Sept newsletter

Vol. XXII September - 2011 MEN-TSEE-KHANG News Letter Closure of Jaigaon branch clinic Pg: 3 Medical tours & visits Pg: 6 Exhibion tour Pg: 3 Research: second phase of screening paents Pg: 7 Workshop, Seminars, courses, Pg: 7 CONTENTS Educaonal acvies Pg: 10


September Newsletter

Transcript of Sept newsletter

Page 1: Sept newsletter

Vol. XXII September - 2011

M E N - T S E E - K H A N G N e w s L e t t e r

Closure of Jaigaon branch clinic Pg: 3

Medical tours & visits Pg: 6

Exhibition tour Pg: 3

Research: second phase of screening patients Pg: 7

Workshop, Seminars, courses, Pg: 7


Educational activities Pg: 10

Page 2: Sept newsletter

This is the official Newsletter of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibet-an Medical & Astro. Insti-tute of H.H. the Dalai Lama). Gangchen Kyishong, Dharam-sala—176215, INDIA. It is published and distributed free of cost. However, we request donations to cover expenses. To make donations, please con-tact Mailing Co ordinator, Men-Tsee-Khang, Gangchen Kyis-hong, Dharamsala - 176215. INDIA.

EditorKalsang Dechen

Assistant editorMr. Tseten Dorjee

Mailing co-ordinatorMrs. Dolma Tsering

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September 2011News

JAIGAONJaigaon branch clinic was set up on 1 Feb, 1996 and served the people in the area through traditional sys-tem of health care. From the initial stage, the institute has been trying to obtain land and construct a clin-ic, but has not been successful due to various reasons. The high cost of rent every year and shortage of doctors also added to the problem and hence the clinic has been tem-porarily closed with effect from 17 May, 2011. The administration has taken measures to ensure and pro-vide continuous health service to the community which is one of its main priorities. Hence, Salugara Branch Clinic was directed to visit Jaigaon once every month to provide health service to the community there since June, 2011.

NORTH INDIAAfter the successful completion of the North East exhibition tour, a four member team headed by Mr. Kalsang Dawa, member Golden Jubi-lee organizing committee; Dr. Tenzin Yeshi, Clinical Research Department; Astrologer Monlam Yeshi and Mr. Chime Norbu staff of Pharmaceuti-cal Department visited 12 different locations of Dekyiling, Clementown, Mussoorie, Selaqui TCV School, Lakhanwala, Poanta Sahib, Shimla, Manali, Bir, Suja TCV School and Gopalpur TCV School in North India from 31 May – 14 July, 2011.

The first location of the exhibition was in Dekyiling and it was held at Sambhota School Hall from 5-6 June, 2011. The exhibition was inaugu-

CLOSURE OF BRANCH CLINIC rated by Mr. Thupten Tashi, settle-ment officer and Mr. Nyima the chief justice commission of Northern Region lighted the butter lamp. A short introductory lecture on Ti-betan medicine and astrology were given to nearly 200 people by Dr. Tenzin Yeshi and Astrologer Monlam Yeshi. A total of 273 people visited the exhibition. Then the ex-hibition was held in the CST School Hall at Clementown on 8 June, 2011. The Abbot of Mindroling Monastery inaugurated the exhibition by lighting the traditional butter lamp and around 86 people visited the exhibits. Then the team moved to Mussoorie and the exhibi-tion started from 12-13 June, 2011. It was held in

the Hall of Tibetan Homes Founda-tion School. A total of 1260 students and staff members of the CST and Tibetan Homes Foundation Schools paid their visit to the exhibition. It was followed by the exhibition at Se-laqui TCV School on 16 June, 2011 with a brief introductory lecture by the doctor and astrologer. A total of 600 students and staff members vis-ited the exhibition.

The exhibition in Lakhanwala was held on 19 June, 2011 and it was arranged at the Hall of the Retired Army Old Age Home. Nearly 80 peo-

ple living in the settlement visited the exhibition. It was succeeded by the exhibition in Paonta Sahib Tibet-an settlement on 26 June, 2011. A total of 506 students and local peo-ple came to see the exhibition held at CST School Hall in Paonta Sahib. The next exhibition was held in the CST School auditorium at Shimla on

29 June, 2011. The Abbot and monks of Jonang monastery, monks of Dorje Drak monas-tery, general public and stu-dents visited the exhibition. There were nearly 554 visitors who came to see the display on Tibetan medicine and as-trology.

The team then moved to So-lan Tibetan settlement where the exhibition was held in the

Community Hall on 2 July, 2011. Ven. Ponlop Rinpoche, Mindroling monastery was the chief guest on the occasion. Five hundred and fifty seven visitors came to the exhibition including monks, local tibetans and students. The next stop was Manali and the team reached there on 4 July, 2011. The exhibtion was held at the Gelug monastery. The items were displayed in the ware house and in front of the monastery by erecting tents. Nearly 554 people visited the exhibition including lo-cals, Tibetans, students and staff of Sambhota School.

Dr. Tenzin Yeshi explaining to students in Mussoorie


Astrologer Monlam Yeshi explaining to a group in Manali

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The exhibition in Bir was held in the Sambhota School Hall on 9 July, 2011. The Deputy Superintendent of Police paid his visit on the occasion and nearly 114 locals and students of Chauntra attended the exhibi-tion. In Suja TCV School, the exhibi-tion was held in the School Hall on 11 July, 2011 with a total of 550 students and staff visiting the display. The last journey of the exhibtion tour was set up in Go-palpur TCV School. It was held in the School Hall on 14 July, 2011. A visitation of 600 students and staff came to see the display on Tibetan medicine and astrology and the development stages of the institute.

The exhibition of Men-Tsee-Khang throughout the year is viewed as one of the most important part of the Golden Jubilee program. The aim is to create awareness about the activities, development and the changes of Men-Tsee-Khang in exile in the last fifty years. During the 45 days of exhibition nearly 6000 peo-ple visited the exhibition.

Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank all the head of the Schools, establish-ments, monasteries and settlement officers for providing required space and other amenities like vehicle, hall and guest house at free of cost.

SOUTH INDIAThe exhibition in South In-dia started from 22nd July to 29th September, 2011 and was completed in 69 days covering 10 different places of Kollegal, Hunsur, Bylak-uppe, Bangaluru, Secundera-bad, Pondicherry, Chennai, Kochi, Mundgod and Mumbai displaying exhibition twelve times. This is the third team

to visit on the exhibition tour in India. This exhibition tour

was organized by the institute to commemorate the golden jubilee anniversary and to create aware-ness on traditional Tibetan medicine and astrology to those interested in alternative system of healing. The group was headed by Kalsang Dech-en, member 50 years organizing

committee; Dr. Lobsang Soepa, Phar-maceutical department; Astrologer Kunga Dhondup, Astrology depart-ment and Mr. Chime Norbu, Pharmacy staff.

The first destination of the team was Dhondenling Ti-betan Settlement at Kollegal. The exhibition was inaugurat-ed by the representative offi-cer, Mr. Karma Sengey on 28 July, 2011 at 9 a.m by lighting the butter lamp. Dr. Lobsang Soepa gave an introductory speech explaining in detail about the development

of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medi-cal & Astro. Institute) in the past 50 years and the services given to the community. The representative offi-cer addressed the gathering congrat-ulating the 50 years of its existence and the social service rendered to the people in the settlement. The Chairman of the local assembly, Principal of C.S.T School, Camp Lead-ers and people gathered for the in-auguration. The exhibition was for two days. Around 250 people and a hundred students of class IX and X participated for the exhibition. Dr. Lobsang Soepa and Astrologer Kunga Dhondup responded to the queries raised by the students. Then the team moved to Rabgayling Tibetan settlement at Hunsur. The exhibition began with the lighting of

butter lamp by the Representative Officer, Mr. Jampa Phuntsok on 2 August, 2011. The other digni-taries present were Chairman of the local assembly, head of vari-ous monasteries and NGO’s. The exhibition continued for two days and around 150 people visited the exhibition. The next place was Lugsum Tibetan settlement at By-lakuppe and the exhibition com-menced with the lighting of butter

lamp by Mr. Gonpo Tashi, represen-tative officer. The exhibition was for two and half days and began on 6 August, 2011. The Chairman of local

Ven. Ponlop Rinpoche as chief guest in Solan with Mr. Kalsang Dawa

Public at the inauguration in Kollegal

Dr. Lobsang Soepa explaining about embryology to the abbots of Sera Jhe and Sera Mey monastery and

the chief guest in Sera

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assembly, principal of C.S.T and T.C.V. schools, heads of health centers and NGO’s, students and the community joined the exhibition. An assembly of 315 people and students of T.C.V. school joined and participated with interest. The students put forth questions to the doctors and astrolo-ger. At Sera, the exhibition began on 9 August, 2011 and it was for two days. The chief guest was Ven. Rongpo Lobsang Nyendak, mem-ber of ATPD (Assembly of Tibetan People Deputies). The occasion was also graced by the Abbots of Sera Je monastery Geshe Lobsang Palden and Sera Mey monastery Geshe Ngawang Jordhen, Representative Officer, Chairman of local assembly, head of various monasteries, schools

and NGO’s. The exhibition was inau-gurated in the presence of a gather-ing of 100 monks and guests.

The exhibition in Bengaluru was in-augurated on 13 August, 2011 by the Chief Guest Mr. Ramachandra Gowda, Deputy Chairman of the Karnataka Planning Board, Govt. of Karnataka at Jalaram Seva Trust. The exhibition was for three days and the dignitaries present were Mr. Byraiah, City Corporator of Rajajinagar Indus-trial Area, Mr. Gyari Bhutuk, member of ATPD (Assembly of Tibetan Peo-ple’s Deputies); Mr. Tashi Phuntsok,

chief representative officer, Bengalu-ru. A gathering of 150 people visited for consultation, astrology calcula-tion and exhibition. In Secundera-bad, a total of 250 local and Tibetan people visited the exhibition at Shri Ramananda Thirtha Memorial, Bel-gumpet from 19-20 August, 2011. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Chairman of the memorial. Mr. Raju a social worker and supporter of the clinic there also addressed the gathering explaining the effective service of the traditional alternative system. Mr. Sankar Rao, State Cabi-net Minister for Textile graced with his presence during the exhibition. Consultation and astrology calcula-tion was also done by our doctors and astrologer.

An assembly of a hun-dred and five interna-tional community and locals at Tibet Pavil-lion, Auroville came for the exhibition on 25-26 August, 2011. Dr. Nallan inaugurated the exhibition on 24 August, 4 p.m. by light-ing the butter lamp. The occasion was followed

with an introduction by Mr. Claude Arpi briefly explaining the origin and development of

Tibetan medicine. Consultation and astrological calculation services was also given to the interested people. On 29 August, 2011 the exhibition was held in C.P Ramaswami Art Centre at the Founda-tion in Chennai. The oc-casion was graced by Mrs. Girija Vaidyanathan, I.A.S., Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu by lighting the butter lamp. ‘It is a wonderful opportu-nity for all of us and I hope

this exhibition spreads awareness about the value of this medicine’ said the Health Secretary. Dr. Nan-dita Krishna, President of C.P Ramas-wami Aiyar Foundation; Sarojini Var-adappam, Honorary President of the foundation and Mrs. Pushpa Chari were the other guest present. Dr. Nandita Krishna introduced the ef-fectiveness of Tibetan medicine and how it came to Chennai and Mrs. Pushpa Chari supporter of medical camp in Chennai also gave her per-sonal experience of the efficacy of Tibetan medicine for her late hus-band. During the three days, con-sultation and astrological calculation was also done. A total of 770 people visited the exhibition.

The exhibition in Kochi was held from 6-7 September, 2011. The event was held at Ashirbhavan, a Christian Society in Kochi with the support of

Mr. Tashi Phuntsok (representative), Astrologer Kunga Dhondup and Mr. Ramchandra Gowda,

deputy chairman of Planning Board, Govt.Karnataka in Bengaluru

Mr. Yesudasan, Fr. Joseph Thanikottu, Former Minister Justice VR Krishna Iyer, Dr. Dorjee Rabten Neshar and

Dr. V. Madhavachandran

Mrs. Girija Vaidyanathan, I.A.S., Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu

lighting the butter lamp

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Friends of Tibet, Kerala Mr. Sethu Das, Mr. Eldtho Mathews and VJ Jose. Former Supreme Court Judge and Former Minister in the Kerala gov-ernment, Padma Vibhushan Justice Dr. VR Krishna Iyer inaugurated the occasion by lighting the traditional butter lamp. “All medicine is good if it heals a disease” said the chief guest. The other guest present were Mr. Yesudasan, political cartoonist; Rev. Fr. Monsignor Joseph Thannik-kottu, Director Ashirbhavan and Dr.V Madhavachandran, Head, R&D De-partment of Nagarjuna Ayurvedic, Kochi. A total of 360 people visited the exhibition and also for consulta-tion and astrological calculation. In Mundgod, the exhibition was held from 11-13 September, 2011 at the local assembly hall. The exhibition was inaugurated by Ven. Guru Gy-altsen, chairman of local assembly and around 300 Tibetans gathered for the ceremony. The students of CST school also participated for the exhibition. They showed a lot of in-terest and queries were put forth to the doctor and astrologer. In total 700 people, monks and students vis-ited the exhibition during the three days.

The exhibition in Mumbai was held

at Bhanushaliwadi, Ghatkopar East from 19-20 September, 2011. Mr. Chandrakant Gogri inaugurated the exhibition by lighting the but-

ter lamp in the presence of guest, supporters and local people. There were a total number of 1250 people who visited the exhibition and they showed a lot of interest on medicine and astrology. The doctors provided consultation to 500 patients in two days. Mrs. Jaya Maheshwari took the lead in organizing the exhibition in Mumbai with the kind support of Mr. Hasmukh Satara, Mr. Paresh Za-takia, Mr. Jayantibhai Pokar, Mr. Hi-manshu, Mr. Vipul, Mr. Chetan and others who provided voluntary assis-tance during the exhibition. In Mal-ad the exhibition was inaugurated by Mr. Kantibhai, Chairman of Shree Malad Jain Yuvak Mandal by lighting the butter lamp. The exhibition was for two days from 23-24 September, 2011. In these two days 175 people visited the exhibition. Consultation was also provided to the people there. Mr. Sanjay Shah, supporter of the branch clinic provided volun-tary help and presence in Ghatkopar as well as Malad. In all, there were around 5500 people who came for consultation, astrological calculation and as visitors to the exhibition.

The activity was broadcasted in vari-ous media channels like radio, tele-vision, news papers (Indian express,

local papers in Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati and Eng-lish), advertisement in Cine-ma Halls, emails, sms messages etc. The exhibition created awareness amongst many people who did not know about the Tibetan healing sys-tem, participated in the medical consula-

tions and astrological calculations. Personal

experiences were shared by the patients benefitted with Ti-betan medicine to the people who were eager to understand more.

There were also people who showed interest in studying Tibetan medi-cine.

Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) is thankful to Ser Je Monastery for providing free hall, Jalaram Seva Trust Bengaluru for providing free inaugural & exhibition hall; Tibet Pavillion, Auroville for free hall and accommodation; Mrs. Mila, Auroville for free transportation from Chennai to Auroville and back; CP Ramaswamy Aiyar Foundation, Chennai for free hall and accommo-dation; Mr. Hasmukh Satara and Mr. Himanshu R. Bhatt, Mumbai for free accommodation and Shree Malad Jain Yuvak Mandal for the free hall.


Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, director of the institute visited CUTS (Central Uni-versity of Tibetan Studies), Varanasi for a meeting with the Vice Chan-cellor Ven. Ngawang Samten. The meeting was held to discuss about Sowa Rigpa, Tibetan Medical & As-tro. College and the New University in Chauntra from 15-16 Sept, 2011.

He then visited Bhagalpur and par-ticipated in the National Seminar

Mr. Chandrakant Gogri and his wife lighting the butter lamp with other guest in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai

Dr. Tsewang Tamdin at the seminar in Bhagalpur


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sponsored by ICHR & UGC on “His-toriography on Science and Technol-ogy in Ancient India CIRCA 2500 BC - 1200 AD” from 19-20 Sept, 2011. The Director spoke on the topic “Re-lationship between Tibetan Medi-cine and Buddhism”. The seminar was held at Rabindra Bhawan under the auspices of Universities Depart-ment of Ancient History, Culture and Archeology, TM Bhagalpur Univer-sity, Bhagalpur.


The administration deputed Dr. Ngawang Soepa and Dr. Tashi Ten-zin (Pharmaceutical Department) to provide health services to the gen-eral public during the 31 Kalachakra

initiation conferred by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Washington DC from 7-17 July, 2011. They set up the clinic at the allotted place and started providing public health ser-vices to the people gathered there. Many people visited the doctors and the most common disorders amongst them were chronic gastri-tis, kidney disorder, hepatitis B, neu-rological disorder and arthritis. After the Kalachakra initiation, the doc-tors headed to New York on 17 July, 2011. The Office of Tibet, New York organized a medical camp in Tibet Kitchen, Jackson Height at New York City from 19-25 July, 2011 for the Ti-

betan residents there. The doctors gave consultation to 190 patients.

Men-Tsee-Khang is thankful to Of-fice of Tibet, New York for orga-nizing medical camp in New York, Kalachakra Organizing Committee, Washington DC and Tibet Kitchen, New York for providing free space for medical camp and guest house dur-ing their visit.


DIABETESThe Clinical Research De-partment started its second phase of screening patients suffering from Newly Diag-nosed Type II Diabetes for the clinical trial on efficacy of Tibetan medicine. The Head of the Department Dr. Tenzin Lhadon and Secretary Mrs. Sonam Yangdon visited Delhi from 5-10 August, 2011. In Delhi, they visited Majnuka-tilla, TCV Youth Hostel Rohini,

Bureau Office Lajpat Nagar, Ti-betan Printing Press and Ladakh

Budh Vihar.

Dr. Tenzin Lhadon, head of clinical research department; Dr. Sonam

Wangmo, co-ordinator clinical re-search department; Dr. Gyurme Tenzin, Majnukatila branch clinic, Dr. Tenzin Deche, head of Nizamuddin branch clinic & Dr. Pema Yangchen and Dr. Lobsang Dolkar, Budh Vihar branch clinic saw a total of 401 pa-tients and 21 were selected for the clinical trial.

Besides screening of patients, Dr. Tenzin Lhadon gave public talk on the causes and prevention of dia-betes, dietary lifestyle and the im-portance of the clinical trial and re-search study to nearly 300 people. The Head of the Research met with Dr. Tenzin Deche, head of Nizamud-din branch clinic and the Co-ordina-tor Dr. Sonam Wangmo to discuss about the cases of clinical research patients and the future line of action in further cases.

DIPLOMA COURSE IN AUSTRIADr. Wangdue, lecturer Tibetan Medi-cal & Astro. College was deputed by the administration to Austria from March 21 - 9 July, 2011 at I.I.H.T.S (International Institute of Higher Tib-tean Studies) to educate the partici-pants of the course.

The Third semester, Diploma Course “Fundamentals on Tibetan Medi-

cine” for the weekend course Module X - XIII started from March 25 - 12 June, 2011. Module X began from 25-27 March, 2011 for three days and was concluded in eight sessions. The topics covered were understanding of Bad-kan disorders, obesity and its preventions. Module XI start-ed from April 29-1 May, 2011 and the main topics were on twelve adverse effects of



Dr. Ngawang Soepa & Dr. Tashi Tenzin in Washington DC with patients

Dr. Tenzin Lhadon & Dr. Gyurme Tenzin in Delhi for the clinical research on diabetes

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treatment, indigestion, tumors, gen-eral fever and gynecological disor-ders. It was concluded in eight ses-sions. Module XII began from 13-15 May, 2011 for three days. The doc-tor gave lecture on seven different topics on deceptive nature of hot and cold disorders; border line fever; how to overcome common cold and its prevention; disorders of upper extremities, vital & vessel organs, genitalis and poison. Module XIII was completed in three days from 10-12 June, 2011. The topics were on diabetes, rheumatism, nerve, cancer and pediatric disorders, nine life threatening diseases and rejuve-nation.

The Third semester for the blocked course start-ed from June 2-12 for ten days and it was com-pleted in 32 sessions. The topics for the course were the same as the weekend course. There were individual presen-tations on favourite top-ics , objective questions, group discussions and also question and answer sessions as well.

The doctor gave public lectures, seminar and health consultation during his visit. On 6 April, 2011 he gave a talk on “Introduction of Tibet-an Medicine and Dietary Lifestyle”

Guest, Dr. Sonam Wangchuk, Health Executive Councillor of Ladakh Au-tonomous Hill Development Coun-cil, Ladakh. Dr. Tenzin Thaye, head of Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Center welcomed the guest and students, followed by speech and address by Dr. Pema Dorjee and the Chief Guest. There were six speakers and 22 participants who joined for the course. The course was concluded in 20 sessions. The speakers were Dr. Pema Dorjee advisor to Sorig Liter-ary Research, Clinical Research and Translation Department; Dr. Tser-ing Thackchoe Drungtso & Dr. Pas-sang Wangdu from Tibetan Medical & Astro. College; Dr. Tsultrim Kel-sang, Materia Medica Department, Dr. Namdol Lhamo & Dr. Norchung, Translation Department. In brief, the course covered a wide range of topics from a brief history of Tibetan medicine to introduction into four tantras, anatomy and physiology, diagnosis, diet, therapeutics, embry-ology, to the relationship between Tibetan medicine and astrology and between Tibetan medicine and bud-dhism. Dr. Tenzin Thaye gave the closing address in presence of Mr. Dhondup Tashi la, the chief repre-sentative officer of Leh, Ladakh as Chief Guest on 9 July, 2011.

The 10 day advance course began on 11 July, 2011 with a brief open-ing ceremony and welcome by Dr. Tenzin Thaye. There were six speak-

and a lecture on “Health Pre-vention through Lifestyle” on 21 June, 2011 in Klagenfurt. On 15 April, 2011 he spoke on “Dietary Lifestyle and Be-haviour” to around 18 people and also addressed on “Health Prevention through Diet & Lifestyle” on 25 June, 2011 in Knappenberg. He gave public talk in Vienna on “Health Pre-vention through Diet” on 16

June, 2011. On 8 June he gave a talk on “Introduction of Tibetan Medicine and Mind-Body Relation-ship in Traditional Tibetan Medicine” to around 60 people gathered in Baden. The doctor also gave health consultation to nearly 30 patients in Klagenfurt, Vienna and Baden. In all the doctor completed Module X - XIII in 56 sessions and the duration of each session was one and half hour. There were around 42 pariticipants who joined for the course.

MEDICINE COURSE IN LADAKHMen-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) organized a 5 day Basic and 10 day Advanced course in English on Tibetan medicine at Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Center in Leh,

Ladakh from June 29 - 26 July, 2011.

The 5 day basic course start-ed from 4-9 July, 2011 and it was inaugurated by the Chief

Dr. Wangdu in Austria

Participants at the medicine course in Ladakh

Group photo of the participants in Ladakh

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Newsers and 25 participants. The course was concluded in 40 sessions. The topics ranged from signs and symp-toms on three humours; causes and conditions of oedema, general fever and common cold or flu; manage-ment and treatment of cardiac, pul-monary, hepatic, renal and diabetic diseases; indigestion the root of all internal disorders; child develop-ment, psychosis, pulse diagnosis urine analysis; poisoning etc.

The participants came from Por-tugal, Spain, Australia, Nederland, Ukraine, Austria, Germany, South Korea, Chile, Hungary, Poland, Saudi Arabia, USA, Brazil, France, Sweden and Canada. They were from various back grounds like doctor, consultant / trainer, phar-macist, physiotherapist, teacher, graphic designer, marketing man-ager, business owner, gardener, epidemiologist and students.


DISPENSERS The administration organized train-ing cum workshop for the accoun-tants and dispensers in the branch clinics from 25 May-16 July, 2011 in four different places of Bylakuppe in South, Dharamsala in North, Saluga-ra & Miao in North East part of India. This is the fourth of a series of work-shops given to the accountants and dispensers of the institute. The wor-shop was headed by Mr. Tsering Dorjee, Head of Branch Depart-ment, Dharamsa-la. He toured the four places and gave workshop to the participants.

The workshop was held in order to

upgrade the system of preparing budget and maintaining books of accounting in all the branch clinics. The courses given were on accounts, maintaining stock books, prepara-tion of sales bills levied with tax as per concerned state taxation regula-tions, daily expenses, and annual li-ability sheet.

The venue for the workshop in the south was held at Tsojhe Khangsar

Hall Bylakuppe and the course start-ed from 13-16 May, 2011 for four days. The accountant and dispens-ers were from the nine branch clinics of Bylakuppe, Bengaluru, Mundgod camp 3 and 6, Secunderabad, Kol-legal, Hunsur, Chennai and Orissa. There were 12 participants who joined for the training session.

In Dharamsala, the workshop was held in the Conference Hall, Men-Tsee-Khang from 28-31 May, 2011.

There were 12 participants from Nizamuddin & Majnukatilla in Delhi; Gangkyi, Mcleod and Bir in Dharamsala, Shimla, Dalhousie and Manali branch clinics. The next workshop was held at the Salugara clinic from 24-27 June, 2011. There were nine participants from the seven branch clinics in North West including Salugara, Darjeeling and Kolkata. The last workshop was held at Miao settlement Community

Hall from 13-16 July, 2011. The participants were from Tezu, Miao, Tenzin Gang, Tawang and Itanagar branch clinics. There were seven participants for the workshop.

In all, the workshop was given to 40 accountant and dispensers. There were four sessions in a day and hence each workshop was concluded in 16 sessions. Mr. Tsering Dorjee was the resource

person for the workshop organized in all the branch clinics. Mr. Syed Aftab Ahmed, Soft Skills Trainer was invited in Bylakuppe to speak for the participants on human and public re-lations. Mr. Phuntsok Rinzin, head of Accounts Department spoke on bud-get preparation plus deduction of TDS (tax deducted at source); from the Branch Department Mr. Nyendak,

spoke on preparation of liability and balance sheet; Mrs. Tsering Kyizom addressed on how to maintain ac-

Workshop in Bylakuppe

Doctor giving instruction on how to deal with patientsWorkshop in Dharamsala

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Newscounts related with sorig products and Mrs. Tsering Dickyi spoke on maintaining monthly statement of accounts in Dharamsala. Respective doctors in these four places also ad-dressed on the potency of the pills and to be compassionate in dealing with the patients.

Men-Tsee Khang would like to thank the Settlement Officers and Tsojhe Khangsar Hospital for providing free hall during the workshop.

TALK BY RESOURCE PERSONS Tibetan Medical & Astro. College has been inviting resourse persons (Doc-tors, Scientists, Philosophers, Nurses etc) in order to broaden the educa-tional scope of the students. Three resource persons were invited to share their experiences and knowl-edge on respective topics. The 15, 16 and 17 batch of medical and astrol-ogy students joined for the talk and there were a total of 73 students.

On 1 July, 2011 Mr. Jason Heckert, USA who is a patent examiner was in-vited as the resource person to speak to the students. He gave talk on Ge-netics of human diseases, clinical ap-plication, case studies of specific ge-netic diseases. The talk was for two sessions. Dr. Hugues Eouzenes MD from France spoke on Comparative approach of emotions through tradi-tional & modern medical science on 14 July, 2011. Dr. Dawa, Advisor and former Director of Men-Tsee-Khang Spoke on the Introduction of Tibetan Materia Medica. The plants, miner-als etc were displayed through slide shows. He gave talk for 10 days from 21-30 July, 2011 and continued the talk again from 27-29 September, 2011.

Staff Children Scholarship

Met Mme Bernard Fesselet France 7,440.00 Medical France Tibet France 228,409.00 Dan Foley USA 20,187.00 Yvonne Mariotti Nesurini Switzerland 4,675.00 Verena Jung Austria 12,100.00 Tibet Charity Denmark 108,780.00 Sisko Vienonen Finland 24,200.00 Carta Tonella Switzerland 4,095.00 Initiative Oberland Germany 13,356.00 Daniela Weber Switzerland 10,320.00 Anne Johannessen Denmark 10,320.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe EV C/O Heiede Meyer Germany 47,628.00 Donation Zam Sarl Soumont France 1,092.00 K.D. Somanki India 5,000.00 Lydia Garvey USA 8,750.00 Liao Kueichun and Hsu Chen Hsung Taiwan 10,625.00 Nun Karma Lodoe Tsomo Taiwan 2,125.00 Conrad Rottasch Agne Germany 38,784.00 Agrippino Russo Italy 6,000.00 Janet Yelowchan USA 848.00 His Holiness Sakya Trizin India 35,851.00 Scholarship

Tibet Freunde Switzerland 106,818.00 Initiative Oberland Germany 6,615.00


Milan Maheshwari Mumbai 11000.00 Chetan Maheshwari Mumbai 5001.00 Dr. V.N Sharma Jhansi 13000.00


Donations received from July - September, 2011

Donations received through branch department from May - September, 2011

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Page 11: Sept newsletter


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H.E. Khen Rinpoche Sangay Lodoe President, All India Mahayana Buddhist Association visits Museum 22 Sept, 2011

H.E. Sakya Trizin Rinpoche blessing the Pharmacy 24 Sept, 2011

Mr. Sankar Rao, State Cabinet Minister for Textile, Andhra Pradesh 19 August, 2011


Mr. Lekshay staff of Men-Tsee-Khang passed away in Delek Hospital on 23 July, 2011. Men-Tsee-Khang has lost one of its retired staffs who has served for 13 years from 1992-2005. He served as a cook in Calcutta branch clinic for three years, then transferred to Nizamuddin branch clinic, New Delhi as watchman and retired from that post in 2005. Men-Tsee-Khang pays its heart felt and sincere condolence to his realtives and may his soul rest in peace.

Mrs. Girija Vaidyanathan, I.A.S. Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu 29 Aug, 2011 in Chennai

September 2011

Page 12: Sept newsletter



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