Sep solaire install a solar energy unit at your home contribute to a better tomorrow

Install A Solar Energy Unit At Your Home – Contribute To A Better Tomorrow Renewable energy sources are one of the most talked subjects in the 21st century. The society as a whole is now concerned with the environmental impact of the fossil fuels and the ever increasing energy requirements of the planet. Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources which is being globally accepted and it is the only form of renewable energy making an impact at the micro level. Solar energy was discovered in 1839, was made commercial in 1950’s, however, the global awareness increased to another level in 21st century. Individuals all around the world are now using solar powered systems to suffice their energy requirements. – What kind of solar energy systems are available for homes? There are three types of residential solar power systems available in the market. These systems are

Transcript of Sep solaire install a solar energy unit at your home contribute to a better tomorrow

Install A Solar Energy Unit At Your Home – Contribute To A Better Tomorrow

Renewable energy sources are one of the most talked subjects in the 21st century. The society as a whole is now concerned with the environmental impact of the fossil fuels and the ever increasing energy requirements of the planet.

Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources which is being globally accepted and it is the only form of renewable energy making an impact at the micro level. Solar energy was discovered in 1839, was made commercial in 1950’s, however, the global awareness increased to another level in 21st century. Individuals all around the world are now using solar powered systems to suffice their energy requirements.

– What kind of solar energy systems are available for homes? There are three types of residential solar power systems available in the market. These systems are

• Solar Inverter Units:

Units which use solar energy to charge the battery and the whole house runs on the solar power. There are two types of solar inverter systems available in the market. These are On Grid solar power systems and Off-Grid solar power systems. In On-Grid solar power the power requirements are met by the domestic power supply and surplus energy is contributed to the grid. The off-grid has a backup generator system to meet out the excess demands. Both the systems are good depending on the need of users.

• Solar Lights & Water Heater

Another residential solar power systems are those in which the partial demands of the household energy needs are shifted to solar energy. Solar water heaters, solar lights for the lawn and perimeter are perfect example of these units. These are standalone units which meet a particular energy requirement.

• Solar Powered Swimming Pool System

You can choose to let some of the units that you use in day time which have huge energy requirements like Swimming Pool System to run on solar power. These systems save a lot of energy as these equipment consume a large bulk of energy.

• Solar Air Conditioning Systems

A large amount of energy is consumed in keeping the homes warm or cool in different parts of the world. One of the most successful residential solar power systems are the solar heating and air conditioning systems (Solar HVAC Units). These systems maintain the household temperature using solar energy. These systems substantially reduce the energy requirements of a house.

-What are the factors to be considered before planning an installation of a solar power system? Here are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing a solar powered unit for your home.

• Climate Assessment

When you are looking for a solar powered unit you have to understand if there is ample sunlight for running those units. If you install a heating system at a place with great snowfall, your panels will not work when you need them the most. So, you have to assess the climatic condition like length of day, snowfall, rainfall, smog cloud cover etc. The efficiency of Solar panels reduce significantly in adverse conditions. You have to plan for a solar system that suits your weather conditions.

• Evaluate Your Energy Capacity

Take in account the maximum area in your house that you can dedicate to solar panels. Then consult an expert to tell you how much the energy can be generated in that area. You have to understand that the energy produced will not remain the same, it will reduce in adverse weather. So, always take a pessimistic approach when planning for a solar system.

• Energy Needs

When you have accessed your energy production capacity, study the energy needs of the system you want to install. If you are planning to run your home on solar power, always maximise the needs while calculating. If you can produce the energy to meet your requirements you can install a solar unit at your place.

– How TO Choose A Quality Solar System? When you are ready to install a solar panel, you have to select a vendor for the solar panels. When selecting a company to supply you a solar power system you have to consider the following factors.

•Price Vs Efficiency

A cheap solar panel is not energy efficient, it will take a large area to produce a small amount of power. A highly efficient solar panel is costlier. One has to make a trade-off between cost and quality. There is no need to buy a very costly solar panel but you should buy the cheapest efficient model.

•Brand Reliability

Solar Panels are made to last, however in the past many of the solar energy companies did not last. When selecting a brand you have to make sure that the company will be there for at least a decade which is the lifetime of most of the solar energy systems.

•Warranty And Service

The brand you choose should necessarily be a domestic brand, if you buy a system for an overseas vendor you will face huge difficulties in claiming the warranty and getting service. If you are looking to buy from an overseas vendor, make sure they have a service network in your area.

•Customer Service

It is best that you search online and look for customer feedback of the vendor. Most of the companies sell products online and the customers review these products on various forums and blogs. These reviews are the key to selecting a great solar power system.


Never think of installing these systems by yourself, solar power systems are sophisticated. They do not need expertise to install but they need expertise to make them efficient. Solar power systems work better when they are installed at particular angle giving maximum exposure to the daylight.

•Periodic Maintenance

Even if there is no problem in the panel, there should be a periodic schedule for the maintenance of the solar panel. It is responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the seller provides periodic maintenance free of cost or with a very nominal charge. Periodic maintenance of the solar panel is necessary.

– What benefits will I get on installing a solar unit? There are three major benefits of installing a solar unit. These benefits are

•Reduced Power Bills

Your electricity and gas bills will be significantly reduced when you switch to solar energy to meet your energy requirements. A running an air conditioning unit on solar power or running the whole house on solar power can save a huge amount of money.

•Cleaner Environment

If you switch from a generator or gas powered heating systems to solar powered unit, you will reduce the amount of household air pollution done by these units. It will make the air around your house much cleaner to breathe.

•Sustainability Impact

By using solar energy you will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your home. Completely running on solar energy will be a big leap towards zero carbon footprint ensuring a better planet for the future generations.

These are the various factors to be considered when installing residential solar power systems at your home. It requires a little investment, but it pays off over time. The increasing awareness is increasing the demand of the solar systems and organisations around the world are trying to make these units more efficient and economical for large scale domestic applications.