was given universally was "no. Not a good idea." Suffice it to say, I'll con- tinue to write notes by hand. In late April/early May we announced that Consistory planned to make significant changes in our Sunday morning schedule. This was commu- nicated via Church Newsletter, in late May via email, and throughout the summer via announcements in worship. We also hosted two listen- ing sessions. A change of this magnitude must be planned, managed, and communi- cated comprehensively with attention to every variable. After the lis- tening sessions, Consistory realized that further attention needs to be given to these matters. We sincerely appreciate those who made the effort to attend the listening sessions. Even more, we want those who attended to know that Consistory listened very carefully. Whenever we institute major change at New Hope, we want to make sure that we have planned every detail fastidiously and that all the resources needed are in place. After very thoughtful, careful deliberation, Consistory realizes that we are not where we would like to be in this process.. Where God Leads, God Will Provide Rev. Steve Norden · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 MISSION OF NEW HOPE CHURCH: To Reach People for Christ · To Root People in Christ · To Release People to Serve Christ SEPTEMBER 2014 Children’s Ministry ........................7 Adult Ministry..................................4 Music Ministry.................................8 Administration ................................2 Fellowship .........................................9 Outreach............................................9 Preschool ..........................................6 4739 W. Powell Rd. Powell, Ohio 43065 614.766.5445 (continued on next page) See page 2 See page 7 See page 4


Find out what's happening in the life of New Hope Church this month.

Transcript of September 2014 New Hope Newsletter

Page 1: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter

Change is difficult. I was reminded of this recently when I had a con-

versation with some of our staff. For the past 30 years it has been my

practice to write a personal note to members and regular attendees of

New Hope, if we have their information, on their birthday and wedding

anniversary. In the course of conversation someone on staff mentioned

that fewer people are able to read cursive handwriting. And, I'm very

aware that some who receive my notes spend considerable time trying

to decipher my handwriting. So, I asked some of our staff, "what would

you think if, instead of my hand writing notes, I would simply print

them on our office printer and then sign my name?" The answer I was

given universally was "no. Not a good idea." Suffice it to say, I'll con-

tinue to write notes by hand.

In late April/early May we announced that Consistory planned to make

significant changes in our Sunday morning schedule. This was commu-

nicated via Church Newsletter, in late May via email, and throughout

the summer via announcements in worship. We also hosted two listen-

ing sessions.

A change of this magnitude must be planned, managed, and communi-

cated comprehensively with attention to every variable. After the lis-

tening sessions, Consistory realized that further attention needs to be

given to these matters. We sincerely appreciate those who made the

effort to attend the listening sessions. Even more, we want those who

attended to know that Consistory listened very carefully.

Whenever we institute major change at New Hope, we want to make

sure that we have planned every detail fastidiously and that all the

resources needed are in place. After very thoughtful, careful

deliberation, Consistory realizes that we are not where we would like to

be in this process..

Where God Leads, God Will Provide Rev. Steve Norden · [email protected] · 614.766.5445


To Reach People for Christ · To Root People in Christ · To Release People to Serve Christ

S EP T EM B ER 2 0 1 4

Children’s Ministry ........................ 7

Adult Ministry.................................. 4

Music Ministry................................. 8

Administration ................................ 2

Fellowship ......................................... 9

Outreach............................................ 9

Preschool .......................................... 6

4739 W. Powell Rd.

Powell, Ohio 43065

614.766.5445 (continued on next page)

See page 2

See page 7

See page 4

Page 2: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Where God Leads, God Will Provide (continued) Rev. Steve Norden · [email protected] · 614.766.5445

In the nine years since we moved into this building we have experienced many of God's blessings. Thanks to

your generosity, what started as a $2 million loan is now under $850,000. How fortunate we are to provide a

beautiful place to share God's love with our members and friends as well as open our doors to many community

events. However, as our building ages, we are facing significant repair and maintenance needs. These items will

be costly, but are necessary to keep our land and buildings safe and in good condition. Please see the article on

page 3 from Lee Vermeer, Chair of the Deacons for more details on these upcoming projects.

As staff we work hard to use your gifts prudently to enrich our relationship with Christ. Summer is often a time

for vacations and travel with family, which often reflects in our income. Please open your hearts to the joy of

giving as we need your gifts to continue our mission of Reaching, Rooting, and Releasing for Christ.

Consequently, Consistory has made the decision to postpone full implementation of this change for one year.

An incremental change will be introduced on September 7. One of the principal motivations for this change was

to give children the opportunity to experience worship. We also are very much aware of the blessing children

are to the whole congregation when they're present in worship. So, beginning September 7, at the 9:30 Living

Water worship service, children three years old through 5th grade will be invited to join us in worship for the

opening set of singing and a children's moment with the pastor preaching that Sunday. At approximately 9:45

these children will then be dismissed to Sunday School. Appropriate security and safety procedures will be in

place. Children's Sunday School will continue until 10:45. When worship is finished, adults will enjoy a brief time

of fellowship and parents will pick up their children at their classroom at 10:45. Middle School Sunday School

will continue to be at 9:30 and High School at 11:00. Adult Sunday School will continue to be at 9:30 and 10:45,

and we anticipate that additional classes for adults will be offered.

Our core conviction at New Hope is that we are called by God to make disciples. As we endeavor to be faithful

to that call, we do not desire to outrun God or lag behind God. Rather, we seek to follow God's timing confident

that God's time is the best time and that, where God leads, God will provide.

Administration and Finance Sandy Moberger, Church Administrator · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x37


Fall Worship Schedule

Begins September 7

Page 3: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


The Deacons would like to take this opportunity to update you on

finances as we move into the last half of the year. We first want to

thank you for your generous giving throughout the year. Our

monthly giving has been running about 7.5% below budget and

5.5% behind our expenses. Summertime is historically a slower time for giving as many families are traveling and

away from their church home, and this has proved true again this year. Our total income through the end of

July was $514,602 and our expenses were $541,694.

What we most want to make you aware of is that we face some serious financial challenges over the next few

months. Our church home is now approaching ten years old, and as such is in need of many maintenance and

repair issues that normally occur. We have avoided many of these the last ten years because of our new facility.

One of these maintenance issues is going to be a major expense. Our parking lot has deteriorated over the years

and is in need of resurfacing. We had planned on doing this in phases, with the west portion of the lot being

completed this year and the north or front part next year. The total cost for the repairs and resurfacing this year

will be approximately $138,000. This past winter caused more rapid deterioration and it is to the point if we have

another bad winter this coming year, the lot will no longer be able to be repaired but will need to be re-

placed. That would add an additional $100,000 to $120,000 cost next year. We therefore think it is prudent to

go ahead and make all the repairs this year.

Obviously on a total budget of approximately $870,000 this is a major hit. We have funds for a significant

portion of this need and have additional funds available through a loan. The deacons are not comfortable with

borrowing to pay for maintenance and repairs, but believe this is still prudent to avoid a significantly higher cost

next year. In addition, the exterior of the church is in need of paint. We are planning on painting the lower

portion of the church this year and delay painting of the upper portion until next year. Cost for the lower portion

will be $4,000, but it too is much needed.

With these significant needs hitting us all at once we are asking your help. You continue to be very generous in

your giving, but we are asking for everyone if possible to please increase your giving by whatever percentage

possible. It is our goal to pay off the loan portion of the repairs of $60,000 by end of the year.

We ask your prayerful consideration for this request so that we can continue to grow and bring God's word to

our community in a facility we all enjoy and can be proud of.

Deacons Report Lee Vermeer, Chair of the Deacons

Answers to Bible Trivia from page 6

1. Purim (Esther 9:31) 2. Mordecai would not bow down to him (Esther 3:5) 3. Ashes (Job 2:8)

4. A whirlwind (Job 38:1) 5. Knowledge/Wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) 6. The Ascension of Jesus (Luke 24:51)

7. Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) 8. Love (Colossians 3:14) 9. The word of Christ (Colossians 3:16)

10. Children of the light/day (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

Page 4: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·

Weekday Bible Studies

Children of the Day by Beth Moore

Mondays at 7:00PM, September 8 through November 3

Facilitated by Terry Geist and Denise Loftus

Thursdays at 9:30AM, September 11 through November 6

Nursery care available

Facilitated by Bonnie Fussner, Cheryl Vornbrock, and Michele Worthington

New Hope Women’s Bible Study Facebook Group

Join us for continued discussion throughout the week on Facebook

Go to Facebook and search for NHC Women’s Bible Study

Is family life a challenge? Is work is driving you crazy? Do you know God has a purpose for your life, but can’t

figure out what it is? Know that your circumstances are not coincidental. And God’s timing is impeccable. Join

Beth Moore on the Thessalonian shores as she walks you through the truth of each verse of 1 and 2 Thessaloni-

ans. In this study, you’ll face crises, afflictions, relationships, doubts, concerns, and fears. Find encouragement

for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns.

New this fall is the opportunity for continued discussion and reflection throughout the week on Facebook. This

is also a way for you to take this study even if you can’t make the Monday evening or Thursday morning group.

All you need is a Facebook account. To join, go to Facebook and search for NHC Women’s Bible Study. The

group is currently open so anyone can join, but once the study begins it will become a secret group so there can

be some level of security and freedom in our conversations. Contact Pastor Sarah with any questions.

Revelation by Sue Edwards

Wednesdays at 12:30PM, September 10 through November 12

Facilitated by Pastor Sarah

Throughout history people have speculated how the earth will end. Though it is

often seen as the best source for end times study, the book of Revelation is not

about predicting the end, but about preparing for eternal life. This book comes

alive with color, sound, visions, songs, terror, triumph, warnings, and promises.

Come and learn what this visionary and apocalyptic narrative has to teach us

about the God who was, who is, and who is to come.

Sign up at the Welcome Center,

or online at

Page 5: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·

The Journey

Sundays at 10:45AM, September 7 through March 8 - childcare available

Facilitated by Marla Underwood

Have you ever wondered, “Who am I? Who is God? What is God desiring to

do through me?” Are you looking for a way to grow in your spiritual walk with

Jesus Christ? Whether you have walked with Jesus for many years or you are

just taking the first steps on your faith journey, you’re invited to join us on this

journey of discipleship.

The Journey is a life-changing set of experiences and relationships that will invite you to explore questions of

intimacy with God, identity as God’s loved children, and unique kingdom responsibility in the world. Participa-

tion in The Journey program will involve a commitment of:

Weekly gatherings

Regular study, reflection, and prayer

Monthly meetings with a spiritual friend who is willing to walk with you during this journey

Cost of books and materials (scholarships are available)

Participants will read and discuss three stages of materials that uniquely integrate leadership development,

discipleship, and spiritual formation in a holistic, relationship-based style. This fall we will offer Stage 1: Biblical

Foundations, which invites us into an exploration and appreciation of Scripture’s transforming role for a lifetime

of growth and service. The Journey: Stage 1 will be facilitated by Marla Underwood and meet Sunday mornings

at 10:45AM from September 7 through March 8, with a few weeks off for the holidays. Childcare for all ages will

be available. Sign up at the Welcome Center or online at Questions?

Contact Pastor Sarah at 614.766.5445 x15 or [email protected].

Watch for more Adult Education opportunities,

including a Men’s study, coming in October.

Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 9:30AM in the Library

Facilitated by Todd Alles and Mark Dutton

Beginning in September our Year of the Bible Old Testament reading will be taking us

through the words of the prophets. The prophets, from Isaiah to Malachi, spoke the word

of God to the people of God during very tumultuous times in Israel’s history. Utilizing Ray

Vanderlaan’s “Faith Lessons” and other materials, come and engage with the words of the

prophets and discover how they are still speaking to our world today.

Adults of all ages are invited to join us for Sunday School. Come when you can; there is no need to sign up, and

no homework! It’s simply a time to fellowship and grow in your faith with others.

Page 6: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Adult Ministry Rev. Sarah Palsma · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x15 ·

Year of the Bible

We are over halfway through the Year of the Bible. As of August 25 we’ve read

through 19 books in the Old Testament, 12 books in the New Testament, and 94

Psalms. Well done! If you are behind in the readings try and catch up as soon as you

can, or just pick up the readings from the current day. You can find current and

previous readings at Whatever you do don’t give up!

And if you have questions don’t be afraid to ask Steve or me.

For the rest of August and into September, we will finish reading through the part of the Bible known as the

“wisdom literature” with Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Then we begin reading the powerful words of the

prophets beginning with Isaiah. In the New Testament, we will finish reading Paul’s letters and most of the book

of Hebrews. May you be challenged and encouraged as we continue to read scripture together.

Now for some fun…how much do you remember from our readings in July and August? See how many you can

get right before looking up the answers (see page 3).

Bible Trivia from Esther, Job, Proverbs, Luke, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 Thessalonians

1. What is the name of the Jewish feast which commemorates the story of Esther?

2. Why did Haman dislike Mordecai?

3. What did Job sit in while he was afflicted and in mourning?

4. From where did God answer Job?

5. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of what?

6. The Gospel of Luke ends with what event?

7. Paul calls the Philippians to have the same mind as whom?

8. Paul tells the Colossians to “above all clothe yourself” in what?

9. Paul says to let what “dwell in you richly”?

10. Paul says that those who are in Christ are not in darkness, but are called what?

New Hope Preschool Lynn Riley, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.2446 ·

New Hope Preschool is preparing for another great school year! The first

day for students is September 2. The staff and I have been busy preparing

the classrooms, and the children are having their back to school playdates

and meeting their new friends. The halls will soon fill with artwork and

laughter as we begin another great year at New Hope Preschool. Thank

you for your continued support and for all the help that you provide to

make the preschool a success!

Page 7: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Vacation Bible School Update

Thanks to the 94 volunteers whose efforts made this year’s VBS at New Hope such a success! The theme of this

year’s Vacation Bible School was “Weird Animals.” Over 265 kids participated in our program that ran from July

21 through 25. Games, snacks, bible lessons, singing and dancing, science experiments, and movies were used

to teach how Jesus’ love is truly one of a kind! The participants also raised over $2,000 to support four World

Vision kids for the year, including adopting a new child, Denisa.

Children’s Ministry Josh Barna, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x13 ·

Denisa, our newest

World Vision child!

Sunday School

This year’s Sunday School program for ages 3 through 5th grade will run from

September 7 to May 17. Children will attend 9:30AM worship, where they’ll

sing praises to God and have a children’s moment with Pastor Steve or Pastor

Sarah, then be dismissed to Sunday School. As in the past we will have seven

Sunday School classrooms, including classes for 3 year olds, 4 and 5 year olds,

Kindergartners, 1st graders, 2nd graders, 3rd graders, and 4th and 5th graders. The fall curriculum will focus

primarily on the amazing stories found in the biblical book of Genesis, including creation, Noah, and the story of


We’re also looking for a few more Sunday School volunteers. Teachers, shepherds, and floaters are needed. You

can commit for anywhere from once a month to every week. If you desire to be used by God in this extremely

important way, contact Josh Barna at [email protected] or 614.766.5445 x13.

Club 45 - Service and Fellowship for 4th and 5th Graders

On September 16 from 6:30 to 8:00PM, Club 45 gets back

up and running with a time to eat, socialize, and plan out

some of the activities we will engage in to enlarge God’s

Kingdom this upcoming year. This event will be at the

church. Fourth and Fifth graders are invited along with

their parents to come, eat, and then

brainstorm some ways that we can put

our love for God into practice in the

surrounding communities!

Family Connection Facebook Group

Beginning this fall, look for your invitation to join

New Hope’s Family Connection Facebook group.

This will be a closed group, which means only

those who are invited can see and participate in

posts. Our Facebook group will be a digital

space for families to connect, read interesting

and relevant articles, and get advice from each

other and from some of the

wise men and women who

might have been there before!

Page 8: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Music Ministry Christine Loy, Director · [email protected] · 614.766.5445 x14 ·

FALL CHOIR KICK-OFF EVENT! Thursday, September 4, 7:30PM

Calling all singers to sing this fall/Christmas season in the choir!

The choir is for EVERYONE who loves to sing or worship through song!

There is no audition and reading music is not a must in order to

participate. We alternate singing between both services, and

child care is available on Sundays for those who need it.

Please check out our first rehearsal on Thursday, September 4 at 7:30PM,

or call the music office for more information!



This fall we have two NEW handbell events that will inspire

you! We are reinventing our ringing and handbell programs

to make participation accessible to everyone, easy, and lots

of fun! We'll need LOTS of people to help us out for Christ-

mas and we'll teach you everything that you need to

know! Beginners welcome - no music reading required.

Advanced Ringers welcome for small group ensemble


New Hope Rings PRAISE!

September 28, October 5, October 12 ** In worship!

New Hope Rings CHRISTMAS!

November 3 through December 14 ** Christmas Cantata!

Page 9: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter



Monthly Prayer Meeting

Our next monthly Intercessory Prayer Meeting will be Tuesday, September 2 at 7:00PM in the

Sanctuary. If you need prayer, or would like to pray for others, please join us. For more

information, see Deborah Weiker or contact the church office.

For where two or three have gathered in My name, I am there in their midst. – Matthew 18:20

An Opportunity to Help Children with Reading Skills

New Hope helps to support Mission Columbus which offers a variety of ministries around the

City of Columbus. The focus of one ministry is a literacy initiative called the Franklinton

Tutoring Program that matches volunteers with students in Franklinton elementary schools.

The schools, located in the downtown area, include Avondale, Dana, and Sullivant Elementary


The students who attend these schools are from low income households. Many are being raised by single moth-

ers and need someone to offer extra “caring” and support for reading.

The program is in need of tutors to help students gain better skills in reading as well as comprehension. Each

tutor is assigned a student and is provided with a folder of materials appropriate for the student’s reading level.

The teacher will provide the reading assignments, the books, and any materials necessary to complete learning

activities. You don’t have to be a reading expert to tutor a child. The skills you will need are simple and easy to


The tutoring takes place during the school’s lunch hour on a day of the week that is

best for you. Tutoring will start in October with an orientation in September. If you’d

like to serve this ministry, please contact Anna Knotts of Central Ohio Youth for Christ

at [email protected] or 614.410.1898 extension 6324.


Page 10: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Monday, September 1

Labor Day - Office Closed

Tuesday, September 2

Preschool Begins

7pm Prayer Meeting

Thursday, September 4

6:15pm Praise Band Rehearsal

7:30pm AA 12 step meeting

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, September 7

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:30am Adult Sunday School

9:30am Middle School Sunday School

9:30am Children's Sunday School

10:45am The Journey: Stage 1

11am Traditional Worship

11am High School Sunday School

5:15pm Middle School Youth Group

7pm High School Youth Group

7pm Stephen Ministry Meeting

Monday, September 8

7pm Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

Tuesday, September 9

12pm Senior Sages Luncheon

6pm Deacons Meeting

6pm Elders Meeting

7:30pm Consistory Meeting

Wednesday, September 10

12:30pm Women's Bible Study


7pm The Journey: Stage 3

7:30pm Beyond Bethel

Thursday, September 11

9:30am Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

6:15pm Praise Band Rehearsal

7:30pm AA 12 step meeting

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, September 14

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:30am Adult Sunday School

9:30am Middle School Sunday School

9:30am Children's Sunday School

10:45am The Journey: Stage 1

11am Traditional Worship

11am High School Sunday School

5:15pm Middle School Youth Group

7pm High School Youth Group

Monday, September 15

7pm Adult Ministry Team Meeting

7pm Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

7:15pm Preschool Board Meeting

Wednesday, September 17

12:30pm Women's Bible Study


7pm The Journey: Stage 3

7:30pm Beyond Bethel

Thursday, September 18

9:30am Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

6:15pm Praise Band Rehearsal

7:30pm AA 12 step meeting

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, September 21

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:30am Adult Sunday School

9:30am Middle School Sunday School

9:30am Children's Sunday School

10:45am The Journey: Stage 1

11am Traditional Worship

11am High School Sunday School

5:15pm Middle School Youth Group

7pm High School Youth Group

Monday, September 22

7pm Endowment Fund Meeting

7pm Outreach Team Meeting

7pm Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

Wednesday, September 24

12:30pm Women's Bible Study


7pm The Journey: Stage 3

7:30pm Beyond Bethel

Thursday, September 25

9:30am Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

6:15pm Praise Band Rehearsal

7pm Mission of Mercy Team Meeting

7:30pm AA 12 step meeting

7:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, September 28

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:30am Adult Sunday School

9:30am Middle School Sunday School

9:30am Children's Sunday School

10:45am The Journey: Stage 1

11am Traditional Worship

11am High School Sunday School

5:15pm Middle School Youth Group

7pm High School Youth Group

Monday, September 29

7pm Women's Bible Study

Children of the Day

New Hope Church Calendar - September

Page 11: September 2014 New Hope Newsletter


Contact Us

Rev. Stephen M. Norden, Senior Pastor

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Rev. Sarah Palsma, Associate Pastor

614.766.5445 x15 · [email protected]

Joshua Barna, Director of Children’s Ministry

614.766.5445 x13 · [email protected]

Bob Cline, Director of Youth Ministry

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Connor Curfman, Tech Coordinator

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Nancy Green, Office Administrator

614.766.5445 x10 · [email protected]

Gail Headlee, Communications Coordinator

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Holly McDonald, Accompanist

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

Christine Loy, Director of Music

614.766.5445 x14 · [email protected]

Sandy Moberger, Church Administrator

614.766.5445 x37 · [email protected]

Lynn Riley, New Hope Preschool Director

614.766.2446 · [email protected]

Lara Valentine, Children’s Choir Director

614.766.5445 · [email protected]

4739 W. Powell Rd.

Powell, OH 43065


Sunday Worship Schedule

Living Water Contemporary Service 9:30AM · Traditional Worship Service 11:00AM

Do You Have Information To Share With New Hope?

Contributions to the Sharing the Faith Newsletter are welcomed!

Please submit articles to [email protected].

Deadline for the October newsletter is September 20.

Keep Your Subscription Up To Date!

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