Sept-Oct 2014 Sugar Art News

The official newsletter Volume 30 | Number 5 September | October 2014 Cover Photo - Hannah Nyugen / victoriancakedecoratingsociety [email protected] NEWS sugar art


Bi-monthly publication of the Victorian Cake Decorating Society Inc.

Transcript of Sept-Oct 2014 Sugar Art News

The official newsletter Volume 30 | Number 5September | October 2014

Cover Photo - Hannah Nyugen [email protected]


sugar art

State Commitee of Management

PresidentAdrien Trevillian [email protected]

SecretaryCheryl East [email protected]

TreasurerJacquie Pascoe [email protected]

Membership SecretaryAdrien Trevillian [email protected]

EditorNancy Casuscelli [email protected]

National Liason Cheryl East

National Constitution Adrien Trevillian

Australian Sugarcraft RepresentativeLorell Benier [email protected]

State Web Site ManagerNancy Casuscelli [email protected]

Disclaimer The Victorian Cake Decorating Society Inc. in no way endorses any products, services or techniques mentioned in this newsletter. The issues raised in this newsletter are not the opinion of the Society or the Editor but are from multiple sources. All contributions are made in good faith by various sources. Material may not be reproduced without prior approval and some notes may be copyright.


15th October 2014 (NOV/DEC)


Our Victorian Branches

CaseyOld Cheese Factory34 Homestead Rd, BerwickLyn - 03 9705 [email protected]

EasternSt Judes Parish Community Centre49 George St, ScoresbyErin - 0423 587 [email protected]

NorthernWatsonia Library4 Ibbotson St, WatsoniaIrene - 0417 124 [email protected]

Town & CountryMulgrave Community Centre355 Wellington Rd, MulgraveTravelling Branch - venues to be advisedAdel - 0412 062 [email protected]

WesternCairnlea Community Centre80 Carmody CentreCheryl - 0431 058 [email protected]

Diary of Events 2014

Welcome New Members





Northern 6th | AGM - Guest Demo Rhonda Morris

Western 6th | Cake lace, Silver leaf, Lustering

T&C 14th | AGM and Magnolias

Casey 18th | Moth Orchid

Eastern 22nd | Christmas Celebration (date may change)

Casey 29th | Christmas Break Up

T&C 16th | Christmas Sweeties

T&C 7th | Christmas Breakfast

Northern 13th | Christmas Breakup

Western 8th | Jungle Theme

Northern 8th | TBC

T&C 12th | Making Moulds, Buy, Sell, Swap Day ($5)

Western 11th | Wedding Cakes - Mary Ulisse Borg

Eastern 25th | TBC

State 26th | AGM Meeting TBC

Luxford Hiroko, Sweeney Sarah, Parkinson Jessica, Parkinson Jackie,Turner Anna, Linton Charmayne, Tops For Cakes, Wong Lauren, FavaloroElizabeth, Gerreyn Olga, Dachepalli Avani, McCaskill Tracy, Bidley Yvette,Kool Stacey, King Victoria, Strati Kathrin, Tucci Melissa, Potter Josie, Dunstan Jennie, Martin Keryn, Ward Maryanne, Psaradellis Helen, Kaur Paveen, Chow Angela, Fellows Wendy, Sanford Andrea, Franze Patricia,Virga Tahlia, Piscopo Rebecca, Harvey Josephine, Turnbull Sarah,Callum Tracie, Quigley Rebecca, Lim Adelina

Its been quite a hectic two months since our last newsletter, with Adel Tijo and I going to the ANCDA Forum meeting (National) in Adelaide for the weekend of 18-20 July. At the same time, we were also running a stall space at this year’s Cakeri!c Show at Caul"eld. Thanks goes to: Cheryl East, Merryn Holder, Jill Sung, Sue Marquis, Yolanda Cole, Michele Wagner, Justine Spalding, Pearly Lok, Aileen Kempa, Mia Jurcut, Jenna Blyth, Selena Fong, Charlotte Fallon, Jo May, Jacquie Pascoe, Jan Murphy, Elke Vasik, Tamara Taylor; without whom it would have been impossible to run this stall. You support in volunteering your time was invaluable! I hope you all got a chance to have a look around the show as well. I would also personally like to thank the organizer of this show, Shirley Dougan, as she assisted us greatly with free tables for our display, seeing as this year it was abit too di!cult to take in our own, its that bit extra that really makes a di#erence.A report in the Forum meeting in Adelaide will form part of the AGM, coming up at the end of October, on a Sunday as decided by the 2013 AGM attendees.SUNDAY 26 October 2PM is our AGM to be held at Mulgrave Neighborhood House, Mackie Rd Mulgrave in the Maple/Oak Room. All positions on State Committee and its appointed Roles are declared vacant at this meeting – this Committee is particularly critical, as without it we cannot legally continue, so what we need is YOU! Please contact myself or our Secretary Cheryl East for a nomination form.

Message from the President Adrien TrevallianVCDS President

Apart from the Elections, important matters to be discussed at the AGM are: Membership Fee, National Seminar State Demonstration, National Seminar State Display Table piece. Our theme for our display piece is “Myths and Legends” in line with the overall Seminar theme of Imagination. If you are interested in possibly going along to the Seminar itself, registration forms are available from myself and Cheryl, please email/call to get a copy (it’s a pdf). Some printed copies will be available at the AGM. Please also see “Butter$y Alert No4” in this magazine for more info.On September 21, 23, 25, 26 and Oct 1 we are going to the Royal Melbourne Show to demonstrate Sugar Art as “Meet the Master”, always an enjoyable and interesting experience with the non-cake public. Check with your Branch Committee for your Branch’s nom-inated date. Note not all Branches have taken up a date.A last word also regarding membership renewals – many people may have forgotten to renew, and so have now missed the discount deadline. If you friend does not get this newsletter, then they must have forgotten indeed and may still renew, but at the $30 price. Be sure to get in before 31 December, otherwise the joining fee applies.May your Art be Sugar Art!



Branch ReportsCasey


Hello, Casey’s annual chocolate demonstration day was a success and Anne from the mixing bowl was brilliant as always, this year we learnt how to make prefect macarons (not Macaroons, we learnt the di!erence) as well as a delish black forest cake as well as a number of chocolate decorations. I was reminded in the excitement of cooking with children as Anne’s skills lit up my 11 year old step daughter’s imagine and we spent all Saturday night cooking together. I encourage you all to bring your children to any of the workshops, it’s amazing what they can pick up and best of all help you at home cooking or decorating.

The Casey branch is very excited to be celebrating our 10th Birthday at our next workshop on the 18 October 2014 - Moth Orchid with Lyn Burch. We will be celebrating on the day with all sorts fun things stay tuned to our website for further details

Branch ReportsWestern


Saturday 6th of September will be our AGM. This will be our second attempt at one this year as the "rst one last month was met with a paltry attendance. Let’s do this right! Go big or go home people!!! Sadly this will literally be the case if we do not have members attend and participate, the branch will sadly have to close. It has happened before for one of our society’s branches. On Saturday 6th September, all committee posts will be declared vacant and a new committee will be voted in.

We also have a hands on workshop scheduled that day covering the skills of making and using cake lace, silver leaf, luster dust and wafer paper! There is an optional kit you may purchase as well. As always we will provide light refreshments and promise many learning outcomes!

I truly hope to see as many Western branch members there as possible as well as extend a welcome to the society’s other members as well as non-members. Hopefully this will not be the branch’s "nale but the beginning of a brand new start!


Northern Our next meeting is on Saturday 6 September at Watsonia Library. This is our AGM, please make the e!ect to come along. It would be nice to see as many member as possi-ble attending to help us plan our future and move forward. Please consider becoming a more active member and join-ing our committee. It is always a step forward to have new and fresh ideas. Your support is essential and will be very much appreciated.This meeting will be followed by a hands on workshop with Rhonda Morris making the Double Da!odil. Please phone (0417 124 391) or email [email protected] for your requirement list and further details.



Hello!Welcome to a new year of exciting workshops and demonstrations at Eastern! Committee has been busy trying to line up some of your favourite demonstrators as well as some new and exciting treats that we’re incredibly excited about. If you have any suggestions please let us know via Facebook or email.

A huge thank-you to the immensely supportive Carolyn from Special Treats by Carolyn for her Back to Basics class held in August. We last ran this class more than 2 years ago and it was interesting to see how a busy professional gets the job done; quickly and e#ciently! We learnt some great tips and tricks and will be sure to put them to use quickly!

Year in and year out Carolyn supports the Melbourne cake decorating community. Please support her (and by extension us) by thinking of her shop whenever you need supplies. Carolyn and her sta! are always ready to give advice and go above and beyond when it comes to service.

Finally, in July we had the amazingly talented Yolanda from Suganana. If you’re not familiar with her work you should change that. Her work is $awless, fun and fabulous and everyone had a fantastic day, lots of learning outcomes, she made it look easy (and it largely was)! Our AGM followed and a (largely) new committee was voted in. Let me introduce you to the new team.

President, JustineVice President, GillianSecretary, CharmaineTreasurer, MiaGeneral Committee, Susan, Melissa and Jenna

A huge thank-you to Erin Wake"eld, Pearly Lok, Ails McKempa and Marianne Thomson for their work on the previous committee.

All of us on committee are looking forward to a fabulous year of learning and fun. We have only two meetings left for 2014; Saturday 25th October and Saturday 22nd November so keep those dates free. See you soon.


Branch ReportsTown & Country

Hawaiian Delight - this is what you missed out on.....not a lot of members turned up to this great hands on work-shop from which all took home a "nished product. We had a great afternoon learning a lot of great techniques that can be adapted to other products and projects in your craft. Check out these photos.

Our next meeting is 14 September at 1-4pm and will include our AGM. All positions will be declared vacant, so now is the time to come on board and make your Branch the one people want to be with. There will be a hands on workshop on the day of a Magnolia, and information should have already gone out to you for this, if not con-tact us for the info.

The current committee is working on a great program for 2015, but please if there is something, someone you want to see or do please let us know. We are aware it is all out there on the internet, but there is nothing like hands on for a great learning experience, and you meet likeminded friends along the way and broaden our cake community with some face to face conversations. This will be on the agenda of the AGM.

A really exciting event is coming up in October “Buy Swap and Sell” (BWS). All those cake decorating thingy things you have at home, that ooops you bought two of, found a third one in the back room, cake tins, cake boards and lots of other goodies you thought you would use one day, but they are still sitting there. These may be the certain thing that someone else has been looking for all their cake decorating career! Bring it along and BWS. If you would like a table on the day the only cost is $5 and the rest of the money is yours.

There will also be some demonstrations on the day of mould making, while you are spending your time BWS-ing.

We look forward to see you at one of these two next great workshops.

Which Branch do you belong to?

I belong to the Eastern Branch. When did you start cake decorating?

I started baking in back in 2008/2009 for high school friends/ family etc but they were only your average carrot cake or butter cake! It was only really towards the end of 2012 when i started to ac-tually make customized cakes and cake decorating.

What got you interested in cake decorating?

Ever since I was young I’ve always had a thing for cupcakes, they are just so cute and easy to eat!I used to tutor little kids at my local Temple and as a way of rewarding them for doing their homework/doing well on a test I’d bake them cupcakes! As I baked cupcakes for them I grew to be so fond of cupcake baking! I then started making cakes/cupcakes for friends/family events and suddenly I had a lot of friends messaging me to bake them cakes. Also watching shows such as “Cake Boss” and “Ace of Cakes” was so inspirational and got me excited to bake more and more!

What do you love most about cake decorating?

I love cake decorating because its so relaxing and the best thing about it is it doesn’t even feel like work! I could take my mind o! everything and completely absorb myself into it, but my most favourite part about cake decorating is seeing people light up over their cake! I enjoy making people feel special that I created something just for them.

What do you love least about cake decorating?

Wow this is a tricky question because there are so many amaz-ing cake decorators out there and i admire them all for di!erent reasons! But one of my biggest cake idol is Shayne Greenman. His work is absolutely mind blowing ! I love how his work has so much detailing and how they look so real to the point i can’t even tell its cake.

Member Pro!le - Hannah NguyenStorytale Cakes

Hannah NguyenStorytake [email protected]

Who is your cake idol and why?

De"nitely colouring the fondant. I’m not a fan of messy food dye hand! ( i am a victim of haha) If you could give fellow decorators one tip what would it be?

Practice and practice makes perfect and never stop learning. Be open to new techniques!

If you would like to take more cake classes, what would they be?

Ah i would love to learn more sculpturing classes as i love novelty cakes!

Casey Workshop

T&C Workshop

Town and Country Cake Decorator's Group

Mulgrave Community Centre Mackie Road, Mulgrave.

Annual General Meeting

and Hands on Workshop

Sunday 14th September 2014 - 1-4pm

All positions on the Executive of the T&C Group will be declared vacant. If you would like to come on board and be part of a great group to help manage our branch, contact me for a nomination form. Following the AGM will be a hands on workshop of a Magnolia. Further details and requirement list

will be advertised. (Photo sample only.) Jan Murphy Secretary Town and Country Cake Decorator's Group.

Front Cover Opportunity If you would like to be featured and have one of your gorgeous creations grace our covers please send submissions to the Editor: [email protected] along with a small Members Pro"le and good clear - 2-3 professional photos of your best cakes!

Austral ian Sugar Craft

2014 Annual

Published by: The Australian National Cake Decorator’s Assoc. Inc.

The Leading Authority on Cake Decorating

and Sugar Art in Australia. Cost $20.00 AU $22.00 NZ $25.00 Rest of world Subscription to: P.O. Box 36 Northlands. W.A. 6905 Name:_________________________________ Address:_______________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ State:_____________________P.C._________ Visa No:_______________________________ Expiry Date:____________________________ Name:_________________________________




Melbourne is set for a treat as international baking stars touch down for the Cake Bake & Sweets

Show, Australia’s largest gathering of baking enthusiasts, cake decorators and passionate foodies.

Today Cake Bake & Sweets Show is proud to announce Buddy ‘Cake Boss’ Valastro, world-

renowned cake artist to the line up on the 3rd-5th October 2014 at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Following the success of the inaugural Cake Bake & Sweets Show in Sydney early this year, the

event is back, and bigger and better than ever. The three-day spectacular will be jam packed with

over 160 celebrity demonstrations, hands-on classes, competitions and expert workshops. Plus, a

giant expo hall featuring the latest and greatest in baking equipment and ingredients, cake decorating

supplies, artisan bakers, chocolatiers and a mouthwatering marketplace packed full of gourmet

sweets and baked goods.

Star of original TLC production ‘Cake Boss,’ the number one US food program on cable television

and aired in Australia on Foxtel’s LifeStyle FOOD Channel, Buddy Valastro has literally built his

career out of cake. He has produced specialty cakes including an edible full size NASCAR racing car

that took 24,000 cakes and weighed over 4.5 metric tonnes. His passion and creative concepts have

caught the attention of many celebrities with clients that include Oprah, Rihanna, Britney Spears and

Miley Cirus.

Buddy will appear at Cake Bake & Sweets Show on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of October, with his

trip Down Under coinciding with the Official Australian Launch of his extensive range of Cake Boss

specialised baking and cake decorating tools, available online and at David Jones, Big W, Harris

Scarfe, Matchbox and other leading independent retailers.

Commenting on his upcoming Australian trip, Buddy ‘Cake Boss’ Valastro said: “I’m excited to

return Down Under, I love the people, many Australian tourists have visited my bakery in New

Jersey. During my last trip I visited Perth and Sydney but not Melbourne. I’m excited to taste the

cuisine and see if Melbourne lives up to its reputation of the culinary capital of Australia. I’m looking

forward to launching my product range and pulling out all the stops for my first appearance at the

Cake Bake & Sweets Show!"

It's your turn Melbourne. Australia's biggest live event for all things baking, cake decorating, sweet, savoury and outright delicious is coming to town!

Victorian Cake Decorating Society members get $25 o" half day Hands On Cake

Decorating Workshops when you pre-purchase online. Simply enter the code WORKSHOP25 during the checkout process. When you purchase a workshop

ticket, you automatically receive entry into the show. Buy Tickets Now

At the show, see live demonstrations from celebrity bakers including Buddy 'Cake Boss' Valastro, Adriano Zumbo and more. Plus sessions from leading cake

decorators including Faye Cahill, Jacki Fanto, Leslea Matsis, Janet O'Sullivan, Jacqueline Butler and too many more to mention!

Also the Art of Cake Challenge entry deadline has now been extended until 22 September - so make sure you enter the competition, more details here

Visit Cake Bake & Sweets Show website for more information.


Victorian Cake Decorating Society Inc




1/4 PAGE $30

A5 Size

All Ads can be vertical or horizontalemail: [email protected]

* Prices are annually

July 2014 - June 2015

Butterfly Alert No 4

It’s time for more information aboutthe the fabulous ANCDA 18th NationalSeminar which is being held atJupiters Gold Coast from 23 to 28August 2015 (and hosted byQueensland on the beautiful GoldCoast.) The theme is IMAGINATION.

The very detailed RegistrationPackage is now available. It includesfull details of Seminar costs, on-­siteaccommodation information andoptional extras -­ Fun Night, Toursand/or Workshops. For your copy,contact 18th National SeminarRegistrar, Sandra Clark, PO Box 139,Arana Hills, Qld 4054 (Phone 073351 6761 or mobile 0413 317 212 -­Email: [email protected]).

Proceedings will begin with theWelcome Dinner on Sunday night, 23August, and the Farewell Dinner willtake place on Friday 28 August. Cost of both these Dinners areincluded in the Seminar cost fordelegates, with partners able to payto attend.

Wednesday 26 August is a free daybut you also have a choice betweentwo Workshops or one of threeoptional tours:

You could tour the very scenic GoldCoast Hinterland taking inSpringbrook, Natural Arch and HinzeDam;; orSee Gold Coast Highlights, followedby a lunch cruise of the Broadwater;;orEnjoy a whale watching cruisefollowed by entry into Seaworld.

There is the option of a Fun Night onthe Tuesday, and there will soon be achoice of tours or activities offered topartners to enjoy while delegates areattending demonstrations.

Lots of planning is taking place toensure a memorable 18th NationalSeminar in 2015 with excitingdemonstrations and a week full offun, laughter and friendship.

For further information, contact QCDA Asst Secretary Mary McMahon [email protected] -­ 43 Blackwood Rd, Salisbury -­ Ph: 07 3277 4584.

Members Cakes

Lorell Benier | Eastern

Sunethra Wickramaratne | T&C Adrien Trevillian | T&C

Cheryl East | Western Selena Fong | Eastern

Members OpportunityIf you would like to showcase some of your gorgeous creations in our Members Section please send submissions to the Editor: [email protected] must be clean and sharp!