Sentence Improvement Exercise

Sentence improvement exercise In each of the following sentences a word or phrase is given in bold letters. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is better than the bolded text. If none of the alternatives improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your answer. 1. The traveler asked me if I had known the way to the nearest inn. a) knew b) was knowing c) knows d) No improvement 2. The doctor suggested me to take a holiday. a) suggested that I should take b) suggested to take c) suggested me taking d) No improvement 3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist. a) cured from b) cured with c) cured after d) No improvement 4. He threatened that he would shoot me unless I didn’t obey his instructions. a) if b) whether c) if not d) No improvement 5. There is no question of denying the fact that she broke it. a) no denying the fact b) no denial the fact c) no way to deny the fact d) No improvement Answers 1. The traveler asked me if I knew the way to the nearest inn. 2. The doctor suggested that I should take a holiday. 3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist. 4. He threatened that he would shoot me if I didn’t obey his instructions. 5. There is no denying the fact that she broke it.


Sentence Improvement Exercise are here.

Transcript of Sentence Improvement Exercise

  • Sentence improvement exercise

    In each of the following sentences a word or phrase is given in bold letters. From the given alternatives, choose

    the one that is better than the bolded text. If none of the alternatives improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your


    1. The traveler asked me if I had known the way to the nearest inn.

    a) knew

    b) was knowing

    c) knows

    d) No improvement

    2. The doctor suggested me to take a holiday.

    a) suggested that I should take

    b) suggested to take

    c) suggested me taking

    d) No improvement

    3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist.

    a) cured from

    b) cured with

    c) cured after

    d) No improvement

    4. He threatened that he would shoot me unless I didnt obey his instructions.

    a) if

    b) whether

    c) if not

    d) No improvement

    5. There is no question of denying the fact that she broke it.

    a) no denying the fact

    b) no denial the fact

    c) no way to deny the fact

    d) No improvement


    1. The traveler asked me if I knew the way to the nearest inn.

    2. The doctor suggested that I should take a holiday.

    3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist.

    4. He threatened that he would shoot me if I didnt obey his instructions.

    5. There is no denying the fact that she broke it.