Sensor - Week 02 - Sensor Characteristic

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  • 7/23/2019 Sensor - Week 02 - Sensor Characteristic


    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit


  • 7/23/2019 Sensor - Week 02 - Sensor Characteristic


    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Input and Output

    Input: stimulus or measurand (temperature pressure, lightintensity, etc.)

    Ouput: electrical signal (voltage, currentfrequency, phase, etc.)

    Variations: output can sometimes be displacement

    (thermometers, magnetostrictive and piezoelectricsensors). Some sensors combine sensing and actuation

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Transfer function

    Relation between input and output Other names:

    Input output characteristic function

    transfer characteristic function Response characteristic

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Type of Transfer function

    Linear or nonlinear Single valued or not

    One dimensional or multi dimensional Single input, single output

    Multiple inputs, single output In most cases: Difficult to describe mathematically (given graphically)

    Often must be defined from calibration data

    Often only defined on a portion of the range of the device

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Transfer function approximation

    T1 to T2 - approximately linear Most useful range

    Typically a small portion of the range

    Often taken as linear

    S =f(x)

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Data taken from Transfer function

    Other data from transfer function saturation


    full scale range (input and output)




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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Transfer function (cont.)

    Other types of transfer functions Response with respect to a given quantity

    Impulse response, Step response, Linier response, etc

    Performance characteristics (reliability curves, etc.)

    Viewed as the relation between any two characteristics

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Impedance and impedance matching

    Black box theory of two port devices Input impedance: ratio of the rated voltage and the resulting

    current through the input port of the device with the output

    port open (no load)

    Output impedance: ratio of the rated output voltage and

    short circuit current of the port (i.e. current when the output is


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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Sensor Impedance

    Only output impedance of the sensor is relevant As it is mainly in electrical circuit, hence electrical impedance

    is importance especially for further processing of signals

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    Importance of Impedance

    Impedance affects sensor (system) performance Example: 500 W sensor (output impedance) connected to

    a processor Processor input impedance is infinite (Fig. b)

    Processor input impedance is 500 W (Fig. c)

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    Strain Gauge Impedance Example

    Case: impedance is 500 W at zero strain, 750 W atmeasured straina. sensor output: 2.5V (at zero strain), 3V at measured strain

    b. sensor output: 1.666V to 1.875V

    Result: Case b:

    the sensor is loaded

    Sensitivity is reduced (smaller output change for the same strain input)

    Case a: Loading effect not exists (infinite impedance of the processor)

    Better sensitivity than case b

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    Impedance matching

    To avoid loading effect Often need a matching circuit : from high to low or from

    low to high impedancesmo

    Sometimes can be done directly (C-MOSdevices/processors have very high input impedances)

    Voltage output: impedance is highneed high impedanceat processor

    Current output: impedance is low - need low impedance atprocessor

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    Why Impedance Matching ?

    Achieve maximum signal transmission with less (without)reflection

    In addition to the previous: Conjugate matching (Zin=Zout*) - maximum power transfer

    Zin=R+jX, Zout*=R-jX.No reflection matching (Zin=Zout) - no reflection from load Important at high frequencies (transmission lines)

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    Range and Span

    Range: lowest and highest values of the stimulusSpan: the arithmetic difference between the highest and

    lowest values of the stimulus that can be sensed withinacceptable errors

    Input full scale (IFS) = spanOutput full scale (OFS): difference between the upper and

    lower ranges of the output of the sensor corresponding tothe span of the sensor

    Dynamic range: ratio between the upper and lower limitsand is usually expressed in db

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    Range and Span (Cont)

    Example: a sensors is designed for: -30 C to +80 C tooutput 2.5V to 1.2V

    Range: -30C and +80 C

    Span: 80- (-30)=110 C Input full scale = 110 C

    Output full scale = 2.5V-1.2V=1.3V

    Dynamic range=20log(140/30)=13.38db

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    Range and Span (cont.)

    Range, span, full scale and dynamic range may beapplied to actuators in the same way

    Span and full scale may also be given in db when the

    scale is large. In actuators, there are other properties that come into


    Maximum force, torque, displacement


    Time response, delays, etc.

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    Accuracy, errors, repeatability

    Errors: deviation from ideal


    materials used

    construction tolerances ageing

    operational errors

    calibration errors

    matching (impedance) or loading errors


    many others

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    Accuracy, errors (cont.)

    Error: a. As a difference: e = VV0 (V0 is the actual value, V is that

    measured value (the stimulus in the case of sensors or output in


    b. As a percentage of full scale (span for example) e =

    t/(tmax-tmin)*100 where tmax and tmin are the maximum and

    minimum values the device is designed to operate at.

    c. In terms of the output signal expected.

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    Example: errors





    Example: A thermistor is used to measure temperaturebetween30 and +80 C and produce an output voltage

    between 2.8V and 1.5V. Because of errors, the accuracy in

    sensing is 0.5C.

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    Example (cont)

    a. In terms of the input as 0.5Cb. Percentage of input: e = 0.5/(80+30)*100 = 0.454%

    c. In terms of output. From the transfer function: e= 0.059V.

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    More on errors

    Static errors: not time dependentDynamic errors: time dependent Random errors: Different errors in a parameter

    or at different operating times Systemic errors: errors are constant at all times

    and conditions

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    Error limits - linear TF

    Linear transfer functions Error equal along the transfer function

    Error increases or decreases along TF

    Error limits - two lines that delimit the output

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    Error limits - nonlinear TF

    Nonlinear transfer functions

    Error change along the

    transfer function

    Maximum error from ideal Average error

    Limiting curves follow ideal

    transfer function

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    Error limits - nonlinear TF

    Calibration curve may beused when available Lower errors

    Maximum error from

    calibration curve Average error Limiting curves follow the

    actual transfer function(calibration)

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    Also called reproducibility: failure of the sensor oractuator to represent the same value (i.e. stimulus or input)

    under identical conditions when measured at different


    usually associated with calibration

    viewed as an error.

    given as the maximum difference between two readings taken

    at different times under identical input conditions. error given as percentage of input full scale.

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    Sensitivity of a sensor is defined as the change in outputfor a given change in input, usually a unit change in input.

    Sensitivity represents the slope of the transfer function.

    Same for actuators

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    Sensitivity of a sensor is defined as the change in outputfor a given change in input, usually a unit change in input.

    Sensitivity represents the slope of the transfer function.

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    Sensitivity (cont.)

    Can be highly nonlinear along the transfer function Measured in units of output quantity per units of input

    quantity (W/C, N/V, V/C, etc.)

    For a linear transfer function, sensitivity is the slope ortransfer function.


    aT +b =1 dRdT

    =a WC

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Sensitivity analysis (cont.)

    A difficult taskthere is noisea combined function of sensitivities of various

    components, including that of the transductionsections.

    device may be rather complex with multipletransduction steps, each one with its own sensitivity,sources of noise and other parameters

    some properties may be known but many may notbe known or may only be approximate.

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Sensitivity analysis (cont.)

    An important task provides information on the output range of signals one can


    provides information on the noise and errors to expect.

    may provide clues as to how the effects of noise and errors

    may be minimized

    Provides clues on the proper choice of sensors, their connections

    and other steps that may be taken to improve performance(amplifiers, feedback, etc.).

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example - additive errors

    Fiber optic pressure sensor Pressure changes the length of the fiber

    This changes the phase of the output

    Three transduction steps

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example-1 - no errors present

    Individual sensitivities

    Overall sensitivity

    But, x2=y1 (output of transducer 1 is the input to

    transducer 2) and x3=y2


    dx , s2=dy


    dx , s3=dy



    S =s1s2s3=




    S =s1s2s3=dy3


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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example -1 - errors present

    First output is y1=y01 + y1. y01 = Output without error 2nd output

    3rd output

    Last 3 terms - additive errors









    3=s3y0+s2y1+y2 +y3=y

    0+s2s3y1+s3y2+ y3

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example -2 - differential sensors

    Output proportional to difference between the outputs ofthe sensors

    Output is zero when T1=T2

    Common mode signals cancel (noise) Errors cancel (mostly)

    E l 2 ( )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example -2 - (cont.)


    , s2=dy2dx2


    s =d y1-y2d x1-x2

    E l 3 i i

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Example -3 - sensors in series

    Output is in series Input in parallel (all sensors at

    same temperature)

    Outputs add up

    Noise multiplied by product ofsensitivities

    y=y1+y2+ y3+...+yn=(s1+s2+s3+...+sn)x =ns

    S =ns

    H i

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit


    Hysteresis (literally lag)- thedeviation of the sensorsoutput at any given pointwhen approached from twodifferent directions

    Caused by electrical ormechanical systems Magnetization

    Thermal properties

    Loose linkages

    H i E l

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Hysteresis - Example

    If temperature is measured, at a rated temperature of50C, the output might be 4.95V when temperatureincreases but 5.05V when temperature decreases.

    This is an error of 0.5% (for an output full scale of 10V inthis idealized example).

    Hysteresis is also present in actuators and, in the case ofmotion, more common than in sensors.

    N li i

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit


    A property of the sensor (nonlinear transfer function) or: Introduced by errors

    Nonlinearity errors influence accuracy.

    Nonlinearity is defined as the maximum deviation from the

    ideal linear transfer function. The latter is not usually known or useful

    Nonlinearity must be deduced from the actual transferfunction or from the calibration curve

    A few methods to do so:

    N li it ( t )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Nonlinearity (cont.)

    a. by use of the range of the sensorPass a straight line between the range points (line

    1)Calculate the maximum deviation of the actual

    curve from this straight lineGood when linearities are small and the span is

    small (thermocouples, thermistors, etc.)Gives an overall figure for nonlinearity

    N ( )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Nonlinearity (cont.)

    b. by use of two points defining a portion of the span ofthe sensor/actuator.

    Pass a straight line between the two points

    Extend the straight line to cover the whole span

    Calculate the maximum deviation of the actual curve from this

    straight line

    Good when a device is used in a small part of its span (i.e. a

    thermometer used to measure human body temperatures Improves linearity figure in the range of interest

    N l ( )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Nonlinearity (cont.)

    c. use a linear best fit(least squares) throughthe points of the curveTake n points on the actual curve, xi,yi, i=1,2,n.Assume the best fit is a line y=ax+b (line 2)Calculate a and b

    N l ( )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Nonlinearity (cont.)

    d. use the tangent to the curve at some point on the curve Take a point in the middle of the range of interest

    Draw the tangent and extend to the range of the curve (line 3)

    Calculate the nonlinearity as previously

    Only useful if nonlinearity is small and the span used very small

    S t ti

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit


    Saturation a property of sensors or actuators when they nolonger respond to the input.

    Usually at or near the ends of their span and indicates thatthe output is no longer a function of the input or, more likelyis a very nonlinear function of the input.

    Should be avoided - sensitivity is small or nonexistent

    S t ti C diti

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Saturation Condition




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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Frequency response

    Frequency response: The ability of the device to respond toa harmonic (sinusoidal) input

    A plot of magnitude (power, displacement, etc.) as a function

    of frequency

    Indicates the range of the stimulus in which the device is

    usable (sensors and actuators)

    Provides important design parameters

    Sometimes the phase is also given (the pair of plots is theBode diagram of the device)

    Freq enc response (cont)

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Frequency response (cont)

    Important design parameters

    Bandwidth (B-A, in Hz) Flat frequency range (D-C in Hz)

    Cutoff frequencies (points A and B in Hz)

    Resonant frequencies

    Frequency response (cont )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Frequency response (cont.)

    Bandwidth: the distance in Hz between the half powerpoints Half-power points: eh=0.707e, ph=0.5p

    Flat response range: maximum distance in Hz over which

    the response is flat (based on some allowable error) Resonant frequency: the frequency (or frequencies) at

    which the curve peaks or dips

    Half power points

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Half power points

    Also called 3db points Power is 3db down at these points:

    10*log0.5=-3db or

    20*log (sqrt(2)/2)=-3db

    These points are arbitrary but are now standard.

    It is usually assumed that the device is useless beyond the

    half power points

    Frequency response (example )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Frequency response (example.)

    Bandwidth: 16.5kHz-70Hz=16.43 kHz

    Flat frequency range: 10kHz-120Hz=9880 Hz

    Cutoff frequencies: 70 Hz and 16.5 kHz

    Resonance: 12 kHz

    Response time

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Response time

    response time (or delay time), indicates the time needed forthe output to reach steady state (or a given percentage ofsteady state) for a step change in input.

    Typically the response time will be given as the time neededto reach 90% of steady state output upon exposure to a unit

    step change in input. The response time of the device is due to the inertia of the

    device (both mechanical and electrical).

    R ti ( t )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Response time (cont.)

    Example: in a temperature sensor: the time needed for the sensors body to reach the temperature it is

    trying to measure (thermal time constant) or

    The electrical time constants inherent in the device due tocapacitances and inductances

    In most cases due to both Example: in an actuator: Due to mass of the actuator and whatever it is actuating

    Due to electrical time constants

    Due to momentum

    Response time (cont )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Response time (cont.)

    Fast response time is usually desirable (not always) Slow response times tend to average readings

    Large mechanical systems have slow response times

    Smaller sensors and actuators will almost always respond

    faster We shall meet sensors in which response time is slowed down

    on purpose

    C lib ti

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit


    Calibration: the experimental determination of the transferfunction of a sensor or actuator.

    Typically, needed when the transfer function is not known or,

    When the device must be operated at tolerances belowthose specified by the manufacturer.

    Example, use a thermistor with a 5% tolerance on a full scalefrom 0 to 100C to measure temperature with accuracy of,say, 0.5C.

    The only way this can be done is by first establishing thetransfer function of the sensor.

    Calibration Method

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Calibration Method

    a. known transfer function: Determine the slope and crossing point (line function) from two known stimuli (say twotemperatures) if the transfer function is linear

    Measure the output

    Calculate the slope and crossing point in V=aT+b

    If the function is more complex, need more points: V = aT + bT2 + cT3 + d

    4 measurements to calculate a,b,c,d Must choose points judiciously - if linear, use points close to the range. If not, use equally

    spaced points or points around the locations of highest curvature

    b. Unknown transfer function: Measure the output R

    iat as many input values T

    ias is practical

    Use the entire span Calculate a best linear fit (least squares for example)

    If the curve is not linear use a polynomial fit

    May use piecewise linear segments if the number of points is large.

    Calibration (cont )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Calibration (cont.)

    Calibration is sometimes an operational requirement(thermocouples, pressure sensors)

    Calibration data is usually supplied by the manufacturer

    Calibration procedures must be included with the designdocuments

    Errors due to calibration must be evaluated and specified


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    Resolution: the minimum increment in stimulus to which it canrespond. It is the magnitude of the input change which results

    in the smallest discernible output.

    Example: a digital voltmeter with resolution of 0.1V is used

    to measure the output of a sensor. The change in input(temperature, pressure, etc.) that will provide a change of

    0.1V on the voltmeter is the resolution of the

    sensor/voltmeter system.

    Resolution (cont )

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    Set awan P. SaktiDe t. of Ph sicsBrawi a a Universit

    Resolution (cont.)

    Resolution is determined by the whole system, not only by thesensor

    The resolution of the sensor may be better than that of thesystem.

    The sensor itself must interact with a processor, the limitingfactor on resolution may be the sensor or the processor.

    Resolution may be specified in the units of the stimulus (0.5Cfor a temperature sensor, 1 mT for a magnetic field sensor,0.1mm for a proximity sensor, etc) or may be specified as a

    percentage of span (0.1% for example).

    Resolution (cont )

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    Resolution (cont.)

    In digital systems, resolution may be specified in bits (1 bit or6 bit resolution)

    In analog systems (those that do not digitize the output) theoutput is continuous and resolution may be said to beinfinitesimal (for the sensor or actuator alone).

    Resolution of an actuator is the minimum increment in itsoutput which it can provide.

    Example: a stepper motor may have 180 steps perrevolution. Its resolution is 2.

    A graduated analog voltmeter may be said to have aresolution equal to one graduation (say 0.01V). ( higherresolution may be implied by the user who can easilyinterpolated between two graduations.

    Other parameters

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    Other parameters

    Reliability: a statistical measure of quality of a devicewhich indicates the ability of the device to perform itsstated function, under normal operating conditions withoutfailure for a stated period of time or number of cycles.

    Given in hours, years or in MTBF

    Usually provided by the manufacturer

    Based on accelerated lifetime testing

    Other parameters

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    Other parameters

    Deadband: the lack of response or insensitivity of a deviceover a specific range of the input. In this range which may be small, the output remains


    A device should not operate in this range unless thisinsensitivity is acceptable.

    Example, an actuator which is not responding to inputsaround zero may be acceptable but one which freezesover a normal range may not be.

    Other parameters

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    Other parameters

    Excitation: The electrical supply required for operation of a sensor oractuator.

    It may specify the range of voltages under which the device should

    operate (say 2 to 12V), range of current, power dissipation, maximum

    excitation as a function of temperature and sometimes frequency.

    Part of the data sheet for the device

    Together with other specifications it defines the normal operating

    conditions of the sensor.

    Failure to follow rated values may result in erroneous outputs orpremature failure of the device.