[SEPTEMBER 18, ’01. - digifind-it.com June/… · At Koliin:V Hull, here. Saturday.; rillle L")....

J THK ONLY PAPHIl t .... circulated largely.... * t IN KA It I PAN TOWNSHII* J XOL VIII. NO l(i i H r t u d j c n MfcTUCHE* PHARMACY. 1 .... .. ........ I M ICTId U FA. \\ rl., SATTlJDA Y, |d IN F ”<), 15)01, Fr«*r l i i|» to Imposition. The Recorder offer* a free trip to the Fau-American Exposition to lire uiont popular Leacher in ilie public school* of the Borough of Metucben, or of Raritan iu*yflhip to be cboten by VOles. UlKiei the follow iuS tuliul tiuQi: Tha aucca**ful uacber juu*t be regu- larly amployaJ iu of ihe acUouli aamad above Ladle* and gentlemen ar* botu eligible, and the trip may be taken at any time, from May to Uclo bar CONDITIONS i - Anyone may vote a* often i J they chooaa -•-All vote* rhuat lie cast on the regular ticket, dipped from the Me ■ntcaau Kecorder. U . Each ticket count* for > witn the exceptions noted in < ( MSlial <Olll HUM mm|ii ness ........... M.. Iiich the cii i pursued and caused tin mg al the church lust commended. Such I'd I tally'll) a lesson and lit* .s should In ell tl liial*- of kvhn they arc The following votes aided •IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE. jSTOKY OF OIK LIVK* KHoM KAY TO DAY. ; Operetta. At Koliin:V Hull, here. Saturday. ;■rillle L"). liiot, ut s.l p. m. First part —Operetta “ Florinda.” ad- ; a pled from one of Grimm's Fairy Tales j CAST OF CHARACTERS |Flolilida ............................... Ethel Rule Fai id 1 11oii Mi Mi I Any pel Hon paying iu advance Miss for one year * subscription to the Re Mis oordet may cast fifty votes on one tic k*t. For *lx month* in udv&nce twenty m Mary A. LiMson ......... ... I.4J1 j Vjila. Qtircn «ii WiicbuK. . Ettna Lohlein X*1 H it* 1. R. L(*ft>rlK . 1.329 1 Yin Jilaal .....................IrvinK Ross JoM-pliihi- Flanagan 737 j Firs I Witch .... Diantha i'attison Min arc Compton ' ISJ |.-’i-coiul Witch .........Constance Murray Eilit 1: Bund I'i Ikt Fairy . Ilcl»*n If. Kcnipsou (’urrio Htlickland ■Sir.mil Fairy ............ \jfnes Clarkson Anv aubhciibcr fifty vote* on oiu he pay* up 6 Tickets ma office or vout by coumad and riled vote* puljlb.l. one ticket in arrears may ca*t .... . ,, ticket, for each year Prof E Miss I> i 11i. lie brought to our Miss Mary mall, and will tn* 1 i* received, and the ih week VIi*K Meta Soper ^ ETele Wood niff.. Florence Browning Annie ('beest-man Anderson •\ Thornall. i have . liT lil'H O RKCOHOERTli kKT Jj MOST POPULAR TB CM HR FREE TRIP TO P»n • American Exoosition, at Buffalo. N. Y. I VOTE FOR SCHOOL sumo BUSINESS CARDS. B. U. TAPKEN, J1W ELER COK CHURCH AND NKILHON tfTHELTtt . Fireman's Trip. | As we announced iaat week made 1 lie necessary arrangement* to offer a free trip to the Pan-American Exposition to the most popular fire- man of Metuchm. We recognise our fire companies a* among the moat im- portant organization* of tha borougn, *ud this offer on the part of tha Re- corder I* but &small token of our es- timation of their value to the eoui- munlty The offer include* a fra® tic- ket to Buffalo arid return The time for the closing of the contest will b* stated later. CONDITION'S ^ 1 Any one may vote as often as they - All vote* must !>e cast on the regu lar coupon taken from the Recorder 3 Each coupon counts for one vota With the «x,*f)Hons mentioned in con- dition i 4 Any person paying iu advance for out* ycai a subscription to tb Recorder will be entitled to cast fifty vote* on on.- ballot Any person who Is In ar- rears may east fifty votes on one tic- ket, for each year h** pays up 1 may be brpught to our of- * )'t* or sent by mail, add will be count, d. and the votes published each week. I he successful fireman must be an ciive member of one of the Motiuben , re companies I MKTITHKN IIKIOKIIKH Tirkh’T 1 Most I of Witcliie.s and Fairies. S'-coml part Juvenile soloists. Miss ibth Nightingale and Miss Helen Die. bold. Third part- Selections from popular "iwi-'-tia "Floradora." Mrs. Pattison. Mis Manning, Miss Van Fleve. assist.- ,,fl by talent from New York anti Messrs. Sllzer. Hahn and Emery. Iba-ram and tickets at Perry’s. Improvement Sccleiy Tin- Borough Improvement is now fully organized The office., were elected Friday afternoon of las week, and the committees appoit Tliey have about one hundred twenty members, and will be very ful in the work of beautifying the vil. iage I^et them be helpetl in thelf* needed work Dance. Mr and Mrs. .Spear will -give a dance at "Uplands” on the evening of the 4th of ^ ly A display of flreworsk on the lawn will he an attractive feaf- 8 L Luke’* Picnic. Sunday school of St. Lukes splendid time at their picnic on Wednesday. They escaped their usual >torni; the weather bureau doubt leas announcement would pici Rec )-dav that (I, 4 orliin. C. CAMPBELL. Kwl K*UU *iv1 Iu»ui*ii-s». 1st* K*( >• Tl t*ll coiup*ul«« L' .mc tud iu- mil gel tm erepvty iiiauiwd. Mkili »ir««, Meluubeii. N. ^ Y KELLY L>e»Ur In C«*I and Lumber, kind* l>y i)t« carduad or In aiui i ot . Yard. Pert KaaOln* Tktifc. order* r*-elv«d at ttit yar.laiel I* o Box JW Telephone O dorless excavator r..* ilig ces*i»o>l«. t*0ue«d .air* for this tnuon KsO** a* li,vv ar 16 MiiU par ban. I rx-ud a postal and 1 .v'll-aH AvldraM H W ill SkBHlI' X t ONs. a i . Iy | L MANNING A SON. rialafleta firaiu >larbl« aud Oraniu Work* A iar*« **iicijr of iKviuuiuauU and h«ad«u.>ne* t funi opp>«il« Kir»t BaplLal CUurcti JOSEPH L. MOSS, Main St , Metucben ^VloUlJI Bublle. .lUai tv*. « Collatlcd. t’0i»mi9»loitei of l>ccd*. Agtm fur VValttfi A. Wot si M uw rii. K*a|-r Kite* liisuraui « in itif i.««t coujpanie* K DR. E. F. POTTER J )KNfl'lST urt:ce tl iteanlemy, lli.n*id« Avenue, M1.TUC1IKN, N J Ifice hours: B:T> a. m., \u 4 dH> p. m Wedneatlav*. IMRD IKG AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. : £ast M illstone. N. J. I FaLL TkKM HKfllNs [SEPTEMBER 18, ’01. MAUDE VIRGINIA CARTER, Principal. The baby parade at Aabury Park In athich mother* throughout the Hutted State* are greatly lntereated, will be Iteld this year in the week ending Aug jUft 17, on the boardwalk. Elaborate preparation* will, be made, and It will Jkdipae anything tliat has been given Bu that line. Harry B. Ayrea, t« th« “icient chairman of the committee. Cyclist Harry Meyers, of Millville, r d up in a loriely spot on the d road about 2 o’clock Wednet J morning and robbed. Hi* assailant are unknown. O. STILLMAN JablttjMNl l«7» Uadlrig Jewrl*r jvitd Op- kk- ma^flnd*. Watch** *n.t Mcrani anver i ^ Chattfl Mtra*t, k*w Bruiuai 'l ^ j « l*«tavtac aud Waldlo* IuyIuui. *. 4 buffalo, N. Y. k fw ifSM w fc-irw w w **# i k £ I VOTE TOR | i ■nor \iM)rhees hu< fippiiii ‘irb-- I i.'mi -bill an one of Hion to revise the statutes. The u-mhers cl the commission are .founthnii Dixon ami J. Frank. I he Foil ill Mil- foil fitui II I'FRHONAIA^I I Mr R. O, Arnold andlgfts H« lei* Martin have returnedIcf’TWkers. Mrs. Foreman and MiMk- Foreman |spout last Wednesday In Boiffid Boi )k | Mi. Hoyei interallied ff^r.,1.-, fi »m j F'.-nnsylvunlft this week. | vilss Lockhart is visiting itr \lV t uchen. Mrs. YV. 1J. Cmupton, teieiu-r of pi- ano. organ, harmony ami composition. Mrs. C. It. Wilktsaon was in town on Saturday. Mrs. IMJraw. of Philadelphia, is visit ing si Mr. A, C. Kelly a. Mi i . George K. 'Kelly and daughter w«»re visiting iti l^rooklyn on .Mi.ud.ty, Miss Mary Dun A. of New York. I,u» been iu tow.li thisjweek. ^ Mrs. Scguine and Mias Biinan w.-ie guests of Mrs. Hahn on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burge, of Toledo, w, re guesis of Mr. aClarkaon on Tuesday. Miss Fredrira U'aite is visiting iu New York. Mr. Fred Ayres took a trip t«i linn > a. N. Y.. thia week. Mrs. Willieh is a guest of Mrs. John Martin. Miss Annie Jzuoiues is spending die week at Orient. L. 1. Rev. and Mrs. K. A. Mason spr nt Thursday in New York and Brook I vu. Miss Louise Edwards is visiting i.ei sister at Portland, Maine. anil Mrs. VYittnebert of New uj>. spent last Sunday In Metucben. and Mrs. Abram Vftosiclen are iding a few .days In East Millstone. Mrs. Anderson entertained her brother one day this week. •Mrs. Lr-bbeus Morris entertained her sister on Sunday last. Mrs. Edwards entertained the Pres- byterian Ladies' Aid on Tuesdav af- ternoon ■Mrs. Van Horn, of New Brunswick, spent last Tuesda ywith her daughter Mr*, j-’. k Soper. ^ -Mrs A V. N Conover enjoyed a visit of a few days this week on Siateu Island and at .Ylutewan. •Miss Laura Conover has issued W for a birthdayparty next Mon ening. >,r A T Strong ha* had an enforc- ' d vacation this week, caused bv ivy ]>oison. ■Miss .Julia Bogert wfll spend her \a. ........... . month of July, niusilv in (NOTES FROM I / NEARBY VILLAGES 1-ltlCE , T H REE CEVTb PKF KU.hM i-yi Si IH IIIl IN HI i ftonllHOM (. Mr. Fowl.-r. of ltroo! *f M rs E B Tap pen Miss Sallle M.-Ginui . 1st. Mrs. John Dixon \ on Tm-sdnv nlglu rh.-.v was :i Litc. n -, and ih»- ladies s* i \.-,i ihe poli!*-nes and home In life Orphan. ( Peter F I > 211v. Dopu t lie nimisi raii.-i dav uhen. .Messis. E. E. Weinschopck and Con- id Pistili reached Hamburg on the iirt**enth of this month.. \ Miss Della S. Y'aughfl.^i Brooklyn, is been a guest of MisfiS»nnie Wit- ^enehert. of Amboy will find a fine a|§K of fire *•; ■ w ilt Ik*beautiful iq en joyment of ... T -■ - i u , MI."woiMbaat." _ Ijntr» Conover and ut* I'ree Trip to & f 1 ‘nii-Aiiiericaii Exposll on. |l I.uthor Ta open has lioialifd bridge near Pumptown. and is adaml/Ang the Athhoy road, et off you. surplus patriotism ing von. I mworks ar the Metuch Philriitacy, opposite the post of- fice There were not many bidders at Mrs. Waite's sale on Thursday after- few of the best goods Acre I J W ^ fit* ■?it' ^ I tre in o The following vole* have alruady bean received -1 Lehleiu. S r .......................... 453 T. I-’. Yausiclen........................... ^11 E. K Soper..................................... 105 (» c Whalen . * ............. 12 Michael O'Jhien . f,o Charhs Hartman \] John Uobinaun ^ C. 11. Sctieiu k ^ x LuiJaer 'I'appen ,, W ii .Greenwald . . ..... b J J. Almond........... 0 John Robinson James Clarkson r W T M<Adams- ' r> Clih. . S Watson............ x t: <’ T""'" ............................. i t . A Sftnmoita .. ^ H M Kellogg ...................... 2 James Ron&n.................. 4 J. COiJ.................... 4 Frank Smith y Have* Tuo From Death. Our little daughter had an almost falul a 1 lack of whpoping cough and orom lilt is. writea^W, K. Haviland, of \rniOnU, N y . "but. when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Di. King* New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption. In an advanced Stage, also lined this wonderful medi- cine amI to-day she is perfectly well.” Desperate throat and lung diseases leld to Dr King's New Discovery a* o no other medicine on earth. Infal- lible for Coughs and Colds. 50c. and $1.00 bottle* guaranteed by the Me tuchen Pharmacy. Trial bottle* free letter 10 Dr. K. B. Dana. Dear Sir: You understand chemistry how (l you like .to earn $ 100? LVv cm - lcac| and zinc-that's thc- name ct ottr paint that lasts twi«. as Iona as lpart and oil — is made of white lead, white zinc, Its color, turpentine dyer, and linseed oil. ,hu nn,1? hhthlnK else In hollies ,>ay hlS 1,111 *nrt »10fl It's nohocly's business what we put In our paint, of course-; but we want it known. For lead and zinc and linseed o 1 sre the stuff to paint with and lead alone is not. We w*fit It known that one word de- scribes the best paint in the world- and that word Is Devoe. Are you loin* to paint r------ -- ■, - ■Ymrrrrnny P « u , J r;2V0E ft CO ln 8 —Metnehen Pharmacy sells our AiiuumI Dtiicf, i h.- annual midsummer dance of the M-iucheu Club will be given a< the tubl:»,us»* on Weiineuday evening m x{ -I m. Mibcrs and their guests The Fount*. 1 hen- will be no public celebration ot Independence Day in Met uchen, but tin se of oiii* citizens who desire to IHid t he day out of town will find attractions in near by villages. At Round Brook, at New Market, and at ot her points there wiR -ftc the usual i.-itivities; sneeehes, sports games and fireworks. Bane hall. t ’good match game may be expected 01. the Robins fi.-ld this afternoon at •-M'. I.ei w.-en the Matawan and Me- Fh-iilc. <-f the baseball «m v«uviw >du MlM OIH« Ccnover attended the graduating exer- cises at South Amboy lafet Friday and returned home on Monday: Fiiv*t Lieutenant Ralph B. Parrott, of the Fifteenth lnfap^ry, has been •: a n^fr-rre.1 fi«*ni Manila to Fort Ethan Allen. Vermont.V •Mi. Henry E. Ayres and son will re. • mu to day fmm a visit to Pittsburg. •Mrs Case and daughter are expected with* them •Miss Mary Kipp, who has been spending several months in Metucben, returned to her home in Geneva, on Wednesday, to the regret of her many friends here. Master Clinton Rowland had an oper “ ion performed ypou him by Dr. Mc- Kenzie. assisted by Dr. Donahue, this week, amt tt 1s hoped he wHtfioWsobn be completely restored to health. •Mi- and Mrs. E. H. Moore and daughter. Mrs H A. Moore, and Mrs. i- Hirclj have arrived from New York, and will spend the summer at the farm ‘-'-••■-.e of Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, at ry Heights. .Ill Jr Grove last Saturday night was -anI and successful affair. v---Tarry .Thou Tilt 1 Corn. Wandering Jew." If, having a 1 nl 1 i \aI in literature lately. • i I* »k in 1Li., fascinating field tiiatiiiel.' I»\ t;eo. C roly. Christ's 10 wnom “‘Tan-y thou till 1 "P’du-u beneath the weight of iss id the - coding Pharisee, *cts ,v wiuiiicring. Mdhi notahle fol- luwny of this story were Fufifene Sue's nlar.l-rpleee. and “The l-rlnee ,)f |n- uia " uy the author of “Den Hur." (Jen erul Wallace himself praises Croly's ' Salathlel” as one of the six greatest 1’U^lbh me els ever written. Qne New Vork publisher has lately Issued an 11- ln-11ai<-il edition at »|.40 net. Now i.uiies .1 ohn It Alden. so well known as the pioneer In cheap hook publish- ii*K. with an excellent edition at 26 ■'■ms: even ihis. with avlew to widely • xiemniiK the knowledge o f hla publt- '“•'""K. lie oftera to matt postpaid to Ihe reailnm iw*..thee '* Hie nominal price of 12o„ if ■li.p will order at ance, and mention ■lie papur..Unubtle**. many will ncci |-y his offer. Address John II. Alden pub llsliov, M2 l-earl street. New York tvKeurktoM It, M atieh t’h uuk. I.eh!gh \ alley Tfailroad excursion to Maurh Chunk and Olen Onoko, Thuis- day, July 4th, 1901,. Train ieaves Perth Jmietion s.JO a. m.. ronnectlng at riomn Plainfield with special train. Fair for the round trip $1.M; children * I. I:: ^.W eather and (Top (Janiliilnua , The’week euding Monday, June 24th 1901, Was generally favorable for the rultlhation and growth of all crops although the nights were still too cooi for tender vegetation. Widely scatter ed showers on the 2 ist and 23rd were Insufficient; a ood rain is needed In all sections, but especially in the North- ern and Central where grass and ohts beginning to show the want of It. The rutting of clover hay was quite gener- al during the week and much baa been “"‘I. houaed m Hne condition I lie Fourth . bread, cake and pie sale *Hi be held ut the Presbyterian lecture room on Wednesday. July 3 at 1 o’clock. Also aprons, dusters, etc., will be sold. Orders for cake sent to Mrs. Edwards -■ill he (Hied by ,h e Ladtrtj' A lp So Seven Y ears In Ited. Will Wutulers ever Tease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. l’case, of u w~ ranee, Kan. They knew she had-been unable to leave her bed In seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, eervoH# proetratton wnd gen- ,- M"•.»'. but. .’Three bottles ot Electric Qittera enabled me to walk,” she writes, "and in three months I felt like g .new person." Women suffering from Headache. Backache. Nervous- ness. Sleeplessness. Melancholy 'Faint- ing and Dizzy Spells will and Jt a prigs less blessing, Try It. Satisfaction Is guaranteed by the Mettichen Pharmacy Only SO , The cutting of timothy wUltatta ****. tenn work. T\V p^rieto™ ____________ early this week In the Southern and hannv fwnIt7I,|.twJii''r h'*1***', 'I* curative power*' that they Central sections. In the Northern seer 4 - Central sections. In the Northern w ; Tsf WZ *■* ,uuw“ «t ner on*r un# Hundred Dollars lor anv caw. s w a r '* .— « ^ . ’a s r s j 'a a f t a ss sf? j= s . sszbjs . !ia^fsee*drt“S f i S .0|J)e“ ,1S . a . flM ttae >«-— *•_». ^, pla h Amixiv 'org«* Egg tor George \V Egi'«*n «a)»M<<l hi Sli'.ooii ,\| Eggnf and Snmiirl M Hoii(l) l*laiiitlcl<i. Miss Libby Smilli m Mr i"y Sunogaif and ^vas ;11>]>(ii ■)t«>< i ad lohiv (Icon* Eggpii FHIJRCH OHIMLB. Presbyterian church. Tho Illustrated service, at the re- qu<*.st of tfie Maaoaic Lo/|g*» j^st Sun i!hy "Wn, filled the church. Thi mS- -iloal yeiectioua of the morning aer- us well a* the eevnlng. were v.uv Quo. 7 r ° In"r,utt niKl*Ltheie will be some mhmi imisir. alst), Mrs. Rattiaun will 11": 1'oni is My Light." The -'llbjftd oi tin. sermon will be "True A..manhood." D will be preceded by o * ‘'‘it “f some short opinions or r.ii-' vviunnnhood by various classes of Tl1'' K‘rlM' opinion, the bovs* ",,,IUo11' ai1 »I‘i maid's word, etc. This Sunday night service i* t„ be 11* > \\**• i by u series of brief summer '\fiiiiig serviees illustrated,*and also • nMveiled by good music. The seventh Jul> ' 11 ('“iiiotic service illustrated. 1 ben will come a number on the wo men of the Bible. All. aud especially non -eh ii rch goers, are invited. CENTENARY M i large The ftroun 1 an Hid I III* < ’ha|Nd is be- lug Rinded Hid ■veletl The VV 01 Kill S Home Miivsifimn y Olrcic met a Hie home of Mrs W II AlanniiiR 1 n Thu r sduy Ant one 1 liiiii is talk ins* nli.ui building a h Ills.. ii his lot un Church rhurcii. I'i 'Mi iiing in the morning by the pa* IUii I'einperanee song service at 'iiigbi Singing. "Jesus is Calling:" ’ l,la>er; Scripture lesson; solo, "Where i ih Mv Wandering B oy?” Rev. F. A. I Masoii. di m s. "The Tread of Mighty reading. A Temperance j Hen* Mr W H Compton; solo, i U'uik That Sjvoiled My Boy," 1 H Glams; reading, "How John \H ti ll,r _His Farm?" Mr. D. M. i Sprague, singing, "Rescue tne Perlsh- |ing. ¥iiorus, "Strong in Christ;" read. : h'Z- "Tomni> - Brown, is He in Your rx'hoor" duet. "The Light is Come, Mrs W I* Compton, and Mrs. Theo u ‘Ison; solo, with chorus, "Have Cour ( age My Boy to Buy No." HeV. F. A 1 Mason; brief address by the pastor • horus, "Work and Dray;” *i!ver offer 1 lHK' benediction. Young men are spec! i nl,y and cordlnll yInvited A Live Topic of the Dey-nuu] Nttht R ig at this neuon of the year that the mosquito begins to breed In the Howard f al<‘8' *n< l Dr' U 0 M 0 »aril a Mosqultoen," ju»t luued hv McClure. Phillip, c 0 w!11 vvarT 1 '? tl“' lh"1|H » nJ-'> "ho e,.r, >“U. arc IrouhlcJ by thin ln8efif s 1 ll0* “r,i’ »i his Introduction, rc , w‘ 1 Possibly uncouscioui, hu- I'l that this t rouhlfsome little pw( w a live fop,.. ,.f the day. The Indlnput. a h- proof of the agency of ihe mot- 1 lh" iarrl»«” of malaria led to atlon , fot extermln- at . n ,.r this utinute hutmenacing Iff- Mnlaria. one selemlst affirm, reduce the vigor, which llllv (,f a nation, than aii> other disease. With the late dl»- <<Her> 0f mi[. Army V#z„ow y , The e,'°" Cubtt lh“l a “ ,h(' conveyer of yellow fever lu- lul.mse "•■There'T *'< ,M *l®0« I hi it is no more reason for in ' fin Uo llU* niOMdui!o ' 4 scImrge than o'ving smallpox to raxage com- anolhpPS't tDr llow!lr,* 'l^laren with on!.? , i“ tbe Hn dem- dDTPveiiTe |>v numerullM Jt'awing, the differ,.nee between the Inoeuou, genue Culex and the mlsehevlous germ enr- li've h?«P,tTle8' H ,> < 'xplaln,' ‘‘“w they ve, how they carry disease, and how (hey may he desroyed. This last Im- portant point is treated from Dr How a, 3, w,ule fxpprienee, aud deal, with O a v e s ' f » o'Ul B",inK in or breedln. elites. ' The h I **3 tbe us<’ of tliles, rite hook abounds Iu helpful suggestions and should prove a special boon to the summer resident. One of tile resident, of Woodbrldxe avenue gathers 1,1, cherry crop this >iur by cutting down Ihe tree , itm,. at a time 81 reel. Elder M \Y Huni. of Rlainfiehl, oc- cupied Rpjr .1 S Cnbberly's uulpit Sail lay and preached a Mroiivg wnrimm on ‘Responsibility to a good sized con- gregation Anna McDonough di•*<I Monday nlglu after injuries causeil by a fail aggravating a fall which he ha eral BRIEF RECORDS. T' **«bjtcr> M m mg. The Presbytery of Elizabeth met at tlio West mi n.ter House at Perth Am- boy on Monday afternoon. Dr Ag- new, Phlladelphiar the .Secretary of the Board of Ministerial Kellef, ad- dressed the Presbytery. A committee was appointed to appoint a co-operat- ing board of ladles, for the Home at I Forth Amboy. N" (ih*. Carriage Pel.,, "ill wear as long as Devoe'e No oth 4 ^ 'M 'T r « »eeana°e T , 1 a ouncHs more M the Pint. Sola by the Metucben Pharmacy. Married. the At Menlo Park.on Wednesday June “• * 19(H. by Hey Floyd Corahli. as Jslsted hy Hev. .1. (1 . Mason, D. 1). Mr by Adolph B. Cornish and Miss Edith May Bennett, of Auburn N Y Ail veil f*e. K you want to reut your bunas x»dvert l*e If you v* anything to sell Advertiae. If you want to keep along, with lh, Ibustling bu*y, throng ... 1 Auvertjae. » c i nt - a - w okacoi.LinN a 'iv.it.------ - -«<• ^ees„ 4 _ « ilw .Horaewftlp for Cherry 1,,levee. , ,u „ rl Forbidden fruit is always the moat ! *•><**** tempting, aayt the old adage, but pet- j ------ he epizootic, ha* broken out New York horses, and Is iSe spreading to other pla As tne wIlTkmen were moving mC smaller part of the liouBe recently pur- chased by Mi YV. ' lapsed and « » .nt /AU.tlllH, If COl- inne the ground, on Monday. Fo Ml 1litllvo "1 F’TI h A Milioy fell ioih his wli ‘,'1 ‘»t» Highland avenue MSI Sutiirilpx :t ''0.1*i end l.rol-p hi* out among 7 w * bb tnfs oefore the reported to 1 homall homestead at Metucheu Otherwise they may receive the same the treatment that was accorded to three .... audacious thieves who InvaL the grounds a few days ago. b,y the attractive fruit that loaded the cherry trees, the three mm ueu'rnjmed to possess some of it, and entering the Thornall yard, started to idaiuher Into Hie trfrs *** 01 nvauaoduai taaig at aa mm S S S u w S H a l L ° li, if'^ ''“'keenron k m tu u n mad cur,Jr4"."ii‘,h f x z L '* ^ Mmichen Ph*im-t.y k 1 ' v ' " VHitap bring attended by i home by Mr Ho- ne nee*. ---------------------- -—- . They were detected by Mrs. Thor- uanUemaa .adJu.-,!*,, mldly advanced nnd or- r.*siu xddrwa u Uxll VInn A V . S,w (?•»“ ' A ** . 1 -ull. who promptly advanced nnd or dered the men away, lustead of com- plying with her request the trio seated te^trt^h«S 3Uh«T 1 >. U a w J*r - «■— Of horse J n s t ■tillan Thieves at Steltou. , v ' sewjxro ui nurse .(ling that has been perpetrated of L i? '.l !!8 vlL 'lnl,y- !ook P18''' at — to- luscious on that tree ^ork rimrsday morning at Steltou. the men ale to the verge nr cnjie Itli cherry pits. The cherries" are large and luscious on that tree anti ( **? ' 0 , PAug w,) ka(.‘H UUXn eaite - ------ ----- U.IU Of N. D ttiinvim. president of the Stelton Vig- ant Society, and led a valuable hay mare from her Hlall, harnessed her to open spring wagon, and drove away. Mr Runyon, who is nearly SO years U. heard the thieves at work at the barn door, and a moment later the tumble of the carriage wheels. Instead of awakening his son. Mr Runyon dressed and hurried to t|IP ijarn >phpre he found the lock had been brokeu, iud harness and ware were gone. When he aroused his son. tffe latter dressed and hurried to this city. He notified the police, who telephoned to vai lows tiijj^ns in this section of the State. InTormation was sent to Jer- sey City, to Perth Amboy, to Eliza, belh and Trenton, with descriptions of the stolen rig:. Mr. Runyon hopes to have the thieves apprehended it they attempt to escape to Now York. Th* stolen animal was a bay mare fi years old. all black points, is 3-4 hands high, white nose. The harness heavy black mounted The wag- on-is an open spring one. newly naint- Rd. half spring swung direct over axle with one seat. The reward of «!25 is offered tn, Ui« detection of Ahje thieves and thejr con- viction. or $?fi for the recovery of rtiR property. There were a number of other val- uable animals in the barn, but these were not stolen. flOO Reward. $loo. The ivadern o( this papf-i will be pleaseR ^k W iti that there at least one dreaded dieene that science hat been able to cure in all it* stages, anil that ia I' m ( rHlurit\ ('nm; la ( Mtanb. H alls Chtarrh .Ounf is the 4 0,1 v C'^LJU'W known to ilie medical Internitv.O Catarrh being MIn Taibelit Antelf. The new atm*y of the Deelaf mtlon or v •, , «« Independence is a tlme^onored L'atarrlt being a theme but its treatment 4n Ida M tbr ?on.Bt,t,}fc,on,l, dtseasr requires a consti- hcll'n article, to a p ^ ?in ^ tK ^m .“V iT ! f^rrh Cum ber of_McClure's. I. zurprlM n,^ new. I" I'iually one of the men, who hau satisfied his appetite descended (horn ihe tree. Intending to walk away. At the same instant Manning Thornall a sturdy son of Mra. Thornail'a, rode into the yard anil dismounted from 111.-: saddle horse. A few words from Mrs. Thornall dis- closed lo him the sltuatlou and in a few strides he had the Impudent In- truder i»y ilie collar, and administered a shaking that made the l»nd- acape "pass before the man's startled eyes like 11 kaleidoscopic vision. Then Thornall pummelled his captive until he roared for mercy. Mr. Thornall jI'Ugeed III,, feiiow over lo where his mother stood, made him heg her par- don. which he did between the ad- monitory cuffs that were bestowed upon his ears. Alarmed at the ,iiie,i..■.- 1 .I course affairs were taking, the other two cherry thieves dropped from the tree and steered for the open roadway, with all sails set aud drawing freely. Having concluded hla castigation of the first blunder, young Thornall de- cided that the other Intruders should iKil-escape unscathed. Seizing a horse- whip he ran to hla saddled horse, and jumping in the saddle, dashed down the road after the two fugitives who were still endeavoring fo put as much real estate between them sad tha Thornall house as they could They were no match for their mounted pursuer, however, and be- wildered at being chased, did not think.to climb over the fences and cut across fields. They were soon over- taken hy young Thornall, who slashed them in stinging fashion over their heads and (shoulders. Unable to evade the sharp cuts of the horsewhip, although they daBhed fifjbt *oti Rfj yljfc curopj the two men finally begged for tfner^y. Satisfied thit they h*d paid well for their stolen cherries, young Thornall 1 *OOd tiliug J- ",•*11 »*• tonicis 1*11 you 1 iiury -» /- •• have tad dou'l /H£ idtVoKbkk 1* lor job priiitiitf WANTED- By wom«u, «*cJi m U m ------- ^ child’ ,Uu*tlo«* to U m eonSTfUT Auu'ttUott. 10j ' E*tt N*w York tlty «Ti H ° cSio'filfihflsr.*01* *Wf tvrm s. tpp iv ^ aili/SJffffiffi*.g* uiwmiftui, v'ul vr kuIMinf, Jen S a :?: ru n SAMC AND TO u n . fivo LkT-A houie on Mala W " Lirr^uciilri,*? mo LET-A. kMM« wlih lilb ln w M I S M X _ ‘Within I wm I t* Btaute* rvfth. H . R. tlejol, Kent ll] Wf (m3 * -J* ■ h. Hu.., Boi » ! MviuoWs! X*' r f-Kl’-- Ah<um With ten u*« walk Irom tb* tiulk Httuitii f, A, .Motj, fen* S , k - her of McClure's, I. surprisingly new. the blwd t i d nuiewl m ikt^l o f" ^ ["nnlttad thein to ttajM t with a warn. Miss Tarhell has the rare faeulty^^ ot» ,,Stem thereby S i ** *o»« »• »«- whbht 'J 0 Kle?,n ,rom' material t^on of the Jiaease ’and tr“ ‘- Ue,l' o f ^ ^ t ;t Wiemp:rUk^ OV^ r cS? ““ -------------- with striking anecdotes whleh*^iinl « ,ta‘ lo,l »b<l assisting nature in doing its unusual chSfm T ^ r wrTni? 3 E! '*»*? » much cum jibs ion wun mors sevsrt traat- th* raent. The two vlcUma dlaappaared v down thi. road rnMdag their •artlffg f shoulders? Sh.d Mr Thornall role hack timonlals. Address, , o ,?Y J (I;,’ ENEY * CO., Toledo, 0.. htiUliiy Aildruarists, 25e, ital?sVsml)» M ills are the best --- — =K—ox. Mlsa Tarbells dairy farmers J?!0^ ,°f Declaration 9)t Independ - _ _ ASSSAUZZ and la quite he*vy in the Northern see the '_ . s. on printed I*0*t °°mp ******* ,,#r RK, A FOLD tN ONK DAY. XXaUve Sniir-.t qulnl • wfund to. mwievTIi _________ urort'i slgustiirt Uon asch bos. home. * Terrible BsplooUui, Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully," writea ft. E. Palmar, of KtrtmiB ih.~ *Tb» ---------- couldn't heal tha running sore lowed, but Buehlaa‘1 Arnica bait tlrely cared h*f.” laMUMe ike , Corns. Boraa, ftoila, BraieaL U i eaaaa aad Ptlaa Ha. at lb* MMEHi Pbarmasy. ...;.L

Transcript of [SEPTEMBER 18, ’01. - digifind-it.com June/… · At Koliin:V Hull, here. Saturday.; rillle L")....

•J THK ONLY PAPHIl ♦ t ....circulated largely.... *t IN KA It I PAN TOWNSHII* J♦ ♦

X O L V I I I . N O l( i

i H r t u d j c n MfcTUCHE* PHARMACY. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IM ICTId U F A . \ \ r l . , S A T T lJ D A Y , |d I N F ” <), 15)01,

Fr«*r l i i|» to Imposition.The Recorder offer* a free trip to

the Fau-American Exposition to lire uiont popular Leacher in ilie public school* of the Borough of Metucben, or of Raritan iu*yflhip to be cbotenby VO les. U lK iei th e fo l lo w iu S tu l iu l tiuQi:

Tha aucca**ful uacber juu*t be regu­larly amployaJ iu of ihe acUouli aamad above Ladle* and gentlemen ar* botu eligible, and the trip may be taken at any time, from May to Uclo bar

CONDITIONSi - Anyone may vote a* often i J

they chooaa-•-A ll vote* rhuat lie cast on the

regular ticket, dipped from the Me ■ntcaau Kecorder.

U. Each ticket count* for > witn the exceptions noted in <

( MSlial < Olll HUMmm|ii ness........... M .. Iiich the cii i

pursued and caused tin

mg al the church lust commended. Such I'd I tally'll) a lesson and lit*

.s should Inell tl liial*- of kvhn they arc

The following votes aided

•IN A N D A R O U N DT H E V I L L A G E .


; O p e r e t t a .At Koliin:V Hull, here. Saturday.

;■ rillle L"). liiot, ut s.l p. m.• First part —Operetta “ Florinda.” ad- ; a pled from one of Grimm's Fairy Tales j CAST OF CHARACTERS | Flolilida ............................... Ethel Rule


id 111 o ii MiMi

I Any pel Hon paying iu advance Miss for one year * subscription to the Re Mis oordet may cast fifty votes on one tic k*t. For *lx month* in udv&nce twenty m

Mary A. LiMson ......... . . . I.4J1 j Vjila. Qtircn «ii WiicbuK. . Ettna LohleinX*1 Hit* 1. R. L(*ft>rlK . 1.329 1 Yin Jilaal .....................IrvinK RossJoM-pliihi- Flanagan 737 j Firs I Witch . . . . Diantha i'attisonMin arc Compton ' ISJ |.-’i-coiul Witch .........Constance MurrayEilit 1: Bund I'i Ik t Fairy . Ilcl»*n If. Kcnipsou( ’urrio Htlickland ■Sir.mil Fairy ............ \jfnes Clarkson

Anv a u b h c iib c r fifty vote* on oiu he pay* up

6 Tickets ma office or vout by coumad and riled vote* puljlb.l.

one ticketin arrears may ca*t .... . ,,ticket, for each year Prof E

Miss I >i 11 i.lie brought to our Miss Mary

mall, and will tn* 1 i* received, and the ih week

VIi*K Meta Soper ^ETele Wood niff.. Florence Browning Annie ('beest-man

Anderson •\ Thornall.

i have .




P»n • A m e ric a n E xoosition ,

a t B uffa lo . N. Y.





B. U . TA PKEN,J 1 W E L E R


. Firem an's Trip.| As we announced iaat week made 1 lie necessary arrangement* to offer a free trip to the Pan-American Exposition to the most popular fire­man of Metuchm. We recognise our fire companies a* among the moat im­portant organization* of tha borougn, *ud this offer on the part of tha Re­corder I* but & small token of our es­timation of their value to the eoui- munlty The offer include* a fra® tic­ket to Buffalo arid return The time for the closing of the contest will b* stated later.

CONDITION'S 1 Any one may vote as often as they

- All vote* must !>e cast on the regu lar coupon taken from the Recorder

3 Each coupon counts fo r one vota With the «x,*f)Hons mentioned in con ­d ition i

4 Any person paying iu advance for out* ycai a subscription to tb Recorder will be entitled to cast fifty vote* on on.- ballot Any person who Is In a r­rears may east fifty votes on one tic ­ket, for each year h** pays up

1 may be brpught to our of-* )'t* or sent by mail, add will be count, d. and the votes published each week.

I he successful fireman must be an ciive member of one of the Motiuben , re companies


1 M o s t I

of Witcliie.s and Fairies. S'-coml part Juvenile soloists. Miss

ibth Nightingale and Miss Helen Die.bold.

Third part- Selections from popular "iwi-'-tia "Floradora." Mrs. Pattison. Mis Manning, Miss Van Fleve. assist.- ,,fl by talent from New York anti Messrs. Sllzer. Hahn and Emery.

Iba-ram and tickets at Perry’s.

Improvement Scc le iyTin- Borough Improvement

is now fully organized The office., were elected Friday afternoon of las week, and the committees appoit Tliey have about one hundred twenty members, and w ill be very ful in the work of beautifying the vil. iage I et them be helpetl in thelf* needed work

Dance.Mr and Mrs. .Spear will -give a dance

at "Uplands” on the evening of the 4th of ^ l y A display of flreworsk on the lawn will he an attractive feaf-

8 L Luke’* P icn ic.Sunday school o f St. Lukes splendid time at th e ir picnic on

Wednesday. They escaped their usual >torni; the weather bureau doubt leas

announcementwould pici


that (I,

4 orliin .


Kwl K*UU *iv1 Iu»ui*ii-s». 1st* K*( >• Tl t*ll coiup*ul«« L' .mc tud iu- m il gel tm erepvty iiiauiwd. Mkili »ir««, Meluubeii. N.


L>e»Ur In C «*I and Lumber, kind* l>y i)t« carduad or In aiui

i ot .Yard. Pert KaaOln* Tktifc. order* r*-elv«d at ttit yar.laiel I* o Box JW Telephone

Od o r le ss e x c a v a t o r r..*ilig ces*i»o>l«.

t *0ue«d .air* for this tnuon KsO** a* li ,vv ar16 MiiU par ban. I rx-ud a postal and 1 .v'll-aH AvldraM H W ill SkBHlI' X tONs. a i . Iy


rialafleta firaiu >larbl« aud Oraniu Work* A iar*« **iicijr of iKviuuiuauU and h«ad«u.>ne* t funi opp>«il« Kir»t BaplLal CUurcti

JOSEPH L. MOSS, Main St , Metucben

VloUlJI Bublle. .lUai tv*. «Collatlcd. t ’0 i»m i9»lo ite i of l>ccd*.Agtm fur VValttfi A. Wot si M uw rii. K*a|-r K ite* li isu ra u i « in it if i.««t coujpanie*


J )K N f l'lS Turt:ce t l iteanlemy, lli.n*id« Avenue,


If ice h ours : B:T> a. m ., \u 4 dH> p. m



: £ a s t M i l l s t o n e . N . J .I F a LL TkKM HKfllNs


The baby parade at Aabury Park In athich mother* throughout the Hutted State* are greatly lntereated, will be Iteld this year in the week ending Aug jUft 17, on the boardwalk. Elaborate preparation* will, be made, and It will

Jkdipae anything tliat has been given Bu that line. Harry B. Ayrea, t« th«

“ icient chairman of the committee.Cyclist H arry Meyers, of Millville,

rd up in a loriely spot on the d road about 2 o’clock Wednet J morning and robbed. Hi* assailant

are unknown.


JablttjMNl l«7» Uadlrig Jewrl*r jvitd Op- kk- ma^flnd*. Watch** *n.t M crani anver i ^ Chattfl Mtra*t, k*w Bruiuai 'l j « l*«tavtac aud Waldlo* IuyIuui. *.

4 b u ffa lo , N. Y. kf w i f S M w f c - i r w w w * * # i k£ I VO TE TOR |


■nor \iM)rhees hu< fippiiii ‘irb-- I i.'mi-bill an one of Hion to revise the statutes. The u-mhers cl the commission are .founthnii Dixon ami J. Frank.

I he Foil ill Mil­foil fitui II


I Mr R. O, Arnold andlg fts H« lei* Martin have returnedIcf’TWkers.

Mrs. Foreman and MiMk- Foreman | spout last Wednesday In Boiffid Boi )k | Mi. Hoyei interallied ff^r.,1.-, fi »m j F'.-nnsylvunlft this week.| vilss Lockhart is visiting itr \lV t uchen.

Mrs. YV. 1J. Cmupton, teieiu-r of pi­ano. organ, harmony ami composition.

Mrs. C. It. Wilktsaon was in town on Saturday.

Mrs. IMJraw. of Philadelphia, is visit ing si Mr. A, C. Kelly a.

Mi i . George K. 'Kelly and daughter w«»re visiting iti l^rooklyn on .Mi.ud.ty,

Miss Mary Dun A. of New York. I,u» been iu tow.li thisjweek. ^

Mrs. Scguine and Mias Biinan w.-ie guests of Mrs. Hahn on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Burge, of Toledo, w, re guesis of Mr. aClarkaon on Tuesday.

Miss Fredrira U'aite is visiting iu New York.

Mr. Fred A yres took a trip t«i linn > a. N. Y.. thia week.

Mrs. Willieh is a guest of Mrs. John Martin.

Miss Annie Jzuoiues is spending die week at Orient. L. 1.

Rev. and Mrs. K. A. Mason spr nt Thursday in New York and Brook I vu.

Miss Louise Edwards is visiting i.ei sister at Portland, Maine.

anil Mrs. VYittnebert of New uj>. spent last Sunday In Metucben.

and Mrs. Abram Vftosiclen are iding a few .days In East Millstone.

Mrs. Anderson entertained her brother one day this week.

•Mrs. Lr-bbeus Morris entertained her sister on Sunday last.

Mrs. Edwards entertained the Pres­byterian Ladies' Aid on Tuesdav af­ternoon

■Mrs. Van Horn, of New Brunswick, spent last Tuesda ywith her daughter Mr*, j-’. k Soper. ^

-Mrs A V. N Conover enjoyed a visit of a few days this week on Siateu Island and at .Ylutewan.

•Miss Laura Conover has issued W for a birthdayparty next Mon

ening.>,r A T Strong ha* had an enforc-

' d vacation this week, caused bv ivy ]>oison.

■Miss .Julia Bogert wfll spend her \a............ . month of July, niusilv in

( N O T E S F R O M I / N E A R B Y V I L L A G E S

1 - l t l C E , T H R E E C E V T b

PKF K U .h M i-y i S i IH IIIl IN HI i

ftonllHOM (.Mr. F ow l.-r. of ltroo !

*f M rs E B T ap pen M iss S a l l l e M .-Ginui .

1st.M rs. Jo h n Dixon \

on Tm-sdnv nlglu rh.-.v was :i Litc. n -, and ih»- ladies s* i \.-,i ihe poli!*-nes and home

In life Orphan. ( P e te r F I >211 v . Dopu

t lienimisi raii.-i


uhen..Messis. E. E. Weinschopck and Con-

id Pistili reached Hamburg on the iirt**enth of this month.. \Miss Della S. Y'aughfl.^i Brooklyn, is been a guest of MisfiS»nnie Wit-

^enehert. of Amboywill find a fine a|§K of fire

*•; ■ wilt Ik* beautiful iq enjoyment of ... T -■ -i u , M I . " w o i M b a a t . " _ Ijntr» Conover and ut*

I'ree T rip to &

f 1 ‘n ii-A iiie rica ii E xposll o n . |l

I.uthor Ta open has lioialifd bridge near Pumptown. and is

adaml/Ang the Athhoy road, et off you. surplus patriotism ing von. I mworks ar the Metuch Philriitacy, opposite the post of­

ficeThere were not many bidders at

Mrs. Waite's sale on Thursday after- few of the best goods



JW fit* ■?it' I t re in o

The following vole* have alruady bean received-1 Lehleiu. S r .......................... 453T. I-’. Y ausiclen........................... ^11E. K Soper..................................... 105(» c Whalen . * ............. 12Michael O'Jhien . f,oCharhs Hartman \]John Uobinaun ^C. 11. Sctieiu k xLuiJaer 'I'appen ,,W ii .Greenwald . . . . . . . bJ J. Almond........... 0John RobinsonJames Clarkson rW T M< Adams- ' r>Clih. . S Watson............ xt: <’ T""'" .............................■ it . A Sftnm oita . . ^H M K e llog g ...................... 2

James Ron&n.................. 4J. COiJ.................... 4Frank Smith y

Have* T uo From Death.Our little daughter had an almost

falul a 1 lack of whpoping cough and orom lilt is. writea^W, K. Haviland, of \rniOnU, N y . "but. when all other

remedies failed, we saved her life with Di. K ing* New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption. In an advanced Stage, also lined this wonderful medi­cine amI to-day she is perfectly well.” Desperate throat and lung diseases

leld to Dr King's New Discovery a* o no other medicine on earth. Infal­

lib le for Coughs and Colds. 50c. and $1 .0 0 bottle* guaranteed by the Me tuchen Pharmacy. Trial bottle* free

le tte r 1 0 Dr. K. B. Dana.Dear Sir: You understand chemistry

how (l you like .to earn $ 1 0 0 ?LV v cm- lcac| and z inc-that's thc-

name c t ottr paint that lasts tw i«. as Iona as lpart and oil — is made of white lead, white zinc, Its color, turpentine dyer, and linseed oil.,h u nn,1? hhthlnK else Inhollies ,>ay hlS 1,111 *nrt »10fl

It's nohocly's business what we put In our paint, of course-; but we want it known. For lead and zinc and linseed o 1 s re the stuff to paint with and lead alone is not.

We w*fit It known that one word de­scribes the best paint in the world- and that word Is Devoe.

Are you loin* to paint r------ -- ■ , -■Ymrrrrnny

P « u , J r ;2V 0E ft COln 8 —Metnehen Pharmacy sells our

AiiuumI D tiic f,i h.- annual midsummer dance of the

M -iucheu Club will be given a< thetub l:»,us»* on Weiineuday evening m x{ ■ -I m. Mibcrs and their guests

The Fount*.1 hen- will be no public celebration

ot Independence Day in Met uchen, but tin se of oiii* citizens who desire to I Hid t he day out of tow n will find

attractions in near by villages. At Round Brook, at New M arket, and at ot her points there wiR -ftc the usual i.-itivities; sneeehes, sports games and fireworks.

Bane hall.t ’good match game may be expected

01. the Robins fi.-ld this afternoon at •-M'. I.ei w.-en the Matawan and Me-

Fh-iilc.<-f the baseball

« m v « u v i w >du MlM OIH« Ccnover attended the graduating exer­cises at South Amboy lafet Friday and returned home on Monday:

Fiiv*t Lieutenant Ralph B. Parrott, of the Fifteenth lnfap^ry, has been •: a n fr-rre.1 fi«*ni Manila to Fort Ethan Allen. Vermont.V

•Mi. Henry E. Ayres and son will re. • m u to day fm m a visit to Pittsburg. •Mrs Case and daughter are expected with* them

•Miss Mary Kipp, who has been spending several months in Metucben, returned to her home in Geneva, on Wednesday, to the regret of her many friends here.

Master Clinton Rowland had an oper “ ion performed ypou him by Dr. Mc­Kenzie. assisted by Dr. Donahue, this week, amt tt 1s hoped he wHtfioWsobn be completely restored to health.

•Mi- and Mrs. E. H. Moore and daughter. Mrs H A. Moore, and Mrs. i- Hirclj have arrived from New York, and will spend the summer at the farm ‘-'-••■-.e of Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, at

ry Heights.

.Ill Jr

Grove last Saturday night was -anI and successful affair.

v ---T a rry .Thou T ilt 1 Corn.Wandering Jew." If, having a

1 nl 1 i \ a I in literature lately. • i I* »k in 1 Li., fascinating field tiiatiiiel.' I»\ t;eo. C roly. Christ's

10 wnom “‘Tan-y thou till 1 "P’du-u beneath the weight of

iss id the - coding Pharisee, *cts ,v wiuiiicring. Mdhi notahle fol-

luwny of this story were Fufifene Sue's nlar.l-rpleee. and “The l-rlnee ,)f |n- uia " uy the author of “Den Hur." (Jen erul W allace himself praises Croly's ' Salathlel” as one of the six greatest 1’U^lbh me els ever written. Qne New Vork publisher has lately Issued an 11- ln-11ai<-il edition at »|.40 net. Now i.uiies .1 ohn It Alden. so well known as the pioneer In cheap hook publish- ii*K. with an excellent edition at 26 ■'■ms: even ihis. with avlew to widely

• xiemniiK the knowledge o f hla publt- '“•'""K. lie oftera to matt postpaid to Ihe reailnm iw*.. thee '*Hie nominal price of 12o„ if ■li.p will order at ance, and mention ■lie papur..Unubtle**. many will ncci |-y his offer. Address John II. Alden pub llsliov, M2 l-earl street. New York

tvKeurktoM I t , M a t ie h t ’ h u u k .I.eh!gh \ alley Tfailroad excursion to

Maurh Chunk and Olen Onoko, Thuis- day, July 4th, 1901,. Train ieaves Perth Jmietion s.JO a. m.. ronnectlng at riomn Plainfield with special train. F air for the round trip $1.M; children * I. I::

^ .W ea th er and (Top (Janiliilnua, The’ week euding Monday, June 24th 1901, Was generally favorable for the rultlhation and growth of all crops although the nights were s till too cooi for tender vegetation. W idely scatter ed showers on the 2 ist and 23rd were Insufficient; a ood rain is needed In all sections, but especially in the North­ern and Central where grass and ohts beginning to show the w ant of It. The rutting of clover hay was quite gener­al during the week and much baa been

“"‘I. houaed m Hne condition

I lie Fourth. bread, cake and pie sale *Hi be

held ut the Presbyterian lecture room on Wednesday. Ju ly 3 at 1 o’clock. Also aprons, dusters, etc., will be sold. Orders for cake sent to Mrs. Edwards -■ill he (Hied by ,he Ladtrtj' Alp So

Seven Y ears In Ited.Will Wutulers ever Tease?" inquire

the friends of Mrs. L. l ’case, of u w~ ranee, Kan. They knew she had-been unable to leave her bed In seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, eervoH# proetratton wnd gen-

■,- M"•.»'. b u t. .’Three bottles ot Electric Qittera enabled me to walk,” she writes, "and in three months I felt lik e g .new person." Women suffering from Headache. Backache. Nervous­ness. Sleeplessness. Melancholy 'Faint­ing and Dizzy Spells will and J t a prigs less blessing, T ry It. Satisfaction Is guaranteed by the Mettichen Pharmacy Only SO,

The cutting o f timothy w U lt a t t a “ * * * * . tenn work. T \V p ^ r ie t o ™ ____________early this week In the Southern and hannv fwnIt7I,|.twJii''r h'*1***', 'I* curative power*' that theyCentral sections. In the Northern seer 4 -Central sections. In the Northern w ; Tsf WZ *■* ,uuw“ « t ner on*r un# Hundred Dollars lor anv caw.

s w a r ■ ' * . — « ^ . ’ a s r s j ' a a f t a s s s f ? j = s . s s z b js .!ia^fsee*drt“S f i S . 0|J)e“ ,1S .a. flMttae >« -— *•_». ^ ,

pla h Amixiv 'org«* Egg

tor George \V Egi'«*n «a)»M<<l hi Sli'.ooii ,\| Eggnf and Snmiirl M

Hoii(l) l*laiiitlcl<i.Miss Libby Smilli m Mr

i " y S u n o g a i f andvas ;11>]>(ii ■)t«><i ad

lohiv (Icon* Eggpii


Pr e sb y t e r ia n c h u r c h .Tho Illustrated service, at the re-

qu<*.st of tfie Maaoaic Lo/|g*» j^st Suni!hy "W n , filled the church. Thi mS--iloal yeiectioua of the morning aer-

us well a* the eevnlng. were v.uv Quo. 7

r ° In"r,utt niKl*Ltheie will be some mhmi imisir. alst), Mrs. Rattiaun will

11": 1'oni is My Light." The -'llbjftd oi tin. sermon will be "True A..manhood." D will be preceded by

o * ‘'‘it “f some short opinions orr.ii-' vviunnnhood by various classes of

Tl1'' K‘rlM' opinion, the bovs* ",,,IUo11' ai1 »I‘i maid's word, etc.

This Sunday night service i* t„ be • 11 * > \\ **• i by u series of brief summer

'\fiiiiig serviees illustrated,*and also • nMveiled by good music. The seventh

Ju l>' 11 ('“iiiotic service illustrated.1 ben will come a number on the wo men of the Bible. All. aud especially non -eh ii rch goers, are invited.


i large

The ftroun 1 an Hid I III* <’ha|Nd is be-lug Rinded Hid ■veletl

The VV01 Kill S Home Miivsifimn yOlrcic met a Hie home of Mrs W IIAlanniiiR 1 n Thu rsduy

Ant one 1 liiiii is talk ins* nli.uibuilding a h Ills.. • ii his lot un Church

r h u r c ii.I'i 'Mi iiing in the morning by the pa*

I Uii I'einperanee song service at 'iiigbi Singing. "Jesus is Calling:" ’ l,la >er; Scripture lesson; solo, "Where i ih Mv Wandering B oy?” Rev. F. A. I Masoii. di m s. "The Tread of Mighty

reading. A Temperance j Hen* Mr W H Compton; solo, i U'uik That Sjvoiled My Boy,"

1 H Glams; reading, "How John \ H ti ll,r _His Farm?" Mr. D. M.

i Sprague, singing, "Rescue tne Perlsh- | ing. ¥iiorus, "Strong in Christ;" read.: h'Z- "Tomni>- Brown, is He in Your rx'hoor" duet. "The Light is Come, Mrs W I* Compton, and Mrs. Theo u ‘Ison; solo, with chorus, "Have Cour

( age My Boy to Buy No." HeV. F. A 1 Mason; brief address by the pastor • horus, "Work and D ray;” *i!ver offer

1 lHK' benediction. Young men are spec! i nl,y and cordlnll yInvited

A Live Topic o f the Dey-nuu] NtthtR ig at this neuon of the year that

the mosquito begins to breed In the

Howard f al<‘8' *n<l Dr' U 0M0 »aril a Mosqultoen," ju»t luued hv McClure. Phillip, c 0 w !11

vvarT 1 ' ? tl“' lh"1|H»nJ-'> "ho e , . r , >“U. arc IrouhlcJ by thin ln8efif s

1ll0 * “r,i’ »i his Introduction, rc, w‘ 1 Possibly uncouscioui, hu-

I'l that this t rouhlfsome little pw( w a live fop,.. ,.f the day. The Indlnput. a h- proof of the agency of ihe mot- 1 lh" ia rrl»«” of malaria led to

atlon , fot extermln-at . n ,.r this utinute hut menacing Iff-Mnlaria. one selemlst affirm,

reduce the vigor, whichllllv (,f a nation, thanaii> other disease. With the late dl»-<<Her> 0f mi[. Army V#z„ow y

, The e,'°" Cubtt lh“l a“ ,h(' conveyer of yellow fever lu-lul.mse "•■There'T *'<,M *l®0«I hi it is no more reason forin ' fin U o llU* niOMdui!o '4scImrge than ■ o'ving smallpox to raxage com- anolhpPS't tDr llow!lr,* 'l^laren with o n !.? , i“ tbe Hn dem-dDTPveiiTe |>v numerullM Jt'awing, the differ,.nee between the Inoeuou, genue Culex and the mlsehevlous germ enr-li've h?«P,tTle8' H,> <'xplaln,' ‘‘“w they ve, how they carry disease, and how (hey may he desroyed. This last Im­portant point is treated from Dr How a, 3, w,ule fxpprienee, aud deal, with O a v e s ' f » o'Ul B",inK in or breedln.elites. ' The h I**3 tbe us<’ of tliles, rite hook abounds Iu helpfulsuggestions and should prove a special boon to the summer resident.

One of tile resident, of Woodbrldxe avenue gathers 1,1, cherry crop this >iur by cutting down Ihe tree , itm,. at a time

81 reel.Elder M \Y H uni. of Rlainfiehl, oc­

cupied Rpjr .1 S Cnbberly's uulpit Sail lay and preached a Mroiivg wnrimm on ‘Responsibility to a good sized con­

gregationAnna McDonough di•*<I Monday

nlglu after injuries causeil by a fail aggravating a fall which

he ha eral


T' **«bjtcr> M m mg.The Presbytery of Elizabeth met at

tlio West mi n.ter House at Perth Am­boy on Monday afternoon. Dr Ag- new, Phlladelphiar the .Secretary of the Board of Ministerial Kellef, ad­dressed the Presbytery. A committee was appointed to appoint a co-operat­ing board of ladles, for the Home at I Forth Amboy.

N" ( ih * . C a r r ia g e P e l., ,"ill wear as long as Devoe'e No oth

4 ^ ' M ' T r « »eeana°e T , 1 a ouncHs more M thePint. Sola by the Metucben Pharmacy.

Married.the At Menlo Park.on Wednesday June “• * 19(H. by Hey Floyd Corahli. as

Jslsted hy Hev. .1. (1 . Mason, D. 1). Mr by Adolph B. Cornish and Miss Edith

May Bennett, of Auburn N Y

Ail veil f*e.K you want to reut your bunas

x»d vert l*eIf you v* anything to sell

Advertiae.If you want to keep along, with lh ,

I bustling bu*y, throng ...1 Auvertjae. »

c i n t - a - w o k a c o i .L i n N

a 'iv.it.------- -«<• ees„ 4 _

« i l w

.Horaewftlp for C herry 1 , , levee. , ,u „ rlForbidden fruit is always the moat ! *•><****

tempting, aayt the old adage, but pet- j ------

he epizootic, ha* broken out New York horses, and Is iSe spreading to other pla

As tne wIlTkmen were moving mC smaller part of the liouBe recently pur­chased by Mi YV. 'lapsed and « » .nt /AU.tlllH, If COl-

inne the ground, onMonday. Fo

Ml 1 litllvo "1 F’TI h A Milioy fell■ioih his wli ‘,'1 ‘»t» Highland avenueMSI Sutiirilpx :t ''0. 1 *i end l.rol-p hi*

out among 7 w *bb t n f s oefore thereported to 1 hom all homestead at Metucheu

Otherwise they may receive the same the treatment that was accorded to three.... audacious thieves who I n v a L the

grounds a few days ago.b,y the attractive fruit that

loaded the cherry trees, the three mm ueu'rnjmed to possess some of it, and entering the Thornall yard, started to idaiuher Into Hie trfrs

*** 01nvauaoduai taaig at aa mm

S S S u w S H a l

L ° l i , i f '^ ' '“'keenron k m t u u n mad cur,Jr4"."ii‘,h f x z L ' * ^Mmichen Ph*im-t.y k 1 ' v' "


bring attended by i home by Mr Ho­

ne n e e * . ---------------------- -—- .They were detected by Mrs. Thor- uanUemaa .adJu.-,!*,,

mldly advanced nnd or- r.*siu xddrwa uUxll VInn A V . S,w (?•»“' A ** .

1-ull. who promptly advanced nnd or dered the men away, lustead of com­plying with her request the trio seated

t e ^ t r t ^ h « S 3Uh«T 1>. U a wJ * r - «■— Of horse J n s t “

■tillan Thieves at Steltou., v ' sewjxro u i n u r se.(ling that has been perpetrated of

L i ? '.l! ! 8 vlL'ln l,y- !ook P18''' at — to- luscious on that tree ^ork rimrsday morning at Steltou. the men ale to the verge nr cnjie

Itli cherry pits. The cherries" are large and luscious on that tree anti

( **? ' 0 , PAug w,) ka(.‘H UUXn eaite -

------ -----U.IU Of N. Dttiinvim. president of the Stelton Vig-

ant Society, and led a valuable hay mare from her Hlall, harnessed her to

open spring wagon, and drove away.

Mr Runyon, who is nearly SO years U. heard the thieves at work at the

barn door, and a moment later the tumble of the carriage wheels. Instead of awakening his son. Mr Runyon dressed and hurried to t|IP ijarn >phpre he found the lock had been brokeu, iud harness and ware were gone.

When he aroused his son. tffe latter dressed and hurried to this city. He notified the police, who telephoned to vai lows tiijj^ns in this section of the State. InTormation was sent to Jer­sey City, to Perth Amboy, to Eliza, belh and Trenton, with descriptions of the stolen rig:. Mr. Runyon hopes to have the thieves apprehended it they attempt to escape to Now York.

Th* stolen animal was a bay mare fi years old. all black points, is 3-4 hands high, white nose. The harness

heavy black mounted The wag­on-is an open spring one. newly naint- Rd. half spring swung direct over axle with one seat.

The reward of «!25 is offered tn, Ui« detection of Ahje thieves and thejr con­viction. or $?fi for the recovery of rtiR property. •

There were a number of other val­uable animals in the barn, but these were not stolen.

flOO Reward. $ loo .The ivadern o( this papf-i will be

pleaseR k W iti that there at least one dreaded dieene that science hat been able to cure in all it* stages, anil that ia

I'm ( rHlurit\ ('nm; la( Mtanb. H alls Chtarrh .Ounf is the 4 0,1 v C'^LJU'W known to ilie

medical Internitv.O Catarrh being

MIn T a ib e li t A n te lf.The new atm*y o f the Deelaf mtlon or v •, , ■ « «

Independence is a tlm e^onored L'atarrlt being atheme but its treatm ent 4n Ida M t b r ?on.Bt,t,}fc,on,l, dtseasr requires a consti- hcll'n article, to a p ^ ? i n ^ t K ^ m .“V iT ! f ^ r r h Cumber of_McClure's. I. zurprlM n,^ new. I"

I'iually one of the men, who hau satisfied his appetite descended (horn ihe tree. Intending to walk away. At the same instant Manning Thornall a sturdy son of Mra. Thornail'a, rode into the yard anil dismounted from 111.-: saddle horse.

A few words from Mrs. Thornall dis­closed lo him the sltuatlou and in a few strides he had the Impudent In­truder i»y ilie collar, and administered

a shaking that made the l»nd- acape "pass before the man's startled eyes like 11 kaleidoscopic vision. Then Thornall pummelled his captive until he roared for mercy. Mr. Thornall jI'Ugeed III,, feiiow over lo where his mother stood, made him heg her par­don. which he did between the ad­monitory cuffs that were bestowed upon his ears.

Alarmed at the ,iiie ,i..■.-1 .I course affairs were taking, the other two cherry thieves dropped from the tree and steered for the open roadway, with all sails set aud drawing freely.

Having concluded hla castigation of the first blunder, young Thornall de­cided that the other Intruders should iKil-escape unscathed. Seizing a horse­whip he ran to hla saddled horse, and jumping in the saddle, dashed down the road after the two fugitives who were still endeavoring fo put as much real estate between them sad tha Thornall house as they could

They were no match for their mounted pursuer, however, and be­wildered at being chased, did not think.to climb over the fences and cut across fields. They were soon over­taken hy young Thornall, who slashed them in stinging fashion over their heads and (shoulders.

Unable to evade the sharp cuts of the horsewhip, although they daBhedfifjbt *oti Rfj yljfc curopjthe two men finally begged for tfner^y.

Satisfied thit they h*d paid well for their stolen cherries, young Thornall

1 *OOd tiliug J-" ,•* 11 »*• tonicis 1*11 you 1 iiury

-» /- •• have tad dou'l

/H£ idtVoKbkk 1* lor job priiitiitf

WANTED- By wom«u, «*cJi m U m ------- ^child’ ,Uu*tlo«* to Um eonST fU T

Auu'ttUott. 10j ' E*tt N*w York tlty «Ti

H ° cSio'filfihflsr.*01* *W ftvrms. tppiv ^ aili/SJffffiffi* .g* uiwmiftui, v'ul vr kuIMinf, JenS

a : ? :

r u n SAMC AND TO u n .

fivo LkT-A houie on Mala W "L i r r ^ u c i i l r i , * ?mo LET-A. kMM« wlih lilb ln w M I S M ’ X _ ‘Within IwmIt* Btaute* rvfth. H. R. tlejol, Kent ll] Wf (m3 * -J* ■ h. Hu.., Boi » ! MviuoWs! X “ *'

rf-Kl’-- A h< um With tenu*« walk Irom tb* tiulkHttuitii f, A, .Motj, fen* S , k


her of McClure's, I. surprisingly new. the b lw d t i d nu iew l m ik t^ l o f " ^ ["nnlttad thein to tta jM t with a warn. Miss Tarhell has the rare faeulty^ ot» ,,Stem thereby S i * * * o » « »• »«-w h b h t ' J 0 Kle?,n ,rom ' material t^on of the Jiaease ’ and tr“ ‘ -Ue,l' o f ^ ^ t ; t Wiemp:rUk OV r c S ? “ “ --------------w ith striking anecdotes w hleh*^iinl « ,ta ‘ lo,l »b<l assisting nature in doing its unusual chSfm T ^ r w rT n i? 3 E ! '*»*? » much

” cum jibs ion wun mors sevsrt traat- th* raent. The two vlcUma dlaappaared v down thi. road rnMdag their • a r t lf f g f shoulders? Sh.d Mr Thornall role hack

timonlals. Address, , o ,?Y J (I;,’ ENEY * CO., Toledo, 0.. htiUliiy Aildruarists, 25e, i t al? s Vsm l)» Mills a re the best

--- — — =K—ox. Mlsa Tarbells d a iry farmers J ? ! 0^ ,°f Declaration 9)t Independ

- _ _ A SSSA U Z Zand la quite he*vy in the Northern see the '_ . s.

on printed I* 0*t °°mp * * * * * * * ,,# r

R K, A FOLD tN ONK DAY.XXaUve Sniir-.t qulnl• wfund to. mwievTIi _________

urort'i slgustiirt U on asch bos.


* Terrible BsplooUui,Of a gasoline stove burned a lady

here frightfully," writea ft. E. Palmar,o f K trtm iB ih.~ *Tb» ----------couldn't heal tha running sore lowed, but Buehlaa‘1 Arnica bait tlre ly cared h*f.” laM UMe ike , Corns. Boraa, ftoila, BraieaL U i eaaaa aad Ptlaa Ha. a t lb* M M E H i P b arm asy ....;.L

• s

f j l e h u h e t t f t e c o r d e rCHARLIES A. PRICK IT I ,


b d. p r i c k i t t ,.... E ditor........


T ii Omlt Pa ru t o r L arge C irculation

PvautaaB in R aritan T&Wxnutr

( • m i o f labaoripiluB , f 1.00 P»r Year ft* U tmua, i lu g l* UopiN, tt ueat*. AAtartM bu Halm Mails kuuwu uu

jhfaWMl M tin MetucTien, N. J,; HcamfBc# MMCttUd ClMH Uftl)lURtUr.

T k« R>uwd* r w i ll b« found uu wait: aft ftkaaCaada u f H. O. AruolU, J . Perry, C. M. U ray, anti at tb « ulU ie o f puU- Uoaftiua. • « M alu a lre^ l. M e lu c licu .

M ATHMAN. J . -*>,

Difficult DigestionThai is dyspepsia.It makes life miserable.Its sufferers eat not beeanue they tran t to,

- but simply because '1'bey kuow they are irritable and fretful;

but they cannot lx; either wise.They complain of a bad taste In the

mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the su>;n- wh, uu uneasy feeling of puffy fulness, taudaebc, heartburn and what not.

The effectual remedy, proved by pernin- iiertt cures of thousand* of severe raw s, Is

Hood’s Sarsaparillahoou - i ’n . t* are tin* Wit <*t Cart j <77 L~~


Washington. Juno The Failed States Government is making an effort to learn what bonds were issued by

rebellion, to ' and for what • ject is either J kwarK -

4 of all thoseissued by Cuba that lvave been at 11ution and ar

cognized by the Con. ‘onsequently the onl\ a I ue. Those of prru- ■ expressly repudiat

left entirely out of the

TheWondered al her bravery.

While her well-poised cannon tlinn dered.

Thundered on incessant!v.

subject lia s bee ood from bog;nr.t ihf* fact that dire


Lee might waver. Wayne might* lire Men might fall by sabre th ru st;

Hill that heroLne’s deadly fire Made the Hessians "bite the dust


Hack ye rebels!" cried Cornwallis. '‘Forward, Briton®-, push the fray!

Jrush the traitors, cheat the gallows'- But a woman blocked the way.

INUKPKNOKNi K DAY.Before another. Issue of the Record­

er the Fourth of Ju ly will have Cciue and gone. On Thursday of neYt week we celebrate the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary lion's birth. Let the small boys cele brats with 4he noisy fire crackers, and the boys of larger growth w'th rockets and cannon give Vent to the patriotic Urea within them, but let us

, all reflect upon the mighty achieve meats of our ancestors as it should* inspire us with a spirit of devoi the public welfare, so that \ when occasion requires, will be ready to sacrifice to maintain what they wisely and at such cost, established They-resolved a Ad then they fough^. and suffered and sacrificed for their inalienable righR and they secured thriii, fpr th'einsdtves and for us. They gave to he world the star of liberty enthroned conscience, erected a fret altar, made men free. It is a common thing to say, but it is a good thing to say. tiecanse it is true, that we have the heat government under the sun H. fejiresents the beat thought and the

*aul Revere, on pike ami o'er bog.Foam-flecked raced for Lexinglou,

dolly Pitcher's loud-mouthed war-dog Made disgruntled Red-coats run

Iteat clvUintion, and Jfce hope aud fn. ture of maakiud. Let us bring oui practice, lo private life and public af fa in up to the”high level of our prin ctffka.

WhJftt a debt we owe to those who t : ; flaMMiflbed tad to those who preaerv-

a i the Pakw. What a debt mankind erei'/wfier e owe* them! We can be«t

* a ko d to a t obligation to these great, Medan hjr cherishing the institution*

ted by preserving frebdoai which theiS ss^oymanff of bur chll-

«httdr«i>s children forever.

Daring the recent troubles in China « • have Biot only had the opportunity to increase our very limited stock ot knowledge about the peculiar Chinese, but we have alio been afforded some i lia object lessons In the study of the different nations through their repre­sentatives in that distant field. Most of these nations Wt£e represented by train ed diplomats, military officers with high sounding titles, and soldiers be longing to lh elr standing armies. And jrat in these different fields of servict the American does not suffer by thus being actively brought into comparl atm with ayn nor a ll of these. In the eetbaatioh of the Chinese and an en Ilk toned civilisation must endorst

* their verdict, the American stands pre eminent In all these departments. Who

. . M gbtof among a ll these consuls? The American, Conger Who among the commanders* The American Gener- aL Whore among the privates m these armlea is to be found the bravest ana most humane soldiers? Among the American volunteers and among the missionaries also there towers above all others in the time ot special emer­gency the American Gamewell. Thus oar system of a free church In a free State with ottr fret* mlucitiullfti facili­ties open to a ll; supplies, both at home and abroad, the man for the

Aiiv did Whittier seldom linger Wheie New Jeisey hlsLoiy Hil LIIs

Barbara Fritchte shook her linger, Molly shook the soiiii liilis.

tar barn's Molly's

tarbara Molly *

foes saw her before thei heard death on the gale raved the old flag o'er tl uve her s iron bail.

and positive .ailalde. Just

!u* beginning of the war with. •Iiarges w ere made that of Cuban bonds bad been

Dn uglu to Washington with which lo corrupt legislation in favor c investigating this, the Senate Commit iee on Foreign Relations called before it the treasurer o t the Cuban delega­tion, Benjamin .1 Guerra, and ques­tioned iiitn with especial reference to Cuban bonds.

TreuMirer Guerra under oath, stat ;*d that the Cuban delegation conslst- . il v f font persons in all. namely. Mr Tomas Estrada-Raima. Dr Joaquin Castillo, sub-delegate; Antonio Gon­zales Lamiza, secretary and himself. Benjamin J Guerra, treasurer. The other official representatives of the re­public of Cuba then in the Frilled States were Gonzalo de Qu nils the charge de'Affaires ngtot. and Mr Diaz Alher

m y of legation.

R e m o v a li L

O ur New B u ild in g w ill b e reo tfy fo r occupancy

J u n e — t h e M o n t h o f R o s e s -is I lie m o n th lo r v o u

1 1 i sec m e I .l ie 1 i i s u r

a m r . W in r a n t h u s

I il'in e to y o i i r f a m i ly

,i c o m p le t e ( e d i n g < >1

-,e e u n t\ i n 1 h e i r

S p u n g iim .o e n ju v

l l l r m ■

T h ePrudentialInsurance Company of Anier ca,

Home Office Newark, N, J

Forako asked Tr

Molly wept. aye, gin* wa Wept as widow, .bitter!

leave she was. hut still a Clad in comely modesty.

i to tell the committee to what the bonds printed binder

■itv had been disposed of. whatthe

• es. she made the cannou rattle Fighting that the war might c*

How .for blow she gave in hair!** Preludes to the dawn of peace.

[■cr lliie ira We have M>ldleveral peojde as per the hook

here to you iproducing*i t. $!M.ur»0. and we have (

ie was sowing, death Her a harvest of the ie was sowing, we are reaping Molly’s sheaves of golden grain.

which• r $ 12 2

)tal of bonds disposer


s we march on. si longer, richer May the ages keep the name f our dauntless Molly Pitcher High upon the scroll of fame. Mettiehen, N. J.

s it contain bond thi^ • bet d is ed of


Haline A Co ’• Great Sfoi-r.Htthne & Company will open then

cvv store, corner Broad and New treets. Newark, next month, the <lat« j f»e announced later. The new store ill lie about feur times larger than

heir old one.It has a frontage on Broad street of at P*r?. i . . . . . Some aix or eight have hern ;;o!d :ti

w fpet^MTNNew m e e t uf « » feel r, There m m ' a t & 1-2.ml 143^feet oh Halsey street. There And they ,„ VP so)d at pi.,CPS railg.re live large entrances, three on the , a|) the dowl, par ,uIroad street facade, one each on the as l!u. lowest * lateey and New street fronya. There loWe.t'is 25 per cent. Some al

i y you ami Mr Painin'.’VoH, sir..This hook shows the

ihc transaction, number of th that are sold, and then here (indicat jug » how many frond.**, lit n «h notuiria lion; (hen marks by which *vr i.tu talent if v them: then rate at which ihf 1 bud has been sold . the name of ih<! uyer, street, aud number of his rest ilence.city and State. Here (Indicating) i.re incidental rem arks, amount; face (.due of the bond, aud m t realized.

How many of those bonds have you

As we intend to open wifh the very newest wares the world hai3 produced, We w ill make severe cute in our present Stocks C loo Departments) Save as to a few —

restricted artic les.

« l»M‘ a; b o ll SniHiiliiis, tin! i i ! luh it liii'iist, IJjirti fr itliii

The Summer Wear Store.I O K L A U IE S .

1 PrtlbNHiU '«* t*> 40 Ihj

FO R MEN.1,1 !Uu. i, j .

‘ f o r c h i l d h e n .

»1 so, »iid o th mt the freight elevators she of l»r*e- at M and 40 aIld o f lat>i r,v ordpl. n[ Itc and eanfMlly accommodate oo» ot . , h e government , wc are not selling tie Arm s largest delivery wa*ou». The „ 1Nn , t 40 per cent.“">»er of passenger elevator* ta prar Have you BOlll any boads at 2 5 cents :ca)!y doubled hy th® u*»e of the iu*Vv i n the dollar aim*® NovrrrKcr 4 lSHk’’ loving staircase. It is a real atalri Yes. sir, on Jan uary 13, 1SP7 I sold

the treads and risers arranging ,,ne f or fclycUn t hemsclves automatically as the pas- W hat price have you realized since ?uger steps on the platform. It is November. \ m . as shown by this .•cl­ot an inciinpd belt and there is no or(j? anger of the women having then prom 4,, per ee!lt ****** «»her when getting oft Havc any other houd*.-. than .hose1 on. the tloor apace on the ground , on have described ever been issued in.o°r K7.UW) square feet, is the largest reP„h|lr „f Cuba or s'iithorired bv“ l '"‘ I.literal portions ot It lhe ,e,mblir of Ouha-re devoted to aisles so that there will N. 0 nthar one01 be the disagreeable crowding In Th(.„ „ , llnrter*taj,d you, the total r Z Z ^ . t a , . I K ' of ,‘h* catuun. of bonds th a t L ie been issued

, * “ 1, , 'r w,,dt h>' ;1>v republic of Cuba aud outatand-he main aisle will oe to reel w ider' jng is $122 400*(eeral aisles 100 feet long. On account yes. slr;' th„ tB aU that Uave ,w „

M i l l l l U t * ! i ' H I H H « i l . s . X Sum hum foutu«-i»r. >** Ht.s » VVAkit Suits, Ini- tkiys' .Nfi'k u twr, l'.’1,

tN lilu* l»reaSL-»,

in the Worlds Htifoty..House l Hut, ■Hat hi u* !-liatluiiK Hat.*-, 10c t.» :*k-

Mimuier I |>huls(«itt-!i Matting* '‘uuiiner MUukeia •.•f Hammock* ft.

a S £ a S £ C £ .


Fre** Deliver ie*.

No Kr*uoh Store*.

N E W B R U N S W I C K S B I G D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E .

Don’t Go. It Blind Mtcl,a"l“' l"n,'iFans and Mo'.ois\\ lien il m ines T.e tlih 'tu-.itl e r d) ,.|M„,a ..T 1‘lMiiil.iiio is oi.iiiLf iii, i. y o u r iM-u Inui-e V, ts iiiK niin lil to lu im some vo ice in lh e n u rltc i.

iiit k in d

ill it

»llcN o ver were KblColt liLK.^tO do ill. m i i iv a m oiiey-suviim entb

iduofiiieiilf* I-sNcvv llrutjd Nkip o r akin

-I.M-1 "I i In- ou in in

' uu in Hill <•*.*-

!• *1 m a t it'ij on ihid muI»j< ■J, is ti.ur.4 lo r I Ih* unkii


l | o l l | r I t u k e r t l lt | e R a i t l r • MunuioHlh.

V By L. W. Thlckstun.Mrii were marching, swords wera

gleamtug,Guns were booming. war -rloudt

ffoWbed; *Foee HSt foemeu, blood wus streaming

Then* oW Monmouth battle ground

Lfifi aadJUxfieldL Wnxne and Morgan i#Kayelle and Washington

Tadgfft King Gearge a flint-lock Jargon,

Made that field our Marathon.

theThreats of gold Were unavailing;

* RukImuI "may haxe ruledT7 t w h T « a,°......i ••

._T_:.Jkit her strength and guile were fail -iii#:

She could ru|h no Yankee slaves.

H ots and Clinton and Cornwallis ■ ■ - Bl ragw, hui- w ad e_(few *•Re'Uela'-

> fW d. * " ^ChaMhi M d <*Mh could not appall' us

th the forum o r the field.


*f the sidewalk aulta the bawemehi irea is 13,000 square feet greater than hat of the main floor. If the floors

were placed pn the same plane they vUuhl fill a 1 2 -acre lot comfortably.

Some figures will show the greatness f this great store: Fifty show' win-iows with 75,000 square feet imported v, i w u |MU|MJI,date Rla** In them. 30 miles of electric known amount has been *old and that ■•lie conilinu. seven mile* of pneu- he has the balance

the fact should }>♦-

And all the remainder of the bonds are in your possession0

Yes, sir. •This should settle the question at

‘•“•sue. When the treasurer of a govern­ment testifies under oath that only a [ortain proportion of a bond issue of a

H a l f P r i c e S a l eOf Boy’s Clothing— Actual Half Price Reductions.

natic tubing in the cash delivery sys. >m. a mile of glass cases, 75,000 feet »f counters. 500 arc lights, 8,000 inean- lescent lights; highest ceiling 21 feet, owest 12 feet.

The grand court in the centre of the >uii<iing is 200 feet long, 36 feet wide and 108 feet from the floor to the apex >f the roof. A fine view of the court and the throngs traversing it cap be had Ifrotn the m*zxAi>in» floors sur- tnuniliug the court.

Machinery hall on the Halsey streetUle pf the new building, contains four

boiletrs, generally 1,500 horse pbwer i«d tomsected with high speed engine There are, also, four large dynamos, of 200. lot) and 50 K. W capacity

‘Four tanks on the roof contain 120, boo gallons of wafer; and in tn< b»EC. menat is stored 80.000 gallons of wa

to feat! a pump that will force 100 0 'tullouri a minute to any part of the building.

The opening of this new strfre shirks u i ep< eh In this firm's business. From the hi mblest beginning only a few vears aeo the present marvel haf? grown. By persistent and intelligent irdvertising the nasrie of Hahne has be come known ail over the state ami f\n (her. and is recognized as synonym for rood goods, tremendous assortment low prices, courteous attention and honorable treatment.

his > possession, of proof


Mlfch G rade a n d Low Price IncunsiM ent.

°i*i* ‘ t hvr l - i s e i u i m t - m ilaGi

"Kglc co n tin u a lly go in ^ on in Iht ttU^ayor l<i « c u fn uh ite wratlh, (n perm it an ,0 ut amount of v -u in m -iii m c re rp into IrnKt

.<-s, • s p ^ ia llv M lt c r r it affect* m ir ( jwv-Vet A.lion some one le l ls yo u that he w ill se ll vex

V l*est paint on e a r th a t a tow price, th e ie mnsi som ething w rong It prohably cosls morr

r ga llon to prmlm-e H W Johns I.iqu id Paint

n lh a t mulling hut t l ie very high^«i gm tle ran i a l e i i . i l art1 used, auvl lhe pniiit rev r ives otic i. . ic gruulb ig than a n y other b ran d known1 n s i n t t - t a n d d o e s m a k _ e t h e p a i n t f i n e r . i n £ u !

l e n g t h i;f color am t g re a t ly in creasing its iluia

l * M l I I I . i l J T I I

TOO S 202 MARKET$Ummnl 1

W e

h e v io t* .

ure o v e r s t o c k

Kali liu e s .' a n i m e r e s , d

I w ill. I!,, 'lit- suits ur

wi11 at a< 1“,

2 ! & 2 3M G c m m c aHEWARKXi

C li.tilin g simJ We lnuat uiukc Mia»ic ot h i^ li-da^ s TiiutPiihlf'

Suits tliat were li.OO will Ke So]<J a! J2.50 Suits tint were $4.00 will he sold nt $2 00Suit* that wort $3.00 will he sol.l at-$2 00Suits that were $2.50 w ill he sol.l at $1 26.Suits that were $2,00 will he sol.l at * 1 Oo

W h ite Qoods for Oraduation Dresses, Picnic Dresaes, and Summer Dreases (lene ra llj.

p titron a we shall

JA N EW A Y & CO.,r v b w n n u N a w i o K . r u j

Fine Wall Paper.As .« speeia! iniJueeimin t.. .*ur -‘ outot-towi500 w r i i t e T 0i !,t i,,: Jr“pd. r - i l i i - value I2J.-aOO j a r , I s f ih e y I , . , u e s at l . v , , n e v e r s o l. l f o r es s t lm n oq 25 piece* White O.m.h, work

rlic ksi suital.le fur waist, .s ....20.\ """•

eUe st r i j ... .a id ,

Retail ! *r|tui tiiifMil

Corner of Water anl Washintftou Streets.b rid ge

Rbtf !'«|>rr Mini Uoidcrt

I'AiiL'rl * lo tlo t l ir W "lk il

Otic blHio Ut**4 t gild itie.nl fusluoiiulile 11 v

Mil y adtiM. nl iiiiDhlciutc pi iivmV*nli ti*<" i Id m g t< > l u u id i paL>ci R

d Wall


Hirl h

tlie combat.. Into the strife

the one that t Wo wire. A*if.hy oumic y(.ur ttuiii« t* rt.Mi.le.! »iil, light |,UT.

No ..tlwr inetlmd o l home or store ll*lilmg », .‘unveinei.t ■Mtulactonr.

No Hem No Siuoke— No Smell.

W iin l. iw Screens, a.ljuatahle. h i , . 2 !Cireulur t-r*** Souls, tor |.or, l.ee, 5,I.aw ii S e t n i c e l y [lolighcJ, 5 0 , .( huvrs? A.vnitigs, adjuBtahlt- tu lit

" i u^lmv, $ 2 ,7 5 .Itaiu Inm, C u ilsins. three vur,|- |„n

s*iirnH, $3 48.Hanmn,. k,s, 75o, 98.., $1.19 u|Utuiil , .i Tahonrattes, or j'.arloi Suiat*>04 Tqm|»; $2.15, $21H $2 To $.) nw F tifojlj. ITiunb, $ 2,35 $2

*■<; jr

Th, muchmenting at Camden Tn

•til Die Rrigt>1 had bought sum, ami k)k>

i her il Heciued


lajiaiic-Hc dc-

vuni. t-atp, yy,-

t 'd To, iM,

S t huiu e i Trunks, i s .98 , $J 4S, $t 'lo,|llet Si-ts. 70,- o is.

O r d e isP ro m p tly

f i l le d ,

- .w„‘ Ijctwc^n Dr Tingling, ap Hug . Hsh cvaugcllst, and Dr. Kdwurtls which ! ended iu h wrcHtllug match <>u ibc 1 fa lform . In which Ur U.lwards l.u.i

the hHier „ ............, hers a „.I'tiis to be sonic

upt ing Jadingin h i n«_

3 I A T « 8Now lit rlfect, Let tie.wake you an eatimau- oi .vu mi, u tr


C E N T R A L E L E C T t t l C C’<

I Henry Landsberg.l, 3 and 4 Kinr Block, New Brunswick, N. j.

Metuch*n,N. J. MITUONBS

MARTIN BROS.,., -!>KALIKS lift -

A e r a t e d I v i l i f e .tvchwlveljr from Hue brwl

A)r«tiiir« aiuJ Jeiavy r UWBSOLD A T T H E P K I 0 E O f O H D IH A B Y M IL K

j co-workera, but there 1 dlfferenoeB iu their view

matters Dr Tingling is started the trouble by Dr Fdwards in bis st-rn lo certain remarks lie Rater on Dr Tingling lt ,n OUMJ Ul ieu.ple.1 to iuterruj.Ua prayer to slate hi* view* on the eubject or “Eterna, I unlahment. Dr. Edward* told him io keep quiet and the EnsJlah evaueellat

I le need to do *o. Dr. Edward/lt 1* Mid. grasped Dr. Tingling |)y , h*

I shoulders, and tlie two men wiRtle.l aionn.l until Dr. Tingling was fo r' J

rawn,h e ' 'J '? ' ,0' n' A'”"" lr'°” ,liP '>"‘1 while II lasted tl.erewas much excitement,

i.ueiua Whitaker of Uridgei | |,as re eivis word from hie widowed sisler‘ reek rel' , I ' « ' ‘u»>lo„. |„ Crippie

h, ol.. il.at she tins become n miU i'oualre. He Is ashed to-fhake her

r wilh Kef Mr. Whitaker lias „een ggent for he West New Jersey UU road Company for U.lny-slg yeais

■ m & w t S 1: 1 earned tha, “ * vhTJ Hari been of a wan"'HboHitlon,( halTiaied. She gun-

days a s ,' ,R T "mil severaldays aso some real estaie 4 ,iei, ,.al|e,. on her and offered her 1 n00 for sqm^

us about to ac- Phllip iKnowl-

!""■ ball on the transaction,lb w,-ij) u, fnyas f0tmj that tu«ip ro p erty c o n ta in e d rich oi] w e llg o f a

' sivfy ai'icH for h large sum.noil ilu* other half at

Pi i

• olhei

Sleel"f the Ri

'■uu |>any

s seriously jhjtired niightiy hurt Wed- *t k. at one of the ckawuy Iron and

. . ... Roikaway Harvey'' helping the two others to a raw a f V,When °"c of ll»- largo b»ll«.

weighing In the neighborhood of 17u ” ."d";/"I1, ln * trough of water and exploded Harvey wae thrown by the , qe of th* explosion, nhotrt .fifteen root tt.. was rampleteiy eovered with ' H- hot metal and was severely burnt about the fare, hand* and body. One or hi* eyes,was painfully burned. w, (1 !*eterHon, of Daoosla.

"*<l« r Poles In Magnolia . ips yesterday cut his foot with an

n,.,, , ’ “a “''me he was olillged lo a dage I lie wound with his handker-

to hi n'.“ Wulk naw l (I'foo mileshi. f j , . " I T As Phlered-.the door n J e i ! ' ,>m ,OSH ° r I,|U<>|1 A doctor (glii si itches in die wound. Pete,

■am owes his life O WaphM*. ~

ion on°w °5Wa"V'f'Ofporatefl at Tren- ect or ^ n* * " * y The principal ob- n ^ t nf n “ !npan)' win he to abaorbEnTted'^ate*. ° W C'°mpSnlM of the



S ta p le . a n d . F a n c y , groceries.KHl'ITti ANU V K (itT \ !U ,K s IN HE \MON

T I A I N S T R E E T . H E T U C M E N .


B L I N D .


ltlH luns»icI,="rr .“ S rToT


1,(11. Mi.vl MII.1 FiTilHHI** :i\ r-11«i I ;.-ii-, |*i, , faU naiM all kin.iss -.1 1

W t n i . i ia m i I'iiiioy l akt-a inn i,!rr. G o. kD vmjil M ail <i-ft i\»* pmiiipt attention.

,17A> & 381 O e o r g e S tP A R K E R B lI I L O t N C .

At 106 Easl From St.. Plainfield. h£0, „e: ” “ "0s" " .


CHARLES HARTMAN.ire uii.i I Ittii fUit mg


W A b H I N O T O N H A L L ,

| ..i rnlertaiuuieul*f. etc. J .1 \h AvefiTU1.

NED LORENSON,M;>, MeDicheii, N J 1

pure spring watci if** DaiU .1. lo ti tracts fni llie season. «ir**|*

u . r . OLIVER,Mvgu'inc |.e Daily l**livei»

sir* Repaii Slioji

:T, Metm-liL-ii. X J

5 LaFOROF.in..! Mindriei Daw Irelngli Valiev slatimi.


MEATS!B . W 1 T N E B E R 1 S Market

IM A I N U T K h iK T . M e l i n l i e i i . N . J .

A Perfect Laundry

Motel lirtinsw ick .K II »Ft KEP. t

A i-a ls a t a l l H o u r s .


A J V A N S I C K L E ,

i'k hi 1111 lung him! HmI'h *ho<

Mid d l e s e x an e





V"U ran gel anjlliUlg you Wai.I ul RIDDELL'S V AR IS.TV MARKET

We sell at New Bniliswi.k I’not-ii. ( ’all an.I erc ns. Main St.. inx{ ,,, K Knunei’a. THUS. RIDDI.I.L, I*,,,,,.

0 . K E L L Y ,

All th e best

W lLLRQ Y VOORHElj^Nuntli s,Je Market j, dealer m

Meal# of all kinds, Emits and \ .■» Kiad'i* of ( tester* and (.'lams, Botilti v ami..

Oltire and yard, ^s-asmi. Main Street, Momrlu-n irdei« ivn-ive.l at Teleplrene (.’all 111.

DU V g o o d s


ftt a» ll l* i» '»■ t k »ei vice, (>» 1 everything 1

'THE ANNIHILATOR,”Wtii.l«ll’t fauinUA Washing M*< -him*. wine

lift* a . fti^i lty tor 3U.0UU liioee# every len hour t> iu uL*r»Uou tunur NEW WKt'ARTM KNT, »n * • win wftnh, Icon uii.i de liver one dor. 11 ple.-e .-ouii*UQft of Table Clotbri, Pillow Slip*, Napkin Mftd Ip reid t, Sheet*. ’lb pet* and Hwiulker. r '

, ft tut «« tuftuy more ■


Grand DisplayThe Latest Ideas

in aim | himI leal Iicia art* roj • 1 0 *0 nl.*il in . mi r Spring S t v ie s nt

S H O E STilt; uji-lodale Mutiinsli Oxlor.l inP a te n t Kip \a expei'inHy p o p u la r

$3.00 and $3.50.“ Mannish” Style.

Made In Klbo K id , Brown K ib o C a lf, and Boa L a lf .

I fund sew^d w e l t , rx ten spin 1m wcustom h**L

K KRAM ER,.enei'al Ltep^ftment Store. MAIN


THE METUCHEN PitAR M AGT , jA full line of drug* and medicine* Pre- J

pt ioiia carefully compounded. Open ! **,n St


C C, 0 AMPBK14., °Real Estate and insurance. D.n Dales The best coo)panics. C.’onle ami »ee uit and get your property insured .Man Si., Melin-lren, N. J.

I all hours. MAIN ST . opp. the Foil Office




JOSEPH L. K u S iMtTuuhen Notary Public,

Justice of the Peace, Accounts ( ..llfcted, L'oUiUiiasur ul I)eeds, Real Estate, Agent lur Walter A. Wood Mower*. Reaper? and Rake*. luaurunoe in tl„- !*-st companies in the world a a|»enaliv.


J. J ALMONDCarnages and Wagons of all kind* Re*

i pairing done. MIDLLEsl.X AVE.

I'lVI Ue

|MkNi’T M U tO i:i THE

%'M N4J 84,' Proud StreetN ew ark . N I

H COI.RMAS, I're .h l,

T-H£ BIQ SHOE HOUSE,N.. !l I « SIr.-.'t.

N<•» l.m ii^ w i. k

High-classCustomT ailoring.

MODERATE PRICKS.Au aac«ll«nl aaaortuiaut of worthy goods in taat«- ful pattaraa,

stock of Groceries Perhaps you think It makes no difference whore youbuy your Groceries, but 11 does. You don’t know Row many leaks you might Gut off with the pennies naved by buying your Groceries here.

Our Groceries have been carefully selected from samples and are of a quality which will prove highly sat iafactory. Value being considered ac­cording to quality and price, our good* ars cheap

Campbell & MorrisCor. MAIIt SM E T and AMBOY AVENUE,

UKTl'l 'H KN. N, JM.VIy

Naiioaal Bant M New Jersey,Nfc* BRUN^WICK, N. J . ,

Offer* to depositors every facility for then busineee, Balance and

responaibilily warranted.

I s s u e s P o i v i g n K x f l m n i ^ e .


IT A 1 E NEWIshutdown of a month tin

C!ert.rlc Company threw open 1 lie cloors of it« plant at Witnessing ilii» morning and its $:il>q employees r.turned under the terms offered by lie company previous to the strike. Hie uti l, are now receiving about 1 per cent a week more than formerly. I'h.* machine shops of [lie Watts-Cnmp nil ami IIewes £ Phillips companies w. te opened this morning for the first lime sir.ee the strike began. Their for­mer employees still are on strike and none of them returned. Both firms say they can have all the machinists they need as soou as they are ready to bi- gin operations in earnest It is be­lieved the men will he brought in from other cities Each firm has fitted up a building for the temporaary feeding and housing of Its new employes.

The turnpike road between Atlantic Pity ami Pieasantvllle. which was re- ■enlly ordered purchased by the At ant i * - Count v Board of Freeholders foi •i*."1.0 0 0 . pi be lospeidetl to-morrow|> Sian* Uuipl (’ommls-slouci Rudd. It s sal.I that he will disapprove the pur. hasc because r f the exorbitant prici • laced upon it -something like $12,000 ul mile


led need Rales 10 Harrisburg via the i:ennsyiya 11 i*. Kuilspad■

Pennsylvania Railroad Low-Kate Tour to the Pacific (Joa.st

The Pennsylvania Railroad Persou- illy-Couducted Tour to San Francisco and the Pacific Coast, leaving New York. Philadelphia and Pittsburg by •pedal train of Pullman Sleeping. Din tig and Observation pan*, July s. .will pt be confined to delegates to the Ep-

wortb League Convention. ,which will be held in San Francisco from July 1j> :o 21 but will be run for the benefit A a!} who desire to visit California i.nd the Canadian Northwest during the Summer season. Stops will be mad* at Denver. Colorado Surlnga, Salt Lake C ltj, Stu FranetafeS, Monterey. Santa Barbara, lx»a Angeles. San done’ Portland, Seattle, Banff Hot Springs. 3t. Paul, and other Interesting points an rout*. C'*®**,'

The round-trip rate from all point* ion the Pennsylvania Railroad eaat ot Plttaburg, $188.50, covers transporta­tion. double Pullman berth, and in dluiug car: two pergona in a bert each $188.50 Rat<|i from Pittsburg.

tC r

i l ' i i l l 'n i li THE LD8 ITANU WRECK.

■cM insj lenlfr of Violent Hind. I L'litnins anil Hall Uisturliaara,



^ Ire r li-A llfg la i • \fi> nhiii>

• -I ■ All of the : steamerashore at 8eal d here L f-the «• *re 43d In all. bpsr eablu pas-

' nn‘iy -1 iii'»*»* <.r the crew have •n brought h.*i»* als... The party has ■ii placed in Hie rink, where they are ug fed at 111 v\ u expense.I,,M "f ,h(4 l>asseiiKcrs had manag.Ml !4HU-‘ olilv ,hGr hand luggage, and nc not eveil that Nearly all of them

v'lssiiijj IcV. M. V, ho «>ie enilviai In Canada I’lifli condiilou Is pltla

1 he women and children hu\ui ely CUttUgh il..t he i 11 > Wear he } »’l ny ; t, a l [here ..(mil

il! C;. il'lo l dcHCi iptioli uu

Ulll,\ six HI

ACQUITTAL FOR PITT.irm y Court Clears Him of Magll*.

F'rauil Charges,

H- “ "-II*... Ik., p „ , w „»« o n HI. Own A t a k l l n . M l

Ua« Ordered m R«oasa|dcr.■ tluM of tk« Verdlet.


Foil 1 store*

went aground. I iXnj eac h

June 20. Harold VI Pittr .,f Liana i Co, govemmenl inr.H, who has been on trial oj.

of improperly purchasing go? t stores, lias been acquitted, other purchasers of commlaaerj

futiiui guilty aiul fined $1,-

epl Ilk.- 11 < ks. 1 III Illlgll tb

d « more serious e«l only by the

part of Captain

4 : m2 ,I

offleu hundreds of persons

1 Utowued All of the mtided In safety bill

mII'-iuM with great b«*ui s ijelug » wuinped

ol.tl ok and

* “ ' m-qiuiteu by a military'•uirt o.m jn»,ed of volunteer officers. Provo-,1 Marshal Dawfcj cuAislderw Pm was convl» teil on ttis own adiulssloba kud 1ms ordered a reconsideration of the Verdict

The others sentenced were Clark* rttul Moldt. a Spaniard named Rlva and u Chinaman. Wung Ting

Clark.* uiul Roldt. lu addition to t>e lug fined jl.onn each, were also sen tem ed to a year's imprisonment, but

Marshal Davis commuted tb«Ku

.bed for 1 imprisonment.

envoys at odds y e t .

Ml |n*

“ Mil* <4<M*ft|l“ H S t i l l III IHft|Mi 1 •*rt P u iu tft.2■' The foreign lu 1 u im• oi-eiing only discussed | I the indemnity ques-

"’ 10 I*-r Sir Kmeat ?»H agree to k lo per cent liiVMT IR the event that ••-If unable lu meet her

Innately the Inhiihi

torrent, w lih-h . I.q overflowed the Hithe house-, i'll mehad fled

Going easiw.-ml. destruction !n !t- W hi.'ll will II li gleg, an lids of dollnrs. Fresbytct inn >lmt lightning, and ll; with a port Ion of 11 was wrecked. Tit* at Wllklnsi.nrg w

At East Pltisio higher 1 Inin e\ el I 1111111 l.itHius aloiur

u.li bjI'lgether • edifice.

I'resbvrprlun < li 11

Ahu«o11Im Talk* Flcht.Interest has been aroused here by a

press dlspateh from Paris, which say*| *htu h correspondent of f jt Press* of (bat city who Interviewed Agonclllo, Aguinaldo's European agent, at Mar-

| aeliles previous to Ills departure for I Hongkong quotes the Filipino as say !lug Dm struggle lu the Philippines is »Hf t re in over. He admitted that the capture of Agiiiualdo diminished the chances of success, but he asserted that the American#, like the British In thg I ransvital, will find they arc purebaa lug their conquest too dearly

General MacArthur. military goverit •1“ of the Philippines, has Issued an or­

der declaring the ports of Boac, Santa Cruz, ToiyIJos and Gazan, island uf Marlnduque, open to the coasting trade

When these points are sealed, the j * Qil al,uw|h« clearances to aud from work of the ministers will be practical- r **U1 P*411* ul1 coasting vessels apply

i ly completed. ^ »»!»'*.I lie Rev. Arthur Smith, tlic mission j Action was taken, General Mac

I ary nud author, preaching at Tien tain I Aj'tllu r 8“hl. because the military con Ion 1 Re anuiveyatiry uf the relief of thal " hhh required the dosing ofcity i.lune 24>. 'said tie thoroughly j lh^ * no«gr«4sl with Sir Robert Hart In the lstatement that unless there wan a com J w * ** '*•** For Tta W orkers.plete regeneration of China in a few . r ie v ,*ll,uJ' June 2M. - As a result of years the cuunlry w o u ld be menaced | ^ D 're n c e harWeen the American Tin by 2 immh).imh> Boxers. The Chinese ***a u ‘ tt,‘d representatives ofwould never forget that the Boxer ^ *,1U Workers’ Protective asniuA emvnt wns fully gpproved by the |W0,wt,o,l> has been lu Meaaion

RumnIiiii ...ii.isle*'. M. de 'Jlsrs • “t yet agreed that the luterest on mlemuity Is to t»e 4 per cent, e l luted States spectul representa Mr, R.irkhlll, thiuks,there should

'trie fun her delay

ing ynd ringing people know id |)ir reck iii j|s rampage works or the West and Manufacturing

Ft H Uu- Ii aefit of (hose ilcahliit' toLlll*ll>1 1 Ire ’lohibilion State Conven-

1(1 at Hairlnburg, June 2k.tad 2 . l yo . lire IVannylvania Kali-nail ’ompa re will -rel! eXCUIBtOU tickt‘ IH u Hat rishui'K from ail statloiik•a its Hires within the State of I*enu.

syl\ ai ia al ate of siiiKle fare for tireroinni nip These tickets will be solda ut1 k •oil going on .Imre 25. iRI and 27,a"‘‘ ^ 11 r be sooil lo return until June

M l i t MIEN ( l i l ID HEM

Mh'mii. 1* I'.. (-Hill..i -at.l.ai!if prefti hiug 10.20

ufiin;'Jin'. I ' j C l " m..L,* m '^ ^ "- Cl KK'll Ul R. U, Ht-vlotlll V f til loll, lJ.D.

Kt-cl«<r. Suii.ifty -Roly CotnuiualoU, 1:S0; Sun .lav scImioI. H ui; Morning Prayer snd Sercaon iu:-u ; e.veiling Prayer ftinl •emioil, 7:45. Flril Sunday of Mumh Holy Coiguiunion, 7:S0 aiui

rn. irftfton, 4:00>npnu»1on. >»:00. ft. ai.Si f K iN.is K Kev. J. A. (<ifthftin

hour, of <crvi«e on Huutfay— MftM at g.H an.)dtl.iw a m.. ( atrebkm aflei .uiaaa: Suodat

and UII.I*: l.iaiory at 'i.So p. ui : baptiai al .1.30 m ; > an.I tieiievllction of ttat Ui.-toed sc, w.oO p. lu. < onf*nttloM*—g»turda> a t -i aiu and 1:m ... Ul and Thurxlay betor* lie lira F riday, , .36 i». m. Society me«uiif»- niisai > Socloly,, lii>t Sunday of the month fttYse 11. ui.; Protiioteni of the Sacred Heart League ifowrtli sumlay of the aionih at 2.30 p. m Jv*«.'

.Ml by 11 Hesscmc the mute. whi-Hl bell, letting the danger. Turtle . flooded the spent Inghousc Electric conipuny hi East PlttHhurg. Bo far as can be estimated at present no great damage was done the machine*, tools and work hi prog reas on the lower floor, which was cov­ered by water, were eonslderatoty In jured. The VVestinghouse officials cx peot to have the works running a- usual within a few days.

To deiuoiiHtrute the terrible force 0 the wind eight refrigerator cars wer blown from track at St.

rnpleiel v

Mrl* |.«»e*ll*»s F u an l D tt l .London, June 27. lion. Kile la s

yelles. half biothci' o f the Eurl of Hare- wood and brother o f the t/iuntesa of Desurt and Hon FraWlB J. LasceUtta, now lu custody In British Colufbbla charged with killing an employee on

the building, b u ll big ranch, ban been fqun^ iunfi in gu. «»«. 1 m-nr-rnrtrii buiairtaa" '.titaW 1

niless aristocrat haa for some years been exhibiting automatic pictures at »*ounti*y falrw under tk\V uame of Ki'lc ^.clth. When he tumid uf UU heetheFs1 rpublc, Eric began.,delnklng and died

liere fo r several days, a wage scale has finally been agreed upon, amt tlgne* b$ the tonferees. It !h understood the p t e scale gives the workmen an adnmffc of about 7 |»er eent, The new scale w ill affect about 30,000 w^kkert i»d wIU gu Into eflPeet July 1

Pep ylvauln railroad

fro 1 1 lm effect*.

id bl t Uret»ktyThe tour wllj cover a period of

daysPersons desirlug, may return inde­

pendently from San Francisco by vari­ous routes at proportionately low rates.

For further information apply to Ticket Agents or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agsut. Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Rates t«> Detroit, account National Fdne„ tioiml Association.

I'or ihe meeting ol .lie National liih: eatlonal Association ai Detroit. July s 10 1 2 . ism. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets, to Detroit rrotn all stations on Its lines at t.;c rat* of one fare tor the round

trip, phis. $2 .0 0 .Tickets will be sold July 0 , 7 a lid s, good returning to

Detroit not earlier than July aIwav C

the f<> truck*


B Q U O X S A U ) o « J7 v i -nV L IE T & P A H M f R,* . * I Largs ami ttmall.

2 Paterson Block, . (capital. uto.aoo. Surplat, “ ii.Mti u a H0 »'SLL. Pr«ld.m

ft-D aiwaai-aawtRg l lLiti» i*f i.♦ - a — :

umla> of the month ; eoBHiUiniou for the f the sftt-ml Heart, lha first Friday of th« moniU Jms on wt-vk day*. 7 ^ a. ui ( ftMKNAHV k. t r t UUHIW. ‘ft** r A

I *stor-Preaching........ ‘ f '

ftClf, Rev. K. V. 'v. Saar la lleavlihig aervre* evary KuufXay id U) t •“ l* i Sunday k-houl at kOu t» iatma.ttan Kndvavor nrayrr uu-adog, *aod*y

evening al *■*.*»; mla-w**#! 1 -ayer meadogVt«ln«*wtay evening at 7.4f- trr,llkK,A M. K Han.at. ttlMlUN.— lUv r aratra, pastor PreSehlug avery Sun- 1'J.4d *nd.;.4.i m Svmuav School at t Sb » m-er mating Friday nigl.ta Sa<'rauiau«

.k *}I***1 ,Jr»l Btiu »y aveidag em-B umnth. All ftelrotUe * T

MttHcl. 1 1 Put Qlffte I M I i

From Newark andFrom New YorkftAU poftteraatFrom Stc'itou aad uSata WaatFrom South ailfi W ea|_____From Rahway and point* if*** Fi-orn 8telbJS Slid point* W«

--^.a «. is ....IMS. ■.ft, m.

■ t iS Z Z :... {.It p. m.


l“*tn(k Ra*i.“ » CUMS

•is m u ........ .ithsnd Wo*v

p tM p m

-q p . ..............n-----

MWlaitM*Kvwftkfi ttkiovnai, t . h

nor late,- thau July If,. By depositing tickets with Joint Agent on or before July 1 2 . and the paymeui o f’ 50 cents the return limit may be extended to leave Detroit not later than Septem­ber 1 . **

Reduced Rates to Cincinnati via the Pennsylvania Railroad, account Con­vention of United Societies of Chris­tian Endeavor.

On account of the Convention of the mtcti Societies of-Cbr44*t4an Endeav­

or to be lmid in Cincinnati Ju ly 6 to 10. the Pennsylvania Railroad Com­pany will sell Ju ly 4 to 0. from all sta­tions uu Its line, excursion tickets to Cincinnati nt one- far?* for the romu* trip. *These tickets will he wad for return

passage, leaving Cinclnnatt not earlier han July s. and not later than duty . ?o r specific rates and full.inform a,

tion, apply to ticket agents.Rsduced R ates to C incinnati v ia the

.’en iisy lvan la R ailroad , Accaunt Convention of Ltitited S ta tes Socle- tiee of C briatlan E ndcaror.

On account of the Convention of the I. nited Societies of Chrlstlnn Endeavor to be held in C incinnati Ja tv * to I t the P ennsy lvan ia R a.lroad eo m p an r «d li ael Ju ly 4 to, 6 . from a ll etations on »U Hue, excurtiiou ticket* to Cin-

n a a «g e . le av in g C incinnati ^ „ r U e r I j 4Uc w ly ** *nd la ter tb an July J a For rate* and fan tn(o/_

g a l lo n , app ly to ticket acentn.


th e 'a n n iilWL in'’lte<l

Jay. Poet prandial ‘ r lo g aen ee ' rglervot fc r nearly two hours u u iw t h e dlrec-

!on of Preeldent 1. D. KeOin. S w re - of State George T, W erte. of

Murrayftvilh' st-vpn* d.-imun.' wjis caus­ed by the* Ughfnlng :in.| heavy wind, destroying fruit trees nml blowing boms down. Tire rosidem-.-K of Siimncl Brenllnger st I'ii.ftlrti ami of Albert Dtmuan v*cre stnn-k l»y Uuiitnlmr. but uo damage was done In I Vim town­ship. Westmoivlaml cnuiify. a sclio(d house was moved oil Us foundation and In In danger of falling »>\t*r at any time.

At East Mr K.'t*s|mrt four frame boilst*a and a burn beluiuflng to .1 I, Deveirev were overturned.

Along the Alleghany river Ure dam age was not so great, but at Mtllvalg. the two main streets y ere under water. (Jurty’s nm Is out of its bunks, and" three bridges have been washed away.,

L l*ktftin*'i Sail Havoc*.Webster. Mass.. June 23. Lightning!

played sad havoc Ml the home of Mr.j and Mrs. Andrew Russean in Eas Woodstock. Conn., five miles from here during a terrific thunderstorm tlint lun| passed over that section. Instantly kill­ing Ralph, u 2 -year-old son. burntiq); Clarence Russean, fi yeara old, so sei vgrsly that he will probably die amjf Urribly burning the lather au.l nnotlicjr •on. Egiild, 7 yetus of age. Tire live* Of the two latter may be saved. Af! of the victims, together with Mrs. Ru»- •ean and a 4 -month old baby, werfc •enled In lire sitllng luoin waiting fujr the storm to pass over when u l!gh(- hlng bolt struck a large nine tree neair

^he house, shivering It into spliuleTs ind glancing Into the Mouse

Dtalk In Oltln Mgpiii.Cleveland, dirm- 23. A speclhl from

Delaware says: "A destructive storm w e p t over the southwestern portion of Delaware county, and u number of barns were unroofed or demolished. Several lives are reported J >st " At Portsmouth Frank Re if was killed by lightning. Heavy Ions lu crops Is re­ported at Marysville. Telegraph and telephone wires were torn from poles. At ChlUlcothe the storm waa the sever-

t*M«r O u tlo o k F u r D r|tu ill* r « .rieveluml. June 27. The affairs of

tin* t ’uyah.iga Savings «nd Banking company, wuirh nr** being investigated, do not show favorable results for the depositors. In a stuiomeut Edwin V Hale, the acting receiver, says that tlu* ..ashler of the bank, the lute R. N Pol­lock. made alleged loans to fictitious firms and persons fop which im security WUs received.

P a r o le F o r a B r a v e t o w v t e l .Topeka. June 27 ('rank .1 Ostran­

der of Wyandotte han been given a pa role pardou hv Governor Stauley as a reward for courage and service? lu the recent coal mine mutliny at the Kansas penitentiary. Ostrander cltmlkcd half way up tlie shaft and reached the car­riage. He whs then pulled up and told the officers the condition of affairs.

K il te d hy OH k l t t w k t|tlu ftlu n ,Bloomfield. X. J., June 27.—Au oil

*tuvo in the home of a Mrs. Tate In Bloomfield exploded, setting tire to the house. Mrs. Tate’s 12-year-old daagh- ler \>a» burned to death, and Mrs, Tate ami the chief of the Bloomfield fire department were badly burned In try­ing to rescue the child. The money tosnwas small.

A u o tlrer F r e n c h l l a e l F a f t g k t .Baris, June 27.-- As au outcome of an

alter* Htloq which they had In the high court (senate) during the secret delib era tion after the close of the trial of the Marquis de Lur Saluces, Senators Ire Provost-Delaunay and Aucuiu fought a duel with pistols. Two shots w ise exchanged without any result

Am s m R fttlw ftf*.Gidcaga, June Prominent «M t-

•ru merchants, all hesuty shippen merchandise, are preparing to call to> account before the interetate coitmiofct commission the heads of tho Tarhma railroad comblnatloua aiul the MeMA- munity of Interest" aUlaocn of the trunk Hues of the country. Chfrgaoto»» made that, following theoe ninvcucuta of consolidation, freight rate* hero been advanced from SO to 50 per coat.

n. »Bd Colons I Wi were nmong the u<

The convention w ill di when d S te f f ’wlH be el


Lost His L ife F a r m H at.Syracuse, N,. X . June 27,—While try

lug to save hit straw 1ml, which blew Into the Erie canal a t East Syracuse, Howard White of Camden, a pootal tel efcraph lineman, 2 2 years old, lost bis life by drowning. He was within a foot of reaching the hat when he was stricken with a cramp.

Yunus A rr iv e s at Frl««*.San Francisco, June . — General

Hu m ud B M. Young, who Is to succeed M ajor Genera! Shatter when the tattar retires from the army and the con- niand of the department of California, has arrived from the «*si. in iriiipsmiej by Ida daughter. (General Yoanf wttt assume command July 1. when ha will then take up his residence at Biack F’olnt

k 'l r c M ake* M a a rMayfield, Ky,, June 26—Fire has de­

stroyed seven tobacco rehandling houses, a large quantity of %cooper shop and 3% u m U ruldwirss and store*. Scores of persona war* ten­dered honu icas. The total loea la ••$!•« mated at $200,0 0 0 ; partially The heaviest Individual loss,

on l.igoti, Allen f t COj

J mS * « I w * r l * « a t 4 k y C u U * .Washington, June 26.—A repart Jaaf

received at the state departtossA from Mr. Russell, the United BtatM c&iirgi at Caracas. Venezuela, cofiflnu t^ i praaa report of the arbitrary l a i f o i a a t by Castro, the actiug president, o f tfc judge of the court In the prerlaat of Cttf&paiiu, which acted ori|iiicily l i ­the Hsphalt controversy.

Hor« Pay Kor T rolley B atter***.Clevrtand. June 2» —*f i e w * O w .

solldated Sttest Car coffipftnj, whlcft controls the larger portion <4 the elec trie street car service In tide city, feat granted Its l,Huu employee! « voluntary Increase lu wages amounting to aftont 11/ ecu is a day. ■—

V( u r c l t e r s M s w a y pets .St. Peteraburg. June 28.—The cM r

has fretpl all newapapen iad otftar periodical* from all traralnga, latarftk rtqna and punishments and haa dacroad that such warnings and latrrdlrWene aspire hereafter arlthln deintta ftftrt- , ode.

II,a t P le n a W ulPers.Joliet, Ills.. June 27.—Holders employ

ed at the Rates Machine works hate it lu hi any years. A great deal, of hall j quit work, giving excessive R eif as

fall, smashing windows and skylights. | their reason The machinists and other employeeH followed to the number of 250. The works were then closed downC kap rus H eld F or U raa g •Inry.

Watertowu. N. V., June 23.—Arthur Chapron has been held for tho grand Jury at l.igdensburg on the ebarge jof murder In the first degree In causing the death of John Leahy, who was fouud In a hotel last Monday night with bis throat cut from ear to ear.

John Killer, foreman for Israel Rew- llngs, of Bridgeton,'*while moving a house for B. Elmer. -it Jackson, neatWaterford, Wednesday, was badly In lured by the building toppling over on him. Killer was rolled under the build

ull, r . S. tng like a hall mad the house laidacross his stomach to r a ha lt hour be fore It was lifted. He was taken to the Cooper Hospital.

Massillon F a e to r le e la p i l l .Massillon, O., June 27,-The ten Mss-

sltlon glass factories will shut dawn for the.summer next Saturday. During the last ten months 27.000.000 glass bottlea have been made by hlaMlllou factories.

The town pf Vineland has applied the name of “Millionaire'' to Klwood C Potter, a Jolly cttlsen, who seven ycanr agn.gtarM the Rnopln*s M r phone Company In Vineland oa a bor­rowed capital of 180 and on Wtdaaa* liny sold qu for $ 12 ,00 0 ca»h. Tift l|- teratate company was tha pule baser and Is said to now nown a ttthe taft- phonea soulh of Camden, excepting Brldgnton. .:5i r :

’ C O L U M N .“ T t » R m a rd e r " K lch rd .

- ' Mr. Reborder:—Why should you say M you did last week, that Tn moving the building to Home street, no reai fljjWign VM done to the trees Somf ptraoat differ with you, and o;ie at least talks of applying to the Council for damage done to trees. Tours,


T k a l C itu w ii F u ro i lu re .Mr. Editor —i am pleased to see

that the action of our Council in pass­ing that resolution to furnish them­selves with furniture at the expense of the borough Is attracting attention. But It must he ail right, for as 1 read thft report In the Recorder there was not a atagle vote against it. Surely CottBCllflBen Kramer, Kelly. Vansietou, Clarkson, Fisher nor Talt would Inivt* voted fo r it, if it had not been aii right. When they and the .Mayor ail agree, it must be correct. Yours.


r=r Main W r e n .___Mr Editor: — I see tiiere has h<*m a

little improvement in the condition of Mallf street lately' and as the ladies arc now organized'1 as an improvement

• society. No doubt there, will bo more. One thing ought to be bettered.. There are several unsightly holes In the street, caused by horses standing there and stamping These hobs are Ailed with water by every shiver, and are thus kept Alt by all the time. Home horses are tied along the siiect nearly a ll the time making the siieet unclean Yours


O u r P h an n y IMiellowA BM>«oply is a good deal lik«*

baby. A man is opposed to it on gen eral principle until he has one ui hi own.

The department of agrieulluiv ha issued a book to tell how to evternun ate the nnmquitoes There’s onl> *ne effective way. Slap him real hod .— Elisabeth Journal

“And are you quittejjun* thai >ou wouldn't mind me as a moth, r in­law? aatd Mrs Sterllngworth aivtily. when Mr. Giddiugs asked her for her daughter's hand

“My dear Airs Sterlingworih. the young ntan replied, "it was fo» the very purpose of acquiring you as a mother-in-law that 1 fell in love with your charming daughter."—Harper's itaaar

“Your friendship with Clarendon Joppa {Wasn’t altogether satisfactory, waa'lir*

“No; he doesn’t want friends ho 'Wants satellites."—Chicago Record.

“Biit. n y dear husband, it really t» uidtwt of you to abuse 'mothe rs-iu-

there are good onea. "ill, never mind; I haven’t

•a trtk U t yours—it’s only. r p «rumbllDK about.-H ostoii

. V h y . let your neighbors know it?

And why give them a chance to guess you are even Are or ten years more ?

Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way, ltTi very easy ; for nothing tells of age so quickly a t gray hair.

Ayer’s Hair Vigorla a youth-renewer..

It bides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth.

It never fails to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the nair from coming out also.

It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hair becomes thick hair, and short hair becomes long hair.

It cleanses the scalp; re­moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation.

We have a book on the Hair which wo will gladly send you.If jam fio not •Main all tba tana-flu yaa expect** from th«OMO( U>* Vigor, write tk# doctor al>ont It. Probably there U MM* filflkuHv with yoer geaeral i j it M which■sr.'j.r vsrnLrisz.

PRIZE OASES DECIDED,, M an Jin Ba> uuU Mantlauo ( lalmwota

Washington. June “7. Jualiri* Hrad lu.v in tin* equity rpun has decided tli«- MnnflH hay ami Santiago prize . asesi. The derision is in favor of the claim

; uiiix as to vessels nipt tired ninl :is to , property taken from vessel* so rap ! f itted It is a g a in s t i lien i a * i<> propn

tv < it pi tired ashoreThe deelsItUt hu.jds that y esseis sunk

fmd afterward raised were raptured j and not destroyed: thui propenj cap ttired ashore is not stihjei t to prl/.e.: that the fjropiU'ty taken from vessel! sunk and not claimed us prIV.e and for whirl) bounty was given j* prize; that the easroeg, or cargo boats, and all flout lug d erih k* that •m-m 4-upi ;jt \|ttnlla are not prize.

Arrordiug to counsel, ihc i luiiuaiils j in tlie Maullu rase reeelte u total of | $J8 8 .0 0 0 . divided among a'nmiT 7i.taa*j people, ami the claimants In the San j lingo ease will get in the neighborhood j ,,t gruviooo d!“tril>«»ed among about! It.rtuo persons These figures, however, are not final. These amounts are in j addition to the houutiep already :»l j lowed hv the eouri of claims.

Adtulj-al Dewey. his officers and men: are the claimants in the Manila r;hf. and Admiral Sampson. his officer-' and men are the I'laliUHiits in the Santiago j

THE STRIKE OH THE BEADING.I.Mtle ( k a a f f In Ij£ r SUnntlon —>«»

W ore U rn R e tu r n to W o rk .H ead ing . Pa.. J u n e «7 T hrough ad \

v e f t ise m e u t* in th e n ew sp a p ers the H e ad in g R a ilw a y co m p an y 1* n o tify in g i th e m en w ho s tru c k ut the loctuuo llve shops. Euat P enn ro u n d h o u se and o ther ‘ (m in is th a t lh ey w i l l he p a id a t th e ' office o f the g e n e ra l fo rem an . Super

■ in ie m le n t S am u e l I-' IV im e. w ho sign ed th e n o tire . Issued th e fo llo w in g to

v o r v « > 8 _sin,F c it y \<;knt* f o r B c r m i i c K - . r v ttk rxf

( •

Some June Specials...Dainty Duds for Tiny l ots.

We don't-offish lidK ahnnr mir LUt+e Polks’ Wearables, possibly nor ofte* enough; for we are really proud of our large and complete line of Infante ami Children"* Garment*. aatl we're?,are that many mothers who goto the trouble of making their babies' clothes would get them here ready-made If they realized what ier> ’attractivevalues little prices fetch here for Ids

W h i le P r e s s e s , 5 0 , 1 0 S i . ; s .

D e lic io u s

A T I I I I '

y e a r s ; o f u a in n o o k s fin e ly tr im m e d w i t h a h e w a ilirk aii a n d iin tu b u rg e d g in g A s c a r e fu l ly a n d d a in tily u g h f th e aid r e n a l a n d s p e n t lo ta o f v a lu a b le tim e

i n l . u i il '«" age?, f. m o n th s t-< :t

m u . t licking, insertm ad e a s i f y0lJ bm a k in g th e m yottisvlf r r i r e a m u ..t>c , w . . <:,»• . s s c . . 98c.. f i . i ’ ,. U|>

l i i ia n t s ' lo ite p S iip s in a t t r a c t iv e s ty le s ami prices

^ n i l d r e n | ) r p s s e s . j t o 12 y e a r s ; 48c t o $4 50.White lawn DrfteHM, varioualy tucked and lace triiumeil; dome with yokes

Uimined with ruffles, some with the loug French waist* aud short skirts, the very newest effects, to me with Interlaced ribbon at tiecfc. waist and wrist. Prltes 98c , $1 4 8. $1.98, $2.50 tt) $4.50

Colored Uretmew jtiaiu and stripe glng liunts and polka dot duck* prettily trimmed; for to T- years; 48v., ti 9«- 88c'.. 98c . $1 25 to $2 4\

Children's Sailor Blouses. 88c and t>8c.Si/en »; to 10 y « « r s .o f white dm k. tr im tiled with M ue or p ink I .n t4 tw y

p re t ty l if t * gnrmoit^

Baby (Taps.Ha by Cup.*; 2r><*.. :iir.. .'.Oc.. 05c., 75c.. 98c. up to $1.5* C h a rm in g L ille ef

fee t* in fine lawn< and S w ls se s . d a ln t lh ttltn n te il

CliiMren’s \Vlul<" t’i(|ur Rrt'lers.I’iipif K ee fers 9*c.. $1 2.» $1 4N to $1 <>

METUCHEN PHARMACY,W e s r r v r it a l m u n « n l a t •!<■*.

We ile liv i-r it to yiaui's. |" .Cents |>

All |>o|iul.tr ll.iv u rs .

O u r U I ( R K A M S t >1 >A \ou kn.

Ilit-re is n o b e l t e r m .u le a i i i u h e i r .

i k I U «; *ud

Just Mentioned For Ladies.

Chapa, C hafes, Rough S k in .

grease, no xnu$*, no ,_________ f ___w, n b« uned any lima, jWhite ycm arc at work if vour hands fee! rpttgh, chapo«d, apply it. It drie* in in*tantlv and > our | hand* are smooth and soft, need not be

abed off, and not toil theup nor washed or satir- **“ juriems aolwidid ll.Wbotttes.

__ ________ finest silkssatins. Absolutely hsrmleas, pure, aon-in-

asd staple. Elegant after shaving and Ifarci balsa of children. Me,, Kto. and

t he !U(MI'■Those w ho are iiifiuImts of the He ;

lief associMth^i must briny with theinj their ceriificaiea of memhershlp iu the! association, and those who haw any j property the cpippuny, such mb lools | i hecks and keys, frirlst bring same with !

' theui also. Former employees of ear! j shops. Heading, will be paid later, of j i w hh h the notice will l»p given."

The men who Mfe out object to turn :1 iug In their certificate* of membership, j ;is they regard till* us crowding thru <>tu of the relief association.

No new men have returned to work

U iM t 'i i r i l r r K f f r c l i i O r i l l r n iru l.Idiutoii. June ‘27. A met iing <>l ih. ''

I>ukc of Mail, lit stel * Uiiseclinil cred Hop* has approved the proposal for n composition at 12s. **ut. The other . red Horn w ill paid In full when the ac [ counts arc settled, and the hanknipf.-vj will l>e annulled.

alking Skirts

Shirt Waists,

Walking Rkirts.$4.98 to $7 50 Very sty!.?li effects

shades o f Kj-«) iu the light Sumin er and Fall weight* and >ei ft r cool da> fl all the season.

S h i n W a is tsJust Iu 98 c to $2 ic

Faiuy I’ara^ols.J i n s , to » . ,% 1 . . r |u..|>ri

,er. the fan cy i’araaol to g\ lot lift nl silk^ Hint lh« like Ours are new fre*hnu-r’s eurrie*l mi*-. We’ve some elegant eft'LH.-ls ! ult-o iu blac.v wlih single or double rutiles, ami In

patterns, quit,-

i r p io p e l th ing IU1Bit ti your fancy *a#t*.> m.t last Sunt plain silk*,

tt k ait J w lute striperu nn in g $2.5 u. $2 75 to $;I

I'hildrt-n’s Paiasols.pltlk 'due

I .a* I ir--.' l ancy I loseii's' Fancy II..-, . :isc. Iu fancy and c l

eSccii in lilafka ami plain ,-olors.M e n t; l- .m c y l tost*

Comstock, of Cornell, in k ll ells* on the trials at

U k kiRheMtc u le o(> at B prote—or of tnver-

j y Im a sister Institution,I Better be left namelraB.

In pork, Abe cause of the trichinosis in human

gives a peculiar appear. St, which ts studded with

little cjrsu. It Is then known to the trade as “msasly pork." The learned adenost, wlahln* some for study, went

J-jjfc-tti bufeher sad asked if he ever sot any measly pork.

“Sometimes." said the butcher nu- tlon slf; “but l always throw It away."

“Weft,” ssld the professor, the next tlsse yw i'have any 1 wish you’d send me up sous," meanins. of course, to bis Isbdm ofy.

The .batcher stared at him. hui said be would. Three Weeka paaaed. when

...............«1» bfofeasor. (rowing , Impatient,again dropped In.

“HgWlVt yon found any mcasley porti -wad wtr '

•Why, yea." ■aid the butcher. " 1 ftMit up tw o poundh a week ago

A tlck ly fr ln broke over the piufeti- «or'« tec*.

"Where did you send It?" Haul he. “Why. to your houae. of course,*’

a*Id the butcher - Kannae City Time*

Grmjr B a in Walla’ Bair Balaam.IIgray. WaUa1 Hair Balaam (sot * dye) grad

ally raatoraa toorigtaalcolor, bteck or brown,— — oraaatbycxprwwprepaid. '

itet. Jaraay City, N. j . at

Th* 4Uta toitet rag«teita. A aaparb, btgh- la*a p»***raHoa. A a te , deltehtfal. won ter-

“ aaaVea,airtdyfTowtkhair. B'.of-ooi » « m apipficatlon. PuU tie ea a rlgoroaa, growthr, healthy

whiaken and moaittacne. dandruff. Dr-tea quickly ■

ww.rn.nm/BM it M Well Al mflll.W ,™ ....hair gteeay and clean, and the acalp free h orndlaaaae, Cteaaly, cooling and refreshing in----------- m --------------- *-------- •— *~1i*pensable

60c. and $1

HlrbMioMsI l l t a p k e ii W» D o rn .Ulchmoml. 1'apc Colony. June 27 A j

large force *»f IHmu-h. command»^l »..* i Maltth ami Smii. ati.ickcH Ui< huj.-m '

daybreak June 2'. The flglitligl lasted till tluak. when the Boers retired | on the approach of British re-eufon •• I

Ttae F a t a l tira d e ( r u u la n %umIu.HoeheMicr. JtUu* 27. Clark » r..v,ler

■ fed DO. a wdl known fm-iuer of 11.ill Horners, v. ».< struck mid mstautl ed near hi*- hofUe by a s|m-cI:i1 hound train ou ihc Northern <’■He w as driving over a t rossiug


C h v t r c l t S t r e e t

Mae; no o fl, *o greaae. barratesa. Indispensable oc aa y w ell aqaim ^d toilet stand bottles at Druggists, n p r a n onCMmlat, Jdney city.

U lR l - s i l I 'i iP lo r ys* 0? &x "zn®iX\ -',h,4U‘m- yas!4 Uu“' -Ity, N. J. landmarks tif this t iiy

Woman’s Suffering and ! »L’s"i.ml.i.'an.7m V**®®**y# (8K> resulted. The promIf women tnfferlng from uterine or ovarian „ .

disturbance; from painful, irregular, distress- j Hall> niKUled.tag periods, knew of great comfort andfrompt relief that may be had by the ove ot wells’ Stomach Elixir, existence for -ttiew womld be more tolerably » The serious penna- Mect dangers that may come from these

To Ite fiar la w sTra&iOQ.-June 25—JiiMtiera JoU*

$$»» Dixon and J Franklin Fort o: th*. StajM^nie Court and Charles Corbin of Jetney City, were appointed by Governor Voorhees to-day to revise U»« utAtute* of New J<-r»e> Th* vvOuoIrsIou waa provl hvJ rov by an act of the laat l/egislatu»f .«.«!»»»he ct lu- penaatlou of the j- fixed bythe tlovernor The last rmh ra! rev lg- lou a*** made in 1874 •«> lue ’ule Chief Jostle* Me 'Pel' Ppi.tiry. i*u> preseot Chtaf Justice David \. .U que and Curtlandl t'.uk«r of N.Mn i, Inning Us* |NW%t k t ypsi# nmy )« coramis-

.* *U»a crea.cti ondvr ho’ i lr.Hve u.'tA x v & r -t**. no « '••dri-o pkihvplar eiaues «.f a lun-s lu t there ha been a grow th slehina l 1,r a general revis­ion on account of (he multlpiieitv of 'Awn enacted since 1874. Justice Fort thinks the revision can be completed viUliR l few months, h « i the Governor b^ ierm It will take fr8 Sh one to twom r a . ■ , .

A to hoy linad*.4t is hard to heat Perth £mboy. Au

exchange says that in Philadelphia there la a saloon for each 757 iuhabi- U*ta; Boston, 702 people to each ea- ioos; Pittsburg, $20; Cincinnati, . 4 3 ; - - York. 817; Toledo. 2*0. Perth

population, figured at 18,000. ITS peraons to each saloon.

Bmnswlck here is one aaloon People, w ltlr more sa-

lorrrated is hastily fully reahxc t by n. This remedy was origlnallv de- sxa«Uy for Dyspemia, but f.>r a

most muwrabte atomach condition which no drag or oombinatiow of drags seemed to re- ltev*,—an acrid, irritabte, distrraiing,condition caused Hfcaly by a had Liver. After many triah and experiments the combination known a« Watla’ Stomach Elixir waa happily hit a pun. Words cannot atxpress the degree of relief, caw and comfort, this remedy ha* given the hub scriber. The inestimable value of this rein edy in snch troubles it beyond computation. From tha hour of the compounding of the first bottle of Weds’ Stomach Elixir it has been s valued and indispensable family medicine, and it baa been lonad by tee women of the bouse- fcold to be a moat effectife and comfort in ■ remedy at palnfnl, diatreeSinfr periods,

s t For Stomach, Bowel and Abdominal distress and misery. Wells’ 8tomach Elixir give* prompt and salutary relief; comforting, sooth, hag, aad gently invlgeraht to a weak, feeble, debilitated stomach. To an acrid, raw, tender Inflamed, feverish, irritated stomach gives most benign and happy relief. Relieves pain, die trees and flatulence after eating. Corrects and aide digestion, regulates bilious Irritability and bilious diarrhea*. A t painful periods in female life, and during change of Hfe, it will be found a most grateful relief and support. In Me. am) •LOU bottles at retail or wholesale druggists, oi the large else prepaid by express on receipt oi price, f l .00. As an ablution, a pinch of Wells Miracle of Healing Powder (being antiseptic disinfectant and germicide) in one or two pints of warm water and used as a vaginal inject le t daily, will be found corrective, cleansing, heal ifig, curative. SBc. bottles at druggists or In nati. E, a. WELLS, Chtmist, Jersey City, N J

irclai i k

Sailwajr Oora x in j to-day U> lM itase Uio espital

It in Prl«*e l»’«»r a P i i r i r s i l .l»ittIon, Jum* 27. A |MM tniit *»!' I

istt, l.atly Mnunri-g. afterward ) ’mintes> of lly sart. hy Soppuer. Iisih lw*»»n <oU11 at am t Ion for 14.75<i nuiimns.

T hr W en t her..I'alr; «outli\vi*st»Tly wlmh.

riMAHOIAL AMD 00MMER0IAL( I m iIbX l)Not*ll«eik » f the Tew Vurk

Mtos’k K ie k a a g e ,New Yore, June 'll.

Money <>n ■ nil -t<ad> at 8 per ism. Prime met until* paper, * *« pel cent sterling *xiUsng*fairly kteadv. wiili mtusl bu«in*M tn hanker* bills at S4 for SemsiiJ »nd at |4t.S6% tor du day*. Pn«ted retee. $4.M and U M \* Commercial bills, UU%M-UW- Stives calc, nominally

RaUfoed bouds irregular.

y y v y y s f V ! ^

A m o s H . V a n H o r n . L t d .

WHY PUT OFFth a t v is it tu "Ni. TH” .my U.n^ri - You know y o u ’re lin ing \. hi I'm.-! t an m iii'li' in d e l a \ w - c know T he liu iin l it ul h * • w ut liar^a.n.** a te ahead >-t « n y y o u ’ll sc-r lru m i.iir ctiil of N ewark lo ih e oth ei 1 O ur h<-u\ y Lit \ i n amt lat^e Rtovks g u a ra n te e you iicst assort liiru ts . Lash term s o r C redit, us yo u wish.

$ 8 . 4 9 W as12.00

t.e* i-el! from and i _ & ' |Krutch plate mirror. 1 Seat, Belgian velour covering. 1 4 p-ialttoat.

r r JQ W aaA roo m y, c o m fo rta b le Laveuport $ 7 . 5 0-mahogatiy frame, deeply tut'tmf Morris Chair *~:*d ...

fear pets and Mattings: Sj*KJ2- 29c,^Sc, 42c yd.K L . 69c, 75c. yd.S T 1’ 49c, 56c, 63c yd.

Chink Mattings, 12c, 15c, IHc yd. Japan, l*>c, 25c, 30c yil.Ruga.

Prices53c. 60c. 69c yd.

I f ; - 69c. 75c. 89c >d.5 ? r r u” s9 c , 9fR, i . i s \ j ,

New In voke of Fin* Quality Linoleums and Sm> r Juat In I

iliiierent pattenis: Vruiilar ioc quality at

Sani|jlr Shirt Waists; prices ranging from 'our clioice at 79c each.

400 yards pf Embroidery from 2 to 10 Inches wide; ranydnjj in prices from 1 o< to 30c per yard. Your choice at i#c a yard.

State boiuls iiiad Closing prices:


UTieaapeatce k Old People's Oil . .. 1X1 a Hudson .E r ie ... ., .............Oensrsl Klrctfi, .Lackawanna......Lead....................

silvar, U>\q. Maxi ,Ladies’ and Children Ribbed Vests at ,c each.

NEW "IJOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINEC h a in a n d lock s titch - d ro p head, a l l w o o d s a ll nm dcls, 4. . 1 mm h in o s a l lo w e d for. F u l l h a e o f r e p a ir s c o n s ta n tly <>tt h a n d C ash o r C re d it .

Refrigerators,Ice Boxes.

nonarch Wick less Blpe l:lame Oil Stoves

Every hardw ood R efrigeralor guaranteed m ineral woul^liued A ie operated tor v i s i t u r s

we show y«nt a sectional view every das cull it’s sm i-deof the u ctttal tilling. It’s in- terevtiug - keejM* ice and food to mu and nisU little

udot. danger or Miioke.N-,

A m o s H. \Jan H orn , L td ,urr it's No. 79 ' «u(l you fcee the k. »t urnne Amos ' before eulerlug our *tor«

V ' ‘- 0 s " K * 7 T M A ‘R JL E C T J T ' R E E T ,. iV L H lE s * Near P lau e H t.cef. W est o f B io ad .

A 1‘i .vmU lirllvfry, Wujin, Bent on Request " I t !e phone .fu ”

---------— _ J. sa% Norther® Pad Ac pi M . Mte New tork Ceutrai lMVk . 47% Ontario ft WMtara BAH. 118 Pacific Mall ....... UIMS JUtMag41‘A “ ,1M I

■ i7*Va |

White Pique and Duck lor to,day only at 1 „>c u yard.

Ladies* and.Children s Oxford Ties at ridiculous low tqjurrx




Paul ........t®6 Sugar Refinery *Wi Texts Pacific . 44

Ixmievllle ft Na»h . 10644 I'niw Pacific ..... I0fi%Manhattan Con— 1*344 Wakarfa prefenvfi.. 4*\ I Mlasouri P a t I W 14 W«atera Union ... W44 | U ;0 \\ ITft W lH iJO W ScrftP *ll. P X lriflfl f n I♦ t ^JlIlONt UilV

10 ‘ e a c h .

E H I N G H E Rl.esilinu K lim it in

U e a tra l M arket*.! 17.


FLOUR Stale and wcataru ruled at lone and a aliadc wore active; Ml&MBO'.a patent $*.70afi.M; winter etralfhta, $8 40a3.5o. wiiuei e traa. I2.fiual.fi5; winter patent*. «j

WHEAT Firm aurt higher on bulliati t-abli covering and foreign kuvlng July, 74 5 lflaTI7*!

W ir e N e t t in g D oors :il

W ir e N e t t i n g frohi 1 S t ] t j iIK ile^ u id r

A T —

Do not be deceived by tlinae w ho ad- vertlae a ttiO.UO Hewing Machine for 120.00. Thin kind of a mm lunc run

be bought from ns or any of our dealer* from $15.00 tu tlS.OO.


The Feed dbtenniiita the atreiigth or J weukueaa o f Hewing Mia'htlus,. The Double Feed (xanliiiKsl wlth other strong points um kestlw New Hom e the heat Hewing Machine to Ituy*.

j s*>ptemb«r, 7244a7S*4<.I RYE Fjtey , etkte, fiSafi4c . c | ( Miiot*; .Vo. 2 N JY<*c , (i KORN- t uiet and firmer alI kut eiM-ii off uflaier realizing.| Sept. inlarr, 48\a48 13 Uk . j OATS Slow, but firmly hr1 situ.-. 3-.,l^aS7r . ; track, white, *



S fK IA L t ,0 CAR IS

1 1 6 122 Nellsou Street,tT e lrp tm n e S C I

N m v l .K ltS s l l l e t , ’ N k » J kk» k

ut lim its allowing the tllf- terwnt wtvltw of I . " 'Hewing Macntnec. I

...... .ofibretl.’’FjHlii Ftrpw'i; llLj<. ; wwirrii,

U Alt Raw

we maaufkcturasnd price* Mure puroboaiug.,

T il HIV l o l l XEV1NC IMHIHE 10.• sabisc. BBxaa.

» Untoaftq. N. Y.r Gk»«agMIL, Atlanta, (4a., St, faHita.Mow, DnHta,fvx., Ban Francinoo, Cu l


MOL ASSKM- -Mteady;RI( K Mteady; dcutaalli. TALI .Li M — (fillet; city. HAY (411U-1 ; »hlpi lug

R K C I ’ P E R A T IO N T h e re Is not su nm eli in th e o rd in a r y v a c a tio n as there lr. in a s in g le h o ttle o f H ood’s S a rsa -

f f p a r i i l a w h ic h r e fre s h e s th e ti re d blood, th e d u lled a p p e tite , res to res

l a k e H ood ’s Sursa-


AGENTS WANTED. Lawn Swings, Lawn Settees, Haasaik CUn,Ets.

Excluaive tatrltory gmn.

Write for prism and other la- for— Hon to

tlearlidd Wooden- Warn Ce.,CLM AffFtaX ab, PA.

P e n n s y lv a n ia R ailroad .BUodard Railroad of Am«rlca

On and after June l«, tftot. train* wilt Metuchcn a* follow*

F<m Newark and New York -2..47Yon only), «3|, ffi.(8, New Y,,rk oiilyi,7.M: 8-30, ».02, 10.37. 10.5'.' a 111 l .'.i 4. 2.44. ». |7 4.k4 «.M, 7.54, 1.37. 11.44, b. iu . week-day*huuday» -2.37, u.w, New York mil* I. f i l l ' f.i >? a W. 12.10. '2.21, 4 24. 7.04. 8.37 II 34 b. m.

For Rah way- 2.37 , 6 31, 7.28. 7 r>8, 8.SU, fi 'rvj10.37, 10 52 a.vlu.; 1.03, 2.SK. 3.17 . 4.34. * 04 . 7 54 11 M p. iu. weftk-day*. SunaJajy#- 2 17. 8 11 lo.JB » in , 12.18, 2.21, 4.24, 7 .04. II 34 p. ui

For Kiizabetll-2.37 . 6.31, 7 28. 7 58. n 3o B 02.10.37, 10.52 a. ui.; 12.64 2.33. 3.17. 7 54

11.34 g. bi. week daya.


I f»Ve M|-IU< tiell «* fulhiW*Dally e*erpi Sunday*

, Local for New Y'ork... Jkipreaa for Uuflalu. Niagara Falla nal lnteriuedlatt atatlona.

new train, eonneciaat 0o. Plainvuiiu*. ■ si su. rm uArid with exprara for Sulalo and prntapat

ldcaTTor Ration, Mauch ( hunk, aaLUiona,

I 42 p. m intermedia'


ava- 2.37. 8.11, 12.18, 2.21, 4.24. 7.04. 8 37, 11.44. p u»

For New Bruuawick -1.27, 7.13, 7.34, 4.24. p k 10.2.*, a. » .; 12.-03. 12.56. 2.08 2.26 , 4.00 4 Sfi’ 5.31, 5.M, fi.81, 7.10. fi.08. 8.08. 11.29 p. ui. wvek- tax*. Waafiayv ■ t-2T; v t : t.BT ’HB6.03, fi.ofi, 8.40 p, ta r

For Treuton—1.27, 7.13, 7.34, B.23, 9.J6. lo 25 »- Ui ; 12.01, 12-54 2*245, 0,41. B OB. fi.ftij» ui. week dayo Sunday/-1 27, 9 2B a oi;fi03.

| Jot PhllOdtlpUlo—1.27, 7.18, *7 34. 1,21, ( ft |

__atetioii*n. ui., L»m al for Kiutou. Couu -cte with Bolid Yeatlbule KfipreaB for Buffalo Nlxgaja Uoiit lh Cft*° m",, l’rfi“ lpal iuiai me.Mat« n .

For Perth AmUiv- bU . 12.32 a in.. 8 . J p. n^ Yyrt a . IU 43 O. ai., 4,ftE-i- ta— -----TKf rutih^InfoTOtlo'^ly to |l«k. i ogauk

Uen l Paaa Ag t

KuLLI N H WILBL'Rl'ttUr'r*,“" ,l" ’ t’ !' * Doneral supt.,

21 Cortlandt ttrra*. N tw York